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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1937)
PAGE i mm THK DAILY NKRKASKAN. TUESDAY. SKI' I KIWMLK 21. 1037 I i "iMr-iiii-imiW n ii iimm IF YOU'RE NOT A FRESH MAN iirul are looking for an old familiar column, look no further, for Campus Cap? and Gowns are GOING PLACES this year. GOING PLACES in stylo on the campus is Maynard Schwartz, Phi I'si pledge lrom Central high. We have it from first hand authority that his claim to a leader in men's fashions is a hand some pair of brown "French Shnner-urner Scotch grain wing-tip shoes" (to quote exact words i. With thc.e are worn vividly colored socks with "stripes that go around" (quoting again i. Need we say more'' Stripes may go around socks hut where do circles go when they don't go around? , . , we wonder what manner of socks Mark Owens, Aca cia, wears when they are de scribed as sporting black and yellow circles that don't go around. Toning down the entire effect is a gray her ringbone tweed suit. SLIPPERS with pumpish lines silhouettes of irresist ible outline swagger shoes of great potential mileage -styles crisp as cornflakes. All these . . . and much more, at Culver's this fall. 131 So. 13. GIRLS FED UP WITH CON FINEMENT BUT HUNGRY FOR NORMAL LIBERTIES AS PARALYSIS QUARAN TINE REMAINS. (Continued from Page 1.) of being shut in so long, the first two days were the worst." said Alice Akerson. "Wc were pretty short on eats for awhile until we got organized to lio some cook ing. The fust two days we didn't have much else besides cookies and candy bars." "Feeding 30 girls from a kitchen so small that three people can get into it only by saying '1-2-3 shift' Is something of a problem," Factory Radio Service Estimates given without obligation Factory Methods and Guarantee 1200 M St. B4808 t Fashion S& 4'J ..:KirJ7l . -V .' C. v.f a- x , 'f. Welcome student charge ac counts at Burnett Style Shoppc where you find the Co - ed dresses in Mello Swadc, woo and silk. So different. Reasonable. Powder blue wool trimmed with royal blue velveteen as iot and buttons sets off the blonde hair and blue eyes of Betty Hoag, Tri Delt pledge. WHERE ARE YOU eating lunch this noon? Stop in at. I he new College Inn Grill where they serve watfles for only l."c. One block from the campus. 3lh and Que. WANTED: AN INNOCENT! Mortar- Board, May Queen, Colonel. Tassel, Corncob, pledge, coed, freshman . . . we found them all on the u alls of a local store but evidently an Innocent just doesn't rate! IF YOU'RE FROM MIS SOURI and have to be shown, we know you'll like the interpretation of GOING PLACES that Bud Kling of the. Journal has given us. Have your knit suit cleaned and blocked by NELSON CLEANERS. Altering, dress making, ple'ing, buttons, buckles, hemst. So. 1.'. Bol ).". said Mrs. Mabel Cox, house man ager. "The girls have been very cooperative, however." she added. "And as for that Johnny How ell, the worm (this from practi cally the., whole porchfuli, you can say that we're going to gang him I when we get out. We're going to get him by the neck and listen to him choke. The ner ve of the worm, saying that even girls afflicted with 'polio' are vain enough to come trooping down two flights of stairs and out on the front porch to have their pictures taken. Be sides, whoever heard of a football player who could write society, anyhow ? Romance? "Oh. yes, there's plenty of it, but it's rather diffi cult and not very orivate you know." Sara Casehrer confessed she had "developed a larynx of hog -calling contest proportions from shouting to acquaintances across the street." The girls honestly admit that they are "pretty anxious to get back to school." Since they hadn't yet purchased text-books, they have been unable to keep up with You Are Cordially Invited to be Present at a Revue W:B of the JVew Styles for Fail, 1937 to be held on our 3rd Floor ... Wed., Sept. at 8 P. M. ANUSIC BY BECK-JUNCBLUTH Living Mmlels ilirerU'd ly Mm ili'-l imilr . s' V7J- A "4 ' Jf " ik r-r rr- $r 2 L&kfcWn . JIM Zippers come and zippers go but this zipper goes all the way down the front of a gray tweed box style reefer that Helen Ann Rex, Kappa, has been seen wealing. HEAD FIRST IN SMART NESS! We know that hats belong on heads but not all hats belong on your head. Consider your costume and coiffure. Wear ycur ensem ble to Vera's Hat Shoppe and find the hat that's right for vou. 116 No. 13. If YOU'VE BEEN WAN DERING "Around and About'' with Aunt Sarry since Sunday and want to .-ettlc down now, let "Smoot ?." help you with your shop ping problems, clothes prob lems ... in fact, no problem is too difficult, i Call thr Daily Nebraskan i. class assignments and will be con siderably behind in their studies when and if the quarantine is lifted. "We've read every scrap of printed material threadbare," of fered Doris Hictt, and now we are about ready to start on the tele phone book." Father L. W. McMillan, rector of the University Episcopal church, and next door neighbor of the confinees, is the official gloom dispeller, report the girls. Thus far his neighborly interest has resulted in gifts of a crate of cantaloupes, eight pounds of candy and a stack of magazines. "Anyway we've all learned how to pronounce poliomryeliti.".' " concluded Alice Heck. Amateur hockey and college basketball nre incri-aj-mg in j.opu-1 laiity at Madison Square Garden.! New Jersey is one of the few ! states in the union which has! neither a medirnl nor a dental! school. The Tassels arc coming. j 22 Slniliim ( i . v'W'ih MM AS MAKY ANSA SEES IT Speed Blood was on the receiv ing end of the Sigma Nu house phone during an Interview by your correspondent. Called last night to tind out if the rumor ed cigar pass ing came off, Speed said to wait awhile. In case you haven't guessed, the Pt Phi's had no candy. The Chi O's found themselves almost in the same boat during dinner when a delectable looking box was brought in filled with wooden sticks ala Charlie Mc Arty. The enclosed note explained that tiny Marg Munger and Pi K. A. Woodie Beige just couldn't get up nerve to pass the choco lates. Later a second box .arrived this time the real thing. FOOT LOOSE and FANCY FREE Back in circulation again arc Kuth Van Slyke, Pi Phi, who sud denly decided to call it a day with Sigma Chi Howie Austin, and Jane Barbour and Barbara Meyer at the D. G. domicile. One of the sisters, Fran Marshall, has given back Georgic Rosen's Delt pin, hut still has a standing date on Saturday nights. IT'S RUMORED THAT Apropos of the frequent drop ping and adding, Mr-. Scott asked his Shakespeare class if they were all registered there or just shop ping today. Jane Eldridgr, K. A.T. social chairman, called a friend at the A. T. O. house last week and asked to have the pledges lined up in front of the house, so that she could select the eligibles for dates with the new Thetas. That's what we might call hand-picked blind dates. A certain Phi Psi, .linimie De Wolf, broke his pledge because he didn't want to stay home all se mester. Now he'll be doing the rounds with his new Sig Alph brothers. INSIDE INFORMATION Bob Ramey boosted the A.T. O. quota by appearing in church Sun day, and the whole Tri Delt chap ter turned out to defend their r epu tation. Incidentally, quite a few n U A FOOTBALL EXPERT TELLS 5 ' m THE SAME ISSUE SEVEN MUST DIE. Begin a peach of a South Sea mystcry4 Thirteen on an adventure cruise pets too dangerous for comfort. Second of $ccn parts. By Janus Warner Rcllah. FOUR SHORT STORIES by Ctorgc S. Brooks, Dorothy Thomas, Ray Millholljnd, and Arthur Train. FOUR MORE SPECIAL FEATURES. What the newspapers didn't print about the White House fight on the Lourt. Plus more articles, serials, cartoons, humor and what not. Pick up your copy at the newsstand now! NEXT WEEK DON'T MISS A new romantic novel, "And One Was Beautiful," by Alice Duer Miller. A young girl's love for a man the world con demned. Here's a plot that vill keep you in suspense from the first page. In six parts starting next week. rPJf"f" If you haven't received your copy of "1937 Football Schedules," showing new rule changes, this year's gamer, I" I In l and 1936 scores of 1 19 leading colleges, ask at the business office of the paper publishing this advertisement. Societu D. II. 's .stayed home to r ead the funny papers. Speaking of D. U.'s, I wonder if it could have been native son, Ray Colbert, who spent two hours Sun day hunting a secluded spot for a picnic. And when you found it, Hay ? Chic Reilly was heard to remark that he could easily sec that dresses are shorter this year, but he couldn't say as much for slips. HORSE PLAY Marian Kidd tells us that 81 girls have signed up for her riding club (personally I never knew that there were that many nags in the vicinity). Anyhow, they're meeting Wednesday at 5 in the lounge of Grant Memorial, and all interested should turn up or call Marian. AS JOUNiNY SEES IT. When I'm flat on my back on the training table, 1 get a fan let ter addressed to "John Howell, so ciety editor!" Being kicked in the leg is nothing compared to the beating I take in the dressing r oom. I used to think I was calling signals but the boys have taken matters into their own hands and here I sit at the typewriter with the eight ball right in front of me, and the fan letter. Because my business is your business journalistically speaking, I pass the letter on to you un eensorcd and when you get the puns figured out, tell me; person ally, I'm tired. These penalties for illegal use. of the brain aren't half tough enough. Editor How Hell; Get the heading in our paper, Nebraska John. Think your idea a clever thrust an e-Man cipation from the shackled skirts writing a new rite. May I have a copy? Wrote a much criticized "call em" at State Teachers Skillege. Much success to you. Hope the column will be "shicy," not a "sorry (sar) torial" one. Make it Robert Pcetish, one (wan) a makery or a Marshally Fielding one. Advertise by Coinage of hues Twho's): Passionate pink, rough nT - ill J2) J uAl) J uru Students Will Obtain 'M Books at Y Today "N" books will go on sale in Social Science hall today and Wednesday for sophomores, ju niors and seniors. Price of the book is 25 cents. Freshmen may get their copies for only a nickel by going to the Y. M. C. A. office in the Temple or the Y. W. office in Ellen Smith hall, announces C. D. Hayes, Y. M. C. A. secretary. and red, sinful cinnamon, gory grey, ignore me blue, graceful green, love me lavender, ducky dove, gosling yellow. Without a jesty gesture do your best in that football period and shine. Are you working your way through skule? (MR.) VERN S. MEYERS, Birmingham, Alabama. THE "SISSY" Quarterback Writes Society for Nebraska University Newspaper. LINCOLN, Neb. P. The Daily Nebraskan, student newspaper at the University of Nebraska, has a new society writer John Howell, varsity quarterback. His first column, illustrated with a two-column picture of John Howell, lamented that "masculine angles" of university society "have been disregarded far too long." "I," he announced, "intend to write a frank and true column on affairs of the day." So they's calling me "sissy!" Well all I have to say is, that any other sissy who wants to take what I'm getting since I started this column, may have my title any time. But don't be sending in any substitutes, I can take it as long as you can! Eol We Irk Our Uoommalo. BY JOHN STUART. Returning to school, a fellow is confronted with a roommate and the problem of getting along with him. Here arc some rules that may help: 1. Don't borrow clothes. Treat his things with respect. Carry your own cigarettes. 2. Don't bother him when he's studying. Don't interrupt to tell him about the sweetest girl in the world who said, "Oo dreat big manns." 3. Never borrow money. 4. Always stand up for your roommate before the other fellows. 5. Come in quietly if he is asleep. 6. Be easy going. You don't care which side you sleep on. 7. Laff at his jokes. YOU IN THIS WEEK'S POST "VTTHAT'S the football forecast? Good, bad, or W medium? What men from here will be in headlines? Here's a football expert's prophecy, and a tcam-by-team appraisal of your competition. Over 200 players arc named, the choice of coaches and sportsw riters for fame this year. How the new kick off and forward pass rules will change the game. Who's paying for players this year and who isn't. Pages of good dope, enough to make you a one man expert, and dinner table marvel. Don't miss'iu Pigskin Preview by FRANCIS WALLACE AUTHOR OF "I AM A FOOTBALL FIXER" Vv Si s t-. - 1 AWGWAN EDITOR HURLS LITERARY CHALLENGE AT NEBRASKAN STAFF FOR ANNUAL TOUCH FOOTBALL GAME. (Continued from Fage 1.) We arc fully aware that Johnny are quarterbacking on the Huhker varsity for his extra-curricular major but that fact fails to daunt nine good men and true, or us neither. Insist on Matching Socks. Standard equipment to be worn including shoes tennis, kid, or patent leather; pants corduroy or serge; shirts broadcloth, sweat, or qunrtersleevc; socks the only limitation being that each individ ual's socks shall match; headgear optional. There arc only one qualification upon which we shall insist. The Nebraskan shall not "spike'' their line with pulchritudinous females, thus diverting the intentions of Awgwan's triple threat men. If such unfair, or "too fair" practice is followed, the Awgwan will be forced to call upon the reserve of youth and beauty. However, what we propose is a football game and not a beauty contest. In the words of Sir Galahad, an Awgwan alumnus. "Our strength are the strength of 2 (make it 1. a 'FULL' team) because of our hearts are pure." Can the Nebraskan say as much? And mean it? Editor's note: "In answer to the slovenly challenge of the scandal mongcrlng publication known to the few as the Aw gwan, we are compiling an ac ceptance at this time. However, we wish to point out to our cul tured readers the caliber of the humorists of this campus. Scru tinize carefully the English of the above challenge. "When first we saw the said manuscript, proposed by the Aw gwan as a masterpiece, we fairly shrank and vowed not to mingle, even on the gridiron, with such lowly persons. Though the Ne braskan is noted for its football ability among the faster pigskin circles, it is first of all a body of cultured people. However, demo cratic as we are, the game wilt go on." Servette Cafe 23 1 North 12th $ permits " in Home Hcah. Complete Meals, 25c n 3 L hi 1 A 1 J.