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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1937)
M. ALL-STATE MUSIC CLASSES ATTENDED BY MORE THAN 100 (Continued from Page 1). tionally known for his work in choral conducting, returns to IJn coln for his fifth summer as di rector of choral work for tho uni versity's aH state summer music cnmp. Another outstanding artist in the musical Jieid, ,tfr. buchtel, who has won .otusid& ble fame a3 on orchestra, band con duct u. jil! hpve charge of the instinmen-al ensemble work during the summer. With the services of these two musicians j SPECIAL-VELLUM Printed Stationery ?0d Superfine Writing Paper White or Colored (or) i 100 Double Sheets of Note Paper with paper and envelope printed. Father's Day A Host of New Gifts to help Scpay Hiti for His Fealty to You. M Lfi!t TERS-v'l net SUPPt-lt ' -' IWtjO TM. SIM'S 1213 .( 3trs Jpy zjethFnL 13 finance GUARANTEED IN G PJEtfVATE LESSONS ALSO 3 LESSON COURSE yAir.Cooled St'lio Bus Ser iee Within One Block Uili u. TSIOISNIIKKIIY OJWS Since 192? ff l.llll,,aw.JM --mat Plfttf This Summer at CAPITOL yoL " .. -. - You'll ji M i .nffnn To Them I i'.'Vi These Clever 1 l::yA Little Frocks 1 Sill' " That are so cool, and crisp and Jj. 1 , , ' A smart for campus wear ... for j LSi'l V evering1 dates, dancing at the fa'jfl A Park. These perfect darlings J jrftjJE; Ih are in aces' batistes, voiles III j4Ls linens, dotted Swisses and shan- jj tvT iIjlI' tungs. In pvstels or in navy iiim Vl VT anc klack. One and two piece j styles. Sizes 12 to 41 plus the assistance of the school of music's summer faculty, offi cials are looking forward to one of the most successful four weeks in the history of the institution. That Howerton is well known thruout the east is attested by the fact that his choral groups have appeared in concert in many of the large cities of the country. Buchtel, altho a newcomer to the music camp here, has already won the unanimous endorsement of the music school supervisors of the state. More Enthusiastic. High school students who will e here for the all state courses are more enthusiastic this year than ever and Mr. Howerton's choral groups, which have been increasing in popularity each summer, now boast the largest en rolment of the five years. Each day will be a busy one. MILl S TEACHERS AGENCY S. E. MILLS, Manager. Stuart Building Tear her Meetled Right Mtttc! Phone B-3708 Lincoln, Nebr. 2300 Y St. B EACH SWIMMING Enjoy the Sun and the Salt Water in Lincoln's Finest Pool. ROLLER SKATING RIDES GAMES DANCING PICNICS FREE GATE ADMISSION Summer Session Lost And Found Service in Prof. Moritz' Office Students should bring all ar ticles found on the campus to the office of Prof. R. D. Mor itz, head of the summer ses sion, according to a recent an nouncement. Inquiries as to lot' articles may be made at . .. office. From the first orchestra rehearsal beginning at 7:45 a. m. until the recreation period beginning at 4 p. m., every minute is fully occu pied. As a climax to the four weeks course two evenings of con certs have been planned for Thurs day and Friday, July 8 and 9, be ginning at 8 p. m. The band will present its final public concert Thursday evening on the east sta dium plaza, while the choral and orchestra programs are tentative ly scheduled for Grant Memorial hall Friday. As an added attrac tion this year the summer faculty of the school of music and the students themselves will be heard in recital each Saturday morning. In addition to group instruction in orchestra, band, and chorus by Mr. Buchtel and Mr. Howerton there will also be private lessons on all of the instruments and in singing under the personal super vision of the university faculty. One reason why high school stu dents from over Nebraska look forward to coming to Lincoln each summer for the four weeks' music course is the fun and entertain ment which is made an essential part of the program. Instead of 21 days devoted solely to ceaseless practice periods and ensemble re hearsals of a monotonous sort summer camp officials have shown unusual interest in arranging for recreation periods which more than fulfill even the wildest expecta tions of the youngsters. Picnics, hikes, swimming, tennis, and even parties in some of the beautiful ballrooms of the dormitories on the university campus all serve to make the course not only an en joyable vacation period for both students and faculty, but also help to make it loom more popular end attractive each successive year. Of the 102 students enroled, 38 are boys and 64 are girls, and 26 come from Lincoln homes. Chance for Recreation. During their four weeks in Lin coln the girls will be housed in one of the sorority houses and the boys in a fraternity house. In all, the summer camp this year provides a real opportunity for musical education as well as an early summer vacation. The fol lowing towns are represented: Nebraska City Bayard usceoia Pane Aurora Mind en KlRio Ord Cambridge Clearwater Hotdrege Superior Wayne Lincoln Oxford Neligh Oerinic Shickley Talmage North Platte Sidney South Omaha SpaldinK Fremont -Rtiinn City David City Yutan McCook Marys vine, Kaa Kdgar Woodbine, Arcadia la. Mead Wymore ColumiMM Humboldt KalU Citv Burr A inland 8ertbner Potter New Raymer, Hardy Randolph Crawford Stanton Wllber Sutton Fairfield Scotia Brokeo Bow Colo. The Breon Pharmaceutical Man ufacturing Co. of Kansas City has made a grant of $175 to the phar macy college for a three months' study of anterior pituitary prep arations, which will be undertaken by E. L Smith, a graduate student. CENTRAL CAFE J. H. PATRICK, Prop. "Famous for Fine Foods" Modern Spacious Comfortable "We Never Close" Completely Air Conditioned Next Sunday HI Dad will appreciate the fine quality of Men like these new panama hats because they are cool and comfortable . . . with the added smartness of felt hat shapes ... as illustrated. See these extra fine quality summer hats. Of course he'd find a pair of shoes mighty useful right now MACEE'S Ventillated Buck Wing-Tip Buck $E85 If you aren't sure of his size, just ask for a Magee's Gift Certificate Use our Gift Wrapping and Mailing Service C?v - -s u ? u Give him GOOD TIES from Mitch fine makert at rcesmo McCurrah Hollyvoge $1 and $150 lhe$ famout fabrtct Union Jack Foulards Mogul Shantungs Rendevous Crepes Gum Twills Llama Cloths Genuine Ecuadorian Supernatural Panamas r - i - t n 1 1 i 1 1. i n I, ill Kumpus Korner 1325 p B-1027 KWRtfV lR::.. ::ri Third f