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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1937)
THREE GgooE Fecal lea A (Scel AtsmospSaeffe Enjoy the fellowship of our Cafeteria. True Co-eds Always Welcome economy is enjoyed by students UiL. Jfjfzft it,". who purchase S&.SO Meal Ticket . . . $5.00 $2.70 Meal Ticket . . . $2.50 13th and P Streets A 13th and P Streets tfli. A. Cafeteria and Luncheonette THE NEBRASKAN I Always S Welcome j FOURTH ANNUAL ALLSTATE EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE Program TI KSDA V, JI NK 22 Mornlnic Sriuikin Mr. '. K. ItU'riM, Ireldlng I ptlty St nip Stipe rintenrit'iit of 1'uhllc InHlruction Mr. R. n. Morlli, Director of the Sumtmr (M-mthin, llniverMly of Nebraska :30 (JrH-tliiKH "The Conference Purposes mid KxiM i lalinnM" ', Mr. Y. E. Ilenxllk 10:00-10:40 "The Role of (iiildanre In l'um-tionitl Kducatlon". .Mr. T. K. McDonnell 10:40-1 1 Mill DlnniKniiin. .Mr. W. ". .Iiickmim, Superintendent of School, Sheldon, la. 11:00-1 1 :3A "(liiUhinee, Its Concept, Technique nnd Methods as Seen from the Aspect of the V. IV. V. A Miss Carter 11:35-12:00 Discussion Miss Mary Belle Fogg, Lincoln Y. W. 0. A. Afternoon Session Mr. Charles A. Iloweni Secretary, Nebraska stale Tem-hers Association 2:00-2:30 "Vocational Guidance nnd Training a Major Objective of N. Y. A." Miss Gladys Shanip :80-Z:n0 Discussion Mr. Charles A. Warner, Administrative Assistant, N. Y. A. 3:00-3:40 "I'N.veholoiclcal Foundation of (Guidance" Mr. T. R. Mct'onnell S:40-4;no Dlsciisilon Mr. Allen I". Kurkhardt, Superintendent of Schools, Norfolk WEDNESDAY, Jt'NE 28 Morning SenNlon Mr. M. (J. Ifler, Presiding Superintendent of School. Lincoln S:V?"?A40r"The Foundations of Occupational Adjustment" Mr. C. R. Reed 9 :40-10 :00 I)irulon ia l7 M,, lBrk ,i,u,",,,r director, Nebraska' Vociitionai Education iiepaii'ment 10:00-10:30 "Common Sens Guidance" Mr C VY Scott 10:80-10:50 Discussion Mr. (ilcnn lllldreth,' rrtne'lpal,' Fremont High School lntermlon !!.:JS",i:ityonth."nd lh N'w ,,,rl",' Mm. Charles E. Roe 11:40-12:00 Discussion Mlsa tavlcy M. Hill, Associate Professor of Commercial Arts', ' University 0V Nebraska Afternoon Session Homer W. Anderson, Presiding . . Superintendent of Schools, Omaha '22 :S5tZy"",n" GuiaHnee Swoi'dary Schools" Miss Town z.SB-s too Discussion jl, y- jj. hum :?2"2:!lnlrnrr0b".n" the O"""'8""" nd 'supervision of Guidance". .'.Mr. Reed .40-4:00 IllSCUSSlon Mp wr ft Rr.iinfv :M-Ann0.l Confrenc Dinner. -Home and School "cptton in the Guidance ' Prorm Mr.. Charle. E. Roe THliRSDAY, JUNE 24 Morning Session Miss Clara O. Wilson. Presiding ju ..o.,r' -I.frlmH.?,.J!"S ;!"'""T Education at the Cnlversity :40-l6:O0 Discussion tUV ' n "i" ,MJ'' B'?U M , inierrnissYon ' V Mt' ArCh"d niJXlUioaZZ1!' 'r"0" 'nd ' Guidance Material." Mr. Toop. Mr. E. W. LanU Afternoon Session Mr. O. H. Werner, Presiding 2lOO-t:SO "Some Practical Applications of Guidance as the Dean of Girls See. ! !5X"5 !2t?I!!!ILM'" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .' ' V. '. '. '. ' Mi.' h"'" Mails' J:222:?2Z: :U,d.fflnCf r Wtf-Wlde Planning" Mr. Toop. v.wv -m rmu niimyniB m jnnurru JEX1UC(1UQ . , . , . , , Mf. BlatZ DAIRY SCIENCE ASS'N TO CONVENE AT UNIVERSITY (Continued from Page 1). uled an afternoon conference on June 21 at which time there will be a discussion of the United States revised standards for creamery butter. The topics to be discussed are: 1. The proposed discontinuance of a .core card method of grading; and use in lieu thereof of a d'.rjot method. 2. The change w the ranpe of butter cores frora 75 to 95, inclusive, to 84 to K, Inclusive. 3. Proposed discontinuation of package as a qaullty factor in Rradlng butter. 4. Vroposed direct b.tBls of rating the factcr of flavor and delects In factor, of Id'.y, color and salt. 6. Proposed consumer grade, of butter. General Session j Tuesday. The above butter; sessions will be held in the Dairy Industry build ing room 3C1. The convention proper of the American Dairy Sci ence association begins Tuesday morning, June 22. General sessions will be held in the Student Activi ties building on the agricultural college campus and most of the group sessions in the Dairy Indus try building. In addition to conven tion discussions, arrangements have been made to provide for an elaborate and significant number of demonstrations and exhibits, in cluding visits to the university's dairy barns and laboratories. Of special interest will be the award ing of two prizes of $1,000 each furnished by the Borden company to the individual whose work in Movie Directory STUART "farnell," Clark Gable and Myrna Loy, starts Saturday. Now showing, "I Met Him in Paris." ORPHEUM "She Had to Eat," "Pcnrod and Sam," with Billy Mauch. LINCOLN "Internes Can't Take Money," Barbara Stan wyck and Joel McCrca. tunity to hear the prize winners tell of their discoveries. J. Rockefeller Prentice, grand son of the late "John D.," is likely to find himself the most popular attraction on the American Dairy Science association's annual pro gram which will be held on the ag ricultural college campus of the University of Nebraska June 21 to 25. According to press accounts emanating from Chicago, Pren tice's home, a story was told of a plot to kidnap the late oil mag nate's relative, but it turned out to be a hoax Prentice is oeing brought here as president of the American Dairy Cattle club and will describe the work of this group and the bene fits resulting from the breeding of fine dairy cattle. An expert in the field, Prentice has taken up where the production, breeding or feed ing, farm sanitation or quality pro duction field and to the person whose work in the processing field is judged most meritorious by a committee from the association, his father, E. Parmalee Prentice, left off. The senior Prentice has devoted much of his time and money to the production of fine dairy cattle and it was In honor of his many achievements that the University of Nebraska awarded him an honorary doctor of agri culture degree not long ago. Nebraskans Take Part. University of Nebraska educa tors will play an important part throughout the entire program. The dairy department here has already won national recognition for its recent work in the field of dairy cattle reproduction, and these discussions and demonstra tions together with addresses on the relationship of the dairy indus try to other industries and the re sponsibilities of the dairy industry to education are among the addi tional innovations to be presented. Of added importance to the manu facturer's session will be the dis cussion of the new ice cream scor ing card, under the sponsorship of Dr. P. A. Downs. Social festivities bog in Monday evening at 8 o'clock when dele gates and their wives will be en- Prizes are being based on original research completed within the past five years and winners will be of ficially presented at the Friday morning session, June 25, when delegates will be given an oppor- The DAVIS School Service "A Good Teacher's Agency" 643 Stuart Bldg. Lincoln tertained at the East Hill Count? club. INVITATION to use our NEW RENT-A-CARS Kate:; Most cfisomiM' Always Open MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P St. "JkaL $jcd)IsLfnjan!A, Jwul again,! 25c Till 6 I ALWAYS COOL in "PARNELL" Sat! Ends Friday. "I MET HIM IN PARIS" Learn to Dance Close to University, 116 So. 15th LUELLA WILLIAMS Vrivutv l.fustms br Appointment If you're on the campus THE CAMPUS INN is the place to take your meals. It's Just across "14th" street Its prices are reasonable. It has tasty sandwiches and excellent fountain service. CAMPUS INN Classified ADVERTISING IOC PER LINE FOR SALE 536 lockers of various styles and descriptions and 679 combination padlocks. Any one Interested may obtain further Information from Mr. John K. Selleck In the University Coliseum. UNIVERSITY STUDENT in graduate col lege desires to get in touch with some one making, or desiring to make, trips in direction of Columbus, Fremont, Nor folk, or Wayne on Friday afternoons and returning Sunc'.ay evenings or pref erably Monday mornings. Will share ex penses. Call Room 5, Stanley Apt.. 1302 Q, Street Interstate Employment Service RELIABLE TEACHER PLACEMENT 303 Sec. Mutual Bldg. Many fine positions reported daily for well qualified teachers Boomers Mid-Western Teachers Agency 302 Kresge Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. 7 Meals Complete 20c-25c 5c SPECIAL-5c THURS.-FRI.-SAT. LARGE COLD FUDGE SUNDAE BUCKS COFFEE SHOP 1131 R -4226 Send Your Cleaning to We Call for and Deliver 223 No. 14th Call B2772. Sunday il JathcA'ju (bay. Ties for your A $i HUNDREDS OF SUMMER PATTERNS FROM WHICH TO SELECT, o that "DadM won't need to be going along wild a v.inter-ih tie, for the want of one he can like better. Reps, non crush wools, crepes, bashetweaves new, light pat terns in great variety. Men's Wear First Floor. rmri fe PAtnb L-9810 B-4258