Tiumsnw. mw:u 11. m?, lOL'K twm ft . k .r Vinill 1 Cir i V I III I 9 ; 1 1 1 111 JMi,iiriM . . -- - , , . - . : " P " I I Societu fdiioiL, Uiaojuucl Cbid&AADJL 5 I TAKE PART IN FIRST CbiowicL (jda&hinqJbojv T m:i; o tiikcamits. Mary Austin on the tlnnl tloor of So.s'li si:ngin( nil the words to mhiio Doit -ongs...lPO looks like a nice score to most howlers, but when Hi'iiv Hillycr rolls it that's really ;'o'methiii)i . . . Prof. Scott snuppinn h peaceful soul out of a muni .-le.p by applauding noisily in his iu... Helen McLaughlins tone no was emfi wnen sue jaumvu into class almut 15 minutes late. . . tile stale oaskctball tournament and hundreds of letter sweaters blazing on the campus. . .yester day it was just Phil and Harney, now it's Mr." and Mis. rrummoi,d; it didn't take Ions. . .Libhy Hroady sit tine in 1 lie balconv Online music I convocation with her feet hansinj; over the edge, and trying to divert the youiiK artists with buzzing noise's. . .Prof. Lancaster remark ing that if Noah had missed the boat all this wouldn't have hap pened ... Frank Landis defending himself from Clutter Chatter by deelarinir that he was not alone in his efforts to stem the tide of campus politics, all lie did was to stick his neck out the farthest... V S'on On A;: ;nnpu. Richard Layson making all sorts of schemes to .et back the twenty-two dollars he so gener ously gave away last week... Frances Weidess searching fran tically for Wes Lipp. . .Miss Odell reading one of Gertrude Stein's writings neither the class nor th" teacher understood it... Reports out that for some very obvious reason Dick Coleman should head the Farmers Fair tanking list... Sarah Harmon and Nelle Lippett exploring every nook and cranny of the campus each noon as well as Saturdays. . .The new alarm clock seems to get Melvin Beer- mann to classes on time. . .It has been suggested that he bring it j to class to keep him awake after j he gets there ... And then there s the girl who had to ask most of her biology class before she could lind out what AGR really means ...Taula Smith with an especially attractive new spring hat perched on the top of her head. . .Glenn Klingman not seen around any more wonder where he's hiding out. . .Wouldn't Flossie Glandon set the pace for spring lashions if he had his golden locks cut short? By Marion Hoppcrt. THIS WEEK Thursday. Sigma Alpha lota Mother club, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. A. J. Stenten. Sigma Phi Epstlon auxiliary, at the chapter house at 2 p. m. Alpha Xi Delta Mothers club, at the chapter house at 2 p. m. Friday. Sigma Phi Epsilon, spring party at the Cornhusker. Phi Sigma Kappa spring party at the Lincoln. Kappa Sigma alliance, bene fit bridge party at the chapter hous;, 8 p. m. Alpha Tau Omega auxiliary, 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. R. E. Campbell. Phi Mu Mothers club, 1 o'clock luncheon at the chapter house. Saturday. Pi Beta Phi annual founder' day and initiation banquet at the Cornhusker. Mortar Board alumnae, an nual guest day musical at Car rie Belle Raymond hall at 2:30 p. m. Lambda Chi Alpha spring party at the Cornhusker. Sigma Kappa initiation ban quet at the Lincoln. Alpha Omicron Pi, active and alumnae chapters annual ban quet at the Lincoln. Sunday. Kappa Delta buffet supper, chapter house at 6:30. 25 Cindcrmcn Get Used to Stadium Breezes in Day's Practice. ! ; Old Man Sol made Ins appear ance yesterday and Coach Henry Schulte's Big Six indoor track ' champs made good use of the gen ! ial weather by taking the first out- side workout of the year. Some 25 i runners donned track suits and i took several trips around the sta dium cinderway in order to ac climate themselves with the ' breezes. I Ability of the Huskeis to come thru in' tight places was plainly I evidenced last Saturday as they I captured the indoor crown. The ! Nebraskans placed 13 contestants for the final rounds, and four of Jthem. Sam Francis, Fred Matte , son. Bill Gish and Lloyd Cardwell. ; emerged - as champions. Francis ' and Cardwell retained their shot 1 put and low hurdles honors, re ; spectively, from last season. Gish Skims Hurdles. 1 Bill Gi.sh s :0S in the tit) yard ; high hurdles was good enough for 'a first while Fred Matteson's 4:30.8 gave him the honor of being the 1037 mile king. Oish is a junior will be Genevieve Agnew Schacht and Janice Meneiay. Alpha Doha Tliola's Jean Martin and Irene Nobel are recent pledges of Alpha Delta Theta sorority. Alumnae HoM .Merlin Tuesday Evfiiin;;. t Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae met Tuesday evening at the home o." June Elrod. Following the business session, the time was passed m- i formally tif was carried out in the appoint ments and refreshments By Marvin Cox. WASHINGTON, V. C, -This city is teeming- with rumors,- re ports, inside information and fantastic schemes concerning the President's proposal to enlarge the Supreme Court and overhaul the federal judiciary machinery. No body knows what the final out come will be, so one guess is as good as another. Washington hasn't enjoyed itself to thoroughly since 'the hectic days of the NRA. One argument advanced by pro ponents of the re-organization scheme may interest prospective lawyers, now in college. Here it in: Well established law firms now have more business than they can attend to. This results in their requesting- the courts for continu ances of their cases. The courts being very crowded arc glad to grant those requests in most instances. Meantime, younger lawyers, just as good at the mem bers of the noted firms, struggle for an existence. The. president's plan, say one group of proponents would im prove this situation for the young lawyer. By increasing the er sonnel of various federal courts, the judicial process will be speeded; continuances will be. more difficult to secure: big firms can not take more cases than they can handle because they will not be able to get the postponements that they receive now. Hence, more clients will find their way and has another year of varsity 10 le!IS wo" Known law omces and competition left, "while Matteson the young barristers, n-ith ample will be given his sheepskin this ume in prepare ineir ca-.es .lime after having earned three promptly, will get more legal letters as a distance runnel . (business. On April 3. Coach Schulte will Maybe this is a bit far fetched, send several of his outstanding b"t this is an argument being j performers to the Texas Rel'avs at "sed in favor of the reorganization ! Austin, Texas. Outdoor team com- j P'an. 'petition officiallv commences I i April 10 as the Huskers play host t- , i to the powerful University of Min- the Cornhuskers literally swamped the Gophers. Nordics Loom Up. However, signs do not point to such a decisive victory this year for the Nebraskans over the Min nesotans. The Nordics seem well fortified this year in practically all events. The satellite of the Go- The.se small imported granules do their job gently as well as thoroughly. Use a harsh alkaline cleanser on your face and at the same time you get rid of the surface oil you will irritate , the skin bo much that a more than usual amount of oil will immedi ately be manufactured by the skin. Use beauty grains, and the oil with its resulting: shine is removed while the skin remains fine and transparent looking. This pore deep .cleanser should lie used at least three times n week in your vfinal clean-up for the day. But if your skin is exceptionally oily, the beauty grains may be used with advant age every night. Try this washing treatment once and you will continue with it always. It will help to normalize your skin at the same time it beautifies it. Bv Helena Rubenstein. College World Paging Jhe Smart Qoed The survey of John R. Tunis, au thor of "Was College Worth While?" looks like "a prospectus; for a new mining company" com-: pared with mine, sa-s Pundit Rob ert Benchley. In "Sobering Statistics." a col umn in "The Twelve Twenty-Five Express," a special publication of . the class of 1912 of Harvard uni versity, the noted humorist affirms: Mr. Tunis, you will remember. took a good look at his class 2o years after graduation from Har vard, and found that practically nothing of value had been accom- ' plished by its members in a quar- ; ter of a century." Benchly, a graduate of the 1912 class himself, reported that the class produced only one Bishop of i Albania, "or at any rate only one Bishop of Albania who later be came prime minister." 1 "If I were a calamity howler," : he continued, "I could show that 72 percent haven't got $3,000,000 ; to their name. PI percent can't higgle and that we haven't a sin- Only a minority of the women j President of the United States." and girls in this country have oily skins, but certainly they have the ' And on the postoffice bulletin majority of skin "difficulties. Anjbonrd of the University of Minne sota: .New books at s-acniicc. . ,'. j rN oily skin means, usually, not only pnrr iracK m(uh I i vi,u. i-v.,..,,, - ' ... ' '. w 'SMnAwl. ouit school to ret mar- i LuiiuniutuMv Twiijjy Jiunc, iimi i 1 -i " . Krezowski, Big Ten shot put king. Krezowski has been shoving the iron ball around 4! feet with tir ng monotony and regularity. Should both Francis and Kre- A green and white mo- Z0WSK1 00 al men- unesi j. iue in : wie nusKei -JiiMiit'suLA tmi.i ueie. I trac fans are sure to see a battle j royal for the first place in this an.H fnreh.-a.l hn1 alar, aloe lavpp lied. SO what? I'd like tO Sell the coarse nores. blackheads and j books-" occasionally acne. Blackburn College males pulled the wool over their own eyes wool or cotton, before going to the A.S.A.E. (iliaprroiicf Announced. ! event. Verran is one of the visitors' 1 If you have an oily skin you should begin immediately to cor- rr.il it TV, ti.-1 thirl: that a half inch layer of powder applied at : last dance of the semester. It was . . -..-j-j lor, informal "cu-pfltpr affair with iwemy miniue nuervais is suiu-i' v cir-nt in lake care nf the difficulty, no suits allowed. Powder may remove the shine best sprinters and has bee mimed ! temporarily, nut win never go 10 i.aug.uers ami i . ....0 .1.. .i 1 tbr. rrwit if thr. ins 11 pi- mpn make nn more than naif tne oSrrC.Sltura. Knneers ' 61 as his A normalizing treatment that student population of Carleton col-s-ocictj ot Agiiculluidl KngmeeiS;- ..,.' ' , D . i Will remove excess o l and st mu-: lore. uit luiiriii i , . , : lain at 1 hr- same time is what von TZ Mother! Meet for I .uneheon. Delta Delta Delta Mothers club members met at the home of Mrs. C. G. Stoll. with Mesdames M. W. Costelloe, K. M. Pollard and Alva Simpson acting as assisting host esses. The group of 25 was seated for luncheon at one table centered with orchid snapdragons and sweet pi as. The afternoon was .'pent sewing for th da nee tr bn bplil in Activties building on ag campus Hubbard are uopner niSn jumpeis Saturday. March 13. have been se lected. The following professors and their wives will be present: TTof. and Mrs. W. F Frof. and Mrs. H. F. Davis and Prof, and Mrs. F. D. Young of no little potentiality. Upperclassmen at the Univer citv cf -Rnffalrt a Tint renuired to eiland. tae anv collrsos but those they desire. house. Musical selections were present ed by a trio composed of Mrs. 11. K. Holland and Mrs. Wayne Farmer, violinists, and Miss Fva Phillips, pianist. I iiriiicr Student Announce?! Marriage l'lan. Merlyn Foshr, daughlci of George C. Foshr of Milfonl will be married Friday to Wp.sley A. Matzke, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Matzke. also of Milfonl. Miss Fos Icr was a former student at the university. After their marriage the couple will reside in Murdock. w Hi ta Alliance Entertained ltj l'utH t Hton. Beta Theta Pi alliance was t n tntained at the honi'.' ol Mis. I C. H. Arnold at the regular month- ! ly meeting. Miss Majorie Shana- j felt presented a puppet show. Pre- ! ceodtr.g the entertainment was a luncheon at which the 21 rriem bris were seated at a table cen tered with calendulas. As'istir.g hostesses wore Mrs. J. P. Webster. Mis. Carl Stein. Mrs. Max Meyer. Mrs. Bert Forbes and Mrs. E. M. Cramb. Ideal Week I eatuio ltaiMiiet. As an event of the Delta Delta Delta ideal week preceding initia tion Saturday the pledges were en tertained at a banquet Tuesday by their sorority mothers. W k- Foiiiider I)a Banquet To He Held. Pi Beta Phi will hold their an imal foundct's day and initiation banquet Saturday evening at the , Cornhuskei. About 100 are ex- j pecterl to be in attendance. The 1 Omaha alum-nap group is in charge of the arrangements for the af- I fair. llonorai to Entertain At Sunday Tea. Mu Phi Fpsilon active chapter I v. ill give a musical tea Sunday ' r.fternof.n from 3 to 0. at the Al- ' rha Onncroti Pi house. The pvo g'ram is to be presen'ed by Cathe rine Cox and Man- Janice Mcii eray. In eharge of arrangements' A report compiled by the Mm- From the Doric column of the nesota Association of College Grinnell Scarlet and Black: 'Tis Registrars shows that 25.155 rumored that one poor gal ate a students are now attending Min- pound of raw hamburger on re- , nesota colleges and universities, j and frequently develop blackheads chanter turning to schol to inure her slom- An increase of 5.7 percent over The oil at the surface is cut and should have. As in every good treatment for the skin, cleansing is the first and most important step. This cleansing, in your case, should be with a pore deep wash like beauty grains. Beauty grains not only clean the surface ot the skin, but also go deep into the pores to remove accumulations of the fatty secre tion which makes vour face shine ach to the change. What people last year's enrollment. , Vour skin is left fresh and glow- won't do to break into this column. " ing as you have never before seen Vari-colored lights of different it. Threatening to use their parking . degress ot brillance affect grow- : j.-f,r still another reason I recom power if the student administra- j jng plants in different ways, say mend beauty grains as the ideal tive assembly rules against wear-; prof. Robt. B. Withhow of Purdue cleanser for" the oily tvpe of skin. ing corsages at tormal affairs. ; university's horticulture depart- coeds at the University of Western ment. Some hasten maturity. ! Ontario are ready to plop into their others strengthen the stems, and Spring Si ij ling in thr Xetrvsi (oii i nrr Trend by Mr. Henri Larabee CORRELL'S BEAUTY SALON 228 No. 13th B2936 chairs for a sit down strike. 'Oown with Flowers lor Mad ameoiselle.'" petitioned the men to the student administrative assem bly. But the women are countering with an "I Won't Dance" attitude and declare that they'd rather stay home than attend o formd without a corsage. Lehigh university chemistry stu dents break more than 14 OW test tubes cverv year. still others duction. stimulate seed pro- The DAVIS School S(Mire M Ciuul I t a Jut's iurnry" 643 Stuart Eldq. Lincoln Newest Methods ! 4 r-t iirttr4 trmn IW-Hfitv h. ti.h. Hh I ll1 Mill HHI Wit HlflMQI t In I'rrnianrnl Mi hi. Mlw, .dllr ,f nr abttt rmtvH Inatrnrtloni In IM'IVIIII M HUR fn,m -I'anl Mlli,.il' Inmiimt Miiir-NtjIiNl." KIM II I I OR 1(11 N MM Steam Oil l'erniaiienl S2-S6..i( lndi tduiill ty d wimtH -i t I'i.rm. oHiiii:i 3f r::, Xmntm' You can't near your sheepskin! You r-rnioi vho are still on tlie drawing account might better now to Mock up vith sex oral docn Arrows before mi step out into llie cold, cold world. Later on oii"ll thank u? for the tip and have shirt? aplenty, for Arrow liirts are made to M.ind the gaff. Dc sure to sec your Arrow dealer today. TtVO I'OILARS AND MORE yhtoga tailored to fit Sanforized Slmnh i -" - ' y y , T vm I Just awarded his varsity Just j warded his varsity letter . . . and he's proud too that the cigar he smokes is a LITTLE FENDRICH PANETELA ... the ath lete's smoke and the choice for college gatherings . . . because they're milder ... mellower . . . more uniform! LITTLE i ENDR I PAN Mildlnhalable'Thoroucjhlij Enjoyable MAGEE'S Special 3 Dall Sal IDomen's Tiuo Piece mis Tkw aI(Iqa, that dhdhvdth dcdbi ipic 1937 Actual U995 Suits Louely $2250 and $25 Suits lie! a lew . . . bu4 many lo select Jrcm . . . gorgeous sprir.y eclcrangs ci Beige, Grey, Navy, Shrimp Royal, Gold and many others ... no matter vhether you like the perky "jigger" suit, the casual swagger style, cr fitted dressy suit, you'll find them all in this show ing . . . sizes 12 to 20 . . . It's a date! . . . We'll see you early in the morning. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only Ready-to-Wear Third Floor. MAGEE'S