kk;ht THE DAILY NERltASKAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1936 500 Attend Sorority Scholarship Tea AIRWAVES CARRY f) Delta Gamma Wins First Place Cup: Alpha Phi, Chi Omega Next. Ovi'i "idil sorority women wit nessed tho presentation of scholar ship cups to tho six high ranking groups Friday afternoon at the Panhellenie tea hold in tho Lincoln lvtol. IVlla Gamma was awarded lust place, with Alpha Thi and tho Omega receiving; second ami third places. Alpha ai tVlta received two cups, one for hemp: fourth in rank, and one for malting the must inipi ovomenl railing the pre- I ins school year. Other sororities placed as fol lows: Sigma Delta Tau, fifth: Kappa Alpha Theta, sixth; Kappa Kappa Gamma, seventh; Alpha Oniuron Pi. eighth; Alpha Chi Omega, ninth; Sigma Kappa, tenth; Alpha Delta Theta. 1 1th; Gamma Phi Beta. 12th: Phi Mi:. 13lh; Kappa Delta, 14th: Delta Helta Delta, Ifilh; Zeta Tan Alpha, IHth: Pi Beta Phi, 17th and Delta Zeta. ISth. "Old King Cole'' Theme. Tn presenting the cups, the M tableau "Old King Cole" was used, and the program broadcast. Miss Charlotte Kizer, played the pait of "King Panhell," and Mrs. Oliver Hallam was the commen tator. Trumpeters were Misses Mary and Fern Steuteville, who hung the scrolls on tho panel of The ballroom stage, as the winners ot honors were announced. Tho twins wore Nebraska's new band uniforms of scarlet and cream. Miss Kier presented the cups. Music for tue tableau was fur nished by Miss Dorothy Hol coruh, Mrs. Valorita Larimer and Miss Kunice Bingham, wearing appropriate fiddler's costumes. They were accompanied by Mrs. Joyce Ay res at the piano. After the presentation of cups, several prominent alumni were in terviewed for a 15 minute broad cast. J. B. Lake had on the pro gram, Mrs. K. A. Burnett, Miss Kate Field, Mrs. Hailam. Mrs. Fred DeWeeso, Dr. Elizabeth Wil liamson. Miss Kizer, Mrs. Joe Sea crest. Mrs. Willard Folsom and Miss KIsie Ford Piper. Receiving Line. Tn the receiving line were Miss Field. Mrs. Burnett, Mrs, Ada Westover, Mrs. Hallam, Miss Piper and Mrs. Francis Drath. Alumni who poured during the af ternoon included: Mesdamos F. K. Henzlik, O. II. Martin, Barlow Nve. .1. A. MeFachen, Hairy Lan sir.g. Arthur L. Smith, Seacrest, Francis Hamilton, Walter White, LoKov Schlentz, William Mat bihuliat, Miss Louise Van Sickle, KNIT GARMENTS We specialize in dean in?, !yoing ;nil iiMock ing knit garments Prompt son ice nlwa. MODERN CLEANERS Soukup & Westover Call F2377 for Servic- VAST YOIJBR IBAflXOT! Mv XomiimCEocD for Is LEAVE IN NEBRASKAN Jane lpliu Xi Dr!la ! ; Yoa we 1 Id-lcoMs. I Alxml -10 alumnae and active I members of Alpha Xi Doita from I three states visiled tho local ohap i tor at tho local chapter house for , a province convention Saturday, :.o. 7. They came from Colo rado. Kansas, and Oklahoma. I Meetings, round-tables, business i sessions, and g roup discussions were ciuriod on thruout the day. Activities began with breakfast at (7:30 in the morning and registra tion, followed by an address of welcome by Mis. Marjorie M. I Parker, president of tho province. ! A part of the afternoon program 'was tho initiation of Jane Pen 'nington into the Nebraska chap I te. I Finishing the day's activities, the local chapter hold a. banquet at tho Hotel Cornhusker for the entire group. Dr. Klisaboth Wil liamson, head of Raymond hall, and alumnus from Alpha chapter at Knoxville, 111., presided. Re spones were made by representa tives from each of the chapters at the dinner. Following the banquet delegates returned to the local chapter J house to attend a Fireside given in their honor. Among those attending the con vention were presidents of the ac tive chapters at Manhattan, Kas., Denver, Colo., and Oklahoma City, Okla., and several pledge presi dents. Miss Lulu Kunge, faculty ad visor of Kho chapter in Lincoln, acted as general chairman of the convention. Committees in charge were: Dorothy Larson. Vivian Lindley, supervising registration; Blaine Moses, Virginia Hinson, and Bervl Black, tho banquet; Mrs. Klla Marshall, the house; Carol Sims, tho Fireside; and Barbara Bo'cwater. publicity. (iaminit 11? i R:'!a IJmorrl in K;ins;t. Eleven members of tho Nebras ka chapter of Gamma Phi Beta were honored at a dinner at the Gamma Phi chapter house at Law rence Saturday night. They are Hazel Bradstreet, Lilliam Knox Madeline Hodgson, Henrietta Wil son. Mercedes Drath, Jean Mel half. Audrey Marshall, Muriel White, Helen' Petrow, Detta Bonn, and Maxine Wertman. Madeline Baer. F. DeWeeso, K. C. Ames. William Kotton, J. F. Thompson and Dr. Williamson. The string trio, composed of Miss Ethel Owen, Miss Francis Spencer and Mrs. Kdith B. Boss furnished music in the ballroom during the afternoon, while Miss Mary Janice McNaiy played a harp in the garden room. Vi'Coration were carried out in the pink and white color scheme. Tables m the ball room were cen tered with pink and white pom pons and seven branch candelabra. Arrangements for the tea were in rh.ireo of Mrs Francis Drath, assisted by Mrs. Sam Bergen, Mrs. Douglas Cain, Mrs. Robert Mal lory. Mrs. K. C. Hodder, Mrs. Avr.s, Mrs. Hoyt Hawke, Mrs. Cera'd Carper.. lei and Mrs. Frank L'iee. ! Cultured mice at the University 'of Minnesota theater scamper : across tl-.e stage, sit for a while to watch rohearsils. and then ncoot off. Theorists claiTi they rc jceived th ir taste for art from ' living in tho auditorium organ. BOOTHS AT SOSH, AG HALL Societu Waicoit, editor I J:u!s i I lour )r.ii:-o lYi!;iy Misfit. Friday evening tho Intoiclub Count il and the Barb A. W. S. Board sponsored an hour dance uT Grant Memorial hall. About one hundred and fifty unaffiliated Mu donts attended Betroshmcnts were served. snha Delia Theta 'Iriiors IWrs. Wiltlmau. This afternoon members of Al pha Delta Theta will entertain in honor of Mrs. Julia Wildman. na tional treasurer of tho sorority, at a formal tea at the chapter house. Pledge class members are in charge of arrangements for the ten. ! C s:'();a Sisua to ' ,m-i,!:mh Toni-ilit. Using a color scheme of scailot. green and white, fraternity colors of Kappa Sigma, members of tho active chapter will entertain at a buffet supper tonight. Committee eludes Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hoadley and Mr. and Mrs. Honor? Fulton and Mrs. Palmer Smith. l'liry TripjKMl t: s"ew?s Friday. Leaving for the game Friday afternoon were Bill Sackott, U. and Catherine Sue Hesbooker, Lewis Cass and Mildred Lawrence and Howard Linch and Helen Jane Smith, by automobile. Ti l35ii"s Amioiitif".' Madeline Uridil. ITastir.gs ami . Margaret Zemor, Lincoln are re- ! cent pledges of Pi Beta Phi. ! ... r Sigma Nil Molhrr's (iliih to Mrrt Tuesday. Members of the Sigma Nu moth ers club will meet at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon for a luncheon at the chapter house. Hostesses tor t'.e affair include: Mcsdamos A. O. Ivedford, chairman: D. H. McNish. . F. Austin. John Munn, A. E. Jones, J. Simmons, and Kunice Wiebush. PH! GAM'S SWEEP FINALS CF GREEK RFLE MATCHES Sig Nil's Take Runnerup Post With Delta Upsilon, Beta Third, Fourth. Phi Gamma Delta, leading their nearest competitor by 41 mark ers, swept through the finals of the Intramural rifle shoot last night and emerged as victors of the four day meet held at the military rifle range in the base ment of Andrews hall. Sesson of the Phi (Jams cap tured individual honors by adding a 178 to his preliminary score of ISO for a total of 337. Team-mate Summers contributed a 3.V2 score to the cause. The team total was 611-05 for a count of 1.373. Sigma Nu added a Cs." score to its preliminary count of 644 for the runner-up position. Fd Schmid led his team last liiglit with a 173 total. Third place w '. to Delta l.'p silon with a team total of 13U as thev gathered in a 653 to go with the65S racked up in tho prelims. Scores of th? other finalifta: Beta Theta Fi. 649-6231.272; Farm House, 624-C37 12CI; Phi Delta Theta, 633-6001233; and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 517-533 1150. SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS Tyrx-wrltlnc, BookkM-pine, SrrwtnrlHl mill lnl. nKe M-ci!il ( nnrf. Kny nil l.vening NknN. Ma.lf-ntq Admitted Iinilv. nnti tmicht ftlo. 218 lniirunw HMk. llh A O M. Dickinson Secretarial School m 1 61 Lincoln, Nebr. T L Presentation of Winner to Feature Dance After Pitt Game. Appearing in this issue of tho , Nebr-askan are ballots for an all wide campus election of the most I popular Nebraska coed who will j lie named "Miss Cornhusker" and presented to the public at tho j Cornhusker Hop in tho coliseum j on the evening of the Pitt game, Nov. 1 1. Playing for this second all-university party will be lied Perkins ,1111(1 his famous colored orchestra, a troupe that filled a well received engagement on the campus last spring. Other attract inns that tho coliseum will offer to dancers. Saturday night, will be unusual : decorations and an excellently conditioned floor. ' Sponsored by Carb Councils. I Through the co-operation of , of three prominent campus organi- baiions. the Interclub Council, trp Barb Council, and the Daily No i braskan. arrangements for the i election and hop have been made. ! Ballots will also appear in the Tuesday and Wednesday issues : in order that every student may vote for his choice. Because there have loen no re i qiuremenls made for nominations or filings for candidacy, every girl on tho campus will be a candidate for the title. Ballot boxes will be ! placed in Social Science and or the ag campus. Moritz Directs Election, i Autin Moritz, president of the I Interclub Council and Byi lo '.Shuck. president of the Barb Council, are in charge of the hop and the election. Lee Minis heads tho committee that is working out i a definite plan for the prescnta-1 t ion of "Miss Cornhusker" and j i Victor Schwarting made orchestra I All Seventeen Prepara tions are non-allergic reducing the danger of allergic irritations and dan-age. Accptd bv American dico( AttOCtOt.04 CAMPUS ONAME MISS HUSKER' IN UNIVERSITY P Indorsed by Burru new SEVENTEEN HAS 17 11CW PREPARATIONS THAT WILL KEEP YOUR FACE LOOKING 17 COLD S First Floor. arrangements. Because this elec tion is a new feature on the cam pus, the committees and both councils have asked for tho whole hearted support of the entire student Ixidy to enable them to make this an annual event. Lutheran Sliwlrnls to Annul Kegioital Session This WYrkeml in Walioo Bight Lutheran students from the university will go to Wahoo this weekend to attend tho Mid west Regional Conference of the Luthernn Student association of America at Luther college. Milonda Anderson. Nebraska senior, who is president of the midwest region will preside at the meetings. STATIONERY! CRANE'S Newest creations, including the Nov and Smart Conventional White. Several arrangements of the New Jodphur Tan and BOISDE ROSE The Christmas Soles .ire Here Christmas Wrapping Seals See the new ones n 2-T0NE Cellophane Large Variety of Papers in Fire Textiles and Harmonious Colorings. Christmas Cards for Sorority and Fraternity Use Priced 2c to 50c WE HAVE YOUR CREST GEORGE BROS. PARTY SPECIALISTS TO GIVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH OUR EXQUISITE NEW FACE POWDER, CREATED BY SCIENTIFIC BLEND ING OF tlVO DIFFERENT WEIGHTS AND TONES, WE WILL GIVE YOU WITH EACH one dollar PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE NEW SEVENTEEN PREPARATIONS, A free ONE DOLLAR BOX OF