The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4

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nii; campus.
Virg Yclkln having voting lif fi
culty without a number on his
Identitication can). . .Virginia An
derson accompanying Inland Hale
und Tat Glen to the Temple, talk
ing busily Henry Kemington
explaining in his individual way
just why he was standing in front
ot tho Beauty Queen exhibit....
Student Council members, on their
big day, busy as bees in a hive in
the Temple box offiee. . . .the
studied nonchalance of the faces
ol Honorary Colonel candidates
....Carol Clark seated on the li
brary steps. .. .sweaters in tho
morning and heavy coats in the
ut'lernoon. . . .Bob Reghtol drink
ing long at the drinking fountain
In Law college Kddie George
complaining bitterly that he had
lost his identification card....
Mary Louise Dow and Jay Camp
bell "taking the peace ballot very
seriously. .. .in fact discussing it
alt the way home.... a niaster
pieeo of photography, Harry
Stickler's face on his identifica
tion card... ,Pat Lnhr flying from
the polls to a class with one eye
on the R street traffic. .. .ami the
first real fall feeling day.
(nmma I 'Jit's Honor
Three lv Student.
Active members of Gamma Flu
Beta entertained at a formal din
ner Monday night nt the chapter
house honoring three Gamma Phi
Beta members in Law college.
Detta Rohn is a freshman; Anne
Pickett, a junior, and .Jean Rrow
der is the only senior girl in Law
college. Prexlon-Reed.
The marriage of Isubelle Pres
ton of Fremont and Or. Oonald
Ross Reed of Tarry town took
place in Pontico Hills Oct. 12.
Miss Preston attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska where she is
a member of Delta Gamma so
rority. Hernisen-Mischiiick.
Monday, Get. 19, Cecilia Herm
sen and Leland Mischnick of Lin
coln were married at the Blessed
Saerement church. Both are grad
uates of the University of Ne
braska. Smith-Matt.
Elizabeth Smith and Robert M.
Matt of Hastings were married
Oct. 16 at Hastings. Mr. Matt at
tended the University of Nebraska
where he is affiliated with Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity.
(Continued from Fage 1.1
footwear, who walked off without
his almost new shiny black patent i
leather shoes. Unique among the !
articles in the department is a '
solitary pair of dice left behind
in all their shiny glory by some !
individual who perhaps was in a j
The Regents Bookstore mav I
have some stiff competition if j
there is ever a public sale of all
the classbooks and notebooks left
in odd crannies by college joes
and josephines. Gym clothes too,
and tennis raquets are things one
wonders about being lost, and un
claimed. Ladies gloves repose in
a large drawer, both singly and
in pairs. "
Collection Shows Drouth Results. I
Raincoats, rubbers and umbrel-
las lying on the lost and found
shelves suggest that a few Ne- j
braskans decided the drouth was i
to be permanent. Football games,
of course, leave a collection of
blankets, and even one gaily
flowered sofa pillow was left as
a memento by one fan this year.
sanies are quite indiscriminate
aboue where they put thir coat
belts, while one gapes at the man
who left his overcoat and never
called for it. Fountain pens, pen
cils and wrist watches are too
common to more than mention.
For the benefit of those who
may have lost some article or who
expect to lose something in the
near future, they should inquire
at the lost and found department
in the west stadium, stating; when
and about where they believe they
lost it. If the department does not
actually have it there, sometimes
it is able to trace it down in some
other building. Anyone finding any
lost articles should leave them
with a janitor in some class build-
ing. He will then see that it rea h- j
t-s the lost and found desk, which j
has been located in the stadium I
for over a year now. formerly
having been man&ged by the Daily
Nebraska n.
(Continued from Fage J.i
won by Rigma Alpha Eprulon
whose decorations depicted a hugf
spider web with Nebraska taking
the form of the spider and the
Kansas Jayhawker becoming hope
lessly enmeshed. Honorary men
tion was won by the Delta Upsi
lons who represented a museum
with the Jayhawk as an extinct
animal, and by the Delta Sigma
Lambdas who decorated their
house to look like a theater with
the one day attraction "Plucking
the Jaybird."
Present Entries.
The Greek houses who have al
ready entered the contest are as
follows :
Alpha Tau Omega.
Delta Upsilon.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Beta Theta Pi.
Sigma Nu.
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Cockle Music Studios
Students may enter nny time
Tryoutu mthoot obligation
41 7-4 IS Mnertj Rldf.
Phone B36KS
Alpha Delta Theta mothers'
club, 1 o'clock luncheon, chap
ter house.
Alpha Chi Omega mothers'
club, 1:15 o'clock luncheon,
chapter house.
Alpha Delta Theta
Entertains Mrs. hmxui.
Zeta chapter of Alpha Delta
Theta on the University of Nebras
ka campus will entertain at din
ner with the chapter of the Wes
leyan campus in honor of Mrs.
Roberta Campbell, national presi
dent of the Federation of Wo
men's clubs and an alumnus of Al
pha Delta Theta. Also honored at
dinner will be Mrs, Bess Gerhart
Morrison, first charter member of
the VVesleyan chapter. Miss Vir
ginia McDowell, Zeta active presi
dent, and Mrs. William Matschul
lat, alumnae president are on the
committee in charge of arrange
ments. Silver, American Beauty
rose and blue, sorority colors, will
be used in the appointments, About
60 are expected to attend.
Mortar Hoard Honor
National Ol'firer.
Tuesday afternoon the active
chapter of Mortar Board honored
Miss Fsther Bowman, national vice
president, at a tea from 3 until
5 o'clock at Came Hell Raymond
Hall. Guests included Mortar
Board alumni and representative
upper class women. In the receiv
ing line were Jean Walt, presi
dent of Mortar Board, Miss Bow
man, Miss Amanda Heppner, Mrs,
F. D. Coleman, national president
and Miss Elizabeth Williamson,
director of Carrie Bell Raymond
hall. Presiding at the tea table
were Miss Elsie Ford Piper, Mrs.
Ada Westover, Miss Pauline Gel
latly and Miss Margaret Fedde.
Senior women assisted with the
Alpha Chi Oinefia
Mother Meet.
The Alpha Chi Omega mother's
club will meet Thursday at 1:15
for a luncheon at the chapter I
house. After the business meeting j
Betty Rowland, Terry York and
Alice Dainum will present a pro-
gram. Mrs. S. G. Rowland and i
Mrs. J. W. Bishop are in charge of
the arrangements.
C lOiS. Ligoitt & Mvtu TomccoCo.
Seen on Ag Campus:
Students going "Russian" by
eating many Russian peanuts in
chem. . , . Sid Baker lying on the
grass near Ag hall election must
have gotten him down . . . AI Pearl
and a good looking grey hat .
Phyllis Robinson starting a pool
for the next game . . . Photograph,
ers taking pictures of coeds near
tho fountain to celebrate its With
year or something . . , Janet Hoe
vet minus a heel limping around
. , . Adrian Lynn not letting any
one influence him as to beauty
queens . . . Sally White hurrying
to the polls . , . Girls riding to
chem, on the running board of a
car and yelling to another to meet
them for lunch . . . Dorothy lver
son chauffering Ann Soukup and
Francis Wrieth around . . . Wyona
Keim giving her contribution to
the Y to Edith Fllley . . . New
decorations in Carp's . . . (trace
Pitcaithley saving a booth for her
friends during lunch . . . Jean
Evans playing a good game of
tennis in gym,
I nline Housewives
Initiated Tuesday.
The Home Economics associa
tion initiated 175 new members
Tuesday night at a lovely candle
light service at 6:45 on the Ag
Following the set vices a skit was
presented and songs were sung, j
.miss Aiargarei fetiuc, neuti or me
Home Economic department, gave
an Interesting talk on her recent
trip to the Scandinavian countries.
Refreshments were served at the
close of the evening.
Delta l'pilon Plan
Hue Hoiueeoiiiin; Path.
Advance news of the largest
Greek letter house party planned
for the football season, that of
rV'lt-, !Tncil,m 1 lirt niolil linfnrp 1
Homecoming. The actives will en
tertain honoring the pledge class
and an invitation is extended to
every student of the university.
Mel Fester's orchestr a will play j
and the entire house will be open i
for dancing.
Phi Cam Hold
Monday evening four men were
initiated in Phi Gamma Delta.
They ar" Kenneth Eisenhart. War-
r en "Schwenker. Harold Kottmann
and Norman Ellis.
'-- W ... h yfJy
SOLICIT $989.90
Pat Jensen, Eleanor Eiche
Collect Largest Total
In Campaign.
Climaxing a week of activity
the finance staff of the Y. V. C. A.
brought Its drive for contributions
nnd new member's to a close last
night with a total of $1189.90.
Eleanor Eiche working for Lin
coin unaffiliated students, was
high, contributing $40 to the grand
total. Second in this group was
Edith Filley with $25.50. Mary
Jane Eager 'was third, bringing in
$19. The three unaffiliated teams
headed by Velma Ekwall, Thelma
Schnitter! and Edith Filley con
tributed a total amount of $111.70.
Eleanor Eiche and Ruth Williams
served as executives for the un
affiliated town girls.
Miss Jensen Places First.
Birdean Jensen from Wilson hall
placed first in the dorm section
raising $15.00. Vee Lonise Mar
shall was second In this group with
$14.50 and Dora Larson, contribut
ing $10.25 was third. The ilorni
team placing first was captained
by Jane Hopkins and brought in
$20.75 while the teunis of Rowena
Swensoii and Betty Clements
placed second and third in this
section respectively. Helen Ann
Howie and Birdean Jensen were
general executives over the Carrie
Bell Raymond Hall group.
High among sorority groups on
the campus was Pat Jensen of
Alpha Phi who contributed $12.75.
Dcloris Bois, Alpha Chi Omega,
with $."2. SO, and Deloras Doll of
Delta Delta Delta with S32.50 were
next in order in the soror ity group.
The Tri Delta team contributing
$53.50 placed first with Alpha Phi
team running a close second with
$42.75. $40.80 was the amount
contributed by the Alpha Chi
For Sale or Rental
Used machines on easy payments.
The Royal portable typewriter, ideal
machine for students.
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
130 No. 12Ih St.
m m 11 wkm mw
".Mr. Dmls (.Joes to
"Oolil Hutch"
"Kcllcy 1 lie Second"
"fiivfi Me Your
"Adventure in Man
hattan" Omegas, who placed third. Jane
Barbour and Maxlne Wertman
were managers of the sorority
team section.
Cash Prizes.
Winners in the various sections
presented the contributions of their
group at the recognition vesper
service Tuesday and will be awerd
ed prizes of $7.00 and $3.00 for
first and second places respective
During the period of tlie drive
three teas were given in Ellen
Smith hall to acquaint prospective
members with the aims and ac
complishments of the various
staffs of the Y. W. C. A.
Maxinc Durand, finance staff
chairman, directed the workers
Ladies and Men's
Hats Cleaned
You will be surprised how
nice we can make your hat
look. Have us clean it.
Soukup & Westover
Call F2377 for Service
din ing the drive. "I am very much
satisfied with results of the drive
this year nnd feel that tho new
system of obtaining members and
contributions greatly exceeds that
used formerly," she Btated at the
conclusion of the dr ive today.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Klub members will be assigned to
each house entering tho contest.
List of clubs who have filed are
ns follows:
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Delta Gamma.
Alpha XI Delta.
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Chi Phi.
Kappa Delta.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Delta
Glee Club.
PI Beta Phi.
Ag Cafeteria group.
Zeta Tau Alpha.
Sigma Kappa.
Sigma Nu.
Zeta Beta Tau.
Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Kappa Sigma.
P.hl Kappa Psi.
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Phi.
Alpha Chi Omega.
Join the Husker Contest Winners
Marguerite Williams
Jim Pittinger
Bob Frish
Lyon Schoenaner
Lillian Ashworth
Billie Fitzpatrick
Carl Faulconer
Armond Nogard
Eugene Showalter
Harold Rogers
The Musker Inn
B e Drlivrr
. . . that's the
whaleman's signal
for a smoke
And on land and sea, from
coast to coast . . . with millions
of smokers, men and women
. . . when they take time out
to enjoy a cigarette it's
" 'Smoke -O . . .
pass the Chesterfields"
Chesterfields arc milder . . .
and what's more they've got
a hearty good taste that leaves
a man satisfied.
Chi Omega.
Delta Upsllon.
Sigma Alpha lota.
Beta Theta PI.
Phi Mu.
Alpha Delta Theta.
Phi Gamma Delta.
PI Kappa Alpha.
Theta Chi.
President Roosevelt has pro
claimed tho week beginning Nov.
9 as American Education week.
honty In
fha brio
ktcpi th pip
H rllah.aff irla.r,.
IIDaU TrnAt MAlit...& l
Raymond Crank
Gort'i Moore
Carlos Schaper
Betty Harris
Donald Jones
Charles Bull
Rolland Winter
Beth Hoerner
Winifred Brownell
239 No. 14th