The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    WKDNKSDAY. OCIORKK 1 t. 1936
mi in i i 1 1 x vi'iin icr IV
I'ULI llll'j W 111,1 niUU.'in.'in ,
.i-i-L.. .... . - - lil i iiti miMTirn ninr lli, w -,j
For the After-Dark Season . . .
be Bewitch ingly
I lie ('nnimis.
IUi.'H Ann Hex smilir.j: happily
in Knglish class u bright yellow
brushed wool avo:itcr rv.shinir
around uccoinpanit d by Charles
Kcilly. . . .Marjorie C'raliill and
Diek" Kosman comparing idetiliii
cation pictured. . i.iul i;oin;:' into
gales of laughter Mr. Stoke e.-
I'U.siiiR clans Tmsday with almost
no voice left at all . . . . Tassels and
Corn Cobs hih pressurin;; pros
pective customers lor tickets lor
the Kally Pence Friday nU;ht . . . .
Mary rr'iseilla. Kappa IVlt, with a
bandaged foot alter an altogether
too strenuous soccer baseball
game the bright green leather
in Speed Jacobson's hat looking
perky in decided contrast to Speed
flics, at least lorty ol thein
buzzing around the seats on the
landing in Sush ... Klizabeth
Broady's black wool crepe dross,
with hem stitched in red ami
puffed sleeves. ... Mary hi Petersen
explaining- to Bob Knnk that it
would be impossible for her to go
to Russia this week .... too busy
Little Jeanie Fetter getting
well slowlv at Lincoln General hos
pital IX U.'s cheeni.g l-udiy
speech made by Kloise Henjandii
cm the Tassels Vi unci ib party....
and midweek enthusiasm Hates up
anticipating a big wc keiid.
Alpha to
(iie Cainr I'.uly.
Friday night before the Imiiana
game, Members vt Alpha Phi who
were initialed last year will enter
tain the rest of the active chapter
and the pledges at a house party.
The pledges will be the. guests of
honor. Chaperons for the party are
Mr. and Mrs. V. i-:. lVPutron and
Mrs. Schmittel.
.Wacia MoiIht..
Club Mccl.
Mothers of the locd chapter of
Acacia met for luncheon at the
chapter house Tuesday noon. Ten
attended the luncheon and business
meeting w hich was In Id afterward.
Hostesses for the Una boon were
Mrs. White, Mrs. O. V. Dean and
Mrs. Karl Owens.
Sigma Delta Tail to
Hold Form til 'Yon.
Sunday, Oct. IS. Sigma Delta
Tau actives will entertain all house
mothers and pledge class 'resi
dents on the campus, honoring
their pledge class. Tea will be
served from 3:30 until ri:.'-'!0 and
Frances Ka'in, .leanne T-'.ehr and
Mrs. Madeline Eaer will stand in
the receiving line.
Mary Kafka, of Wiiliaid. and
Frank J. Klodowski, of Howell.
were married October i. Miss
Kafka has attended the University
of Nebraska.
Eetty Osborne of Omaaa and
Dr. Gerald B. Clifton of North
Tins KICK.
Faculty Women's club at
Ellen Smith hall, 2:30.
Zcta Tau Alpha Mothers
club meeting at the chapter
house, 2:30.
Theta Chi auxiliary dessert
luncheon at the chapter house,
Tassel-Corn Cob rally dance
at the Coliseum.
Loup were married October 1 in
Lincoln. Uoth are graduates of the
I nivcrsity of Nebraska where Miss
Osborne is a member of Alpha Xi
Polta and Mr. Clifton is affiliated
with Xi Psi Phi.
T n A. Pi"s Hold
Dinner in Omaha.
In the way of a celebration or
rather a consolation, ten members
of Alpha Omicion Pi met tor din-
j nor Saturday night in Omaha at
i the Paxton hotel. The gills were
jail visiting in Omaha over the
j weekend.
j III i O Seniors
I Take Sneak Night.
Along with the nienibeis of sev-
'T;il campus pledge classes who
skipped out Monday night observ
ing: that peculiar tradition of sneak
' night ... .sneaked the members of
I the Chi Omega senior class.... we
jwondcr if they will be subject to
'any of the usual punishments?
! i.. 4
; Kappa l'lii
I Fnterlaiii!-.
Kappi Phi. Methodist gii'lV
'club, will entertain guests at a
party Thursday evening in Ellen
; Smith hall at seven o'clock. The
affair, which is scheduled as a
.Mutual Admiration Gathering of
'Celebrated Women, will be at
tended by girls in the costume of
l.uvious personalities. Miss Jenny
Hoarsen is chairman of the event.
j A .
: Beta Alliance
lea for Mother.
j Monday afternoon at the Beta
I Theta Pi house members of the
' Alliance organization entertained
:at a tea honoring the mothers of
:the new pledge class. About thirty
five attended the affair and sev
eral out-of-state mothers were
I present.
! -
! Leona Ruth Sturdevant and
! Virgil Carl Hickman were rnar
! ricd Sept. S in Wanneta. Miss
' Stuniovant has attended the l.'ni
U'crsity of .Nebraska.
,' .:-
; Koi-enficM-Speier.
I October 10, .Harriett Rosenfield
land Millard H. Speier were mar
j ned in Omaha. Both are graduates
i of the University of Xebraska
where Mr. Speier is affiliated with
Zcta Beta Tau.
Seen on Ag eampus:
A beautiful bright yellowish
grange tree near ag hall... Ann
Oersip keeping tennis records for
Mrs. Oanielson. . ..Students already
planning- what they will wear to
the farmer's formal. . .Miss Metz
ger at the Y finance dinner...
Velma New trying to find some
one with a tennis racket. .. Har
riet Adam's shoes being epiite the
topic of discussion in ec class. . .
Merle Hendricks combing his hair
with a pretty lil' pink comb....
Tom A it ken had fun this weekend
being footloose and fancy free...
Miss Carse kindly giving some
girls a ride down town Zook
entering the library with a most
bewildered look ... Gladys Morgan
entering the cafeteria with the ag
boarding club. .. Pauline Walters
dashing around making prepara
tions for the Y. W. tea... in spite
of everything Betty Stewart and
Howard Peterson are going steady
again Ag girls' intramural team
playing soccer baseball. .. Russell
Stout and his characteristic nod.
The Ag W. W. C. A. staff in
vites everyone to their meeting
Wednesday at five m the home ec
parlors. The topic of discussion
at the present time is politics and
the heads of the young political
clubs will speak.
Delian I'nion to
Hohl Hour Dance.
The Delian Union Literary So-
:cietv will hold an hour dance
mi Friday night, Oct. 16, room
1 303 in the Temple building at 9
o'clock. A program consisting of
j various musical numbers, skits and
a short talk will be given. All un
! affiliated students are urged to at
tend. Refreshments will be served.
I a:
I Johnson-Miller.
Announced Saturday in Omaha
(was the approaching marriage of
i Dons Johnson and Gay Miller. 1 he
! ceremony will take place Novcm-
ber 2 at the Westminster Presby
Iterian church in Omaha. Both Miss
j Johnson and Mr. Miller have at
I tended the University of Xc
j braska. Miss Johnson is a member
of Delta Gamma and Mrs Miller
; is affiliated with Kappa Sigma.
j 4 -f r
j Scroggin-I'aine.
I Recently announced was the
j marriage of Margaret Scroggin
land Howard C. Paine, which took
! place in Beatrice September 23.
i Mr. Paine is a graduate of the
j University of Nebraska.
j s. :?
In Long Pine on October 4,
i Marie Bassott and Karl Anderson
j were married. Miss Bassett is a
former student of the University
! of Nebraska.
i Iirnlook-I)rier.
Saturday in Kansas City, Mo.,
! Enid Doan Birn brook and Albert
jDiier of Crete were married. Mrs.
I Drier is a former student of the
i University of Nebiaska and is a
! member of Phi Omega Ti.
Graduate Students Working
For Advanced Degrees
Receive Posts.
Announcement of the names of
118 university graduate scholars,
fellows, and graduate assistants,
who will act as assistants in the
various departments for the com
ing year was released Saturday
by school officials. All persons
who were selected for the posi
tions are working for advanced
degrees at the university, accord
ing to the report issued.
In addition to representatives
of Nebraska schools, colleges and
universities, graduates of colleges
in Texas. Missouri, Iowa, Ohio,
Kansas, Alabama, Minnesota, Wis
consin, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New
York, Indiana, South Dakota,
Michigan, and Wyoming are in
cluded in the list.
Following is the complete list
of students, their degree, and their
department. All persons are grad
uate assistants unless otherwise
indicated :
Rev. Henry Schedules Series
Of Fireside Meetings at
Campus Church.
First of a series of "home and
j fireside" meetings, scheduled lor
all Presbyterian students of the
i university and their friends this
i semester will be held this evening
from 7 to S o'clock in the Presby
terian student manse, according to
an announcement made by Mr.
R. B. Henry, Presbyterian student
I Emphasizing the fact that there
are over one thousand students
enrolled at Nebraska who are con
I nected with the Presbyterian
! church, Mr. Henry explained that
j these regularly scheduled meetings
! will be held in an informal man
j nor in order that both new and
old students may become ac
quainted. I No definite program will be
! planned for the gatherings at
i which Mr. Henry and his wife will
i act as host ami hostess, and dis
j cussinn of topics of interest to
i the group attending the meeting
I will occupy the larger part of the
j hour, in addition to the social en
! tertainment, Mr. Henry announced.
Fall ' swings into ; its
stride V '..' and the mo
tion is passed and sec
onded by the new free
dom of these three glo
rious Swing Fashions,
created of FETIREP, a
faille alpaca weave of
the NEW Rayons of
Fashion, and it's Crown
Tested for long wear
J 1 '"&-J
SIZES 12 to 20
-4-..iin lit
Yearbook Editor Requests
Students to Plan for
Kniphasizing the need of student
co-opei atimi in ol der to make pos
sible a complete representation in
photographic panels of the Corn
huskrr. Bill Maish. editor m chief,
again meed students to have their
pictures taken as soph as possible
The deadline set by which all
pictures must be taken is Sunday,
Nov. IS. Appointments can be
made with Townsind studios who
arc doing the photographic work
for this year's annual.
Special emphasis is made re
garding this year's offer by the
business .staff of a copy of Baird's
"Manual of American Fiaterni
ties." One of these boo'.;s will be
given to each fraternity and soro
rity that has a KM) percent rep
resentation of their juniors and
seniors in the class sections.
Prices charged for placing
photographs in the fiaternity and
sorority groups will be and
.S'J.'Ja is the pi ice for a class pic
ture, but a special offer is being
made allowit g the printing in both
si clions for only "2.."iU. Doiis Hayes, who received
her M A. di;,ice here in botany
several years ago. was in Lincoln
visiting ber parents. She ad
dressed in. rubers of the botanical
;--eminar Wednesday even:n on
the international botanic;. 1 con
gress held a year ago in Holland.,
I i
: Pro!, .lib s Honey, chairman of j
'the department of mechanical en
gineering, will show his Mexican
pictures at the Hiram club meet
ing at the Chamber of Commerce
Wedne.'day noon.
Leaders of Hobby Groups
To Be Introduced by
Miss Bannister.
At a mass meeting of all women
students interested in hobby
groups, at 7 o'clock tonight, at El
len Smith hall. Majorie Bannis
ter, president of coed counselors,
will int Dduce the heads of the
various hobby groups and will ex
plain the program for the year.
Betty Magee will have charge
of the scrapbook hobby group:
Virginia Nolte of tho dramatics
group; Dorcas Crawford of the
knitting group: and Virginia Fleet
wood of charm school.
Publicity chairman for the or
ganization is Hrylu Petersen. Miss
Elsie Piper sponsors coed counselors.
l.uM 2 l)u!
1 1
thiill ) lashr
ir.mW: Mr. Ilfrils Klrl frund
1. ill's aiiutlirr man l tmu-!
. umvii'Liui
.loll ' lilli ! Jitliihint !
. . . iind li! so imiiiindr!
Heitkottcrs ""' I"'' Market
A. I'oimry
M.ikors of Fine Sausages
and Barbecued Meats
Your Garment
Consult the old reliable
Cleaners in Lincobi
Since 1904
Modern Cleaners
Soukup A Westover
Call F2377 for Service
"Air. Deeds d'tii s lo
"Mary ol" Seollaii-l''
"Amluissa.lor Mill-'
"(live Me Your
"Everything Is
Thunder" '
rfCl Ifv
l M -
...and let Rudge's help you
fashion, will, help award you
honors in these...
You will fiiul
ricii, classic
charm in llieso
luxurious styles.
You'll lo at
your devastating
white, pale blue,
best ! Glistciiinjr
irrecn, or black
satin lattii hlaek velvet . . . corona
lion blue or red . . . one as smart ns
the other!
Pinched waistlines and pcplums . . .
coy full skirts combine yesterday's
charm and clecrance and this year's
Sizes 12 to 20.
RUPEE'S Srionit Floor.
Velvet Wraps
The Coronation is re
flected so clearly in
t hose lovely velvet
wraps! High ruffled
collars squared
shoulders ....floor
sweepinp.' skirls. You
may choose from capo or lull slcccd. coat
( 'rushed iirapc and black velvet. Lined with
heavy, gleaming white satin. Interlined for
warmth on cold winter cvenintrs. Sizes 11
and 1G.
RUDGE'S Second Floor.
fashion recommends . . .
Jewelry of Note .
Kudirc's metis the demands of
fashion and also warms the hearts
of the young hudgeteers by offer
ing costume jewelry that looks
like a miMion but costs so little! Pearls and
rhinestoms hold their own! Iiins, bracelets,
necklaces, clips, pins . . . everything to Wake,
.your outfit complele and beautiful!
arSK5 Wariiw ws&atifs -s&zrviu&.
TtU DUE'S Street Floor.
a gay array of formal
(litterinp r h i n cstonos!
Dainty hlaek and white
seed pearl purses! All
durable and attractively
Rf DOE'S .Street I lour.
imported French kid
Of rinirff. ni fnrm1
outfit It" complete
without Just the ril-ht
kind of cloves!
hnvc them! lively
deft Kkina . . . mv
nle nr elaborste cuff
treatments .... .
t. 1 n c k, brown or f- -r
white. Sizes 514 n , s
slim silhouette formal
lines of lovliness with-
Be thorough in as
sembling your outfit
. . . have it complete
from inside out!
These smooth tailor
ed crepe formal slips
fit beautifully for
even the closest fit
ting gowns.
Tailored in tea
rose or white.
Sizes 32 to 42
- RtrrXJE'S Svonl Flum-.
Semi-stepin com
bination of fig
ured Twin- Las
tique sides and
back with match
ing cloth, boned
front, lace bust.
Get ready for the
Empire fashions
mould your silhouette.
16 inch skirt . . .
Sizes 32 to 42
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