The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 16, 1936, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Schooner are Dr. S. M. Corey of
Teachers college who has written
on "West Dakota Collego"; Nellie
J. Compton, retired university li
brarian on "Of Another Day";
Rudolph Umlimd, former student,
on "Rise and Fall of Woleben"; A,
H. Hartman, Louisville, Neb., who
graduated last year, "Life and the
Heat," and Gilbert Doane, librarU
an, who has contributed his "Bib
Jorry LaNoue ami a group of
admiring coeds caking in the
Moon Kenny ravey and Klea-
nor Compton still seen about to
rather. .. .Jimmy Bunting and
'.ie Webster talking about
....Ruth and Ralph Ludwiek
: ; :ng that tbey are really twins
....Burr Ross and Dick Laverty
worrying about Ag campus activi
ties Bob Leaeox telling one of
his "tall stories" Llotty Kulton
and John Dallmg planning to go to
another show. .. .Bob Alexander
managing to look fresh and
springy in the midst of winter. . . .
Nona Jane Moore and Bob Wad
hanis worrying about whether the
car will start Kuth DeKlotz
and Betty Christensen demonstrat
ing the old adage that opposite
attract each other Beth Taylor
worrying about games for the Co
ed Counselor party Sarah
Louise Meyer and Molly Carpen
ter talking about dramatics. . . .
Eill Clayton taking pictures of
anything and everything Wahl-
quist and Whitaker Lhe Damon and
Pythias of the rumpus Pi Phi s
and their wrist corsages. .. .Dave
Sowles the campus enigma
Doris foreman and Vernon Andrei
still very much in love and
ruuih speculation about Jim
Heidi's love affairs.
Members of Mortar Board, sen
ior women's honorary, will spon
sor a tea Sunday afternoon, Feb.
23. from 3 to 5 o'clock in Ellen
Smith hall, for the purpose of rec
ognizing credible and high schol
arship. Guests at the affair will
be all those who attained an aver
age of 80 or more last year.
Lorraine Hitchcock is in general
charge of arrangements for the af
fair. She will be assisted by Eliza
beth Bushee who will take care of
serving. Lois Rathburn, who will
arrange for a musical program,
and Virginia Selleck and Phyllis
Jt-an Humphrey, who will be in
charge of decorations.
Celebrating founders day Ci" the
national Mortar Board, active and
alumnae members of the organiza
tion met for luncheon and business
"meeting Saturday afternoon at the
Cornhusker. Following a shoit
speech of welcome by Alaiie Bar
ke.s, president of the active chap
ter, in which she gave an out
line of Mortar Board history. Mis.
Y. V. Coleman, national president
of Mortar Board was introduced.
Mrs. Coleman spoke on the accom
plishment and expansion of nation
al Mortar Board.
Among the fifty gwesl-s present
w re three prominent out of town
ahmmae: Mrs. Jack Henny (De
Ions Deadmanj, Fairbury; Breta
Peterson, Dunning; and Mra. Horn
by of Papilhon.
ALICE Sprague of Beatrice be
came the bride of P,yn.n Goulding
of Omaha, at a late afternoon cer
emony Saturday in Beatrice. The
bride attended Ward Belmont at
Nashville, Tenn.. and the univer
sity, where she is a member of
New Styles & Sizes in Corre
spondence & Note Paper.
Special for February!
0 8hU Paper,
W Knvelol.
Washington's Birthday
St. Patrick's Day
Party Favor
far Your
Houe Parties
Many IV
I If rml
Honorary Tassel.
Dorothy Jean Browne, daughter
of Coach VV. H. Browne, was pre
sented at the Nebraska-Iowa State
basketball game Saturday night as
an honorary member of Tassels,
girls pep organization.
fA B1513 1213 N Strt
k'srau Karma Gamma. Mr. Gould
ing, a Beta Theta Pi at Nebraska,
was prominent in campus activ
ities and was elected to Innocents
in his senior vear.
OF interest to university stu
dents is the wedding of John
Keriakedes and Everyl Moscroft
which was solemnized Friday eve
ning. Several prominent univer
sity men were ushers at the affair
including Jerry LaNoue, George
Suer, John Reynolds and Robert
Taylor, cousin of the bride.
FRIDAY evening rnaiked the
wedding date of Gretchen Maggi
and Ray Kerr, both graduates of
the university where Mr. Kerr was
a member of Chi I'm iraiernuy.
CAM MA Phi Beta alumnae were
entertained Saturday at a luncheon
at the chapter house. Twenty-five
were present and Mrs. Arthur
Perry and Mrs. Gerald Merritt
served sir hostesses. The afternoon
was spent with a business meeting
and a short program.
CHI Phi auxiliary is giving a
buffet supper Sunday night for all
members and their dates at the
chapter house. Composing the
committee in charge are Prof, and
Mrs. R. J. Pool, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Wentz, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Linderman and Prof, and Mrs.
Harold W. Stoke.
CHAPERON Club will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 2:15 with
Mrs. Pearl Petermichael at the Pi
Beta Phi house. Assisting host
esses will be Mrs. Margaret Smith,
Mrs. Olive Orr. Mrs. Sarah H.
Nelson, Mrs. K!"i" Tblwt nd
Mrs. Gumav Harlan.
NATIONAL Executive Secretary
H. B. Davison, Theta Xi, visited
with the local chapter UiU week
end. He was a guest of the mem
bers at the Iowa State-Nebraska
game Saturday night.
MRS. Brougham Wayland, Eta
Province pesident of Zeta Tau
Alpha, v.ill arrive Monday fror
Kansas City to be a guest of the
Iocs! chapter until Wednesday.
ALUMNAE of Sigma Alpha Iota
will entertain the members of the
active chapUr at a dinner at the
University club, Wednesday, Feb.
SUNDAY afternoon second se
mester freshmen women of the
university are to be entertained
with a taffy pull by the Coed
I Counselor board at Ellen Smith
hall. The party will be from 3 to 5.
TJuests at the affair will be Miss
Elsie Ford Piper and Miss Leila
'.Hark, who are also sponsor of
.he organization. Fifty are s.x-
( jetted to attend.
Appearances indicate that cam
pus socialites have finally decided
to give In to the whims of the
weather man. Buffet suppers and
quiet entertainment seem to be
the program for Sunday afternoon
and evening fuu seekers. Sigma
Nu's take honors for the most
elaborate party of the day with
their sweetheart dinner at the
chapter house this evening, while
Chi Phi's run a close second with
another one of their delightful
Sunday night suppers. Entertain
ment all over the campus looks
interesting If a bit unexciting.
Girls whose parlors are equipped
with large lirepiaces win proouuiy
find their popularity mounting
this weather. We hear that today
especially," a quiet evening at
home." or at one of the fraternity
or sorority houses, indulging in
some miui parior game sucn as
Monopoly, which wid doubtless be
nn the nrnornm for Theta's and
D. U.'s, or the age old bridge bat
tles at S. A. E. and Kappa head
quarters, will prevail. "Campus
cakes conform to criterion of cozy
college crowos.
Members of Sigma Alpha Iota,
musical sorority, will hold an in
formal rush musical this after
noon at the home of Mrs. W. H.
Meginnis. The program of the af
fair will be furnished by Evelyn
Slowell, piano, Harriett Byron,
voice. Vera Kelly, violin, and
Velora Beck, piano. Arrangements
are being made by the following
committees: Transportation, Inez
Heaney and Ruth Hill, refresh
ments, Dorothea Gore, Inez
Heaney, Vera Kelly, and Harriett
Byron. About fifty guests will be
Among the Nebraska contribu
tors in the coming issue of Prairie
10c pR UNE
LOST Blaek .-irid tol.l fountain pn
with June Holland's nnmo on it.
Liberal reward. Call BN'M.
in Bachelor
Rough Dry
333 North 12
Mail Order Filled at Lincoln' Buiy Store We Give S. A H. Stamptl
. . . . leads the Spring
Fashion Fleet into Port
tarf tr 4 - i- 4" V f I 1111
6f- 'Mi i
Smart! . . . for Everyone!
Ahoy Mates! It's the color named for pi
rates. A dashing color, true to its name . . . riding
1m: higli seas of fashion . . . taking all the honor . . . HWPt'p
.iij everything else asiJc for color i-rcfcrencc this Spring.
t'H smart all by itself, or allied with lariiig accent colors.
mt yourself about trwit . . . but hurry to (Jo'h for your
'avy frock . . . tailored in silks, sliecrs or prints . . . fash-oiK-.'l
in jacket, one piece or two pice models.
GOLD'S Third i'lvor.