i TUESDAY, FKHKUAllY 11, 1936. TI1E DAILY NERRASKAN THREE POTENTIALS OUT F PRACTICE, STUDY Preliminary Instruction Is Meted Out to Nebraska Grid, Track Candidates. Potential 1936 Huskcr grldstcrs i mm cm rated a week of preseason conditioning Monday afternoon which included rehearsal in the rudiments of football and prelim inary track lessons. The necessity of ntrenuous ex ercises was quite obvious, ns Ne braska's hopes for a highly suc cessful grid season bore evidence of flabblness and avoirdupois. Llovd Cardwell. Cornhusker star halfback and All-American candi date, is topping the scales at 215 nnunris hut exnects to be down to 190 by March 2, the first day of spring football. Frca smrey, boo Mehring, and all the rest of the re turning veterans are also working out. A great number of Coach Ed Weir's frosh team are wearing the spiked shoes and drab sweat clothes of the trackmen. George Seeman, Omaha guard candidate next fall, looks promising as do Bill Anderson, Adna Dobson, Bob Mills, Marvin Flock, Thurston Phelps, Sam Swartzkopf, and Bill Calllhan. Plock. speedy Lincoln high athlete, has caught the eye of Coach Henry F. Schulte, and is rapidly developing his abilities. New Trackstert Report. Coach Ed Weir is conducting a series of short wind sprints for the benefit of the freshmen prospects. "Wild Bill" Calllhan, despite his obesity, was able to break the tape ahead of the smaller men In the sprints, ranging from forty to sixty yards. Warmer weather brought out throngs of new tracksters whom Coach Schulte has hot yet been able to look over. Veteran track men are continuing their workouts without regarding the budding football men. Fred Matteson, long distance runner, was timed at 2 minutes and 17 seconds In three a half and laps of the Indoor track. Harold Jacobsen. Big Six con ference sprint champion, will leave the university this June after he receives his degree from the law college, where he is a senior, to at tend school in California. He is striving for the Los Angeles Ath letic Club, one of the greatest or ganizations for trackmen In the country. "Jake" won the 60 yard dash in 6.2 seconds last year at Columbia, Mo., tleing the confer ence record. He placed second in the 100 and 220 yard dashes in a triangular meet among Kansas U, Kansas State, and Nebraska last year. In a dual meet with Kansas State last year "Jake" stepped the 100 yard dash in 9.8 seconds and the 220 yard dash in 21.7 seconds. PROFESSIONAL MAT CLOWNING DETRACTS FROM COLLEGE SPOR t AMES, la., Feb. 10. A majority of the Big Six conference wrest ling coaches agree that profession al wrestling detracts from the popularity of the college sport ac cording to a recent survey con ducted by Hugo Otopalik, grap pling mentor at Iowa State College and United States Olympic wrest ling coach in 1932. In answer to the question, "How has professional wrestling affect ed the college sport in your sec tion?" four agreed that the in creasingly popular professional sport has had some effect. Okla homa, mecca of wrestling cham pions, has not been affected in the opinion of Paul J. Keen, coach at the university. Collegiate wrestling at Kansas State has likewise not been harmed says B. R. Patterson, grappling mentor there. "To most people in this section, wrestling signifies professional wrestling," stated Guy Sapping ton, coach at the University of Missouri, "and more of them pre fer it to college wrestling. They have not been thoroughly educat ed in amateur wrestling." The loop coaches are also In fa ;gL HI3 CHAMPIONSHIP OR PRE SEASON U9& Of OiCfflBSJgSBar- lQlfS II90&-09 AT 1fJrZ 1 AT WARRENSBUOO TCACHER3 COLvSINCC Vj 191 81 BALL COACHES- HAS ALWAYS WORKED IN j LARGELY 1 1, LVAvA 51 rM 1 f U I hi i High Point Mun I 1 . ..rLrvTi ...... I Wrr ... HAS AISO MELD THE I ldi-9 fyt3CSTATE JUMIO TEMMIS TITUfV f JSsftJ$T AND THE STATE H16H SCHOOL"". 1 1 rfe.-. AU0 THE SOUTNWtSTERM NEBRASKA grV. CHAMPIONSHIPS vor of eliminating overtime bouts and dispensing wim ume advan tage watches, the poll indicated. The grappling mentora were unan imous in agreeing to do away with overtime matches in dual and con ference meets. The vote was four to two favoring the elimination of time advantage watcnes. "This would seem to indicate." Otopalik predicted, "that Big Six coaches are In favor of speeding up matches and 'nstilling more ac tion into the bouts." Another of the Cyclone tutor's theories, that of discontinuing wrestling for third places In the conference tournament, did not meet with such unanimity of ap proval from the other coaches. Four of the six answered aen nltely in favor of the present third place matches. Bigger Crowds. Two Iood schools, Kansas State and Nebraska, are looking for ward to increased spectator inter est and bigger crowds in me sport this season. The six conference wpntMnir teams will comDete In a total of thirty dual meets, includ ing ten conference matcnes, in ad dition to the conference tourna TYipnr nr Norman. Okl.. March 6 and 7, and the national collegiate meet. Excluding Oklahoma, which in nnt taklne nart In any confer ence dual meets this season, the Big Six teams will complete a run riMinrt-rohln schedule of duals. Kansas State has the largest squad of varsity and prep candi dates, 100. Nebraska and Iowa State follow with 70 apiece. The state of Oklahoma is strongest in wrestling interest, Otopaltk's sur vey shows. Fifty-five high schools and colleges in that state promote wrestling teams. Missouri ranks next with 50, while Kansas boasts 45 and and Iowa, 35. NeDrasiia is far behind her sister states as she supports only 13 teams. AMES ATHLETES TO TACKLE EIGHT SQUADS IN WEEK AMES, la., Feb. 10. Three bas ketball games, two wrestling meets, a pair of swimming duals, and a trark meet are included in the Iowa State college athletic schedule for the coming week. These eight Cyclone contests, four of them Big Six conreience ar fairs, will be held within the space of seven days. The Cyclone rage quintet will trek to Columbia, Mo., today to seek revenge against the Univer sity of Missouri Tigers. Friday the Iowa State five leaves for a road trip on which it will meet TRAIL ,u ftfiVRS. KANSAS'" 1913-19 INCL THE INTEREST OF THE GAME" BASKET THRU HIS EFFORTS.. Jl Director Athletic SUniv Kansas w on Hunker Squntl GE.OROE HUSKER fORWARD FROM HASTINGS -after the kausas stats game he lcd 7UEBl6$l From Tub Sunday Journal and Star. Nebraska at Lincoln Saturday and Kansas State at Manhattan on Feb. 17. With a record of two wins out of three trials, the Cyclone grap plers will terminate their non conference schedule when they meet the University of Indiana squad at Ames Friday night. Next Wednesday the Cyclones will open their Big Six pursuit against Mis souri at Columbia. An untested Iowa State track squad will journey to Minneapolis, Minn., this week end where it will meet the University of Minnesota In the first dual meet of the year. Coach Jake Daubert will take his Cyclone swimmers north this week end also. They will meet Carleton college at Northfield, Minn., Friday and Gustavus Adol phus at St. Peter, Minn., Satur day. Loeffel Devises Two-Day's Meat Dealers' Course A short course for retail deal ers will be offered Feb. 24 and 25 at the meat laboratory at the uni versity college of agriculture. Prof. W. J. Loeffel, professor of animal husbandry, is promoting the two day course, which is being held for the first time on the Nebraska campus. A full program has been ar ranged for the meat retailers who attend. Speakers will include M. O. Cullen of the National live stock and meat board, Prof. H. J. Gramlich, chairman of the animal husbandry department of the uni versity, and Prof. Forrest C. Blood, professor of advertising and sales management. The retailers .will participate in a meat Judging contest on Monday afternoon, Feb. 24. to be conduct ed by Nebraska's international champion meat Judging team, com posed of four college of agriculture men. Among the topics to be discussed by prominent speakers are shrink age In meats and Its relation to profit, how to sell slow-moving cuts, selling meat by telephone, utilizing waste products from the small retail shop, and the psychol ogy of meat salesmanship. In presenting the course, the university is co-operating with the national livestock and meat board, the Institute of American meat packers, and the federation of Ne braska retailors. According to Pro fessor Loeffel, similar courses have been well received for some years in Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Trinity College students are pe titioning for the abolition of the chapel. Students of Martha Berry col lege in Georgia may dance only waltzes and quadrilles, have dates of only an hour and a half dura tion on Sunday, may not have radios in their rooms nor enter into competitive athletics with other colleges. Driving; on the campus has been forbidden to Purdue students. The peculiarities of New Eng land speech are being gradually lost, say Harvard authorities. Even the Harvard accent itself is no longer sacred. Amherst students will be allowed unlimited cuts in the future. Washington University (St. Louis) has one of the finest coin collections in the country. It num bers 13,000 pieces. A permanent national youth program to replace NYA is pro vided for in a bill now before con gress. Advertisement in the West Vir ginia University daily: "Man Wanted. By two popular sorority girls, two handsome gentlemen for dating purposes. Social assets re quired." Ohio State laboratories use 5,000 frogs a year, at 15 cents apiece. Twantv aersons were lvnched In the southern states and California during 1935, according to Tuske gee Institute records. University of Toronto students are taking; an unofficial "purity test, which by means or a ques tionnaire, alms to determine their moral status. An extensive four year course is being broadcast on the radio by three Chicago universities. , DRILL WITH 13 VETS Reserves Chief Concern to Oklahoma as Workouts Get Under Full Headway. NORMAN, Feb. 10. With thir teen of twenty-seven letter men returning from last yoHr one less than half the Oklahoma football squad Monday will plunge Into what will bo Its first spring foot ball practice under Capt. Law rence "Biff" Jones whose appoint ment to the university last year came too late for an organized spring drill, "Our chief problem is develop ing reserves," asserts Captain Jones. "Also we must find bucks who can serve both as quarter backs and bHll-carrlcrs, develop left tackles, ami devote lots of at tention towards improving our end situation .The fact several of our better freshmen prospects lost out In their classwork has made our reserve situation a problem. "We're going to spend lots of time on passing and pass defense. "We'll start off with team play and the usual period of group work to improve the Individual playing. Robertson Gets Appointment. "Robert "Doc" F.rsklne, our backfield coach and Tom Stldham, line coach, will assist with the coaching and 1 am also hopeful that Frank "Speck" Moore, who schooled our ends last fall will have time to assist us this spring and also be with us next autumn as part-time end coach." Captain Jones also announced that Melbourne "Nig" Robertson, senior quarterback who graduates next June, will serve as assistant freshman coach next fall. All practice sessions this spring will be closed to the public. Lettermen lost are Capt. Merris McDannald, J. W. "Dub" Wheeler, John Miskovsky, Melbourne "Nig" Robertson, Karey Fuqua, Ken Lit tle, Jack Harris, Raleigh Francis, Ben Peyner, Wesley Beck, Harry Ellis, Vivien Nemecck, Delmar Stelnbock and Dewey Tennyson, Thirteen "O" Men Return. Lettermen returning are: Elmo "Bo" Hewes, Al Corrotto, BUI Breeden, Jack Baer. and Woodrow Hudleston, backs; Pete Smith and Dean Cutchall, ends; Ralph Brown and Fred Ellsworth, tackles; Con nie Ahrens, Fred Ball and Jiggs Walker, guards; and William "Red" Conkrlght, center. Squad men returning include: Webber Merrcll, Raphael Bou dreau, Nathan Anderson and John Parrish, backs: John Bridges, R. A. Cox and Dick Ware, ends; Bill Estell and Tom Short, tackles; Boyd Barnett and James Brock man, centers. All freshmen still have scholas tic eligibility requirements to sat isfy. Freshmen backs who will re port include: James Brennan, Eu faula; Earl Crowder, Cherokee; Dick Favor, Crescent: James Miller, Duncan; Woodrow McCon nell, Stigler; C. W. McConnell, Stigler; Hugh McCullough, Okla homa City; Louis Minor, Kaw City; Terrance "Huck" Rice, King fisher; Otis Rogers, Oilton; Leon Sehnaubert, Carlsbad, N. M.; Andy Stoner Oklahoma City; and Eddie Torlbio, New Oceans, La. Freshmen ends include Keet Carglll, Oklahoma City; Herbert Mathers. Enid; F. D. Mcnge. Okla homa City; Earnest Swank, Still water and Walter "Waddy" Young, Ponca City. Freshmen tackles are: George Grace. Hartshorne; James Glass, Geary; Joe Kraft, Fort Smith, Ark.; George Montgomery, Chicka sha; and Jack Reaves, Oklahoma City. Freshmen guards Include: Ever ett Athens. Tulsa; Charles "Pe k" Martin, Norman; Pete Oakes, Oklahoma City; James Thomas, Oilton; Woodrow Vaughn, Tipton; Harry Williams, Britton; and Mar tin Fuller, Enid. Freshmen centers Include: Ver non Mullens, Seminole and Harry Rector, Enid. The pioneer spirit is not yet dead in New England. Sixty-five coeds are out for the rifle team at the University of Vermont. A bell case by Paul (Here Come the British) Revere used to wake students at Colby college in Maine. Full House of Tiger Jeerers Spend Huskers Win Anyway; To Face Cyclone (Jninl On Home Kink Saturday A full house did Missouri no good as Nebraska trumped her ace 43-33 in a torrid cage contest Sat urday night at Columbia. It was a full house that consisted of not a cheering, but a jeering crowd, that booed the officials, the score keepers, and lulled the referees with the "Three Blind Mice'' mere ly as self concocted recreation. The mob conduct is mentioned be cause it was this that entertained cash customers the second half and not the ball game. For half vthe playing time the fracas was as expected, an eye and tooth affair, but following the curfew at the half Missouri was never considered by the goddess victory. All Big Six fans were kneeling nightly by their bedsides last week to strengthen the Husker chances for a necessary win. That is, all except Coach Forrest Allen and the Jay boys. Had Nebraska lost, as was far from improbable, the Jayhawk would have had the top conference rank undieputably leased for the season's remainder. It was not Wahlquist's intention that the Scarlet should drag, how ever, and so he monotonously dropped In lay-in shots from a fast break until eighteen pelts hung from his belt. Little Whitaker was his able accomplice with cisrht points. . Fast play typified the game Kiillhark in Fall, riW't ('QJ if whem in high I 5 MW mM SCHOOL IN OBERLIN, ! 'vk M: INTER SCHOLASTIC JtA m CHAMPIOM V?i liTkV . Vf . IW THE ..vH3l Sam.x Francis M w StKmCHEfii No, Becky, a coach teaches muscles, but he must have more than muscle to teach with. Now take Coach William Harold Browne for instance. He graduated from Morton high school, Richmnd, Ind., so he must have attended grade school some place. Wc wouldn't want to make any more conclusions as to why he attended so many universities. First there was Earl ham college at Richmond, then State Normal ut LaCrosse, Wis,, and lastly the Normal college of the American gymnastic union at Indianapolis ,Ind., from which he graduated in scheduled time. He graduated with a bachelors degree, but was soon the victim of rice and old shoes. The lucky lady's name is Mrs. Browne. What it was, I know not. In the present Browne house (painted white) there are two little Browne children (same color as the house). Statistics show that one is a boy and the other a gal, Billy and Dorothy Jean. The coaching idea came to Browne when he was just a little lad. His first tutoring duties were in the Auburn high school in Au burn, Ind. This quintet was run nerup in the district tournament. So you see, he stalled his pam collecting at an early age. Then he went to the Froebet public school of Gary, Ind., for a spell. From there to the home of the Red and Black here in Lincoln. Everyone is conscious of his rec ord compiled in these portal. His football team went thru all their opponents like they were green lights, losing only three games in ten years. Among the barriers overcome were Lane Tech of Chicsgo and Waite high of Toledo, Ohio. Now, in bas ketball, three times Browne's teams wore the championship smile and had a .750 averap for a decade. Appreciating his talents, the state invited him to help manufac ture athletes on this campus. From this point hence, you know the story. Upon his still staunch bosom are found greek symbos galore. He is duly affiliated with Phi Epsilon Kappa and Sigma Phi Epsilon so cial fraternities plus the Phi Delta Kappa educational fraternity. Fine Evening Fretting throughout as did frequently missed set-ups by the Huskers. Nebraska can boast of little de- I fense as Beer. Strom, Howell, and Henderson ran amuck on several i occasions. j With Ray Ebling paving the way, Kansas knocked off Okla homa to remain in an antagonistic lead over the Brownemen. The Jayhawks displayed similar action to that of Nebraska as they de voted most of their minutes to of fense, but came through with a 43-36 score. By virtue of this score, Kansas can still carry a clean con ference . slate into her next en counter. Saturday will bring Nebraska another tough assignment. That Iowa State gang will attempt to repeat a prized victory over the Huskers. Earlier in the season, you will remember, the Cyclones oozed out a 40-41 win over the Scarlet, but the slightly conquered have improved enough since that time to be the conquerors providing that they let nothing slip. Looking over the entire Big Six set-up for the week, there is an interesting; arrangement. The lead ers, Kansas, play the bottom team, the Haggles; the next to high quint, Nebraska, plays the next to low, Iowa State; and the two mid dle fives, Oklahoma and Missouri, tangle at Norman. The standings: KanpuR (t limti .Nehraskn 2 .!'; i (iw imma .1 ItHi I II ,-onri . . 2 1 .-.:' hv.-H st:-p 2 I Kansan Staff 1 j 4 Now Shot-Putter VERSATILITY IS SAWS MIDDLE NAME HE PUTS THE SHOT Yk In the spring and S TATPC TUF DlA;iflM IN THE FALL '3 Kr.itn The Sunuay .'imrnnl and at nr. Among his other attributes is his appointment to the Coaching Eth- ics Committee of the National As sociation of Basketball coaches. One of the sports writers joys is that Browne is able to fil In on stories many times with his fluent pen. So you see, Becky, a football coach is not what the team rides on, but what "rides on the team. Schramm to Give Lectin'' At Engineer Society Meet A meeting of A. S. C. E. will be held In Mechanical Arts 102 Wed nesday evening, Feb. 12 at 7:30 p. m. Professor Schramm will give an Illustrated lecture on some en gineering problems in Guatemala. Engineering Senior Mew Captain of Rifle TV-am R. J. Brown Is new captain of the varsity rifle team, according to results of recent team elections. Brown is an engineering senior, and this is his third year of com petition. Both student body and faculty at the Armour Institute of Tech nology in Chicago have decided that the use of "Mister" makes for a friendlier feeling between students and teachers than the use of "Professor." In the first "Big Six" confer ence basketball game of his life, Denton Livingston, Oklahoma guard, scored six field goals against Kansas State at Manhat tan and the Sooners won, 42 to 32. Loss of Floyd Lochner, Elwood Cleveland, Dick Chancy and Loris j Moody will severely cripple Coach ' John Jacobs' Oklahoma two-mile ' team next fall. The Sooners won the "Big Six" championship at Manhattan last November. Floyd Lochnor, Oklahoma's na- i tional collegiate two-mile chain- ; pion. will leave Saturday for San Francisco where he will face Nor man Bright, Stanford graduate and holder ot the American out- . door two-mile record of 9:12.2, and Harold Manning, of Wichita, Kas., ; national outdoor 3,000-meters i steeplechase record-holder. In a special two-mile run at the west coast indoor relays Feb. 12. A course in "civilization" de signed to enable students to orient themselves intellectually and spir itually, is being given at St. Law rence university. Columbia University scientists have devised a test to measure the effect of propaganda on the indi vidual. Ph. D.'s are almost certain Job tickets today, says Northwestern university's placement bureau, with starting salaries averaging $200 monthly. King's college, London univer sity, has Just founded the only completely autonomous school of journalism In England. Columbia's class of 1935 is 75 percent employed. Hiteless , IVSJW 'VbMO PUI .fflttXAW EVENT LAST HALF CAMPAIGN Panthers Strengthen Lead In Tournament by Scoring 43-14 Victory Monday Eve Having completed one basketball tournament In January, the Barb cageNters launched a new cam paign on the maples Monday eve ning. The first round of play was Marred by the occurrence of three forfeits, the guilty clubs being thu Ag Cateterla, Richards and Smi ley, and Hlllyer Club. The victors were, respectively, Bluejays, Ram blers, and Barbarians. The Panthers, who came out on top In the previous tournament, In augurated actual play with a 43 14 walk-a-way over the Bruner Club. Ag College Boarding club also went on a scoring rampage, swishing the net for 37 pointH as compared to the 2 points piled up by the Bristols. Top Hats refused to bo taken lightly by the Clippers No. 2 ag gregation, running up a total ot 17 points before succumbing by the narrow margin of one field goal. Tal Club forced the Clippers No. 1 rlub to extend itself before bowing its head In a 22 to 12 loss. The V. M. C. A. lads spent their game-tinin In coaxing the ball thru the hoop for a total of to sur pass the 8 points garnered by the Stratford club quintet. Dwiglit Kitsch, chairman ol Un title arts department, addressed students at Duchesne college at Omaha, Friday on "The Colorful Southwest.' Dt C. II. Oldfather of the col I ogo of ttr((( IUll srionn-s unpointed a member of s has been ppoinled a meniDer oi me com mission on the training and en listment ol college teachers of the Association of American Colleges. Dr. K. E. Stm devant oi the dental college will attend the Chi cago mid-winter dental meeting Feb. 1" to 22. lie will talk on his work In gold easting. Prof. Roy Cochran of the his tory department spoke on "Americanism'- before members attend ing tne American Legion auxiliary meeting at the Llndell hotel Fri day. Miss Marjorle Shanafelt. cu rator of visual education, will re sume her weekly broadcast, "Glimpses of the Museums" Thursday between the hours ol 12 and 12:30. SHIRTS F- ifiisned Each in Bachelor Rough Dry B6961 ear 333 North 12 blend you'll t r. mm em., h. 9