The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1936, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TUESDAY, FEDHUARY 11, 1936.
Daily Nebraskan
Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska.
This p.iper I represented tor general advertising by the
Nebr&eka Preea Aaaoclatlon.
1935 Member 1936'
Associated Gollediate Press
Entered eecond-claee matter at the P",cf
Lincoln, Nebraska, under act of congress, March S.Jf'i,
and at special rate o postage provided tor In section
1103, act of October S, 1917. authorlied January 20, 1922.
Published Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Sunday mornings during the academie year.
Vwln Ryan Editor-in-Chief
George Plpal Arnold Levin
Johnston Snipes Dorothy BenU
Jane Waleott Don Wagner
Eleanor Clizbe
Truman Oberndorf Business Manager
Bob Funk Bob Shellenberc Bob Wadhams
1.50 a year Single Copy 5 cents $1.00 a semester
V50 a year mailed $1.50 a aemester mailed
Under direction of the Student Publication Board.
Editorial Office University Hall 4.
Business Office University Hall 4A.
Blephones Dayi B6891j Night: B6882. B3333 (Journal).
ANOTHER example of the arbitrary tactics
iome to the attention of the Nebrnsknn. Si
onltaneously, wonderment is expressed by per
ions believing the function of a university to
leach liberal thought and action lies not only in
Is preaching but also in its practice. It seems
hat much to the annoyance of dictatorial per
lonalities the human being by nature is rather
Ysentful to obeying the whims of "czars."
Opening second semester the department
)f physical education for women promulgated
t list of regulations for its inmates, many of
ivhom consider themselves such in the term's
most literal sense. Publishing the most dis
heartening rules for girls to obey, the depart
ment creates an undesirable attitude of resent
ment among those who are not supposed to be
merely puppets fulfilling a necessary require
ment for graduation but on the contrary are
intelligent persons capable of doing the right
thing if treated in a manner befitting them.
Guidance is the thing wanted from our
educational staff. This guidancs must take
form by means of providing a tlimulus for ac
tion within the individual and directing his re
actions into the proper channels by careful
steering upon the part of the faculty.
Unfortunately, in the opinion of the Ne
braskan, the department of physical educa
tion for women has deemed it necessary to
fall back upon the wrong methods of pilot
ing their ship. Using the rope and halter they
are dragging the girls through these courses
without considering the adage, "You may
lead a horse to water but you can't force him
to drink." It is only natural that such ac
tions become unpopular.
Formerly girls were allowed three cuts
and three excused absences. But under the
provision of the new program no unexcused
absences are permitted. Infliction of a penalty
making it necessary for them to make up two
hours work for every hour of unexcused ab
sence is a return to the medieval philosophy
of "double punishment for the offender that
he might realize the magnitude of his sins."
Even the elementary school system plays its
share when one learns that three tardy marks
constitutes a cut.
At the end of each six weeks' period re
ports are turned in with the provision that one
cut, not yet made up will be reported incom
plete, two such cuts a condition and three such
cuts a failure. The irony of the farce might be
discovered in the fact that no makeup classes
will be held until after the six weeks' period is
completed and the student is reported as down.
Culminating all this is the provision that "if
one or more cuts beyond the three limit are
taken, the student will automatically receive
failure for a final mark in the course even
though previous cuts have been cleared. Thus
might arise the paradoxical situation of a per
son having an hour more work to her credit
than her neighbor yet flunking while her friend
serenely captures a high mark in the course.
The real injustice, however, arises in the
application of these rules to those persons re
ceiving excused absences. Sickness or extenu
ating circumstances may make it entirely nec
essary for a girl to miss many of her classes.
Instructors in other subjects usually allow one
the opportunity of making up the work or tak
ing an exam to establish an estimate of the stu
dent's worth. But in the case of the physical
education department for women no such con
sideration is granted. No matter what the
cause or how justifiable the reason, if a stu
dent is absent from nine classes she automati
cally receives an incomplete and must register,
within the department, for a full season of
work the following semester.
Just when co-operation from every source
is needed to make the university a desirable
institution, just at the time students base hope
in the future, just at the time faculty members
envision a change in the stagnation of present
policies, just at that critical moment comes
word that a decidedly rccidivistic step is taken.
Only history's timeworn pages give us hope.
It is through them we lenrn that for every
three steps forward two steps backward are
taken. How wonderful would be the elimina
tion of those latter strides.
Off the
Lynn Leonard
Election Approaching
makes political news of supreme importance.
Roosevelt will no doubt be the democratic can
didate, standing on his record and the new
deal policies in general. These policies will
evidently furnish the primary issues for the
election. As a result of this they are being
attacked from all sides, by nearly all the re
publican leaders and by some democratic lead
ers. "With the exception of his recent attack
on Postmaster General Farley and a demand
for his removal by Roosevelt, one republican
leader, who is exceptionally powerful in this
section of the country, is a strong supporter of
the present administration. That is Senator
Norris, who declined to run for re-election to
the Renate in order to campuign for the demo
cratic leader.
Alfred Mossman London
of Kunsas, is one leader in the middle west who
is not supporting Roosevelt, however, but is
devoting all his time to getting himself nomi
nal! for the president's opponent in the full
election. Termed the "Coolidge of the West,"
Landon, who will speuH in Lincoln Feb. 29, re
cently used the celebration at Topeka in honor
of 75 years of Kansas statehood, to deliver his
most pretentious address on national issues,
the theme of which was safety and sanity. Fa
mous for his commonplace utterances which
have been called "Landonisms," he has been
described by Ogden Mills as "an important
contribution to American history." In the
words of William Randolph Hearst, who is
using his many journalistic mediums to help
him receive the republican nomination, "he be
longs to the American people." Managers of
London's campaign claim that he will go to
the republican national convention in Cleve
land next June with at least 182 pledged votes.
William Franklin Knox
who is publisher of the Chicago Daily News, is
another possibility available for the republi
can nomination, but the enthusiasm over Lan
don has put him in the background for the
moment. His method of attack has been to ap
pear before many small groups in endeavor to
get their support and help in the Hearing pri
maries. He told those attending the annual
McKinley day banquet in Cleveland recently
that a "cataclysmic division was rending the
democracy which will be fatal to the democrat
ic success in November." Two days later he
told an audience in Dayton that "business will
have to get into politics or get out of busi
ness." Governor Gene Talmadge
is launching the most bitter attack on t he new
deal and President Roosevelt. "Put the com
munist out of the white house and never let
him return!" was the keynote of his speech at
Macon called by what was self termed the
southern committee to uphold the constitution.
The meeting ended in ballyhoo of his method
of campaign. Discussing his own political
aspirations, the governor declared that any
man was insane who would refuse a chance at
the white house job.
We Have the Tools;
How to Use Them?
One of the purposes of a higher education
is to stimulate the creative ability of the stu
dent. This abstract quality varies in individ
uals, some are heavily endowed with it while
others have little if any. Hard as it is to char
acterize this rare quality, its vital importance
cannot be overlooked. Without creative effort
there would be no progress.
The modern university in stimulating the
student's creative power, however, has placed
the emphasis on scientific and technological
research. The output of these university
trained scientists and engineers has been enor
mous but with disastrous results to a society
that is not prepared for a high geared, scien
tific technology. Society is beginning to find
out that scientific processes and methods are
displacing human labor at an appalling rate.
Education has largely ignored the econom
ic and sociological aspects of modern society
while at the same time overstimulating scien
tific activity to the point where it works to the
detriment of man. In order to build for a
sane, well balanced society the modern univer
sity will inevitably have to licnd the creative
genius of its youth to building an economic
structure that will utilize modern technology
for the benefit instead of the detriment of the
whole of society. This will mean something
more than sending the graduate out to accu
mulate ns much of the earthly goods as he can
in the short space of his lifetime.
As long as the modern university turns
out creative giants in the fields of science, and
chooses to ignore the development of a well
ordered economic and social order, there is go
ing to be serious maladjustment in human af
fairs. Daily Northwestern.
4-H club will meet at tho Stu
dent Activities building on the Ag
ricultural college campus tonight
at 7 o'clock.
Phi Lambda Upsilon.
A special business meeting of
Phi Lambda Upsllon will be held
Tuesday night, Feb. 11, at 7:30
p. m. in room 102 of Chemistry
hall. Professor Frankfurter urges
all members to be present.
Social Chairman'. Club.
Social chairman'a club will meet
Tuesday evening at 7:15 o'clock at
the Kappa Alpha Theta house.
'wKiiiKikfiswngB mmmmx j i
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A heaven for southpaws is the
University of Minnesota. Resulting
from experiments in the speech
department, officials have become
increasingly firm advocates of
"natural handedness." The uni
versity has installed left-handed
classroom chairs, left-handed pen
cil sharpeners, and left-handed
scissors. Now all they need is a
good port-sider for their baseball
At the University of Manitoba
they used co-eds to separate re
luctant collegians from their
nlckles and dimes, In soliciting
community chest funds. A group
of "beautiful freshettes" went
around the campus giving any
and all men the well known
shakedown. Quoth a scribe on
the Manttoban, "These gals may
know little about baking bread,
but they do know plenty about
getting dough."
Postmaster Farley can settle
back in his easy chair. Just when
It anneared he would have to sup
port a republican, Senator George
Norris for re-election because
Rrw-spvplt was pivinp his
support, the Nebraskan announced
he would not run. xnow everyone
is happy.
Women hold the editorships of
all the publications for the first
time in the history of San Jose
State college. The men com
plain that they are having a
hard time keeping lace curtains
and pink bows off the windows
of the journalism department.
Krnm the. Tulane "Hullabaloo"
comes the touching tale of a rascal
who stole some undergarments
from the clothes line of the
Gamma Pi sorority house. He was
arrested but released soon after
when he nleaded to the judge that
it was his first slip.
Barnard college alumnae aver
age $1,962 yearly earnings, accord
ing to a late survey. The averages
run from $1,115 for the class 01
1933 to $4,125 for '93 to '98.
Law and medicine, although
showing the greatest decline since
1929, are. still most lucrative rieius,
credited with maximum earnings
of $16,000 and $10,350 respective
ly, with the average at 3A70U.
Eight women a lawyer, a doc
tor, a secretary, a writer, a public
ity executive and a research
bv the survey to be drawing
worker in economics were shown
$10,000 or more.
Beginning in June. Yale eng
ineering graduates will receive
bachelor of engineering instead of
bachelor of science degrees.
A new course in manias c at
Syracuse university will enroll 130
students this semester, with 415 on
the waiting list.
Stanford university regulations
keep the nearest bar five miles
from student beer-drinkers.
"Schimmel," star of the Ber
lin police department's dog sec
tion, is credited with the indi
vidual solution of eight murders.
Shakespeare in Hollywood Needs
No Defender, Says Noted Educator
Profuior at English, Conwll University
Since last July I have been at the
Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer Studios, hav
ing been Invited by Mr. Irving O.
Thalberg to serve as literary and
technical adviser on his forthcoming
production of "Romeo and Juliet".
The instructions I received from the
New York office before starting
amounted to this that I was to
make myself useful In any way I
should be asked and that I was to
defend the interests of Shakespeare.
The first task I have performed as
best I could. The second hu taken
care of Itself, for X have seen from
the first day that Shakespeare's
Interests are in no need of a de
fender. The object of Mr Thalberg
and his co-workers Is to make a
screen version of the play that will
hold its own with the best stage pro
ductions the play has ever had.
They have resolved that it must not
only be Shakespeare as Shakespeare
lovers want to see him, but an enter
tainment to be enjoyed by millions
who never In their lives opened a
volume of Shakespeare, by audiences
not only In the English-speaking
countries but throughout the world.
Admires Fine Interpretations
1 have seen the preparations prac
tically from the beginning, and have
seen, the production gradually take
shape. 1 have attended rehearsals
Bnd for several weeks past have seen
the picture actually being made. I
have had opportunities of admiring
the fine interpretations which Miss
Shearer as Juliet and Leslie Howard
as-Romeo are giving of their roles,
and the spirited performances Of
John Barrymore as Mercutio. Edna
May Oliver as the Nurse. Basil
Rathbone as Tybalt, and Reginald
Denny as Benvolio. All these players
are enthusiastic over the choice of
the play, and the way it is shaping
under the direction of George Cukor.
to whom we owe the screen version
of "David Copperfield"
Now as to the question. "Are the
producers making changes in the
Everybody knows that in adapting
an ordinary novel or play to the
screen, the studios make whatever
rhnnees thev find necessary in story.
characters, and dialogue. What may
please a special audience or a nwie
of serious thinkers", may not
be acceptable to the vast audience
of the motion picture.
All Dlalorne from Play
But everybody must likewise have
observed that, in general, tne Deiwr
the original .novel or play, the fewer
are the changes. In "Romeo and
Juliet" all the dialogue used is from
th text of the Play. The picture
begins with Shakespeare's beginning
and ends with his ending. But some
a '
t,r. . t i- -
0m Jh
T '
incidents which in the play are
merely narrated or Implied, such as
Romeo's leaving Verona In disguise,
will be shown In action, without any
non -Shakespearean dialogue
As the story of "Romeo and Juliet"
is fiction, and not history, even if
the Veronese insist on believing that
it Is true, the producer has a certain
range in choosing his period In this
production the fifteenth-century has
been selected. Writers of the period
and modern historians have been
consulted for the details of costume
and life and manners. The great
masters of Italian painting: Car
pacclo. Botticelli. Benossio Oozzoll.
and others of the general period
have been an inexhaustible source of
information on these subjects The
actors and actresses, by the way.
are enthusiastic about the costumes
which Mr. Adrian and Mr. Oliver
Messel have provided. From the
property department have come such
inquiries as, "What sort of dogs did
they have in Italy in the fifteenth
century? What vegetables would be
on sale In the marketplace? Did
they have wheelbarrows, and if so,
what did tb?y look like? What
dishes and what fruits would be
served at Capulet's banquet?" Simi
lar questions arise about set-dressing
"What furniture would be In
Friar Laurence's cell?"
All Settings Authentic
The sets, designed by Mr Cedrlc
Gibbons, are based on actual build
ings in Verona and elsewhere in
Northern Italy His public square In
Verona, in which the play opens, is
not a copy of any single square, but
is an ideal square such as Shakes
peare might have Imagined from the
accounts of returned travelers, with
San Zeno. finest of Veronese
churches, as Its leading feature
The production, then, aims at pre
senting the drama with an authentic
background of life and manners and
all the outward show of the Italian
Renaissance. But beyond this it
alms at being faithful to Shakes
peare's conception of the story and
at revealing the poetry and beauty
of a great drama, while preserving
everything else that, makes it gcod
entertainment. The results so far
attained give promise that these
alms will be fulfilled.
Vassar will double its present li
brary capacity of 200,000 books.
The number of unemployed in
the lrt-24 age group has doubled
since 1930.
Arizona State gridHters will play
rugby during the 1936 spring prac
tice, Hearst inspired charges that
communism was being taught in
District of Columbia schools have
been quashed by a special com
mittee. Twenty out of fifty-seven uni
versities and colleges recently
questioned report that they main
tain riotion picture services for
about S.Oi J other schools.
Mantel- of fifty-three tongues.
Prof. Watson Kirk Connel of Wes
ley college. Winnipeg, says Bas
que is the most different language
In the world.
So This Is
American Leirionnaires get this week's
red, white, and blue button for "patriotic"
gestures. The act of merit which lias won
them this distinction is their request that the
president of Marshall college, L)r. James E.
Allen, be dismissed.
What was the act of treason which caused
the gentlemen who iiiijtht have died for de
mocracy to view with such vociferous alarm ?
Dr. Allen predicted that the constitution would
he changed within ten years! Such treason!
What a traitor!
For a lony time we have rsisied the
temptation to write about some of the legion's
antics within recent years. Others have al
ready told how they have been used to break
up strikes. Newspapers have carried storie8
about how they organized "vigilante" organi
zations to hunt down those who are struggling
for a more equitable social order. But this
latest activity is too much.
"What precisely is the trouble with these
men? Can it be that they are unaware of the
fact that their very acts are paving the way
for exactly the same type of "thing that now
exists in Germany and Italy?
That constitution which they have bo
often taken in vain guarantees a "free speech,
a free press, freedom of thought and action"
to all within the borders of our country. If
those who call themselves "patriotic" are
really sincere we ask them to announce public
ly that they uphold the first ten amendments
of the constitution without any qualifications.
It's up to you, gentlemen.
The amoeba is a peculiar animal. Take its
process of reproduction for example: It multi
plies by dividing. Oregon State Barometer.
Di. Jose Antonio Lopez, former
Ohio university student, may be
the next governor of Puerto Rico.
Frostbite sent 112 University of
Wisconsin students to the infirm- j
ary during a recent cold wave.
June 22, ten days before the
I AIIIL'f tlHIl VIty IWI- t.. ......
has been set us the date tor mis
year's. Poughkeepsie regatta. i
Kach first down would count
for one point under h new football
scoring system proposed to the
national collegiate rules committee.
"When he comes home now
days I just wave at him and go
out the back door," laughs Mrs.
Lawrence "Jap" Haskell, wife of
th Oklahoma busehall coach, With
tho start of the Sooner baseball
practice just a few weeks away,
Haskell has lost all his pitchers, j
Latest to go was Mayo Parks,
sophomore left-hander who won i
six of seven games last year. Parks
has joined the Oklahoma City In
dians, Texas league champions.
A blanket will be passed be
tween halves of the Oklahoma
Kansas basketball game at Nor
man Saturday night and all con
tributions given to the fund to
send Dr. and Mis. James Nai.imitli
to the Olympic basketball com
petition at Berlin.
The late Dr. Walter Williams,
former president of the University
of Missouri, wac known as the only
colli -rp ore- ' never grad-
ated from college. . TS
Flowers Say It Best
Don't Forget the Date
Lanielsan Floral Co.
1303 N B2234
No-risk offer wons college ssncEiers
to o better pipe tobacco!
Graduate courses in automobile
traffic control will be offered by
Harvard next year.
Seventy-three nationalities are
represented among the 8,800 stu
dents at Boston university.
Beginning next year. M. 1. T.
will limit its freshman class to
Wealth is mote equitably dis
tributed among married men than
among bachelors, says a recent
Only once In 30 years has the
Princeton co-operative store failed
to pay a 10 percent dividend.
Three meals a day can't pro
duce maximum physical and men
tal efficiency, say Yale physiolo
gists. They recommend more fre
quent and more moderate feed
ings. An "overwhelming majority" of
college professors are in opposi
tion to new deal policies, accord
ing to the American Liberty
An expert in neuro-psychiatry
has been added to the Williams
college health department.
Amateur hockey and college
basketball ar increasing In popu
larity at Msdison Square Garden,
New Jersey is one of the few
states in the union which has
neither a medical nor a dental
Alexis Carrell, Nobel prize win
ner, will teach at the University
Lof California during the spring se
"..' : : g
V " Si
tor "tr
"You ran't beat Prince Albert for rool, mild,
alow-burning smoke," Norman Tillon, '38, declares.
0 - - V
S i'u A U A U 1
I'M A P. A.
TOO ! -
"If you've never tried Prince
Albert, don't miss the special
trial offer they're making on the
big 2-oz. tin. P. A. is swell," says
Dick Meigs. P. A. la America's fa
vorite because it deserves to be!
Richard Durham, '37, aya: "P. A. is mild and slow
burning and around 50 pipefuls la the big red tin."
Smoke 20 fragrant pipeful., of Prince Albert. If yea doa't find it
the mellowest, tattiest pipe tobacco yeu ever smoked, return the
pocket tin with the ret of the tobacco in it to ua at any time
within a month from thia date, and we will refund full purchase
price, plua postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Winston-Saem, North Carolina
Prime Alqer?
11M. ft. J, aUtMUfe To. O.
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grant tobacco In
rvary 2-unct tin
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