Daily N EBRASKAN JUL JL JJLjL Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXXV NO. 83. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS NEBRASKA STOPS MEZOU 4333 Gifts to Provide Special Buildings Chancellor Says Slate Must Furnish Appropriation! For Essentials. Proposed erection of univer sity buildings Ihrough cash gifts to the new university foundation should not, be con fused with the essential build ings that must be provided from taxation sources, emphasized Chancellor K. A. Burnett Satur day. The chancellor issued the state ment in response to fears that graduates and contributors who donated to the fund would simply be paying for projects which oth erwise should be supported by leg islative appropriations. In his Omaha address Chancellor Burnett stated definitely that the purpose of the new foundation is to pro vide for the "ice cream and cake" of the campus which could make the university more like larger eastern institutions and not to support the "bread and butter" of the campus. Taxes Not Affected. "The proposed foundation would only be expected to provide those buildings that are not strictly es sential to the operation of the uni versity. The program of classroom and laboratory buildings erected from taxation sources would not be affected," he explained. "A new library building is urg ently needed at this time and should be provided from the same source as the present buildings. Other needed buildings include a classioom building which would provide space for departments now housed in University hall, an en gineering building to provide more ample provision for that work, and VESPER SERVICE In order that the women on the campus may be better prepared to hear Kagawa, Japanese promoter of the cooperative movement, when he appears in Lincoln Feb. 14 and 15, Dr. W. H. Brokaw, director of the agricultural college extension department, will speak on "Co operatives" at the next Y. W. C. A. vesper service Tuesday, at 5 o'clock, in Ellen Smith hall. Dr. Brokaw will explain the pur pose and the nature of the coope rative movement, as well as the ways it has been tried both in America and in foreign countries. Winifred Nelson, member of the Y. W. cabinet will lead the devo tionals which precede the speech, and Jane Keefer, Y. W. president, will give the announcements. Spe cial music will also be featured on the program. "Rermise the opportunity to hear Kagawa is such an unusual one. and because the movement which he is sponsoring is receiving such worldwide attention, I feel that ev ery university woman should avail herself of the opportunity to learn something about the subject in or der that she may better under stand the work whieli Kagawa is doing," F'ranccs Scudder. chairman of the vesper staff, stated. TEXT RECEIVES FAVOR Noted Geography Magazine Says Book Is Authority In Field. Drs. Nels A. Bengtson and Wil liam Van Koyen, of the geography department, have received favor able notice in a review of their book Fundamentals of Economic Geography by the Kconomic Geo graphy magazine, official organ of its field. The review particularly empha sizes uniqueness, since the book 13 so written that it may be used as a text for both economic and gen eral geography. "The balance of space and emphasis among the chapters is admirably sustained thruout the book, and it would be hard to find fault with the factual substance. On the whole it is a thoroly usable and sound book. It is likely to monopolize its field until some strikingly new or su perior book appears." The review makes one small exception to the book. "Some of the conclusions which hardly seem warranted, though they are gen erally accepted, might be ques tioned in the light of recent re search." On the whole, the sense of the review is complimentary. The book itself is used a.) a text in the geography department. Bull EXPL IS CO-OPERATIVES AT an additional classroom building for the teachers college. "At the college of agriculture campus an additional building is needed for the work In home eco nomics. The building devoted to that purpose is at the present time unable to accommodate the stu dents taking work in those courses and classes have overflowed into other buildings. Many institutions of comparable size and prestige with Nebraska have structures costing about $500,000 or else have two buildings for home economics. "During the past few years leg islative support of a building pro gram has been lacking. No major classroom buildings have been erected since Andrews hall was built on the city campus in 1928. We must continue to use old anti quated structures such as Univer sity hall, erected in 1869, the pres ent pharmacy building, erected in J 885, Nebraska hall, 1887, and Mechanics Arts building, 1897, long after their period of useful ness. No Longer Suitable. These early buildings cannot be compared with buildings erected since the turn of the century and are no longer suitable for the uses to which they must be put. "We do not expect the legisla ture to provide all of these build ings at one time," concluded the chancellor, "but we feel that they should continue to provide ade quate buildings that will relieve the points of greatest congestion, always keeping in mind the per manent university building plan. The purpose of the university foundation is to provide for more adequate support of distinctive things and not to relieve the state of taking care of our normal needs." DUPONT HIKES SKILES RESEARCH CHEMIST Personnel Head Mick Four Science Students In Tuesday Interviews Benjamin F. Skiles, who will re ceive his Th. D. in organic chem istry in August, has accepted a position as research chemist with the duPont company. Willard Kremer, senior in chemical engi neering, has accepted a position with the Jackson Laboratories of the duPont company, Wilmington, Delaware and will report in June. Charles H. Nielson, who will graduate in chemical engineering in June, has also accepted a pos ition with the duPont company, and will report for work after commencement. Frank Urban, who graduated in February with a major in chemistry has accepted a position with the White Eagle Oil company of Augusta, Kans. E. F. duPont, general personnel manager of the company, visited the chemistry department Tues day and interviewed seniors in chemistry and chemical engineer ing and graduate students in chemistry. IMPROVEMENT NOTED IN BURNETT ILLNESS Chancellor E. A. Burnett, who has for three weeks been suffering from bronchitis, brought on by the severe weather, wUl return to his duties at the university Monday, Feb. 10, according to his wife. "The chancellor is much Improved" Mrs. Burnett told the Daily Ne braskan Saturday. "His condition is not at all serious now." Dr. Bur nett's physician is Dr. H. J. Lehn-hoff. Slips That "Pass" In Exams Perennial 'Boners' Give Profs Laughs Unintentional originality on the part of those who took (lie first semester examinations, has been disclosed by professors and readers who found the startling statements too funny to keep to themselves. Funniest of the "boners" was the explana tion of the check and balance system "The cheek and balance svstem." said the naDer. "was1 founded by Alexander Hamilton when he put a balance in the bank and checked against it. They are still usin- It." Though the entire faculty agrees that "the answers aren't funny; they're pitiful," yet they laugh heartily as the relate "the woYst" or try to remember "a few of the hundreds." Unfortunately some of the ones which caused the most laughter were never related to the reporter. They were described aa "positively unprintable." From the teacher's college came this bold contradiction to the pop ular opinion of college ethics. Said the paper. "Morality in college is very great." And from the zoology department came two unusual identifications of two well-known scientists. "Morgan was noted for placing the genes in the chromo somes." wrote on student And "Darwin is remembered for raising pease with wrinkles in them," wrote another. A scientific explanation of hu man behavior included this per fectly obvious reason of why young G. E. EMPLOYER WILL INTERVIEW BIZADS Seniors, Graduates to Learn Opportunities Electric Firm Offers M. L. Frederick, Supervisor of Business Training for the General Electric company, will be in Lin coln Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 11 and 12. He will Interview sen iors and graduates who wish to learn about the opportunities of fered college men by his firm. There will be group meetings at 9:30 both days, at 1:30 Tuesday, and at 2:00 Wednesday. Remainder of the time will be given over to individual inter views. Appointments with Mr. Frederick may be made Monday in Mr. Bullock's office, S. S. 306. No definite arrangements have as yet been made regarding the place of the interviews. CANDIDATES PROM G RL HONOR 10 FILE Applicants "Asked to Sign Up In Activities Office in Coliseum. Filine-s for trom drls will beeln Mondav in he student activities office in the coliseum, Dorothy J2iitz, publicity chairman or me Junior-Senior prom committee, announced. Sororitv and barb groups have been asked to submit their candidates as soon as pos sible. A list of those who have filed will be printed Sunday, Feb. 16. Six presentation Dlans went into the hands of the judges after the deadline Friday nignt. me an nouncement of the winning plan will be made sometime this week, Arnold Levine, presentation chair man, announced. Ctow UatMua4iyCI "All of the plans were Unusually original and clever," Mr. Levin stated. "Those in attendance at thu vMr'i trom will be favored with one of the best presentations or recent years. The judges who select the plan hv whieh the winning candidate for prom girl will be presented are Kady JB. auiKner, r roi. r . jwigm Kirsch and Prof. Raymond H. Williams, members of the art de partment. Marsh Encourages Filings. Rill Marsh. Brom committee chairman, urged barb groups to submit candidates lor prom gin, and asked all groups to file as soon as possible. The votes which will determine which of the can didates will be presented at the spring ball will be cast between 9 and 10 o'clock the night of the prom. One vote will go to each couple attending. The girl chosen will be presented at 10:30, imme'1' ately after tho votes have been counted. Dr. Kurz's Reviews Appear in Quarterly Books Abroad Dr. Harry Kurz, chairman of the romance language department, has two reviews which appeared in Books Abroad, a quarterly which reviews books in foreign lan guages. One of the studies is of a recent German play which has Rothchild the banker as the hero. The other is a review of a thesis submitted to the University of Hamburg, Germany, entitled "The Influence of English Actors in Germany in the Seventeenth Cen tury." men always wear ties to school: "So that their frat brothers won't wear them." An almost incredible lapse of memory is rumored to have re sulted in the identification of Mil ton's 'Sonnet on His Blindness" as the poem beginning "I think that 1 shall never see." We nominate this one for a rating identical with the definition of a Papal Bull as "the animal kept In the Vatican to give milk for the Pope's chil dren." One paper which brought many chuckles waa written on the values of the "duckless glands." And another paper which went back to the owner with a rero score was devoted to explaining that "the eye is much more sensitive to light than the ear, but the ear is much more sensitive to sound than the eye." "Muscles and glands are examples of some kind of course given in Bessey Hall," was the enlightening statement found on one psychology test, and another revealed that "Descartes was the (Continued on Page 2). MONDAY LET ERDAY .12 Students Dismissed Friday From 10 to 12 for Convocation. Dr. E. C. Elliott, president of Purdue university, returns to his alma mater to address a charter day convocation audience on "The Day and the Dust." Classes will be dismissed from 10 to 12 Fri day, Feb. 14, so that students may attend the university's birth day celebration in the coliseum. Chancellor Burnett will briefly outline several new activities of the university, including the status of the proposed student union building, the book store and uni versity foundation, before intro ducing the principal speaker. University orchestra under the di rection of Carl F. Steckelberg will open the program with a concert Dean O. J. Ferguson is in charge of arrangements for the morning program. Altho the observance of the founding of the school falls on Feb. 14, university officials have arranged the Lincoln celebration for Feb. 15 with dedicatory pro grams continuing thru Saturday and Sunday. Dinner Featured. The Friday evening dinner pro gram at the University club at 8:30 promises to be a second fea ture of the day's birthday sched ule. Reservations are pouring in to Miss Hortense Allen, who is in charge, for places at the informal get-to-gether. As a part of the observance of the sixty-seventh anniversary, many grads will remain over thru Saturday in order to attend the Nebraska-Iowa State basketball .jaWrday.. evening at 8 concert by the university band, under the naton or wmiam a. "Billy" Quick, always one of the popular features of the winter sea son, will conclude Charter day fes tivities here. The concert, which is open to the public, will be held at the coliseum Sunday, Feb. 16, beginning at 3 o'clock. Elliott Well Known. Considerable enthusiasm has al ready been aroused over the com ing of Dr. Elliott, who is nation ally known not only as one of the foremost educators, but as an au thor and lecturer as well. The Purdue president graduated from the university in 1895 and received his master's degree from the school two years later. While working for his advanced degree he was an instructor in the de partment of chemistry, later ac cepting the chancellorship of the three state schools in Montana. From that state he went to his present position as president of Purdue. A large representation of alumni and former students from out state is expected for the Friday morning address and program. Providing the roads are passable and tho weather favorable one of the larg est audiences to attend Charter day festivities here will be on hand. E Value, Moulding, History of Paintings to Feature Discussion. Pictures and their place in the home will be the subject which Mrs. B. E. Moore, head of the picture department of Miller & Paine's department store, will dis cuss for members of the the charm school hobby group at their reg ular meeeting on Tuesday even ning. Feb. 11 at 7 o'clock in El len Smith hall, according to Miss Jean Doty, program chairman of the group. , The speaker plans to bring samples of prints and paintings for display at the meeting and illustration of her lcture. Included In her discussion will also be an explanation of the correct mould ings to use on pictures according to their type. A sketch of the stories represented by the pictures whirh Mrs. Moore will show to the audience, will form an addi tional feature o'. the lecture on Tuesday evening. In urging that as many girls as possible who are interested in this subject attend the meeting, Minn Dntv rnmmented "Since this is a topic which should be of in terest to many persons, we nope that a laige group of charm school members, as well as anyone else who would like to hear the dis cussion, will be present to hear Mrs. Moore's discussion. Charm school Is one of the hobby groups sponsored by the Coed Counselors. CLASSES FOR CHART PROGRAM FEB $80 PRIZE OFFERED IN LATIN CONTEST Entrants Required to Have 4 Years Study In Classical Language The annual Latin sight transla tion contest for a prize amounting to $80, made possible by the estate of the late Dr. Grove E. Barber, will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday, Feb. 15, in Andrews hall, room 212. Contestants must have com pleted at least four years of Latin and not more than five, according to Dr. Clarence Forbes, acting chairman of the classics de partment of the University of Ne braska, who is chairman of the committee in charge of the event. Winner of the prize will be an nounced at the annual honors con vocation April 16. NEW NEBRASKAN SUBSCRIBERS TO RECEIVE PASSES Receipt Stub Admits Holder to Stuart Theater This Week. New subscribers to the Daily Ne braskan may gain admittance to the Stuart theater any time this week by showing their subscrip tion receipt at the door of the the ater where "Magnificent Obses sion" is now playing. A low price of 75 cents with a free pass to the show was the offer given by the Nebraskan staff. The subscription drive successfully closed Saturday afternoon after a four day cam paign for new readers, according (Continued on Page 2). POLLYGELLATLY TUS STUDY! Miss Pauline N. Gellatly, In structor in dramatic art, will leave this weekend for Baltimore where she will spend four days attending the Junior League Children's Theater Conference. From Balti more she will proceed to Washing ton where she will remain a few days. Miss "Polly," as she is known to Children's Theater goers, hopes to spend several days in New York to see a number of current plays, among which are Helen Hayes' "Victoria Regina," "Dead End," "Jumbo," and "First Lady." Upon her return, she will stop In Chi cago to see Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontane in "Taming of the Shrew." Miss Gellatly is being sent un der the auspices of the Lincoln Junior League and the University Children's Theater. She will be gone about two weeks. Honorary Entertains Dr. Guilford at Y.W. Banquet Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Guilford, who returned this semester from North western university where Dr. Guil ford was visiting professor in psychology, were entertained at a dinner at the Y. W. C. A. Thurs day evening sponsored by Psi Chi Dr. Joe Hunt of the faculty was toastmaster. THEATERS 20 Students in First Class Crawford Describes Early University Feb. 15 marks the sixty-seventh anniversary of the found ing of the University of Nebraska. With the celebration of such an event come reminiscences of the day when the "big event" took place and the progress that has been made since that day. Following the ambitious establishment of not less than six colleges and fifty professorshipsO; by the legislature, the cornerstone of the first university building, old Nebraska hall, which still stands as a respected landmark, was laid Sept. 23 of the year 1869. In order to adequately celebrate this mo mentous occasion a brass band was imported from Omaha and a banquet and dance lasted until 4 a. m. the following day. Interesting Story. . The interesting story is told in the book, "These Fifty Years," written by Prof. Robert P. Craw ford, assistant to the chancellor, that in order to complete the first classroom of Nebraska hall, lum ber was shipped from Chicago and then hauled in 'wagons over all but Impassable roads from Nebraska City. The college of ancient and mod ern language, mathematics and natural science was the only one of the six colleges to open on Sept 7 when the first classes were held. Allen R. Benton was named chancellor and professor of intel Wahlquist Cops Eighteen Marks In Heated Game Husker Cagers Utilize Fast Break to Fox Mis souri Team. By Ed Steeves. Nebraska fans, hungry for that anticipated victory, were thrown a meaty offering as the Corn husker maple stars calmed the Missouri Tiger last night at Col umbia, 43-33. The victory, doubt ful as it was in the minds of many, keeps Nebraska in a lagging sec ond in the Big Six title chase. The first portions of the game found the two quintets taking turns breathing on the backs of each others necks, the two teams being seemingly evenly matched. At four times during the encoun ter the count was knotted, due mainly to desperate rallies by Coach Edward's men. During the first ten minutes of play the bleachers of the Missouri field house were unemployed as the fans cheered impulsively from a standing position, a game that was seemingly to be settled only by the flip of a coin. At the half time intermission Nebraska had compiled a 25-14 edge, but only by a last minute siege of scoring rash for which Missouri could find no scratching. SECONDARY SCHOOLS ROSENLOFS TOPIC Rational Association To Hear Educator on Youth Readjustment Dr. G. W. Rosenlof of teachers college faculty will speak before the department of secondary nrhnnt nrinrinals of the National LEductation .association. Feb. 25 on "Shall Secondary Education seen Merely the Adjustment of Stu dents to Prevailing Social Ideas or Shall It Seek the Reconstruc tion of Society?" He spoke Wed nesday night at Omaha at a din ner meeting of Douglas county superintendents held in honor of County Superintendent H. M. Ea ton, on the subject "Challenges," Dr. Rosenlof has been invited to participate in the two day confer ence of the National committee set up for cooperative study of secondary school standards. He is an advisory member of the com mittee representing the North Central association area. He will also meet with the group on standards of the North Central association and the committee on citizenship training in the high school, a special group set up by the department of secondary edu cation of the National Education association. SCOn' WINS HARVARD LAW SCHOOL AWARD Philip C. Scott. Lincoln, a first year law student in the university, was awarded the Robert T. Swaine scholarship at Harvard law school. The scholarship was one of thirty-five to be given to graduate students. Dr. Oldfather Addresses Hiram Club on Dictators Hiram club members at the chamber of commerce Wednesday noon heard talks by Dr. C. H. OMfather, of the arts and sciences college on "The Way of Dictators" and by Professor Cochran on "Ab raham Lincoln." lectual and moral science and the student group included twenty peo ple in its enrollment the first year. Growth Indicated. Nothing indicates the real growth of the institution so much as a review of past records. From twenty college and 110 secondary school students in 1871 the uni versity reached a total of 10,050 students in 1934-35. of whom 8,254 were of college grade. Approxi mately 25,000 diplomas have been granted during the years and of this number, 759 were conferred last June. Similarly from a single building the institution has expanded until now it boasts more than forty ma jor buildings. At one time the orig inal campus totaled four city blocks as compared to the more than sixty acres in use now upon the central campus. The physical plant itself has grown so that to day it has a value of $11,600,000 of which only $5,500,000 represents investment in buildings. Little Henry Whitakcr was hot for the home town boys but George Wahlquist was more tor rid as he dusted the net for Tigh ten points. On the Mule State ledgers no individual man gained special recognition, but instead all had a finger in the scoring pie. Missou broke the ice with a nica archer from the foul circle region, but the lirownemen were kill-joys and matched them shot for shot, with both teams shedding mostly defensive perspiration. Subsequently following those Initial hectic ten minutes when the scores looked like the two proverbial peas in the pod, the Huskers shook the minerals from their trousers and rolled up an eleven point lead by means of a fast break, utilizing principally Wahlquist, that completely baffled the hosts. From this point on tha Tigers saw no view of the Husk ers other than their heels. Uncooled by the half time lay off, the Nebraska boys returned to the harwoods and continued their victory habit with Parsons and Ebaugh contributing consid erably to the cause. Inversely speaking, Missou's fire had been extinguished and could do little to prevent the onslaught believed impossible for Nebraska to pro (Continued on Page 3). Fl 1 Fellowship Announcements Available at Dean Upson's Office. Offers of scholarships, fellow ships, and assistantships for 193(1 37 to seniors interested in gradu ate work in other institutions are being received by the graduate of fice, Chemistry hall 202. A com plete list of all announcements are available from the following Institutions according to Dean Up son. Brown university Bryn Mawr college University of California Charles A. Coffin foundation Commission for relief In Bel gium Emmanual college, Cambridge University of Colorado University of Heidelberg Imperial college, London Institute of International Ed ucation University of Kansas Lawcs Agricultural Trust, Harper.don Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Nebraska University of North Carolina National research fellowships In the biological sciences New York university University of Pennsylvania Radcliffe college Social Science Research coun cil Stanford university University of Virginia Virginia Polytechnic institute Yale university American Can company is of fering several $1,000 fellowships to John Hopkins university and the Iowa .State college of agricul ture and mechanical arts is offer ing some fellowships to applicants. A traveling fellowship of $1,000 will be awarded by the American Scandinavian foundation for travel and research in the Scandinavian countries. University of Arizona department of agricultural chem istry and soils will present a scholarship for research work in this field. Edward Goodrich gold medal and prize and the Edward Weston fellowship in electrochemistry ara also being offered to graduate stu dents in chemistry. Doyle Replaces Orfield On Law College Faeulty Prof. James A. Doyle, who for several years has been legal as sistant to the Hon. J. W. Wood rough, United States circuit judge with headquarters at Omaha, has been appoined to fill Prof. Lester B. Orfield's place on the law col lege faculty of the University of Nebraska. Professor Orfield was granted a year's leave of absence to accept an appointment at Washington as an associate coun sel for the social security board. Doyle received his Ph. B. degree from Creighton in 1924 and LL.B. degree from the university in 1933. While at Creighton he was elected to the order of the Coif, legal honorary society and was ranking student both at Creighton and at Nebraska. He was super intendent of Thomas county high school from 1927 to 1930. He was superintendent of Thomas county high school from 1927 to 1930. During his year's stay here Doyle will teach criminal law and equity besides editing the Nebraska Law Bulletin. He has a wife and 6 year old son, James, jr.