TUESDAY, OCTOBEH 22, 1 93.". if i THE DAILY NEBKASKAN FOUR '3 '- ) If i V "J 7M CAMPUSOCIIETY 4 UNWEPT. UNHONORED AND UN suns; is certainly not going to be the l'ntc ot the ltrst enterprising soul who passes the cigars this year. Out of six thousand students, it's rather hard to believe that at least one hasn't been smitten wtih the pangs, but such seems to be the ease, for ' I W candy-cigar deal on the campus. At the K Vs. A. E. house, one of those short lived (Uir engagements (three day stand, we be lieve) that the brothers seem to delight in, petered out leaving little hone for re freshments. Any number of the noxious weed are due u the Sigma Xu house, and it is rumored that Chi Phi Clarke should be putting in a little order with the White Owl company right soon now (the Delta, ("lamina's arc involved in this somehow) but otherwise there seems to be little relief In sight for this depressing situation among the tobacco manu facturers. CANDY AND clears were hadn at the Alpha Chi and Pi K. A houses last night when Fern Steinbaugh and Dick Decker in formally announced their engage ment. AND THE KAPPAS ate candy last night and Sigma Nus ap peared with cigars when Charles Woolery and Mary K. Dewey in formally announced their engage ment. AT THE S. A. E. house yester day, a bifi' brown hullrinf wnllferl down to mingle with the brethren, and partake of the meatloaf and potatoes. SUNDAY in Council Bluffs Ruth Riseman of Omaha and Fred Sherman of Sioux Cy were mar ried. Miss Riseman is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and ia affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau. IN OMAHA Sunday Alfred Fiedler and Ruth Bordy were mar ried. Mr. Fiedler is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. ANOTHER Sunday marriage was that of Lucille Lindgren and Arnold Coffin. Both are gradu ates of the University of Nebraska and are members of Pullariinn Miss Lindgren was affiliated with Thcta Sigma Phi and Mr. Coffin belonged to Sigma Tau, Sigma ai, ana n mu Epsuon. AND in Beatrice Saturday Eliz abeth Blanke and George Ryan were married at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Blanke has attended the University of Ne braska and is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Ryan is a graduate of the university and is affiliated with Beta Theta Pi. ANNOUNCED Sunday was the engagement of Doris McGinley and Francis Luchsinger of Lincoln. Mr. Luchsinger has attended the Uni versity of Nebraska and is affili ated with Phi Alpha Delta. ALSO announced Sunday was the engagement of Marguerite Melick and Lome P. Hough. Miss Mclick is a graduate of the uni versity and a member of Kappa Phi. YESTERDAY afternoon the Chi Phi auxiliary met at thp hnmo nf Mrs. R. J. Pool for a dessert luncheon. Twenty members were present and after the luncheon plans for the cornintr vpar ufrp discussed. Assistiner Mrs. Pool as hostess was Mr. Howard Hadley. ALPHA Sigma Phi announces the pledging of John Richardson of Lincoln and Leonard Dirks of Allan. DECEMBER twenty-eighth is the date set for the wedding of wary j.eison ievi le ana h'reder rk William Sieman of North Platte. Mr. Sieman is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and a member of Phi Gamma Delta. Movie Box STUART "BROADWAY MKLODY OF 1936" LINCOLN "THE GOOSE AND TUB GANDER" ORPHEUM "HARMONY LANK" and "HIS NIGHT OUT" LIBERTY "CHAINED" SUN "CHRISTOPHER STRONG" COLONIAL "TWO FISTED" Westland Theater Corp. VARSITY , "A FEATHER IN HER HAT" AND "GUARD THAT GIRL" KIVA "PUBLIC OPINION" and "CHAMPAGNE FOR BREAKFAST" AT A RECENT ELECTION ,f Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chuck Hodge w as. selected as corrcspon dent for the coming year. 18 FRESHMEN ATTEND FIRST CAGE PRACTICE Coach Fischer Believes More Will Turn Out After Football Season. ON NOVEMBER tenth Harriett Kingsley will be married to Homer Hahn. Mr. Wnhn fa a ornrl. uate of the University of Nebraska anu is amnatea with Delta Sigma uimoua, AND A long distance run newly established is the little snrint mjHn by Emmy Spade and Dotty Clark wnen iney aasiiea down the track after the outgoing special to be pulled neatly on the observation platform by Gregg McBride and some other chivalous male. HONORING Preshvte'rinn sfn. dents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Henrv entertained at a breakfast Satur day at their home at eight o'clock. This affair was thp sornnri n a series of breakfasts for Presby terian students at the University Manse. Guests tiresent wer Aria Petrea, Pawnee City; John Muel ler, Fullerton; Robert Stookey, Rushvllle, Claire Rankin, Central City; and Phyllis Baker, Curtis. Eichteon men renmtprl for thp first practice of freshman basket ball yesterday afternoon, when suits were checked out and lock ers assigned. Coach Morris Fischer pointed out that more will be out later, many being in football and laboratories. The freshman atten dance is always irregular. " We want to urge all who can, to come out.' Fischer stated. "For the first few weeks we will take un only fundamental work. Prac tice hours are from 4 to 6 o'clock , TO MAKE TESTS OF COEDS HERE Hollywood Director Appears At Stuart Theater . : Friday. Students will have an opportu nity to see how movies are actual ly made Friday night at the Stuart theater. One of the ace directors from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios will arrive in Lincoln with the world famous traveling M-G-M studio to film screen tests of Lin coln's most beautiful girls. Several N. U. girls have entered photographs at Golds for a chance to take the screen tests which are being given free in a nationwide search for screen talent and possi ble future stars. The set up on the Stuart theater stage Friday night will duplicate the studio setting for the filming of an actual picture. A studio make up artist will be there to make up the Lincoln girls taking the test. Director, cameramen, technicians, electricians, etc., just as on the sets in Hollywood will be on the Stuart stage for the screen test. Wednesday night at the Stuart theater one may view the Lincoi girls who have entered the contest for the screen test. They, with the director who is to make the test will appear for the qualifying tests as a preliminary to the actual screen test Friday night. I WENCH CLUB PLANS GIVE SEVERAL PLAYS French club has been reorgan ized this year. Miss Augusta Nel son and Miss Katherine Town send, faculty members of the ro' mance language department, arc sponsors and plans call for the presentation of several plays in French during the year. Besides the regular meetings luncheon roundtablcs will be held. Annie Laurie McCall of Omaha is presi dent. MISS GREGG HEADS EDUCAT10S.iL CLUB Dorcas Crawford. Lois Lotvv, June 1 1 or ton Hold Offices, Elementary Education rluh n branch of the national association for childhood education, recently held its annual election. Dorothv Gregg was chosen president and senior board member: Dorcas Crawford, junior; Lois Lowe, sop homore, and June Horton, fresh man, are also on the advisory board. CAMPUS STUDIO. Following groups are asked to appear at the campus studio for Cornhusker pictures at the time specified and are request ed to be there promptly. Tuesday, Oct. 22. 11 a. m. Fraternity and so rority house mothers. 5 p. m. Kosmet Klub. Wednesday, Oct. 23. 12 noon I n t e r fr a t ernity Council. 12 noon Cheer leaders. 5 p. m. Student Council. Thursday, Oct. 24. 12 noon Barb Council. Friday, Oct. 25. 5 p. m. Men's Glee club. NEBRASKA DROUTH PROB LEM BECOMES MORE ACUTE; EXPERTS FIND SEVERAL CROPS ABLK MEET ADVERSE CONDI- TIONS. (Continued from Page 1.) still it la becoming an increasingly important crop for summer pas turage.. " ' A recent research paper in Ecological Monographs has been published by Dr. Fernando De Peralta, now plant ecologist in the University of the Philippines, as scrlbine his experiment with grow. ing sudan grass on a large plot near Lincoln. Peralta, who received his doctor's degree in botany at the university, did the field work under the supervision of Dr. J. E. Weaver, professor of plant ecology, Dr. Peralta says this grass is adapted to drouth by its prompt germination when waier is avail able, bv its rapid root penetration into the deener sol ana oy us ability to become dormant during drouth and recover unharmed thereafter. 'Planted on May 22 at the rate of twenty-two pounds per acre, develoument was so rapid 4.hat during the twenty days of the seedling stage, the roots grew at an average rate of seventy-uve hundreths of an inch a day and the tops developed seven leaves and reached a height of thirteen inches," ho. reports. "During the following twenty days of tillering, the roots grew an Jnch per day and reached a dcpWi of 4.1 feet. In extent, they still exceeded the tops, which were only 3.8 feet tall, while a height of 7.5 feet and root depth of 6.8 feet were attained during the fol lowing forty-seven days of flower ing and maturing. Cutting Retards Growth, "The less crowded the plants the more able were they to manu facture materials for growth of stems, hence they became in creasingly taller." The experiment also revealed that sudan grass )s one of the strongest competitors of weeds, because of its rapid growth and great height. Its re peated cutting, however, retards this natural development. After the plants had been clipped or pastured once, the new growth yielded more where they had been clipped high than where they had been clipped closely. Repeated cutting back of the shoot proved to the experi- mentor that the tillers were stimu lated, and once formed, they were least injured by successive cut tings and developed bushy plants. "in tne early 1930 s when the WHAT'S DOING. Monday. Chi Phi auxiliary, 1 o'clock dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. R. J. Pool. Delta Upsilon mothers club at the chapter house, 2:30 O'clock. Tuesday. Gamma Phi Beta mothers club, 1 o'clock luncheon at the chapter house. Thursday. Alpha Chi Omega mothers club at the chapter house, tea from 3 to 5 o'clock. Friday. Alpha Delta Theta alumnae tea at the Y. W. C. A., 3:30 to 5:30. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON HOUSE PARTY at the chapter house, closed. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA HOUSE PARTY at the chapter house, 9 o clock. CHI OMEGA H U U t PARTY at the chapter house, 9 o'clock. ALPHA PHI Houat PARTY at the chapter house, 9 o'clock. Saturday. Faculty dancing club at the Shrine. 15c Gasolene Motor Oil 10o to 30c Heating Oil 6y2c Gallon HOLMS i4th Git. PHONE B3998 at W value of sudan grass was just be clnninr to be anpreclated. it in creased at the rate of from 100 to 232 Dercent in eastern Nebraska and particularly in the northeast nart of the state," Dr. Weaver stated. "It is particularly well adapted for temporary pasturage and it affords a hot weather pas ture crop and a supply of rough age for winter use." MU PHI EPSILO TO HOLD MUSICAL TEA ictirc Group Plans Affair F or Patronesses Guests. Mu Phi Epsilon, which was re cently proclaimed a national hon orary sorority, will hold a musical tea Oct. 19 at the Alpha XI Delta house from 3 to 5 o'clock. The ac tive chapter will entertain the so rority patronesses, alumnae and thirty guests. Miss Margaret Baker, pianist, Try The 9c SHIRTS at the GLOBE 1124 L B6755 Miss Margaret Kimmel, soprano soloist, and Miss Ruth Sibley cello solosists, will furnish the musical program. Arrangements for the program are being made by Marian Munn and Marian Jelinek. Mrs. Mary Hall Thomas and Miss KirnniH are In charge of refreshments Mrs. Edith B. Ross and Mrs Har' rlett Piatt will pour. V AN KOYEN TALKS 0 ETHIOPIAN QUESTION An address on the Ethiopian sit. nation was given recently by frr Willem Van Royen, assistant pro' fessor of geography, at Sharon church near Lincoln. He will speak on the same subject at Tahernm u Christian church Thursday eve ning. (pD'S PARTY Coliseum 8:30 Oct. 26 The fourth Rig Varsity Party bringing to the Nebraska campus not the exclusively-priced "Name Bands," but orchestras just an good but known only in other sec tions of the country. WAY IE STUTS and his 12 piece BAND OF BANDS Direct from Michigan's Cocoanut Grove And a record including the Nation's Fin cut Ballroom Club Bohemia Detroit Raymer Ballroom Boston Hollywood Cafe Lansing Summit Inn Baltimore At Popular Price MEN COUPLE LADIES 40C 75C 35C L X for Mildness for Better Taste 7 : - .... j -.v i v O I9)i, liscirr Unu Tobacco-Co