The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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TUESDAY. APRIi: 30. 193..
pilos of weathered boards iiulicnte to Ne
braska students who have been here long
enough to know what it's all about, that
one of the oldest Coruhusker traditions is
close upon us. This coming Thursday, pal
pitating (j reeks will assemble on the green
just north of Administration to wnteh the
most hopeful of the young hopefuls be
tapped or masked as the case may be, and.
if what rumor says is true, more excited
Barhs will gather to watch the May queen
crowned. Of course speculation is worth
practically nothing, but it's fun to wonder if the Innocents will
choose the usual thirteen, ami wlio the .Mortar Hoard president
will be. Questions such as this will be answered, we trust 10
everybody's satisfaction right soon now. Until then, try to re
strain the well known impatience, and go on just ;is though the
most important event of the school year were going to come next
year instead of next Thursday.
THE NEBRASKAN is proud to
announce the fact that its editor,
Lamoine Bible, Sigma Phi Sigma,
definitely announced himself to be
that way about Loretta Kunz, Al
pha Chi O, when they announced
their engagement by passing the
candy Monday evening.
AFTER NEARLY four years of
thinking so the Kappas finally
found out for sure that Judy Cun
ningham and Pat Minier, Phi Gam,
are engaged when candy and ci
gars were passed in the respective
houses Monday night.
AND SPEAKING of candy the
Alpha Xi Deltas had more than
their share Monday night. Janet
Killian and Charles DeKord, Pi K.
A. informally announced their en
gagement as did Dorothy Orcutt
and Edward Melker, D. S. L.
BANQUET at the Cornhusk
er, 6:30 o'clock.
Theta XI auxiliary, 1:30
o'clock luncheon at the chap
ter house.
Alpha Phi alumnae, 6:30
o'clock dinner at the home of
Mrs. Heath Griffiths.
Y. M. and Y. W. lawn so
cial, North Library lawn.
Delta Delta Delta alliance,
6:30 o'clock supper at the
home of Mrs. E. N. Van
Phi Sigma Kappa spring
party at the Shrine Country
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae,
luncheon honoring the seniors
at the home of Mrs. Willard
INITIATED into Mu Thi Epsilon
last Saturday, were Marian Jeli
nek, Marian Munn and Ruth Sib
ley. Immediately after the cere
mony members of the active and
alumnae chapter met at the home
of Mrs. J. J. Hompes to be hon
ored at a tea. Assisting Mrs.
Hompes as hostesses were Mrs.
Edith B. Ross and Miss Marian
Dunlevy, and Miss Dunlevy, Miss
Henrietta Sanderson and Violet
Vaughn wero in charge of arrange
ments for the affair.
SEEN ON THE campus: Joy
and Lcland Hale gazing starry
eyed at the professor from the
front row of the room (well known
apple polishing) Betty Magee
carrying on an animated conver
sation with some man in French
last word said, tres bien A gal
who looks enough like VI Cross
to be her twin sister Kenneth
Pavey wearing white woolen
stockings under drill shoes Bruce
Nicoll and Alice Beckman having
a little get-together in the Aw-
gwttn office after mnny years of
separation Elizabeth Whitney
without the UHiial decoration of
live flowers on her hat, in fact,
without the hat Mary Yoder won
dering if her family will permit
another trip to Omaha over the
week end and Irwin Ryan recu
perating fram a drastic picnic.
AND another June wedding will
take place when Evelyn Sumner
and G. Ernest Tindall, both of Lin
coln will be married at the First
Christian church. Mr. Tindall is a
former student hero, and a Phi
Sigma Kappa.
' a a a
AND SPEAKING of pin hang
ings: Rumor says that Duward
Jackson, Theta Xi from Greeley,
Colo., is missing his fraternity pin.
Where it is has remained a deep
mystery, and at last the brothers
in a spirit of fraternal love tubbed
and ducked our hero In an effort
to find the missing Jewel. We
think, however.' that it will be
found on the person of Duwnrd's
girl friend, Martha Watson, and,
moreover, that the Theta Xi a are
entitled to cigars right soon now
a a
HONORING their dates, mem
bers of Gamma Phi Beta active
chapter entertained at a buffet
supper Sunday evening. The food
and the decorations followed the
Italian style, and there was special
music. About forty couples attend
ed the affair.
a a a
THRILLS, thrills and more
thrills for the little Lincoln Theta,
Mary Yoder, who has had an un
known admirer for more than two
years. When her picture first ap
peared in the Cirnhusker, this boy,
whoever he may be, admired it so
much that he cut it out and has
been wearing it in his watch ever
since. The rather one-sided af fail
has come to its culmination and
Mary will meet him at 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon at .
All those interested in the place
might call the Theta house.
a a a a
HEADLINING the affairs for
this week is the Interfraternity
Banquet to be held tonight at the
Cornhusker. Principal speaker of
the evening is Claude Wilson, rep
resenting the Interfraternity board
of control. Scholarship awards will
be made by Prof. E. F. Schramm,
and athletic awards by Harold
Petz. Ray Ramsey will bo toast
master for the affair, and the com
mittee in charge Includes Duward
Jackson, Bill Fischer, Dick Decker,
Milo Smith, Pat Minier and Bar
ney Schrepf.
ANNOUNCED Sunday was the
marriage of Harriet Daly and
Joyce Ayres which took place at
7:30 Saturday evening in Omaha.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Ayres are grad
uates of Nebraska where she is a
member of Alpha Phi, and he, of
Alpha Tau Omega. The couple will
live In Lincoln.
a a a
TO BE Married in the early part
of June are Eileen Easton of Lin
coln and Christian Grabenstein of
Eustis. Miss Easton is a member
of Alpha Xi Delta here and Mr.
Grabenstein has attended Ne
braska. The couple will live in Lin
coln. a a a
MAY 25 in Lincoln, Mildred Ann
Putney of Anselmo will be mar
ried to Harold tenBensel of Min
neapolis, Minn. Both Miss Putney
and Mr. tenBensel are graduates
of the university.
AND EMALOU Olson of Mal
colm and E. Joy Thompson ot
Omaha will be married in the
earlier part of June. Mr. Thomp
son has attended Nebraska. The
couple will live in Omaha.
Former Engineering Dean
Will Inspect Platte for
Dr. O. V. P. Stout,' former dean
of the Nebraska Engineering col
ha a returned from California
to mnke a detailed investigation of
the Platte river for me ieaerai gov
ernment in reference to its irriga
tion and power possibilities.
The Platte river survey Is being
xnnHnrtixi mirier the direction of
the bureau of reclamation, a subdi
vision of the department of in
terior. snps hia ripnm-tiire from the Ne
braska campus in 1923, Dr. Stout
has been engaged wun me u-uerm
department of agriculture in Cali
fornia. During his present investi-o-nHnn
nf the Platte river, his office
will be with the conservation una
survey division of Nebraska hall.
r.iMMt PHI alumnae in town
last week end were Willa Norris
of Milford, Dorothy Sondriggen of
Norfolk, Margaret McKenze, He'cn
Kent and Patricia Frisby of Red
White and Pastels!
O For the Daisy Chain For the Ivy Chain
Wash, Crepe Dresses
in riots of clever detail!
Washable crepes! Corded acetates! Pure dve puie
ilks." Satin stripe crepe: White and pastel o.loi
with novelty treatments in their clever stvlin-.
Sizes 12 to 20. .See:
1000 to 1650
GOLD t -Third lloor
H ,-? Mf .
in Iff im II S
mm 2 - A
7 n J-l'-VV iC
inijf I
I -
l . ...4
if: ' U
You're Going to Plant the Ivy
Tap your Innocents! Mask your Mortar Boards! Have your sing! And let the
Queen of the May reign supreme for her day! But we've the formula for doing
all of this in a grand style. We've every ingredient of fashionable dress you
would desire. For we've been clothing the college crowd for years and years
. . . correctly, yet inexpensively! May we assist you in making this a glorious
May Day?
Triumphant Leaders In
the Ivy Day Fashions!
O For the Onlookers
Cotton and Linen Frocks
. . . with Accenting (harden Colors!
Washable : Tui'.ilib-' Adorable Yitton. Hash linen, eyelet ba
tiste., mid la-es. Their hie is unlimited. Their colors are gay.
And their price is very ! :
A Two Suit idea!
. . . with odd slacks . . . odd jacket!
The New Knit
All wool nl& ks with ThMi r.r K'hinHir K er
zip closures . . . adjustable side straps . . .
double pleati front . . . both small and laig
checks. And ct Jjld
'JOLD fi-Men e Store lltli .St
I-et them vary the slacks and jacket
or citeriiate and you vc two suits. Ja' k
t. of all wool flannel with patch pocket
and belted back. Low priced, t:
5 rp?----
7 1 9r t
"... 5 t "
Every college girl knows how
practical a knit dress is for
spring ad summer ... how
easily they are kept clean . . .
and bow very fashionable they
are. We've a grand assortment
In the new chic pastel shades.
Some are loosely woven and
everyone is a creation In itself.
Too. they've been tested for
washability . . . and their rating
is superior. And the price is
only a.9&.
COLD' 8 Third Floor
New Neckwear
of fluf- Fl
3 100
j rice la Jf
Linen 'kerchiefs
You'll take it under
the chin Id IoU
fy wayi. Lares,
pique, orgaodle,
White and p
hades. The price
low, too.
GOLD'S Street Floor
A prettier anaortmetit
nnot be found: See
this new ahiptmer.t of
oil linen kerchief wltli
plain and hemxtltc'ie-i
hems. White and while
itb colored appliques.
I ill i-rv - t
13 I t V A
1 i 1.UU
UN , y m
ill" fi - J&itf' 1 '
x:t V..-.:. 'T . I t
P7-P'- . ''VV V.i
am Ml
79c and 100
The m, polarity of the polo shirt
in axsurcd . . It will be a sports
near favorite. And we've .to k
1 'I our xheivea to the pi 1 If. L.imn
cleeve, Khort aleee?i, cotton and
lt.le knn in white and plain
color. .Some with zipper necki.
GOLD'S Men s Store 11th St.
' I he ttetc model athletic shorts!
Gold Budget "Knee Length Shortie" Hose
They're so popular. These knee length hosiery that will
stay up without a garter . . . for in their tops has been
knitted an elastic band. Too, for more wear, they've been
reinforced in the foot. And rinrless, of course. The new
shades are here!
and convenience!
Try them
for long wear, comfort
Pu your bet foot forwarl
Ivy Lv In white everyld
will te doing it. Htep out in
ny ti U' h as Is Il
lustrated It's only one of
loten s in Gold' mrt ar
ray. See for youwlf today'
3 PAIRS 2.00
(WLD'S-Street Floor
Is Queen of
the May
GOLDS Street M-or
Faultlessly cut and shaped to
fit the body! Cannot ride up,
curl, or bind! Buttonk-ss
with lastex waistband and
leg openings' Feather weight
in good quality cotton knit
md absorbent! And with i
slight athletic support
GOLD'S Men's Store 11th St.
PAIRS 1.00
3 Pas 100
Summer area if and riJtirt!
Ot nw of them quality Holeproof
hore to go wilh your rKrt hoe. White
with black r.k. or all white: paxtel
-hade In several new weave. Tliev
have reinforced hlKh spliced heels and
double oie tr extra wear.
ZOU H Men s Store Ilth St.
Choose- from W Different Styles of
White Shoes
. . hv FORTLSE
i. ..a remind you that jm
l.ilte 1 t., fanhion ompiK
wear tin (.priii. Already you if M ti
thai. Km we do want to ra.i ara Jr
'r a'lrniiori to the many utvle mr jssr i
nd the w:H of
O-'ld . Many are
.r price at
aihable. to.
GOLD S Men s Store Jlfh 8t
Costume Jewelry
T't accent oui fy Ly en
imi we've ;ut th right ro
'"i jee!ry. I'ajr!e shades are
eot f puiar. piee
Charing Cross
trilh the neie trubrniwd collar
A new scientific treatment Rives this
soft collar shirt the appearance of a
etlff. starched collar out with all the
comfort of the soft collar. No wilt! No
wrinkle' No curl' blue or white in
fine quality broadcloth'
GOLD S Men's, fitore Ilth Ft.
HUlM.k all vhll .lkc
. . . Pioneer aanhable stnnx
b't. P.oih sre entirely new
styles, fee them ... at Gold
COf.n S b'reet Vlvx
COLO Mm s Hlors litb at.