i .... T K1DAY. MARCH !.". ly.V. FOUR I III'. If, -MM iH,im3rrm . rvrin n A M . HTJttn I Cf ft M l V I 7 - A' ND THIS IS THE TIME OF THE your Hint those two trmlitiomil T V 2aM i "voiits, years mid years old, appear on WVk ".litlie list of canipiis social fmuM im.s Yk. T Ml "'H'. the Phi Mil snnnir party at the VT"' II t'oriihusker, and the other, the minimi . VNVl 1 Chi Phi blowout, known to eullihle pals mid men ns the Fireman's Hall The spring party is one of those enjoy able events that you send corsages to vour dates and wear evening clothes. but, the Fireman's I5rnwl oh no! The men come to that Ml tie affair in blue shirts and red suspenders, and their dates in red dresses. The whole chapter house is turned into sort of a barn with old lire trucks and hose here and there, and this lime, as an innovation, there will he n Kansas City orchestra and dancing oil all three floors. Sounds like a happy evening for Chi Phis and their dates, and of course, anyone else who wants to crash 1 lie party. AT THE PHI Mu house before the spring party, members of the chapter will entertain their dates at a formal dinner. Decorations for the affair, the color scheme of reen and white, and tapers and carnations will center the tables. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kenimer will be honored guests at the din ner. OUT OF TOWN guests coming for the party include Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Long Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Groth, Omaha; Wini fred Shallcross and Virgene Mc Bride, Omaha; Ruth Penney, Au burn; Mildred Swanson, Pender; Evclvn Schoonoreer, Aurora; Wil ma Posson, Holdrege; Christine Nesbitt, Columbia, Mo.; Ruth Mitchell. Reno, Nev.; Paul Huber, John Rosenau, Jim Davis, all of Omaha; Olive Humbert and Jim Harrison, Oakland, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kemmer, (Har riet Cruise). Mrs. Kemmer will sine for the formal later. THE CHI PHI Fireman's ball will be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson and Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Pool. ANOTHER spring party will be iven tomorrow night at the Lin coln by the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta. Chaperons for the affair are Professor and Mrs. L. B. Orfield, Professor and Mrs. C. B. Nutting and Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Van Sant. About 125 bids have been sent out and streamers and balloons will decorate the ballroom to carry out the theme of spring. Quality at a Lotc Cost Ladies' Spring Coats f iRl Dresses gj C Two Piece T Suits Cleaned and Pressed Unique Cleaners 14th A "S" St OUT OF TOWN alumnae nnd guests coming for the affair are Harry Sinclair and A. K. Stude baker, both ol Chicago, A. O. Holmquist jr., Keith Hopewell, Dick King. Frank Raine. Austin Temple, Bill Gordon, Pete Lowe, and Glen Cunningham, all from the Kansas chapter. ENTERTAINING in honor of the actives at the chapter house, to morrow night, are the Sigma Al pha Mu pledges. Chaperons for the affair are Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Zolat, Dr. and Mis. R. E. Marx, and David Fellman CORRECT wear to Alpha Chi Omega house party tomorrow night is cords and cotton dresses. The affair, given by the pledges for the actives, will be closed, and chaperons are Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Finney and Mrs. J.W. Bishop. A BUFFET supper will be in theorder of the evening when the gals at the Theta house entertain their dates preceeding the house party Saturdav Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Farrell, and Mrs. Myra Cox will chaperon the affair. AND ANOTHER houf.e party coming Saturday night, will be held at the Theta Xi house. Chap erons for the party will be Major and Mrs. John P. Horan, Mrs. Anna Hyland, and Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Aakhus. S. A. E chaperons for the house party tomorrow night are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LaMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Smith, and Mrs. Hal Minor. The pledges, under a bit of stress just now, are keeping the decorations a secret, but we think they're going to be St. Patricks, or something like that. ON THE AG campus tonight the Tri-K's will entertain at a party at the Student Activities building. Chaperoning the affair, properly called a mixer, are Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Newell, and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cushing. WE WONDER what the trouble was out in front of the Theta house yesterday noon ? The, police came dashing around the corner and in practically no time at ail a radio which was standing on the Phi Psi front porch was spirited Movie Directory STUART "AKTKK OFVN'K HOURS" with TlHik Chl and Con-Niam-fl Bennell KrldHV. 11:0 P in.. Vivvlow, RIHMU.BS OF RfcD UA1. LINCOLN "ST. l.Ol'I.S KID" and "BURIED LOOT." OHPHEUM Vhhi1vIIIc plus "A WICK ED WOMAN" on the screen. COLONIAL- WHEN A MAN'S A MAN ' LIBERTY Shirley Timle in "BABV TAKE A BOW." SUN "TREASURE ISLAND," and "SECRET OF THE CHATEAU." WESTLAND THEATRE CORP VARSI TV (Six Any Timel "PRINCESS CHARM1NU" und "MAN OF ARAN." KIVA (Mat. 10c: Nite loci "Rn.'k Junes in SHERIFF." fr;htin; across to the Theta house. And we hear that Holyoke and Wig-gen-horn were mixed up in it! CO TODAY, Mrs. John Burley will be hostess to the Lambda Chi Alpha auxiliary for a 1 o'clock luncheon and a business meeting. The decorations will be carried out in a St. Patrick's day theme and twelve are expected to attend. As sisting Mrs. Burley as hostess will be Mrs. W. H Bradley and Mrs. W. H. Bcrtwell. DURING THE LAST meeting of the Acacia Mothers club, Mrs. W. A. Brown was elected president, Mrs. O. W. Meier, vice president; and Mrs. P. J. Theil, secretary treasurer. The fourteen members present listened to a musical pro gram furnished by Helen Grainger, Miss Dorothea Gore. AT THE CHAPTER house today Mrs. Anna Knapp will entertain the Theta Chi auxiliary at a des sert luncheon. After a business meeting the remainder of the aft ernoon will be spent playing bridge. THETA CHI wishes to announce the pledging of Albert Lane of North Platte. incoln's Fashion Center? Hp faa! Iwtf eiii rfe SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN W 1X22:1224 0 STREET Friday 108 Spring Dresses JO CO ON SALE AT WHAT'S DOING Friday. PHI MU SPRING PARTY, at the Cornhusker. Palladian alumnae program at Palladian hall, 8:30 p. m. Theta Chi auxiliary, 1:15 o'clock dessert luncheon at the chapter house. Lambda Chi Alpha auxiliary, 1 o'clock covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. John Bur ley. Alpha Chi Omega benefit bridge at the chapter house. Phi Sigma Kappa sweetheart dinner at the chapter house, 6:30 to 8:30. Beta Sigma Psi house party at the Delta Chapter house. Presbyterian all university students party at the University manse. Saturday. S. A. E. house party at the chapter house, 9 to 11:30. Alpha Chi Omega cord and cotton house party at the chapter house. Sigma Alpha Mu house party, given by the pledges for the ac tives, 8:30 to 11:30. PHI GAMMA DELTA spring party at the Lincoln hotel, 8:30 to 11:30. Theta Xi house party at the chapter house, 9 to 11:30. Kappa Alpha Theta buffet supper and house party at the chapter house, 6:30. AG MIXER, at the Student Activities building on the Ag campus, 8:30. Chi Phi Fireman's ball at the chapter house, (red dresses and blue shirts required). Sunday. D. U. Sunday night supper at the chapter house, given by the mother's club for the members of the active chapter. Pi Kappa Alpha buffet sup per at the house, for actives, pledges and teir dates. Beta Theta Pi Sunday night supper, given by the Mothers club for members of the active chapter and their dates. TWO STUDENTS OFFER OR MUSIC RECITAL II June Goethe, Alfred Reider Present Program at Temple. Unusual musical talent was shown by Miss June Goethe and Alfred Reider when they presented their Junior recital at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon In the Temple theater. Miss Goethe is a student in the class of Emanuel Wishnow, and Reider studies with William G. Temple. Opening the program with the "Scotch Fantasy," Miss Goethe presented lntroduzionc: Grave," "Adagio Cantabile," and "Allegro gueiriero movements by Bruch. Reider sang as his first two numbers, "Honor and Arms," from "Samson," by Handel, and "It Is Enough," from "Elijah" by Men delssohn. Bohm's "Cavatina" and "Short Story" by Gcrshfin were the next two selections played by Miss Goethe. "Feme, Op. 9, No. 9" by Mendels sohn, "Die Beiden Grenadiere, Op. 49. No. 1," by Schumann, and "Dio Possente," from "Faust" by Gou nod were the next selections sung by Mr. Reider. Miss Goethe con cluded the DroETam with 'Scherzo Tarantelle" by Wienawski. DORIS M'KICU WINS Judges Award Dorothy Kline Second Place in Essay Competition. Doris McKichan, Lincoln, was recently revealed as winner of first nra in thi university section of the David Copperfield Essay con test, sponsored by the Stuart The- ater. radio station uu Gold & Co. Judges accorded Dorothy Kline of Lincoln second Miss MCKtcnan Will receive iu in rush find A CODV of David Cop perfield, autographed by the mo tion picture stars wnu iu k in the film production, while Miss u-iino iviii h awarded S10 in cash. The three judges were L. C. Wim- berly of the university r-ingnan ue rrfmont Miss Sarah T. Muir of the Lincoln high school faculty, and Father Terence. The winning essays are posted on the Duueun KnorVi in ihp lobbv of the Stuart theater. Twelve honorable men tions were made. Entrants in the contest wrote essays on reasons for a preference for the book "David Copperfield" or the motion picture production of Dickens' story. STUDENTS INVITED TO PRESBYTERIAN GROUP PLANS TO ENTERTAIN IN UNIVERSITY MANSE (Continued from Page 1.) ball, George Kimball, Herb Bloch, and Robert Bellamy, will also pro vide a share of the evening's en tertainment. Lilyann and Grace Kratky will render a violin and 'cello duet. Special guest of the affair Is o be Rev. Max Adams, of Philadel phia, head of the department of Presbyterian work of the United States, who will arrive here in Lin coln Friday to survey the prob lems of the Presbyterian work at the university. He will speak be fore group B of the university re ligious welfare council Friday morning at 11 o'clock In 205 of the Temple building, and before the Westminster foundation board members at a luncheon meeting to be held at the Y. W. C. A. Sat urday noon. William Hammond will serve ns master of ceremonies for the Fri day night affair and will lirect group singing and mixer games. Head of the committee in charge ol the arrangements is Dorothy Cathers. Other members of the committee are Marjorie Calder. Betty Hammond, Joe Henry, Bur delte Miller, Harold Hustls, Emil Paroulek. Janet Ogden, and Doro thy Ogden. All friends of Presby terian students are welcome, stated Mr. Henry. Iowa State looks to their veter inary division to supply them with their best wrestlers. Three present practicing veterinarians are former stars and titleholders for Cyclones, and two members of the 1935 team, Ralph Ruggles and Frank Linn, are veterinary students, as is Robert Streever, one of the most promising freshman recruits. Marvin Gustafson. 135 pound varsity Cyclone wrestler, is over 6 feet tall. Quite a contrast to the usual short, squatty men who ras sle at this weight. He should be able to wind around opponents like an octopus and tie himself into knots around them, which is just an effective means 'of winning a bout as any other. Wonder if they call him "beanpole." "Whal a break! v Torgol to take niv Fortunes!" Pair Of course. Fortune shoes arc only 4.00. But you couldn't replace them in comfort or style for dollars more. They'll neither bark nor bite . . . and what an understanding! Suede and calfskin in narrow and medium tips, with your choice of leather or rubber heels. Sizes AA to D ; 6 to 12 Moil's 8lire lllli Si, LDt C ) r - HEAR ADAMS Presbyterian Executive to Speak Today at Temple. Members of the Religious Wel fare Council and of the Westmins ter foundation board, will hear Max Adams, executive of the Pres byterian board of education, Fri day and Saturday. Mr. Adams will address the Religious Council Friday at 11 o'clock in room 205, Temple building. R. B. Henry. Presbyterian student worker, states that it will be an open meeting ar.d that all interested students are invited to attend. Mr. Adam's speech before the Westminster foundation board will be at a luncheon, to he held at the city Y. W. C. A.. Saturday noon Mr. Adams comes from the headquarters of the church boards located in New York. F. W. Pedel ford, executive of the Baptist board of education, and also of New York, will be a special guest at the meetings. A Los Angeles Junior Collegian snooper found this one: "Now it turns out mat a jmjiu writer on the Indiana Daily Stu dent did not pick Red Grange for his mythical eleven after Red's sophomore year, explaining that all Grange could do was run. The Illinois V. 'Daily lllini' printed the explanation and remarked: 'All Galli Curci can do is sing.' " Aany were 12.50 and 16.95, and some even higher. Included in 1his spectacular event are new prints sheers red iifgotes knitted dresses pastel crepes jacket and cape dresses. Sizes mostly 12 to 20 a few larger. Sale starts Friday at 9 a. m. in the main floor College Shop. SPRING SUITS Short Jacket Clark Gable swagger length A special selection for Friday. In norelly ttceeds and plain color flannels. Adrian Lindsey has five letter men about whom to build his 1935 varsity football squad. The Jay hawks returning for another year of competition are: EdwiD Phelps, ; 2-letter guard or center: Richard Sklar, guard: Fred Harris, back; Joe Giannangclo, and John Peter son, backs. Harris will be remem bered by followers of Nebraska teams for his exceptional punting in the mud of Lawrence field last November. Powder Puff Beaute Shop 300 Kresge Bldg Margaret Mi-tinton French Steam Oil Permanent Aroma Oil Permanent Duart Permanent . Soapiest Oil Shampoo 4. Finger Wave Shampoo and Finger Wave L7622 Agne Chery $1.75 $3-50 $3.75 65 sot 095 DANCE TO - - - and His ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, MARCH 15 SATURDAY NIGHT Features HARRY COLLINS PJHaiTDgolci Cluh 1001 M St. We've Some Sweeping Statements To Make About Party Dresses! Some touch the floor Some trail behind . . . But all of them Swish and Sweep! fso and 19.50 Let's go dancing these soft moonlight evenings . . . let's go dancing in our own charming way! But beware! these flow ing formals ... so dangerously charming ... so daringly pro vocative ... so flirtatious! Mous seline de soir. paper taffeta, taf feta rushing, lace, organdy . . -some with enormous exploding sleeves, smooth, tight hip lines, with fullness breaking low. Yes. we've a charmer for every danc ing lady! GOLD S Third Floot. .... and accessories! Holeproof "Knee High" hose 1.13 Rhinestone Bandeaux .... 1 .00 Rhinestone Bracelets 1 00 Taffeta Trimmed Silk Gloves 1.00 Dainty Bead Bags 1 .00 Silk crepe formal slips. . . .1.95 Crepe formal petticoats ... 1 .95 Street and Third Floor. w "-"Ik y -"Fx ; .. , , vvavvv rv': , .V. -