"Nebraska F Pitt! Nebraska r T1,','"l''ll'''''mrTrrrTr' B I 3,2 Reserved Seat Tickets Are To Be Given Away Thursday, Oct. 8., at 9 P. M. To ipninr am: HUSKER INN CAFE 14th & Q St. The 12 nearest estimates of the kernels of corn in a jar on our cash register will receive the 1 2 50-yard line Pitt tickets. Come Over and Make Your Estimate-It Costs You Nothing . Trv our thic Malted Milk Wh a vt 35 and Sandwich Special for tfwn servej eVery day with 25c. all the trimmings. WE WANT AND APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE The Place uith the Student Pulse HUSKER INN CAFE 14th & Q St. Carl von Brandenfels, Mgr. Armistice Party Ladies 35c Saturday Night After the biggest game of the season Surprise Orchestra! Watch for Announcement! Get a Date! COLISEUM (PERMANENT DECORATIONS) Couples 75c Men 40c Beat Pitt iw(iv Then J sx. Come Vl To The IWM Varsity SAM FRANCIS' , GRILL Noon Day Lunches 25c Dinners 35c Special Sunday Dinner 40c 13th & Q H'rt riVl.H.M.li.' .TCT.CTjTil-1 '"J Art Unger's Barbers 119 No. 12th On the Campus Street Stop after the game so you'll look your best for Saturday Night. Always For Nebraska in ii .i , i ,-r btitii: I1T. ITIViriVITl', fciiiirrii ii i n i EAT After We Beat Pitt The GLEN JUSTICE 'ttimiii' Beat Pitt As- 3? .,.T...tl.i.i.TviviTlTi.w If V ifLETS KJ AT "rwSV.'. W a c v:, J 1 yx 1 I GIVE PITT BOTH BARRELS Siof Gun Service Hotel Campus Inn (Just Eatt of the Camput) D'Hamburger You Once Get Started You'll Come Every Day You'll Like Our Food M.,1,,1 Mil M.lMIM. lit! 1141 Que Street " til Al'l '. iitfu'iiftiWn1. Before And After The Game Complete Fountain Service BoydeiVs Pharmacy H. A. Reed, Mgr. a Headquarters for STUDENT SUPPLIES NEBRASKA TAKE THAT PANTHER ITITI'MTITT o quality o service p price College Book Store Facing Campus r'-triiiiir'i' i I Hill PECAN ERUX$CE3 Tooty'i Scntima f?. TomHtd Pccmnt b4 Krunchf Cmndy 9 Jt - V 52 ! fU I tilft mi.; "f ou Ijavc aiway eaten Ice Cream because you hke it . . now you surely delight over this ae-sr enncbed Krunchy Nut Ice Cicam. The nut flavor u touted in and remains crisp &nd krunchy in the Ice Cream. IU' richer, creamier, every bite U df-lightully different from plain Ice Cream . . Itc toasted.' Look for the to e tliSyH&yicz the Fainncnt sign. There is one near The Fairmont Creamery Co. Phone M2397 1 Nebraskana " f f a J i I Americana RARE BOOKS Bought and Sold Long's College Book Store Across From The Campus AFTER THE GAME Remember Our Sandwich Service also Lunches and Suppers 25c r- . ' x -A . - L 1 DON FLASNKX Cigarettes and Candy 1 K Ira ILJ 1718 O Street 'i'W.m,nui1)mt...j Jl HELUT C O F F FIRST EDITIONS FINE SETS Across from the Campus II 1 1 H '.), i .IM Mil I i i i 1 1 HliTTrrTW'l HI MIIIMI 7 "i'TT!ii.