two TTTE nn.r netiraskan WEDNESDAY, N0VEM11ER 7, 19.11. Daily Nebraskan Station A. Lincoln, Nebraska. OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Ttlia paper la represented for general advertising by the raeoraaxa rrui Association. TUta piper la repretenteel far tenant atfvertielng by the Nebratka Prate Aeeeeiatlan iejj c5?Sf?j!"Ma tn tared ae second-class matter at the postofflce m Lincoln, Nebraska, under act of congress, March t, 1879. and at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103. act of October S. 1917. authorized January fO. 1922. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. Published Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Frioay and Sunday mornings during the academic year. SUBSCRIPTION RATE. S1.50 a year. Single copy 5 centa. 11.00 semester. $2.50 a year mailed. $1.50 a semester mailed. Under direction of the Student Publication Board. Editorial Office University Hall 4. Business Office University Hall 4-A. Telephones Day : B6E91; Nlghtl B6882. B3313 (Jour nal). Ask for Nebraskan editor. Pittsburgh Is Doomed! "UR university is on the spot this week end. Eyes of the east will be focused on the Memorial tadium field, expecting to feast themselves on the right of a Panther eagerly gobbling the Huskers. Sporta aoribea from the east coast don't know yet that Nebraska will beat Pittsburgh. They expect the Smoky City boys to take Coach Bible's team in good Panther style. Too bad! Too bad! The eastern sports writers ere wrong. NEBRASKA WILL BEAT PITTS BURG THIS SATURDAY! THE HUSKERS CAN'T LOSE! Coach Bible came tack from the Golden Bowl In the Pennsylvania city after witnessing the Pitts-burgh-Notre Dame game with the word that Coach Sutherland's machine is as good aa or better than Minnesota, The Qopners trimmed the Panther team 13 to 7, but victory came to the Minneapolis team only because of superior reserve power. Back In 1925 Notre Dame had the best team tn the country. At least that's what everyone but the Nebraska student body said. As usual the .Huskers had no respect for reputation. The Ram blers tumbled under a 17 to 0 score compiled by Ed Weir and the other Nebraskans. Notre Dame athletic officials haven't arranged a game with a Nebraaka team since that fateful Thanksgiving day. Right now the highly-vaunted Panthers wouldn't believe there is analogy between the above situa tion and that which will exist following the after noon of Saturday, Nov. 10. But the Nebraska stu dent body, behind the team to the last man, Coach Bible, and the team know enough about Cornhusker epirit, skill, and reputation so they easily under stand the similiarity. We hope that Pittsburgh athletic officials don't sever athletic relations with Nebraska following Saturday's trimming. Fellow students, you all know NEBRASKA WILL WIN! This will be a week end of school and national patriotism, numerous rallies, spontaneous spirit, and victory. Nebraska's newly formed rally committee that has been functioning so efficiently this fall has planned a stirring series of pep demonstrations for this week. Students will be gathering in enthusi astic groups starting with the Wednesday evening house-to-house rally. Thursday afternoon a student petition to Coach Bible and the football team will be presented to those men at 4:30 by a crowd that will congregate at the stadium for the purpose. It Is at that time that student spirit can put in its work in encourage ing the team to trim those far from Invincible Pan thers. Response Is assured. Friday morning at 11 o'clock pop demonstra tions will gather In front of Social Sciences to wit ness the official hanging of the Panther In effigy, The team will see to the completion of the program Saturday. Climactic in the rally program is the bonfire scheduled for Friday night at 7 o'clock back of the coliseum. The largest student rally crowd in years will boost Nebraska to the skies that night If this student body doesn't attend at least 3,000 strong there's something wrong. Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, three hours be fore the game Nebraska's R. O. T. C regiment, the Tassels, and Corn Cobs will meet in the final rally preceding the game. Of course the really huge rally Is that set for the stadium at 2 o'clock, game time. Corn Cobs, Tassels, Innocents, Mortar Boards, N club, the R. O. T. a band, R. O. T. C regiment, all fraternity and sorority members, and all un affiliated students are duty-bound to turn out for these rallies. Nebraska's football reputation rests In the balance Saturday. When a school is on the football map in a prominent place it is also prom inent m name as an educational institution. What the University of Nebraska lacks is good publicity. A Pittsburgh victory will boost this school to new heights. In the past Nebraska teams have stopped Red Grange, Illinois' Galloping Ghost; Red Franklin, Oregon State's All-American back; Oze Simmons, famous Iowa ball-carrying eel; the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame, and held Red Cagle short on yard age as did any other team competing against the Army flash. Pittsburgh should feel honored to be incl"ded in such fine company as that listed above. It will be included. PITTSBURGH IS DOOMED TO DEFEAT! VARSITY PARTY ENDS Affair Planned as Best Party Of Year According to James Marvin. In celebration of tho Husker Pitt game Saturday afternoon, the fourth varsity party of the season will be held Saturday evening in the coliseum. Negotiations for an orchestra will be completed short ly, according to Jim Marvin, chair man of the orchestra committee of the Barb council sponsoring the dance. "We have planned this week affair as the best party staged so tar this year," Marvin stated. "We promise a good orchestra and ex pect the largest turnout of the year." Permanent decorations in .the coliseum will again be used. Only one more varsity party is sched uled for this semester, while four, including two in the Ag college activities building, are on the sea ond semester calendar. of the tap dancing hobby group who are Interested tn presenting dance routine for the Big and Lit tle Sister dinner, will be held in the girls' gymnasium Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Other members who wish to come and practice may do so. "Buy a Cornhusker." TAP DACERS HOLD SPECIAL REHEARSAL Happy Group Member to Learn Dance Routine For Dinner. A special rehearsal for members Typewriters All makes for rental. Special rate to students for lone; term. Ueed and rebuilt machine on easy payments. K2157. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. Lincoln, Nebr. Sophomore Commission. Sophomore commission group will meet today at 5 o'clock instead of at 4 o'clock as was scheduled. Mrs. Helen Cassidy Nelson will be the speaker. Corn Cobs. Corn Cobs will meet for an im portant meeting tonight at 7, in room 8, U hall. It is urgent that all members be present. BEAT PITT. IMPORTANT rl OF SILKS Weighted silk FLAT CREPES. 28 plain color. Qs 38 in. YARD BELDINGS PRINTED SILKS slripr, plaids and others. Regularly 1.39, O" YARD OJC ALL SILK ROUGH CREPE 11 colors. 39 in. Q " , YARD y0iy NOVELTY CORDED FAB RICS sporta fabric. Green, nit. brown, navy, black. CI 39 in. YARD HIGH GRADE NOVELTY FABRICS roueh crepe, hammered back crepe sarins, ctdanrte atin and more. Regularly O up to 1.95 m yard. 39 in. YARD laOO Thtr Flow Kleenex Hand Towels SPECIAL PURCHASE OF ROLLS REGULARLY 23c. 9x12 in. sheets 43 in a roll. Absorbent! Soft! SALE PRICE, roll 2 rolls 25c 15 Toilet Goads Pint Floor PULVERIZE THE PANTHERS. Why Walk Vour Date Per. Mi. DWSO Per. Mi. Rent Car Rates Cut In Two U-Drive It Co. 1918 0 St. PURCHASE $5.50 For $5.00 Meal Ticket .Y0W7 $250 Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA BEAT PITT. PHI LAMBDA UPSILO HOORS J011 PARKER Selected as Outstanding Freshman Student in Chemistry. John Parker was selected by Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chem istry society for advanced stu dents, as the outstanding fresh man chemistry student for last year. He was elected at a meet ing of the society last nicht. His name will be ene-raved nn the Phi Lambda Upsilon cup. Parker is a student in the engineering college. Dr. L. A. Olscn, who received his doctor's degree recently, spoke on the ternary system which was the subject for his doctor's thesis Mr. Bare, president of the so ciety, presided at the meeting. "Order your Cornhusker." Predict Sellout of Pitt Came Tickets Ry Thursday Sight flee. Situated on the 50-yard line, the ducats are selling for $2.20. Tho special train tor I lie student migration to Lawrence will lnnve Lincoln Saturday morning, Nov. 17, It was announced. BEAT PITT. Complete sellout of tickets for the Pitt game by Thursday night if good weather continues, was forecast by the athletic depart ment Tuesday. Indications were that standing room which it is planned to offer after stadium and bleachers are filled, will be in great demand by Saturday. Tickets for the Kansas game at Lawrence have arrived, John K. Selleck, of the athletic department, has announced and students may obtain them at the Activities of- THE OWL PHARMACY Is the pines to got your Noon Lunch. You will enjoy our Thick Malted Milks and Tasty Tostwlch Sandwiches. YOUR DRUG STORE 148 No. 14th A P Sts. Phone B1086 I. MILLER fash ions the shoe for each new fall costume JWIW.HE HAD A WOoUtN ItO ANO A GIASS , ' ' ' ' . " LN0 3TIIL WON THE 'HOST-rOPUtAR-MAN'CONirSTy) , j " j . 2 LW (campuj cords): tr !- A f f J JM'BOy-THAT MA0F ' J -l j I I If 4M E5C GOOIMOOKING V -A TM7f v UNIVERSITY COROURCT 1 llV ill) TROUSERS 'CLICN'LINf A iA) llf h J MILLION.... AND MAN - Vm fi Tfl ' f HOW COMFORTABLE AND IM tf, V LONG-WEARING I ! li j TOffcZ'Bn Ml i ill 'THIS GOIO lABfl Vl It (r Hil T vou ciOTMirR's j j ji : j ' ' r u?itc? ; QBS asVLr for h Msiiverjirr-toudi in wool trousers CAMPUS FLANNELS snd CAMPUS RUFFS (tht hcsTt. rwttJ) kind) $195 for Campus Cord $795 Others a" m mum tt -t, ( GU For the suit of TWEED or HOMESPUN I. Millar creates tfc TOWNIP a smart five eyelet erfbrd Hwiy. slenderly tailored end embellished with stitching nd perforations. ORDER YOUR CORNHUSKER FROM A CORN COB K Tc o age and mellow tobaccos just right to give Chesterfield its milder Letter taste . . . Pnrzrvc tobacco in 1000 -pound bogs beads for ageing. f i II I; DUt , I S - I NOMINATE contaxtant in the GAGE Style Contest and cast 1,000 votes in her favor. ifmam mmkinf tmminmtwon) . A osmuine CAGE hot will be individually designed for eoch of tho 5 winners by Gage fcrothenj V Co, erectors of finest quality women's hots. FUCI TKU COUPON IN BALLOT tOX AT Ths dslly Ikhrzihzn Office BaBement of U. Hall z A WE have tried a good many m ods to age cigarette tobacco, we have never found any method that equals the slow old-fashioned plan of ageing it in wooden casks for two years or more. Ail the tobaccos we use in Chesterfields are aged this way. It takes time, money, and miles of warehouses but it's the one way to make a milder better cigarette. Tobacco aceic in storage vxre-boufies. p J s r. 11 ail -Jj X . X ' ""fSPICTrC TOBACCO before going to the factories for Llend-ing. the cigarette that's MILDER the cigarette that TASTES BETTER. 1M. tiseiTr A Myhi Toaaoso Co.