r1 FOUR CAM PUSOOET sions are going on in practically o- THE PRIZE for the most "candy ! passing" should go to the Thetas. who have had some one announc-! lng an engagement most every : week for the past couple ot months. This time it's Helenej Hitchcock, a senior from Hastings, who "did it" last night with Wayne ; Patten. Kappa Sig, and senior; from Sterling, Colorado. I ... j THE ALPHA PHIS came in for their share of candy Monday, night when Jeanette Arensburgi and Herb Meyers, Delta Upsilon; Dorothv Lee Hertzler and Ray-! mond Macy, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Informally announced their en gagements. . AND THE CHI O S had candy ' last night, when Bebe Halsted an noanced ber engagement to Bob Chase. D. U. They're both from Lincoln.. ' NEW INITIATES of Alpha Chi, are Mary Elizabeth Barbour, Har rington:" Ruth Brown, Hastings; i Shirley Beth Chatt. TeKaman; Flora Catherine Ewart, Wahoo; Alice King, Lincoln: Virginia Pierce. Shelton: Kathleen Rad cliffe. McCook; Louise Rische. Lin coln, and Louise Scott. Ogallala. ... THE D. U.'s gave a dinner for their parents last Sunday at 1 o'clock at the house. Tables were decorated in the fraternity colors, blue and gold. John Jenkins. Bob Lor.g, and Bob Pierce were in charge of the arrangements. About eighty guests attended. AND A BUFFET lawn supper . was given by the Chi Os on Sun day at 6 o'clock. Leona Pollard was in charge of the plans. Spring flowers and decorations were used. About fifty guests were there. AN INFORMAL reception at the University club, was given Sat urday afternoon for the seniors and graduate students of the home eco nomics department by the staff. Faculty members and students of that department were the guests. Irises and peonies decorated the , tables. Miss Margaret Fedde, chairman of the department, gave a short talk. PT.Wrk.n AT a limrhpnn meet ing last Friday afternoon were the I following new oincers or. me Lambda Chi Alpha mothers: Mrs. J. H. Bradlev, president: Mrs. N. H. Burtwell, vice president: president; i Mr.. Earl B. Brook, secretary-!?1 acffrSS- & SChriCker publicly chairman. SIGMA ALPHA IOTA held its annual McDowell tea Sunday aft - ernoon from 3 until 5 o, elect. t Ellen Smith hall. The musical pro- gram includes a group of vocal numoers oy Laura tvimoan ano iu- WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD know: tenrwtt tkr mpprv m umU U W lmrr kuM mi mnd Imt rtrwpi M u, mi thevmnnm ,1 i. I I -L.. .5 t -iu -I m s icW in dm rn(.liitaina. Jm m arUrtioai ml Tarm kf WtriXrt tmd -XmrAtm" m-lm foam- anM mmi tm$rm A4f Ucyt- C MaUra Fara Braaian Cloe, V-Tk. M AT AIL UADINi ilOfiS 0aidetu7vm mmr4t Nursing Prepares for Life A coon to Nursing offers any young women the bt t possible ptrparitioo foe life. Knowledge of the care of the sick, of the care of the normal child and of clirte:io w ill be useful throughout Lfe. Coctact with Deoele of all tvPet it traioinc io character trudr- . The Washinztoa Univeriirr School of Nursing it St. Louis it af- A4lreM: Mt "I'h omvertiry which directs its edurarionai policy Ink la'arsn. and prmridea the foJry. O.erlooks g 1209 acre psrk. Excellent Uwecior. 4j UboraroriM and librariet. Loexcelled clinical facihtie through w ""lSIX Hcnpital. St. Lcua Cn.ldren i Hospital. St. Louit Marer- MiMewn. Biry Hospital and the Vesting Nurse A?srxiat.on of Sr. Louis. I if asulnxiuu University Scliool of Nursing TODAY IT'S MOSTLY ENGAGE- inents and ilinnors that arc in tin- lmu' lijrlit. It looks as if evervoiif who hasn't passtul 1 he candy before is choosing the last couple of w e'eks of school to announce their eiiRagcmcnls. Especially are the seniors observing this old Nebraska cus tom, and a iuuiiHit of t hem are planning summer weddings. There, are three ban quets scheduled for this eveninp, one for tomorrow nieht and two for Saturday. The rest of the week is rather blank, with most evervone studying and cram ses every house. WHAT'S DOING Tuesday. Delta Omicron alumnae, 6 o'clock picnic at Pioneers park. Gamma Phi Beta mothers club, 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Edwin Vail. Delta Sigma Delta, 6:30 ban quet at the Lincoln hotel. Delta Sigma Phi, dinner and initiation at the Lincoln hotel. Xi Psi Phi, 6:30 dinner at the Cornhusker hotel. Wednesday. Sigma Delta Chi, banquet at the Cornhusker hotel. Theta Phi Alpha mothers club, luncheon at the home ot Mrs. G. V. Keller. Saturday. Chi Delta Phi, 7 o'clock din ner at the Cornhusker hotel. Alpha Omicron Pi, banquet at the University club. Delta Gamma, lawn party at the house. cille Reilly; piano numbers by Dorothea Gore; violin numbers by Roberta Wilbe: and a vocal group by Helen Ullery. Lois Rathbum was in charge of the dining room. Mrs. Reuben Walt and Mrs. Ar thur Dobson presided at the tea table. Mrs. Vernon Forbes and Laura Kimball were in the receiv ing line. SISTERS OF SIGMA NU were entertained at 1 o'clock dinner at the house last Sunday. Wallace Crites was in charge of the ar rangements, and about fifty were present. ANNOUNCED SUNDAY was the engagement of Miss Jean Whitney of Omaha to J. Arthur Danielscn of Lincoln. The wedding will take place late in June. Miss Whitney is a graduate of the Uni veraitv and a member of Chi Omega, while Mr. Danielson w as a DU here. AND JUNE SEVENTH Miss Rpttv Ann Sain of Lincoln will be married to William O. Kunter of; I Idaho Falls, Ida. Both Miss Sain and Mr. Kunter are graduates oi the university where she was af filiated with Phi Mu. and he with Sigma Phi Sigma. ANOTHER JUNE WEDDING ; will take place the sixteenth when i ... . . ...t i at,. Miaa Miirirpfl sienion oi liuwuiii re TrVZnp Wvominj 1 Sterrn AhT Pni . here Mr Anderson belonged to Farm House and Innocents, ! y M0RNING breakfast Sund b the Sig- R ,inderclassmen for the s PpTabIp aDDoinlments were lavendar amj maroon, the sor- ity colors, and each senirr received a parting gift. Margaret Grant j was in charge of the affair. j ! THE ALPHA CHIS entertained j at a house pai ty last Saturday , night, when about fifty gusH , were pr?sent. Virginia Smith was i in charge of the arrangements. ' The chaperons were Mrs. J. V.". ! Eishop and Mr. Llovd Tcale. I ALPHA DELTA PI active chap- j ter will entertain the alumnae at : a banquet Saturday evening at the vhflr.tf-r hcuse. Evelvn Thomas is in charge of the motif and Frances Bradley the toasts. About eighty are expected to attend. ; MU PHI EPSILON, musical i sorority, initiated Inez Dovel and I Dorolhy Dee Delfs at a recent meeting held at the Alpha Xi ! Delta house. Installation of the I TUESDAY LUKCBI MLNiU Navy Ban Jvup 10c Koant binoin of Ei Frh Billed Tong-ue iih Hum p.admh 30t- Bid Short RU. of Beef Brown Potato Hungarian Goulah 25c SPECIALS served only from It to 1:30 p. m. No. 1 Cinnamon Tr,aj!t. Kruit 5aial. Bverag - 20c No. 2 H o t Barbwue Sand- ich. Soup. Bverage. 25c No. 3 Leg Saiad Sandwich. Pineappi and Cheese 5a.ad. ttverage 2oe No. 4 Salmon Salad Sand wich. tih of Ic Cream c No. 5 Peanut Butter Sand- ich. Milkahake 20c No. S Gooie Liver Sandwirh. ChoUe of Beer 25c No. 7 Chirken S a ' a d Ssnd wlh. Ietluie and To n.o Salad. Bvrat-e -25c No. Baron and Tomato Sandwich, any U- LTtnk 20c Boyden Pharmacy 13th & P St., Stuart Bldg. H. A. REED. Mgr. following officers was also held. Marian Miller, president; Violet Vaughn, vice president; Eunice Binpham, recording secretary; Henrietta Saunderson, correspond ing secretary; Miss Dovel. treas urer; Hilda Dickau, historian. I Big Six Track Meet, Tennis Meet ', and What Have You? ! it was a great day for tennis ami the smkemen donned their pole togs to watch the tankmen eliminate the Husker eleven in a real basketball contest in the ring of the coliseum shower room. Under the bright rays of the Map Western sun. Wilbur Haegen won the serve. He tossed the little white sphere high into the air. His lithe body bent like a reed and his u in nip anterior annendaees poised above his head. The ball dropped from the heavens into range and he lnntred into it with Herculean i effort to send it skimming over tne net. to me iar corner ui iuc court where it smothered in a cloud of dust. The meet was on! i The next shot went high into I the air. Sauer was after it. He snared it and started down the field in attempt to hang up a new ! record in the hundred. As he crossed the mid court stripe he took a long arched shot for the i basket where the awaiting Lorens I Simons brought it tothe mat with ! a half nelson and crotch hold, but 1 the wary Sawyer was far too elusive and stepped across the ring to hammer his adversary into sub ! mission while Shafer won his first set in tennis. I With the sun comin? out strone- i er than ever, the diamond men icok io tsunung-waii uu oauer hears that and Equipoise came galloping home a sure winner. Whitney Reed took his stance on the fourteenth tee. He eyed the terrain. Slowly the head of the club waa drawn back. It paused in the midst of the huge arc and started down towards the little pill LOST Xi Psl Phi pin. "L. Johnson'" engraved on back. Reward. Call B2814. I Uvnt totreo Co, .-W a. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN gaining' momentum as it. went. What! it soared high into me sec end row of the bleachers and the score was tied two falls to three slips. Spurlock stepped to the mound, eyed first and sent a fast breaking curve down over the heart of the Dlate? But beinc one of the "Curves" from Dunking on the Hudson, ane wouiun i lean a true life and two-timed the pitcher by becoming engaged to a high cenierneia tence. too dui: Masterson catapulted himself from the ledge of the pool and tried the center of the line for three yards. Incidentally, Heye Lambertus cap tured one of the Huskers two places in the track meet when he topped the timbers in 23.4. Real izing the danger when working within the shadows of his own goal posts, Parsons called on all the gridiron strategy at his command. Another additional item of import ance. Upshar cf Oklahoma down ed Haegen, only to be downed later by Voss of K. U. To make things mde binding. Don Shirley tied into a knot while Harry Kuk lin executed a dainty full gaynor and it was full. Wonderful weather we are hav ing. It's dust a touch of the loeal color in the old Cornhusker state. The Nebraska diamond team droppe- another slugfest to Kan sas. Playing real Big Six baseball more errors than runs the Kan sans whipped the little white pill all over the diamond. The man on the mound had some real curves incidentally Mae West is making a new picture "Queer Curves" and the Huskers dropped the track meet to Kansas. Well! that's all there is except that like students with incomplete laboratory classes. Chicago is burning up, and the ebony hued optic organ I sport was not due to the physical superiority of any ruffian, but merely the sudden con- Develop Tour Mental And Physical Coordination By Learning to Dance Classes every Monday and Wednes day. Beginners given personal at tention at 8:00 P. M. LUELLA WILLIAMS PRIVATE STUDIO 1220 D St. B-4258 in the pure salt water of the Turquoise Pool. Buy a sea son ticket and swim as long and as often as you like. FREE DANCE TONITE Eddie Jungbluth playing. Dance All Evening Free. CAPITQL BEACH '1 SW0R3 Tlx ,H r "tsiy " . . .v.- Jim m .Mtjaw- tact of an enthused fan who was trying to show his appreciation fcr my column. Guess I'll go home and enjoy a bowl (steaming) of Bekus pudding. Possiblv the saddest day of your I life has arrived-1 am writing my last column tins semester, i mi y know that it has been accepted in every middlcsex village and farm -leave out the farm as the mod ern medium of education and it grieves me sorely that througn me hot summer months the sparkle and glamour of my work will not reach you as balm or refreshment. The zest of the news will return again next year unless the New York Times makes a wise move. I'm not big headed, I Just got a slight case of Max Baentis with a touch, of Carneraism. In the annual conference display of spikes, Glenn Cunningham cir cumnavigated the oval in first po sition in the 8S0, mile, and two milew under the dead weight of sweat togs. If he ever takes his heavy perspiratory garment off. they 11 have io ue a iew ica ...i'.vhfa tr his les to keep the lad from taking off. Like that grand old boss Equipoise, uienn runs with his head high and his Her culean legs driving like veritable trip hammers to send him on his way. Heye Lambertus led the timber toppers to the tape nthe low AM I PLEASED! I've discovered TOURIST jm a re . is TOP CLASS to Europe via RED STAR IT'S a pleasure to you and a plea sure to your pocket book to sail in the finest cabins, enjoy the top decks, the largest public rooms on the ship . . . and pay only Tourist Class fare. On these large, comfortable Red Stat liners. Tourist Class is topclass. Regu lar sailings to and from Southampton, Havre and Antwerp. Minimum fares -Tourist Class $117.50 One Way, $212 Round Trip; Third Class $82 One Way, ? 144 50 Round Trip. S.S.MINNEWASKA S. $. MINNITONKA 32,000 grow tons S.S.PENNIAND S. S. WESTERNLANO 16,500 gross tons Stt yeta iocii at Ha itnica m frn. RED STAR LINE Intanutional Mercantile Marin Co. . mniajMBwd v7 216 No. Michigan Ave Chicago f4 'f 'I'M -Si I I thank you ever so much but I couldn't even think about smoking a cigarette." "Well, i understand, but they are so mild and taste so good that I thought you might not mind trying one while we are riding along out here." hurdle event in the fast time ot 23 4 Heye has developed a smoom stride which catapults him over the barriers with unheard of grace and speed losing no speed when in nuest of the desired altitude. Lam bertus established his supremacy over Knappennrrger cf Kansas to avenge himself for the defeat suf fered previously at the hands of Big Joe." Living up to the o cl family tradition. Heye is high in the field of Big Six competition. With a score resembling the French debt, the Haggles smom ered the Husker nine to the sad and apologetic tune of 19 to 6. Morgan of the Kaggies and Graham, heavy-hitting scarlet and cream diamond man, registered circuit clouts. Graham has been leanine on the old pill and has been placing it consistently just where the opposition ia wmn. u efforts alone were not sufficient to overcome the also wean adver saries and we again succumoeu. The reason for the loss is simple. When a batter takes to tne dox nis sole purpose is to register a mi I iiS !M organdy j And if notinoijan- ) yj I dy, in mousselii c or ) organza or iny ( S"CCr I i il FRwal Print. ) 1 THANK YOU- TTKSPAY. MAY 22, I.H. which only can be done by playing the traditional "soft spots." With the Cornhusker nine it is Impossi ble to find hard spots, so almost pverv time the ball's course is in- tempted with the hat, the result is a hit. Too bad me rest or thf boys couldn't get the disease ol home runism from "Cracker" Graham "slugger" to his per sonal admirers. POWDER, ROUGE LIP STICK Cel It Here It It Corrert. Fountain and Lunch Luxuries at Money Saving Price DRUGS & REMEDIES AT Uni. Drug BI771 Ji - Free Delivery :-tt ana A . . t" I I I -1 I