FOUK. THE DAILY NKHRASKAN CAMPUSOCDCTY W entornrisiiur pioneers ' . . . o CELEBRATING the fiftieth an niversary of the Y. W. C. A. on this campus, a breakfast and pageant will be given at 9 o'clock this morning at Raymond hall Elaine Fontein will be the toast mistress and will welcome the mothers and alums. Mrs. C. Petrus Peterson, mother and alumna, will give a short talk. Introduction of the staff and staff leaders will be made at the breakfast. In the re ceiving line will be the members of the advisory board, cabinet offi cers, Miss Bernice Miller, and Chancellor and Mrs. E. A. Burnett Mrs. Louis C. Brown is in charge of the pageant. Those in charge of the breakfast are Elaine Fon tein. Jean Palmer, Evelyn Dia mond. Beth Phillips, and Virginia Sweeney. About 200 people are expected. LOTS OF THINGS happened on Ivy Day. For instance. Jean Al den. Alpha Chi, took Bill Eddy's Lambda Chi pin. However we hear there's to be no announcing . . .at least right away. THE FARMERS AROUND LIN- coin are lioooininji slightly perturbed . or so it's said, licciiusc for the Inst couple of Sundays their lands have been dotted with picuickinc parties. It looks as though today would be the same way, with everyone cettinji out their sport clothes, and fraternity houses being im aged of blankets. The principal dif'li cully seems to lie to find some place that isn't already crowded. Pcnn Woods and llorky's park are ever-popular but the im re' remote spots are being discovered THE THEME of the Alpha Xi Delt annual spring banquet last night at the Lincoln was a radio program. Mrs. Clayton Sanborn of Omaha was the toastmistress, and among the speakers was a repre sentative from everv class. Carol Emery talked for the freshmen. Doris Wilson for the sophomores, Dorothy Orcutt for the juniors, and Lucille Lampert for the seniors. About sixty-five alums and actives were present, among whom were several out of town guests. Spring flowers were used on the tables. Mrs. G. T. Warren was in charge of the affair. MEMBERS OF the Pharmaceu tical club entertained at a dinner at the Cornhusker last Friday eve ning, when about 100 were pres ent Raymond Schoening was the toastmaster, and Charles W. Lesh of Omaha was the pricipal speaker. THE MEETING of the Delta Zeta alumnae Thursday noon at the house, the following new offi cers were chosen: Mrs. Ole Buck, president; Mrs. W. L. Turner, vice president; Mrs. Perry Jennings, treasurer; and Mrs. F. E. Over holser. secretary. ON IVY DAY the Alpha Phi alumnae and stockholders of the hniirtincr pxrhane-e held a luncheon meeting at the house. Mrs. James Ellis was electee! president oi im. Lincoln alumnae; Mrs. W. W. Car- veth. vice president; Mrs. Erma Olson, secretary; ana Airs. Bumstead, treasurer. New mem- TKjb rood EXCITING koMjeAij irumoiimi Bringing you naw comfort and freedom fromi "bunt" knoof wnon you knoel gartcr-funs wbtn you strotch in i MM IE KNEE HIGH" HOLEPROOF Knea-length ... end self-supporting be cause of its Rat knit-in garter-topi Wear It for coafort . : : chic : : ; and economy! For dancing ; : ; sport ; ; . business ; : : end housework . ; . Smarter than socks : : : cooler than stockings . : . that s th new, clever "KNEE HIGH." 85c l00 3 Pain 2.40 3 Pairs 2.78 GOLD S Street Floor. New 14-in Lastex Girdles . . .Form-fitting .. .Urn ir ttretrh . ttear tritti the new Knee-High ff New two-way stretch Panties. . .form fitting., no I VJU garters to bother with. . .small, medium and large . . . only V)l.D S Wrt Floor. r Fine Quality.... i Personal Stationery fTl 100 Folded Sheet ! Ttrn ; v I I I 4 Address .n Paper j Send . 00 Both Printed with lour !ame and Addrets Your own personal Stationery ... 100 white folded sheet with 100 matching envelopes . . . your printed on both... in blue only ...oxierea 10 you u v" prica of 1.00. OLD8 Slret Floor. 1 ORDER BLANK Pleas tend be. personal Utien.ry n check enclosed I-! Money Order n C. O. O. H Chg. Nam. en Piper THEATRE DIRECTORY- STUART (Mat. 25c Nile 40c) Now Showing: THE HOUSE OK ROTHSCHILD with OorRP Ar" lias. Robert YounR Mi'l Biirls Karloff. LINCOLN (Mat. 15c Nite 25c) Now Showing: Robert Mi;tcm orv In the" MYSTKRY OK MR. X. pliia Laurel anrl Hnrdy conicny. ORPHEUM (Mat. 15c Nite 25cl Nw Show-In: A MOPKHN HKRO with Rlrhard BMi'lhl'llp! .loan Mulr and Veree TphsiIhIc. COLONIAL (Mat. 10c Nite 15c) Now Showlnp: ALL OHKT ON THE WESTERN FRONT with Lew Ayres plus Sereal. LIBERTY (Mat. 15c Nite 20c) Now showlnp: I'M NO ANC.EL and GABRIEL OVER THfc. WHITE HOL'tiE. SUN (Mat. 10c Nite 15c) Now PhowliiR: Will Ron" in TOO BUSY TO WORK and K1NU FOR A NIGHT. Informally. AT FOUR O'CLOCK thia after noon Miss Sylvia Kerr of Alma will be married to Vr. Alva M. McCon ohay of Holdrege. Both are gradu ates of the university, where Dr. Conohay was a member of Xi Psi Phi. LAST FRIDAY evening Miss Susan Lau entertained at her home for Miss Charlotte Cornell. The affair was a handkerchief shower, and the twelve guests spent the evening playing bridge. Miss Cor nell was a Delta Gamma here. bers of the board of directors of the building association are Mrs. W. W. Carveth, Mrs. Dan DePut ron, and Mrs. Ada Stidworth West ovrr. IN HONOR of Miss Jennie L-ind, who will be married to Raymond Abernethy, the Kappa Phi alumnae cabinet entertained Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Paine. Pink and white decorations were used, and the evening was spent Y. W. PAGEANT TO SHOW HISTORY OP NEBRASKA GROUP (Continued from Page 1. 1 Cobby, Merle Thomas Rice, Anne Treat Beeman, Roy Green, E. L. Hinman Snell, Charles Fordycc and Homer McAnaulty. Mrs. Brown in Charge. Mrs. Louis C. Brown, a Ne braska graduate, is in charge of the pageant which is in eight epi sodes. In the first episode, which deals with the founding of the Y. W. in 1884, are Adele Tom brink, Molly Carpenter, and Jac queline James. Caroline Kile, Jean Walt, Mildred Miller, Miss Bernice Miller, and Mrs. Hinman, have parts in the episode of 1894. Mar jorie Filley, Sarah Louise Meyer, Virginia Welch, Marjorie Ban nister, Beth Langford, Mary Owen, Lois Patterson, Helen Higdon, Betty Woods, Ruth Haggman, p..tb Fi'-n Hutchinson, Leona Mc Bridc, Miss Alice Howell, Betty Geraldinc Brown. Willa Norrts, Anne Pickett, and Bonnie Brown, play in the 1914 episode which de picts the founding of the Y. W. in China by Grace Coppock, a Ne braska graduate. Lucille Berger, Dorothy Boor, and Lois Rathburn describe the war period of 1918, while the Kates episode, which contains a mountain dance and a campfire scene, is played by Jean Alden, Eleanor Neale. Ruth Matschullat, Elizabeth Moomaw, Carol Schmidt, Ksther Kreuscher, Gwen Thomp son, Helen Rushel, Ruth Arm strong, Doris Riisness, Charlotte and Grace Craddock. In the episode which contains the presentation of the plaque of Grace Coppock to the Y. W Mrs. Roy Green, the advisory board, and freshmen cabinet take part. The seventh episode deals with the fu ture or prophecy of the Y. W. which will be portrayed by the cabinet members. A final tableau, with all the cast participatnig, will finish the pageant. Mary Schmidt, and Mary Jane Eager will act as the buglers while the heralds will be Virgene Mc Bride and Virginia Amos. The Spirit of the Y. W. C. A. will be portrayed by Martha Hershey. Pages are Margaret Hendricks Catherine Rosser, and Constance Baker. Martha Hershey and Barbara DePutron have been in charge of costumes for the pageant. At the head table during the breakfast will be, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Candy, Chancellor and Mrs. E. A. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Avery, Dr. and Mrs. Hinman, Miss Benice Miller, Mrs. Cretru-Pet- erson, Mrs. iouis - i:h SIC , u the Elaine Fontein, a"B- r? cabinet, is to preside Omenta charge of arrangements for the af fair e. Bash Perk n general chairman, - . Brown, pageant director Jean Al den ana the freshman cabtaet. pro gram and invitations, ly" Diamond and the social staff, reception. DR. SENSING TO DISCUSS UNICAMERALLEGISLATURE To take part in a public dis cussion, of the proposed unicam eral legislature, Dr. J. P. Senning. chairman of the university de partment of political science, goes to Kearney next Wednesday eve ning. Upholding the present leg islative arrangement will be James Rodman, former state senator. The discussion is sponsored by the Nebraska League of Women Voters. GRAND HOTEL EUROPEAN earner 1h ind Q Stretti Good Cotf Shop Quick Srrvte Student IZt Irfinrhei r to "'T Alio Short Order Mn. C. Rock JL SUNDAY. A1AY C. im The University of Chlr w." announced that students in th. I manities curriculum mav L with them to final exrntnau " any texts, notebooks, or refpr material they choose. nc ROAST CHICKEN DINNER 35C Ptomaine Tony's Dine & flanre Put Them Away Clean Beware of Moths Have your winter garments cleaned. Protect them from Coats Overcoats Tuxedos We will store them for you for a very small charge. Modern Cleaners Soukup & Westover Call F2377 Nebraska U. WIN THE DRESS DESIGNED BY MISS DOROTHY PASSMORE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA WAS SELECTED AS ONE OF THE 20 NATIONAL WINNERS IN THE CONTEST BETWEEN 6,476 GIRLS FROM 254 COLLEGES FOR THE . & Guenzel Company 7 ftQflL 1 1 Exclusive in Lincoln at Rudge MitM Dorothy rasnmore in jr ff J ,' shown ol right in prize-win- f v. khJ:.i?':; ::; ning dre$s, which the de- If . signed. f JX Mini Pmnmore will he in T ur Young American Ie- I ;? signer'' Studio, 2nd Hoor, 2 '"fiM. rnch afternoon thit week from 2 till 4. fT'e invite ' .. xou to come in and meet I .j"""" " her. t "Miss University of ' f' hi ; Right . , . The new thfc-linen wai - ' ! elected at the most desirable '- v . ' " fabric in which to develop th'S ' prire-winning suit. Contrasting . , v ; blouse ot dotted silk was added 'or " . , youthful fillip! Ex-college girls ' ' now busy In offices will welcome V- , this cool Hark st'e for working y, ' ; ' ' '' V -; ' hours that end wiUi dinner dite. ' - aizes 12 to 20. , ' :- . -'-i .A U ."' ;" l ft T) CVS.OLtf 57 c See Our Windows Sunday IT'S a great honor that ha rome to Nebraska. In the selection of Miss Pansmore's dres deipn as one of the 20 outstanding designs by college girls of the country! It's an honor to Lincoln. Miss Passmore's home . . . and it is an especial honor to Rudge & Guenzel Co. to present thee Voting American Designers dresses to all Nebraska! Special Showing All This Week of Young. American Designers' DRESSES . Rudge i Guenzel Co. invites the public to visit the new studio of Young American Designers', on our Second Floor, and see these frocks vhich have been sketched by 'Young America. The dresses are offered for sale there, priced from $16.50 to $19.50. for Town .... Country . . . , Sport and Spectator-wear 'This score of smart dresses, knock-about suits and jacket-outfit tr9 fashioned from the twenty sketch-design that were judged winner: ia the College Contest bj the following imposing Fa&hioD Jory: EJm Wools. CW, Edrt-K0.irJ... - VOGUE Julia CoUm, FmLos EdMof..-. LADIES HOME JOURNAL Rk S..,f, FmImm Edkor CHICAGO TRIBUNE HcU Smo, HUJ of "FASHION CENTER". . . t M.r.ll Fi.ld i Reud Sio Cf-.l Sexm, FsdtiM Editor. . . ., HARPER'S BAZAAR Walter Dorwrn Ta lnemtiOftlly-lmowfl D'?"' Mr. Aantui Vom,, FwKios CHICAGO HERALD-EXAMlNtR "Mi$ Welleiley College" l.ght . . . Captured FIRST PRIZE! Probably because th Intriguing Jacket-blouse of this washable iik crepe can be worn frontward (a sketched) or turn-about and but toned down th back . . . "lust for fun." Th bright bandanna effect underneath la a boon t Sunwor. hlpar. Sue 11 t 10. "Mi'if Washington University" Left . . . SECOND PRIZE goes t this fer several rsaaona: Ita dark to. I "high fashion" . . . th big campwe-check bow score another point and th blouse that comes ff to disclose very wearable tennis frock l th smartest srgu. ment f all In It favor, lite t te 20. rm t n Eyes Wide with Dream . . . her mind tuned to Today's fascinating rhythms ... her finders flexed to express her fashion-ideas. She typifir the Young American Designer creating for young (and young-minded) omen everywhere.