m The Daily Nebra Qli A mi. WEATHER ostly Cloudj ably Bhowen Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska M aov LINCOLN, N I'll It ASK A. FR I DAY. MAY 4, 193 1 PRICE 5 CENTS. D ENIOR OCIETIE -o 1 V ill W. I x:i I NAME Banquets and Picnics In Limelight COLLEGE DAYS WIND UP WEEK Journalism Students Go to Seward; Engineers Plan Affair at Pioneer Park While Geologists Have Fossil Hunt at Louisville. PRE-MED DAY IS SET FOR SATURDAY IN OMAHA Bizads Schedule Annual Field Day at Antelope Park; Pharmacy and Law Colleges Center Activities Around Banquets in Evening. Picnics ami banquets hold the limelight today as various schools and eollepes on the campus wind up a week's activity in the all university college days. Students of law, journalism, engineering, geology and business administration will go picnicking, Pharmacy and Law college will hold banquets, while pre-meds will do their cele brating Saturday when they go to Omaha to be guests of the medical college mere. As soon as classes are dismissed at 11 o'clock, journalism students will meet at the Daily Nebrakan office and drive from there to the city park in Seward for a box lunch picnic. Feature Baseball Game. The annual Bizad day. which was started in 1920, will begin this vear with a picnic lunch at noon 'in Antelope park. Other fea tures include a baseball game be tween professors of the Bizad col lege and members of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional commerce fra ternity, and a tea dance to be held from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock with Leo Beck and his orchestra. An added attraction will be a group of numbers from the Wally Mor row dancing studio. Following up their open house displays held last night, members of the Engineering college will bold a convocation at the Temple tt 11 o'clock. Roy Green, presi dent of the Western Laboratories, rill be the principal speaker, and. according to Marion Scott, gen eral chairman of the week, wtli present an optimistic view of the fields open to engineers and the types of positions they may be expected to fill. Banquet In Evening. After the convocation, the en gineer? will go to Pioneer park to participate in athletic events between the various departments. Climaxing the week of festivities ill be a banquet at the IJncoln (Continued on Page 2.) French Club Hears Lecture on Feudal Castles in France "Feudal Castles in France" was the subject of an address present ed Thursday evening by Mr. Des pecher of Omaha before members of the IAlliance Francaise. The speaker presented his illustrated talk from an aesthetic point of view rather than from that of social. May Queen and Maid of Honor WILLA QUEE NORRiS IS N OF MAY IN '"i " " ' " 1 ' Yr'- , M- , ' t , , .'ft. I ' "; i:- - , $p Jfi ""., , ,',''",', ,'$" s f K , ' ',' t & 1 Z. ' 4, , ' ' Si ' ' - - 'Sit ; ' ' ' , ,r f,', o K , '' V V ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S ' ' ? , J, ; " ; """' , ,. - , '"to, U ' : '',, , "' t'"'"-,, " ' " " :.- ... . . ..... a Courefv Linroln JojmiiJ. MISS ORRI!. MI- Ht KvHM. VIOLET CROSS, JOHNSON HEADS Mortar Itoardn Marked Are Mic IVikin, Itiixmaii, I'arkwood, INlcixm, llohhuck, Smith, I ontfin, Filley, Ilors, DcBi-ohii, Cooper, Smith. O.NEV TWELVE IIONOHEl) HV MEN'S (;()LI Other New IniioccnU Tapped Arc Lrahill, Moljokc, Komnn, White, I)air-, Mrier, Eiher, I ix her, Miller, NicklaM and Martin. Working lor the liist. linn under new rules of htud nt pn ma ry ebction and l'luctujitinn iiifinb'-rship, Innocents tappcl only twelve, men Ivy I);iy in-htf-ad (it the traditional thirteen Owen Johnson was chosen presi dent of the incoming group. After remarks ot introduction bv Dr. George c;ondra. faculty ad visor to tht nit j-ty niiice its or ganization in 1903. the search lor new members was started by By ron Goulding . outgoing prewdent. Other incoming officers are Frann Crabill, vice president; George Holyoke, secretary; Henry Kos man, treasurer, and Howard White, sergant-at-arms. The following list gives the names of the society members for next year in the order they were tapped : Owen Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Stromsburg; (Continued on Page 4.1 DAY PROGRAM Martha Hershey Is Maid of Honor at Traditional j Ceremony. ! Award Greek Letter Society Mortar Board Cup by Margaret Buol. ALPHA PHI TAKES THIRD STUDENT Kappa Alpha Theta sorority re- wived f;rst place in the interso- ! ttrity s-j.g yesterday afternoon. A1Pta Chi Omega. niMrr of first rx m last vears contest, took II koe'! rnze. and the Alr.ha Phi nw-i:y. third. Pj Bet rti wa arded honorable mention. JudjErs for the sing were Mrs. "Clan H. Policy, prcifessor of voice ftfce umvei-sity; Homer K. Comp i. asFirunt inrLru.-tor of voice. of tht university, and Oscar w.ett. .f Wfslej-aa college. VIirs Dorothy 'Kurt led the kappa Apha Theta aorfjritv in tht 0f s "Theta Lips'" and "Here s a past to K. A. T " The AJsha Chi ya sorority was led bv Mis I fu t'svus. Their cumUrk r i St Alpha Chi Girl" and "We' :ng to You, Alpha Chi" "Alt.ha fhi Swethiirt" and 'For-grt-ine- ' ere 'he sotii-s nf tv.. !,-,, Trumpet blasts announced WilJa Norris. Inavalc, as May yueen in the traditional Ivy Day ceremonies Thursday morninsr. Miss Nonis. presi dent of "Mortar Board, was at tended by Martha Hershey, Lin- cola, as maid ot honor. The attendants gownea in mous seline de soie preceded the en trance of the May Queen. Fresh .roen attendants, dressed in pale lavender, were irma Bauer. North i Platte, and Jean Palmer. L lysse J Alaire Barkes. Lincoln, and Lor raine Hitchcock, Lincoln, wearing ' green frocks acted as sophomore i attendants. Dorothy Catbers and Jean Brownlee. both of Omaha, were the junior attendants. Their dresses were pink. Senior attend ants, wearing blue, were Carolyn Van Anda. Fremont, and Lor raine Brake. Lincoln. Miss Norns wore a gown of n-v.,t ls,r. rriiA nn rinrir.M lins . r.. ,.r.n., id i sity is tc create 1UJ B fWTTAJ - -v"fc , - sleeves. She amM a oouquet oj lilies of the valley and white gar (Continuea on Page 3.) INNOCENTS. Owen Johnson, president. Frank CrabiM, vice presi dent. George Holyoke, secretary. Henry Kotman, treasurer. Howard White, sergeant at arms. Tom Davies. Franklin ifieie". Bill Fisher. Jack Fischer. Maynard Miller. Fred Nick las. Burton Marvin. L OBBY S ADVOCATED BY E y ORATOR States This Election Is Time to Start Campaign. Year OVER 100 PRE-MEDS 10 Inspection of Clinics and Hospitals Occupies Morning. Phi group, dire ted by Jims Helen "Ktiw. ot Miss CaJisu Cooper. ag '5p-d Tbe My Arrow" and P. Phi GirL" Mas Marraret EjoI. prfsidfnt A.W. S. board, presented 5r'-p to Misp Majuuj Fiwiwooa Psdiit of Kappa Alpha Tbrta. io:iolr the oa6ion of th- ra. M., 4. -T, , .- - aartea. ' " -Z - 1 1 ' 1 - - -r, ' " 'Ijmm lf 5 .. ' ' ' L mm nnn II iM. ! I Ov er one-hundred pre-medic stu dents attending the xmiiersity trUi be g-jests of the Medical College in Omaha Saturdav. May S. ac- Itisrt Thursday by Dr. Mauler. prcfeBsor of rooiogy and pre-nsedc adiisor. "AH pre-medic students who have not as vet signed up and wish to do so must secure admis sion rards to the c.'ir.ic at any time between now and Saturday momiiig before th departure," ' In. Mar.!t-r said. laectiftcation cards are rt-quired , and must be prtaK-nl-d saic the crowd will male it Dcsarr for ! th College of Medicine in Omaha to restrict the entertaiumed of g-uts on that day to pre-mwd stu QvtAjt osJy. Pgstratioo lor the affair will take plac in Omaha 'Saturday xnorxusg at E o'clock. aturoay freaoon is to gpvrxi oa-ct to tbe inspection of the hos pital laboratories and to lecture in th various dimes. Estertaia meot lot the group has bees pro iiaed for also. In the afternoon a baseball gase be waged be tween the pre-meo of the visrtmg schoois and the freshmen oeoics The best way to nelp the univer- ; the most power- I ful and extensive lobby organiz.a- , I tion m the state Now is the time i to start this campaign o! person- ; 'X al evangelism. J smce this is the year men wm ne i ?? eictea vo iw. i legislature. Wil- i 1 liam Eddy said Thursday morn ing m r.ie jvj dav oration. ;., William Ediy. -I who was elected "Si; Irecent spring I I election. i6 a se nior m the law college and is MarvrviiJe. GWES THOMPSON j WWSER OF IVY j POEM CONTEST I Gwcn Thompson. Arts and S'i ; eire senior from Merrill. lov.a. ' was announced Ivy Day poet i'A ' lowing crowning of the May Q if-ec Thursday morning. Het winning j poem paid hom ! age to the new 1 Queen, her court and the many traditions of ivy : day. In her selec ; tior. Miss Thomp i s'.n declared that I thj; annual ever', j is one day in the vear when a! can laugh and b flad for a rev. regime b ol d i swav. Lucille Hunter arts and scienc- 1ur:ior. af given j honorable mention for the po-m which she submitted. Miss H ent er's hme is in St. Kdwardv Faculty membei who judi-d at' poems submitted were Miss Louis? Pouid. M:s? Marguerite X'TJ':."-: and Mr. L C. Wimberly. Ah three of these judges are instruct '.r i. university Enplith department Francis McP.eynoids we.s lat years winner m the anriual r. on test spoT.sored fcy Mortar Board MORTAR BOARDS. Violet Cros. president. Bash Perkins, vice prevdent. Florence Buxman, secretary. Maxine Packwood, treasurer. Breta Peterson, reporttr. Lojite HOisack. Marian Snith. Elaine Fonttin. Majorie Filley. Arlene Bor$, Roma DeBrown. Calista Cooper. Marjone Smith. AG STUDENTS 10 OFFER PRE-VUE OF PAGtAMTJFRIDAY Farmer's Fair to Officially Open at 10 O'clock Saturday. Violet Oosv junior in Am ;niJ Sfu ii'-r- i-olli-tfi', hun r-lioscii liisiii-nt of Mortar ISonrd, senior woiiiin'h liouoi'iiiy eidy, ;it tlif liiiiskin ei-n-mony yrhterday hfternoon. Shu was masked by Wills Norns whom ishe succeeds. Miss Cross Jiom Fremont, Neb., is managing editor of the Daily NerjinHKsn, mem her ot the Junior Senior Prom committee, member of the A.W.S. board, vice presi dent of the V.W.C.A., member of Theta Sigma Phi, and Kappa Alpha Thetn. Other ot fleers and members of Mortar Board lor the coming year are: Hash Perkins, vice president, masked by Anne Bunting; Flor ence Buxman, secretary, masked by P.uth Cherry; Maxine rack wood, treasurer, masked by Donna Davis; Breta Peterson, reporter, masked by Jane Boos; Louise Hossack, masked by Martha Hershey; Marian Smith, rnaiked by Alice Geddes, Klaine Fontein, masked by Lucille P.eilly; M&rjorie Filley, masked by Margaret Buol; Arelene Bors, masked by Valen tine Klotz; P.oma DtlJrowii, masked by Jean Alden; Calnsta Ccjper, masked by Willa Norris and Anne Bunting, and Marjory Smith, masked by P.uth Cherny and Donna Davis. ! Bash Perkins is a member of Alpha Xi Delta from Arnold, Neb. She is a junior in Arts and Sci ence college, a member of the ;Y.V. C. A. cabinet, vice president 1 (Continued on Page S I w as :Ah me li: 1, S ! LARGE GROUPS OF lClh Of tl;C jj t-(- jeU-ii PEOPLE SEE OPEN in Lour. HOUSE DISPLAYS 'articular Phrses of Work Are Demonstrated by Departments. Crowds ian n.fr.t ir.g! of Pf-.am aw s-e of intern-sted thronged thru tJ re er.g:r'.eer:r. r.al;. and Morrii ei ' : r" t r.n ot- rr.or.K ra RUSH CARDS WILL BE S SSiir";;': qicma m pu mm wiwq in ii i ni r niTHhnlW Hjncreas of d ifpiays sbv rg UlUllln tL I IH lllU II 111 J KxClti UM'Ilt pit ell on Aj! ThuixJav ht,l l-'hnwrh' Fair board lli.-.t Jih tic- e i Jits c'iiitjL' fcti'J Saturday j.earer. tud':nt uthuh,;iMn v.'jj run l.it'her. Fnday night at S p m. ion:n the pre-fair presentation of the rja.2eant "Amenca Panorma." Stt- j uroay at 2 p. m. comes the second presentation antf at h p. m. Salur J day night comes the th.rd and f:r.al : presentation. ! f armers' Fair for 3&S4 is off 1 cially on when the exhibits in the home economics tiulld.ng. stuoent ; activities building and ag engineer- mg buiiding open at 3 0 a. m. Sat- urda morT.ir.g. Concessions Open at Noon. Sharp.'v at noon the cori'-esssio.- ! and w stands" on the frrounct 'open Thruoot tht afternoon and evening r-ns a seriet of even' i.:nt victors . entertainments iccJudu.g the horse e bu.ld- : sbw ano mtersori'.y riding cor. coiiege te-fr1.. the .N'ebrtka-Arr.es bawbaii f.aJi 'o rame. snorpaeuin show in the a'.- ! C!'jnTcue nn Pfe 4 11 PHI EPSILON WINS 1G CONTEST Kosmct Klub Awards Cup to Greek Letter Society As First Prize. AVAILABLE SATURDAY, s J, Ka. lr. Eddy delivered hie adcreB at 30 o'clock loiisrst-mg the mterfratcmity emg. Watchful new Meeded. "The aalvatic of the univer sity," Eddy declared "if tfi watchiulnew of the university community. The univeraity com munity is deemed to consist of all i tnr Tt -VL-ho protest loyalty to the University of NeoraeKa and it tradUciM. Perhape vou are won- larticuitr prases n wr arn; a.-i'iui! txEiKts c: enirjeerirji vt:Ti'.'m!iH tuled ai ot the oo:jO- i.'4-s of the engineering c.il'ge. . . ., L.ewibe. Pharmacy hall f:Jes ; Revised Rules tor Next rail : v.-;-.h a number of jnterstmg - r,- , n i' i I h,b:tf and Morrill hall container, Eliminate Preferentidl :Xhi vork of the stuae-cu . The op,en house at the engineer- System. F.ukh card for the fall bemetr.er n-m be available for fraternities at the offic of Professor Schramm in Mom.!! hall Saturday morning. May 5. from h to 12 acocrdmg to an announcement made at the m- i terfraternity council meeting I Tuesday mght. Ftatemitiet must pay for their cards when they get j them. Elimination of the preterenua: rynem of rushing was the out standing thaxge in tni? year's rule. P.ushee nert fall -iU be al icmed to pieage anvtime following miririirht their last ruBh date. Other rushing rules which ei in ir.g college was a feature of engi neer e week. Each of the bix engi neering oepartmects ej;i::b:ted oemont-trations 8&o'ir-g their p.ar- Retains Title by Defeating Eeta Theta Pi Tea-n Thursday. f .gma Aipha Ifu reta:tjd f--.ioc of tne De'ta h-r" F.ho i Th-rhiay evening by Qefe.tirg Ret Theta ' Pi in trie lina.) ol tne m'rlrt'Arr mty debate tournament. They uii: meet champion of the Barb oe- 1ir::,.s,r r.t.hij. of frir;r,tr:rp tok. i 11 'rl . aav-viier er r'imfixir.j in'ensive r"-"t ration for the nig-ht curing the first ! the week. In the applied mectaci'.s 1 department students operated the many maciuDes then ir how con crete, iron, and oth'r cigtway ma terials were tested. K'jviitg pic ture Khowixi? irr'aton and re cia motion p reject were aoo ahown. One of the most lrterestini; n- BETA THETA PI SECOND Sigma Pni Epsilon won the in-ter-fraterr..j s.ng. tponred by Kofcnv-t Kiub. j.i the annual Ivy Day co.'jieKt. Tr.e Sigma Pni Kp Siion group dre'-ted by Wilgus ' Eberly of Dav.l City, aar.g "Lng ; Ago" and the "fi.g Ep Drinking , Song Tr.e c:.p ar.r, jaly a v.arO'-d the winning fraternity tr. the ung, v. as prevr.V 0 by Krtr. i grave. Omana. prs.der.t of tn I Kovmet Kio. .;. be naif of ti.c KIwu merr.'jers b.ta Tr.eU Pi fraternity a awfcro"C second pifc'.e of tne eleven f rcterr :"..et entered :n tt'- 'jontett and Ie.U 1'pton. wmch -at yr tit wirncr of the cp t feet Theta Pi iec- ' .v 'A ent worts ' "ing fctrg tht "Doving C'-p" and "V, n-r, h'-a"t Art Pl.o -g ' It.'ta Vl-k .or. Jt:riet Harr. ior.- ,e:f f.""t:' T. ST.- 1'Xifj. ije-.- or.gma: '. ;Kjf.:Vj'.'n mnv.er. oy Join cwwi-o.g-: and crjt.tic-d "At OatTi-.' as j-r'.itt-rt Jdgc-f were Jiirt lU"r-e Bjr kett an Eirr Krt Liliias, Hejiit Po', ;. aid i o-r 'Jheno trtn Otrie; frateT-tje cvrr-per'i'ig were A.;na 7au Omej-a. Cm Pr... Kappa fcrma Pi-i Sgma Kaj'pa, H'rr A pr, Er.-s.iot frns N i. Taj Kappa Epa-ion and Tne- d. ritT d.'.-t:r.g fctr g at t.oeir r 11 1 ' ' ' "' ' A " " LM I '-rid r.-umoer tn o dering just -hat particular salva tion is needed by a school that has i effect under the preferential sys- fVint.rme3 on Pase 2 i ! tern are not altertid materia y All college in the sta are be represented at tht affair. to DELIA.V UNION TO HOLD CIKL'S MGHT Annual Ciris Jv'.pht. with the gnrj actmg as bostesset. will be observed tonight when the Peliaa I'nion bolos its meeting at 9 o'clock is room SCrt of the Temple building. W itt Ruth Kurtm in charge .the program will consist of music, skits and pantomime. Fallowing the meti.g rrfreshmesrts will be served with Joan BickneU acting as chairman of that committee. Grris JCfht is observed by the No rushe will i? allowed to re main in a fraternity bouse over mglit now may fraternities com municate with hum at any time other TbaTi during bona fide dates. The alumni executive council had previously recommende3 that both of these "rules fce rc-.-crscd. haters some time m the near fj ture to decioe tnt intramural championship. The tropry. a siJver gtvel. is awarded armualiy by Lerta B:cna PUio. honorary debating iratemrty. to the group winning the inter ra ni bits of the. enginer's show was j temity oeoate tournament. This a iarpe workiur ao of the Kutn- 'fr a simiUj- contest was ar- eriand irrigation proect at North ranged between the liarb clus Platte. Net. The model showed the speakers for Beta Tfieta Pi oo diversion of v ater of the North u affirmative were Fred Keicbel Platte r.ver ai ictexesting erigi- D3 JtiB Leziit.. rpeaking is that neerinz feat, and the land irirrated oroer. j ue Epebcerc ir oigTum. Al ty the dam. Farm Machinery fchowfi. ANCE LnNINCDt TO GIVE PIANO KETJTAL 1 group cnoe ev err ear. Vance Lininger will be pre sented in a pane recital Kunaar afternoon. Kay Z at 4 o tlor in the Tempie tuea'-t-r by Herbert 4 ftchmidL noid Levine. The judg was al- ter Wick, former varartr debater. ' The agricultural engineer s ds-1 p -m aina Wn rmma-A tk ' play oonsjsted of mooern machin- tirel round by a forfeit from Pi i ery and tools Tne workings of Kappa AJpha and defeated the iarge tractors was explained and i zl Beta Tau s n the aemi-fiDSis ' pictures of the appUcaUon of moo- a Theta Pi received the deoatoa ' em farm machinery were siowb. from IJta VpsilOB m the ope&uf Hkny visitors were attracted to ! arguments and the 5f Chi s for- ! tne eiectricai engineering oepan- f r)ted to tbeso is in second rouna mert where the ntudents bad uti-1 7j"m Beta Tsii wob from C gms led several e.ectricaJ phenooiens j pui Epeiloo and Pig ma Jhi from to make a novel how Curious on (Cuntinued oa Pt 2J S.rir.s Alpha EpS-KW U tb first j dt tste. COLLEGE CV PROGRAM st at Co'iiis.e' c.ei. .-uO Rec it-tiofi t 0n- ha for Rffnedct Of ' 11:O0 Jouma lisfi studerts rr-t st Dalf Ketora- la ritot or ptmtn. st 6eartf. tfflinoef pep e"" ptcuc t Pit Ceolodists pcnc OSS4 fllMtt at -ts3 irs1 starts 1 "00 ' I l 4fti mt Vmrty wit. t:b4tU4 stwsKMrts ts nc st smus) AstctstM g-fc. tt.oo smeiTM suct t as i st tricots iiC