THURSDAY. APRIL 10. tq.i t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TWO. The Daily Nebraskan Station A, Lincoln. Nebraska OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA MEMBEI 9 3 4 Thli paper li represented for general advertising by the Nebraska Press Association gUftntfd got! f flint Vrti Entered as second-class matter at the PO!0,i'cea7'9n Lincoln. Nebraska, under act ot congress, March . I87. and at special rate of provided I In M tion 1103. act of October 3. 19.7. authorized January 80. UK THIRTY. THIRD YEAR Published Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday end P SundaV" ornings during the academic year. SUBSCRIPTION RATE ,1.50 a year Sing.. Copy 5 cent, Veme.rmXi MUrV.;W'.eodB of th. Student Board. Editorial Off ice University Hall 4. Business Office University Hall A Telephones-Da" B 669U Night. B-6882. 8-3333 (Journal) Ask for NebrasKan editor. EDITORIAL STAFF .. Edltor-In-Chicf Bluce McoU Manaaing taitors Burton Marvin Violet Cross Jack Fischer Society Kditor.... Sports Editor. ... Sports Assistant.. Maurlre Johnson News Editors Fred Klcklaa Lrunoine Blbla Virrinla Selleok Irwin Ryan Jnck Grubs and Arnold Levlne Contributing Editors Dick Moran Carlyla Ilodgkin Feature Editors Marraret Easterday Rmh Matschullat Loraine Campbell Woman's Editor Be"y SBM Assistant Woman's Editors. .Hazel Baler. Marylu Petersen News Reporters Jtohnston Snipes Lewis Cass Jack Rasmusson Allen Gatewoorl BUSINESS STAFF Bernard Jennings Business Manager Assistant Business Managers George Holyoke Wilbur Erickson Dick Schmidt Advertising Solllctors Robert Funk Truman Oberndorf Circulation Department Harry West Janet Killlan For the Hopefuls A Scattered Vote. EFFORTS to reorganize the Innocents society are Riving embryo B. M. C.'s and other inter ested activity men an aggravated case of heebie jeebies. Discounting unfounded speculations, the entire reorganization program, at best, seems to be uncer tain as to its ultimate objective. Tuesday one change in the method of selecting junior men to membership in the Innocents society was put to the acid test. Upperclassmen in the university paraded to the polls to vote for the most representative eliih' junior men. The result was a flop. Unofficial reports, based on conservative esti mates, indicate a poll of two hundred and thirty votes. The number of juniors eligible listed at the polls numbered 375. This means that every eligible man received about three quarters of a vote. Of course there must have been an occasional excep tion. The twenty-five exceptions, who successfully ran the gauntlet of eligibility, constitute the group from which the Innocents society will select its new members. It requirfs some stretch of the imagination to visualize in the results of this election, a means whereby the university population is insured of a fair and representative selection. Tuesday's results bear out quite conclusively predictions made earlier in the week. The election provision is nothing more than a superfluous addi tion to the student ballot box. While unquestion ably democratic in its appeal, the election proviso should be relegated to the junk pile mainly on the score that it insures nothing but additional red tape. In addition, the election did nothing ;o discour age the role of politics in selecting ne,v members to the organization. Rather did it sink them more deeply into the petty political machinations of the campus. Obviously, it takes more than a sincere plea to remove politics from the student ballot box. With these facts in third, it appears that the first major charge of the Innocents society much heralded reorganization has gone definitely by the boards. TN yesterday's student pulse colmun, "Interested" advocated the abolishment of the required 78 average, mainly on the score that it was undemo cratic. The contributor pointed that activity work ers should be awarded distinction mainly for pro ficiency in extra curricular activity. Those inter ested In high scholarship are, and should be, given distinction in P. B. K. and Sigma XI. While Interested takes his point rather well, serious exception may be taken to the plea. It cannot be denied that student endeavor falls Into two channels, curricular an& extra curricular, and that activity people usually have lower aver ages than the "scholars." The extremes in both these fields offer conclusive evidence to holster up the argument. But account must be taken of the huge majority of nctivlty workers who are neither good nor poor scholars, and nt the same time are proficient in activities. It is in this group, we feel, that the outstanding activity men, of which In terested speaks, will be found. Of course, for the exceptional activity boy falling short of the re quired average, the faculty committee is empow ered to recommend his membership. The provision to raise the scholastic require ment for membership in Innocents society follows the general tendency, at this and other universi ties, to attach greater significance to high scholar ship. The movement should be encouraged. From it should come at least a sane and equitable bal ance between curricular and extra curricular activi ties. We heartily disagree with those Individuals who oppose scholastic attainment as a vital con sideration for membership in the senior honorary organization. If the Innocents society is to be made truly an honorary organization for senior men, then "rep resentative" candidates should be required to pos sess at least a passable scholastic average. . The University Awards Its Scholars. gEVERAL hundred students were recognized by the university for high scholarship Wednesday morning. In addition to conferring distinction upon students with high averages, several special student awards and prizes were awarded by many of the university's organizations and departments. Dr. Norman Foerster delivered an address, which was probably well received by the thousand individuals in attendance. The honors convocation is a significant and noteworthy occasion on the university campus. It is particularly appropriate that students who excel in high scholarship should be awarded a distinction of this character. Perhaps this year's occasion attracted more than the usual amount of attention given it by the university population. Whether this may be taken as indicative of a return to more scholarly interests is open to considerable specualtion. Certainly the number attracted to the Wednesday convocation is indicative of this revival. But in spite of the meritorious features of this observance, shortcomings of the system must be noted. Many instances may be shown where stu dents names were omitted from the honor rolls lacking the necessary average by only a few points. At the same time, it must be noted that grades are not necessarily indicative of superior intelli gence. Many students not included on the honor roll are equally capable as those awarded distinc tion for obtaining high averages. As such, these receiving presumably just awards should disillusion themselves. They should realize that high grades do not necessarily indicate superior intelligence. Unfortunately, honors convocation loses much of its real significance largely through the numer ous awards, key hangings, and announcements made previously by various organizations and de partments. The importance of this occasion would be tremendously increased if these groups which in sist on being the first to announce their schclars, would join the university administration in attempt ing to attach greater significance to this event. Contemporary Comment The Expert and Better Government. During the course of a year one can expect many fantastic happenings in the political world, but so far this year the current drive against the members of the Roosevelt "brain trust" seems to take the prize for the most fantastic happening in the political arena. The members of the "brain trust" are being ridiculed as being visionary and incompetent on the one hand, and designing and corrupt on the other. Those who every night look for Red Russians un der their beds now have branded the "brain trust ers" as among their radical bogey men. This hue and cry against the "brain trust" raises the question: "To whom shall we turn for ad vice in government?" The suggestion might be to go to the so-called practical politicians, not all cf whom have been highly successful. Then, too, we might fall back on the suggestion that we simply let government take its course, but that also has been tried and found wanting. Those genuinely interested in good government should point to the success that has been achieved in government when expert advice was sought. The "brain trust" should not be a political football. , It should not be attacked unreasonably by one group or indiscriminately upheld by another. The use of experts in government is a sound principle, and one which shouldn't be shaken by foolish accusations. Indiana Daily Student. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HONORED Approximately 466 students were admitted to the honor rolls of the university Wednesday morning at the sixth annual honors convoca tion. Superior scholarships were awarded to seniors in the upper 3 percent of their class and high scholarship honors went to all stu dents of the upper 10 percent of each class. Those honored: SUPERIOR SCHOLARSHIPS. Marie Louise Davis Aftans. Lincoln, teachers. Mary Cr.'.riern a'hin, Lincoln, business administration. Carol Eleanor Auten. North Bend, teach ers. Paul Martin Bancroft, Lincoln, medicine. Edward Duachl Beachler, Lincoln, en-flr.i-erina. Kathleen Smith Becker. Lincoln, teachers. M r am dwell Benner. Omaha, medi cine. Jme Boos. Howard. S. D., music. Marlon Frances Booth, orr.ana. medicine. Klwood VSiibur Camp. Lincoln, journal ism. Xussell Leslie Casement. David City, teacher. Ionna Davis. Omaha, teachers. Frame Ciewart cireersiit. Lincoln, arts and sc.ences. litnrjiie May lletr.phill. North Loup, apri culture. Klver Myron Horire. Lynch. aertctiltyr. Stanley Lloyd Jameson. Arcadia, enain riT. Joseph Edward Ktlgor J II . Lincoln, bust bcfs (. Imir.iitralion. Helen Louis Klein. Lincoln, arts and Sciences. Charlea Warren McCrackeo, David City, pharmacy. Frank Clifton McGrcw. Seward, arts and sciences. Paul Herman Gottlieb Moessner. Lincoln, arta and sciences. Sugao Ouchi, Honolulu. Hawaii, dentis try. Utmnt Elisabeth Ouch. Benkelman, arts and sciences. Kathenn Munro Oury, Lincoln, arta and science. Wilms, atari Proacaskau Palmer, ours tnt Chester Herman Ruw, Lincoln, busln administration. Verner Frederick Henry 8c ho maker. Ne hawka. engineering. Harold kvertu Spencer. Lincoln, arta and Sciences. Jamas Karr Taylor. Hastings, law. HIGH SCHOLARSHIP. Class of l4 Honor List. Adam. Cecil Firestone, lsw. AKans, Mane Louis Davis, teachers. Albln, Mary Cathern, business adminis tration. Alden. Jean, teachers. Auten, Carol Eleanor, teachers. Baker, Rachel Lurse, arts and sciences. Bancroft. Paul Martin, medicine. Baur, Henry William, engineerinc. Beachler, Ldward Lmschi. eiiKiueeilnf. Becker, Kathleen Smith, lea. hers. Benner. Miriam Crowd), medicine. Hnos. Jane, music Rootn. Marlon Frances, medicine. Braham, Lois Ksthryn. arts and sciences. Burhoii, Charles, engineering. Camp. El wood Wilbur. Journalism. Casement, Russell Leslie, teachers. Chan, Victor, engineering. Chapman, John Dow. arts and sciences. Chemy, R i'h Arllne, teachers. Cooper. CUrence Frton, law. Davis. Dome. Teachers. Pswson. Alice Kmelyn, music. Kngberg. A me Geoi.'e, engineering. Krb, Carl lee, tfngjneerinK. Ferguson, fieorge William, dentistry. Ford. Bruce Ryker, agriculture. Geddes, Alice Marie, business adminis tration. Goth, Cart Adolph, engineering. ;reene Denies Harriett, arts and sci ences. GreensllL Frank Stewart, arta and sciences. riaegen. John Wilbur, business adminis tration. Ha'dersoT! Msirwen Hayes, engineering Harvey. Paui Henry, agriculture. Hemphill. Gertrude May. agriculture. Hendren. F'her c . nursing Hodge. Elver Myron, agriculture. Houston. Howard Newton, business ad ministration. Huff. Mildred Opal, engineering. Hughes. Dorothy Jane, teachers. Jaai, Mary Ann. arta and sciences. Jameson, Stanley Lloyd, engineering. Johnson. Hniger Olln. arts and sciences. Ki'.gore. Joseph Edward III, business ad ministration. Klein. Helen Louise, arts and sciences. Lemon. Paul Ctipfell, arta and science. Loder. Kenneth Joy, medicine. Loewenstelo, John Robert, agriculture. McCracken, Charles Wsrren. pharmacy. McFartand. Neu Radeilffa. arta and sci ences. McGrew, Frank Clifton, arts and sci ence. Magee. Wood row Randall, business ad ministration. Martin. Clyde f'mpwn W . medicine. Maynew. Ida Gamette. music. Moessner, Paul Herman GotUleb, arts and sciences. Mordaunt, Margaret Alice, arts and acl- ences. Motl. Mary F.rna. teachers. Oeschger, Helen Cela, teachers. Ouchl. Sugan. dentistry. Ouch. Marguerite Elizabeth, arta and scient-es. Oury, Katherine Munrn, arts and sci ences. Peabody, Doris P.egenia. teachers. Peterson, Arthur William, agriculture. Peterson. Breta Barbara, arta and sci ences. Prochaska. Wilma Marie, nursing, Regan. Elizabeth Ann, teachera. Rodgcrs. Joyce F.lizaheth. law. llodcers, Ralph Aubrey, law. Hound, John Nicholas, medicine. Ruwe, Chester Herman, business admin istration. Schall, Roy Franklin, medicine. Pchellherg. Ruth Mildred, teachers. Kchimmeipfennig, Marjorie Wilma, arts and sciences. Schtuntz. Daisy Bertha, agriculture. Schneider, William Harry, business ad ministration. Schomaker, Vemer Frederick Henry, en gineering. Helwyn, Helen Sherwood, business admin istration. Himonds. Francis Lenocker. medicine. Slaughter, Wayne Benjamin, medicine. Smiley, Florence Louise, arts and sci ences. Spencer, Harold Everett, arts and sci ence. Stamp. Marian lone, music. Stecklig, Harold John, business adminis tration. Steffen. Anna Marie, nursing. Still, Helen Patricia, arts and sciences. Story. James Kennedy. arte and sciences. Taylor, Jamea Karr, law. Thompson, Gwendolyn Barbara, arts and sciences. Walde. Mildred, arts and sciences. Wilson. Raymond John, agriculture. Winger. Fred Everet. teachers. Young. Grace Elizabeth, teachera. Class of 193s Honor List. A hern. Mary Ellen Theresa, teachers. Alher, Melda Elizabeth, teachers. Apfelheck. Irene Catherine, teachers. Baeder, Frieda Anna, ana and sciences. Beadles. Carl Burton, agriculture, Beschorner, Elsie Mathilda, arta and sci ences. Blecka, Twila Mae. teachers. Bnrkenhagen. iiarlan. art and science. Bottorff. Lewis Msdison, agriculture. Bragg. Earl Edward, teachera. Breunig, Wilbur William, arta and sci ences. Broady. Henry Vincent, art and sci ences. Bucholz. Donald John, arts and sciences. ButterhaiiEh. Dare1 J., arts and sciences. Christopulos. Constance A , business ad mlrist ration. Coau, Eralyn Kadlne, nursing. Cole, Helen Rosella, business adminis tration. Crablll, Frank Wallace, arta and sol sncrs. t'rawmer, Wanda Vera, teachers, Parrah, John Russell, medicine. Davla, Mary Helen, arta and sciences. Kilwards, Jane Bolcourt, teachera. Knli'iunan, Ellen Chrystyn, nursing, Epstein, Jack George, tuslness adminis tration. F.rlrkann, Duane Chester, engineering. Krlckson, John Wallace, muslo. Krlcksnn. Wilbur Vincent, business ad ministration. Kvnns, Rov Thomas, engineering. Everett, Clvde Wllmer, medicine. Fischer, Frank Jackson, Journalism, Fisher, William Dorrlnglon. Journalism. Fleishman, Sam, engineering. Frank fnrtcr, Dorothy Marie, teachers. Frccdlun, Pauline, business administra tion. Freehllng, Anna Clara, nursing. Calnsforth, Burdett Livingston, dentistry, iamhell, Alberta, arts and sciences, millions, Everly Wirren, engineering, Goldstein, 8elma Helen, arta and sci ences. llnggman, Mary Ruth, arts and scleneea. Henderson, Philip Alden, agriculture, llentsen, Irene Marie, teachers, llevne, Elmer George, agriculture. Kill, Gertrude Dorothy, arta and sciences. Mines, Harold Philip, business adminis tration. Iloegemeyer, Leonard Casper, agricul ture llossnrk, Mary Louise, arts and sciences. Hufnagle, Margaret Nellie, teachers. Hunter, Armand I-ee, arts and sciences. Johnson, Lnren George, dentistry. Johnson. Wilbur Louis, law, Jorgensen, Helen Margaret, arts and sci ences. Jovoe, Robert Michael, Jr., engineering, Kcrl. Margaret Eva, agriculture. Klein, ueorge Brlnker, business adminis tration, Kremer, Vlnvent Wlllard, engineering. Krlz, Viola Margaret, teachera. Knipf, Helen Ramona, Journalism, 1-eMaster. Gregg Ira, engineering. Lelton, Harry Pike, Jr.. arts and sci ences. Llnrtell, John Farl, agriculture. I.mdgren, Lucille Catherine, Journalism, l.lnsman. Joseph Francis, medicine, l.utz, Helen Margaret, agriculture. Lilts. Ruin Irene, teachers. McAllister, Laura Light, arts and sciences. Mrcandiess, Kooen noyo. engineering. McShane, Pauline, business administra tion. Martin, Donald William, engineering. Mnrtln, Jean Elizabeth, business admin istration. Medlar, Margaret Flske. arts and sci ences. Meier, Franklin Otto, engineering. Miller, Marlon May. music. Mumau, Allene McEacnron, teachers. Nelson, Ronald Gordon, agriculture, Noeblt, Helen Edith, teachers. Packwood, Maxlna Katherine, arts and sciences. , , Palmer, Leslie Firm, business adminis tration. ... , lVntico, George Wesley Addison, engin eering. Peterson, Duane Kenneth, law. Phllllppl, Carlene Louise, business admin istration. Plerson, Alice Dubler, arta and sciences. Proudfit, Mary Elizabeth, teachers. Reese, Stanley Cedric, business adminis tration. . IticRard, Frederick Thomas, arts and sciences. Rledesel. Wlrth Allen, medicine. Rohers, Earl Alvin, medicine. R.iss, Cleveland Albert, Jr., business ad ministration. Rundin, Berolece Fa, music. Srhrag, Harriet Gretrhen, arts and sci ences. liwaderer, Albert John, arts and sci ences. ' Shank, Daniel Boyd, agriculture. Shirley. Donald Joseph, law. Simonson, Howard Elmer, engineering. Skrahle, Louise Marcella, teachers. smith, MarJori Eleanor, art and sci ences. Steadman, Charles Walters, arts and acl- enccs. Steinberg. Rose Betty, music. Studnicka, Lucius Margaret, arts sad sciences. Temple, Betty Josephine, teachers. Temple, Harold Leslie, medicine, Tiiilen, Irvin Leroy, medicine. Tombrink, Adela Marie, teachers. Villnave, Veronica Tripeny, arts and sci ences. Waddell. Josephine, music. Ward. Margaret Carolyn, arts aud scl-enc-s Weaver, Christobel, A. A S. Werner, Charles Fredjrlck, pharmacy. West, Florence Elizabeth, teachers. Whitman, William Merrill, law. wmton, Robert Spencer, medical. Wili-on, Frances Mercene, teachers. Wiltte. Homer George, law. Class nf 193. Honor List. Allen. Ruth Marion, A. S. Anderson. Elizabeth Margaret. A. A S. Harher, Barbara Josephine, agriculture. Barrows, Betty, A. at S. Burton, Erselia Monticello, A. A 8. Bander, Ward , agriculture. Heck. Velora Lorraine, music. Berg. Marjorie Jeanne, A. A 8. Bingham, Eunice Ruth, teachers. Bishop, John Charles, engineering. Uii.-hee, Elizabeth Ruth, Journalism. Cameron. Dale Corbln, medical. Clark, Marylouise, business administra tion. Clements, Louise Kathryn. business ad ministration. Cllne, Earl Leslie, A. A 8. Colvert, Ramon Porter, business admin istration. Crowley, Alice Lucille, business admin istration. Cushlng, Robert Leavltt, agriculture. Dalby, Eugene Charles, Journalism. Davis, Paula Mae. music. Dean, Hugo Charles, teachers. Dean, Mnr" Catherine, teachers. DeKlotz. Ruth Mary, teachers. Diamond. Evelyn Elizabeth, A. A 8. I ounll, Mary Etta, agriculture. Fcnslermarhfr. Inez Helene, agriculture. Freeman, HeMer Elizabeth, teachers. French, Kenneth Wer. engineering, Gamlln, Paul John, engineering. Gco'ge, Marie Ruby, teachers. Getty, Norris Merle, teachers. Gihhs. Charles Howard, business ad mlmst ration. Giabow, Henry Chris, A. A S. Grimm, Benjamin Hayes, medical. Hammond. William Heniler, engineering. Hariris, Zada Lucille, teachers. Hcldt. James Dietrich, A. A 8. Henderson, John Warren, medical. Hicks, Lester Matt, engineering. ilili.cbrand. Alice Grace, medical. Hill, I. Irving, A. A S. Holoubek. Joe Edward. A. A S. Huestls. Harold Darnell, A. A 8. Humphrey. Phyllis Jean, teachers. Jackson. Marlon LeRoy, agriculture. J.-.cot.son, Margaret Ruth, business ad minif trallon. Johnson, Viola lsabelle. agriculture. Karrer, Robert Eugene, medical. Keettel, William Charles, medical. Kelley, Nclsie Maxlne, business admln tstrMicn. Kernodle, Ruth Harriet, teachers, l.arron, Thomas Brvan, A. A S. Len.bke, Harriet Jane, teachers. Leon, Harvey R., A. A S. I.fWis, Grace Muriel, A. A S. Longman, Elinor Elizabeth, teachers, l.outhan, 0l Elaine, teachers. McCall, Annie Laurie, A. A 8. McMahon, James Leo, A. . 8. Martin, Marguerite Luclle, teachers. Marvin, James rrancis, a. at o. Miers, Jackson Carlos, A. A 8. Mock, Howard Lane, engineering. Mo(.in, John James, A. A S. Morris, John Darwin, A. A 8. Neale. Charlea Henry, engineering. Oxenford. Vera lone. A. A 8. Parkhurst. Lola Elizabeth. A. A & Paveika, Edward John, agriculture. Pemhrook. Doris, teachers. Perils, Rosella Nalrne, A. A 8. Petrea. Ada Marie, A. A S. Plerson. Ils Eleanor, teachers. Pohlman, Edwin Walter, business ad ministration. Price. Vivian, teacher. Rathburn, Lou Mercedes, A. A 6. PwliL'r Rftnelre Louise, teacher. Rrimers. Mary Virginia, business ad ministration. P.emmers, Irene Margaret, teachers. P.euben. Ruth Alice, medical. Ross. Oscar Burr, agriculture. Ituiidy, Arm Wayne, pharmacy. Rystrom, Maxlne Doris, A. A 8. Samiiovk. Dorothy Dearie, builnus ad' ministration. uhmiHi rial Paul, engineering. rrhmldt, Richard Louise, business ad ministration. Schroeder, Theodore Wilson, engineering. .xchultz, Ada Theodora, teacners. Schults. Wilbur Andrew, engineering. Scott, James Predrlck, A. A S. g.Ia,. Inhn 1 Vm dentlatrv. Shomaker, Jacques Michau, buainesa ad ministration. Simon, Pauline Amelia, A. A a Hltes, Lawrence Darryl, music. Stow ell, Evelyn Josephine, music. Pt.chv. France Margaret, A. A & Tanner, Frank Harold, A. A S. ra. Unrvar! teacher. Thompson, Carol Lather, business ad ministration. Tood. Giadya Lucille. A. A 8. Vopalensky, Irwin John, engineering. Wapgener Donald Todd, dentistry. Walker, Margaret Jean. Journalism. Wallace, Roger William, engineering. Warrlner, Janet Lee, Journalism. Waters. Cheater Hil', Jr., medical. Wolf, Clar Coulter, A. A B. Wrishteman Mary Beryl, teachers. Class nt 1S37 Honor List. Abbott, Annabel. A. A a Amos. Virginia Roe, A. A 8. Andrews, Dons, business administratis. Apperson. Helena Elizanetn, A. A at, Augustine. Robert William, medlcla. Beale, Sarah Louise, nursing. Beer. Dorothy Lucille, teachers. Bengton. John Williard. agriculture. Bertramaoa, Rodney Bertram, agricul ture. Blurvall. Jeanne Marie, A. A 8. Bloom. Fern Viola. A. A a Bomemeier. alargarethe W., agriculture. Braairy, Tneo Drake. A. A 8. Brinegar, Wlllard Clause, medteto. Butler, Miriam Magdalene, buaines ad' ministration. Caley, Gayl Deloti, journalism. Carothers, Maurln. A. A 8. Carroll. Flnvri n 1 r rrlrultnr Chapelow, Dorothy Irene, business ad ministration. Clarke. Roger Gold, A. A 8. Crancer. Catherine, A. A a CruiM, Elalo Mildred. A, A a. Curry, Julia Elaine, agriculture. Davla! Calhryn Virginia, business ad- mV"ePuVton,' Barhara Louise, business ad- "anuS'shlrley Oertruds, A A B Dougall, George Malcolm Richardson, A'Down'ng. Genevieve Kathryn, Journalism. Ebert. Zelda June, teacher. Eb), Robert Kendall) business admin istration. Fmersun, Norman Ross, A, A n. Feehan. Elisabeth Theresa, teachsr. Ferguson, Anna Alicia, business admin istration. , .... Finlavson, Allster Ian, medicine. Forrest, Sarah Lillian, A. A 8. Foster, Henry Hubbard, Jr., law. Fiants, Gene Arthur, A. A 8. Frasler, Alice Louise, teaUisra. Freed, John Howard. English. Frltiler, Kenneth Carl, business admin istration . Fuennlpg, Charlea Ellas, business ad ministration. Glffen, Kenneth Stewart, A. A 8. Gobs, Alice Juno, A, A S. Grsyblel, Ardls Marntll, A. A 8. Hall, Georgia Elizabeth, A. A 8. Hall, MIMied, teachers. Harris. Elizabeth Lillian, teachers. Hartzell, Bert Henry, A. A 8. Ilaynrs, Robert Leslie, English. Heater, Bruce Arlandn, A. A S. Hoax. Joan, Journalism. llolllster, William Gray, A. A 8. Hovle, Evelyn Luclle, pharmacy. Hutchinson, Ruth Ellen, business admin istration. Keefer, Gwendolyn Ardsth, teachers. K ueter. Jans Beeler, Journalism. Reiser, Albert John, business administra tion. Kennedy, John Charles, medical, Kerlln, Richard Grant, engllsh. Kirk, Gertrude Elizabeth, teachera. Kosman, Richard Eugene, engllsh, Leavltt, Gertrude Faye, teachers. Leavltt, William Grenfell, arta A sciences Lelnlngsr, Vanes Elmore, music. Levlne, Arnold Josephus, arts A science. Lundstrom, Louis Carl, engllsh. MrBrlds, Leona Rose, arts A sciences. Major, Frances Jean, agriculture. Mallon, Georg Conlan, engllsh. Manlon, Richard Thomas, engllsh. Martin, Alfred Joseph, business admin istration. Martin, Edward Ross, business admin istration. Martin. Harriet Rose, agriculture. Matson, Joseph Donald, agriculture. Meyer, Paul Monroe, arts A sciences. Miller, Kathryn Lee, arts A sciences. Miller, Robert Holbrook, business admin istration. Minor, Jack Blanchard, law. Morgan, Marlon, agriculture. Morris, Burdett Dill, dental. Moesman, Frank David, arta A science. Myers, Gerald D., business administra tion. Nelson, Meredith KendrlCK, law. Nelson, Ruth Maxlne, arts A sciences. Newlee, Clara Marie, teachers. Newmyer, Georg Lowsll, engllsh. Nordqulst, Donald McColl, medical. Osiiorn, Mary Evelyn, arts A sciences. Pape, Veronica Elizabeth, teachers, Parker, John Truman, engllsh. Peterson, George Milo, engllsh. Petzold, George Walter, business admin istration. Pierce, Rum Marjorie, misines uuiui- istratlon. rotter, William eenury, meuicai. llccd, France Ann, Uaehtrn. Reld, Erie Hamilton, Jr., arts A science. Rilsness, Margaret Laura, teachers. Roberts, John Milton, art A sciences. Rolland, Marlon Ruth, arts A sciences. Rose, Anthony Theodore, medical. Rossmlller, Harold Richard, medical. Rundle, Robert Eugene, arts A sciences. Runge. Hilda Johanna, teachers. Schammel, Wavne Joseph, pharmacy. Schindler, Sadie May. nursing. Schmidt, Carol Marjorie, arts A sciences. Schohert. Ruth Helen, agriculture. Schwartlng, Arrive Inne, business admin istration. Semin, Agnes meresa. teacner. Shankland, Leatha Ruth, business ad ministration. Shonka, Mary Elaine, arts at science. Shurtleff, Marcellus Clay, medical. Siop, Thurman LeRoy, English. Slttler, Nina Louise, teachers. Smith, Arthur Lawrence. A. A 6. Smith, Dal Wilfred, agriculture, Spadt, Ruth Elaine, teachers. Srb. Adrian Morris, A. A & Brb, Ellen Ada, A. A 8. , Standlford, Margaret Naomi, business administration. Stelfen, June snsaoetn, a. & Slewart, James Bell, A. A 8. cirauo, Margaret KiizabiUi, A. m 8. Sundell, May Lillian, teachers. Swenson, Glffor-1 Frederick, Journalism. Swenson, Rowena, A. A 8. Teal, Lenore, A. A S. Tefft. Ward, English. Terrll, Alic Elisabeth, music. Thomas, Evelyn La Vera, business ad ministration. Thompson, Elwood Nelson, law. Tooley, Roller Lynn, pharmacy. Upson, Robert William, engllsh. Waechter. Dnrthea Kstheryn. teschers. Walker, Harriet Brltt, arts A sciences. W'arner, David Ross, law. Warnke, Robert Daniel, arta A sciences. Wassum, Erma Eloise, nursing. Weaver, Doris, arts A sciences. Weber, Robert Hickman, arta A sclsnces. Werner. EurHr M mired, arts A olnots. West. Harry Leslie, law. White. Mary Gertrude, teachers. Whltson. Donald, agriculture, Whltaker. Julia St. Clair, teachers. Wlebusch, George William, arta and aciences Williams, Mildred Louisa, music. Wolf, Justin Robert. la. Wright, Flavel, Allen, law. Yoder, Marv, teachrs. York, Frances Belle, Journalism. Zastera, O'.ga Helen, arts A sciences. ST1DF.NT ORGANIZATION) RECOO M.ID FOR HIGH SCHOLARSHIP. I nlverslty Honorary Societies. PHI BETA KAPPA Seniors Elected to .Membership. AKans, )arie Louise Davis, A. A 8. Albln, Mary Cathern, Bus. Adm. Alcorn, Paul, A. A 8. Alden, Jean, Teachers. Allen, Harlie B.. A. A 8. Auten, Carol Eleanor, Teachers. Baker. Rachel Luree, A. A 8. Becker. Kathleen Smith, Teachers. Boos, Jane, A. A 8. Butterfleld, William Henry, A. A B, Casement, Russell Leslie. Teachers. Dahms, Harnold Frederick, A. A S. Davis. Donna. Teachers. Dawson, Alice Emelyn, A. A 8. Engberg. Arne George. Eng. Frttz. Emma Grace, Teacher. Geddes, Alice Marie. Bus. Adm. Greensllt, Frank Stewart. A. A 8. Haegen, John Wilbur. Bus. Adm. Hughes. Dorothy Jane. Teachera. lhser. Lille Henrietta. A. A 8. Koenlg, Calm a Augusta, A. A 8. LaMaster, Joseph Erwln, A. A 8. Larson. Elsie Neota. A. A 8. McFarland, Nell Radcliffe. A. A S. McGrew, Frank Clifton, A. A 8. Moessner, Paul Herman, A. A 8. Moon, Ruth Elizabeth. Teachers. Ough, Marguerite Elizabeth, A. A 8. Oury. Katharine Munro. A. A 8. Powell, Hazel Faye. Teachers. Quisle. Alice Genevieve, A. A 8. Schwemlev. Rubv Viola, Teachers. Spencer, Harold Everett, A. A 8. Starr, Lucie Margaret, A. A G. S'lll, Helen Patricia. A. A 8. Ktnrv. James Kennedy. A. A 8. Thompson. Gwendolyn Barbara, A. A 8. Wilde, .Miiarea. A. t b. West. He.rrv Leslie. A. A I. Wilson. John David, A. A 8. Witt. Paul William F., Teacher. Wood, Kenneth Edwin. A. A 8. SIGMA XI henlnr Elected to Assorlats Membership. Blaser, Roy Emil. Agron. Chard. Edgar Ernst, Pharm. Halderson. Maxwell Hayes. Physics. Harvsy, Paul Henry, Agron. Hill, Roscoe Fane. Entomology. Johnoon. Holger Olln. Geol. Mriirew, Frank Clifton. Chem. Mott. Gerald Oakley. Agron. Peterson. Arthur William, Agron. Prochazka. Emu E-, Mech. Eng. Rice. Richard A.. Mech. Eng. Schomaker. Verner F. H.. Cham. THE ORDER or THK COIF Advanced Elections of 8m tor In the fJMIeg Law. Adam, Cecil Firestone. Rodgers, Ralph Aubrey. Taylor, Jamea Karr. GAMMA SIGMA DELTA Agricultural College Heritors Elected t Membership. Ford, Bruce Ryker. Harvey. Paul Henrr. Hodgea, Elver Myron. Vott Gerald Oaklev. Peteron. Arthur William. Wllion. Raymond John. ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Medical toiler Seniors Elected to MnnbersbJ. Bancroft Paul Martin. New LOW Cleaning Prices Men's Suiti .75o Men's Eats 8Se Men'i Top Coat and Overcoats 75c Ladies' Dresses. . . .fie up Ladies' Coats 75c tip Cxtra for (-, Frills and Fur Trim Corduroy Pants 40c Modern Gleaners Souknp & Westover Call 17377 for Eervif IS Bennsr, Miriam Crowsll, Booth, Marlon Frances, Coe, Howard Matin. Ihle, Charles William, Martin, Clyde Blmpson W. Person, John Paul, Petersen, Millard Theodore. Round, John Nicholas. Rut ledge. David Ivan. , Schall, Roy Franklin. Wilbur, Ernest Lloyd. BETA GAMMA 8IGMA Business Admin istration College Seniors Elected to Membership. Albln, Mary Cathern. Cnpek, Agnes Marl. Gediles, Alice Marie. Haegen, John Wilbur. Hansen, C. Waldemar. Houston, Howard Newton. Jennings, Bernard, Kolouc, Otto. Ruwe, Chester Herman. Schneider, William Harry. Selwyn, Helen Sherwood, PI LAMBDA THETA Teachers Oollrgs Members on Honors Lists, Agans, Marl Iiulse Davis. Alher, Melda Elizabeth. Alden, Jean. Aulen, Carol Eleanor. Becker, Kathleen Smith. Blecka, Twila Mae. cherny, Ruth Arllne. Crawmsr, Wanda Vera. Davla, Donna. Edwards, Jane Bolcourt. Frankfortsr, Dorothy Marls. Luti, Ruth Irene. Mayhew, Ida Gsrnstt. Miller, Marlon May. Neshlt, Helen Edith. Tombrink, Adela Marie, Young, Grace Elizabeth. BIQ.HA TAV Engineering College Mem bers on Honors Lists, Baur, Henry William. Beachler, Edward Duichl. Chab, Victor. Erickson, Duans Chester. Halderson, Maxwell Hayes. Jameson, Stanley Lloyd. Joyce, Robert Michael, Jr. Schmoker, Verner Frederick . Departmental and Other Organisations Member on Honors Lists. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA. Apfelheck, Irene Catharine. Baeder, Frieda Anna. Barber, Barhara Josephine. Becker, Kathleen Smith. Blecka, Twila Mae. Boos, Jane. Bushee, Elizabeth Ruth. Davis, Donna. Diamond, Evelyn Elizabeth. Dodrlll, Mary Etta. Fenstcrmacher, Ines Helen, Freedlun, Pauline. Geddes, Alice Marie. Goldstein, Selma Helen. Goss, Alice June. Harm. Zada Lucille. Hentzen, Irene Marie. Hughes, Dorothy Jane. Johnson, Viola lsabelle, Kropf, Helen Ramona. Longman, Elinor Elizabeth. Lutz, Helen Margaret. McAllister, Laura Light. Medlar, Margjtret Flske. Neale, Eleanor Pauline. Oury, Katharine Munro. Oxfiiford, Vera Iona. Petrea, Ada Marie. Remmers, Irene Margaret. Schultz, Ada Theodora. Skrable, Louise Marcella, Smith, Marjorie Eleanor, Steinberg, Rose Betty. Temple, Betty Josephine. Thompson, Carol Ether. Freshman Women Elected to Membership. Andrews, Doris Apperson, Helena Elizabeth Dowling, Genevieve Kathryn Leavltt, Gertrude Fay Major, Frances Jean Pierre, Ruth Marjorie Schohert, Ruth Helen Shankland, Leatha Ruth Shonka, Mary Elaine Sib, Ellen Ada Teal, Lenore Terrii, Alice Elizabeth Walker, Harriet Brltt IOTA SIGMA PI. Chemistry. Baeder, Frieda Anna Peterson, Breta Barbara ALPHA RHO TAC. Fine Arts. Boos. Jans Dawson, Alice Emelyn Mayhew, Ida Gamette Stamp, Marian lone PI SIGMA ALPHA. Political Science. Cooper, Clarence Preston Your Drug Store It Is our pleasure to servo you, both In our Drug department and Loiich eonetle. The Owl Pharmacy Crablll, Frnnk Wallace McAllister, Laura Light Spencer, Harold Everett HOWARD HALL. Davis, Dnnna Geddes, Alice Mario Jnrgensen, Helen Margaret Mayhew, Ida Gamette Hmllh, Marjnrle Eleanor Hkrahle, Louise Marcella Weaver, Christobel VESTALS OK THE LAMP. Arts and Sciences, Davis, Donna Diamond, Evelyn F.llrabeth Hui:hes, Dorothy Jane Neale, Eleanor Paulina Oury, Katharine Munro Peterson, Ulsta Barhara Schrag, Harriet Grelchen Thompson. Gwendolyn Barbara Walker, Margaret Jean Weaver, Christobel PI MU EP8ILON. Mathematics. Baur, Henry William Beachler, Edward Duschl Cherny, Ruth Arllne Krb, Curl Lee Halderson, Maxwell Hayes Letton, Harry Pike, Jr. Martin, Donald William Mnrdaunt, Margaret Alice Nielsen, Charles Henry Skrahl, Louise Murcslla Walde, Mildred West, Harry Leslie MORTAR BOARD. Senior Women. Aldan, Jean Boo, Jan Cherny, Ruth Arllns Davis, Donna Geddes, Alice Marie PHI C HI THETA. Business Administration. Albln, Mary Cathern ChrlatoimloB, Constance A, Clark, Marylouise Cole, Helen Rosella Phllllppl, Carlene Louise Sclwyn, Helen Sherwood ALPHA 7.I.TA. , Agriculture. Beadles, Carl Burton. Harvey, Paul Henrv Henderson, Philip Alden H.yne, Elmer George Hodges, Elver .Myron Limlell, John Farl Loewenstem, John Robert Nelson, Roland Goidon Peterson, Arthur William Shank, Daniel Boyd Wilson, Raymond John THE PALLADIA SOtltH. Literary, Anderson, Ellznlieth Margaret Baur, Henry William Jackson, Marlon LeRoy Jamison, btunley Lloyd Llnrigren, Lucille Catherine Marvin, James Francis Medlar, Margaret Flske Still, Helen Patricia West, Harry Leslie SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. u.Srcl?' .rSn'"'lons ranking amcng ths highest 20 percent of the sorority srouj (Continued on rage 4.) THURSDAY LUNCH MENU Cream of Tomato Soup ice Baked Ham with H a i s i n Sauce 35c Boiled Corn Beef with Cab- baue 3 DC Chicken ala King on Toast.. 25c Mock Sweet Birds with Cream Gravy 25c SPECIALS No. 1 Cinnamon Toast. Fruit Snlad, BevernRe ?0c No. 2 Hot Barbeqtie Sand wich, Soup, Beverage. 25c No. 3 Pork Sandwich. Po tato Salad. Beverage. .25e No. 4 Err Salad Sandwich, Pineapple and Cheese Salad, Beverage 25c No. 6 I'eanut Butter Sand wich, Milkshake 20c No. 6 Goose Liver on Rye, choice of Beer 25c No. 7 Chicken Sand w i c h. Coca Cola 20c No. 8 Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich. Pie. Bev erace .we No. 9 Hot Bnrhenue Sand wich. Milkshake 25c Boyden Pharmacy 13th & P Sts., Stuart Bdg. H. A. REED. Mar. I 141 N. 14th A F St. Phon B100S I use nn tvri I "S ZJ m . ..iw'srssssseM LSIJMUd HP X A ''(iX 1 X X ':mm Selling by telephone gets results. In many lines of business, salesmen are .finding they can cover more customers more often-and close more sales at lower cost by telephone. 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