JL WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1031. THE DAILY NEHRASKAN THREE. Individualism Is Noted in Display Of New Coed Hats TPT 1 tL. T I i i-v W I Wear the hat that looki beat on you that is fashion's advice for spring because It la a season of In dividualism, and hats are being ehown In an endless variety of n. style, shape, and Jt'Ci color. Adventurous souls will like the new big hats, for one trend is to ward brims -which have brought the round cartwheel and the drooping muHhroom brim with the crown sofMy arranged in loose folds of material, Faces will be worn tool Some prefer the Diadem type, a baby face hat worn In a devil-may-care fashion on the back of the head. Among the favorites are the sailors, Jaunty Bretons, wide sail ors that roll up at the very edge of the brim, and disk sailors. And then there is the flatten pan-cake hat, the picture hat, pi rate effects, berets in many forms, brims that turn up on one side, and ribbon caps. Materials are alpaca straw, ba kou, mllan braid, rough straw, stitched fabrics, and silks of con trasting material. Facings, rib bons, flat bowb, feathers, flowers, and clips are used for trimming. MEN -Here They Are $cjoo and up A complete selection of the latest Spring Shoes. Tan Calf Black Calf Gray Suede White Sport Two-Tone Combinations dingers Inc. 144 No. 12 mm El 5' 1 L' SI Hf mm ! til toaitr m Mmm airum 11 " Fash ion Decrees Cam pun Suits To lie Hough Fabric Pictures by Rlnthart-Marsdtn. Those who saw Ginger. Rogers in "Flying Down to Rio" will rccog nizH thiH gown shown by Cynthia Pedley for It Is a copy of the de sign by Orry-Kelly of Warner Brother's and sold by Ben Simon's and Son.s. It Js a studio style,- five -o'clock dress of wild rose Bcllforte carde, with a guimpe of sheer pink or ganza, and very, very lovely. Cloves Important Accessory to New Spring Ensembles "Hands up!" cries fashion, for gloves are an important accessory to the spring ensemble. Linen gloves in white, natural, and navy blues are new, as are the fascinating white spring gloves. White pique gloves and hats come in attractive sets to matcn collars and cuffs. Unusual combinations are gloves with Italian straw cuffs to match a st-aw beret, black and white striped linen gloves, and gay plaid taffeta srloves to match a wide chin bow. For evening there are taffeta gloves and organdy gloves witn wide cuffs to match ones gown. For snort and street wear there are smart new two-tone fabric doeskin and cape-skin hand stitched gloves, some with initials on the knuckles, as monograms are an important part of acces sories. Gloves that look hand- crocheted are also important. Of course kid gloves, especially navy to match a suit ensemble, ana un usual black and white combina tions ate always good. " THE Bi-Swing A Great Step Forward to Comfort Men and young men are snapping out of drab Into the bright new sport suits. They are here in a multitude of styles and pattern effects . . . Gaberdines, checks, plaids, Harris tweed, and flannels ... In all tn nw tprlng shades of blue, grey, brown, tan and green. Single and double breasted models. $ 50 Others at $15.00 to $22.50 OPEN SATURDAYS 'TILL 9:00 P. M. 1028 O St. Tlio ull thut will be seen slroll- lng across the campus, dancing at the Park, and ringing sorority doorbells will ba of rough fabric and will fit in a loose, easy way. Rough rugged tweeds, rough in texture and with bold patterns, are in vogue for sports. There are a variety of sport-back models, some with yolks, some wttn pieatea backs, all with an easy swing. These rough tweeds are replacing flannel coats. Slacks are replacing the cordu roys bo long popular with college men. These are of Harris tweed or of gabardine. Dark shades are worn with light Jackets, and light shades such as pale grey or beige with darker colored Shetland jac kets. Slacks tend to the peg-top models with full pleats In front and open lap seams on the sides. Checks are replacing stripes and solid colors are still good. One of the best things about the sports suits is that almost any color combination is acceptable. With a brown suit you may wear any shade of brown or gray, so that with a sports suit and a pair of slacks you are almost as well off as though you had two differ ent suits. Flannel sport coats are passing out, being replaced by rough tweeds and shtlands. New fea tures are the all-around belt which gives a swagger appearance and leather buttons. Colors are brown, blue, gray and a popular combina tion "light or dark," a light camel hair shade worn with darker slacks, is featured, although it is the reverse of former years. " In dressy suits the doublebreast ted trend Is gaining in popularity every year and patch pockets are also in high favor. The three but ton, single breasted, very soft front coat with patch pockets is a smart model. The coat is slightly longer than in other suits, and the soft Shetland fabrics are the ones featured. J' fxfc m a x I . j jurxi.vi.vu i PRESENTING ,,,,,,,1,, inc. P4E.WE01 iix i VA Sport Clothes P&fejt tt&f smmv v x j II 7 Mmm , ,gfh - I w0 j Pictures by Rlnehart-Marsden, "Swell for picnics," claimed Andy Blondell as he modeled this single-breasted sport suit of Home Spun fabric from Magee's Men's Department. One of the best fea tures, in addition to the newest patch pockets and sport back, is the zipper trousers, which promise to replace buttons on all of the better suits. Netv Colors, Weaves Will Brighten Up Darker Ensembles New colors and weaves in shirts that will brighten up darker en sembles for men this spring. Most men distrust their color sense and so thev wear white shirts. Here is a simple color guide for shirts and cravats that will tell you what colors can be worn in combination. Complementary color;; Red and green, Blue and orange Hard yellow and French blue Yellow and violet Bluish green and crimson Black and red Harmonizing colors: Black with orange, red, yellow, or green Red with blue, green, or yellow Blue with scarlet, orange, or green Yellow witn Diue, green, or rea Green with scarlet, orange, or violet Grey with black, red, or maroon Colors that clash: Violet and scarlet Purple and pink Is my purse : proud! I'm getting TOP CLASS AT TOURIST via Red Star to Europe - THE whole ship if yours at low Tourist Qaat fares when you sail on one of these four large, comfortable Red Star liners. You get the best staterooms, decks and public rooms, for Tourist Class is top class on the ship. Regular sailings to and from Southampton, Havre and Antwerp. Minimum fares Tourist Class 117.50 OneWay,?212RoundTrip;Thirdaas f&3 One Way, 144.0 Round Trip. S.S.MINNEWASKA S. S. MINNETONKA 23,000 grou Coos (. S. PENNLAND S. $. WESTIRNLANG 16,900 gross ions ' Sre yomr Ucml ntf. Hu mf art fn. RED STAR LINE tsmboHBl Mereaatiss Marias Co. , 216 No. Michigan Ave., Chlcatro mm are more subdued and dulicut. Old gold that looks like the me'.al of an heirloom is another costume jewelry Innovation. SOFTER HUES TREND IN MEN'S SWEATEES Sweaters are blossoming forth on manly chests, but not the bright gaudy hues of yesterday. The trend In sweaters this year are mohair and soft brushed-wools in greys, blues, tans, soft yellows, and whites. Swcnter Hets. consisting of a coat sweatei and a sleevele4 sweater to match, are galnlij favor. The coat typo and the all over models with buttons or ei pers will predominate. Streamline Trends Dominate Footwear A$ Fashion Dictatt Even shoes go streamline thi year, for tho glovefltting atrean. line, with perforations and stitch ings carrying out the effect, an getting the big pay In fashion r-n-tert. The trenl in acci'smirii's is toward brown, altho blacks and blues hip mil Inportant IpuiIi ih. From th uii have come a fi.-w models n I vittd colors -bright greens, 1 cill uei blues and. of course, they mould match the handbag. Mexican ctoyor red river clny is another colof irouslng consider able Interest h handbag, gloves and shoes to mitch. And for gnral all-around day time wenr. kldikln and calfHkin are still the Vigue. For sports wear and rough leathers are very much -4- in tl-.e fa, "t. picture, and the sniertcr m.iels are displaying th-ni with twf-edi and sports togs. Cnihhed pig, crushed kid, and madrucca leather are the leading type in these shoes. GLADYS PARKER BEAUTE' SALON 122 N Street, Upstairs tMU SPECIALS EACH WEEK Cill us for your Beauty Needs ,::;Wi;;';;w:;'::'i:, Pictures by Hlnshart-Msrsdsn. Florence Borgerson is charming in this classic gown of filmy mous illn do anlA from Miller & Paine. A grosgrain belt is cleverly manipulated to give a very ni;n faRhlnn. Kmnlre bodice. The bil lowy whiteness of this exquisite creation, wnicn is eternauy icim nlne with sweeping flounces and mamrtllth nil ffpil nlneves. is not broken by color. Even the starched chrysanthemums on tne Doaice are pure white. Completing the ensemble are the crystal bracelets and earrings, gardenia mounted comb, ruffled net 'kerchief, organdy gloves with net palms and full flare cuffs. The purse 13 of ruffled chiffon, mount ed on a gold frame with a brilliant r-ifln Comnlementine accessories are from the Accessories Shop at Miller's. BOW TIES FOR MEN 'SNAP' INTO FAVOR "You can pull the bow and hit the apple." Back wnen tnat jnne was new. bow ties were being worn, and now bow ties have "snapped" back into favor. Bow ties will be especially popu lar with campus clothes and tweeds. Pointed-end bows and sauared-ends in stripes and figures are being shown in wool, silk, and cotton cloth. Knitted tie will also prove enormously popular this spring. " 1 hi wO . 1 You can wear a jacket of one pattern and trousers of another this spring without seeming to be just wearing out "orphan" gar ments. If you can, get two suits and you'll have a four-way com bination to rotate at will. Sport or plain jacket, with odd trousers or slacks are particularly in vogue this season. Costume Jewelry Is Important in Spring Ensemble Costume jewelry has come back into the mode and is important in completing milady's ensemble. For sportswear colors are gay, snow ing the red-yellow-black combina tion that is at tributed to the Mexican influ ence. Wide com position brace lets in vivid colors add a new note to spectator sports costumes, while clips and ear rings complete the outfit. Bracelets, seven or eight at a time, or else wide hone ones, are popular because of the new three quarter length sleeves and of the great use of dark blue demanding something to break the line. There is a lot of nautical Jewelry to go with sailor hats and sailor suits. For afternoon and evening jewlery comes In colors, but they YOUR DRUG STORE Remember those famous nooa lunches at our fountain. CALL US FOR RUSH ORDERS The OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th A P B106S Looking towards . The Smait Life VTTRE as ntlvrnturous as the first robin, as W antiriputive us the early crocus, and as inspiriting as the spring zephyrs when it tomes to getting the first modes of the fashion world. Right now, we have In captivity all of those styles that the smart ones are rheering; and we believe, also, those due for a triumph when the summer suns blaze their accustomed course. We're wondrous-wise that way ever-ready with a new love when you're a-weary-ing of the old. Moreover we're practical-minded (usually). And we're inexpensive! And we're discern ingat to individual needs and tastes! Our showings are as varied as the whims of the fashions, the sizes of budgets and the personalities of the race. What is your pleasure? With a new spring! ENGLISH TWEED SWAGGER SUITS (Good travelers.) ALL MANNER OF SHEER FROCKS (Major from this on out.) WHITE FABRIC GLOVES IN NUMBERS (Little things looming big.) WHITE WOOL SUMMER COATS (A "next" wardrobe essential.) SPORTS SHIRTWAIST FROCKS (The Gibson Girl classic.) ALL THE NECKWEAR NICETIES (Medieval, cinema, or what will.) HATS BRIMMED WITH THE MODE (And lilted to taste.) TWO-IN-ONE DAYTIME DRESSES (With adjustable complexes.) MANY KNITWEAR FASHIONS (Made or to handmake.) THE MODE IN FOOTWEAR (White, grey, navy, black.) COATS THAT ARE WINDBLOWN (The active silhouette.) THE RIGHT JEWELRY ACCENTS (Which matter much.) COME! N ' ' ! J" Li f t ' t 1 MlIUBR & PAINB