The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1933, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
-gpyji0- 6- uncoi v M HR?K v. xuimsnvv, noxtmiuk 10' rKUT; s rrxi
..b ct.nrt Theater: Show
Consists of Ten Skits;
Use Student Talent.
Gepson Calls Meeting of the
Organization for This
annual Kosnu-t Klub fall
trill be held in the Stuart
tteater at 13th and P Sts on
e morning of Saturday, .No
ienitw 2-3, "according to infor--i:ion
reieaed yesterday from
tbf office of the Klub.
Frank Musgrave. resident of
the Kub, announced the fact that
te Hub had booked the Stuart.
t location of the show last year,
bfctust of the size, accommoda
r.d facilities for the produc-
&a this rear, which he believes ,
1-3 be one of the mot clatvi-t-j ,
fwrftaged by the K! i
Ten Acts on : -- ;
Tla entire stage lacililies of the
titster wll be used in presenting
ia year's revue, which will con
sS of ten skits sponsored and
proiuced by all-.-tudcnt talent.
Fwrteen campus oiganizations
J1 take part in presenting the
John Gepson. business manager
of Kosscet Klub. announced that
Uwewill be a meeting of all Kos-;
Virginia Selleck Presides at
Meeting; Brief Informal
Talks Presented.
Three women students wore ini-!
tiated into Gamma Alpha Chi.
honorary advertising organization
for women, in Ellen Smith hall
Tuesday night at 7:30. Virginia
ssor linrbour
loses Personal ami
Intimate Associates
pointed to
i-virator of
this xviH'k
Hies noun' iinter
Prof. K. H. Hsrlviir,
the univrrsitv nv.iseum,
when two of his intin-.Al rvrsiinal
; an.i protossionai ass.viates died,
i IT. Olaf August tVterson. inter-
nationally noted paleontologist and
eurator of the I'arnegie museum in
SellecK. president of the aevo,Pans Caed for Conf J -.
skeleton of a prehistoric giant hog
cnapier. presuiea at me cere
monies, which were the first to be
held this year.
Those who were initiated into
the sorority are Pearl Cosgrave.
graduate student from Lincoln:
Dorothy Passmore, senior in the
arts and science college from Lin
coln; and Allene Mumau. junior in
Teacher's college from Tobias.
Brief informal talks were pre
sented after the ceremonies by '
Charlotte Treat, treasurer of the ;
organization, and Eleanor Pleak. :
secretary. Plans for future meet- j
ings were discussed, and the work
of the organization for the year;
was outlined. I
With Deputy Public Works
eterson incurred interest in his
field from a Nebraska Vovhod
hobby of fossil collecting arid did
mm u m ins rosea rcn worn iti inisj
state, near Valentine.
Frederick (5. tMims. assistant
I i-lir.' rtf iht nnti-.Mitv mnaMinii '
n I.. . ' ni assistant tf Ktrlvmr since
Proposed Memorial StrilC-1 1M Tuesday morning. He
was laminar to tt-.ousnnds ot mu
seum visitors through his series of
! lectures at the institution.
Chancellor Burnett States
Saturday That Exemption
May Be Extended.
Pop Oi-firttm.U inn I oiiil,c Plan for Hugr lulu mi
Uu M(niini in Ntri.-il Scirnr at 10:.0:
Vt i.uiiir Sriiil-Of'f for l
i k;i. mi iiims himiow hi.iiumu nmr
ture Will Be Built from
Federal Funds.
tM'l'n-ials nf t In uni ersity
ariived at tin nation s oapital
estcrdav to present plans for
VUUUIIIU LILU III I build on the universitv rmniKi
Assistant Museum
Contracts Pneumonia
After Ooeration.
ouim on tne universitv campus I
i with public works money
The delegation planned to con- '
for yesterday with lieneral Pong- j
las Mac Arthur, chief of staff of
i the war department. Later, it wis !
learned, the delegation will call on I
; Colonel Henry M. Waite. deputy
' public works administrator,
i The universitv delegation, which
left Lincoln Sunday, includes M
A. Shaw, president of the board',rtP.of regents; L E. Ounderson. n-.
JUl OIUI nam eor-r
nance secretary, and Col. W H
. Oury. eommandant of the lvil
i unit of the P.. O. T. C. Chancellor
j E. A. Burnett had planned to n--I
company the delegation to Wash
ington, but was detained at Chi-
niWPRAI nW THI IRSn A Y . cago for a meeting of the land
.VT r " " i s : it :J UfUU n- Dn.u.,,. use i-eoerai -unus.
IT ruuo memoers ana woriters m , HobUWdlCU VV I LI I Ui . Ddl U'JUI
it office of the organization in
!it bajement of U hall this after
noon at 4:30 o'clock to make plans
lor the beset sales campaign.
Will Check Out Tickets.
colleges and state univer-
Voluntary Class Attendance
Will Soon Be Rule at
Western School.
Freedom From Compulsory
Attendance Favored by
Professors Here.
Quakers and Mcnnomtcs Are;
Already Excused From
Military Science. i
Kriio Donations
(hi I irlil in lla.
of ool n llovrv.; Ml inji I r;uu
li:ii k IM iOMI h l ii-c Is .-mil
( 'm il ( ol.s; Alakr I ffi-i. of S.punl.
Tickjtj will be checked out to
all worfer and members at the
tare, asd asaignmects and organi
zation of teams for the sale will be
rospieted. He urged all concerned
o be present on tim" in order to
pt th drive under way immedi-
Since 1921; Authority
On Geology.
The delegation, while in Wash-
( ali.
Frederick G. Collins, assist
ant ourator for twelve years at
the University of NV'raka mu
seum, died unexpectedly Tues
day morning at 6 o"el..-k in a
Lincoln hospital. Death win
attributed to pneuinoma ei.n
tracted fter an np p, ration!
early this mouth. "lliiis was
b'.") years of age. !
As a lecturer on the museum.
Collins was known ta hundrls of,
people, having conducted his series '
of talks for a number of years to ;
Form Clubs; Have Members
On Inter-Club Council;
Filley Presides.
over 2' rcen pres-.-nt t tne
vrtr.irz mass meeting,
ffin procwded to organize
ar?r stale tha ever before.
j nthering was held in Social
ce auduonurr.. and was ad-
by Prof. E. w. t-ntz and
"f i Petz. intramural director.
'T1' ' ten present ir.di
al their desire to form club? of
earn, of whirls tcev will be
'',sat?iv on the Interclub
the govf rr.irg bo-Jv of the
lrtll . Dn'" "rgaiization.
J TW about 25 rr.en had club,.
i eoptrated in Barb under-TSfl'-t
the year, but this
- nm ytar in which such a
tTw. tU"n hk rnade
-latotjt a permanent organ-
hi;.h a, iu a,m the
5Sf Earb activities.
l ' ,A naf filiated men
w campus activities.
r7 Pressed at the
Ctl'", Ktmg. leading the
organization for a
',r" ,M1 then introducing
peakeraof the evening.
f1 hw uik
Srk the "-gar.iza-
'stenl to the lndi.
cetth?r re rich sys
and running
:-Jon. tbrMka- ca"0g out
Spe!lr0?m 0utl,ned-
ftbi lf?c WWva in which
M 'immir.g Tee
r. or- wetk in r-
visitors in Morrill hall.
Came from England.
Coming to Lincoln from Exeter, f
England. Collins has N-en assoi-i
ated with Dr. E. H. Barbour and j
the Universitv of Nebraska since i
12L I
Mr. Collins was educated at Oak j
House school at Axminister and
University college of the -oi,th-w-est.
He was also affiliated with
Oxford and Cambridge .oiversi
ties. 1
Was Geological Authority.
In Exeter. England, his birth
place, he was governor and lee-.
turer of the Albert memorial mu- j
seum and a fellow of the P.oyal
Geographic society. An authority j
on the geology of Devonshire much
of his research on the subject has j
been published. j
He was an active ornithologist.
i: i: u i i-: 1. 1: v. ..v.
jington. explained that the pro- j i ( ' S . ".More Ir.-n ninu
Ipused memorial armory would be I i ..,.,..1,:,,,. ;n i. , ,i.
i ! ... .- , . , , , , 'less leaeinne Mill he lit
! built entirely from federal funds!. . . .
: which thev rione will he sllotte.! t.i "'.v " tilt llllM lsilv ol
! them thru the war department by ! I'urnia innli-r a new plan adopt
the P A. ,,, tlij ,., L- h I., I . !,. ii,iniiiiil.
We believe the project is es- ; w,rv .-lass attendanrr ts'elimlnaled
pecially desirable. Uunoerson sai 1 , Annoiim emrnt f the rli.ini-e (n
i policy with renrt to cla?i rut
j wa. made by Professm .) I II.
Hildebiand ( hauinan of tin- nun
l mittee on educational policy of the
i academic senate. who .said It
! would affect both the l'nivrilv
! of California at I'.crkeley and at
i lyos Ang"les.
He declared that the mile pnnif
of learning under the new plan
would be l. -Mills as rrllected by x-
The order. hnwrvr. will nt af
fei t rlaase-i in military training,
physical education and ( hni l
yesterday. "So far our public
works projects have been chiefly
highways, and there has been lit
tle employment opportunity for!
carpenters, bricklayers and othrr :
Plans for Betterment
Of Fraternities.
. ... ... ,.-sv. . II,,. .nrif tl
doing much of this work for the I - ; - . -
museum and belonging to the Bru- " ...,.. fr,.r!,v ,tt.r.
rr.ent Hf'.'-r
to thl" ou-.
Will rr.ent
t- hat , 1 " L-
kiiC-j,..1. Jan- I- Mr
ner bird club in Lincoln. He was
also active In other sti'-ntific cir
cles. Leaves Family of Three.
Mr. Collins Is survived by his
wife, one daughter and one rn.
His home was at 2127 Worttir-gton
Funeral service are U- b- held
Thursday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock
i i.neoiy 'innjiyccjrcn. i w-;m. ukn UT r,..,,rj,:t!.lH',',n.
""j j axreeui.
.subject.-. involvlnR lalxiratory
work arnl fielfl trips Smh stu
dent will be required t'i attend
i lass h as usual.
Policy in Effect Soon.
Profeisor llildebrmid said that
Council to Consider! '""'i "f "", nrw i"'1" v "rr
; now r'ing wnmcri tun atifi itiiii. 11
' proliahly w-nuld Iw placed in eff-e
ui the beginning of the n-nt nemea-
! r
! "It is an extremely Inlerrstlng
', e.erimeril." staled II. I'onne.
I'riiversity of N'i-trnka lihrnrlnn.
' in referonee to Ihr plnn "I have
Ix lievcd for H long time that unkH
turlenti want edurntion. yon ran
not 'shove M down th-ir llironl'"
II" stated that smh nn rp-rlment
would tx- dHriferous iihIikh Ilie uni
versity keeps the ntnndurds of re.
quirenienta and rlijfitiilll y reijuire.
tti'-n's high. "It will tk time to
d'l-rmine if nu h a plan will work,
but If It l continued for several
generations of stiiden's. It would
undoubtedly l-e sue rssful, he
Compulsion Undesirable.
Kot'inK students of college age
to learn lias never been pnrli'ti
if;ontinue m I'age 3 I
I nivcisil y pacifists seoi.d
anollicr vielory in t licit- cam
p.-iign to renioxe niilitarism
from the campus when .issue
.nice that Methodist nicu .tu
dents will In excused frotu
compulsory military training if
they ask il on (lie grounds of
moral com iel ions, was given
ly Chanocl'or Hurnetl.
The announcement was made
ly the chancellor at n uicctiug
of I he hoard of rcgenls last
Saturday at which three I, in
coin pastors aeated in oppo
sit ion to the pioicetcd new
Inclusinn of Methodist ntmlenls
along with those of the Quaker and
Mennonlte flenoiuiuatiimi aniotic
those who may be ecuuei front
drill on grounds tif rellgiotiq acru
plis was effected because of n
strong resolution denouncing war
which inn passed by the general
conference of the Methodist church
in according to ev. .1 i M
Huckner. retired .( minis
ter anil pence advocate
Started Move in 107.
The movement on the Nehraaiui
campus to have M-t Imdiot titiidenta
excused from military science was
begun In t!77. Hev. Mucltner
otated. At that lime, members uf
the Lincoln Minl.nterinl nsointioti
engage, in n debate over the ,iir
tioll with Colonel .lenelt. then
i ( "mil iruieil on Page i
With a hue. I'.ui I ii o r :i 1 1
a.iiiilion lo a shoi 1 i !, be
mnruiin; at 1(1 .ill a tu . plans
"ere completed est ci da 1m
i- C.'llllpUS in c
not t.i
gaiiiratioii on 1 h
I 'cl l Tlllllli d
i si'i d to' ibis
held in Social S, i. u,
tor the largest rally i
Tassels and t em I
hat ci- of li e
I lie uiisct-ali
- o vrai a
I I eani v put
c show in
t-a. U I
i . i " t; .
Hall t
i ti-.c
iiiil.le t " o
gieat tlnchc-t
l-itt oImii gti. e .
Record Total ol 700 Votes i
Cast: Keep Identity of
Winner Secret.
Questiona.ris. whiih wen- re
ently submil'ed to ea h fraterni
ty's repres'i tative on the ;inn,ni
council hi fraternity's
financial sta'-is. are to be filled
out and turn! in to I lean Thomp
son's office t 'lay.
The entire croup of sealed queu
tionr.aire.i will te referred to the
the answers
The exe--
;a -
' Viun
tive i. oun' il pl-ms o make a
! finite r'-port on the aituation
aboi.t two wek
Take Definite Slept
Ag.'a'i'n ' f'arted last
(or.cernir.g a in orjfai
tion of the Irter'ra'ernitv
, ;t Tk.. vear i'.i ! r ite wer
i m
the main ir.nova'ior.s was tt.
founding of the alumni rouri'U or
whi'h :.:.' Wiiw,n Alpha T'i !
ftrr.' ga v as )'' ed president sr.'l i
K. I. .Vor., Alpha .S.grr.a Pr,i. I
re'-ary. I
The Jr.''-rfraterr.i'y ''our.'. I ar.'i .
alurr.r.i 'o .r.'d are plannir.g " '"
sidera';on of s .gges'ions hv
fri.f.M'.r .-'' t.mrr.rn ht'-r T':rr.-
Address Was Given at Noon.!; Tr 1
Meeting of History
Dealing with a question of ' .t
rent Interest, Prof. J L. Seller
gave x UIlc on ' P.isna s Chano
of Pxogniti-vn by the United
States" Tuesday n'xon at the meet,
g of tfc history department.
Mrs. W. E. CAir.rongham. tht
leader, presided.
Mr. eliers alto delivered tr.e
regular lecture to the gro-.p d;s-Ci-isicg
"g'rparaticn frr,ro Lr.g
land. a Natural Conwjer.' ." as
a phae of the suhjett under '!.
cuion, "Fju-Iv American II
try." Cvet Dia'ett Reading.
Mrs. L D. Hpence alo aop4red
Professor Believes Reason
able Profits Will Be
Shown in 1933.
Jourtahatic Sorority Will.
Induct Seven Pd?eS j
r.s '
r.a' ''r--,rr.r.
f-.r.-...'. r..:
r,a;iie r.'.r.'.r,-
Tr. r,-r
i.. .r. rr.t K.:
1st i
-. or
tie prograja. preeiiting a nurc-; rj. V
'Jt,t Insursn'" mriti'ioni are
dn'iall'r S'cind srvl Will In
r,r',oiMlitv show ra'inbl prof-
,t in 11?.. w th tst.fnenl of
prof C f-. fipsngler of !t nnl-,.-;'
d'psrf rnent of -rio??ir.
.Vf-r.-:7 ni:ht. in r ad'lt ti
r,f frjfn' fntitur of N
ri ' the f Virriliual'B'
7'r.e'l stsbiliT of fie.
r:.r.r.' r.d ins'ielty KitnpntilM
r,n rn ri'e)lr '1'ieof nfid dot -i.'if
ri'cw waning (-...eiif
yr 'jpnT.g-r indi's'fl roi"r-,ry.-.
re"f'h 'ha' tb n'Stv
v.r. ierr.d 'birir.e Htl period
'.-.'.-.?' tA. fi""!e'l I" 'hl -'
f in Sl' U'S l t'onnfll
gr f,tifB .f rv-fi'lMre e
Vjii P.utn
' ;Tue aj s',;ed to g. i.
tXk. rr.t vu ucAhie to fc prer.t.
wul appear at nm f if tt
The jr.tX 'peaxer at tr next is U.
w.vVfl mi! be Prof j Z ' e '" who i.v.l give a talk on i ."
"Nehraa. tin Eait.-i;." lil - j ''r r '"
tr4 ly p.ctre- '-f fVf'"7
A7 Admor
With Ma wea
is u.'- - x
,,, f TO Tfi" p
H- !Ta?d hs
-,rtae'-.e 'f iri irsrt1
r.r .y-". d..'i'rirf
ft ffr ffnt-ow-
7 rr th mm A!fhr;v.
Women Journalists Complete
Plans for Annual Event;
Tickets on Sale.
"Nl:A" Will Min tittntr i.f Hip
nnmiHl JoiirriNljnrn hnnr f
plvrri ui lh I'nivrrmfv f I'ld
Thurflii v. N'vriFi.irr ?,. Tli in
nnr, whi'h t rnpr inllv r -
7'htn Siffun F'hl. v.irnr?r jnn
nnliirn h'ri'rrv
At thj ffrvm fhr flMr'N f"' Htr
firw nn fnhiir utoriri wrM
Irri ynr wHI prnnnfm hv
fvl '. W'albrr, ira f fh
ni- f jriiirnnlinrn Thri5 v ill
nlmt hr n h'rf progrnrn
Tii Url offlr nrp heinrii' (Ihv'
nri'l (h Ihlcrfa umv iKmhf
from trir riihrr q nf Th' n flfg r?iq
I'hi. Ihp pnilv r htqnknn tiffi'
nrii! pf fhr h'( 'if jfiiir rmliorn tf
fiir ,Innnrf ' ffU-ry i" In rharge
I'hff 1irrirr i oprn ( nil .rr'r.
Elct Loin Rnthhiirn Virp.
Iota B"f of il y
rjr i'f I tin t Inirl :l i t III ir-
crnt yrnt a fur Ihn I il lo i 'c.
i 33:1 Sn tlir:itf Ufla I Mil ill thn
r-ni ( inim rnt r-i n John,
trr:iirnt f I hn Stiir-tit ( 'miji'i M.
Qtlpi I J -I flit hi
MoTlilirH if (hn i mini i cIpi I i i
t nrtirint Ipp Wr-II HQ offiir-IQ
lotintP'l I hp hwllitta Itict tUiit nftrr
Ihn piilU in I hn l?iio iiilitig
loftpil nt 5 fi i -m U t'lnlro tf
br tO'Jrrit f'llUIHil VCfP n fhr
pullq nil :i v ttt Cl)ri 'icr Mir r-n
(.al 700 Vl
V IkImI of ttiotP t lid it errni htti 1
i h r vtPi3, Imp lrgrct fiiiititirr of j
, hn IN il n l n I n '.'rlnaalm r r I i
lirni I rlctlioti for nnno limr. uuq .
trt orr in Ihr i mini hr nrxrli !
i a M' l hit ra ff t I hr p.tQil ion wtir 1
!oiiim r Miown. I , (i i m lP-I'a
i .It in lit i n . (r I h:i 'i iicciirf I , a il 1
A 1 1 1 h n Thl. I.Mh I 'r-t U ini, A 1 1 . 1 ; !
,i Irll. Ilfiri.hi (tfiiiiaq, Al.ha
Otoi'ioii I'i F't.llni'l, 'hi
tlftK-gA. Ilr'rn ; f'rllo
I'rlln r II q , nnt 'l,iri'l In nr
M I' vo v. A l.hfi l
I Iip i'lrnlilv tf Ihr inning fri '
(h'lnlr uiM hr krio'n lo onlv n fr-.v !
irisi in mi'l will hr Itrpf orfnt tin I
lil chr ia firrsmlrfl pi fhr prtimnl
I-, or rii I I; Inh fall r r vur on -in I ii
lav ni'iininf. Jrivrrnhri h"
I up i f I hr pt r r
Co.k.Ii Th.iliiLin Pit,K Sfii;ifl
Whir,li Will Lntrr Mort .
At K;ins,r, City.
tr-natve pi f-pai at i--n wne i ,mii
plete.l (.1 jixe tlio i i. I , i, .i 3 Vo.
I'lacUa (.-am 9 tonaing pen, I, iff
Staijo Pmilin Hall,
In addition to tlii nioining iall
an. I tie hugp I'oitfhc lallv to t-
llr-l. tliio evetliltg a cr.n.loff iqllv
i3 l-ecn e f,, II 4-, I tun ,a
in. lining, jnat lrlnle I lie (opine r.11
ttnjn fo tlio eaot
I'lip pventng lath , wltii h u ill l-e
held on (lie drill field Lai h of li
1 oliocum. will otait at 7 .ill n HI.
the universitv U 11 T. 1'. band. th
t ot 11 t oliq. monjhptq ,,f the Icani
roa, Ilea faeilttv moniliet a on- tk
laifc-o nunilipi of cfudenta ate r-
pcite, o pp otpQpnf
Briny Weotten Rnift
All liigptif lr.,ir,cl f,,t- nil jM
Irnti lo hi Ing xvooiou lona ami
a. mpa of wood to Hip fiel, lq, l ,.f
llio t 'oliaol 1 m iiijpg io ilqv. I'V
Anne Hunting. . r.Q,lr-n of lac
In addition to Hie l"ic IiouIik
tnriiilicia of I do fin, II, a (cam n ill
lip liioiight ,i f;p firl in O hoy
tail, fltawn hv riimilir-tq nf tlip prji
ooi irlipQ. t iii)n in pnotliei iiav
1 r 'ofjl in i(e, ,,n Piigc 1 1
mm issu
Cfinl;iui', M,ui
Lihr;iry ArtK.lf.
Ol 9li' r - t i ,
f t lit Or r in 1 1,,5 ,.ff:
A loo.rii A .
. 1 -.-it v '.f
..1 ',f I I,, !,,. ( ,
t Ii i C vro'
'I ' 1 1 I I f ' . I . :1 I f '
ni' q l-ig'
,1,1 or
Hifi tia
AlphP folp fnuoii pi cit-
tipp'lp v pvpning. Mo prhr fl. l
I hp h"P nf I pit P InW-flll for
Mihlp'i ir n-f FUn.if rn
te p 1 If kf m iqn tiffpri4
nM H ftf Hrrl', ) M
rl' ( on npt thvfnt ttOh
F-hh p p..ti
I PflfVitft- 4 Up xh'
irn t'hrtwr r hn T f ft
tr h PPT
ir, rj f,,r H,, u ; ;
It p ilg ii.g I u ff 1, p'
It f p I
M'trrr. ' lol'ic f'r iiifr.illr r
'ha'lholl M-. f at' V.'hir
Vri.I pr.'l V.iJInr'l
,'it i iil q
ar-nior livrt
1 of liri lo '
pro I ' p v
f in r jrr
I onp f 'I
'f hr ' . t.i p t' I u ti, - j 1 1 Ifnv
f ' ('In for Hflnaui 1 i v lo r I
Ihr (filer 'ollr g Ip t r ' I'lfT ''f
faat pf fh A for ri' on f'oyw) ,)',
ftlff It flttti-r- 7'Pfns fforr fifren j
rrtllrea hr r f t r r er l h
P'VI, p orhng lo 1 hnirrmn 7 hr j
Irani V. Ill In M'pirr'J j'l'Tfre'
tfrlvp f Ipcor p t,f of.ifr nja -thfPj
pnt h of i pfHf. horara. ehrp nrfli
cUif I .
,,r of Thr f
ri'ff.c hy ore
',ri Mir r -.!ii
fair. f.f
(ft c.".r.-l
M ft ( .f, M
r I
7 if
? T A ' I
Btvino hr il) hp r 'piif'! '
I VP niPl itacni.q for hrjf plq -lfia
on frlfeht f thp I .t-Ivp f acen.
Atfftf'iirip fi f r.frf ic ffofo n-
p f 'It v. Ihr ic may h
i po In Iip t ecl here
r"ti q oip't. i' will
fliof I rio p fi)Vlo f Iqca has hecfi
hV h"l'l h' Ihc- rnfiletit
Mm 1 hanlt avire '!, 'hajmori
o,h1 flip f pq m viil ep vp fin' 'ln
ft thc I iroP fi Pn'f fon-
p( of f h rirna'i'r'al !
Ctm-tr f pooil Ion ql f "hi' p 'i Thp
ri'Hteat fh.ip t il h r or"J'l'
I 'rwo ( i lp llripp, h'll r fffipc i-
it (H ftp nplp penpr fry IhP
1 Mpl nrtf vpfi y cp mq - i
Ui pt1ftPrl
H fltpop cr.fiffif am pf I vp r
Wo phi. U f pfi'lln f'I'lh. pnlfop
Vtl-ii.l i v l pa f rii-nl f r p n t o -
f p. I 'ifi( fo '(hplropn, pfi'f
t Ur.a fiinlccU 1 (p Hi If ool
, V., a fif nfi''-r P'lnplp i'lfi if'.
fhic 'fflr fhr
' f lie ' : i.raxl' j
f.'ihli' of ion of t
tion of M.r I i.,
. ',1 1. IS' I O I.f. ' .1
A tn'iii t r r f , .j
M r -e rr.hc f ic
f.tlorrt M h'.ui,
hi a i i'j r, r .1 ic
!ii-rcs." a ir
'Bi Jt'U poll t i' i
I J OTlT H'f. r
.' i.f iict-pti 'ii--' t
f ?1 ' -1 ff-r rr , , r a
f , ir i-f ion ' ( c t f ,o
tior.a l-rn- al " of ' f I
o''f ' a iv c i'l'f,' .f4r,f i
f ,f OS9 in
( nr j.q r Iff.f r. I ' f.
( f'.n :r,f r -t ',r of Aror.'.ro,
r '.nr'f.f c,r.ra ut.'? rrar
ft t.r f if,r,'.' f'P .rn '-'','.
o '( h pr ',fr( ,r,ef,t -f i ' r s
fl Ci''
'fhr ''.ver ''-ir, of i--.,r
pc '.furfl hy f- r')ef i' f'i'Hf ,.
4 j jf.j'-r in ff. 4 f ar.r ,5.rt-'
'ojjrp 'ff "-Jra ,r,gr c , i f 'J hy
f!i'ir'I. X'P M". tnr,r,e-T jr tn f
f'tf f',rr'ct h fr. A .',n-,r.'iJ
pf,-) !,r; qq p ,,nt
",-ff f'.r h rr,uirair, f(pfrfo
for fc.p ' o p r rr ftr.if (,
'hflojrrl -7'i'ri P' h isc .r
I r i f fcif
A r ofioff . y
H r,
! '-tV,
A ,
Prf: fJiotcrJ Game Scores and
Ihrskcr Songs Features
Of Sports Peview.
rip'd b' k r '
IMiin; 7 0 f. M
iir Ti lif itp
t"!4'. l'" Tt. Cor"
Cp. f-n-.
W' eat F'ttro"gv
ii. i'.r.a 'f 2,rT' -r-,.-
t, r .,ar , x. Fii :- r,d .--
I. tqui-a a'.r.jr T-j,; ,''.t.ird nn
II. p A II- A 'r.ri- n pr.r rvip'
...prarn .vr th f Alurr.r.i a. Br .nd
inaiine Pctarn n'.yt; P'.-iday at.
.ii,t ttort C'lif-'n Kin!, will
b.p dif't r'.m Pitu'r.urh.
i ri'i fi tm w;;i h. awirin?
jll.o nut -in s AlYi.. Stt ion
I K flip, f.f IirKfin "jp-;!! br-sdcaiit
j l.n r,f r,erom.
i.o i . A rr.'r fi .sports R
; t--r re'jiir wiiy fiturp of
Ith rhnin. lid r'rriPs of tm
; purM' Ipatinp m jm port-in t nm
i (Hp n"t diy r 'tr-iTi'd. iriv
i..e r.pinlrm iirid prdi"tionn, us
j w-fdl rt th 8'mg- of th, anivercity.