THURSDAY, NOVEMBER o. 10.15 TWO Presenting a Three Day Worth While Opportunity to SA VEand SA VE PLENTY .What a Sale! Merchandise for Every Family at Prices that Shout 'Stock Up" "Buy Now" 7. .i.i.,,,,,,,,,,,. l fj-yyiTi rfii i WTi iTi'rf Tf NtllMlllllllllltlllltllllllllllHllllllltMMIIHIHIMIHIHIIIIIHMHIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllH. lltHMMIMMlM"',,,,m,"M,M,"',",, lHE DAILY NEBRASKA, BawawttytawBtkanaw.,.. ' H Hwwwpi t wm wmmm mi. i.;::; ..,::.:'!;:;'... :. . '. :. :i ; ! : : . : -i : i - " ? , ' r ? li i : : : : J ! : : : K : U M E 1 ; I i : ! E I ! : . !:.L;. :!:::; :. : n. i i :!:::. ,:u L ! -SiiiSli. a -T--s si s ii- i I I i T : i : i i a n r - l:fij OB i vl I i I I i , t 1 J 'i L i m m m :-- at m n ""aw. -f- wat , a v .v' jr. i . . t f r , . . tt" mSSkm 41 - n . . ... i J M 'IW , Htm MMMM Here Are Values That Should Tax our Clothing Dept. To Its Capacity! Quality That Cannot Be Matched at the Price Nor a Single Garment Replaced at the Price. MEN'S SUITS An unprecedented selection of fine twists, w-j-steds, tweeds, serges and mixtures. Double and single breasted, regulars, shorts, loii?s and stouts in checks, plaids, stripes and all the plain shades. OVERCOATS 16 If Men's 75c and $1 Silk Ties 2 for Luxurious warm fleecy ov and Oxfcrd greys. Double coats with half belts. It's buy a fine coat at what you ercoats in blues breasted ulstnv your chance to can pay. Men's $6.50 Suede Leather Jackets Leather Collar and Cuffs, Knit Bottom and Zipper Front. 30 Jackets in All. Much Higher Priced Silk and Wool DRESSES Almost No End to the Selection of Values to flX.95 S7.05 Cossack Model Jackets, Leather Collar, Cuffs and Bottom and Zipper Front at $5.95. $1.65 Quality Ide White Shirts $C95 Fine quality collar attached shirts whese replacement val ue will be $1.95. ni9 $2.50 Quality :lVs Gl 350 pain cf men's pigskin, cap; skin and fine Mocha gloves. Slip-on style-, and the color-; arc natural, black, grey and tan. oves $89 An outstanding group and the price Is so special you will want two or three. Types for every need. Wonderful Fashion Value in Much Better DRESSES Values to $25 for Capacity Days, at It's Big News when dresses like these are offered at such a price. They are all much better dresses They have all been tremendously reduefd. $490 Men's All Wool Sale of Entire Stock Flannel Robes Nelly Don Frocks Beautifully tailored robes in plain color flannels with con trasting color trim. Double breasted .notch collar lapel. $45 All $6.95 All $8.95 Nelly Docs Nelly Dons $395 i $595 I $7 10.95 & S13.9J Nelly Dons r95 Important Values for Capacity Days Two Groups QUALITY COATS Priced to Make It Easy To Decide! One Group Values to $39.50 fly v Another Group Values to $89.50 Fashion right Coats decidedly underpriced that's what. thp Canacitv Davs erouns offer tou. Coats furred with Squirrel, Caracul, Beaver, Fox, Wolf all the finer furs and all the new details make them smart Fur Coat Values to $135.00 Now $98.50 Fine Coats of dark and SUver Muskrat and Northern Seal x $ W' 6 -. , I V t j :::,i;y I $1.95 and $2.50 Men's Dress Shirts Brand new collar attached and two collar match shirt."; in strips and clip figure mad rases. Many tao collars included. Men's $6.50 Silk Pajamas Very fine quality radium silk and silk crepe pajamas. All colors, all sizes, handsome enough for a king. $1.95 and $2.50 Men's Pajamas New pattern broadcloth pajamas in all styles. Now is the time to buy Christmas pajamas. Phoenix & Interwoven Hose These are the new fall and winter patterns from Phoenix and Interwoven, in silk and celanese and rayon mixed hose. 50c is the replacement value on these hose. Men's 50c to $1 Wool Hose 3 for All good patterns and colors and made by America's largest manufacturer of fine hose 'for men. $1 39 ,r to T I lad- $395 $149 35 $1 Choose with your eyes shut from this assort ment of beautiful patterns. Hand made, re silient lined and many silk tipped. 1 00 00 f iff: I w m New Hit, HATS The Best Sellers From Regular $3.95 and $5 Lines Metals Felts Crepes Wool Turbans Sailors Berets Regular $1.50 Quality Ties 3 - Q Pure si ties that are hand constructed and Vl 1 lined to give them resilience and softness. All ( J the nexer paatterns are here at 98c. $5 and $6 Quality Men's Calf Oxford: For this sale we have taker 139 pairs of our regular $5 and $6 black and tan calfskin ox fords. They are all good styles. Tou mutt have mny dlffprrnt hl. and hrrr i yuur (jrtntl opportunity to ft three or lour hau lor the price ol one. THIRD FLOOR Just Received 300 Pairs Brand CCeiv Fall SHOES Values to $4.95 SUEDES KIDS CALFSKINS PATENTS COMPLETE SIZES FIRST FLOOR Boys' 2-Long Pant Su A Mighty Special its and Boys' Overcoats Capacity Day Price The lulu are line all wool fabrlca that will atand hTd rear and are in plain blue oxford grey and fancy irryt and browni. Acei 12 to 10 and two pair of long panu. Long Corduroy Pants Compton corduroy in cantor hade, agei 1 to 20 and DO values. Beys' Sweaters Turtle neck aweaten In bruihtd cotton yarn. Siui 20 to 31, uti. blue and rrey. H Oo5 JJL j", ,j $169 79c The overcoat art heavy Meltons and Boucles. cut In the popular double brrafel half belt style. The colors ar broa'n. blue and oxford (rey and In sites for boys 12 to 20 years. Children's Sleepers Fine ribbed cotton ileepm vith irri. in puis, ana b.ue. afea to I years. Boys' Leather Coats Finest ouallty horsrhlde Wamblno co'lar. blanket lui aes 14 to 20. Values to 112 79c $795 Suede Cloth Blouses Wind proof and water proof, haavr suede cioin mouses, per lrom. reindeer ahadea. ues to (2 to Boys Leather Blouses Sued leather, knit collar cutis, button front, ages 30. values to s S. Boys' Wool Knickers All woo! knickers taken from suits, ages 0 to 10 years and knickers worth to SI SO. Children's Overcoats All wool blue and tan cfcineU aU wool linrd ages 2 to years. Values to 110 00. q -1 in t Val- -JL. C u 10 T J $169 :$495 . 0 Women's Suede Leather Jackets Waist length leather Jackets in button front, adjustable fitting styles. Tan, brown and rein deer shades. Values to W.50. Women's Sweaters and Blouses Brush wool sport sweaters and wool sweater blouses, also some twin-sets. Included In the lot are manv silk blouses. All garments woriii $2.25 to $30. Women's Leather Gloves Gloves of pigskin, suede, kid and cape. Short lots from our regular stock of $2.25 to $3i5 Cloves. New Fabric and Leather Purses Finely styled fabric and leather purses in envelope and frame types. Special Capacity Days sale value . Slightly Irregular $1 Quality $595 $89 $89 $1 89 HOSE 59c 3 Pair for $1.75 They are worth fl. You get them during this sale for 54c Just because of invisible Ir regularities in their weae. They are pure silk McCallum Chiffons of next to nothing aheernesf, fine gauge, full fashioned, and you have m choice of all the new fall col ors. run noon, It's A Great Time T Jlen's Outing: Pajamas tra (aod quality flannel potamm In Bal atrlpoa and ooiera Oenorooaly rut a- mu, nioeiy miaanrd wuo ailk froaja or braid. They aaax .isaav r road aamnles orr "J ff i . would aeU Ttisfir Wi C them lor n3g Winter Union Suits wen s Hrht weight snd winter weight t uioa tuiM ui erm. wmta ana grar. " am i le !lgjl S'.Ti tu fit yoa perfect- it as ni . i erm. wntta ana gra smie aHBal sawv Mei.'s Service Sox Imi wearing cotton and heavy weight. Black. Oray. Navy. Brown and Tan. Aim broken lota of fanrv Howe that sold at ika soi in medium The colors ire 10 Bisr One Shirts or Owpac'tT Dwrs oar mtlrt stock of Big One work ablrts la blue and gray Chambray. One of tho fincat and beat anina on tno market. Buv th., i now for they will ba sfj C :a Iinast and be 59 Jlen's Felt Hats 200 fine felt hats that have been used at road samples. Ona and tao of a kind All new tall ptvlrs and hats that C al tZf aeil rerul rlv at 22 Ml V I JJ I aeU to Ss 00. Biae 7 la 7 only. Men's Handkerchiefs Large ala white cambric handkerchiefs wan a 1-lnca colored eoroai. lot bandkerchleta wtrt made to acll regular ly at 10c each. Kale irlco While th-v, prlro last, taa d bordar. Tne 50 Men's Dress Shirts For this sa-' 1.000 good ouaUty broad cloth and Madras shirts in collar-at tached atyles Plenty of new patwrns. also plain colors and rule.. Anciuaes in as. m aa m road samples scdSK ssC shirts witn augnt perlecuoca. y of new pattern 88 300 Slew's Shirts We have JO0 of tries ahirts In all aura that have become soiled and SDUed from handling. Thry Jt f r httr rr.rie mhim VWWf. BBStWa and are in tola aale. 59 Men's Pants SOS of men's lncludtr.g dis ctinued cumbers of tweeds, cordur oys, ? rerch back and other aaiung mater lais In medium and C iJ QC dark ahadaa. Cord- nroya ar. la light creaaa color. Men's Winter Jackets Heavy sued cloth, corduroy and wool n Jacket ta both .aww tans and aaTya. Tw gf w -m r s larkru are to alar j Q w ww wru ri- wlarly al u M. aVafjaml Men's Sweaters A larg aaaortment ef men s gwratert including au wool aiarveieaa. ana au cat tea coat style sweaters la medium I and dark colors. J m skf Sweatera that aeil M sflw reru.eily at SI N sad lias. 79 Men's Dress Gloves Soft rapt lemther ferr la blftcki acd vara flami .ln.ncs j ana wtuiout Jininct. iip-oo or 1 1 c 1 etTTS IB MJ 89 Men Outing Gowns i In neat atrip 49c Domet flannel gowns ana color. Just a ol the gowns In sites IS Is ll st t prlre lea tnaa in cost al snateriai.. Men's Flannel Shirts Men's heavy sued cloth and wool and couoa. snlxed flannel ahin ta gray. and tan Bites l 'v J Hl M fw to 17',. BVdtc'.sIIV lowaaJ 9Kw priced for Capacity ( annel 98 Men's Fancy Hose ed hot in .ma 25 t,t. ..u ihmiund of nalrs ef ctl- mnmwm . ailK mited hOM IO Bil Dew pttternj and col art. Ile-tnlorord heels and tors, doubl aolea aad with high spliced back. Men's Overcoats a. i l mtntit OV-- urn, nrir irai i w - - coats. Heavy American Woolen and blu aad asioro er.v laelton that are nicely tailored and perfect fitting firm- I t i: : z i: i uay. Pa at only ttc. )i Sutrt I1 to 11. Liara. rnus. aitrt i w rv- ":.....ttutast ' ' sajajaa-aa-iuiaju'staj.'----T1 tiA44i