.'"VV?VMV.VU k i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN nun AY. OCTOBER 13. Vn hUUK - ' . - socSty NEWS ft t l- h!I i i pn-M i.l' 1 Jtt the it n a lun-ili' nt' . nthui:ilii' ... I i I 1 ;,!. ty Will tollnW (. u;ifll llil'l"' 'ma minus p;irt i ti'i' iNitiipus U'i' l.t l!I In' .Miinl.C tiiMM' who i Wrik'iit ami 1 ii.ii v E.-iKtt-r- .Villii .'.i;m:t am .":ka! v.:i . . , Smiuv.I'IV iii'ti-rn.Hiii. " upiM.M. r -f the iVrnhu m-i.Isti-rs to Ii'u.i. lyl"" 'N ;...i;....i. tlmt tin' U'Miiu iti'-' 1 1 ; i M ' i 1 ii ill iitti-iiil ... i , , I'Tmm, tt.o A.i.l., 1 ..! 1 ' ii, t,-.nnli'W' ill In tllilV. U .lli ,l-i alii 1 l.otliSf ."i : " ' ' ' ' ... . . ., . , , -Lm-lMtt, riooa,:.'. Vi-,:hia Lynns. r.:..a ho.vi-r i.lJ borothea Kind are the Cmmyi Phis who will po. , , Catherine Tilery. Grace Nkmi. Kowena Mull". Fes .V'l'j'' Slimn Goudy. and PriKilta , I. The will N! there from the Tri DvU house. Alpha Phie hr plan tn ;,(t: tend are Lois pattern. .Jear.w Arnurg. K'.a.ne s-honha. -Vai Wheeler. Dorothy Keemer. him Eloise Barr.hart. scheduled for this weekend, due to the attaction of the Ames football game. However, the proverbial bad luck of Friday the thirteenth has not daunted the Alpha Xi Delta, who will entertain at their first party of the year at the chapter house tonight. Protessor Lloyd D. Teale, Mia. Ella M. Mar shall, and Miss Lulu L. Kunge will chaperon. The second As .Mixer is to ue "" That Certain, Often Discussed Something Rises to Dignified Level As a Definite Factor in Job-Hunting iKr.n Minrin.,! oa.iv. j U'.-s than J15 a jl"--that certain, often dis-. positions n.-sed something has risen from' week in their new givVn .tT:30 tomgV b' the Acme the atatus of a mere catch pnn ?. i i..v . .1.- ci.,.i.,nt a.-, lion. lie.l In- nove ists and movii? tivities building on the Ag cam- puhlicty nt-. rs. to a new and lfi- manipulated by the most business like statisticians. PoroiiAi (harm has become a NEW WASHABLE NECKTIES 3 for 1.00 M.iry Jane Garment Co. ;a 0 6261 Fairway Bus LOWEST RATES Co. Tumi. a . '.V !... .-.nit.il Ur u;, m !li-':nis . V t' - K . 8?a'.rte k. t : .' :r K. t : - . t.;. y ? ", VI. T. 1 ' ' P. T '. 1 LE4VISG l 3 p ii "' r- I ?-,.i d tr " a- I 7 M p in I Lai-qe Buss Rfcimma Cra " I . I Minnie the Moocher ; "r Meier's Malted Milks Ssh it's a secret we honMrt pubhsh but Min nie herself admitted to us that our chocolate "rnalts" are responsible for her siecial charms: Won't you come in seme time? Chocolate Ma't with Wafer? 20c Meier Drug Co. 1317 0 B6141 Oft (hp b.ultil of ..pin at VeieM x.-ii Maiv dailnore, Yleene Reilar..l. Margaret Cha.se. and Cannne Felter are the Chi , Ciecas Who rxp-i-t 10 See t!W game, whiie the K.icp.i Deltas will he rei'iesente.l i v 'irsinia B.uta. Rva! Ul--:!. Kllen Ah.-rn. L:.ann Kel!-t. r. ! Leila Helen M.i-hek. Floiem-- Paiit.r. Matian Sii.itn. ' Klsa Swift A!!"i:a Applegat. ' Maigiret Alue M.'i.mut. and .'o Keimers will attend mini the Delta G:t".".ma hii.f. "hilt.' Rober.a Smith truni th.e Tt.-ta house will N there Tt.elrr.a Srk-!. a P-ra Zcta. is plain. ing ' ,r, K.tW'.i hMi.-- '.Mil be tvprv se.'.'- l bv 'Margan-t Strauh. an i .!i:, Hall Anne H'.ntiiifi. R'lth Piestor.. an.! Mai v !'-y ate '.he t'l r:.:- u:.o int. r.. 'o be pie-.'r... Theta Phi Alpha ir.-.-mbei s are A'l-.-la Tomnnnk. Al.' Krapp. and Eleanor Ca.-an F. : Bir.K.'- v. Hi!. L'-rreau. fiiil Ba.:o.-.. ai.'i' Phil Kii are l:e A T. O s and Bill Marsh. Sar.forJ RathV.::. and Byr.-n Goulding are th. Betas who '.'.: eo. LV-n Pe:i q..it.; ar.d Hugh G:y from the D. L". ho'u.-e. an i John Howell, John Beikv-r. B-r. Rimerman. Ge rsv Widney, Entntett Morava. H-.'t 'o Gai'lner. ar.d Jin; Gaiijhn from -he Deit hou:-. Tho;e going from the Chi Phi 1 ho j-iv r- Bill Johnston. Ed Elliot. John MiXilm. Bill Ctaible, Jim jshat-r and Tom NV.igntin. Frod Nicklas, George Sha.ibolt. Owen i Johnon. Doc Pivmpton. Max Ent ire! t. Ray Frerivhs Bob Trout, and Clarer.re' Anderson will be there from the .S.err.a Nu house. Harrv Sauiter Moms Lundgren. Wadv Davenport. JacK Houston, and David Elanchard are to rep-le.-er.t th- Phi Gams, while from th? Phi Deit house Miles Pa'i'"h and Kenneth Vogt will go. Bill Hamilton. John Robb and Tom Trenton are the Phi Ps;s who plan to be th--re. Alr'hs are Joe Sramek, Jack Minor, "jack Shi emakcr. Don North, and Tom Davies. Lloyd Lxjn-.is. Bill Watkm. Paul Mo Bride. Robert Schwaderer. ar.d Paul Rapp are the Pi K.A.'s who have made arrangements to at tend. Bob Kasal. Bill Ferguson. Bob Woolever. Ralph Becker, and Ed Paytinger are going from the Sis Chi house. S;g Eps goings are Claire W at son. Jack Card' Fred Hunt, Har mon Rider. Dick Rider, and Ron aid Thompson. The Alpha Sigs are Norman Finke. Wait Baysen. Neil MacFarland. J. C. Rhea, and Mar tin Lewm. Joseph Pavlik and Al Topil will represent the Phi Kap- pus. Chaperons for the event will be Mr. and Mrs. t. v. ieim, .u Bess Steele. Miss Margaret S Feddo, ahd Mrs. Frances Pelton. Saturday night the members ot Phi Alpha Delta are planning a dance to be given at the house. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Arndt and Mr. and Mis. F. S. Barton are the chaperons. Chaperons for the Delta iVta party Saturday are Professor Clarence A. Forbes, Protessor and Mrs. O. W. Remmuth. and Mrs. Eioise Tebbetts. Mrs William J. Newens and Mrs. Carl J Olson will chaperone the Alpha Phi house party Saturday night. The Sigma Chi's will feature blue and go' decorations at their dance Sf the music ior which wi. ' 'irnished by a six pieoe or i - Plinth w ill be served during the evening and Floyd Baker and Robert Castle are in charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Cora Bentley, housemother. Mrs. Melsina Daniels, and Chris tian L. Larson will chaperon. BLACK AND GOLD will be tr.. color motif at a i o'clovk buffet supper to be given for the Theta alumnae this evening at the home of Miss A'Louise Treter. Mrs Hai i Id Stebbins is in charge of the atrangements and is assisted by a committee composed of Mrs. Wa: ren Day. Mrs. Fred DeWees.-. Miss H-len ' Pturr.mond. Miss Jean Towne. Miss Helen Magee. Miss Berer.iece Hoffman. Miss Doiothy Pioudt'it. and Miss Trester. Enter tainment will be furnished at a so cial meetinz following the supper Forty-three guests are expected. in a business so the studv of u- coiicrete factor i.nr.imantic as employment Personality or a man oi a worn hii receives i.tfioial recognition us ot-.e ot the rea.-ons why some per sons get lobs and others fail, m a Pin-.ph'e t' entitled "Social Cons ! ',.,,;, of Prolonged I'nemplov-n;-nt. ' bv Jessie A. Bloodwoi t:i. ui '.v.s'.ii al" social worker with t:f Fnivoi itv of Minnesota Empl- y nvr.t Stabilization Research in.-ti- Fivt I.undieJ men and womvn o- all ages were questioned this s'.nin.ei bv the writer ot the iur vev or." vear after they had been examined' al the peisonnel clinic ...(.eiat-vl by the bureau. Other fact- discovered were: Thix-e under 45 veais ot age :;n i r..nv'ob easier than those above On'v 4 percent more marred Prisons t..und work than single m- ,1'o'n;y percent found ioi s in .. .v. i.jti :r t:r.'.i.k: rti.'-. - , -.i.. fwo of the 500 lett tneir jobs because of dissatisfaction with working conditions, although some were worked as many as seventy hours a week. Not only personality, but ,pull has much" to do with re-employment of Idle persons, the study, w hich tells the story of 500 out-ot-woik persons, indicates. Pull'' is such a strong factor in getting jobs, the survey states, that percent of all replaced in dividuals interviewed got their new jobs in firms where they had previously worked or in new firms, through the help of relatives or members ot their families. According to the study, which involved Minnesota men and wom en, unemployed persons go to or ganized rel'et agencies only as a last resott. They turn first to nelp of their family, cash savings, or to credit "Desperate need and dread idle ness." the pamphlet states, "have ,n.ln.-o.l many woiKeis 10 ace ganized this legitimate stage show for youngsters and have continued to sponsor it in addition to direct ing the plays and selecting the cast. Junior League Selling Ticket. Reservations for the season's shows may be obtained from any member of the Junior League, which Is organized into teams for the purpose of promoting a suc cessful ticket drive. Mrs. Frank Reeve Is chairman of the Children's theater for this year. Mrs. Giles Henkle is ticket chairman, Miss Mary Katharine Throop, chairman of publicity and ushers, and Miss Clarissa Flans burg and Mrs. Ernest Walt, chair men of stage propel ties. Mrs. Thompson reports that avatpm hua bmn mnut f.v,.., . " - " '-civ Ihti rammia unit hna l. he !" 4 V. .. OadHivio. - , "PI. VUlllcu u i ..-.-.. it i III'WIV tered at the university ftln. college women. The Km was held in St. Louis. Mrs. Th,1' OPEN NIGHT VISITORS WILL STUDY SATURN Observatory to be Open Public First Friday of Each Month. to This Chicaco conferm, . . second of its kind to be or, , ...... - - - - inomiK son Himeii sue wits glad iriitt lh Nebraska delegates could nuJr the assembly, although she able to obtain no accurate mtnrif1 atlon as to the program and i,i- to be presented at the me,tin. U'n miit Anvinne ia . L. new and helpful suggestions tv,,.' llir .ttviouai i- aiiii.'iiciiir Conif: ence. 'students RALLY AS SQUAD LEAVES , FOR AMES GAMi I i Continued trom Pate , ! organizations will be there, as uyi tne cneeneaciers. i ne rally wiii t, short as the team leaves h". ; o'clock, so no one will be kept i long. It is every student's duty oe on r.niiii. mm .-nuw me tf,,..p that they're behind them in i Ames game Saturday Lxmis said that an e.i,,,. . be made this y ar to stajje -'KCf-s. ful sendoff rallies each time :h. team nas a game away irnm hon, Lantein slides showing Saturn a Coach p. x. Bible and othei m, -.:. n.ln.-o.l manv woiKeis 10 a-cui "". .. . . : t l,"r ""'"mp -i V Varvation wages for long hours 1 Pnet will be teaiures or cne ope.. rres,ed themselves as favoi wi hout comp a ning. , K umversit obserVatory. o ,arr thhi famiHei f ffi-l The first Friday of every month quairei mi v'-1" th hs..rvatorv is onen to the ten- i inp O' ' idea. "It gives the team a lot , confidence and a winning -pit',! ' Bible declared rweaV !rshoe,;e a, pu.c. The nd. thiro aa and there" is no money for movies or other foims of recreation. Otiv iiv heroir.e more or less re- 'ir. will p-iien.'i' Tv.er.'v - : pert t r.t signed to a life take a fatalistic their situation." of idleness and attitude toward SVrikTR AT the Chi Ph house last r.ieht was given by i son. Chi Phis Gamma Lambda honorary band 'their cabin fratemity. which about thirty-five attended! Bernard Jennings and Judd Shroeder planned the affair. leave Fndav to attend the na tional Far.h-ilenic convention in Chi. ago- They '.:! r-.t-.rn on Monday if the following wcck. - The oren season on duvks is .ur . vouV.g would-be hunters out to tramp the country m search o America's most popuiar wi.d Riii Sneer and Jack Enck- . i ...J.. for Will leave .'-'via. .' in r.errv couul.-. wheie they will pen.i in end. TURN SPORT SPOTLIGHT! (Ui I lit a uiiviLU rnnnL UI1 IUllf-nUOILI UrtlTiL I wec-K- fouith Fridays are reserved for the school childien of Lincoln. Professor O. C. Collins of the as tronomical department has charge of the meetings at which slides treating various subjects will be shown. There will also be an op portunity to look through the tel escope. TESTING DEPARTMENT BUYS NEW APPARATUS t i Continued trorn Page l.i ! nerta effects are greatly reduced I by usng two short, instead of one i lone nendulum. . ,. n , i;,.,,.r! There are special tools for the Gridiron Encounter Climaxes machine and any 0f them may be r DAnm (inserted without removal of the rdlcilio iaj iiwyiMin WHY BORROW A CAR? have not raiie'l K-i.t-n-Cr pri, !. Ttiy mm? til i x l hi i u. evet ofIre'l in I.iti.-.l:. Ki,' n.te for evetunt. ntul swi:s f,,r I. .tie trips. ".i 1-nrs. (!:-' 1 1 .-. nIvvhv. ..pen NR.V MOTOR OUT COMPANY p C.V CK 0 THE FORMAL PLEDGING of Alice Goth and Eleanor Longman to Aloha Lambda Delta, honorary scholastic society for freshmen women was announced Wednesday evening Barbara Barber, presi dent, "presided at the ceremony, and Donna Davis, senior advisc-r. Dr. Winona Perry, faculty adviser, and Dr. Emma Anderson, honorary member of the sorority were pres ent. Membership to Alpha Lambda Delta demands a ninety average for the first semester in school or the same average when both se mesters grades are averaged. Miss Virginia Fauiki.er. former umversitv student arrived home tAm Vw York this morning. he h.d numerous flattering .-.ttv.s in kterarv work. Some time on Cyclone Campus. AMES. Ia. The spotlight of Iowa sports will be trained on rv.s Saturday, where Iowa State 'will match gridiron skill with Ne- tension grips. The machine is equipped with five sets of wedge If it is found necessary, threaded gTips for flat or round specimens, specimen holders may be sup plied. To find the hardness a small bali in a socket when pressed into the .-. eti ac. ented a rosition xv.hii.c-t.-n Post in Washington D. C. but may change her mind. :e time , braska in the feature c""" j steel will give the hardness, which on thejment of the Parents da gram retforded on the cnart. Tne Try Our Famous Electro-Shine at the BOSTON MODERN SHOE SHOP AND SHINING PARLOR First Class Shoe Repairing with Best of Materials New Location 1410 0 St. i lowii . vo..vfrv - - p I macn ine has five ranees whose 1 1 is called tor z p. m. ramer u.u v maxima sre, respectively. 500. 2 :3 as in past years. i l 000. 2."W. 5.000 and lO.OviO Already the campus and campus ) d5 The ig town are taking on color for the K lo 2 .( jnches whHe the axis of annual game played between the specimen has 3 inch clearance two teams, because it marks the r opening ot tne nig --ix : Eilher hand driven or motor TWELVE RUSHEES WEF.E entertained bv active and alumnae members of Phi Chi Theta Wedr.es day r.ieht at the home of Miss Mil dred Kirkbride. Games provided the evening's entertainment and decorations were in Hallowe'en cu'iuts. A late supper was served at small tabies. centered with roses. Twer.ty-four attended the affair. ,bol bom v.oo IPHEVUE'K "SP-V STLART i pas. j from A. G. K. house BUI Kai 'sf.n. Roland Nuckols. Tom Snipes. Wizard Waldo, and Harvld Lar son are going. FEW HOUSE PARTIES are GREATER ORPHEUM Mammoth Mcr ho Sally Rand's Fan Dance! Intrpr-tl hy F Bakr Willock i Carson Edith Griffith H-lo Tlvtre in "Youe? Bride" Midnite Show! Frlflav Me 11 15 P. M. See Sally Rand's Fan Dance Willock & Carson Funnier thsa t Edith Griffith R-al hrt : fr if Picture NEAR EASTERN AND PERU VIAN TEXTILE TRAVEL ING EXHIBITION IS SEC OND OF SEASON TO BE SHOWN AT MORRILL ; tor th ' th8e , driven machines of this type are TjiTT Is" " , . TV, avanaDie. ine aimensions m ine HALL. iCvclones and Lornhuskers. lnemntor driVen tvre are Dracticallv .Continued irom Page l.i ! Cvdone-Husker dispute began in tor en thoseTm the hand mens into rne f ; &nd the Cyclone have won g " gChTo the ma- governors or caliph , hose rei ns , four s sjnce. , r b are .established historical fact. A lh pep program, n-, p w ds are ir.teiwoen. eluding both townspeople and stu- .,fh..lfrh t.kntv thousand nound From Peruvian graves, much take la'ce Friday eve. although a tent thousand 1 pound material of high aesthetic varue jng. Pians are to open the pep , &gQ availabfIc. ra I i v in a long piriie in .nv mi.... .. ( Ames where a short program and ENTHUSED AUDIENCES introduction of the Cyclone team a PPT Arm VTP.?T PT AY will be held. Following yells the AJPtLADf FI?T. Ames business men are providing- (Continued from Page 1.1 oats for the students at the college been dead for some time ut hi3 where a dance will conclude the paintings remain in care of the ; ... . ...... ... . ctt.qT1 t.-.ir-n r.I-,.t. imI. fnr rvnipnf . cult for this reason, to accurately ; program. r - locate a-v particular specimen to! state field will present a color-; of a back bill. ; dSte cultural phases' epochs or ful picture Saturday An organ- J ' h'-rial c tes , IZea pep Section ill vi.e o . .... FALL FLOWERS WILL deco-;Du'la' ;oV,;cti0n ot pre-histonc dium will add color to that pro- den. the doctors daughter, and rate the tables at the Tri Delta P '"ian tbric tben has been i duced by decorated goal posts, ! Armand Hunter, an aspiring young alliance luncheon at the chapter h h irterp;:t of the f.vmg banners and flashy uniforms artist. house tomorrow noon. Mrs. Allan -e-ec 6'lZeT and fabric tech-1 of the college band. Clara Christensen characterizes T. Cowgill is in charge of the ar- J to- d rather than that! Ticket sales to date indicate that j the part of the hired girl. "Abby" , rangerr.er.ts. and both Omaha and '' 't ' arroDo!oei The gener- an unusually large crowd will be who adds many humorous mci Linccln members will be present. "!u. or ,'Vph date's with reference i m the stands to watch this football j dents to the plot. ' " " to be! fabrics place them in dif- j classic. There are several blocks in The remainder ot tne cast is aiae A BUFFET SUPPER at the re'op""n the "ast and in the reserved sections still to be Posie. o dest daughter of the phy- SOIU at tl.OU, wiiuc gtxjc. . .. . i . . . r- . . sales at $1 for adults, and 10 cents , and Loren Gilbert, the mercenary 'or cbildren under 12. will begin at ! art collectors from New York, "l o'clock Saturday. I These players all have strong roles. '- ! Production of this comedy- AWGWAN WILL BE drama will continue Friday and READY FOR SALE Saturday. Tickets may still be ob- ... n,r.TTT.cn t v ' twined at the box office in the XXliAl wrnr-aiAi . theater The curlain rises TT T NFVV yictor V RECORDS a5 been collected most frequency bv non-scientific individuals. There is" great uncertainty as to the ac tual grave sites, and little atten tion has been paid in most m- . v.a eti-at-ifiriarinn nf oh- .'.ll rill tl i?.i-o. muiioe -!,. craves It is verv Clltn- six-iation wnl meet Saturday at the j ult for j.,s re narmor.v cea rvMJiii icii a i u tiui.iv ; luncheon and business meeting. i i "Last Kimnjff f p" "If hot At rniil t,l thr fiie Had Wolf?" .L?0 BRUNSWICK eECOcb "Thanki" anil "The Pa ( amr lix Bin? Croshx at Walt's Music House 1240 "0" be given by the Mother's Club for active and alumni members. Mrs. ' A. C. P.oss and Mrs Emerson Smith will have charge of the arrangements. PERSONALS certain known Mayan dates. The principal units of Peruvian design are the cat. the fish, the bird and the human figure Un doubtedly each ot these fig -res i j m n & l onrl .ef:r.iTe re- Martha Hershey. Alpna Chi and . lationship to religious beliefs, ana president of the "local panhellenic some vestige of these beliefs was association. Dorothy Cathers. ; retained even in their highest cul Delta Zeta and secretary of the'ture. Although the figures weie organization, and Jean Alder, will ! used for aesthetic rather than for ; i sarreHotal ourDoses. their origin was. apparently, never completely 'promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Mat. -1'iv IIUX'.'.M I AKMI.NL. FAN DANCER FROM WORLD S FIR E g VAUDEVILLE B"l IVD ON THE SCRttN GOODBYE. AGAIN" WARRfcN WILLIAM JOHN BI.ONDEIX LINCOLN 1QC LIBERTY Qc Buck Jones "Gordon of Ghost City" -CAPTOON- A real t---it f:- tne iho !' ac. cn a-d thrin: torn 1 RAIHD0W RANCH GLADYS PARKER'S BEAUTE SALON 22? N St . Upstairs Phone B2355 Specials Manicure ... .40c Henna Pack Complete. . . . $1 "" Eve brow Dve "5c forgotten Faculty members who visit the ir distinctly worth their while, in the opinion of Dwight Kirsch. chairman of the department of fine arts. i Continued from Page l.i when they are unaware that they , SORORITY DELEGATES are under the eyes or a pnoiog rapher. I -We are trying to break away CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS C!'issiJiP1 Are Csn 10c PER LINE Board and Khmii I - mm, m M. VC - n .-.P hflV lit 1?-' LEAVE x OK CmUAUUj--dj; opponu.,iy. (Continued from Page l P. COM FOR SALE RAY RAMSAY racnAtiiP hniisps that rushees I mbers and students ' trom the general ma'v kn0w defmitely the expense! .v,,K,,,r, rm.i 1 publication has had in past years - n, .,,, t th. n. tneir while. in7 roAts hoile This plan of nub-! FOR SALE-mi Ford VK- ronerandrewm iing estimated hsU of living ' new features, new artista. and new i expenses was adopteo two years I writers. Many original jokes will j S -e -NeoraaKu r-ueu.v. appear in this issue. ,,,.-, Et-- ier.v-1' c C'- FALL REVUE CUP NOW DISPLAYED BY K0SMET KLUli Continued from Page l.i Men's and women's fashions will 'appear in a section of the humor i miVviimtion which is edited by ivioriha DeWei-se. ReVUe3 Of fu-i ' -encth ot each act to be presented i ture attractions at Lincoln thea- .r. . u. ' j ' will rnrr.nose the theater sec- ' 'fllClD 01 catll ail v'J " (: Trst-ti lcvj win- v, t Your old favorite carries a ' t tbe rewe has not been decided ! ters will compose the theater sec-j iui v.ij la.uiuc voi i ira a tne re ue nas nci ut-en uluc. part in "The Late Christopher j vet according to Musgrave. but Paan" ..r..i'll lr..a A rlevpr . ....... !...r- rcll tr.r- a.r.mvi- play, produced only a few I matelv twelve acts each about weeks ago on Broadway. And , ttree to eight minutes in length, good tickets are still available. ' "Skits will be selected for the See it tonight: : revue early in November." statej . Musgrave. and all organizations i planning to submit skits should ' start work on them immediately and thus thev will have a longer MmX m" Tv 23c S u e f ta V.e H..i K11 bofB a--.r:.-.c Edw. G Robinson 1 Loved a Woman' ! wMk KAI FR-tXCI , X. Wrl-1' CrrmX S j TH.-ilU S j STUART Mat m Zane Grey X 7 "To the Last Man" R.tDOf.FH SCOTT 1 I bistib mwr I 1 OAii Bkl Rl I V ImtX lam' "THE DEVIL ALL STATE WEEK 4 Muurat to Thrill ou! CCLDEN SGSG' GLCiFlED GltLS! GLO r IOCS coveoyi WHEELER and W00LSEY John BOLES Bebe DANIELS 2IEGFELDS SCENES IN TECHNICOLOR University Players Tickets in Temple Lobby AAAAAAAAAAAA tion. another new leaiure oi a:e magazine -Camp 'is Annals" a new column in the Awgwan this year, which is h.nf eriired bv several students. will give the "low down" on thei university's social highlights." ec-l cording to Miss Lamme. j -We expect sales of the maza rine this vear to be nearly double time m which to prepare the act . those of last season, stated Car-, before it is iud-ed '' ! lyle Sorenson. business manager, before it is juaBeci , Awpvan. He stated that j - - j o r-w.-. -.rv-,.c thi isiip are bins ! WRIGHTS BEAUTY SHOP Croquignole and Spiral Permanent! ALL OTHER BEAUTY WORK 3C2 S. Vut. Building 12th and -O" Sta. Pnone L4W9 Lost and Found LIFKP.AL reward. Return rf ' Phire rir.d lust Sat, Kkve's Inn or Perry 'J itv'nf earh. N qusltfs caret Shotwell. 411 Omaha. Phone Hardy 344 LOST Man's Garland , L-.st in rtxdlum. Satorlav P.ard B134: we RIALTO 15 tZLINO rHE THRILLING. SlZZLINO ACTION WITH THE RADIO PATROL! mccoy DANCING Yr'ulnx nnd Saturday al AMTELOPE PARK Friday Leo J. Beck and His Orchestra Saturday A Return Engagement of Clarence Craven ( Thit hand really sold out lo the croud last Saturday) The Furnaces Are In There Is HEAT at the PARK printed. CHILDREN'S THEATER PRODUCTION IS OCT. 13 iContuiued from Page l.i j production this season by the Ch.il-. ti-aotor TTip Plavers or- I 1 1 til J . H V .1 . . BURNETT STYLE 1 SH0PPE A Cu-ed ii.'P liere sluder.u like to trade. Styles so different. A new showing of Drewes at $3 95 and up. Just received more beautiful party rirei5ep i9-"5 and up. We Welcome a Charge Account 139 So. 12th Nebraska vs Iowa State FOOTBALL STORE CAST Play ov play description of the Nebraka-Iowa State game at Ames broadcast thruout the store of Western Union -pickup. Suede Leather Jackets $498 -mm .or.? 1 Title's a REAL coat, full 27 inches .nd absolutely no .-ro'.tei leather. Has knit cola-, cuffs and waistban l RRr' full sateen lined. Corduroy Pants Full cut. comfortable with a d-essy appear- 4 o Q ance. Choice of 5 colors. Narrow walcs Nationally adveru?ed. Special low price. 10th and O StreetJ-LINCOLN y.r- :rv'- Call Leo Beck for Your Parties colohial B1205 F2268 AAAAAAAAAAAA