llih UAII.. iNKHKASKAJN THKLE LOOK AT YOUR HAT! Does It Need Cleaning? Men' Felts . . 75c Ladiee' Felts . 50c Modern Cleaners 50UKUP 4 WESTOVER Call F2377 Fcr Service BAND TO SEE KAOGIE TltTfe, i tci Manhattan, Kantian, Oct when Nebraska meets the Wild- lata. All DHnd members schnl Kecein H HMtiiaiu ..lu.ih,., ..in m..u.. ii, Send Musicians to Wildcat "t'' '"I"'"'"' pn Freshmen Grid Football Game. Keceipts frm the freshman Rami's of the Heaaon will semi the Party Decorations Favors We'll be glad to plan the deco rations lor your next party. Just call B1313 GEORGE BROS. 1213 N St. Phone B1313 I lie Ml intent Government asso ciation o Alabama college U, Hawing p plans t'm a beauty pal '' to be operated on the campus "tut to be governed and managei. by the student association. . I'lit! region around Niobrara, ehi. is considered by the curatoi oi the Universtty ot t'alitornia a.i the most outstHtidins collection ground cvei tliscovereii. LIST TWENTY-EIGHT FOR TRIP TO AMES Hill CIiookc Lurt Squad for Jouriicy to Iowa State; IVnn Doiiltlf'ul Starter Saturday Rut Hot OC IVam in Shape for Cyrlom (tame. -llll'SKKHS SMOW IT POOKLY ANALYST IKOSII Men Suits and Top Coats. Ladies Plain Wool Dresses Cleaned And Pressed Hi I II M E R M A CLEANERS ?04 So. 12th z N B22C3 erulvrr !In KHVtlualh Stop Squad liiit Nelraska Way liile Cornliiixkrrs Knee Difl'irulties of Lit;!it Line and Meed for Blocking. f LLLii ujimwBriiaaa ih FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY (Beautiful! Swank! all (Resplendent wffli FUR! fe&jti a Day IfB--s Price mm sr.YjlJHt9 Goats sfftfi I Hi iwm nn q tmmS TODAY'S REPLACEMENT PRICE ?3." and $39.50 Those coats carry fashion's weight upjn their shoulders and vo have seen to it that fur plays a stellar role! Lux urious Mjuirrel. . .caracul. . . racoo n ... Manchurian woif ...mink tails. , .grey woh", all at their best. . .on beauti fully fashioned p; .-merits in the newer woolens. . .in black, brown and mixtures. THIRD FLOOR 90 GAY SILK and WOOL DRESSES J VALUES TO $10.00 .? clever dresses fre bring shown In blarks. bnvn,s, wine tones, erl crey, nisi a '.id gie?n. cun-nin?!:,- fa' hi 'nrd of satin. cr?pe. faUles and plain M4 novrlty wools. All sizes. 65 THIRD FLOOR A Complete Selection of 487 Pairs of Ncii- Fall i3 Footwear 89 Every N en Fabric and Style! All Sizes! FIRST FLOOR A Qorgeons Collection of NEW WINTER Sample Hats VALUES TO $6.50 This choice group of new Winter Hats is indeed an n '.citing find. Every new, smart mo-lel is heie.... sailors ... turbans. . .biret styles... nose veils, .and the colors. Just anything y might desi'-e These hat would regular lv sell up to 15 50 A R?al Simon Day Value! and m 79 THIRD FLOOR Substandards of $1.15 McCALLUM Chiffon Hosiery Thes beautiful chiffon stockings are substand ards of the regular $1.13 McCallum line. The im perfections, however are so slight that they go unnoticed. Every new Fall shade. A superb Simon Day Value! 69c 300 Pairs of SMART GLOVES This group ot gloves Is md P of broken lots, sixes, nd eolors. rsbrlcs of kid. ud. plfW' nd fine espeskln five Ihem thst well froonid ppesruic. For Simon Dy only SmSimcn&SonS- Tu flit v-' iiilit nifti have bei'ii sflcctcd h ( 'o.-tch iiinlu' the initinl trip of 1 lit m'Hsoii, l''i idii,v in Anifs, w li lluskffs will t I tho Cyclones Slit iinlny n I'tc r ;il wlint v ill lf l'oih tfiiins' dfhiit in li"f Six eitvli's. "Oil cVfi'V (cciisioll Vt iif II ill douht of the inch Im lililc 1o icl-f lilt' 'J :'!( ill liolllil TITLES OF TWO SOCCER LEAGUES ARE DECIDED Two Champion Teams Thus Far Are Delta Sigma Phi and Phi Kappa Psi. Twi undisputed rhtiiiipinn.s were crowned, anil two mure will he de cided tonight in the intrHmiirnl soccer leagues Delta Sigma 1'hi and Phi Kappa Psi were named winners of leagues two and three respectively, with a record ot (our victories and no defeats apiece. In the fourth league, Sigma Al pha Kpsilon needs but one more victory, that over Delta Sigma Lambda tonight, to assure itself of participation in the playoffs. A dispute between Sigma Chi and Al pha Tau OmeRH as to the winner of League 1 will also be decided to night, at 5 p. m. The final stand- i Ings o ft he various teams will not ' lie available until tonight's games have been played and the remilta recorded in the intramural office. Results yesterday: Delta Upsllon 2, Pi Kappa Al pha 0. Alpha Tan Omega 1, Delta Up silon 0. Phi Sigma Kappa 6, Phi Delta Theta o. Sigma Chi 3, PI Kappa Alpha 0. Delta Sigma Phi 3, Sigrna Nu 2. Kappa Sigma forfeited to Alpha Gamma Rho. Phi Gamma Delta forleiteu to Sigma Alpha Kpsilon. Membership Tea. church relations statt, with Donna Davis as chaiiman, will be hott to new ffirls at a membership tea to be held Fridsv at 4 :.10 in Kllen Smith hall. Kianklin Roosevelt. Ji is re : istered as a freshman at'Harvaid university. He is now out fm the freshman rowing crew. make llie t no. Conch Hihle s;ii were the more able and speeniero blocliti s," ; Diiriny the drills which have been taking place in the past week Bihle has been stressing the neces sity of effective and speedy block InfT. ,ind the players who consis tently p.-rt'Tnvd well in this de part. u-nt a'e those who are mak ing the Ames trip. Husker Line is Light, j At the present time five of the j seven regulars in the line weigh ; something less than the normal line average. These men are Bruce Kilnourne, end 177; Lee Penney, end 171; Clair Bishop, guard 161; , Warren DeBus, guard 171; and Franklin Meier, centet. 175. The tackles are the only positions on the line which have weight up to par. Therefore it is necessary to consider effective, and sjedy blocking in the makeup of such a light team. In addition to these difficulties ! in meeting the Cyclones Saturday will be the fact that. Lee Penney, veteran end. will most probably be out of the starting lineup. Altho Penney has received tha doctor's permission to participate in the Ames conflict, the coaching- staff is of the opinion that it would be foolish to make him play unless his presence is imperative. Roby will therefore probably represent the Scarlet and Cream on the left wing. Varsity Unimpressive. In Wednesday's scrimmage against the freshmen the Husker varsity squad made rather a poor showing, being able to put the ball across the yeai ling goal line from the 3-yard line only after three fu tile attempts. Jack Miller finally edged out the required distance on the final attempt. Three other markers were chalked up before the first and second string called it a day. Ames Has Veteran Team. On the Cyclone side of the pic ture things looked decidedly dif ferent. The Husker plays as scout eded by an Ames man, were of no avail against the Iowa State strong defense. The yearlings employed Nebraska plays with little or no success. Three sophomores and eight vet erans will most likely represent the Ames outfit in their battle with the Scarlet and Cream to morrow afternoon. Frank Hook, letterman, will probably be at their left end, with Amos Dana at the right wing berth. Paul Berger. sen sational player in the Denver game is scheduled for the left tackle post. Three more lettermen, George Smith, Dwight Garner and Magnus Lichter will start at the guard posts and center, respec tively. The backfield veterans in clude fullback Don Theophilus and halfback Marloe Williams. 1, '' I selected those ineli Im BfG SIX SCHEDULE OPENS w 1 TILTS SATURDAY! YOUR DRUG STORE s,mn br hero nuikf us tif KuiHi:ill S,a.SM!i will Dill in imp MtHtiniiiMf voin 1'niii SUuv FREE DELIVERY The Owl Pharmacy 148 No. Hth 4 P St. Phone B10H8 Nebraska Meets Iowa State In Feature Game of Week-End. Saturday afternoon will open the Big Six conference season when the Nebraska Cornhuskers meet Iowa State at Ames and the Kansas State Wildcats take on Missouri in Columbia. Nebraska will be favored over the Cyclones because of a strong showing against the Texan Long-horns. Coach George Veenker of the Cy clones has been pitting his men against Nebraska plays in prepa ration for the contest. Ov?r in Columbia, Mo., prepa ration is being made to welcome the Kansas Aggie aggregation with the fust defeat by the Tigers in five years. The return of George Maddox to the Aggie backfield has bettered the iatter's chances lor coming out on top Saturday. The Wildcats defeated the Emporia Teacher's college two weeks ago in a "warmup game, while Miz zou took a beating at the hands of the Kirksville Teachers. Coach McMillen also has a weight ad vantage and has by far the better record in past years for victories. Carideo has had some trouble the last week with student spirit, in viting the complainers "to rub shuuiders with the men before kicking." Kansas Meets Tulsa. In Lawrence, Kas., Ad Lindsey is taking things easy, drilling bis backfield men on their weak points as shown in the Noire Dame game, primarily kicking and punting. The reserves nave scrimmagea rne freshmen to build up more reserve strength. Peterson and Brinkman have "been added to the reserves, demoted from the regular rank. The Jayhawkers meet another out side conference foe this week in the strong Tulsa team that defeat ed Oklahoma the week before. The Kansans. however, will be favored to take the contest by quite a mar gin in view of their tie with the South Bend team. In Sooner Circles. Carey Fuqua, sophomore quar terback, has been added to the The roster of men from Nebras- j backfield by Coach Hardage after Get Acquainted Offer! I'ntil uur rn( in (Ifi'iiifii upMii PERMANENT hm WAVES 77C Bfst Waves Olitiiinnlile Retfiirdle.J ..f Price Lottie Newer and Romie Oonahoo LINDELL HOTEL BEAUTY SHOP B4303 1240 M St. 5 Course Dinner DAILY 35' Sen eil from 5 to 8 p. in. Kruit Cocktail Soup Choice of T-Boue Sle;ik 2 Pork Chops "2 Lamb Chops Pork Tenderloin Vegetable Mashed Potatoes Shoe String Potatoes Cot'l'ee Tea Milk Dessert Choice of Ice Cream or Pies Boyden Pharmacy 13th & P Sts., Stuart Bldg. H. A. Reed, Mgr. SEE NEBRASKA PLAY AMES on the GRID-GRAPH An electrical device which reproduces the actual game in action. Coliseum Sat. Oct. 14th 2:00 P. M. 25c ka scheduled to make the trip is: ICnd: Bruce Kllhuurne. Lincoln: Jamc Milne. Cranfi.rd: Ic 1'cnncy. iulor, Ih.i John Kohy, clon: Bcmrd Sclierrr, J-in-roln; IrKil Vclkln, Lincoln. T M hLI S! Inland ( onilc. RimuiHc: . O'Brien. Omaha: H alter Pflnni. Imperial : Carroll Reee, (liappcll: Rutvll Thompson. Hhltnrj. 4.1 4RIS: flair BNhnp, Lincoln: War ren DrRn. BHIrvllle. Kuh. : l.adah Huhka. Table Rock: (.Ictm Justice, (.rand Island; Neul MchriiiK, drand Island. 4KN1RRS: r'ranklln Mrler. Lincoln: Llmer Hubka, Virginia; Glenn Jone, Om aha. BACKS: Hubert Boswcll. Lincoln; Rob ert Benton, Pender: ticntld li.Nnue. Mw ner; Jack Miller, Omaha: Bcrnie Maler son. I.lncnln; Rollin I'arsoiM. Lincoln: l.cirite Smicr. Lincoln; t.lcnn skrwe. Im perial and John William. Lincoln. experimenting with various back- field combinations, preparing ior the Texas meeting in Austin. The Varsity squad drilled on signals while the Freshmen scrimmaged the reserves on a muddy field most of the week. IT SEEMS TO ME by Iruin Ryan BROADCAST GRID TILT Sears & Roebuck Co. Lease Wire Direct from Iowa Football Stadium. The Sears and Roebuck com pany store in Lincoln has made ar rangements for a play-by-play broadcast of the Nebraska-Iowa State game Saturday afternoon. The broadcast will come over a specially leased wire direct from the stadium at Ames to the Lin coln store. Reports of the game may be heard from every floor of the Sears Roebuck building. In the last two years the Ne braska cuad has been unable to score a single touchdown against the Ames team in the second half. On the other hand the Iowa State eridmen never considered theii cause lost until the final gun was blown and as a result they almost nosed out Nebraska in these in stances. Again the Ames outfit put up such a hard fight that numer ous Husker players are usually unavailable for the following game the week after. In the library of the University of Indiana are many valuable Jap anese prints which had been used as wrapping paper many years ago and found just recently in a trash heap. AT YOUR SERVICE The MILWAUKEE DELICATESSEN, Inc. 'rif Home of Good Eats'' 1619 O Street B-5192 Open 'Till Midnight and Sundays I Wiener Rerf Hat Bum Stki March. T7 Q. I J mallows Potato Chips and Salad Pickles If e tjUQljeSl Olives Fruits and a complete line of Beverages, etc. Sandwiches and complete picnic lunches put up at request. PHONE B-5192 It's these SUEDE JACKETS 1 W BUTTONED TYPES. Each 5.95 ZIPPER F A S T E N E K JACKETS will, knit let! col lar ami cuffs. 95 Each That makes them sit up and take to Miller & Paine! And peaking of tuede jarkrl, e know of nothing for which dollars are better cpent, now. ailavs. Y o u'l I v ear one for ni o n t h a now. You'll wear it in the apring. You'll find it a good w i n d b r e aker. Y o u'l I eee it t a nding up un der all sorts of k nockabout. You'll know (and doesn't it do the heart good?) that it campn'-right , and budset-t ise. ZIPPER F A S T E i E K JACKETS with leather col lar and cuffs. QC Each JD SMOOTH GLO V E LEATHER JACKETS with zipper fastener. H tZf Each- OU REI.'DEF.R, S 4DSTOE, TOBACCO COLORS. SIZES 36 to 48 Men'a Section First Floor if JE