1 1 SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 THE DAILY NKBRASKAN THREE PCumma Selects U Office S" fleeting ot Lambda At C forte ensuing year GafflB.a P'oVncers for the com e mate Irene Apfclseek, jn? semester ar inkman vice- president; An.naEsther Kreuseher, SCv v Rally Suggestion Wanted. Suggestions of ideas, con. cerning the football rallies to be staged this fall, by faculty or students in the university, may be phoned in to Lloyd Loomis, B7724, member of In nocents in charge of the activity. , f CWttHEN"! MISSES " TJ"Vi IrKinD j- . M.WASSEKMANN SMART AfPAREL IDS. $ OPENING OUR NEW AccccBSSdDiry Department Featuring a Complete Line of the Famous HUSKERS PASSING OFFENSIVE MARKS UP LONG YARDAG E Aerial Attack Shows Result Of Practice During Past Week. WANTS SOCCER APPLICANTS Officials, Who Know Rules, Report to Coliseum, Says Petz. Harold Petz, intramural athletic director, has just announced that all persons interested in officiating at the soccer tournaments should report to him in the coliseum this morning or afternoon, Thursday, Sept. 28. "All who sign up will be con sidered, Pet, stated. "All applying should know the rules and regula tions of soccer and should be ac quainted with the game," he added. A fee will be paid to officials. O'BRIEN AND BISHOP OUT mm-s rf-V f 1 oeue-biidinieei STOC Kl N J designed for the individual brev for small women modite Sg55 SjjG3 . . bow would you classify your legs? Are they long or short . . . slim or plump? You'll find your exact proportions in our bellc-sharmeer stockings . . . the stockings made in different pro portions ... the right width, length and footsize for every type of woman and every size of leg. All the new shades are here now, in chiffons, service chiffons and service weights. Exclusive with us. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE SKIRTS All H ,, BLOUSES t rt pi; Tafrla, anil Satin SSLEi LINGERIE $jj39 srj6 $rjy.nd up ill, NW Seasons' Favorites nre here! $S9S The new cloches that liujr the head iu the bfitk. Jhe heret in it ninny versions. flic toque with its ofi-tlie-face manner. The new brims so popular just now. Tins Reason is vour Sanson with such a versatile col lection to choose from von en n't help but find ' just the hat for you." if "Softies They're the becoming un inish.ihlc kind of hat that rc always ready to "go places." AND UP I duchess h . h. classic v for medium sizes for heavier women U $i35 &wr ...... Nubbins Stop March at Nine Yard Line; May Lack Scoring Punch. Flashing an aerial attack that functioned for the first time this i season, the Husker varsity slashed their way overhead for a total of 104 yards in their scrimmage against the Nubbins Wednesday on the practice field in the Me morial stadium. Presenting a smoothly clicking offense in their pas.-iing depart ment ol the game, the Biblemcn showed the benefits received from the emphasis put upon it during the drills for the pu.st week. However, the scoring punch which so bothered the Huskei 3 iu.it yeai, is still present this ear. Advancing to the u-aid line in the opening minutes of piay the (Jorn huskers were hailed in their tracks, aiter having tirst down and nine to go. Alter four vain attempts against the Nubbins, they lost the ball, when inside the 10-yard line. Two veteians were out of thi lineup, thus accounting somewhat for their weakness. Ine men out were Gail O'Brien, who ha.-s a bruised shoulder, and Clair Bishop, who just had a wisdom tooUi pulled. Sauer and Masteison were the driving rous on the Vaisity while Bosweil stood out at the receiving end of the passes. Bosweil snagged several passes by high leaps into the air while surrounded with op ponents tugging at him all the while. On the third play following the initial kickoff by the B squad, Sauer displayed an excellent bit of broken field running by advancing the ball thirty yards. Previously Parsons had made substantial gains of five and seven yards. A pass from Masteison to Bos well at this time was good for an other thirty yards. Bosweil evaded numerous players in order to reach the ball, displaying an excellent piece of footwork. "B" team punted outside on ihe 16-yard line making a gain of only six yards on the punt after holding the Varsity for no gain for four consecutive plays. Masterson then went over for the first touchdown. He followed this by making his try for extra point good Masterson exhibited a nice display of line plunging on that play going through for six teen yards The second Varsity touchdown was made by Wilson, end, who re covered the ball from the Nubbins behind their own goal line. A bad pass from the "P." center enabled Wilson to do this. Masterson's try for extra point was a failure Beaver made the longest run for the Nubbin squad running along the sidelines for thirty yards. A pass from Sauer to Penny en abled the Varsity to score their first aerial touchdown or ine sea son. The toss was good for twelve vards after which Penny raced an other twelve for a touchdown. This time Masterson's placekick was good, making the score 20 to 0 in favor of the varsity. Another successful pass in the fourth quarter from Sauer to Mil lcr was good for twenty-five yards, putting the Huskers on the Nubbins own 4-yard line, iwo successive plunges netted nothing. On the third play Sauer hit center for the required yardage making the firal score of the day 26 to 0 as Masterson's kick went wide. The lineups were as follows: Nubhins Fowler Keriakedes Hel-it . . . . Hulac ri! DeBF.OWN rt Latins Huhka re Armstrong t John Millet .111 Bailor T( Petz Releases Pairings for Conflicts Beginning This Afternoon. . .Ie. . . .It. . . .IK. . Varsity Kilhouine Pflilin Mehrini; Meier IX'Bus Thompson Penny Mastersnn Rosy, ell Parsons ri Beaver fiutt fh Cockhurn Other players were: Nubbins Dean, rarnic'i. Hoi-ehem. Mo!lor. Neprtid, Rist, Scott and Toman. Varsity Benson. Cop pie. Funkon. Hubka Klmer. Jones. Justice. Meade. LaNoue. Milno. Miller. Roby. I'u tonrov. Skewes. Wilson. Williams and Yelkin. GIVEN FREE ADMITTANCE All Ticket Owners May See Varsity-Frosh Game Saturday. Season ticket holders to the Cornhusker football games will be admitted free to the Varsity-Frosh game at the memorial stadium. Saturday, Sept. 30, according to an announcement made recently by John K. Selleck, business man ager of athletics. A general admission charge of twenty-five cents will be maae otherwise, with the knot-hole sec tion being open to children for ten cents. Drawings for the soccer tourna ment have just been released by Harold Petz, intramural athletic director, with the first games scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 28 to be played on the Stuart track field on North 10th street. Game captains are requested to get in touch with the managers of the opposing fraternities and to make arrangements which are necessary. All players are required to wear tennis shoes this year. The conflicts are all scheduled for 5 o'clock with the exception of the Delta Sigma Lambda-Phi Sigma Kappa and the Beta Theta Pi-Phi Gamma Delta matches which are to take place at 4 o'clock on Oct. 2 and Oct. 13, re spectively. The pairings are as follows: League I: Sigma Chi, Alpha Tau Omega. Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Upsilon, Delta Tau Delta. League II: Delta Sigma Phi, Tau Kappa Fpsiion, Sigma Nu, Chi Phi, Farm House League III: Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Phi Kpsilon. Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Mu. League IV: Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Kpsilon, Delta Sig ma Lambda, Phi Sigma Kappa. lii'llSlle I. (All (lames on Field No. 1. 1 PI Kappa Alphs vs Delta 1'psiion. Thuisdav. Sept. . Smma Chi vs Alpha Tau Omei;a. Friday. Sept. 29. Delta Upsilon vs Delta Tau Delta. Mon dav. Oct. 2 Alpha T.-iu Omeua vs PI Kappa Alph. Tuesday, Oft. 4. Sima Chi vs Delta Tau Delta. Wednes day, Oct. 1. Delta Upsilon vs Alpha Tau Omeca, Thuisdav. Oct. f. Pi Kappa Alpha vs Delta Tau Delta. Friday. Oct. 1. So;nia Chi vs Delta I'psilon, Monday. Oct. 9. Alpha Tau OmeKa vs Delta Tau Delta. Tuesday Oct. lo. Sicma Chi vs Pi Kappa Alpha. Wednes day, Oct. 11. l.t-llKlu II. (All names on Field No. 5.1 Sisnia Nu vs Chi Phi. Thursday. Sept. 2S, Delta Siema Phi vs Tau Kappa Kpsilon. Kridav. Sept. 29. Chi Phi vs Farm House, Monday. Oct. 2. Tau Kappa Kpsilon vs Sii-'ma Nu. Tues day. Oct. :i. Delta Slcnia Phi vs Farm House. Wed nesday. Oct. 4. Chi Phi vs Tail Kappa Kpsilon. Thurs day. Oct. .Y , Sigma Nu vs Farm House, i t lday. Oct. fi. Delta Sigma Phi vs Chi Phi. Monday. Oct. . Farm House vs Tau kappa Epsllon, Tuesday. Oct. in. Delta Sigma Phi vs Sigma Nu. Wednes day, Oct. 11. Iatciie III. All names on Field No 3.1 Ka )pa Sigma vs Phi Kappa Psi. Thurs day. Sep.. 2t. ,. . Alph l ilamma Rho vs Sigma Phi tpsi lon. Friday. Sept. 29. Phi Kappa Psi vs Sigma Alpha Mu. Monday. Oct. 2. Sigma Phi Kpsilon vs Kappa Sigma. Tues, av. Oct. 3. Alpha Gamma Rho vs Sigma Alpha Mu. Wednesday Oct. 1. , Phi Kappa Psi v Sigma Phi T-.psllon. Coach Schulte Issues Call for Track Men Coach Schulte wishes to issue a call for track men. The men ate to report to him as soon as possi ble. The first tiack meet of the season is scheduled for the hall time of the Husker-Texan conflict and it will ne necessary for the men to start getting into shape immediately. f TYPEWRITERS All standard makes for rent. Special rate for long tptin. p.prniidit inned ma chines on cufy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. B2157 Thursday, Orl. ft. Kappa Sigma vs Sigma Alpha Mu. Fri day. Oct. li. Alphi Oamma Kho vs Phi Kappa Psi. Mnnda.. Oct. 9. Sigma Alpha Mu vs Sigma Phi Kpsilon. Tuesday, ,)ct. in. Alpha Oamma Rho vs Kappa Sigma. Wednesday. Oct. 11. League l . (All Tames on Field No. i t Phi Deita Theta vs Phi Oamma Delta. Thiindav. Sept. .8. Beta Theta PI vs Sigma Alpha Kpsilon. Friday. Sept. 29. Delta Sigma Lambda vs Phi Sigma Ka'ipa. Mon lav. Oct. 2. Phi Delta Thota vs Beta Theta Pi. Mon day. Oct. 2 Sigma Alpha Epsllon vs Ph' Sigma Kappa. Tuesday. Oct. li. Delta Sigma Lambda vs Phi Oamma Delia, Wednesday, Oct. 4. Phi Delta Thta vs Sigma Alpha Kpsi lon Thursday, Oct. fl. Beta Theta 1'i vs Delta Sigma Lambda. Thursday. Oct ft Phi Camtna Delta vs Phi Sigma Kappa. Friday Oct. li. Phi Delta Theta vs Delta Sigma Lambda. Monday. Oit. 9. Phi Sigma Kappa vs Beta Theta Pi. Tuesday. Oct. 10. Sigma Alpna Kpsilnn vs Phi Oamma Delt:i Wedn-dHV. Oct. 11 Phi Delta Theta vs Phi Sigma Kappa. Thuisdav. Oct 12. Sigma Alpha Kpsilon vs Delta Sigma Lambda. Friday. Oct. i:i. Beta Theta PI vs Ph Oamma Delta Friday, Oct. 13. All games in leagues 1. 2, and 3, will be played at 5 p. m. In league 4, all games will be played at 5 p. m. except the following: Delta Sigma Lambda-Phi Sigma Kappa, at 4 p. m.; Phi Delta Theta-Sigma Alpha Epsilon. at 4 p. m.: and Beta Theta Pi-Phi Gamma Delta, at 4 p. m. 0 V.ATfA MITE w "J s.uging a "Torch Song" or a Lullaby she will tear at your heart it rings! CLAUDETTE COLBERT In "THE TORCH SINGER" with Ricardo Cortez David Manners DUKE ELLINGTON in lliimllr nl lllues" B niid-nitf - Friday ""Ti Kile! DATE IT! It'll be a great date nite and what a picture: BING CROSBY in Too Much Harmony" with JACK OAKIE SKEETS GALLAGHER JUDITH ALLEN HARRY GREEN LILYAN TASHMAIM NED SPARKS STUAKT LINCOLN Now Thru Saturday 1 On the Stage AL3CE JOY ill piTMUl- On th Srrrr:i LEE TRAC In "Tl UN B ( K THL t I.Ot K" r uihi it k. I w. in" ( oi l l.(J NS Sl.lie hoi at 1 V:'. R sare I cents. I Phi Kappa Psi vs Sigma Phi Kpsilon. : ,... , ,j v . :. J a y& iK a f ' mm ( X " s s "" " j j TODAY Tlll-.l l. Follow this hnr.l riding. trait: tit-shooting mall of the (ore.-t. ll:s raw c urago and desperate d.-r . ,11 s.v you c. tnrill a seii nd! m ZAHE GREV'S ft 0 S!1 tn ham of THE CHAPTKK 0. 10 DEVIL HORSE M.R1AL FOREST" v. iih RANDOLPH SCOTT HARRY CAREY NOAH BEERY VERNA HILLIE BUSTER CRAB3E ( OM KPV ( AKIOO.N' Mia er OBACCO to grow, lo ripen and become mellow, has to take in or absorb something., . not Vitamin D, of course, but something that it gets from the right amount of Sunshine It's the Southern hunshine you read about, combined with the riht sort of climate and moisture, that makes the Carolinas,Geor:ia, Kentucky, Maryland, and Virginia the best tobacco country in the world. You can bland down there in that South eru t-uushine and almost s-ee it grow. This rijte, mellow tobacco is skillfully cured by the fanner. Then, for 30 months, it's aged just like fine wine. It takes the right quantity of each kind of these tobaccos, blended and cro-blendcd then seasoned with Turkish, to make a milder cigarette. Sunshine help. J ust try it! terfeeld. miider ttc- cifiarctfc luit tastes better I95J. liw.rTT Mriu Tomcxo to.