The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1933, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
riMib'LN. NKimAs'kA, rfn hsijay, sl!rrf:"Ai bkk 21. Jim.
j'Hici: r cr;. i s.
- . . . i v 7
I iiuU"' Lf;'!-ia,Mt "
. v r.- d.... ..i Illaiikft
JJrsents at Future Meeting.
1 p,;K;;iL)i;M A1TOINTS
Bvron GoitUUnn Elected Student Hepiesentaliv
llilelic Hoard; Innocents (riven Charge
Of AH Football Bailies.
(U-k "it -st in l-nt activity lax will i'' pushed to the
. , lull liy tin; student council, it was decided AVednes
1 -'it'tcnini'ii, when the council met for the first time this year.
' The 'ictivitv tax proposal, originated and sponsored by last
? 1 1-ii. lias been voted
1 1.. .,n.l ihe new couneil expressed its detcrniination to s"e
body- I'1'1 . jfiir.
,s nlan "nt inrouBii u, u,.. ., .
tion on the part of the board or
a committee consisting of Byron
remitting, chairman; Tom Davics.
GOUIQi'S. wwnur Minn
Rill Fisher aim
Z appointed by John Gepson
president of me cou.iu,, lu '"-7'
he plan for submission to the
Four Items Favored.
ltems to be included in the tax.
expressed by student vote, are
.,. rnrnhnskci. Daily fsebrasKan,
'lAwgwan. athletic lieket. and stu
dent union milium i.....
The council feels that in push
nc tax plan as its major proj
ect this fall and continuing the
work of last year's council, it is
accomplishing something that will
b of real benefit to students as a
whole." Genson stated. "We hope
that the proposal may become a
reality before the semester is
Bvron Colliding was elected
unanimously as the council's repre
sentative on the university athletic
Lio'd Loonns. representing the
Innocents society asked the coun
cil's permission for the society to
again conduct the rallies before
games, which permission 'as
Secure New Office.
"-r'W,n stated that a new office
had e -en secured for the council in
Room 10 of University hall. All fu
ture meetings and conferences are
expected to be held there
Committrfs for the year as an- i
nounced by Gcpson are:
Rallies: Woodrow Magee. This
'ommittee to o-opeiate with the
Innocents society in preparation
and staging o, i allies.
Elections: Margaret Buol, chair
rrn; Uaiie Davis, Neal Mehring.
Tom Snipes. The committee to
make amnpemrnts for and super
vise ill elections.
Subscription Dance: Kenneth
Davison, chairman: Rose Stern
berg, Mavnard Miller.
Organizations: Roma De-Brown,
chairman; Adda Tombrink, Mayn
ard Miller.
Chaneronfs: Martha Hershey.
(Continued on Page 4.)
Nebraska Tags May Have to
Be Purchased for Cars
From Out of State.
No Wnrnry will be shown to
f-ldent ailte.rnohlln driiorc uhnw
'trs are p-4fce.J double or other-
,""- ."ir-rtiy. was the ultima-
'im lf"f,d by Sergeant Regler,
ramp:is .njj.e officer, yesterday.
Car? tb-tt are parked contrary
'' rr'ula'ions l.e tagged and
'aKf'n to the station," warned
Out Cf state urs u-ill nrnhikli.
If ft uDmolrsted until the end of
n year, according to Regler. At
W twv, however, it will be nee
rtsarv for tho ,iiif .-. ..... ... ......
' tt.em in Nebraska.
lncre some discussion over
; J possibility of compelling cut
''J Undents to buy Nebraska
tomohile licenses. It was decided
"vnr to put the rule into opera
W thn elty f(f Lincoln.
a vtipjejit nt ritif the I'tii vciKity of Ni-liraska. I sub-
'lie follow
'ic'-ogriiiiojj of an obligation to parent k, fri rils. schools
''i f'.r 1 Jit; sacrifice inacle and encoiirjifcdiieiit offer d
M'" '-n.-iMcl , ,.,lt(.r t,e University of Nebraska.
: ( " '"sn-e tc, jernain in the university with the firm int n
'! "l; ''I'ivaiice j,, hehrjlarsliii) aii'l to cultivate those social
J'uipose t,. ,.l
' .ICO Jcl.lC
; '" l-'ivc- such attct)1iori as
?!. '"tt)ii,itiI(i . time to
r ! ' ''"'i's. an. r, vt. a.l tl...
5- U,'u
'o the aelinii)is1ra1lien. lai-uit.v. t rad.t in. and
e' 'rpe.s..
' ' l-i.
'be lllj.;itV.
' "ii! Jit all times
loU;,e, I
" l ".11,11 I'll ,
"" 1 t ..... f
t 1'it,
t" th vliai: of
Lew to Flmtrrl if
e on
upon favorably by the student
Xebraskan Reporters
May Appear for Work
All students interested in do
ing reportorial work for the
Daily Nebraskan should report
to the ofice o fthe publication
any afternoon after 3 o'clock..
Four New Cheerleaders
Be Chosen for Squad
At Tryouts.
A call for applicants for the
cheei leading squad, to direct the
yells at the football games this fall,
was issued yesterday afternoon by
Otto Kotouc. member of the In
nocents society, senior men's hon
orary, in charge of the selection of
new cheerleaders for this year's
Two members of the cheerlead
ing squad for last year, Jack Mi
nor, senior in the college of busi-
ne9S administration, and Ed Fish-
ei, ni.-u it stiiiui in me cuiii';e oi
business administration, will be
back to form the nucleus of this
year's group of yell kings, Kotouc
Kotouc asked that all students
who are interested in trying out for
the squad notify him or Bob Till
ing, also a member of the Inno
cents society in charge of the se
lection of yell leaders, by Saturday
noon of this week.
Tryouts will be held at an early
date, Kotouc said. No definite date
has been set, but a fully trained
squad of yell leaders will be ready
to start at the opening of the foot
ball season with Texas University
Oct. 7, he declared. The committee
in charge plans to select four new
Tryouts will probably be held on
the stage of the coliseum, whTe
the aspirants will learn the regular
yells and practice the technique of
starting and leading the yells. Ap
plicants will be selected on the ba
sis of personality and ease ana pro
ficiency in leading yells. Kotouc
Rosenquist in Charge of
Discussion at the First
Council Meet.
The Ag College Y. M. C. A. will
hold its first freshman council
meeting of the year tonight at 7
p. m. in room 30.3 in Ag Hall. Prof.
C. K. Rosenquist will lead the dis
cussion. Philip Hendcison. chairman of
the committpe on freshman work
for ag Y. will be in charge of ar
rangements for the meeting. Kvery
Ag College freshman is cordially
invited to attend the evnt. "This
group has been found to be an ex
cellent way for freshmen to meet
and get acquainted with other men
on Ag campus," says Arthur
Peterson, president of Ag V.
.., ,1 ,.lbi.i- ue.ilr t'nllv l.i-en.reil
3 (IIC'I ' ..j.u.
will insure sati -factory results,
be l voted to st I'J.v. lec-rra-
mirvuit of this m-1.- di.le with
rensuir - sn yuide my .-end ic-t
..,,,1 w.-lf. .roul-.l lie'
lie. .ill. Ill . ' . - .... .
the unii. rsjt v :i r i 1 its s i
Honorary Sorority Outlines
Semester's Program for
Next Thursday.
Gamma Alpha Cm, woman's
honorary advertising sorority, will
hold a special meeting of the offi
cers Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 7 o'clock
at Ellen Smith hall, according to
Virginia Selleck, president of the
Plans for the year will be dis
cussed and arrangements made for
the programs. A series of lectures
is being planned at which promi
nent local business men and wom
en will speak on the subject of ad
vertising. Arrangements for the initiation
of fifteen students, pledged to the
organization just before the close
of school last spring, will be com
pleted at the meeting. Prof. F. C.
Blood, chairman of the advertising
department, is faculty adviser of
the organization.
Receptions at Most of the
Lincoln Groups Set
For Tomorrow.
As a welcome to new and re
turning students Lincoln churches
are planning reception programs
for the annual all university church
ight, Friday eveig. .Sept. 22. To
emphasize the idea of hospitality
church members will invite stu
dents to their homes on Sunday,
say the sponsors of the event. The
night is closed to university func
tions. "We are emphasizing this year,
especially, the idea of hospitality."
said Rev. Dean R. Leland. presi
dent of the religious welfare coun
cil of the university and Presbyte
rian university pastor. The re
ligious welfare council includes
representatives of the university
faculty, the university pastors. V.
M. C. A. and Y. VV. C. A. secreta
ries, and a student representative
from each denomination. Besides
Rev. Mr. Leland other officers of
the group are: Prof. Lulu Runge.
vice president, and Miss Adella
Tombrink, secretary.
Churches Plan Receptions.
All churches taking part in the
university church night event arc
planning elaborate receptions and
interesting programs. Those
churches who will participate in
the program are: Presbyterian
church whose . reception will be
held st the West minster House at
333 North 14th street. Trinity Lu
theran church with their reception
at the parish hall at 13th and H
streets. The United Lutheran
church will entertain in Morrill
Hall. The University Fpi.- opal
will hold its party 346 North 13th.
Caldwell Memorial i .uuea
(Continued on Page t
Free Issue Will Introduce
Engineering College to j
Freshmen. ;
The Nebraska Blue Punt -dent
enyin-ering magazine. :.
its fall debut on the ramp i u
iU'v. Stalling its thirty-third : -r
of puoln alion with the porpo '
intere.-tuig students in rnginern:
the first iue acquaints frc:ib' '
with the Kngin"-rins college. P".
edition will be distributed free iron
the Mechanical Arts building.
Headed by a message of wejc i;
from Chancellor Burnett, the r
contains articles of advice :i.n
Dean Thompson. Dean Kergu.-:
and J. P. Colbert, freshman ad
viser. The.e are followed by ;
tides on the individual (depart
ment., of the college by the various
chairmen, -tn alumni eetion, and a
review of extra-curricular activi
ties and rewards for merit.
William V. Johnson is general
rnanagei -d the magazine. Char!. -Ue
Vore. editor, and Hugh W
Gray, business manager.
Coliseum Is
1- j J S IJIPPLI '' 1 ilj r ' : g'l
.-nci.e.r. r. f L.nro:n Jej.-te:.
The I'nuersity Coliseum, home of th nthletic d. eartnient and scene of many university functions
and athletic .ontestii. will V the mene of the traditional freshman initiation at 11 o'clock this morn
ing New student" will foim a paiade from the w. si Kiel.- .f .Social Sc i. ne . hall ami marc h to the fice
I'ouxe flight speakers, including Cnae hem liana X. Rcble and Henry K. S bulte. are liste.) on Ihe pne
gram for" the ceicmvUlcS. All new luJ.uU Will U XCUS'.'eJ UuSU thtu 11 o cluck classes lo attend the
Appropriation Cut Means
Open for Students
Fewer Hours.
Will Continue the Present
Subscriptions to All
The university library, an insti
tution which has existed since the
very beginning of the school, is
slated for a halt in its annual ex
pansion. According to Gilbert H.
Doane, university librarian, the
extensive cut in the legislature's
appropriations for the library is
playing havoc with his depart
ment. Besides necessitating the cutting
down of the hours for keeping the
libraries open to the students, the
regular program of adding books
to the collection cannot be, carried
on this year. Since 192j when
Doane came to Nebraska to super
vise our system of libraries, there
have been added each year between
seven and ten thousand books.
It has been during Uie last
twenty years, Doane pointed out.
that the greater part of the ex
pansion has taken place. At the
present time there are approxi
mately two hundred and seventy
thousand volumes that line the
shelves of the libraries in our uni
versity. Subscriptions to periodicals, of
which there are some thirteen hun
dred and fifty, will be continued.
It is a hard thing lo obtain copies
of scholarly peiiodicals other than
by subscription, hence the decision
to continue receiving them. Books,
the librarian explained, are obtain
able most any time and will be
(Continued on Page 2.)
Aspirants and
to be Instructed in
Writing of News.
prartice class in newswriting
Daily Nebraskan reporters
will be conducted in the office of I have the price of tickets to some
the publication every Saturday j out of town game. As many mem
mormng starting next Saturday. ! hers of the organization have
September 23. Laurence Hall j failed to sell any tickets and are
editor of the publication, an- j making no effort to do so, the five
nounced yesterday afternoon. j captains made the ruiing that
Students who have already done every girl must sell a minimum of
reportorial work for tho Nrbras- twenty tickets before she is elii
kan so far this semester and all ble for the football trip,
those interested in working on the; The sales booths in Social Sci
editorial side will be urged to at-' ence. Andrews hall. Buck s Coffee
tend these sessions. Hall said. At
tendance will not be compulsory,
but preference on the assignment
of beats will be given those show
ing the greater interest, the editor
Members of the paid staff of
the Daily Nebraskan will conduct
the sessions. Reporter will be
given material for stones to be
written and will receive practice
in writing leads, using correct
journalistic diction. and other
points in newswriting Various
types of stories will also be used.
"We plan to develop a staff of
reporters for the Daily Nebraskan
who will always be available and
will be able to write .-ocj stories
on any assignment ." Hall stated.
"W hen recommendations for staff
positions on the N'-rraskan are
made in the future and u hen beats j
are assigned, preferenc e will be
;ven to those who have attended !
'be practice sessions." he said.
Want A ppli at ions for
Managiiif! Lilitttrship
The Student Publication
Board will consider applications
for the position of manging edi
tor of the Daily Nebraskan
until 5 p. m., Thursday, Sept.
21. Application blanks are
available in the office of the
school of journalism, U hall 104.
Scene of Freshman
19 gt 1 . 1 'I
. - ' '
Musgravc Announces First
Meeting' for Tuesday,
September 26.
The first meeting cf Kosniet
Kh.b, rampus dramatic oiganiza
tion. will be held next Tuesday
night, Sept. 26, in the Klub rooms
at 5 o'clock, according to an an
nouncement made yesterday by
Frank Musgravc, president of the
Plans for the annual Thanksgiv
ing Morning revue, in which vari
ous campus organizations or
groups of organizations present
entertainment skits, will be, dis
cussed nt the meeting, Musgrnve
stated. A schedule of office hours
for members of the Klub will also
be arranged, he said.
Applications for workers for the
fall revue will be received at the
office any time after that date.
Musgravc said. Committees for
the show will be appointed from
those students applying after the
eligibility of e,o h applicant has
been checked with the dean of stu
dent affairs' oifice.
Team Headed by Maxincj
Packwood Has Sold the
Most Tickets.
With Ray Ramsey, alumni sec
retary and prominent Lincoln act
or, in the leading role, the first
University Players production.
"The Late Chr istopher Bean, is j
scheduled to start Oct. 9 at the i
Temple theater under the direction .
of Miss H. Alice Howell.
Late campaign reports yesterday
afternoon indicated that the sales
were progressing unusually well,
according to Thelma Sterkel. cam
paign manager. The campaign sec
tions are covered by teams super
vised by captains appointed by
Anne Bunting, president of the or
ganization. In Wednesday eve
nings sales report, the team head
ed bv Maxine Packwood was in the
lead, with Valentine Klotz s team t
'following ps a close second. Ruby i
; Sehwcmblj and her group were I
Reporters' third, Klorenec Ruvman. fourth, j
ann L,aura .vicm nisiei . inui. i
Anne Bunting has made the !
largest individual sales with Thel- !
ma Sterkel following in second j
The pep group is conducting this j
annual ticket drive in older to i
shop ami in the cafeteria on the
Ag campus will be discarded to
morrow as the Tassels make indi
vidual elfoits to pu.-h this ticket
drive over the top. Reservations
for the entire j-cason including six
plays are ?J and may be made by 1
seeing any Tassel.
Jean Alden Talks Concerning1
Benefits for Girls in
The University.
The fir-t 1
tb" year w
gills Tue.'-'Ja
W. C. A. vespers ol I
attended by l.VI
evening in Ellen '
Sunt h Hall. ,
I Flame Font'-in. Vespeis chaii--I
man. introduce.) Jean Alden. p'es-!
' ic.ent ' t .he V. K. C. A. The theme i
of Mi.-s Aldcn's talk was the bene
fit a girl might receive Irom urn
: versity life. Freshman girls havej
i come into a great hallway, the
! doors of which open into many
! rooms, some spacious and full of
treasun-K, '-omc small an.J empty,"
sai'l Miss Alden.
Changes in officers are as lol
(Continucd on 1'age 4.)
,rw SluI'iil !( M'm!le in I jiinit I -'it-Id Ihui-u
Al Klrw'ii 'I'lii Morning lor I rudit iii;d
rrcnioiiif- of Induction.
(JiitiHrllor, K.Ncrulhr l)r;ui?-. Ilru! of luiiocrnt- ;md
IWotiiir lo;ird. (inuclifs Hildc and Scliullr.
Dr. (. L. (!ondr;i to (im- Talk.
.More tli, in iliou;iin!
uimiTsily ;ii-r cpeetii i
initiiit ion :: 1 1 1 1 1 n s In-, iim
sity coliseum. 1 iem-u'-, !
clliO'ep 01 ill'l-fllim 11)1 Ills
VeSt(Tl;i V Jli'tt riionll.
Corn (.ohs '.oiled
I' or ( oiu ot (ilion
Actives and pledges of
Corn Cobs must be present in
uniform this morning at
10:50 in the Coliseum, for
freshman convocation.
BOB PILLING, President.
Ralston Holds Individual
Honors in Selecting
Best Cheese.
Nebraska's dairy prodm ts judg
ing team, competing a! the Inter
collegiate contest at Chicago Mon
day, placed seventh among four
teen state university teams. Mem
bers of the team were Trof. P. A.
Downs, coach. Royc e Ki.-h. Bruce
Ford. Bill Ra'ston. and .lames
Warner, alternate.
First place in the iontrr-t for
judging cheese went to Bill Ral
ston, senior in dairy manufactur
ing at Nebraska. Ralston was
awarded a gold medal at the ban
quet following the contest tor b:s
high rank in cheese judging. Ne
braska ranked eighth as a team
in tins section.
Milk, butler, chces.. and ice
cream were all judged in the con
test. In butter the college team
won fourteenth out oi the seven
teen teains. Fish won sixth in the
butter co.itesf and Ford was placed
seventh. Botli students have taken
dairy manufacturing courses at ag
college. Complete latings ot the
Nebraska team will not be a.aii
able until the tram returns Thurs
day night.
The products contest, hold this
year a', Chicago's Blue Valley
Creamery company, is sponsored
annually' by the Dairy and lee
Cream .Oachinery and Suppli' s as
sociation and the American Dairy
.Science a.-o jation. Scholarships
are offered to the ten high seniors
in the contest for the purpose of
stimulating te.sear. h hi dairying
among college graduate-.
ProfcsMii Completes Piece
Recently; Will Use It
For Text.
Alilll.til Biology j.s the name ' '.
the t" r nook ritten by Pro! o.-..
R. If V, olc ott. of th'
Department i Zoology
I 'rote .-.-or V, op-ott recently 'or;.
e ,l the book after several yar-.
work. II will I e iise.J a.- a l- .'.
book :n oology 1. 2, Z an'i 1.
(.'Iniiii-tr Minlriil-
N ill I'ifiiM" SimkI;iv
Phi Lambda I'psilon. honoiary
e hemistry fraternity, will hold n j
pic nr lor graduates and c hemis
try majors at Pioneer park, Sept. '
":i. They plan to leave 'herrust ry t
Jim 11 at ncon. Bill Skiles and Vio-
let Wild'-r have charge of the ar- '
range ri:' nts for the picnic
Hand Men, Captioned 'T enrier Infants
Ilif Private Mccham, Camp I. P., Tell
Other Side of National Guard Story
I .let...
llit. HfOil.- ih Mritl'll en
I.I.- eolil.'(l II. the- Ih.llet
. ICK.e r.i:.ri1int: lll'-
,ieiie ,il hIi1;.ii1 the ceiin-
ri-il l.. ;.n
:t rl
. ler i.l.-eie .. I .lii.r.l
tiii-r. I l.e i.rle. 1
ritfei. IM (el. Cl.ieltl.l
Ml... all. Cl.le el III.- . ,.fle
' Tb. V W' le the bi; boileU.-t
of lilies' that ve-i exist. ..J in Camp
A.-blai.d . . . They w.-ic f -iide-r in
fant", rat'. iv eve r said 'bell.' " This
about th.' lloth M-iical Ke-gime-rit
bane) winch, ine i..-rita!ly. i com
posed alrrio.-t i-rituely ot members
from tt.- i.niver.-ity l: (. T. C.
Now if Piiva'e Mec ham, 1 i'.e-!y
on permanent K. P. duty at the
national guard -nc ainpn.'-nt n.-ar
Ashland who uitcre-d th-s" damn
ing phr.tse- during a rcc.-r.t inte r
view for the Nebra-kan. v ill lay
down the potato on which be has
been whittling lor the last hail
hour. w--. on b. hall ot our-e i.s
and the rest of the banel would
lik. tc) tei him some thing
Private. "M b".v, we un t do iWt
your sin1 entv in the least We real
ize tb it e tables and b..,n
ing nash ie ad' lis .ene n v. n-. - 'e
tin ' that you can't ,s. c b.yorci
th.' pile ol potato peelings al your
feet, liul in pite of our abundani c
! lllll It ;li'l s! H'ie;,' - ! .i !,.
it!' lid 'lie 1! ioi;;il i n n;;, n
lilie ;.J 1 Vlo.-K ii. 1 i,e HUM ( I'.
in I" r oi' i i,.. I 'iporei.! y in
.!,' .VilU.-l! ee;;. . ir!;: re
' In addition to numbers of lb
Innocents soc iety, s- nioc honorary
for men, who are '.n chare.'" of inc.
affair. adminiM i at ive unieei.s of
the university, ranking rr.fml1"! : : of
the faculty, nieniliers oi Mortnr
Board, senior honorary to' vmneii,
and members of the two p p or
ganizations. Corn (Jobs and Ta.
sels. will be on hand to offuiailv
web erne the new student.- mi'
student body of the uni vol ,-ity.
Freshmen Expected.
Al! ireshruan students will be
expected to attend the tiadfuorni
initiation ceremonies, a cu.-tom
which has been followed on the
campus l or many yens. An o:f,
c i a I nulletin to university m.-truc-tors
nom the otlice oi trie dean of
student affairs carrnr, tr.e follow
ing: notice:
"Ple3se announce to your
classes that a freshman convo
cation will be held at 11 o'clock
on Thursday, Sept. 21. All
freshman students are excused
from classes for this convocation
and are expected to attend.''
A group ot eight speakers ha"
been .-.elected by the Innocents to
deliver short talks on school spirit,
the tradition.- of the uni c-rsity.
and the attitude of the univer.Mty
tovvai.J the nc-w student a? well as
that cif the ne wstud.-nt toward I!;"
university. Speaker? will be lim
ited to three minutes for th"ir
Th...-.e w ho will address the con
vocation arc-: Chancellor K. A.
Burnett Dean of Student Affairs
T. J. Tbomi;.-on, Dean ot Woinru
Amanda Hcppner. Head Hootrra'l
Coae'n P'ana X. Bible. H.-a-l Iia. 1
Coach Heniy F. Si-huite. Bv;- :
Oouldin?. presid'-nt of tli. Inno
cents society, and WiiM Norr:-,
president of Mortar Board soc i-tv.
Condra To Give Oath.
Dr. jerii2e K. Condra, la. .:''
advis-r to the Jnncvef nt.s o. k.;.
and director of trie c on.-' r. at.m-i
and .-.'irvev department, v. ill a 1
minister the Cc.inhu.-kcr oatn to
the new :-t'i'--nt.s at the do.--.- .,f
initiation. A copy of t!v. cath v
printed ei.. .-here in this r-.- .c
the alV ., oraskan
Irume':. a ly follow ir g ti.
mi -s-,1 o. their io o c c :
i 'cj'i i nucl e,n Pa. I .
Charles Black. Entered in
Golf Meet Here. Figures
In Auto Mishap.
e o;i ;
: u-g a t r ee in o-..
a riot her c
r lb:.-'km
If pc tr.:-i
. r - )' t!.
! a clef p .
a-idi' ! ii
.: -i::;l r.c
ml a1 Ai
f r. a
c',,'-r h.s
.. rnir."
11 T-l' --
e Dir . ,-i
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e- i -.-V-i
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.. -e..t ar. I
te Tl- led I o
C Ot t.'.'
e b. r.e
i' I -'
: In
F. 1 - ( :', ' bavir g 1
e. j! ro-md.s gojf .., K
ei.;. r, hapoe r..-'l
I'ne a.-' l b nt oi'in t p
:-. no-. -. c
aroin 1 '.
play ,n t
ac- id'-
,e rvc-i. a - he v.
-dric-d-iv and .
! r,pc n in sp
of uri'le-l st andileg. Ac cll-ilke ben,;,
Ne t that we belittle your call
ing. The spuils would miss your
! g. title care ss. Hut if n.-ing at .1. a
j hall hour before the camp stirs.
; dressing and n.arching the length
'of camp street and back, 1a piod
'tbr.e hundred yards each wiyi
j playing most oi the way. at T ?,) in
; th- jnor :iin'.' s. ems a pipe we in
vite y,,.j to try Vcs. and we'd
! p'-.-I your potatoes whib; you'ie
'eon- At that unholy hour lip'- and
lif.g.-rs refuse to function. Hut the
armv savs th. y must. Kvery other
morning were off at th" crack
ol tb" cannon,;n the reveille pat, id",
the i,--t of the day ran some-'hir.g
hk- in.-: Att.-r buak!a.-t l;:'.e,n
riunute-s to clean i:p the tents.
' n.ak bunks, police the area, ant
a Jew minor things like that. Th' n
' out with instr uments tee the iaus drill. Inowe. by parade.
I'..i. k to our tents for a short re-t-
.11 sal. alt. r i hie b sone- e !o-e or
eie i inl antry dull. 1 u.-ionall v
wilil pa ks, ir peihaps the iolecii'1
i (.Cuutiiiued on Vagi 2.)