TUESDAY, EEHKUARY 7. 1933 THE DAILY NEB HAS KAN THREE foCl ETY.: PI PHI'S PLAN TEA FOR HOUSE MOTHER Four Groups Schedule Annual Banquets Saturday. A tea, given by the Pi Phi's for their new housemother, is the out standing mid-week event to be held in the near future. Several sororities and fraternities are planning their annual banquets, lour being scheduled for Saturday evening. Mid-year elections are being held at which officers of groups on the campus are being chosen for the coming year. An unusual event is being arranged by the Big Sister board for Saturday afternoon. The group will hold a "penny carnival" in the armory from 2 to 5 on that day. Pi Phi's Will Give Tea. Pi Beta Phi will entertain at a tea from 3 to 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Pearl M. Petermichael, their new house mother. The alumnae group will preside at the table which will be decorated with spring flowers. About 150 guests are expected to attend. Pledges of the sorority will serve, and Jane Steele, social chairman, is in charge of arrangements. K. K. G.'s to Attend Dinner Kappa Kappa Gamma will, hold its annual banquet Saturday eve ning at 6:30 at the University club. Miss Helen Snyder of Columbus, O., national field secretary, will be the guest of honor, and will speak following the dinner. Mrs. K. J. Faulkner is in charge of the ar rangements for the affair. Plan Annual Banquet. The thirty-first annual banquet of Kappa Sigma will be held at the Lincoln hotel at 6:30 Saturday evening. About 100 actives and Long's Tnul e Slips are goo.l for anything in Long's College Hook Si ore or Ruck's Coffee Shop. Adv. vwwvvvww The Monday Night Crowd Said "PORGY" was even greater than "Green Pastures." A cast of 57 players including a large chorus of negro singers. University Players 40c Adm. Tickets in Temple Lobby All This Week AAAAAAAAAAAA Pnmonc Thrill. Lauehter f ;' and Songs! Songs! SONGS! KATE SMITH r. in ! "Hello Everybody" .5 OUR GANG COMEDY BETTY BOOP CARTOON WIZ4SM1 f t till 6 (SO I'll b"ont the fruy that's rid in' high arid kirk (he tuy that's Wm'pOWELL In "Lawyer Man with JOAN BLON DELL m CHARLIE CHASE in "MR. BRIDE" foMHdlUnl Here' swell entertainment lor the ENTIRE family! JAMES DUNN i BOOTS MALL0RY t EL BRENDEL In '' "Handle With Care" Short Subject Added mat. tenure.-? I Lillian Roth Unit t , 1 I AT THE STUDIO. Tuesday. Second Group, Carrie Bell Ray mond Hall, 12:00. Wednesday. Phi Chi Theta, 12:00. alumni are expected to attend. A football theme will be used. Wayne Tatten is planning the banquet. Observe Founder's Day. Delta Zeta will hold its Found er's day dinner Saturday evening at the chapter house. Following the dinner, members of the soror ity will be hostesses at a house party. Dorothy Luschinger is in charge. Penny Fair to Be Held. The "penny carnival," to be sponsored by the Big Sister board, will be held in the Armory from 2 to 5 on Saturday afternoon. A stage show will be given from 3 to 4 o'clock, and there will also be booths offering various attractions for a very small charge. Alumnae Will Meet. Kappa Delta Alumnae sponsored a dinner Sunday Feb. 5, for 100 guests at the Ambassador party room. Phi Mu alumnae will meet with Miss Kathryn Dean Tuesday eve ning at 8:15. Chi Omega mothers will meet for a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday at the chapter house. Miss Bertha Riesland, Mrs. Clark Mickey and Mrs. V. M. Widener are hostesses. Pi Kappa Phi's Elect. Pi Kappa Phi members chose Louis Zinnecker as their president for the coming year. Harold Goebel will be treasurer; Roy Smidt, secretary; Charles Owens, historian; Charles Werner, chap lian, and Ralph Goodban. warden. Choose New Officers. Delta Sigma Delta, professional dental fraternity, ha.s chosen Al bert Harding for its president for the coming year. Herbert Jack son will be vice president and Roy Eurich, secretary. Sig Alphs Elect Bennett. Ben Bennett is the new presi dent of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Other officers are: Dick Carlson vice president; Ralph Cunningham secretary; Clarence Meyers, treas urer, and Morris Brown, warden. Hutton New D. U. Head. Officers of Delta Upsilon will be George Hutton, president: Addi son Cady, secretary, and Charles McCarl, vice president. Mis. Frank Blanchard will be hostess to members of the Sigma Kappa Mothers club at a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday. The Kappa Sigma alliance will meet at the Home Style tea room for a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday. PRIZElMWEN FOR BEST AG SKITS Thirtv Hollars in Awards To Go to Winners Of Show. Prizes of fifteen, ten, and five dollars will be given for the three best acts in the annual Coll-Agn Fun-Fest, agricultural colege stu dents home-talent show, the execu tive committee decided at its meet ing Wednesday night. The prizes are open to all in dividuals or organizations on the ag college campus, the committee announced. The acts will be judged by a committee which will be se lected and announced later. Mem' bera of the dramatics department will probably constitute the per sonnel of the group. Tuesday, Feb. 7, has been set as the deadline for applications for the show, according to Mark Hack- man, chairman of the committee in charge of the event. Other members of the committee and their duties are: Vera Mac Bang, co-chairman; Ralpha Canada, mas ter of ceremonies; Jason Webster, business manager; Bill Waldo, stage and scenery; Elmer Parli, tickets; Dorothy Luschinger, secre tary; and Helen Steffensmeyer, member. Six faculty members will als" Ve appointed to the committee. f. committee ha.s decided to set Friday evening, March 3, as the date for the .show. Business Manager Webster says that pre parations for the event are now under way with work on the scen ery and business side already ilaitctl. Tibbett to Appear n Iff fs? mi i Tihiwtt f a TYi ai m Via ri and opera, who will appear in a concert in the coliseum April 3. will be his first appearance in this section of the country. Official Bulletin I Pershing Rifles. There will be a meeting of the Pershing Rifles at 5 o'clock today in Nebraska Hall. COMMERCIAL CLUB. The Girls Commercial club will have their pictures taken at the campus studio Wednesday at 12 o'clock. All girls are asked to watch the Daily Nebraskan for announce ments concerning the Big Sister board penny carnival. Barb Council. The barb council will meet on Tuesday at five o'clock in room 105 of Social Science hall. Y. W. C. A. Staff. All women students, including second semester freshmen, who desire to work on any of the Y. W. C. A. staffs may apply to Miss Miller in the office in Ellen Smith hall. Commissioned Officers. There will be a meeting of all of the commissioned cadet officers at 5 o'clock Friday in room 203 Ne braska Hall. Scabbard and Blade. Scabbard and Blade will meet for dinner at the Alpha Tau Om ega house Thursday night, Feb. 9. at 6:00. Awgwan Staff. The business staff of the Awg wan will meet in the office at four o'clock Wednesday afternoon. All those interested in working on the business side of the publication are urged to attend. Rifle Teams. The schedule for record firing for the varsity first and second teams and the freshman teams will be continued Wednesday and Fri day afternoon at the range from 1 to 4 p. m. Study Groups. Study groups meet this week on Fiiday from 3 to 4:30 o'clock and on Sunday from 9 to 10:30 o'clock. Girl lifI i.H n to Call IMiss Idela Tomln-ink All girls interested in rifle firing who have not been notified of hours at which they should fire are requested to call Adcla Tombrink at B1592. Girls, who have been notified, must appear on the rifle range at the scheduled nours. rians are being made to check at tendance. Candidates must hand in a signed record target at the in tramural office. Hours for firing at 2 to 5 o'clock on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. FONTAINEBLEAU SCHOOL OF MUSIC rlaee tt Fcntain-M-mi, France Famoui French mailer: WHlnr, I'hll l.p, I'upre. Nadla Roulanper, SahKiiar, l.itvinne. Hilda Itoosevelt. J lecrens, Hewitt, Barelaire, i;rand)any. June 2b to September 25 For 1M3 catalogue, addren: WAI-TKR DAMROSCH, President f the American Committe 119 KaM mh Street, Ntw York City Here April 3 Courtesv Sunday Jon ri.al and Stai t nne and artist of radio, screen It ASSOCIATION PLANS Nebraska Art Association Show Will Open on - Feb. 15. Patrons of the annual exhibition of the Nebraska Art association will be able to see some unusual groups of paintings in the display opening Feb. 15, the forty-third sponsored by this group. The ma jority of the pictures have been shipped and they include exhibit from New York, Cleveland and Taos, N. M. Those from New Mexico prom ise to be of particular interest as Taos has become the residence of some of the most distinguished contemporary painters. Ernest L. Blumenschein and Oscar Berning haus, two of the best known Amer ican painters, have selected the paintings to be sent from Taos. A number have been selected from those by Lincoln artists who in clude Mrs. Dean R. Leland, Mrs. Alice Edmiston, Miss Helen Wil son, Raymond H. Williams and William L. Younkin, supervising architect of the capitol. One of Eugene Speicher's paint ings, "Flowers," will be exhibited this year and it is one that the association feels fortunate to ob tain. Mr. Speicher produces so few paintings that they are hard to obtain. Variety will undoubtedly be an outstanding feature of the exhibit as the titles run all the way from "Intel ior with Chess Board" to "Indians Along the Barbed Wire Fence." 1.200 Students Given Work Since Last Fall MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. (CNS). Approximately 1,200 students have been given employment by the University jtf Minnesota employ ment bureau since last fall, the bu reau reported last week. Applica tions totalled 3,000. ANNUAL EXH UN 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVV Leo Beck's Orchestra And novel entertainment by I nivrrsity Students Singing Dancing All University Party Saturday 8 :30 Coliseum 75c the Couple AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi FACULTY MEMHERS GIVE OPINIONS ON THEIR DISTASTES Tables Turned Professors Tell of Personal Dislikes. It is not uncommon to hoar stu dents discuss their professors in no uncertain language, but now the tables are turned and the profes sors on the campus have boon given an opportunity to express their opinions on questions most distasteful tc them. Following are the expressions of a few of the members of the fac ulty when quizzed yesterday re garding their objections to certain practices or events in which stu dents are concerned. Prof. J. P. Senning. chairman of the department of political science, says, "I forget the little nasty things when I get up in front of a class." Prof. Roy Cochran of the history department states that his classes are perfect and that he has no faults to find with them. However this attitude does not prevail. Professor Gray of the history department finds the mis spelling and incorrect use of the English language most irritating, especially in written examinations. "1 can't imagine the students get ting to college with such lack of knowledge of the English lan guage as some of them display," he asserted. Professor Johnson, also of the history department, ha.s several pet gripes. "The use of 'etc. in examinations is especially bad. ' he declared. He also objected to the general aversion to facts and to gum chewing students. Prof. Karl M. Arndt of the de partment of economics stated when interviewed that he hadn't Oeen griping lately because he had so much work to be done. Dr. H. W. Stoke, professor in the department of political science, said that "coming into class late is the eternal gripe." COLUMBIA VAVVM WILL INVESTIGATE kITEir MANAGEBS N E W Y O R K. - The Columbia Daily Spectator this week under took an investigation of its own charges that candidates for sports managerships were "fixed" in ad vance by deals among fraternity groups. Spectator maintained that this system of deciding managerial positions was merely a pait of Co lumbia's fraternity controlled po litical system. The paper recently advocated abolishment of fraterni ties. For rediien prices on :ii books go 1o Long's ''ollcu Hook Store- Alv. TEAKS and CHOPS tender, juicv hud delicious steaks ami ru-vs are Tved from our fouMam 5 til S p.m. Try thf-rri! 5 Course Dinner 35c Try Our Tasty HOT rn PLATE LUNCHES WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY MENU IBOVIDIEN'S (Pharmacy H. A REED, Mgr. 13 A P Phone B7037