THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932. FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i -I! u y. v i , V it NEBRASKA GRIDSTERS AND COACHES GUESTS AT BANQUET IN OMAHA Schulte Gives Chalk Talk; Pictures of Varsity Games Shown. The Nebraska gridsters were the guests of honor at a banquet at the Omaha chamber of commerce last night which was sponsored by the Douglas county Alumni asso ciation. The coaching staffs of the University of Nebraska, the University of Omaha and Creigh ton university were also special guests at the dinner. Ray Ramsey, "the old Maestro" was to have presided at the festivi ties but was not able to attend because of illness. Coach "Indian" Henry F. Schulte gave a chalk talk on the locker room. Pictures of Nebraska games this fall were shown and the climax of the pro gram was reached when Laurence rciv was interviewed bv Harold Hutchinson, a pivotman on past Nebraska teams. A football autographed by all tbp Mphraska nlavers was awarded as a door prize. The members of the Nebraska team sat one at a table to permit the other guests to become better acquainted with them. Most of the football players of the Omaha senior high schools attended the dinser. MISS DEAN CONTRALTO SOLOIST FOR MESSIAH (Continued from Page 1.) the 123 pupils of the summer ses sion. Miss Dean followed this training with study at the Curtis Institute of Music at Philadelphia, at which she held a scholarship. She has appeared in opera in New York City and has appeared as soloist with the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra in concert in New York. Miss Dean is at present attend ing the University of Nebraska, working on her A. B. degree in music. She is a member of Delta Omicron, honorary music sorority, and is affiliated with Phi Mu sorority. STATE TAXES GIVE ONLY 57.9 PERCENT UNIVERSITY INCOME (Continued from Page 1.) according to accounting depart ments show that 54 percent was spent for salaries, 9 percent for supplies, 13 percent for expenses, 4 percent for materials, parts and repairs for upkeep, 4 percent for equipment, 8 percent for land and buildings, 1 percent for fixed charges and 7 percent for revolv ing funds. Include i in expenditures for ag ricultural experiment stations and agricultural extension, under the second classification, are all of the activities at North Platte. Scotts bluff, Alliance, Valentine and Union as well as the central plant the the College of Agriculture campus. Special activities include the ex penditures for conservation and survey, legislative reference bu reau, compensation payments and other minor special accounts. Com mercial activities are bookstores, cafeterias, hog cholera serum plant, women's residence hall and the creamery at the College of Ag riculture, v Under capital additions are found the expenditures for the con struction of the women's residence hall; the enlarging of the nurses' home and heating plant at the Col lege of Medicine, Omaha; the con struction of cottages at North Platte; construction of a machine shop at Curtis; the re-construction of the judging pavilion at the Col lege of Agriculture; the construc tion of a swimming pool in the coliseum; and the grading and paving of the University Quadrangle. COASSDIPDIED 10c Per Line Minimum 2 Lines m.. .p:na II fminri Tt cM tf the r ica.' c uiiiib - Daily Nebraskan offk in U Halt Report losses mere also. For Kent. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Results Wednesday Evening. First Round of the Finals Class A Phi Gamma Delta 25, Beta Theta PI 14. Class B Chi Phi 16, Farm House, 13. BROWNE ANNOUNCES 297 Students Croivd Into Picture Studios Saturday WANTED Male room mate to Bhare I apt. Phone B4581. Palisade, Apt. P-2' Nearly three hundred students answered the last minute call for Conihusker pictures Saturday. Be tween nine in the morning and five in the atfernoon the Hauck and Townsend studios were, crowded with students. In spite of repeate'd appeals sent out bv RaJnh SDencer. editor of the 1933 Cornhusker, a great many students waited to nave pictures taken till the last day. A large thermometer in the Comhnsker office records the to tal of pictures taken. Saturday's record gave the temperature a big rise. An accurate check ud of Satur day's totals revealed a total of 297 sittings, each witn tnree exposures. LINEUP FOR STAR! OF ARKANSAS GAM E Lunney, Mason, Forwards, With Henrion at Center; Sauer, Hokuf, Guards. The starting lineup for the Ne braska team in the University of Arkansas game tomorrow night as announced Wednesday evening by Coach W. H. Browne will be com nneoH of Km Lunnev and Paul Ma son, forwards, Walt Henrion, cen ter, with George Sauer and bteve Hoknf at guards. Additional play ers to be suited up are Hub Bos well, George Wahlqulst, Leland Copple, Forrest Bauer. Bob Belka, Glenn LeDoiyt, and Bud Parsons. Arkansas university always produces a fine team, playing the hect of hasketball. and I am only hoping that we make a good show ing against tnem, staiea diowhc following practice Wednesday eve ning. "The boys are all in very good shape for the game." stated Doc McLean, trainer. "Henrion, who suffered from a slight attack of fin will be readv to eo in against our opponents uriaay evening. A long chalk talk followed by an hour's workout with Coach John wal.lnrf'a Weslevan five made up Wednesday afternoon's cage prac tice for the varsity oasKeteers. Since this was the last extensive nractice nrecediner the Razorback game it was a tough workout. The Huskers tried ootn tneir ue fensive and offensive skill against the Coyotes. The play was sun som pwhst rapped but from time to time flashes of offensive skill were shown and on the defense the Scarlet five held the suburbanites well in check. University Symphony to Present Concert Sunday The University of Nebraska svmDhonv orchestra, under direc tion of Prof. Carl F. Steckelberg, will appear in concert sunaay eve ning, Dec. 18, at St. Paul's Meth odist church, the school of music has announced. The program is at 8 o'clock. Dental Fraternity Takes Three; Pledges Sam Philpot, Clarence Gibson, and Fred Davie, all of Lincoln were announced as new pledges to Delta Sigma Delta, professional dental fraternity at a smoker at the Lindell hotel recently. Overcoats Scarfs Gloves Hats CBeaimedl Be ready for the Holiday Season quick service. Quality cleaning. Send them now. Call B-3367. TFAESiTY V CLEANERS B-3367 Wythers-Tueker IJXCOLVS BUSY STORE COR. 11th A!D O STS. S. & II. STAMPS ARE ALWAYS AS ADDED SAVISG Thousands of Gifts . . at today's lower prices . . conveniently arranged for quick and easy choosing . . JUtuait I ott at olbs ..." ftfje gtore of practical Christmas (Sifts," Salesmen's Samples of "WASHINGTON GIFT" HANDBAGS AT Vz OFF GIVE SLIPPERS THIS CHRISTMAS Many Netv and Attractive Styles There are new colors and new color com binations I There are new fabrics and new designing;! And the prices are decidedly thrifty 1,00 1.50 2.25 2.50 GOLD'S Street Floor Every Kid Will Want Mickey Mouse Jewelry :5(V and$l Nec klaces, Bracelets, Clips. Pins, Rings. Mesh Bags . . . Mickey Mouso Jew elry for every kiddie who knows and laughs at Walt Dlnney's hilarious Mickey Mouse I All sterling silver I GOLD'S Street Floor 2.95 Bags. Smart small felts, genuine antelope, pin seal with marcasite trimmings, flat, beau tifully lined street bags, large top handle styles with smart fittings . . . high qual ity, fine leathers . . . excellent styling . . . 1.97 3.30 52.. 5.00 22. 6.67 GOLD'S Street Floor Dine in Gold's Luncheonette! Thursday's Specials! 40c Supper Stewed Chicken with Noodles and Gravy, or Yorkshire Sausages iMorrells) Fried .pples, Mashed Potatoes Golden Bantam Corn or Buttered Kraut Tomato In Aspic Hot Parker House Rolls Choice ol above Desserts, Co ft. 50c Supper Fruit Cocktail or Hot Vegetable Soup Choice of: Roast Young Turkey. Dressing. Cranberry Jelly or Va. Baked Ham with Raisin Sauct Buttered Sweet Potatoes or Whipped Burbank Potatoes, Chilled Canned Tomatoes or Fresh Cauliflower Lemon . Sherbet or Johnson Salad Hot Parker House Rolls Choice of Desert: 35c Supper Vegetable Plate: Sweet Potatoes Buttered Kraut Bantam Corn Parker House rolls Coffee Choice of Abovs Desserts. Other delightful combinations also served. The NEW Underwood Portable New In features . . new In colors , . . rew Jn design to glrs you the very utmost In typewriter value! Fast, quiet, sturdily built I Easily Operated 2 8o,dA,r,fowy7.erm,$ldown $leck,y GOLD' S Streeinoor 5 t Bo Your Christmas Shopping in Lincoln!