THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE OCl ETY. Group Plans Party. Lutheran students of the uni versity will hold a Christmas party Saturday, Dec. 17, at 8:15, at the First Lutheran church at 17th and A streets. About one hundred and fifty students are expected to at tend. An interesting: program is being arranged. Games for the evening are being planned by a committee headed by Lorin Wolfe. Other stu dents who are in charge of ar rangements are: Miss Esther Kreusher of DeWitt, program; Frederick Warner, Lincoln, deco rations, and Kenneth Broman, Ax tell, refreshments. Auxiliary Meets. Delta Sigma Lambda Auxiliary held a covered dish luncheon at the chapter house Tuesday noon. Deco rations were of the Christmas mo tif. During the meeting plans were made to honor Mrs. H. C. M. Bur gess, the housemother, who has served in this capacity for six years Jan. 10 at the home of Mrs. Fred Easterday. . Hostesses at the Tuesday lunch eon were Mesdames A. G. Wil liams, W, H. Shoemaker, J. W. Easton and H. G. Meyers. Fifteen were present at the meeting. Miss Crook Speaks. Clarice Crook spoke at the meeting of the Girls Commercial club Tuesday evening in Ellen Smith Hall. The subject discussed by Miss Crook was "The Proper Use of the Telephone in Business." Kidwells Vacation. Cnlnnel and Mrs. F. A. Kidwell will go to Columbus, O., during Christmas vacation to visit tneir son Lieut. F. E. Kidwell. who is an instructor in the signal unit of Ohio. Kathro Kidwell, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. luaweu, iormer MARIGOLD BALLROOM The home of good orchestras presents CARL WEST and His Orchestra of St. Louis Featuring Wynken, Blynken . Nod The WBBM Novelty Trio Adm. 25c ' Dancing Free WALLACE BEERY KAREN MO R LEY Rlcardo Cortex Jean Heraholt John MHJan in "FLESH" Thelma Todd Zasu Pitta In "Alum A Eva" STUART 11:49 till 1 p. m. 25c LEE TRACY CONSTANCE CUMMING8 In Washington ' Merry-Go-Round" All Laffie Comedy "Strang Innertube" Mat. 29c, Eva 40c LlfiCOLII Joel McCrea MARIAN MARSH Sheets Gallagher. Wm. Oargan In "THE J SPORT PARADE" Mat. S0 Eve. SOc ORPIIEUM Do Your Christmas Shopping in Lincoln! AT THE STUDIO. Thursday. Alpha Zeta 12:00. Agricultural Club 12:05. Farmers' Fair Board 12:15. Friday. A. S. M. E. 12:00. A. I. E. E. 12:05. Saturday. Kosmet Klub 12:00. Mortar Board of the University of Nebraska and now physical educa tion instructor at Mt. Holyoke, Mass., will also be there. A Christmas tea will be given by the faculty of the Home Eco nomics . department for all Home Economics students, Thursday, De cember 14. They will receive from 4 until 6:30 o'clock. Christmas cards, stenciled by the freshman design class will be on exhibition. The tea will be given in the Home Economics parlors. Home Ec Tea. A Y. W. C. A. tea for all home economies' students and faculty members will be given at Ellen Smith hall on Sunday, December 18. An inter-racial program has been planned. The tea is from 4 until 6:30, after the Messiah. MUSICIANS GIVE A RECITAL Pianists, Vocalists to Appear Thursday Afternoon in Special Program. The students in the school of music will present a recital Thurs day, Dec. 15, at 4 p. m. in Recital hall 8. The recital will be under the direction of Mr. Steckelberg. The program includes numbers presented by: Charlotte Perry, piano student with Miss Khnker; Mary Eby, and Marion Stamp, piano students with Mr. Harrison; Gerald Mott, tenor students with Mrs. Thomas; Therlo Reckmeter, bass student with Mr. KirKpatncK; and Evalyn Whitnah, voice student with Mrs. Diers. TURKEY SNOOT ON RANGE McGimsey Announces Meet for Marksmen Next Week; Will Give Three Prizes. A turkey shoot will be fired at the rifle range, according 10 Seargent McGimsey, beginn i n g Monday Dec. 19 and continuing till Dec. 21. Three turkeys will be given away, one eacn to me two high scorers and one to the man with the low score. A special target, called the luck target, will be used that will give an even chance to both good and poor shots. The competition is open to anyone who wishes to en ter. There will be an entrance fee of 10 cents. An addition to the student honor system has been proposed for Uni versity of North Carolina students. Under the new plan each class room group is to elect a commit tee in proportion to the number of students in the class. The commit tee will have full jurisdiction over breaches of honor, suspension of students for violation of the code, and reporting students to the council. Your Drug Store Surely lome cold, these day. But come down and let u serve you one of our famout Hot Chocolates and vou will forget the cold. Scott. WE DELIVER The OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & P st. B-1068 PARTY GOWNS TUXEDOS- Keep them looking fresh and new. Prompt reliable service. Modern Cleaners Soukup A Westover Call F2377 for Service . Posture Week Finds Phys Ed Majors Busy Trying to Ban the Coed Slump How's your posture? If it's not so good you'd better go into hiding, for this is Posture Week, and the junior and senior majors in physical education for women are conducting a campaign to do away once and for all with the coed slump. Posters depicting vividly the re sults of poor posture have been put up in all buildings on the campus, with the hope that all who see them may take heed. A more direct means of stimulating cor rect posture among collegians is through classes in physical educa tion, to each of which a mapor stu dent in physical education has been assigned. She has divided the class as to good, medium, and poor posture, has given the students colored tags to indicate their standing, (we're not trying to be CLUB GIVES CONVOCATION Music Art Group Sponsors School of Music's Tenth Program. Members of the Musical Art club, organization of Lincoln women, presented the tenth musi cal convocation of the School of Music in the Temple theater Wed nesday. This was the last such re cital before the holidays. Gertrude Culbertson Bell and Edith Little Choose Practical and make Christmas 5$ ive Him a Shirt RROW shirts, at tractively boxed for Christmas .... neat pat tern... British stripes., olid colors.... in collar attached styles. A large assortment from which to choosfl at $1 95 JL First Floor Wool Cashmere Mufflers Soft, warm Mth merae, In olid olon ud plaid ff ffeU. Trimmed Q B KM with frUif. One vj JV fronp at H. M nd Try at- H traatlv muffler I 1 Mi funny) and is helping them to im prove their posture. Little lectures on proper carriage and its relation to mental arid physical well-being are being given in physical education classes by these same major students, who are Doris Deford, Agnes Grover, Grace Morgan, Irene Nabity, Nola O'Connor, Margaret Reedy, Ruth Shellburg, and Mary Ulrich. Miss Clara Reuch is supervising the campaign. It's the first "Pos ture Drive" to be conducted on the campus, and altho the appeal this year is made directly only to stu dents in physical education classes, which include basketball, dancing, swimming, volley ball, ping pong, clogging, and individual gymnas tics, it is hoped to enlarge the scope of the campaign if it is con ducted again next year. Ross, accompanied. The program: Spross, The Wind; Grieg, To Spring; Horsmann, The ird ot tne Wilderness. Kthelyn Bignell Matson, first soprano; Klizabeth Bonnell Davis, second soprano; Lillian W. Schloss, contralto. Chopin, Etude, A Flat Allegretto; Cho pin, Bolero. Mariel Jones. Puccini, Se come voi picctna lo tossi; Delibes, O mer ouvre toi; Catalani, Ro mania; Verdi, O Don Fatale. Luclle Cline Springer. Schube.-t, Trio In K Flat, Op. 100; Alle gro. GerMyn Walrath Bennett, violin; Lil lian Eiche, cello; Edith Burltnglm Ross, piano. VOLD RETURNS Prof. L. E. Void has just re eurned to duties after recovering from a serious attack of inflenza. a lot of the folks morning by giving them s is sfl tftlfWS" Never Too Many TIES QUALITY ties of every description .... ties thai you will be proud to give at Christmas. Pure silk.... stripes.... moires .... Persian pat tems...pure silk Jacqu ards..pen line, club and cluster stripes . . . satins. Of hand tailored resil ient construction. $1 00 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 DAD Is Sure All Wool Flannel Robes Some with piped edges . . . some with con trast trims . . . some in solid colors of blue, brown, green and wine shades. Priced at Silk Lined Robes Rlrh shades of preen, blue, wine and brow in plain color silk brocades. cialiy attractive roDes at i.ou ana First Floor. 5 Leather Jackets In a medium (had of brown., leather collar. . . . leather aleevet... Uatlo walit band with tipper clo-'t-at at !6 95 STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. SATURDAY TO SING GERMAN CAROLS Faculty of Department Will Entertain Students at Party Today. German carols are to be the main feature of the party given by the faculty of the German de partment this afternoon. This is an annual Christmas event and the main social function of the year sponsored by the German faculty. The party will be held in Gallery A of Morrill hall from 4 to 6 o'clock. Students are invited to come at any time during these two hours. German Christmas cookies, coffee and cocoa will be served. DEAN THOMPSON ILL. Dean T. J. Thompson was con fined to his home Wednesday aft ernoon, suffering from an attack of flu. You'll Like the Special Student Lunch Served at Buck's 25c Including Drink and Dessert Buck's CoSSee Shop o o o o o o o o o jr pacing v,amfu. Facing Campus Presents happy on gifts from To Like A ROBE! $5oo .$785 Silk lined. Espe Initial H'dk'fs Fine count plain white linen hand kerchief with white initial. Three dif ferent styles f ini tial to the box. 3 foi $i