WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1932. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE. OFFICIAL BULLETIN Concessions. There will be places for many new saleswomen at the Thanks giving game. Many who aold at the previous games will be out of town. Girls wishing to sell at the game may sign up at the Girls' gym or call Jean Alden. 1 1 Music Convocation. There will be no school of music convocation Wednesday at the Temple, according to an announce ment made Tuesday. The next con vocation will be held Nov. 30. The program will be announced later. Kollege Room Second Floor , When She SAID YES TO YOUR INVITATION For December 2 you should Look Your Best In a MAGEE'S TUX Neatly tailored . . . fine fabrics ... in unfinished worsteds with satin or gros-grain silk facings on peaked lapels. Both sin gle and double breasted styles. 18.50 28.50 SHOES Patent or dull -alf In a plain tned, flexible F I o r 8 h e i m. FMtherwefpht sole, feather weight leather heel. SHIRT and VEST Stiff bosom nhirtB mith med ium iow collar at 12 and 12 5t. New patterned vest at (3.60 and $4.50. The HAT A soft, pliable, d repay Black Homtjurg for erening wear In a young man's block. And the price will Cf pie&se you at 53 12th Street at O OQETY CHI PHI INSTALLS CHAPTER ON CAMPUS The main event of the weekend is the installation of the thirty-third chapter of Chi Phi on this campus. Alpha Theta Chi, the oldest local fraternity at Nebraska will the 25th and 26th become a national group. Many alumni are planning to return for the initiation and in stallation ceremonies. Pi K. A. Is Wed. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss June Eliza beth Wakeman. to Robert Samuel son, both of Omaha. Mr. Samuel son, member of Fi Kappa Alpha fraternity, is a senior in the Uni versity of Nebraska. Former Grad Marries. The Rev. Dr. George Miller of the First Christian church offi ciated at the marriage service of Miss Virginia Bryson and Wallace Pollard, both of Omaha, Saturday evening, Nov. 19. Mrs. Pollard attended Mount Vernon seminary in Washington. Mr, Pollard at tended Dartmouth where he is a member of Alpha Delta Phi, and received his degree from the Uni versity of Nebraska. Group Holds Dinner. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity held its annual Thanksgiving din ner Tuesday evening at the chap ter house. Only members of the active chapter were present. Sigma Phi Sigma announces the pledging of Lynn C. Cully of Dil ler, Neb. He is a freshman in Business Administration. Members of Kappa Alpha Theta held their annual turkey dinner Monday evening. Several alumnae were present. DRESSLER Polly MORAN In "Prosperity With Anita Pag JAMES MELTON Popular Radio Star In "SI NO A SONQ" 12:45 -Ctf till 2:00 T till 6:30 35 . STUART . Another "Cimarron' V RICHARD DIX ANN HARDING In "THE Conquerors" An epic of our own great Hate, Nebraska! THELMA TODD ZASU PITTS in "Show Butinen" Mat 25o. Eve. 40c . LINCOLN r j -v. juat ue wif you m him best! Action plus! DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "ME. ROBINSON CRUSOE" Mot Joy J CHARLIE CHAPLIN to "THE RINK" Mat. 20c Eve. 30c OrpheumJ Extra! i . rThTokUhorna- Jj ubrasro 'fiSSa, M. O- M- Screamle"? I nf the Year! I MARIE PREVIEW TONITE 11-50 AT LINCOLN HAD A MILLION" 17 Cooper, George Raft. .., ru. Karn., (ne Raymond, Rich.Td SennL Lerner's Kaddish Wins Second Contest Atvard With the announcement of the results of the one act play con test sponsored by Zeta Phi Eta, national dramatic sorority, Zol ley Lerner learned that his play, "Kaddish." had won another first prize. Last spring he received a plaque as first prize in a con test sponsored by Phi Mu Gamma, another national dra matic sorority. Recently he re ceived a $100 award as winner of the Zfta Phi Ela contest. More than fifty manuscripts were received in the Zeta Phi Eta contest, which was confined to university writers. CIUDLE SONG IS GIVEN BY SEN OR DRAMATIC CLASS The year's first "departmental night" of the University of Nebras ka dramatic department was given by the senior class when they pre sented the play, "Cradle Song" Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in the Temple theater. Life In a Spanish convent was depicted in the two long acts covering a period of eighteen years, with comedy and poignancy delightfully interspersed by virtue of the ability of the ac tors as much as that of . the au thor. Clara Christensen. Miriam Kis singer, Lois Picking and Allan Tif fany were exceptionally profes sional in ther ri;iracterizations. May Posey, Dorothy Kepner and Marv Dean also did outstandingly good work. Others were Clifton Conawav, Mildred Brand. John Dunman, Virginia Jonas and Mary Katheriri" Throop. The play was directed by Her bert Yenne, associate director of the dramatic department. Cos tumes were made by the players themselves. ALUMNI ADMITTED TO BAR. Varro Harmon Rhodes, gradu ate of Michigan law school and former student in the Nebraska law college was among the eleven persons admitted to the State Bar All STATE Wk MID-WTE SHOW TONITE 11:15 P. M. Ml THE EPIC THRILLER . Pat O'Brien Gloria Stuart Slim Summer-villa Lilian Bond Ralph Bellamy (LI s Richard C vh. r r la "Young Donovan's Kid" with JACKIE COOPER GUY KIBBEE MAT. 15 EVE, 25c RIALTO MOM. TUES. WED. 'IF I association recently. Rhodes was the editor of the Michigan Law Review and the president of the Law association at Michigan. FLANSBUKG1I RESTS EASIER FOLLOWING SWIMMING INJURY A report from the Lincoln Gen eral hospital Tuesday stated that Charles Flansburg is resting very comfortably. Flansburg was in jured last Friday afternoon at the university syimming pool. He slipped while testing the diving 138 So. 13th HAT-AND- , SCARF SE1 S DEIiT, little TURBANS cuffed flatteringly about the face and accented with a saucy Low. SKULL-CAP EF FECTS that keep snug with an elastic banding and are molded with smart sophistication. MATCHING SCARFS in popular Ion?, narrow style. KNITTED SETS you will like for all sports and campus wear and that have a dressy air, smart even with fur coats. Striped sets and color combinations. 95c and 1.50 set Millinery Fourth FUor 'Kerchiefs Monogrammed Order for Christmas gifts NOW! ANY NAME, MONOGRAM OR INITIAL embroidered on handkerchiefs purchased any one color in monogram ming for each half dozen. You'll be wise in placing your orderg now as some time is required for delivery. Prices for monogramming only l2 doz. 50c MiiierPam board and fell to the tiling of the pool. Altho he differed a con cussion of the brain, his condition is not serious, and he is expected to be able to leave the hospital in a few days. YOUR DRUG STORE If you want Soda Fountain service or Lunches in a hurry call us. We deliver FREE The Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 14 & P Phone B1068 English Riding Boots For Men and Women The Outstanding Boot Value of All Time $500 Just Received Sizes Complete QOTERm Federal Trust Bldg. 75! doz. Handkerchiefs First Floor