Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1932)
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1932. TIIE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE. I t ,1 SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STOLEN HEIRESS kin. the picture that ia with the beat I f t. Ar and t;iaiiiiia flings It on thcreen in a terrifically "dramatic burst i of grand enter- MSSieilWISS I 1 I Lew ' r" J Ayres' , t Biggest i, Since V "All : Quiet," r -ut iij -" with Maureen O'Sulllvan COMEDY NEWS NOVELTY OA Mat. 15c NIU 23c HIALTO Mon., Tues., Wed. SOCl ETY Farm House Fraternity Announces First Down Town Social Function Alpha Thvts, Delta Gammas, Delts, Betas, Phi Gams And Delia Upsilons Schedule House Dances In Addition to Farm House Event. Tin's werkpnd promises to be nn interesting one with sev eral house parties ns well ns the year's first downtown party which is sponsored by the J' arm House fraternity, announced. The Alpha Thels are planning a buffet supper to follow their dance 1 rmny night. The Dells' announcement of their annual "Hard Time pnrty is of interest to many. Delta Gamma freshmen are arranging a house dance for their upper classmen Saturday niclit. The Pi Beta Phi province president will arrive in Lincoln Monday. Saturday of this week Sigma Kappas plan to celebrate their founding with a dinner at the chapter house. Farm House Plans Down Town Party. The Farm House fraternity entertaining at the first downtown party of the season at the Hotel Cornhusker faaturday, Nov. 12. Joyce Ayres and his orchestra will furnish the music. Two hundred and seventy-five invitations have been Issued. Several alumni are planning to return for the party, Refreshments will he served, Chaperonea have not as yet been selected. Is Pledges Plan Dance Followed by Supper. Alpha Theta Chi pledges are en tertaininer the active chapter at dance Friday. Nov. 11. Bcrnie Anderson's eight piece orchestra vail play. Chi Thi colors and in signia are to he used in decorating the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. B. u. l arvis, Mr, Dein and Mrs. Daniels, house- 2: 25c 2 to 6:30: 35c BORN TO LOVE ... a man who had discarded the thin veneer of civil ization . . . and a flaming temptress of the tropic! He Treated Her Rough! Yet She Fought Like a Tigress for Her Man! CLARK JfcAlN GABLE HARLOW The Prince and Princess of Romance! IN "RED DUST" FREE to each LADY attend. Ing any performance this week, ticket good for one generous sized Flacon of GERLY'S PARFUM. SPECIAL FOOTBALL PICTURES NEBRASKA . IOWA UNI. GAME Played at Iowa City, Nov. 5. LINCOLN AT., 10.25c EVE.. 10.40c Vmi umplv VTIST meet h. .m the mi interest nt Tevcr- Pop,,!! cisv hnss In mn.h '.,,.'. "ve speak IH.rm.nd Ml WW herself hi, for-, ' M,lt""e. Jrin Wynne, the leh,iuJSJllrT . . tlispnslilnn . . . JejKrniin Atl.nL oT, a Jealous lle-aKed nehnol tearh??' w h" tVF,7"nh- mid IlKht woman' . . . nd "The rJ Fbl,l"n to he so tor . . . b'' ,ne 81' whom Joe could "NIGHT AFTER WIGHT" with GEORGE RAFT. CONSTANCE CUMMINGS. WYNNE GIBSON, MAE WEST. and ALISON SKIPWORTH ADDED Paramount Newt Comedy Mickey Mouse in "MAD DOG" W- ' -ft w ; i tf:l JJr ORPHEUr.1 MAT., 10-20C EVE., 10-30C Radio's greatest mystery thriller. You can sea and hear CHANDUS weird feats of black magic. The death ray, Chandu burled alive, walking through firs, turning guns Into snakes. Added Fox News "Courting Trouble" "Nicelette" Cda LCSOSI VTur Baanr B. WalfhaU MON.-TUES.-WED, Where the street girl sits with society . . . the beggar with the bankerl "MADISON SQUARE GARDEN" JACKOAKIE Thomas Melghan Marian Nixon .DDED "THE DOOR KNOCKER" Travel "HAVANA HO" ALL WEEK Two of P I rwo generation? I f A m e r lean I ioneers carv I . ng an empli, 1 f ') . jut cf the Wset 1 V. ZANE GREY'S "GOLDEN WEST" with GEORGE O'BRIEN ADDED Starting a new serial thriller "HURRICANE EXPRESS" With JOHN WAYNE mother, are the chaperonea. War ren Chiles, Bernarr Wilson and Hariand Mossman of Omaha plan to attend the party. A buffet sup per will be served at the close of the evening. D. G. Pledges Arrange Party. The Delta Gamma pledges will entertain the actives at a house party Nov. 12. Dave Haun'a or chestra will furnish the music. Dr, and Mrs. Stephln Cory and Mrs. Adams, the house mother, are the chaperons who have been selected so far. Frrshman President Jean Martin is in charge of the party, Josephine Rcimera is chairman of decorations committee, and Dor othy Porter is finance committee chairman. Fijis Schedule Saturday Dance. Royal purple, the fraternity color, will be used in the decora tion for the Phi Gamma Delta house dance Nov. 12. Dick King, social chairman, assisted by Eldon Davis, has charge of the plans. Chaperone? for the affair will be Prof. Lester B. Orfield and Mr. and Mrs. John Champe. Delts Sponsor Annual Affair. Delta Tau Delta will be hosts at their annual hard times party on Saturday evening, Oct. 12, with Jimmy Jones and hia orchestra furnishing the music. As is the custom of the fraternity, the Delts will make their hard luck cos tumes more realistic by not shav' ing between now and the date of the party. The hayrack, which has always before been a feature of the party, will not be included this year. Chaperonea have not yet been chosen. Many Alumni Will Attend Beta Dance. Beta Theta PI will give a party at the chapter house after the Pittsbrugv game Saturday, Nov. 12. Plans concerning decorations and orchestras are not yet com plete. About fifty alumni are ex pected to attend. Fraternity Will Complete Plans. Members of Delta Upsilon are planning a house party for Nov. 12 The orchestra has not been chosen and plans for decorations are not complete. Pi Phis Entertain Province President. Miss Helen Stani&h, president of Iota chapter of Pi Beta Phi, wiu arrive in Lincoln Monday evening to be the guest or the local chap ter. Tuesday noon Miss Stanisb will be entertained by the alumnae advisory board at a luncheon at the Lincoln Country club, while Tuesday evening the active chap ter will give a formal dinner in her honor at the chapter house. Miss Stanish will leave early Wed nesday morning. Dinner Planned to Celebrate Founding. The fifty-eighth anniversary of the founding of Sigma Kappa sor ority will be celebrated Saturday, Nov. 12, when members of the active chapter with alumnae will have a dinner at the chapter house. Mrs. Newman Pucket will give a talk. Miss Margaret Grant accom panied by Miss Alyce Widman will play a violin solo. xihvc yuur VsurnnuHKer piuiurca taken now at Hauck's studio, 1216 O st. Adv. TODAY OBSERVED AS ANNUAL 00 TO CHURCH SABBATH (Continued1 from Page 1). where on this Sunday. The Lin coln churches welcome you." Rev. Ray E. Hunt, president of the Lincoln Ministerial association, In an official statement on behalf of the Lincoln churches also cor dially Invites all students to attend church Sunday. "In the name of the churches of the city of Lincoln, I desire to extend a hearty and sincere wel come to our services of public worship on all-University Church Sunday, Nov. 6." The Council of Religious Wel fare which la the sponsor of Go To Church Sunday, is composed of three sub-groups the faculty division, the student pastor group, and the student representatives. Hendricks is Chairman. In the faculty division, mem bers of which are appointed by the Chancellor, Professor Hend ricks is chairman. Other members are Dr. O. H. Werner, professor of principles of education and one who had an active part in the organization of the council; Dean O. J. Ferguson, college of engi neering; Dr. E. L. Hinman, chair man of the department of philo sophy and psychology; A. A. Reed, extension director; Dr. Hattie Plum Williams, professor of soci ology; an1 Miss Lulu Runge, assistant professor of mathema tics. Of the student pastors' group, Miss Grace Spacht, Baptist stu dent secretary, is chairman and Reinhold Car'.son, Lutheran stu dent secretary, is secretary. The members sre Rev. Lawrence F. Obrist, Citholic church; Rev. Ray E. Hunt, First Christian church; Rev. L. W. McMillin, University Episcopal churcn; Rev. William G. Rembolt, Evangelical student pas tor; Rev. Henry Erck, Lutheran XTniversity pastor; Rev. W. C. Fawell, Methodist student pastor; Rev. Dean R. Leland, Presbyterian University pastor; Rev. Gilbert T. Savery, United Brethern pastor; Rev. A. R. Ashtemeir of the Re formed church; Miss Bernice Mil ler, Y. W. C. A., and C. D. Hayes, Y. M. C A. Two Students Represent. In most cases the student group is represented by two members from each denomination, a total of twenty members of which Ken neth Eaton, Baptist, is president, and Adele Lombrink, Catholic, Is secretary. Other members of the student group are Irene Apfelbeck, Lu theran; Alberta Blair, Oscar Stultz, Lucile Studnick, Catholic; Delores Deadman, Christian; Ruth Holmes and John Wehn, Episcopal; Helen Nootz, Evangelical; Martha Welch, Student Volunteers; Robert Davies, Methodist; Dorothy Weibusch and James Story, Presbyterian; Ruth Jefferson, United Brethern; Gret' chen Koehler, Reformed Church; Jane Robertson and Belle Marie Herschner, Y. W. C. A., and Carl Grill and. Meredith Nelson, Y. M. C. A. PEP CLUBS START WEEK OP RALLIES ON NEXT MONDAY (Continued from Page 1). pointing for Pitt; they are confi dent, and with the support of the rap Call Your Date and Tell Her That you two are joining the ever-growing university crowd at the Pla-Mor party house. She will be also in terested in learning that Leo Beck and his orchestra are playing. You can tell your pocketbook tha the price is only 25c per person. It will be glad to hear such good news. DANCING TONIGHT TO LEO BECK AND HIS BAND PARTY HOUSE Admission 25c Per Person Dancing Free 7ceeautyteket EXPOSED, V T 1 I LOWELL SHERMAN FALSE LP ACES entire student body the Cornhusk- rs will do their best. The coaclies state, however, that a letdown of the team Is not un common after a big game and the students must not let their spirit lag after the Pitt game because Nebraska plays Oklahoma the next week for the Big Six cham pionship. MORTON TALKS AT CONVEN. TION. Dr. W. H. Morton last vreek spoke before the teachers conven tion at Topeka, Kas. He was on the convention program for the Friday morning session. Good Photographs Help Secure Positions It Is short sighted to use a cheap, inferior photograph when apply ing for a position. A Townsend photograph costs but little more and the psychology reflected car ries a lot of influence that may mean a favorable Impression and a remunerative position. We do not depend on artificial light and therefore the eyes are always natural and expressive. Studio 228 So. 11. Adv. DANCE TONIGHT te HAROLD RICE AND HIS " ORCHESTRA THE STAR-LIT FORMERLY CHANTICLEER 8:30 to 12 P. M. Admission 25e. Liberty Only, Moo, Nov. 1 4 These Sell-out Prices: MS,,1" Orchestra, fj.oo, e,ij$o Balcony, $1.60, $1.00 Gallery. ISt ., , Plus V. R. Oovt Tax of 10 meats on Bale Startinc Tomorrow at BEN SIMON A SONS The Season's First Musical Triumph Prince Danllo In Franz Lehar's World-Famous Hit nith VIRGINIA O'BRIEN AsSot8i,,o?utoTln HEAR AGA'N (or for the first time) "Merry Widow" the celebrated Waltz And Other Gems of the World's Most Entrancing Musical Score This engagement nude possible through irraclous wlthdrairal f the evening of the Liberty Players, Inc. "The Merrj Widow" li the ftrt of a notable series of attraction this season under the msnagement of Florence Gardner. Beginning Monday Morning at 8:30 O'clock At in a Special Sale of 325 vercoati and. Sua o We i3ont claim that the prices are unusual you've seen over coats and suits at this price before . . . But nowhere have you seen such fabrics expensive fabrics, if you please, such as Broad brook Silverdown coatings and Penn State Twist suitings and with it all you are assured of good, substantial Magee standard of tailoring. We're now buying suits for Spring, 1 933 ; we know that fabrics are 5 to 10 higher for next season. This is the lowest price that will be available for fabrics of this quality in hand tailored suits and overcoats. ALL ONE PRICE THE OVERCOATS FABRICS Lustrous fleeces in rich greys and dressy blues; Broadbroolc Silverdowns a new fabric with all the wear of a boucle, yet smartly different In ap pearance; genuine Broadbroolc Boucles, the accepted standard of quality curl fabrics. Two numbers in the California weight for the man who ikes a medium heavy coat. STYLES This season has awakened a grt In terest la Polo type coats great, full belted ulsters that please the young fellows they're bare In this show ing. Double breasted half belled coats that have their place on every varsity campus. THE SUITS FABRICS Penn State worsted twists are dur able, shape retaining fabrics that make ideal suits for business men they're here in blue and brown colors. Dark unfinished worsteds are popular for young fellows who want a dressy suit for all kinds of wear. We know that you'll quickly recognize good values when you see this assortment. STYLES This season has been characterized by tne wide spread acceptance uf ths double breasted style of suit so we have included this popular style. How ever, trim, Bingle breasted easy fitting styles for business men cant be beat and this prevailing style is here la quantities also a few drape suits for the knowing young fellow. THAT'S MARCHING? FORWARD wit PCGGY SHANNON LI LA LEE ANOTHER HIT AT THE STATE mat. io-ik rve. io-aot LL WEEK MAT. IO-gf EVE. lO-ZSf ( . . -w "