The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1932, Image 1

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    BEAT nTlH Tp
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
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IOWA, 14 i:
Business Manager Urges All
Students to Buy Now
At Low Prices.
Husker Coed Contest Closes
With Completion of
"The Initial sale of year books
has been extended for a period of
one more week, to definitely end
on Nov. 11, the last day of sales
at which the present discount will
be offered," Charles Skade, busi
ness manager of the Cornhusker,
stated yesterday.
The sale has been gaining
momentum each day from the be
ginning of the sale, but Skade
states that the number sold is far
from the necessary number that
must be sold by the end of this
week. "Students must co-operate
with the student publication if they
expect to receive the full benefit
of the bargain offered in this sale,"
he said.
The business manager feels that
the support given the Annual dur
ing the first week was no indica
tion of the feeling of every
true student, but that the students
have no doubt been waiting to pur
chase their books during the next
week, and "it can not be too im
peratively stated that success of a
Coruhusker depends upon the sup
port of every individual of the uni
versity." When the final count of sales is
made Friday, Nov. 11, Skade be
lieves that students will have taken
advantage of the special bargain
Plan to Cut Costs.
The profit sharing plan is mak
ing the students realize that they
, Continued on Page 4.)
Students Produce 'Rebecca
Of Sunnybrook Farm'
On Two Days.
"Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,"
the year's first offering of the Lin
coln Children's Theatre, was pre
sented in the Temple theatre Fri
day night and Saturday afternoon,
November 4 and 5, to appreciative
The play concerns the adven
tures, joys and disappointments of
the twelve-year-old Rebecca who
is sent from her home to "become
a lady" under the strict tutclcge of
her two maiden aunts.
The part of Rebecca was por
trayed by Pai line Gellatly, of the
university dramatic faculty, but
the member of the cast who re
ceived the largest ovation was lit
tle four-months-old Alice Ann
J '.cade, daughter of Robert Reade,
stage manager for the University
Players. She played her role like
a veteran, with the exception of a
few tears when the loud voices of
the actors offended her.
The complete cast:
Aunt Mirand Dorothv Zollnr
Aunt Jane Clara Chrmtrnwin
Mm. Parkin Marjori Iran
Mr.. 8!mjiRon Virginia Jonas
Rrtmrt Pauline Ollatly
Knima Jane Jsi Patter ton
Vinn'a !tnurinft Tiriii
AlK-e Bth I.ant,furi1
I'luia Belle Betty
himpr.on liAUy A)ii.e Ann Keade
Jeremiah 'tb Kdwtn Wu'nn
Ariam l.dd..., Clifton Conaway
Ahijah John Chapman
Mr. Slmpnon Leonard Bockleman
Banquet in Honor of Foreign
Students to Be Held on
November 11.
Honoring all foreign students on
the campus, the fifth annual In
ternational Friendship banquet,
sponsored by the Religious Wel
fare council, will be held Fridav,
Nov. 11, at the First Christian
Dr. R. J. Poo! of the botany de
partment will act as toastmaster.
and Chancellor Burnett will deliver
the speech of welcome to all the
foreign students. The response to
this welcome will be given by Rob
it Mario.
The main speaker of the evt
nlng will be Dr. William Axllng,
an alumnus of the university, who
will come here from Tokyo, Japan,
where be was the founder of the
portal welfare organization known
the "Kingdom of God." Dr. Ax
ling Is well acquainted with Japan
nd has recently published a book
entitled "Ksgawa." j
Display Presents Points of
Interest in States of
A display titled "The Southwest
Exhibit," presenting pictorlallv the
points of scenic interest in the
southwestern states of the nation,
is now being Bhown in gailery B
of Morrill hall.
In the exhibit are oil paintings
by Ramond Williams, instructor in
sculpture and ceramics in the
school of fine arts, and William L.
Youkln, supervising architect in
the state capitol. In addition to
the oil paintings, a collection of
photographs made by F. Dwight
Kirsch, chairman of the school of
fine arts executive committee, dur
ing his tour of the southwestern
states this summer, is also being
Thompson Says Skits Have
Entertainment Value
And Talent.
"An unusually good array of
talent and entertainment value"
was the statement made Friday by
Jack Thompson, chairman of the
Kosmet Klub judging committee,
concerning the acts judged, after
all skit entries for the Thanksgiv
ing Morning Revue had been con
sidered by the committee. Judging
took place from Tuesday to Thurs
day of last week.
Eighteen skits, representing
twenty-seven campus organiza
tions were entered for the revue.
The judging committee, consisting
of Thompson, Joe Alter, Frank
Musgrave, and Wally Frankfurt,
will meet in the near future and
make the final decision as to the
acts to be used in the production.
"Practically all of the skits we
judged possessed great entertain
ment possibilities," Thompson de
clared Friday. "It will be difficult
for the committee to finally decide
upon the skits to be used in the re
vue." Practice Evidenced.
The points given the greatest
consideration by the judging com
mittee were talent used in the act,
the idea of the skit, and the pos
sibilities. Skits were not expected
to be in perfect running condition,
but most of them were presented
with evidence of much practice,
members of the committee stated.
As yet, no definite number of
arts for the show has been decided
upon, but the selection will be
made within a few days and a
time limit placed on each act.
Burnett to Lead Discussion
On Depression and
Several national meetings will
engage the attention of a number
of university executives during the
coming two weeks. Chancellor E.
A. Burnett will attend the Na
tional Association of State Uni
versities and the Association of
Land Grant Colleges convening in
Washington, D. C, during the
week of November 14.
At the land grant meeting Chan
cellor Burnett will represent the
middlewest in leading a discussion
group considering the depression
and the universities. Others who
will be present at tbe Land Grant
convention from Nebraska are
Dean W. W. Burr of the college of
agriculture, W. H. Brokaw, direc
tor of tbe agricultural extension
service, and Miss Margaret Fedde,
chairman of the department of
home economics.
Dr. F. W. Upson, dean of the
graduate college, will be the Uni
versity representative at the meet
ing of the Association of Ameri
can Universities being held in
Iowa City, Iowa, November 10, 11,
and 12. At this meeting Doctor
Upson will present a paper entitled
"The Present Tendencies Toward
Over-Specialization In the Pro
gram for a Ph. D. Degree." This
paper will be read on November
Finance Secretary L. E. Gunder
son and Stanley D. Long of
Cowles, president of the board of
regents, will attend the meeting of
the Association of Governing
Boards of State Universities which
Is In session at Ann Arbor aid
Lansing Michigan, November 16
to 19.
Shade Call Meeting
Of Cornhuther Staff
An impin meeting or
the business staff of the 1933
Cornhusker It scheduled at 4
o'clock Monday afternoon,
Nov. 7. All circulation man
agers, advertising managers
and business assistants are
requested to be present.
Every member of the staff
must be there on time.
charles skade.
Business Manager.
Military Department Plans
Session for Team in
Organizations Adopt 'Beat
Pitt' as a Slogan
For Meets.
The rally for the Nebraska
Pittsburgh football game next Sat
urday will begin Monday morning
when the Corn Cobs and Tassels
congregate for a Pittsburgh rally
in front of Social Science hall at
9:50 o'clock.
Another rally will be held at the
same time Tuesday, and Wednes
day. Instead of one rally at one
time and place, the Cobs and Tas
sels wi'l have them going on all
over the campus, in the halls ani
classrooms of every building.
Singing the Nebraska songs in
the classes will be done and it Is
hoped N by the student leader in
charge that "Beat Pitt" will be
ringing in every one's ears contin
ually. The Cobs and Tassels, wear
ing their uniforms the entire week,
are going to revive the true Ne
braska spirit to its fullest expres
sion. Administration Helps.
Bill Devereaux, Innocent in
charge of rallies, stated that the
administration is co-operating in
attempting to recreate the old
school spirit but forewarns that
any destruction of property will be
censored from that source.
On Friday afternoon, the mili
tary science department will give
a regimental rally for the team in
the stadium. Details of this rally
have not been finished but will be
announced soon.
The coaches are enthusiastic an-J
hope that the .campus will respond
by stirring up some expression of
spirit to convince the team that
the students are behind them to
the last man. The team has been
Continued on Page 3.)
Magazine Publishes Article
by Instructor in Law
The Journal of Radio Law re
cently carried an article written
by Prof. Lawrence Void of tne col
lege of law on the subject "Defam
ation by Radio." This article is a
condensation of the materials on
the subject of liability of radio
stations which were presented to
the Nebraska Supreme Court in
the writer's brief submitted in the
case of Sorensen vs Wood (243 N.
W. 82.)
As the court to a considerable
extent adopted the views contend
ed in that brief, and as the de
mand for copies of the brief has
far exceeded the available supply,
this article was prepared and pub
lished as a means of making ihe
substance of the brief more gen
erally available to the legal pro
fession. Prof. Smith PrcMcIrs at
Father ami Son Met' ting
Prof. Chauncey Smith, of the
agriculture engineering depart
ment of the university, presided at
the Whittier father and son meet
ing held at the school.
Teachers' Placement Bureau Stales
That Supply of Instructors Exceeds
Demand During Last Three Years
"Wo have reoommonde'l '" one wHl qualified for 1lic
position herewith indicated. Please apply at once."
The Ktudent-tcacher who received such a notice from the
teachers' placement bureau (the Department of Educational
Service) during the past year was fortunate indeed.
In normal times ki-.IiooI officials in Nebraska and neighboring
states auk the T'nlversitv of Ne-O
brapka for more than a thousand
teachers each year to fill vacancies
in their school systems; in fact, in
the peak year of 1929 the number
reached 1459, more than enough
Jobs to go around for all who could
qualify, nince the number of can
didates registered was 1,287. Nor
mally approximately 60 percent of
the teachers registered with the
placement department aecure posi
tions. Situation Reversed.
Three years has seen this situa
tion completely reversed. From
Sept. 1, 1931, to Sept. 1. 1932. only
574 requests for teachers were re
ceived, and 1.496 teachers were
registered, enough positions to go
a little more than one-third of the
way around. Percent of appoint
ment dropped to thirty-nine. It
should be remembered in this con
nection that there has been no
corresponding drop In school en
rollments. Because women tearhers have
been prone to desert the profes
sion In favor of marriage and both
I Speaks to Teachers
Dr. E. H. Lindley, chancellor
of Kansas University, who will
address two meetings in Lincoln
Tuesday. He is brought to Lin
coln in connection with the na
tional Education Week.
Joyce Ayres and His Eleven
Piece Band to Play
During Lunch.
Arrangements for the Dad's Day
luncheon next Saturday and the re
mainder of the day have been
nearly completed, according to
Phil Brownell, Innocent in charge
of Dad's Day.
Joyce Ayres and his eleven piece
orchestra have been secured to
play during the luncheon. Two
special speakers will talk, after
which the banquet will feature the
annual initiation of all Dads into
the order of Delta Alpha Delta, ex
clusively for the dads.
Jack Thompson, president of the
Innocents, will ac: as tastmastcr
to this gathering in the Chamber
of Commerce hall to be decorated
with "N" blankets and pennants of
the University of Nebraska.
Expect Large Crowd.
A larger crowd of dads is ex
pected Saturday than ever before
because of the Nebraska-Pittsburgh
football game which will
bring many more to Lincoln that
would have otherwise come. AH
dads have been invited to attend
this dad's day function, held an
nually in honor of every dad, and
in addition, invitations have been
extended to Chancellor and Mrs.
E. A. Burnett, Governor Bryan,
Dean T. J. Thompson and his wife,
to all the deans and professors of
the various colleges, as. well as Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Ramsey.
After the noonday luncheon, all
the dads and sons will march in
a parade behind the band to the
stadium where they will occupy a
special section during the game.
Tickets for the luncheon have
been distributed to the Interfra
ternity Council representatives,
members of the Barb and Interclub
councils, and will be given to the
Panhellcnic council Monday after
Staff reorganization makes
it imperative that Daily Ne
braskan reporters meet in
the Nebraskan office prompt
ly at 1 o'clock Monday noon.
men and women have dropped out
to enter other professions and vo
cations, the schools of the state
have each year needed from two
to three thousand new teachers to
replace those leaving. The uni
versity, the teachers colleges, the
tvrmal schools, and normal train
mf. 1 ' schools have been turning
out . . . teachers each year to fill
this demand, and up to 1929 sup
ply and demand were fairly well
Then the economic depression
came along and upset the apple
cart. Teachers didn't marry. They
didn't resign their positions for
other work. They hung on to
their jobs. Consequently, fewer
Jobs for new teachers.
Reduce School Budgets.
Taxes were pinching hard and
tax-payers demanding reduced
school budgets. So the ax was
applied. Salaries were slashed
from 10 to 20 percent; depart
ments were eliminated; teaching
loads increased; fewer teachers
(Continued on Tago i.)
Burnett Urges Students to
Attend Denominations
of Their Choice.
Local Churches Plan Special
Services, Sermons, and
Tndav is "fin To Church" Sun
day on the university campus, and
students are accepting me invita
tions extended by the Lincoln
churches to attend the special
services today planned particu
larly for the students in Lincoln.
The sabbath day known as "Go
To Church" Sunday is an annual
occurence and is sponsored by the
various religious organizations on
the campus thru their centralized
group the Council of Religious
Welfare of the University of Ne
braska of which Dr. B. C. Hend
ricks Associate Drofessor of chem
istry, is president; Rev. Henry
Erck, vice president, and Dorothy
Weibusch, is secretary.
In a statement to the Univer
sity of Nebraska student body re
garding this All-University church
day, Chancellor E. A. Burnett
A Long-Standing Tradition.
"Sunday, Nov. 6, is Go To
Church Sunday at the University
of Nebraska. This is a tradition
of long standing at the university
and I hope that many students
who have not yet identified them
selves with a church here, will
attend the church of their choice
this Sunday thus beginning to
take an interest in the religious
life of this community.
"To each one of you It may have
a different meaning but I desire
to pass along to you the sugges
tion that you attend church some
( Continued on Page 3.)
Council Expects Best Crowd
Of Year for Affair on
Dad's Day.
Having secured Red Perkins and
his Dixie Ramblers to play for the
All University Party to be held on
Dad's Day, Saturday, Nov. 12,
plans for the affair are complete.
The band features an imitation of
the Mills Brothers and the novelty
Sponsors believe the Ramblers
coupled with the new low admis
sion prices announced last week,
will draw the largest crowd of any
party this year. Having declared
themselves in favor of the Inno
cents' plans for permanently decor
ating the coliseum the Barb coun
cil has also announced that the
proceeds of this party and all
others held during the year will go
to swell the fund.
Since decorations for this year's
parties have already been con
tracted for, the sponsors will not
follow the Innocent's precedent in
using no decorations. Blue and
white will be the colors used at the
Dad's Day party to harmonize with
the orchestra platform colors.
Faculty of School of Music
Present Piano Duet
On Wednesday.
The sixth music convocation
sponsored by Howard Kirkpatrick
of the University School of Music
will be given Wednesday, Novem
ber 9, at 4 o'clock in the Temple
theatre. The artists are Marguer
ite Klinker and Genevieve Wilson,
members of the school of music
faculty, who will present a two
piano recital.
Their program includes "Tanta
slo and Fugue in A Minor" by
Bach, "Variations on a Theme
from Haydn" by Brahms, "Feux
Kolleta" by Philipp, "The Poisoned
Fountain" by Bax, and "Ritmo"
and "Gracla" by Infante.
President Will Stop
In Nebraska on Trip
It was announced Friday by
Robert Smith, republican state
chairman, that President Hoover
will include a number of Nebraska
towns on his western trip. The
towns where Hoover is scheduled
to stop are Omaha, Columbus,
Grand Island, Kearney and North
YWCA Finance Drive
Concludes on Monday
The Y. W. C. A. finance drive
will conclude Monday, Nov. 7. At
a meeting held last Thursday, the
drive was extended in order to give
the girls who haven't signed up a
chance to do so.
Desperate Passing Attack in Final Period Has Huskcrs
On Kun After Bible's Team Had Tallied Two
Touchdowns Earlier in Game.
Tater Fabrnbrucli Sprints 72 Yards to First Counter in
Second Quarter; Hokuf Flips to Masterson for
Second Late in Third Period.
IOWA (JITY, la. A fighting Iowa team put on a gallatit
exhibition in a fourth quarter scoring assault Saturday after
noon but failod to catch up with Nebraska, the ITuskers
squeezing out a 14 to L'! victory. About 8,000 witnessed the
A lad by the name of George Tej-ro, who suddenly
Kansas Chancellor to Talk
At Two Meetings on
In its observance of National
Education week which is being
conducted thruout the country be
ginning Sunday, Nov. 6, the uni
versity will bring Dr. E. H. Lind
ley, chancellor of the University of
Kansas, to Lincoln on Nov. 8 when
he will be the speaker at two
meetings on the campus.
On Tuesday at 11 o'clock in the
morning, Chancellor Lindley will
address a convocation of the teach
ers college at the Temple theater.
At this time he will discuss the
subject of "The Importance of Per
Tuesday evening, as the guest
speaker of the Faculty Men s Din
ner club, Chancellor Lindley wfll
discuss the topic, "The New Fron
tier." This evening meeting will
be held at the Lincoln University
club at 6:30, and will be the first
meeting of the year for the club.
Chancellor E. A. Burnett win in
troduce lr. Lindley.
The committee in charge of the
dinner meeting is composed of
Prof. H. C. Filley, chairman of the
department of rural economics;
Prof. O. R. Martin, chairman of
the department of business organ
ization and management, and Dr.
H. H. Marvin, chairman of the de
partment of physics. Dr. H. C.
Koch, professor of secondary edu
cation, has nlso had an active part
in making the arrangements. Dean
F. W. Upson is in charge of the
reservations for the affair.
It was incorrectly stated in the
Daily Nebraskan for Friday, Nov.
4, that the Student Democratic
club would sponsor an election
party on the evening of Nov. 8.
Howard Holtzendorff, president of
the student Young People's Demo
cratic club, stated that the party
will be sponsored by the Lancaster
county chapter of the Young Peo
ple's Democratic club.
At the father-son banquet held
Friday night at the Vine Congre
gational church Dean Charles For
dyce of the university delivered a
short address. Robert Craig, a
university student, also spoke at
the affair.
All Methodist churches
Affiliation day.
Second Presbyterian
Young people's program at
6 p. m.
First Plymouth Congrega
tionalElection sermon.
United Brethren Protes
tor Doty of York college and
Prof. W. B. Johns and stu
dent speaker.
Westminster Presbyterian
Sermon, "Changing Hu
man Nature." Great Cathe
dral choir will i"Q-
First Presbyterian Stu
dent service in morning.
First Baptist Talks by
university students at young
people's meeting. Special
service for students In morn-
Second Baptist - Sermon,
"Politics, Morals and Re gion.
Dr. C. H. Patterson will
speak to the university class.
Evangelistic churches
Special recognition to stu
dents. Lutheran c h u r ches Spe
cial student services, Luther
league meetings in
Frledent Lutheran Ser
mon "The Joys In Distress."
Grace Lutheran S e r mon
'Christian Progress."
University Episcopal "Go
to Church" program espe
cially for students.
First Lutheran Commun
ion service.
ounilmbered aerials of the bullet
like variety in the final period, fac
tored largely in the two Hawkeye
touchdown. Joe Laws, fleet Iowa
halfback, flitted through the Corn
husker defense to nab Teyro's pass
and run ten yards to the first
touchdown. An offside penalty
nullified the Hawks' try for point,
preventing what would have been
a tie. Under the new rule Laws
got another shot at the extra point
but his boot was wide.
It was this same Laws who two
minutes later sprinted down the
sidelines to the 7-yard line, after
taking a lateral tossed him by Ber
nard Page. Here the Nebraska
line held for three downs, and then
Teyro flipped a pass to Dickinson,
negro end who grabbed the ball
in the end zone for Iowa's second
touchdown. Laws converted the
extra point.
With only about a minute to
play. Coach Bible inserted George
Sauer who hit the line for three
plays and fumbled on the fourth
as the game ended.
Fahrnbruch Stars.
Tater Fahrnbruch and his 72
yard run to a touchdown in the
second quarter furnished the only
highlight ot the first half. Fahrn
bruch had perfect interference on
the play, the Crete fullback, daeb.
( Continued on Page 4.)
Professor to Discuss Animal
Life in Florida and
Mexican Gulf.
The adult section of the regu
lar Sunday afternoon Nebraska
state museum program will have
the opportunity of hearing Dr.
H. W. Manter, associate professor
of zoology, speak on "Animal Life
of the Dry Tortugas, Florida, and
the Coral islands of the Gulf of
Mexico," this afternoon at 4rl&
o'clock in the downstairs audi'
torium of Morrill hall. ....
Doctor Manter has been a stu
dent of this type of animal life
for some time and for the past
three years has been associated
during the summer months with
the Tortugas laboratories off Key
West, Fla. During the summer
just past. Doctor Manter continued1
his studies of the parasites of deep
sea fish.
The theme of the children's pro
gram beginning at z:3U o ciock
will be "China." In illustrating
this theme, an authentic collection
of Chinese wood carvings will be
used, which demonstrate various
phases of life in China.
The children win also see a mm
entitled "Ocean Tears" in which
is depicted the method of evapo
rating salt from the ocean. The
film was made in tne tsanamma
islands. A second film, tbe title
of which is yet to be announced,
will also be shown to the children.
These resrular Sunday afternoon
museum programs have been well
attended, according to Miss Mar
jorie Shanafelt, curator of visual
education and director of the
museum programs.
Institute Awards Education
In Europe to Worthy
An offer of twenty-five full
scholarships to deserving students
for study in France, Germany, and
Switzerland haa recently been
made by the Overseas Educational
Institute of Hanover, N. H.
The Institute regularly provides
its entire year of travel and study
abroad at a cost approximating
that of an average year at a pre
paratory school and college, and
through the medium of an Experi
enced faculty, offers a high stan
dard of acholarship. Their pro
gram is a new development in
modern educational organization,
which in addition to preparing' the
student for college entrance re
quirements, presents the opportun
ity and association with European
Further information concerning
the hcholarshlps being offered may
be obtained from the scholarship
department of the Institute.