The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1932, Page TWO, Image 3

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    -- I -V'
The Daily Nebraskan
Station A, Unooln, Nfbrsihs
..nrl.rl... mitur St int ponoTTiee
I iSr . Nbri"; undir et of eei.Qr.ti, M.rsh , 187S,
S necl"rt. of po.t.o. p.ovld.d for In twtlon
1101, Vet SToetob.? 117. .uthorli.d Jinu.ry 80. l.M.
Puhllih.d Tutdy, Wtdnttdy. Thurtdy, FrleUy and
'Ub Sunday mornino H"'"9 "' fr.
' . bp Slnal Copy " ' 85 wester
' Under direction of th. Student Publleetlee Board.
Edltorim Office University H I
Aek for Nebresksn tditor.
Stowerd O. AlUwsy
Jack Erlekton '
Managing Edltori
Phillip Brownell
Richard Moran
Nawi Editora
Lynn Laonard
.Aaaoclata Editor
Laurenca Hall
Irma Randall
.Woman'a Editor
,.,,t porta Editor
...Soclaty Editor
Ketherlne Howard
Joa Miller
Violet Croaa
H. Norman Callaher Business Manager
Aaalitant Business Managera
Barnard Jannlnga Frnk M"0rv
Ceorga HelyeWe
Send For Your
Ballot Today.
WITH the open political forum with representa
tives of all three student club taking; part in
a discussion pf candidates and issues In Social Scl
nee auditorium last night, campus interest in the
campaign is once more revived after a temporary
lull following the straw poll last week.
But with the campaign turning into the home
stretch and only four days intervening between now
and the day the American people will choose an
executive and party to administer the affairs of the
nation for the coming four years, the hubub of par
tisan Invective once more resounds through student
fathering places.
At least the students are very conscious that there
is going to be an election next Tuesday. But from
that it does not directly follow that they are going
to do anything about it. And noise enough to shake
down U hall means nothing unless the students who
are legal voters get out Tuesday and exercise their
privilege and duty as electors in a democratic coun
try and exercise that function intelligently and de
liberately. For those student voters whose homes are Lin
coln, Omaha or any of the Nebraska cities with
population over 7.000, registration is a prerequisite
to voting Tuesday. For them, unless they have al
ready registered, their opportunity to vote is lost;
for registration has closed. If they have registered,
the more important duty of voting still remains.
For the convenience of students who must live
away from home at election time, the Nebraska law
provides the following, quoted from the Nebraska
Voters' Handbook, prepared and compid by the
Utata of Nebraska legislative reference bureau:
Any voter who cannot be present in hit vot
ing district on election day, may receive an ab
sent voter's ballot by making application, in
writing, to his county clerk not more than thir
ty, nor less than two days before election. He
must state his exact address and his voting pre
cinct, that he Is a duly qualified elector and
that ha will be absent from his precinct on elec
tion day. ... He must also send a stamped and
addressed envelope in which the baliot may be
mailed to him. If the voter lives In a precinct
xvhera registration is required his application
must be accompanied by a certificate from the
registration officer of that district, showing that
the voter is a duly qualified and registered
i elector.
This application must be sworn to before a no
tary public.
For students living in most Nebraska towns, this
application may still be sent in time to get the bal
lot, vote it and get it back by Tuesday to be in
cluded in the election returns from their districts.
But it is imperative that application be made today.
Tomorrow will be too late.
It is useless here to further emphasize the' im
portance of every student voter exercising his fran
chise this year. It is useless also to point out the
weight the millions of young people voting for the
first time this year, will carry in this current elec
tion. All that has been drummed on before.
Registration for the election all over the country
indicates that one of the heaviest votes in many
years will be cast Tuesday. Political commentators
predict some four million increase over 1928.
Voters enrolled in the University of Nebraska
have a right and a duty to add their voice to that of
the American people Tuesday.
Send for your mail ballot today!
HTHE Barb council has joined the Innocents society
in working toward permanent hangings and
canopy to convert the Coliseum into a suitable ball
room with the announcement that proceeds from the
all-unlverslty parties, sponsored by that body, this
year will be used to swell the fund being created to
help purchase these decorations.
Nebraska has long needed some plaea on the
campus where major social events of ths student
year may be held without the inconvenience of at
tempting to disguise an alrpln hangar as a ball
room. The Barb council, whose all-unlverslty par
ties are the moat freqtient occasion for use of the
Coliseum for dancing, realises, probably better than
any other student organisations, the shortcomings
of the field house in its present form for such use.
The same Inconvonlence, however, applies as well
to Its use for the Military ball, Junior-Senior prom,
Interfraternity ball and Homecoming party. For
each of these events every year far too great a por
tion of the proceeds each year necessarily have to
be used for decorations. The amount spent in dec
crating the Coliseum during the last five years, In
fact, would probably go far toward paying for the
decorations it is now planned to buy.
Complete plans for the decorations have been
drawn up and approved. The total cost will be about
13,000, of which the university has promised to pay
part. The rest must come from contributions of the
student organisations using the building. In this
particular year It is easy to persuade the students
to do without decorations for their parties, holding
out as bait the prospect of having permanent deco
rations for next year. The Innocents society, with
the first major party last Saturday night, has set a
precedent which might well be followed by all stu
dent organisations using the Coliseum for dances
this year. If decorations for all these parties be
eliminated and the entire proceeds used to swell the
permanent decorations fund, purchase of this equip
ment by next year can be insured. How about it.
Military ball, prom, Interfraternity ball ?
Another suggestion which falls in line with the
Daily Nebraskan s recent suggestion for joint fra
ternity or sorority parties in the Coliseum this year
to fill the place left vacant by the lack of downtowr
parties as a result of the campus social economj
program is advanced in the Student Pulse depart
ment this morning. Urge the writers of the letter
headed, "Another Source for Decorations Funds":
"Let the sororities and fraternities proceed to have
as many of these joint parties in the Coliseum as
possible and divide the $50 rent for each time it is
used between permanent upkeep of the building and
the decorations fund." A very good suggestion it
is, too.
from the use of the Coliseum by
the Greek organizations, they
should in all fairness to the many
students uf this school co-operate
with the Innocents society In the
matter of the beauttficatton of the
Coliseum. The beautifying of the
building will bo to the advantage
of the university, not tne students,
Therefore It is only right and fair
that the students of the Univer
sity of Nebraska domand a cer
tain percentage or tne income inus
gained by the university, be turned
over to the fund already started
by the Innocents society. Fifty
percent of the Income still leaves
a comfortable margin of profit for
the university nd the other 60
percent would further aia me uni
versity in aecorauona mi .
Students have a right to ask
for, rather to demand, that tne
officials in charge of the univer
sity co-operate in this matter in
the above prescnoeu mnun,
B. F.
c a
A Good Band.
TVO dollars may be a reduction in admission price
for the Military ball as compared to previous
years, but its still a considerable amount of money
for the average student to pay if it is going to be
just another dance.
Last year students paid $2.50 to dance to an or
chestra which to say the least was inferior to most
of the local orchestras which would have been avail
able. Advertised as a well known national orches
tra, the group turned out to be a bunch of pickup
musicians, who though they may have done their
best, were universally admitted to be a poor outfit.
If the military department is insistent on hiring
inferior out of town orchestras or local orchestras,
that is for them to determine, but they should de
termine that policy before announcing the price of
tickets, and if they expect to charge two dollars for
their tickets, they are more or less obligated to fur
nish something in the way of an attraction to jus
tify such a payment
Merely presenting a spectacle of all the military
hot-shots in their uniforms, and having the honor
ary colonel presented isn't worth two dollars to most
students if they have to dance to any old orchestra
which can be hired cheap enough to leave the mili
tary department a large profit. On the other hand,
if some well recognized orchestra is secured, the
ticket charge will be justified.
In the last analysis, the matter is one not purely
of the interest of students. It is just as much a
matter of self interest to the military department,
for it is highly probable that if another inferior
band is palmed off on students this year, the at
tendance at the ball will be materially cut down.
We realize that many students will go to the
Military ball regardless of the orchestra, either be
cause they are connected with the military depart
ment, or because it is the first formal event of the
season and for some reason or other they feel obli
rated to take their Eirls to the affair. But we do
not hesitate to say that this year the military de
partment cannot bank on such universal support as
In former years without conforming to the principle
of giving value received.
Whatever the profit from the ball is used for, we
believe that those interests will be better served by
trying to make a small profit on a large number of
tickets than by attempting to secure a large margin
on each ticket bu' cutting expenses, which will in
evitably mean a decrease in the number of tickets
Other organizations have brought good national
orchestras to this campus and m&" money by
charging one dollar admission. For two dollars there
should be no less an attraction.
The Student Pulse
Brtrf, eonctv rnntrihntinmi peril
nnt . multfm of atntont life ana
fhr eiilVHril) nr wHrarrrd by thtt
drpertrm-nt. under the mual rvatrlr
ttomi of wtnna nrwn;mprr orarrtor,
whlrb rtrHidm all librliw matter
and trnnnl attnrka. Ittrre otimi
fee etrned. but nantr will be with
held Irani pubUcatkoa If as drsifrd.
Case for Disarmament.
This is an answer to a contribu
tor by an J. Q. Q. printed in this
department yesterday. After read
ing through his letter we were eas
ily able to understand how easily
the set military mind justifies its
Our group takes the iew point
of practical pacifists who are as
interested in the welfare of our
government by the reduction of
our excessive taxes made neces
sary to maintain our wasteful
military forces and in payment for
past wars as in idealistic standards
uf peace. We know that the aver
age citizen Is as interested in re
ducing the ever growir.g tax eating
hog as in establishing our military
department makes necessary. Or
ganized minorities have up to date
oeen successful in maintaining
the business the armament manu
factures have found necessary if
they are to continue to pay the
dividends to which they have be
come accustomed.
We believe that any war train
lug fiven in our educational sys
tem should be taught as an ac
tuality and not as a eloriied Bov
Scout parade because we know
that if our studenu of uxia', , uie
men who will be leaders of tomor
rrrw will never consent to war if
they are acquainted with it as it
actually is. Nor should an attempt
be made to hide the facts of war
under the $20 uniform worn by
the basic R. O. T. C. students in
stead of the $4.25 uniform that
was worn by our doughboys killed
in France. Testimony has been in
troduced to a house committee
proving that with cheaper uni
forms the college war department
would receive more opposition.
We oppose the policy of our mili
tary department to suppress any
thing that takes the glory out of
war, such as their unsuccessful at
tempt to censor Frederick A. Bar
ber's book entitled "The Horror of
It" which contains photographs
taken from the battlefield showing
the gruesome but actual side of
modern military operations.
It insults our intelligence when
J. Q. asks us to believe his state
ment that 'the R. O. T. C. units in
educational institutions are a de
velopment of the idea of disarma
ment. "When such statements as
these that follow are found in the
R. O. T. C manuals and books
published by the military educa
tion department, it is difficult to
believe that the R. O. T. C. spou
sors an3thing but war. "We live
in a world governed by divine laws
which we ran neither alter nor
evade. And in tins worm or ours
force is the ultimate power." "The
object to be attained by training
is to enable the army to wage of
fensive warfare . . . every individ
ual in the military service must be
Imbued with the spirit of the of
fensive." Neither do we believe
that it is a step towards disarma
ment m'hen the R. O. T. C. ac
complishes what a military man,
Major Bucham Wood of the U. S.
Army stated it does in a Dallas
paper. "The R. O. T. C. units
are the greatest factor making for
military preparedness in this coun
try, for they make every boy who
takes such instruction an envoy
for military preparedness. These
boys in turn bring home the value
and necessity of such training,
even into homes that might other
wise be antagonistic." A member
of the English parliament has
written in regard to the attempts
to make a military mind a prere
cuisite of graduation, "In the
United States of America a great
effort is being made to get the
war office out of the schools. We
join whole-heartedly in a like cam
paign. It is in the schools, In the
shaping of young minds, that the
foundations of wars are laid."
When we hear of the intellectual
attainments obtained from drill,
we smile and recall a clipping
from the New York Times telling
abo;:t the morons of the New York
State Institution for Defective De
linquents who march in a "credit
able dress parade" twice a week.
A. A. 4 L D.
Another Source
For Decorations Fund
The Innocents society has taken
the first steps toward the beauti
fkation of th.' university coliiseum
by their donation to be used for
permanent decorations. The Daily
Nebraskan has suggested that
fraternities and sororities hold
joint p&rties in that building to
economize on the cost of large
It will cost fifty dollars for the
use of the Coliseum for such par
ties, and the officials of the uni
versity say that such Income as is
derived in this manner will go to
the upkeep of the building. Since
heretofore the university has had
no such means of deriving IneieSMi
Competitive Cheering.
In the Iowa-Nebraska game the
Knot-Hole club out-cheered the
student section. Many people as
sumed that the student section
lorlioH vnirA ami KlMl'lt. KUt IftJU
ka game, when Nebraska started
its victory drive, the student sec
tion arose as if It were one man
and cheered Its head off. At that
moment their spirit and cheering
wnnM have caused the deaf to hear
and the dumb to speak.
That proves mat me siuaent. sec
tion lo a vnice and a sDlrit. The
reason that the cheer leaders do
nnt t more noise in that many
students do not Know me yens, oo
u'hv At rtrin t Nebraska sonirs and
Nebraska yells in the Daily Ne
braskan. Why not nave a mue
competition between the Knot-Hole
i,,h ami the rtudent section. Bet
ter yet, why not divide the student
section into two or mree roupa
and have each group give a part
of the yell. For example the rocket
First group: Ah! (drawn out).
Second group: Sssssssssss!
Third group: Whistle (shrill.
Whole section: Boom! NEBRAS
Vhis is not intended as finding
fault or criticizing the present
cheering plan, but rather it is
merelv a humble suggestion. This
I believe would stimulate the
cheering through makeing it com
petitive. A FRESHMAN.
.o More Cates.
How about it, students, would
you be willing to pay two dollars
to go to the Military Ball if Isham
Jones was going to play? It is
rumored around that Jones would
play here for $1,000, but that the
committee in charge thinks his
price is too high. We grant that
it is a bit steep, but we also be
lieve it is worth it.
If my information is correct,
something of this nature took place
last year. Last year, the student
committee in charge of the music
wanted to have Jimmy Joy and his
band, as a matter of fact they
practically had him signed up. And
what was the result ? The military
department stepped in and said the
price was too high so we were
forced to listen to Opie Cates. This
fellow Cates came here with, sup
posedly, a very good reputation in
the east. Apain we are compelled
to laugh. Why ? This same Cates
was playing in the summer of 1931
in a little restaurant in St. Joe.
At a price of two dollars a
tiebket for Isham Jones we are
of the opinion that a greater num
ber of students COULD afford to
and WOULD go. The Military
Ball not only opens the formal sea
son, but is the University of Ne
braska's greatest social function
and to keep it such, good bands
must be brought here or instead of
the tradition it now is, the Mili
tary Band will become just an
other dance.
With the support of the student
body back of the committee, and
it would be with a band such as
Jones', it would be possible to
make this coming Ball the great
est in the history of the school,
not only financially but socially.
G. F.
(Continued From Page 1.)
his being the last speech before
the discussion.
Although the number of persons
present was comparatively small,
the discussion did not lag at any
time and at the time set for ad
journment several individuals in
terested in the isues under discus
sion continued their arguments in
the hall of Social Science where
me meeting had been held.
"Denied Privileges."
Three members of the audience
voiced the opinions of me commu
nist party which, they said, "has
been deniea me privilege oi or
ganizing on this campus and en
tering into the movement to stim
ulate interest among me young
"Not only were the fundamen
tals of communism presented but
literature was also given to those
interested in learning more about
mat party. The presence and par
ticipation of these three into the
discussion was heartily welcomed
by all the other groups.
The primary purpose of the or
ganization of these groups has
been to educate students interested
in politics, and not to sway every
one possible into me ranks uf
either of me three parties. And it
is further hoped by me leaders of
these groups, mat more of me
young people in school will vote
and vote more intelligently than
would have otherwise voted, due
o me functions of me groups.
S. M. U. has accumulated $24,
000 in its Student Union fund.
Faculty members at me Univer
sity of Arizona two weeks ago
agreed to donate one day's salary
each month to create a fund for
me relief of needy studenta
When you irant ft In a hurry juat
plume ua. Laincnea. Aiao tne
In box candies.
148 No. 14th V P Ota- r"" mV
Dramatic Club Decides to
Give Religious Drama
In Three Acts.
At tho monthly dinner meeting
of the local chapter of Wesley
Players, held at the Wesley foun
datlon Wednesday evening, tho fol
lowing people were pledged: Yuma
Wlllman, Lois Gates, Fred Fair-
child, Kenneth Adams, Lois Watt,
and Clare Wolf.
Mrs. Ada Malcom, the club's
dramatic coach, announced at the
meeting that "The Rock," by Mary
P. Hanlln, had been selected as the
opening presentation of the organization.
Play Won First Place.
"The Rock." a religious drama in
three acts, is reeotnized as one of
the best current plays of a reli
gious nature, having been award
ed first place by the Religious
Drama League of America. It
was presented by the players in
1927, and was exceptionally well
The cast has not yet been se
lected, but the date of the first
presentation has been tentatively
set as the first week in December.
This drama will be staged not only
lit Lincoln, but In several other
towns in the state.
Durlnjr the season freshman
members of Wesley Players will
present a series of one act plays
at several Lincoln churches.
(Continued from Page 1).
Board and general chairman of
the Hobby Clubs, gave a hearty
welcome to the girls that had ex
pressed their interest by attending
the meeting. Miss Geddes dis
cussed the necessity of a hobby to
break the monotony of the every
dav routine of school life and toia
how it leads to happiness. She then
introduced the leaders of the air-
fcrcnt clubs who gave short talks
concerning their clubs and the
plans for activity during the year.
The girls present at the meeting
then sitmed ud for the club of their
choice and met with the leader of
that club. Each group decided the
time and place of meeting and
general plans were made for the
first meeting.
The opportunity is still open to
girls desiring to be a member of
one or two of the clubs if they
will call the leader of that club as
soon as possible expressing their,
desire to be a member or by at-1
tending the meeting of their choice
at the time for which it is set.
Meetings of all the clubs will be
held in Ellen Smith hall. For these
girls not yet acquainted with the
hall. Miss Janel winter, wnose
desk is in the main room win
gladly tell in which room tne
meeting is being held.
The Charm School will meet
every second and fourth Tuesday
of the month under the supervi
sion of Kathleen Becker, who was
in charge of this group last year
and with a year of experience is
well prepared to make this a most
interesting roups. As her nelper
Miss Becker will have Virgene Mc
Bride, The Music club meets the
second and fourth Thursday of the
month with Arlene Steeple ana
Paula Davis in charge. Both of
these girls are majoring in music
and will prove well versed on tne
subjects pertaining to this club
and will further me pleasure of
the club with their talent. The
first meeting of this club will be
held Nov. 10. The time win dc
given in the Daily Nebraskan of
mat date.
The Sports club will meet on
Thursday. Nov. 7, at 5:30 at Ellen
Smith hall for a roller skating
party finished with a chili feed.
Alice Geddes is in charge of this
group and has a most interesting
schedule planned ror tne Tanner
events. The date of the next meet
ing will be planned at me roller
skating party. For the date and
time of the meetings of the Liter
ature and Art club, which Mar-1
jorie Lowe and the Dramatic club
with Lois Pickering and Clara
Christenson in charge, watch the
calendar of events in this paper.
(Continued from Page 1).
books above the number sold will
be ordered next spring when the
book is taken oif me press," Skade
The price offered now is the
lowest price of me year. Many
students may be wondering how
the Cornhusker can be published
at mat price. The answer lies in
the cooperation mat can be se
cured from me student body
through the number of books that
will bo ordered. The business man
ager asserted that it is up to me
students to earn,' out the f aim mat
the Cornhusker has placed in mem
and to suppport the book one hun
dred percent.
If enough books are sold the
profit sharing plan instituted this
year will prove to be another im
portant feature of me many al
ready offered to the students dur
ing the initial sales campaign. It
is hoped by the staff mat one
thousand books will have been sold
by Saturday night when a check
up of sales will be made.
Only Memory Preservation.
Skade pointed out that me
Cornhusker is the only means in
which memories of college days
may be preserved fnr the future.
Primarily it is a book of memories,
including many pictures of class
mates, fraternity brothers, sorority
suitors, ronmmutes. friends, sweet
hearts and acquaintances. Pictures
of athletic contests you will want
to remember will bo lastingly kept
for easy reference in tho future.
"It is impossible to estimate the
amount of pleasure you will get
when, in turning tho pages of tho
year uook, memories of tne nign
spots in your school life, of special
social events, will bo brought to
your mind years after you have
left college.," ho stated.
To bo sure that everyone under
stands the various nlnns belnir of'
fered to purchasers of the annual
tho business manaeor again ex
plained that books may bo bought
for casn or hy paying: install
ments. One dollar may be paid
now, another dollar on December
first, a third on January fifteenth
and tho balance when tlio book
is delivered next snrinir.
The Sports club was tho first
of tho Hobby croups to hold a
meeting sponsored bv the S's
ter board. With Aliie Geddes in
charge eleven cirla met Thursday
evening, and drove to Antelope
park for a welner ronst. Games
were played and after seatlne; the
girls around the fire had a
friendly chat. Such a splendid
time was had bv all the girls that
u is mo opinion of tne uoara in.n
the group will grow much larger.
Miss Geddes expressed tho de
sire that more jrirls sign up for
the club. Girls wishing to join the
club may do so by calling Mis3
Plan Skating Party.
Plans for a skating party have
been made for the next meeting to
be held Thursday. Nov. 17. The
girls will meet at Kllen Smith
hall at 5 o'clock. From there they
will bo taken to Piedmont where
the paving is splendid fur skat'ng
and the traffic light. After about
an hour of skating the girls will
drive back to town for a chili feed.
Similar plans for future meet
ings have been planned by Miss
Geddes and will be discussed and
the time set for meeting during
the roller skatinpr party.
Petition Asks Saviour From
"Predatory Acts" of
petition presented to Governor O.
Max Gardner last month by L A.
Tatum, retired textile manufac
turer, S00 supposedly prominct
citizens of North Carolina have !
called on the governor to "save
our state from further predatory
acts by these so-called modern
educators against 'things of the
spirit'." Gardner has yet to take
any action on the matter, however.
This action on the part of Ta
tum and his supporters has
brought forth considerable com
ment thruout the state as well as
the entire natoin. All of the state's
larger newspapers have harshly
condemned Tatum and his follow
ers for their doings. And many of
the signers are now desiring to
have their names withdrawn from
me list, claiming that the petition
given to Gardner was not the one
they had signed. Likewise, several
newspapers that Tatum had quat
ed as backing his project, have
since strenuously denied such a
stand on their part.
The petition was circulated by
Tatum as a result f the appear
ances of Norman Thomas, Bct
rand Russell, and Langston Hughes
on the university campus to de
liver lectures to the students.
Publicity of the petition reached
its climax recently when the Lit
erary Divert carried a full account
of the affair.
Janitors at the University of
Minnesota recently drew lots to de
termine which one would carry the
skeletons across the campus to a
new laboratory.
6 Tint Class Barbers
123 No. 14th Et.
Smith's Restaurant
Plate Dinnrr. f i
chanprd daily AJ" to WV
Spwial Sunday Cftt
Dinners V
New Location 140 No. 14 St.
Phone B7516
Examinations Evolved by
Instructors Lessen
Chance to Cheat.
Cribbing is on the decline at
University of Washington, accord
ing to announcements made this
week by the University of Wash
ington Dally.
A faculty committee on cheating
that had been appointed the pre
vious year reported that a now
typo of tests evolved by various
departments practically eliminated
Older Types Dropped.
According to Dr. Richard G.
Tyler, who is chairman of the
committee at Washington, new
types of examinations were in
stituted at the committee's sug
gestion that would make cribbing1
difficult or almost impossible.
Older forms of examinations,
susceptible to cheating hnve been
dropped for the most part.
Recommendations for the cheat
proof tests were made last winter
in a handbook for the faculty
Tho Imnrovement of tho College ,
Kxamlnation" written by William
R. Wilson of the psychology de
partment of Washington. It was
compiled after several years of in
Corncobs, 12 o'clock.
Awgwan staff, 5 o'clock.
Vesperjchoir, 12 o'clock.
A. W. S. board, 12 o'clock.
Kappa Phi, 12 o'clock.
Girls C. C, 12:10 o'clock.
Some Day
You Will Want
A Garment
Cleaned in a nu
For some special
We Can Do It.'
Modern Cleaners
Soukup A Westover
Call F2377 for Service
Sunday Morning
Addresses That
Will Appeal to
Are you facing the prob
lems of our day?
If you are, you will be
Interested in these subjects:
Nov. 6
YOND. Nov. 20
Nov. 27
Dec 4
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
Unitarian Church
12th and H 11:00 O'clock
Set The Pace I gSI
TO FALL X:-)4:
L I ' ry-