The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1932, Image 2

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
Organized Houses Asked to
Help in Restoring of
National Sport.
Freshmen Ag Students Aid
In Getting Support of '
Petitions bearing the names of
student favoring the reinstate
ment of baseball into the varsity
athletic program will be presented
to Chancellor K. A. Burnett some
time next week, according- to
P. W. Meredith, instigator of the
plan for getting the sport back.
Work of (fathering- all of the
petitions from all organized houses
will b accomplished Friday and
Saturday, Meredith says. Over
forty houses have the petitions and
have been asked to support the
movement to get the national
pastime hack into the athletic pro
gram. Freshmen students in the
college of agriculture distributed
the petitions to the houses some
time ago.
Students Favcr Return.
"Despite the fact that there has
been a lull In the activity of get
ting the petitions gathered from
all houses, the enthusiasm for the
return of the sport is not de
creasing." Meredith declared
Thursday night. "We are abso
lutely certain that the majority of
the uptown students are in favor
of the plan, and men and women
on both campuses are working
together harmoniously in the
If the petitions contain as many
signatures as expected, they
should have considerable Influence
with the administration, backers
of the plan point out. The goal,
when the plan was first instigated,
was for 2,000 names on the peti
tions. Meredith said Thursday that
he expected the quota of signa
tures to be secured by this week
Republican Candidates for
President and State
Offices Win.
The senior law class of the Uni
versity of Nebraska registered
their opinions on the present polit
ical situation at a meeting yester
day afternoon in the law college
which resulted in a republican
landslide. The effect of this poll
is especially noteworthy due to the
fact that these men will at an
early date be themselves actively
engaged in political pursuits and
their enunications denote the
trend of a considerable portion of
ur future public officials.
Bryan Fail to Score.
The official results as computed
by the president of the senior law
lass. Arthur Griswold, and the
secretary, Dick Rlcketts were as
fftiinvvs- Hoover 22 votes, Roose
velt 14. In the srubernatorial poll
the republican candidate, Dwight
Griswold received 24 votes while
the present incumbent, Governor
Brvan failed to recieve a single
.t ThA noil in recard to the of'
f ice ' of attorney general netted
Paul Good 18 votes while his oppo
npnt Sorensen 13.
As a climax, the meeting de-
irpd itself in favor of the eignt
enth amendment by a close vote
of 18 to 14.
NEW YORK. Because it failed
to comply with a faculty censor
ship order, The Ticker, student
newspaper at the New York City
college school of business, last
vk was susciended by Dean
Justin H. Moore.
He had demanded that all copy
for the paper be submitted to
members of tne lacuuy Deiore
nuhlication. Editors refused to ac
cept the order on the ground that
it vL-tut r.ot "consistent with the
irtAnia uf student freedom and
editorial liberty."
Cribbino During Exams Is Symptom of
Common Disease,
"Cribbing on the pait of college
students is a sytnpton Of a disease
which afflicts people in all walks
of life," said Dr. C. H. Patterson
of the philosophy department in a
talk at a joint meeting of two Y.
M. C A. groups, the Freshman
council and the Engineer's Huddle,
which was held in the Temple
building, Wednesday evening. "The
disease is none other than that of
a self -centered life, in other words,
an attempt to get something for
nothing or to get out of life more
than is put into it."
"The business man who tries to
accumulate a fortune by putting
something over on the pubhc, the
lawyer who cbarees as much as he
thinks he can get by with, the doc
tor who thinks more of himself
than he d"e the wplfure of his pa
tients, the politician who seeks of
Xic to advance his own personal
Services of Lincoln Churches to
Be Held Sunday Particularly for
University of Nebraska Students
Lincoln churches will co-operate
with the University of Nebraska
next Sunday, Nov. in holding the
annual All University Church day.
Special sermons and music appro
priate for the occasion will domi
nate the programs In most of the
Lincoln churches, which have ex
tended special invitations to all
university people to attend.
At the Methodist churches tn the
city special services will be held in
both the church and young peo
ple's meetings. An added feature
is known as Affiliation day when
all who wish may affiliate with the
Methodist churches during the
school year, retaining their mem
bership in their home churches.
Special speakers have been se
cured for the University day pro
gram at the United Brethren
church. In the morning, Professor
Doty of York college will speak, at
11 o'clock. In the evening Prof. W,
B. Johns of the Teachers college
high school will talk, speaking
from the standpoint of the faculty
members. He will be followed by
Miss Wilhelmina Keenstcr, who
will speak from the standpoint of
the students. The evening service
will begin at 7:30 o'clock. There
will also be special music for the
Feature Cathedral Choir.
"Changing Human Nature" will
be the title of a special sermon for
university students at Westminster
Presbyterian church Sunday morn,
irg, to be given by Rev. Paul
Johnson. Dr. Dean R, Lcland will
assist in the service, and the
Great Cathedral Choir will be
heard in special music for the oc
casion. First Presbyterian will hold
Auditor's Statement Not of
Immediate Concern to
School, He Says.
Declaring that warrants may
have to be registered by the state
for navments from the general
fund, Deputy State Auditor Harry
Parsons issued a warning Wednes
day that expenditures from the
fund mu6t be cut down. Such war
rants which are issued in lieu of
cash payments bear interest and
are payable by the state as soon
as the general tuna is re-esiao-lished.
University professors as state
employes would be subject to pay
ment in such manner in au proD
ability, according to Chancellor
Burnett. The possibility of such
a state of affairs was minimized,
however, by the chancellor, who
declared that since the legislature
is to meet in such a short time,
measures would likely be taken for
meeting the emergency.
Even if such warrants were is
sued in payment, before the legis
lature meets, the chancellor said,
in all probability they would be
paid up in a short time after the
legislature had met
Have Been Issued in Past.
Warrants have been issued in
times past to pay state employes,
at one time such warrants only be
ing received by banks at a dis
count. Parsons declared that the pres
ent or "term deficit" in the gen
eral fund amounts to $1,610,077.17,
based on the difference between re
ceipts of the general fund, mostly
tax collections, and expenditures
for the period July 1931 to Nov.
1 of this year.
Explaining details of the audi
tor's report. Parsons pointed out
that the balance at the beginning
of the biennium was $2,103,665.22.
Deducting $1,610,077.17 leaves a
balance of $493,4S9.05.
Young Democratic Club
Sponsors Dance for
Tuesday Might.
The Young People's Democratic
club of the University of Ne
braska, announced late today that
they would sponsor an election
return party at the. Hotel Lincoln
ballroom, next Tuesday evening,
Nov. 8, beginning at 8:30 o'clock.
Eddie Jungbluth has been se
cured to play for the occasion, and
from time to time the election re
sults as they come in by Western
Union will be posted on a large
1 blackboard.
Says Dr. Patterson.
interests, or the teacher who is in
terested in his salary ri-thcr in the
development of the mental powers
of his students all these are af
flicted with the same disease as
the college student who tries to
get credit for something that he
does not deserve. And they all try
to justify themselves by saying
"everyone else does it, so why
shouldn't I? As tho any voice
might become a virtue if only
enough people would do it!
"The remedy for this disease lies
not alone in making it difficult for
the individual to get by, altho pro
hibitive regulations doubtless help
a great deal. But to get at the root
of the trouble it is necessary to go
deeper. Not until Individuals be
come socially minded instead of
self-centered will they cease trying
to gt from Roriety more than they
rightfully deserve," Dr. Patterson
services for the students Sunday
morning with special music and
Included in the All University
day program at Second Presby
terian will be a free lunch and
special young peoplss program at
6 o'clock in the evening. Special
church services will also ba held.
Election Sermon Planned,
The annual election sermon will
be presented at First Plymouth
Congregational church Sunday
morning. Wilbur Chenoweth will
be heard at the organ and a caril
lon choir of fifty will present spe
cial music. At 6:30 o'clock in the
evening the forum election will be
(Continued on Page 4.)
Lively Audience Expresses
Views Not Previously
The open forum and discussion
held jointly by th three organized
political groups on the campus,
was a lively meeting in which not
only the three representative
speakers explained the stand of
their parties on present problems
but into which 1he audience en
tered, bringing out views and ideas
that have gone unvoiced hereto
fore. Charles Gray, 3ocialfst, was the
first speaker recognized by John
Gepson, who presided as chairman.
He gave a very pointed talk in
which he did not stick to any set
procedure, delving immediately
into the heart of the issues being
debated at the present time.
The second representative, who
presented the democratic side of
the discussion, was Howard Holtz
endorf. After calling attention to
the fact that prohibition was not
an issue in the present campaign,
he proceeded to criticize the gen
eral farm board.
"Farm Board Success."
Ignoring the socialist party and
slating it has no place in the pres
ent campaign, Charles Steadman
confined his address principally to
the protective tariff, pointing out
that a high protective tariff is in
dispensable for the good of the
country. His final statement was
that the farm board has been a
success which assertion immedi
ately started a lively discussion,
(Continued on Page 2.)
Organization Takes in Six
After Tryouts Before
Entire Group.
Six pledges were selected by the
dramatic club at its regular meet
ing Thursday night tn the club
rooms of the Temple. They were
selected after dramatic tryouts
before the entire club.
Those who were selected re
Katie Fern Clark, Delta Gamma:
Howard Wheeler, Alpha Sigma
Phi: Marion Brown, Delta Delta
Delta; Gwendolyn Meyerson. Sig
ma Delta Tau; Francis Sturde
vant. Alpha Sigma Phi, and Ray
The club committee which se
lected the pledges was composed
of Reglnold Porter, Jane Rob
ertson, Lee Young, Neil McFar-
land, Fred Nicklas and Gay Mil
ler. Second Tryout.
This is the second pledge tryout
which the club has held this year,
the first being two weeks ago
when nine were selected. This
makes a total of fifteen pledges,
which, according to Lee Young,
club president, will probably make
up the group for the semester.
These six students were select
ed after they had presented some
sort of dramatic effort to the
committee, including poems, char
acter sketches and humorous
skits. They were judged on their
DOise. staee appearance, voice.
reading ability and general char
acterization. Each presentation
lasted from three to five mtnuies,
In addition to being scholastic
ally eligible, the pledges must
produce skits before the members
of the club which meet with their
approval before they will be lniu
ated in the spring.
The average graduate comes out
of college prepared to do approx
imately the work of an unskilled
laborer, except that his muscles
are usually too soft to do any
strenuous work so said Joseph
Scott, republican Trty leader to .
interview. Jscott, white
Paired sqrlWd. Dd
Iron co' approxiUng
the American DV
N an authority on
feels hinistu
college men.
He Irias put four sons
"The taxpavers," he went on to
.v "shovel "out , money by the
ha-relfull ia this country for edu
cation. We ought to be able to
,CVe)op intelligence and pub-
lic-spiritedness an long the under
graduates of our oiollcges."
Correspondence Reveals That
Cornhusker Is Priced
At Low Figure.
Cheap Price Is Result
Cooperation of All
Student Body.
Correspondence with business
msnagers of annual publications in
twenty-five other schools has re
vealed that the 1933 Cornhusker is
the lowest priced book, not only in
the Big Six, but in any of these
schools, Charles Skade. said yes
terday. The Hawkeye, published
at the University of Iowa, is
priced at $4.50, and the others are
being sold for between five and six
"From these figures it is evi
dent that the students of Nebras
ka university are getting a real
bargain that cannot and will not
be duplicated after the opening
sale, which is quickly drawing to
a close, has ended. Everyone is
udged to order a Cornhusker from
a Tassel, a Corncob or a staff
member during the next two days,"
he declared.
One of these, salesmen may be
found at all hours of the day at
the booths in Social Science, An
drews Hall or at the Cornhusker
office in the basement of Univer
sity Hall.
Books for Orders Only.
"Get your book now don't be
left behind. Absolutely no extra
(Continued on Page 2.)
Big Sister Board Completes
Plans for Avocations
To Be Pursued.
The Hobby Clubs sponsored by
the Big Sister Board were defi
nitely organized Wednesday eve
ning when a mass meeting was
held of all those girls interested
in Hobby Clubs. About 50 girls
were present. Miss Elsie Ford Pi
per, assistant dean of women, who
is very greatly interested in the
work, addressed the girls after
being introduced by Deloris Dead
man, president of the board.
Miss Ford in speaking to the
girls, stressed the individuality of
having a hobby since it is some
thing that one chooses for oneself.
After talking of the clubs in gen
eral she stressed the Charm School
in particular. Here is afforded an
opportunity for girls to develop
their poise, manners, attractive
ness, and charm in general that is
so necessary to a woman.
Following Miss Piper's talk,
Alice Geddes, a member of the
(Continued on Page 2.)
Registration 325 Reported
By A. A. Reed. Director
Of Extension.
The extension department re
ports that there are 325 enrolled
in the forty night classes of the
"I am very well pleased with the
results of the classes," said A. A.
Reed, director of the extension di
vision. There are fifteen towns
aside from Lincoln represented in
the classes. Rov E. Cochran's class
in "History of the American Revo
lution" has the largest enrollment.
Many Large Classes.
Other large classes are those of
fered in accounting, business Eng
lish, history 9, economics 11, pho
tography, dramatics, short story
writing, advanced educational psy
chology, home furnishing selection
and education.
Wimberly One of Three Who
Will Consider Stories
In New Contest.
L. C. Wimberly, as editor of the
"Prairie Schooner," has been asked
by Professor R. S. Howes of Wash
ington university to act as one of
three judges in the short story
contct, sponsored by the St. Louis
Wriu rs' Guild. Mr. Howe said that
they are attempting to get a
larger representation from the
middljwest. The other judges are
George Mil born, wellknown Ameri
can writer .and John T. Frederick,
editor of the "Midland," published
at Chicago, HI.
Dad's Day Edition
Free to Students
Free copies of he Dad's Day
edition of the Daily Nebraska"
will be given any student at thel
Daily Nebraskan office anyi
time this week. Lincoln stu
dents are urged to give these!
copies to their fathers.
Came. Captain.
1 V M
v :
Courty of Th Journul,
Chris Mathia.
Chris Mathis, Tecumseh back
field star who has been turning
out a fine, performance all during
the season this year will act as
game captain at the Iowa game
Saturday. One senior football
player is acting in this capacity
for'every game this season.
Publication Will Appear on
Stand November 21,
Kotouc States.
A "Blind Date" chart will fea
ture the November issue of the
Awgwan which will be placed on
sale Nov. 21. A list of the names
of girls who accept "blind dates,"
their telephone numbers and ad
dresses will appear in the issue to
satisfy the desires of the men stu
dents of the university, according
to Otto Kotouc, business manager
of the magazine.
The cover of the magazine,
which has been drawn by Marvin
Robinson, former editor of the
magazine, portrays the military
ball, A special section inside of
the magazine will be devoted to
the military ball.
Sororities Select Pledges.
Several sororities have each se
lected a pledge as the prettiest
girl in their group and their pic
tures will appear on one of the
front pages. As usual, a girl will
be chosen as the "Girl of the
Month." The identity of the girls
who will be honored will not be
disclosed until the issue is put on
"Many organized houses have
sent in their orders since the block
sales campaign Has closed. This
brings the block total very close
to the number sold in former
years," stated Kotouc.
Young Citizen Aspirants Are
Examined for State
Wide Contest.
Dr. Charles Fordyce of the
teachers college completed final
tests for candidates in the "Young
Citizens' Contest," Tuesday, being
held in connection with the annual
Ak-Sar-Ben livestock show this
week in Omaha. Several student
assistants aided in the giving of
the examination.
Candidates for the final examin
ation were selected by A. A. Reed
from various state districts. All of
these results were tabulated in the
university extension division. Ac
cording to Doctor Fordyce, per
formances of six candidates in
dicated a "norm' 'equal to that of
the college student. The contest
was limited to high school stu
dents. Dr. R. G. Clapp and Miss Mabel
Lee of the department of physical
education, had charge of the phys
ical examinations of the candi
dates. The competition was based
on physical fitness, intellect and
civic achievements of the young
sters. A complete program of enter
tainment has been afforded the
various candidates, theater parties,
banquets, attendance at the Ak-Sar-Ben
shows and other features
being provided.
Members U. S. Geographical
Department Come Here
To Check Work.
Two members of the United
States eeoloerical survey depart
ment have been in Lincoln the past
week cherkinr the work being
done in co-operation with the Uni
versitv of Nebraska.
Dr. W. G. Alden, who is In
charge of the study of plastocine
deposits spent tne weeK in me neia
with Dr. G. E. Condra, director of
conservation and survey, and Dr.
A. L. Lugn. assistant professor of
geology, checking the geological
survey work which has been done
in the past three years by the Uni
versity of Nebraska, He returned
to Washington Saturday.
Dr. O. E. Meinzer, head of the
water survey department of the
United States, spent the week
checking the progress of the sur
vey of the Platte valley, being
made with the co-operation of the
University of Nebraska survey de
partment The work will be com
pleted this year and the reports
published in book form.
Mathis (Jhiiic Captain, Suffers Injury and Is Not
Expected to Start in Saturday's (lame AgainM
Hawkeyes; In ever He Will Make Iowa Trip.
Nebraska Party Mill Leave on Hook Inland Friday
Night With Twenty-Six Players and Staff With
Managers. Physf v ; Sauer and Ely May Rest.
This appears to be open season
oh game captains at Nebraska.
Last week it was Corwin Hulbert
who decorated the bench as the re
sult of an infected arm and now
little Chris Mathis, captain for the
Iowa game, has been injured to
the extent that he is not expected
to see service against the Hawk-
Mathis suffered a groin injury in
Wednesday's scrimmage and his
chances of playing Saturday are
slim. He will mske the trip to
Iowa City, however.
The Husker party which leaves
over the Rock Island at 12:35 Fri
day night will include twenty-six
players, three coaches, two physi
cians, Business Manager Selleck,
Ed Sickel, senior manager and one
equipment man.
Sauer Fit.
George Sauer's hand has been
Instructor Believes Straw
Vote of University
Not Expressive.
That the various newspaper
straw vote polls, including the Lit
erarv Dieest roll, show more ac
curately the trend of the ideas of
the citizens than do those staged
by universities was expressed by
J. F. Senning, cnairman 01 me co
litical Science department. "This,"
he said, "is due to the fact that
the students voted on an ideal
standard. They think abstracted
ly, while the older people vote ac
cordine to the way their immedi'
ate interests are affected by polit
ical conditions. That is, they think
in the concrete. When the students
actually become affected by the
immediate results of the election
then they will also think in the
"Also manv students vote as
their father votes. They are per
haps voting for the first time for
a president and many are partici
pating in the poll who do not have
the right to vote in the regular
election. This is probably the rea
ann Tt-hv there is a difference in
the results of the university and
other polls." !
As to the chances of people!
changing their minds immediately
before the election, Mr. Senning
said, "It is my own belief that the
great amount of enerpy that has
been made by political parties in
campaigning "has had very little
effect in changing the minds of tne
people in their intentions to vote.
"The vote next Tuesday for
many people is more in the nature
of a nrotest vote rather than a
vote for a candidate and those who
desire to protest have made up
their minds long ago any iKu-
ment is ineffective. Otherwise "
would be hard to explain tne re
sults of the straw votes.
I believe that the largest vote
that has ever been cast will be cast
this year. This is due to the fact
that the 'economic pinch' is so
acute that people fiid their only
hope through ballot"
According to Jir. benning,
results of the universities pons
will not affect the opinions of peo
ple out of school in any way aue
to the difference in opinion.
Dr. Fordvee Addresses
Boy Leadership Group
TV fhnrien Fordvee, instructor
of psychology and education,
nAL-. "tv, Kature of" Kofnrs th class in pnnci
pies of boy leadership which met
tho hifh school Tues
day evening. This was the first
meeting of the school training
school in bov leadership, for which
more than 100 men nave regis
Campus Y. W. C. A.
That It Sponsors
The Y(
W C. A. on this campus
a complete piv6'"
. n..:tiec parh vear. oo-
cial dancing classes, weekly ves-
n fT-achman rnmmiSSiOn EXOUDS
and social welfare are supported
by this organized group of 'omen
Dancing classes are held each
Friday from 7 to 8:30 in Grant
Memorial Hall with members of
the "Y" giving instructions. All
students of the university who
wish to learn dancing may attend.
The only devotion period on the
campus which girls may attend is
the weekly vesper service at Ellen
Smith Halt Special programs are
arranged for these meetings. The
vesper choir, composed of all uni
versity girls, furnishes the music
at each service. Freshmen com
mission meetings are held to en
able the new rirls on the campus
to become acquainted and discuss
taken out of ..nlints and pro
nounced fit but Coach Bible indi
cated that he would not use the
husky backfield are as "we are
taking no chances." The Husker
mentor wants to be sure his hard
hitting back is In shape for the
ritt battle.
Bible plans to give Lawrence
Ely, center, a rest if at all pos
sible and use Franklin Meier, who
has been playing a great game at
the same position, in his place.
Kilbourne Injured.
Bruce Kilbourne, end, is another
veteran who will probably be kept
on the sidelines. He has been both
ered with a knee injury.
Thursdays workout was de
voted to light warming up exer
cises after which the varsity was
content to watch the Nubbins and
Freshmen run thru Iowa plays for
its benefit.
Gridders to Make Trip.
The following gridders we re
nominated for the Iowa Citv
jaunt: Hulbert, Ely, Bosweli.
Campbell, Copple, DeBus, Fahrn
bruch, Hokuf. C. Hulbert, Hubka,
Joy, Kilbourne, Masterson, Miller,
Meier, Murray, Mathis, Mebnng,
O'Brien, Overstreet, Pflum, Pen
ney. Schlueter, Staab, Sauer and
Nebraska's starting eleven will
probably find Hokuf and Penney,
ends: O'Brien and Schlueter,
tackles; DeBus and Bishop,
guards: Ely, center; Masterson,
Jack Miller, Fahrnbruch and Bos
well, backs.
The squad will arrive home
Sunday morning at 10:30.
Captains Extend Deadline
Of Campaign to First
Of November.
Captains and leaders for the Y.
W. Fall Fund Festival met ror
lunch at Ellen Smith hall to turn
in results of the campaigns so far.
The time for the drive has been ex
tended to Monday. Nov. 7.
The speaker for the occasion
was Mrs. Green, a former Y. W.
erretarv in this university and at
present a member of the board of
directors. Mrs. Green stressed that
she was talking to girls who were
sincere in their work and who be
lieve in the work of the organiza
tion. She said that in talking witn
girls, the solicitors should urge
them to sacrifice something of
their worldly desires for an intan
gible thin in order to keep a char
acter building institution alive-
She continued by saying: "The .
W. has had a long and glorious
life here, and it cannot die." Her
speech was concluded with the
statement that the city Y could
do its duty much more easily if
the university 1 did its pan.
Sophomores High.
After a report had been made by
each class leader, the sophomores
were found to be the high class
and Beth Schmid the high girl in
the campaign.
The girls are all working indus
triously on the drive and their
work will not be without reward
for the highest girl In the highest
class will receive $20 toward a trip
to the Y. W. convention at Estes
The time limit for the drive has
been extended to Monday. There
are still three days in which every
Nebraska girl can have an oppor
tunity to give to the Y. W. C. A.
Every one can give if she is only
willing to sacrifice some little ma
terial pleasure in her life. One
girl who was sincerely interested
in Y. W. work had exactly $50
over and above her tuition, on
which to live one semester and she
maanged to give $10 to the Y. W.
C. A. If everyone would only de
velop this spirit, the drive couU
be unusually successful.
Outlines Activities
for University Girls
their problems. The Y. W. C A.
gives cloUies, food abd monej
some needy family each year. "
Organized Girls.
The Y. W. C. A., as a 1 or
ganized group of gins, is able to
sponsor ail these activities by
money received from the commun
ity chest membership fees, gifts
and contributions from sustaining
members. The budget of this year
is $3,381. The salary o the "Y"
secretary must be paid, the tntira
program financed. magazines,
books and equipment purchased
and the relief program supported
by this budget.
Each university girls is urged
by members of the Y. W. C: A,
to take part in some or all of these
activities. All university girls
snouid support the Y. W. C. A. ifi
all activities.