The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1932, Dad's Day Edition, Image 1

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Dad's Day
Dad's Da
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
Sk A 7V1
Filing for Position to Close
At Noon on Saturday,
November 5.
Identity of Student Chosen
To Be Kept Secret
Until Revue.
Minn for Nebraska Sweet
vrt tn hn elected bv the men
students at a general election on
Tuesday, Nov. 15 will close at
noon on Nov. 5, It was announced
yesterday by members of Kosmet
KlUD. rne jaenuiy vi wc
elected will be kept secret until
the Thanksgiving Morning nevuc.
Candidates must file at the Stu-
riant Activities office.
Willa McHenry, Nelson, member
of Kappa Alpha Theta, and last
years JNeDrasKa sweeineuri, win
hn the mieen of the Kosmet court
at the revue. She will take part
in me presentation ceremonies ui
the newly elected sweetheart.
"In order to be eligible to file for
Nebraska Sweetheart, a girl stu
dent must be passing in at least
twelve hours during the present
semester and have at least twenty
seven credit hours and not more
than eighty-nine," Arthur Pinker
ton, member of the Klub, stated
Present Revue Nov. 24.
Pinkerton is chairman of the
committee which is in charge of
the election cf the Nebraska
Sweetheart for the revue, which
will be held Thanksgiving morn
ing, Nov. 24, at the Stuart thea
ter. Other members of the com
mittee are: WooUrow Magee, Don
Kasterday, Frank Crabill and Earl
"We want the eligibility rules to
be clearly understood by all wom
en students before filing," Pinker
ton stated. "It will avoid any un
necessary confusion or trouble
later if they are understood now."
According to the eligibility rul
ing, only sophomore and junior
(Continued On Page 4.)
Editor to Combine Sorority
And Fraternity
The fraternity and sorority sec
tions of the Cornhusker will be
united into one section this year
under a new plan, according to
Ralph Spencer, editor. The greek
letter groups will appear in al
phabetical order. House mothers"
pictures will also be combined into
one group.
Placards with pictures of the
students who have had them taken
recently have been placed i'l So
cial Science hall, Law building, and
Andrews hall to remind the stu
dents who haven't yet had pictures
taken to do so. Some of the snap
shots are being shown with the
pictures in this manner.
Herbert Myers, snapshot editor,
has been gathering pictures for
his section, a uivision of the book
that is slated to be one of the fea
ture sections of the book. Nearly
twice as many pictures as has ever
been used will appear this year.
Several individual pictures of the
members of the varsity squad of
the Huskers will be taken this
week. Action pictures of all the
games to date have been sent In
to the engravers at Kansas City.
Spencer stated that the photo
graphers were requesting that the
student picture be taken before
the Christmas rush starts. Prob-
Continued on Page 2.)
Delta Sigma Pi Will Hold
Dinner Monday in
Celebratlnjr the founding: of Delta
Sigma PI, professional commerce
fraternity, the Alpha Delta chapter
located on the University of Ne
braska campus will hold a Silver
Anniversary dinner at the Lindell
hotel Monday evening, No. 7, at
e:du o clock, according to an an
nouncement by Pierce Jones, head
master of the Nebraska chapter.
Several thousand alumni and ac
tive members on many campuses
will Join with the fifty-five chap
ters of the fraternity In celebrat
ing the event, according to Grand
President. E. L. Schujchn of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Founded In 1907.
Delta Sigma Pi was founded at
New York University Nov. 7. 1907,
by Alexander F. Makay and three
other students, and was organized
to foster the study of business in
universities, to encourage scholar
ship and the association cf stu
dents for their mutual advance
ment by research and practice, to
promote closer affiliation between
the commercial world and students
(Continued on Page 2.)
The annual engineers' barbecue
will be held In the Coliseum at
6:15 o'clock tonight. The program
includes speeches by Dean Fergu
son, it. j. j. Frankfurter, ana
Prof. Haney. In addition there
will be boxing and wrestling
matches and two quartettes. Russ
Lindskog, who is a graduate of the
engineering college, now with the
Liberty Players, will be master of
Organization Plans Series of
Pep Meetings Before
Panther Game.
"Beat Pitt" was the thought up
permost in tlie minds of the Corn
Cobs when they met Wednesday
night and laid plans for a whole
week of nre-game rallies.
School spirit gave indications of
undergoing a marked revival after
the pep organization meeting. Ac
cording to tentative proposals,
short pep sessions will be held at
various times during we day an
next week.
"For the past three years. Corn
Cobs have borne the brunt of cam
pus scorn because of their failure
to get behind rallies properly,"
President Bob Pilling stated late
Wednesday night. "But now we
are going to show the whole school,
the city, and the state just wnat
Corn Cobs mean to the univer
sity." Spirited discussion from the
floor pointed to the necessity for
a Pitt defeat this year if the
school's football prestige Is to be
maintained. The motion to back
"Rally Week" passed without a
dissenting vote.
Push Cornhusker Sale.
An appeal for members of the
organization to help push the Corn
husker sale better than in past
years was also laid before the pep-
sters at their Wednesday meeting,
held at the Delta Sigma Lambda
A motion to fine representatives
ml'sing meetings was also passed
by the group. A fine of fifty cents
for each meeting missed was
passed, the absent members to
lose their privilege of attending
the annual spring party if the ab
sence be twice repeated.
It was also announced that the
group Cornhusker picture of the
organization will be taken Friday
evening at 5. Members were urged
to appear in uniform for the pic
ture. Nebraskan Staff Members
To Imitate Political
Thursday noon is the deadline
for purchasing tickets to the an
nual journalism banquet which is
being sponsored by Theta Sigma
Phi, journalism sorority. They can
be obtained either in the Journal
ism office which is at the east
entrance of U hall or from a mem
ber of Theta Sigma Phi.
This banquet, of special interest
to journalism students, but which
is also open to others, will take
place Thursday night, Nov. 3, at
the University club. An election
theme has been carried out and the
decorations and toast program
have been planned accordingly.
Staff members of the Nebras
kan will impersonate popular po
litical characters speaking on po
litical issues of the day. Jack
Erickson acting as toastmaster
will discuss the subject of "From
Beer to the Bier." He will call for
responses from various "Monkeys
in the Political Tree."
Dolly Gann raising her hatchet
in defense of the saloon, will be
Impersonated by Bernard Jennings.
Howard Allaway, who will speak
as Roosevelt, will discuss. "The
Genesis of the Forgotten Man," or
"A New Deal From the Old Deck."
Hoover will be impersonated by
Phil Brownell speaking on the pop
ular phrase of the day, "Things
Couldn't Be Worse" "Monkeys on
the Pole." or "Political Forecast"
will be discussed by Lawrence Hall
who will speak as Will Rogers.
Professor Gayle C. Walker, di
( Continued on Page 4.)
Readings Must Be Given
By Applicants for
Tryouts for membership into
the University of Nebraska Dra
matic club will be held tonight at
7:30 In the Temple theater. Lee
Young, president of the organiza
tion, announced that all the candi
dates who tried out two weeks ago,
except those who were definitely
accepted, are to report for the
The requirements, as set forth
by the tryout committee are that
each applicant be able to give
from memory a reading of from
three to ftve minutes in length.
The committee members in charge
of the tryouts are Lee Young. Dor
othv Zoellner. Jane Robertson.
Calista Cooper, Gay Miller and
Rege Porter.
COB Mono
Organization Backs Plan Of
Innocents for
, Coliseum.
Dixie Ramblers to Play for
Next Affair On
Dad's Day.
Proceeds from All-University
parties this year will go into the
fund for permanently decorating
the coliseum, the Barb council de
cided at a meeting Wednesday
Declaring themselves heartily in
favor of the plan advanced by the
Innocents society last week, coun
cil members were enthusiastic
about their part in the project.
"As sponsors of the All-Univer
sity parties we have long felt the
necessity for such decorations,"
said Jack Coupland, council presi
dent, "and we will make every ef
fort to make this year's parties
successful enough to permit a
large contribution to the decora
tions fund."
Coupland pointed out that the
greater number of students at
tending future parties, the greater
the chance for a large surplus at
the end of the year. He also ex
plained that since decorations for
this year's affairs have already
been arranged for, they will be
continued as m the past.
Next Party on Nov. 12.
The next All-University party
will be held on the evening of
Dad's Day, Saturday, Nov. 12. Ar
rangement!! completed at the Wed
nesday evening meeting of the
council Indicate that the party will
be the biggest so far held, accord
ing to Coupland.
Red Perkins and his Dixie Ram
blers will play, and the field house
will be decorated in blue and white
to aid the acoustic effect and har
monize with the orchestra seating.
In keeping with the trend to re
duce student social expenditure,
the council Tuesday announced a
reduction of prices to thirty-five
cents for men and twenty-five
cents for women.
'We wish to stress that this
party is for every student on the
campus. Greek and barb alike,"
the council announced Wednesday.
Ducats for Week-End Tussle
Available Until
Tickets to the Nebraska-Iowa
game are now on sale 1 n the of
fice of John K. Selleck, director of
athletics and student activities, ac
cording to an announcement issued
by that office Wednesday. Tickets
in the reserved section for the
game are selling for $2.75, includ
ing tax, and may be secured until
Friday evening of this week.
Reservations on the special train
being run for the Cornhusker
Hawkeye game by the Rock Island
Lines are now open. The reserva
tions may be obtained at the Rock
Island ticket offices. Round trip
rail fares for the game from Lin
coln to Iowa City are selling at
$8.80 In the coaches and $11.98 in
the pullmans. The train leaves
Lincoln at 12:35 a. m. Nov. 0, and
arrives at 9:40 the same morning.
The train will return to Lincoln
about 9:00 Sunday morning.
Reports from the student activ
ities office indicate that advance
sales for the game are very light.
The reason for the small pale is
attributed to fact that the trip of
fers little more than the game and
to the huge representation at the
Kansas-Nebraska game which un
doubtedly drained the pocketbooks
of Huskcr followers.
Columbia To Take Pari
In Transoceanic Debate
A transoceanic debate, with Co
lumbia university orators on one
side of the Atlantic and Cambridge
speakers on the other, this week
was scheduled for the night of Dec.
17. The question to be debated
will be announced shortly.
Dear Dads:
The university as a whole, the Innocents society, and
the various organisations on the campus are., issuing
special invitations to every student's father to come to
Lincoln for Dads Day, Nov. 12. A number of attractive
inducements are being advertised for the weekend of
Nov. 12, in an effort to arouse your interest and make it
really worth your while to be here.
But we know that the invitation that will really get
you here is the personal invitation from your own son
or daughter, and that the inducement that will really
attract you is the opportunity to see the things your
children are interested in and closely associated with.
It is for that reason particularly that the Innocents
society welcomes you and urges you to make a special
effort to be here. If your own son or daughter neglects
to write to you. kindly excuse them on the grounds that
thsy are very busy and sometimes forgetful. Consider
this a personal invitation to be here Nov. 12.
To the Dads of University of Nebraska Students:
As governor, I want to weloome you to the big
game Saturday, Nov. 12. As dads of the students at
our great state university you will be offered special
attention that day. You will enjoy the game, all of
the festivities of the day and the hospitality of the
whole university community. Your presence will be
an additional inspiration to our Nebraska team in its
battle with a worthy foe. A better acquaintance
with your university will help you to understand its
problems and give you more reasons for pride in its
New York Dramatic Critics
Comment Favorably
on Production.
"As Husbands Go." the next
play to be given by the University
Pinver will start the week of
November 14, instead of Novem
ber 7, and run continuously to
Saturday, November 19, according
to Miss H. Alice Howell, director
of the players.
Written by Kacnei uromers,
prominent author, "As Husbands
Cin" is a romnarativelv new Dlav.
It first appeared on the New York
stage in 1931, wnere aner a long
mn in thp John Golden theater, it
was reviewed by New York critics
as being an exceptionally success
ful play.
Contrast Minds,
The plav concerns the home
comine- of two old ladies from
Dubuque after a summer vacation
in Paris, where they not only fell
in love with the city itself but two
Parisian eierolos as well. When
they return to the United States
the Eisrolos come witn mem, ana
the audience is treated to a view
of European and American minds.
According to Mark Van Doren,
who reviewed the play in The
Nation, "The new comedy by
kachel Crothers, 'As Husbands
Go' will undoubtedly have the suc
cess Miss Crothers usually has. It
is full of clever lines, nice people,
clear sentiment, and an intelligent
Francis Fergusson of the Book
man says "Miss Crothers' new
play is both sane and realistic. She
tells the familiar tale of American
women who are bored with the
men they know at home and go to
Europe in search of excitement
and understanding."
The cast for the new play has
not been announced as yet, ac
cording to Miss Howell but will
probably be next week. According
to Charles Hoff, business manager
of the Players, a few good seats
are still available for each night.
Classes Will Be Dismissed
At Noon So Students
May Participate.
A huge Armistice day program
is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 11.
the day preceding Dad's day and
the Pittsburgh-Nebraska game,
Col. W. C. Oury said in a state
ment Issued Wednesday. The day's
events will Include a parade of the
whole R. O. T. C. corps and a foot
ball rally in the stadium following
the downtown parade.
All university classes will be
dismissed at 12 o'clock noon in or
der that all students may partici
pate in the program, Oury said.
Although definite plans as to the
line of march and parade forma
tions have not as yet been set, the
parade will compare favorably
with the Armistice day program of
last year.
"It Is my prediction." Colonel
Oury declared, "that the program
this year will surpass any parade
of previous years."
First Call at 1:15.
First call for the parade will be
made at 1:15 Friday afternoon
and assembly at 1:30. Announce
ment of the order of the parade
will be made later as plans have
not been completed for the ar
rangement of the regiment.
Plans to divide the university
band into three units have been
temporarily devised and the entire
(Continued on Page 2.)
Open Forum Discussion to
Follow Statement of
The open forum of the throo or
ganized political groups on the
campus will be held at 7:30 In the
Social Science auditorium tonight.
Those who attend will be able to
question the speakers and partici
pate in a discussion of the funda
mental priciples of the three po
litical parties.
All the student speakers will
present the main issues and their
respective party stands on those
issues, in ten minute allotments oi
time. Charles Stead man will un
dertake to convert the spectators
into republicans by discussing his
party's platform informing the
people what the republicans have
done and what they will do for the
country if given the chance at the
polls on Nov. 6.
Howard Holtzendorf, democrat,
will represent his party on the
platform. He will present the
democratic stand on the main is
sues, being prepared to present a
comprehensive statement of his
party's reason for a desire of a
change in administrationthis No
The ability of the socialist
speaker, Charles Gray, has been
demonstrated in talks before
(Continued on Page 2.)
Best Stadium Seats Selling
Rapidly, Selleck
Advance ticket sale for the
Pittsburgh-Nebraska football
game on Nov. 12 has been the
heaviest registered for any game
thus far this season, according to
the office of John K. Selleck, di
rector of athletics and student ac
tivities. The most desirable seats
are rapidly being taken up and
present indications are for the
largest football attendance this
The game will feature the elev
enth annual "Dads" day, and a
number of visiting parents are ex
pected to attend the game. Atten
dance figures and estimates are
taking on a rosy hue with this
special occasion In view.
The tickets for the game may be
purchased for $2.50 plus the gov
ernment tax, and a special Dad's
section has been planned for the
game in which visiting fathers and
sons may be seated. General ad
mission ducats for the Husker
Pitt contest are available at the
office for $1.50.
Second Party of Year to
Be Held at Shrine
Country Club.
The University Lutheran club
has het Friday night for its sec
ond party of the year, the function
to be an initiation at the Shrine
country club. About fifty new
members are to be initiated.
Members of the club are to meet
at the Temple building at 7:30
where transportation will be fur
nished, and all those attending are
urged to wear old clothes.
The committee In charge of en
tertainment is made up of Louise
Merz, chairman. Magdalene Leb
sack. Kenneth Rubrecht, Reinhold
Kildcbeck. The members of the
refreshment committee are Lillian
Kkblad. chairman. Alma Holbein,
Dale Phillippi, and Clifford Bow
man. Fred Warner is in charge
of transportation. The chaperones
for the affair will be Mr. and Mrs.
Will Hinman, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Prestegaard and Rev. R. E. Range
ler. Dr. Walker Will Speak
Before Botanists Sunday
Dr. Elda Walker of the botany
department of the university will
lead a discussion on "Hawaii" Sun
day evening at 6:30 at the Young
People s group of the First Chris
tian church, 16th and K sts. The
lecture will be illustrated. AH the
students on the carapus who are
interested are cordially invited to
Urge Lincoln Student
To Take Papers Home.
University students living
In Lincoln are urc;ed to tsVe
copies of today's issue of the
Daily Nebraskan home to
their fathers, as the Issues
are being mailed only to out
of town students' fathers.
Free copies will be available
at the Daily Nebraskan to
day and any until Nov.
Raymond Wicker of Grand Is
land Was Voter! fh tn.iti..!
brown derby by law freshmen for
the coming week. The crack that
qualified him for the av.d was
nis conicuuon mat marriage was
Wicker succeeds find urrna
as possessor of the derby and his
nla av.a m .V........ .
wiaDouiaico luicaienea punisnment
it Via AiAn't utAa
. . mo uerny more
than McRrlde did. McBrlde got
away with his disregard of the
tradition chiefly because he has
had more experience in the college
of law than most of the freshmen
this year.
Coaches Select Members of
Football Squads for
Teams were named Wednesday
to participate in the second annual
tug-of-war between the sopho
mores and freshmen to be held be
tween the halves of the Pittsburgh
game. This affair was innovated
last year by the Innocents society.
sponsors of the freshmen cap tra
dition, to arouse more interest in
the wearing of the red caps.
unaimers uraham, who is in
charge of the freshman cap com
mission, has announced that the
contest will be conducted under
the same rules as last year. If the
freshmen succeed in pulling the
sophomorss across the line two
times out of three, they will be
permitted to discard their red caps
at once. If not they will be re
quired to wear their caps until the
first snow flies.
Weir, Koster Select.
The two teams are composed of
freshman and nubbins football
men and were chosen by Ed Weir
and George Koster. The freshmen
named are: MacFarland, Thomp
son, Shurtleff, Gallaway, Yelkin,
Wilson, Sautty, Williams, Reese,
Heldt, Scarpa. Brockman, Thomp
son, Hunt, and Elliot.
The sophomores named by
George Koster are: Sears, Mc
Beth, Sorenson, Skewes, Miller, De
Brown, Uptegrove, Towle'r, Thom
as. Delaney. Justice, Horchem,
Parsons, White, and Smith.
The Pittsburgh game has been
decided upon as the annual Dad's
day gams and this contest, which
promises to be a good event, will
add much aest for the dads.
Bankers, Economists Meet
To Discuss Problems
Of Farmers.
The complete conference pro
gram released today, devoted to
the financial problems of the
farmer, especially for discussing
plans for a reconciliation between
the pre-depression debts incurred
by the farmers and the present
depression prices of farm pro
ducts, will be held in Social Sci
ence auditorium Thursday, Nov. 17.
The conference has been divided
into three' parts: The morning ses
sion, which will be held from 10 to
12 o'clock; the luncheon; and the
afternoon session which will last
from 2 to 4 o'clock.
The advisory committee is com
posed of L. S. Clarke, president of
the Nebraska Mortgage Banker's
association, Omaha; G. W. Holmes,
president of the First National
bank, Lincoln; D. P. Hogan, presi
dent of the Federal Land bank,
Omaha; T. B. Strain, vice presi
dent of the Continental National
bank. Lincoln; M. Weil, president
of the National Bank of Com
(Continued on Page 2.)
Activities Lucrative to Students
At Many Schools But No Longer at
Nebraska, Feature Author Declares
College students came in for another round of panning in
the feature' section of the Sunday Journal and Star, it being al
leged bv a Mary M. Zoretskie the writer of the feature article
that those young people attending universities go in for various
and sundry methods of obtaining funds, or rather saving those
spondulix which they haven't got. Those roughened to the hard
old world call these means
rark.t. anrf when we mm VI
rackets we think of Al Capone.
According to the critic the pri
mary racket is that of campus
politics, bv means of participation
in which "offices of ease and full
coffers are derived. No doubt it is
implied that money is waiting in
barrels for the fellow who shakes
the right hands or finds a good
drag. It looks like attending col
lege is good practice for the big
struggle after graduation. A
snappy new word was coined by
Miss Zoretskie to take care of the
political phase and the Mectiun to
offices. She says there is a grift
In the jobs In a large numb-r of
cases, referring to the proceeds
which "just escape being graft but
are far from being gifts.'
According to the article there
are some universities on the con
tinent where collegians find it pos
sible to fork over $10 for a dance.
Our Milita.-" a11 last vear set one
back J2.50 so It seems that this
campus doesn't qualify for criti
Innocents Sponsor Invitation
of All Fathers For
Luncheon Program Features
Two Speeches by
Today's edition of the Daily Ne
braskan is printed in co-operation
with the Innocents society to he.
sent to the fathers of every Ne
braska student in this state and
surrounding states for the purpose
of telling every dad that he Is es
pecially invited to Lincoln to visit,
his son or daughter on Saturday,
Nov. 12, and participate In th
varied program of activities sched
uled for that day.
Foremost in the line of attrac
tions will be the Nebraska-Pittsburgh
game to be played in Me
morial stadium on Saturday. When
Nebraska meets Pittsburgh the
Cornhuskers will not only be play
ing the hardest game of their en
tire schedule, but they will be
fiarhtine to avenge the severe 40 to
0 whitewashing which they suffer
ed last year at Pittsburgh.
Students Enthusiastic.
Student enthusiasm Is already
beginning to be in evidence in an
ticipation for the game, and no
better entertainment could be of
fered to the visiting dads than this
Panther-Cornhusker tilt, In the
opinion of student sport followers.
Preceding the game, which
starts promptly at 2 o'clock, the
Innocents society will sponsor its
annual Dad's Day luncheon at the
chamber of commerce. Every stu
dent whose dad la visiting that
weekend is expected to bring bis
dad to the luncheon, which will
start at 11:45 and will let out about
1 o'clock to allow everyone plenty
of time to get to the stadium for
the klckof f. From the chamber of
commerce it is planned to have the
students and their dads march to
(Continued on Page 3.)
Sundav Desianated as All
University Church Day
By Chancellor.
Special invitations to attend
church next Sunday, Nov. 6. will
be issued to all University of Ne
braska students this week in order
that each may have an opportunity
to be present at one of the many
student programs to be given in
the Lincoln churches observing an
nual AU University Church day.'
The following statement was is
sued by Rev. Ray E. Hunt, presi
dent of the Lincoln Ministerial as
sociation :
To all Students of the Univer
sity of Nebraska:
In the name of the churches of
the city of Lincoln, I desire to
extend a hearty and sincere wel- .
come to our services of public
worship on All University Church
In these churches you will find
the clarifying and motivating ex
perience of worship and keen
vlsioned Interpreters of the spir
itual life. They also offer tht
opportunity of making worth
while friendships with the resi
dents of the city.
Believing that the greatest
good comes from a definite re
lationship with a local church,
we urge you to seek a church,
preferably among the several of
the communion with which you
(Continued on Page 3.)
cism on that poirt, what with
prices being clipped on all parties.
Once Nebraska That Way.
As a matter of fact there was a
time on the University of Ne
braska campus when student ac
tivities were almost as lucrative
for those who held down the com
manding positions as the spectacu
lar feature article asserts they
still are at other institutions.
Tales of tho large "bonuses"
which business managers of the
Daily Nebraskan and Cornhusker
pocketed at the end of the year are
not entirely imaginative. And not
so long ago the senior president
was able to make a handsome
profit from senior invitations.
But this is no longer the case,
for the student finances are under
the control and watchful eye of the
Student Activities office, and what
with the close checking of ac
counts, grafting is impossible if
anything is. In the past there
(Continued on Page 4.) ;;
M '