AILY NEBRASKAN JLHE Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXXII NO. 34. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1932. PRICE 5 CENTS. REPRESENTATIVES 10 SELL TICKETS FOR DAD DINNER Innocents Society to Start Sale Wednesday of This Week. PROGRAM NEARLY READY Plan Luncheon in Honor of Fathers at Chamber of Commerce. Tickets for the university's an nual Dad s day luncheon, which r ill be held Saturday. Nov. 12, pre ceding the Pittsburgh game, will Ve placed on sale Wednesday of this week by the Innocents soci ety, thru Interfraternity. Panhel lnic and Barb council represent atives. Additional tickets will be .-.vailable any time in the Daily ITebraskan office. Dad's day, sponsored annually Iv the Innocents society, tradition ary features a luncheon and pro- ram at the chamber of commerce honoring dads. Fraternities and : ororities are expected to conform 1 1 past custom this year in sched v'ing special dinners and smokers 1 snoring their dads. Students whose fathers and fam ines come to Lincoln for Dad's day ill be able to trade in their stu- nt tickets for seats in a section '--pscially reserved for Dads and iheir sons and daughters, accord in" to John K. Selleck, director of r Uiletics. "While the day is particularly r D?.nt to honor dads, students are rrd to extend their invitations i- their entire families." said Phil Drownell, chairman of the com mittee in charge of Dad's day. Plan Special Edition. A special edition of the Daily "Jebraskan will be issued Thurs ory to be mailed out to the dads of even' university student living out of Lincoln. Lincoln students ere requested to see that their fathers be given these papers, and onv students not subscribing to the paper may call at the Nebraskan office for a free copy, according to Erownell. All organized houses on the campus have been asked to issue iioecial invitations to fathers to come to Lincoln for the Pittsburgh game and the Dad's day celebra tion. The Dad's day committee also suggests that every student write a special invitation to his dad sometime this week, urging him to plan to come to Lincoln Nov. 12. Desire Contacts. Tbe university is anxious that fathers especially have the oppor tunity to come intimately in con tact with the university and get a definite idea of the institution to which they are sending their sons and daughters. Dad's day is spon sored by the Innocents society with this special idea of making a con certed effort to establish this me dium of connection between stu dents' fathers and the institution. Speakers and entertainment will bs included on the program of the Dad's day luncheon which will start at 11:45 Saturday and will be concluded shortly after 1 p. m.. in order to allow everyone to get to the game on time. Announce ment will be made later of tbe pro gram, which is already nearly complete, according to Brownell EUR ASK A DEB ATI G TEAM TO MEET COE Local Squad Will Argue Utilities Quention on Dec. 14. Announcement of a debate with Coe college, Cedar Rapids, la., on the subject of federal control and regulation of electric power utili ties on Dec. 34 was recently by Prof. H. A. White, debate oaeh. Nebraska will take the af firmative aide at Cedar Rapids. Tbe debate squad will meet on Thursday evening, Nov. 3, in U hall 106 for a discuHsion of the question and the forthcoming en gagements, White announced. This meeting is intended for those who v.-ere selected to tbe team at the recent tryouts. Eibllographies for the question. Resolved, that the United States Khould agree to the cancellation of all interallied war debts are now available in Professor White's f lice. Andrews 122. A tryout on this question will be held Dec. 15. Survey of University of Nebraska Graduates Indicates That College Education Helps With Job Getting In a Hurvcy m-mtly t'onluted to find tlie answer to "ukit becomes of llie college graduate!" many interesting J'attB -were revealed by tbe quen" iomiaire Kent out 1o the l."10 men and women graduated iiom the university during hn jear VJ'-'2. Out of the l&i'-i Mho replied 706 or j.ereent vert men and llie other US percent woiumi. Froai av cursory glance at theO report cne receives the impression i with only 32.5 percent having that more graduate from the uni vwslty because they are the bread winners and a college education j, supposed to make this talk an easier one, while the women prob ably figure that their chances of getting a husband are about as ood as if they atay at home. 41 Percent Had Jobs. Aa important fact learned from this survey is that of tbe 766 mn, 15 or 41 percent had jobs. The womena average was not so high UNIVERSITY PLAYERS AXXOUXCE XEXT PLAY iAs Husbands Go to Be Presented Week of JVor. 7. A three act comedy drama, en titled "As Husbands Go" will be the next play given by the Univer sity Players. The first perform ance will be given Monday night, Nov. 7. Concerning the adventures of two old ladies from Dubuque who go to Paris and meet two gigolis, "As Husbands Co" offers a combi nation of comedy and romance. When the ladies go back to Du buque, complications arise. POLITICAL CLUBS PLAN DISCUSSION OF PARTY ISSUES Republicans, Democrats and Socialists to Meet With Speakers. Unable to complete arrange ments for the open forum discus sion tentatively scheduled for to day, representatives of the student Republican, Democratic and So cialist clubs have announced that in all probability the discussion will be held Thursday evening in So cial Science auditorium. Instead of having outside speak ers to start the discussion, a stu dent representative from each or ganization will be allowed ten minutes to present the main issues of his party campaign. Tbe names of these student speakers have not as yet been announced with the exception of Charles Gray, presi dent of the Socialist club, who will represent his organization. The or der" of the speakers will be deter mined by lot. While the arrangements are yet incomplete. Gray indicated Mon day evening that the three clubs were anxious to hold the discus sion which is primarily for the benefit of the student body, he said. After the short opening speeches, the floor will be opened to questioners and any who desire to argue any of the issues with the speakers. LEROSSIGNOL STATES E PURPOSE College of Business Dean Says Delegates Seek Improvements. The opinion of Dean J. E. Le Rossignol, dean of the college of business administration, as to the purpose of the conference on farm problems, which is to be held Nov. 17, is expressed in his own words: "I will not say that anyone here can correct the present agricultur al situation, but we are convening for the purpose of getting differ ent points of view on the matter and ideas with reference to meas ures for improvement. Prices are very low, wheat having reached tbe lowest point that has been touched in years. However, we hope the corner has been turned." One Day Only. The conference is to last for one day only, during which time weven papers will be presented, and an opportunity given for discussion. Dean C. A. Phillips, of the com merce college at tbe University of Iowa and an expert on bankin credit, will have something to of fer. The morning session will be from 10 to 12. during which time Prof. T. L. Robb will be tbe chair man. Dean Le Rossignol will be chairman at the luncheon, and three speeches will be made then. The afternoon session will be con ducted by Prof. G. O. Virtue. RELIGIOUS CROIT TO HOLD MEETING TUESDAY EVENING Pbi Tau Theta, Methodist rel gious fraternity, will have an open meeting Tuesday between 7 and 6 o'clock at the Wesley Foundatior parsonage. Dr. Charles Patterson will rak on tb philosophies! im plications of religious drama. A special invitation is extended to all Methodist students who are not members of the fraternity and are interested in it. jobs. For the class as a whole it is seen that fou- out of every ten who graduated lavt year received Jobs. This average U small, but i greater than tbe percent of mass employed who received jobs last summer. The Greeks seem to be borne out in their contention that their graduates are more likely to re ceive Jobs than are the barb grad uates because the survey nhows (Continued on Page 3.) FIRST DAY SALES L Staff Members. Tassels And Corn Cobs Push Campaign. PLAN EXTENSIVE DRIVE Magee's to Award Prize to Highest Salesman in Contest. The opening sales drive for the 1933 Comhusker which started on Monday morning and is to con tinue through Saturday, Nov. 5. is being handled by the Cornhustar business staff and members of the Tassels and the Corn Cobs. The first day's sales ran very good. Business Manager Charles Skade asserted when he had checked up yesterday evening. The enthusiasm shown by the students during the first day of the campaign reveals that the price of the 1933 book, which is the lowest in the history of the Comhusker, appeals to the pros pective buyers. Skade stated that Nebraska's year book is the lowest priced annual of any like size book in the Big Six schools. Expect New Record. With the reduced price, the sub stantial discount for cash orders during the sale and the opportun ity to buy on a convenient install ment plan, sales are expected to reach a new record by the time the sale is terminated. Signs have been placed at the most important points on the cam pus and booths are being main (Continued on Page 2.) YW Finance Drive Continues Through Remainder of This Week. Evelvn O'Connor, chairman of the Y.W. C. A. finance staff an nounced recently the captains "aaS workers for the Y. W. C. A. fi nance drive which will continue the rest of this week. Tbe seniors working with Harriet Dunlap are Irma Randall, Genevieve Boslaugh, Mary Doudna, Irma Baker and Mildred Root. In the group with Evelyn Haase are Beryl Sanford, Mary Costelloe, Dorothy Wiebusch. Miriam Huse and Gladys Zutter. Jane Robertson has for her help ers Elizabeth Barber, Delores Deadman, Mariannette Lee. Con stance Kiser. and Winifred Mc Call. Lois Brooks. Mary Eby. Jean Irwin, Helena Skinner and Helen Nesbit will work with Marjorie Cbeuvront, and Henrietta Tiarks will have in ber group Doris Bar nett, Doris Sleeves, Ruth Bern stein, Dorothy Sornberger and Vel va David. Tbe junior workers with Lucille Hitchcock are Fwachel Baker, Mar garet Broady, Martha Davis, Mary Gilmore and Dorothy Holland. With Virgene McBride are Jean Edwards. Winifred Shallcross. Hel en Lindberg, Ruth Cherney, and Jean Alden. Alice Geddes has in her group Jane Boos, Donna Da vis. Kathleen Becker. Harriet Bo wen and Kathryn Evans. The Juniors with Ruth Eyerly are Alice Brown, Martha Hershey, Margaret Buol, Valentine Klotz, and Lois Lefferdink. Caroline Van Anda will have for helpers Gretcb en Scbrag. Nellie Boren, Helen Calhoun, Margaret Suly, and Gwendolyn Thompson. Sophomore girls working with Calista Cooper are Doris Patter son. Rosa Drath. Mary Jane Hughes and Marjorie Smith. Beth Schmid will have in ber group Melda Alber, Marjorie Shastak. Mary Alice Porter, Louise Skra ble and Helen Sbelledy. Constance Waide's group will consist of Myra Grimes. Ruth Cain, Louise Perry, Marian Smith and Leah Carlsen. T MONDAY GROUP MEET Students Hear Discussion of Vocations for Women at Ellen Smith. Miss Harriet Towne addreHhed the vocational guidance group Monday afternoon at Ellen Kmith hall on tbe subject of Vocations Open to Women. AD occupational fields open to men are sow opn to women, she said, with the excep tion of those that require more physical strength than women possess. Miss Towne outlined a number of points which she said women should consider before choosing their vocations. It would be well for tbe members of the vocational guidance group to study this out line she fcsid. before engaging in the 'personal interviews with pro fessional people which are being arranged for them by Gertrude Clarke, leader of the group. Tbe speaker at the next meet ing, cheduled for Nov. B, will be jjijs Catherine Dunn of the sociol ogy department, who will discuss tbe field of social welfare work. OF ANNUA GOOD MANAGER STATES CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCES Democratic Speaker T M. J. JOHN H. MOREHEAD. John H. Morehead, who is on the postoffice commission of congress, will speak at the Young Democrats club meeting today at 4 o'clock in the Social Science hall auditorium. He will talk on the govern ment in regard to tax reduction of administrative expenses. Mr. Morehead was governor of Nebraska and has been a con gressman for the last ten years. F Appoint Seven Groups From Applicants for Wcrk on Annual Revue. Personnel of the seven commit- I tees appointed bv Kosmet Klub for j ine annual inanKSgiving juomiug Revue was announced yesterday by Jack Thompson, president of the Klub. Committees were se lected from those applying for work on the production. The eligibility of all applicants was checked by the office of the dean of student affairs before the groups were appointed. A total of twenty students, in addition to members of the Klub, were named to the committees in charge of the various aspects of production. Arrange Presentation. The production committee con sists of Jack Thompson, chairman; Joe Alter, Wallace Frankfurt, Frank Musgrave, Joe Shramek, PwObert Pilling, and Otto Kotouc. The presentation committee, which is in charge of arrangements for tbe presentation of the Nebraska sweetheart, is composed of: Charles McCarl, chairman; Eyron Bailey, Dale Taylor. Art Bailey, Tom Davies, and Pat Minier. Tbe business end of the show will be managed by two groups. The general business committee, headed by William Devereaux, is made up "of John Gepson, Henry Kosman. Hugh Rathburn. and Dan Easterday. Tbe commercial ad vertising committee, with John Zeilinger as chairman, consists of Neil McFarland. Fred Nicklas. Roger Scholl, and George Shad bolt. Tbe committee in charge of tbe election of the Nebraska Sweet heart, who will be presented at the revue, is composed of Arthur Pinkerton. chairman; Woodrow Magee, Don Easterday. Earl Car- . stensen, and Frank CrabilL All publicity for the revue win be handled by a committee con sisting of Dick Moran. chairman; iContinued on Paze 2.) T Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Opens Season With Capacity Crowd. A capacity crowd, well sprinkled with university students, prwted the Lincoln Symphony oribertra with enthusiasm when it opened its season Sunday at the Stuart theater under the direction of Ru dolph SeidL With Corneliun Van Vliet. cellirt with tbe New York P.oxy f ym pbony, as guest soloist, tbe or chestra enjoyed warm applause from the audience. Tbe ryva pbosys playing of "Finlandia" and "French Military March" received the mort applaune. while all of Mr. Van Vlict'b Btleclions. including several encores, were well-received. Nearly half of tbe personnel of the fifty-piece orchestra is com posed of university students. Mr. Van Yliet was accompanied st the piano by Earneiit Harrison of tbe sch'K)! of music. Tbe complete program: Overt ur. "1 Ctsntnl Roman. Ber liof: urrhetr. Concerto tor vlullnwllo. Ftnt-Si, ' lKro nun trojjpo. llt:ro mute, - ro Hon tr.ippo. Jdf- Van Vlwt. Frencti Military March from Alcrrlafl Suite." Maim-bama; trchlra- fcleri. fcrhruwzandi: 7araintlla. Fop prr; Amlaluaian Soreuadr. Karmyf . Mr. Van Vhet . UmM Karriaon at turn plana. Finland, feibeuua; orciicatra. Corn Copt to Report At Cornhutker Office AH Corn Cobs report at th Cornhusker office some time Tuesday afternoon between 2 and 5 o'clock. There will be a meeting at the Delta 'tiyma Lambda House Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in KLUB ANNOUNCES COMMITTEES ALL PRODUCTION STUDENTS FAVOR HOOVER IN VOTE AT Republicans Carry Thirty Schools and Democrats Only Eleven. THOMAS WINS IN FOUR Results Conflict With Poll , Of Literary Digest Over Country. The compiled returns of the straw votes conducted by forty five universities all over the coun try received by the Nebraskan Monday revealed that Herbert Hnnwr rarried thirtv of the total number of schools, Roosevelt re ceiving the most votes in only eleven, and Norman Thomas eek ino mit victories in iust four to bring up a weak third place in the running among tne tnree main candidates. Hoover Supporters. The straw vote polls carried by Hoover were sent in by the follow ing tnrtpr A ri7tna Wildcat- Stan ford Daily, University of Southern California Trojan, Lauy tan fornian, Yale News. Wesleyan Ar ena Chicago Maroon. Dailv North western, Main Campus, Harvard crimson, weuesiey wews, Aniaer&i Student, Smith W'cckly. Williams Rwnrrt c T. T. Tech. Minnesota Daily, Daily Nebraskan, The New Hampshire, u an. mourn, rnucc tonian. Cornell Daily Sun, Syra rnw rmilv Orace-e. Vassar Mis cellany News, Ohio State Lantern, Carnegie Tartan. Brown neraia. South Dakota Volante, Vermont (Continued on Page 2.) 11 un Former Student Was Active In Many Activities and Organizations. Mrs. Lewis Imni, a former uni-i-orcitw Ktudpnt and member of Al pha Delta Pi sorority, died after a week of illness at 5:10 p. m. Sat urday at her home in Lincoln. She was graduated in iju. Mrs. Imm, known on the cam pus as Virginia Randall in her un- mvm Si ft X ,...1 rourteey of The Journal. deigraduate days, was prominent in student activities while attend ing school here, having been pres ident of her sorority, prcaident of the Omaha chapter of alumnae, and president of tbe Omaha Col lege club. Also the was affiliated with Alpha Rho Tau, honorary sorority in the fiDe arts depart ment, and Gamma Alpha Chi, hon orary advertising sorority. Since last January Mrs. Imm had been employed on the Nebras ka State Journal as a luember of the society staff. Irma P-andall, a senior in the university and a member of Alpha Delta Pi. i3 Mrs. Imm's sister. Funeral services were held at Wadlow's Monday at 7 p. m. with J. D. Parks officiating. Further services are to be beld this morn ing in Omaha at Crosby mortuary and burial will be at Forest Lawn cemetery in Omaha. ENGINEERS FROM FOUR STATES HOLD MEETING Kansas-Nebraska Section of Education Promotion Group Assembles. The Kansas-Nebraska tsection of the Society for Promotion of En gineering Education held its con ventioa id Lincoln on Friday aft ernoon and Saturday, Oct. 28 and 29. Delegates were invited from Ames, la., and Vermillion, :i. D. An informal golf tournament was held Friday and was followed by a tUaittr at the Capital cafe. There were 154 delegates who at tended the dinner. Prof. T. Eruee Robb spoke at a special evening meeting on "Fore casting the Railroad Future." Fol lowing the meeting there was an open discussion on methods of teaching. Wtvi of the delegates (Continued on Page 2 ) UNIVERSITIES HART JENKS SEES HAMPDEN, FORMER COMPANION, PLAY A former Nebraskan who re cently played the lead in the TJni versity Players' "Road to Rome," saw a xormer companion play "Cy- "v,svi" uuiaua .Mon day night. Hart Jenks. who formerly played with Walter Hampden and Ethel Barrymore in "Hamlet" and "The Merchant of Venice" saw Hampden play "Cyrano" Monday in Omaha. Proud in the possessions of Miss H. Alice Howell is an autographed picture of Hampden and Barry more, which was given to Jenks, who later turned it over to her. CHECK IN PARTY Council Representatives to Turn in Money and Ducats at Meet. All money and remaining tickets for the second annual homecoming party, which was held Saturday night in the coliseum and spon sored by the Innocents society, are to be checked in at the Interfra ternity council meeting tonight, Chslmers Graham, chairman in charge of tickets for the affair, announced yesterday. Interfraternity council repre sentatives are to turn in at the same time money or tickets from other salesmen in organized houses. Graham stated. These salesmen may turn their money over to their council representative, and he will check it in at the meeting. All financial arrangements for the party are being handled by John K. Selleck, director of stu dent activities. Jack Thompson, president of the Innocents society, stated. The money will be turned over to him for final settlement. The proceeds from the party will be used to start a fund for the purchase of permanent decorations for tbe coliseum. The Innocents so ciety is sponsoring the movement to secure the decorations with the co-operation of many other cam pus organizations. KLUB TO JUDGE SKIT El Committee to Consider Idea, Possibilities. Talent In Act Eighteen skits, entered by ttv-ty-seven campus organizations, will be judged by the Korjaet Klub judging committee during the next three days for its annual Thanks giving Morning Revue. Judging will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. No definite number of skits for the production has at yet been de cided upon. Jack Thompson, chair man of the judging committee, stated yesterday. After all have been considered, the number will be decided upon and a Urne limit set. Judging will be primarily upon the idea of the skit, its possioili ties, and the talent uwd m the presentation of the act. The pres ent condition of the act will be considered to some extent, but it is not expected that the bkits -vil be in perfect shape. Members of tbe Klub who will consider the acts and make the final selections are: Jack Thomp son, Wallace Frankfurt, Joe Alter, and Frank Musgrave. This com mittee will also bar-die the produc tion end of the revue. Tbe morning revue will be held Thursday. Nov. 24, at tbe Stuart theater. Tbe entire facilities of the theater will be used in the produc tion of the show. Debate Coadi Talks On Current ueetion Prof. H. A. White spoke lfore the debate section of the conven tion of the eecord distrirt of tbe Nebraska State Teachers associa tion in Omaha. Friday 28. His sub ject was tbe debits question for this year. SALESMEN WILL TICKETS TONIGHT To Students of the University of Nebraska: Next Sunday, November 6. is Go-to-Chnrch Enn daj at tbe University of Nebraska. This is a tradi tion of long standing at the University and I hope that many students who have cot yet identified themselves with a church here, will attend tbe church of their choice this Sunday, thus beginning to take an interest in tbe religious life of this community. Such interest is not altogether unselfish. Tbe greatest contribution that tbe college man or womnn receives from religion and its accompanying service is undoubtedly an elevation of ideals. Religion hai enriched the lives of thousands of young people and it will do the same thing for you. To each one of you it may have a different mean ing but I desire to pass along the suggestion that you atend church somewhere on next Sunday. The Lin coln churches welcome you. CHANCELLOR Z. A. BURNETT. COMMITTEE SETS TICKET PRICE OF Cadets Will Offer Ducat For Two Dollars to Annual Party. BAND NOT YET SELECTED Students Submit Plans fop Presenting Honorary Colonel at Ball. A price of two dollars per coupU was announced for the annual mil itary ball to be held Dec. 2 by the ticket sales committee of the mil itary department Monday, after a completion of plans for the sales drrve which will open the latter part of this week. Cadets who at tend the party in uniform will be sold tickets at a special rate of $1.25, it was announced. "In keeping with the spirit of economy vhich is being universally observed, the price of the r"vi'l ball has been reduced this year,- Howard Mixon, chairman of tbe committee announced. "This has been done without affecting the quality of the affair, however, and we expect this year's party to be the equal of those given in the past." The orchestra for the ball has not yet been selected, but an nouncement of the choice will oe made within a few days, tbe com mittee declared. A survey coa rHictd by the Daily Nebraskan last week in co-operation with the orchestra committee for the ball, revealed a unamimous sentiment among the few representative stu- . dents interviewed in favor of hir ing an out of town orchestra of national repute for this major party of the year, which inaugur ates the university's formal sea soin. Twenty Plans Submitted. About twenty plans for the pre sentation of the honorary colonel were opened by the committee in charge of the presentation cere monies Monday afternoon. From this group the few best will be se lected and passed on to Col. W. H. Oury who will select the winning idea to be used the night of the ball. The author of the accepted scheme will be announced at the ball after the presentation of the honorary colonel and will receive a cash prize of fifteen dollars. A thoro system for the distribu tion of tickets has been devised oy members of the committee. Jun iors in the military unit, and staff officers Trill receive their tickets directly from headquarters. Other tickets will be given to company commanders who will be responsi ble for their sales and issuance. There will be three hundred tickets issued to each company. These wiil be sold on tbe campus and in the business district. Spectators will (Continued on Page 3." GIVES ILLUSTRATED TALK Kirsch Speaks on Southwest In Sunday Program in Morrill HalL Dwight Kirsch. director of the fine arts department, gave a pro gram at Morrill hall Sunday after noon on "The Colorful Southwest." The lecture was illustrated with slides he made from scenes in tbe southwest. Because of the large number turned away from the pro gram Sunday afternoon it will be repeated, probably the first Sun day in December. More than 300 attended Sunday. TECHNOLOGIST TO SPEAK Chemical Engineers to Hold Berbecne Before Meeting. The highway material technolo gist of tbe Shelly Oil company. George M. Mullin. is to be the guest speaker at the regular chem ical engineers meeting to be beld Thursday, Nov. 3. at 8 o'clock is tbe main lecture room at Chemis try hall. Tbe meeting is to be open and all tbe engineering students who are planning to attend tbe barbe cue are urged to come to the meet ing immediately afterward. MILITARY AEFAIR 1 v V 'A