The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1932, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
VOL. XXX11 NO. 32.
Results in Daily, Prinoetonian Campaign (;ive President
Margin of 10,168 Votes Over Democratic
Candidate; Thomas Stands Third.
Purpose of Venture to Discover Indieation of Trend
of Future Voters and To Promote Student
Interest in Political Affairs.
Expressing their political sentiment in a nation-wide presi
dential poll, the students of the thirty-four colleges partieipat
; ih Daily riineetonian straw vote favored the re-election
pMci.4.Mit Hoover. The republican nominee led his demo-
I'l JJ.V.-"l' .... .
1 hv a marfifin o10,4b
The total number of votes
wired to the Daily Nebraskan late
Wednesday night, are as follows.
Hoover, 2S.180; Roosevelt. 17.712;
Thomas. 10.740: and Foster, 145.
Hoover's lead by an extremely
large majority was consistent
with the University of Nebraska
straw vote. The votes received by
the four candidates have been in
an almost equal proportion in all
f th colleee noils. The national
results showed Hoover to lead
Roosevelt with a ratio of almost
two to one, while those of the lo
cal poll were in the same ratio.
The purpose of this poll, as
stated bv the Daily Princetonian,
has been to discover an indication
of the political trend of future
voters. It was also hoped that the
poll would promote student inter
est in national political affairs.
The arrangements in each school
were executed by its newspaper
management. The electoral re
turns were all wired to the Daily
Princetonian immediately upon
their compilation, after which
they were totaled and sent to the
schools participating. Results of
the individual elections in the var
ious schools will be received by the
Daily Nebraskan and published in
a later issue.
Scholarships Awarded
to Two Bixad Students
Counrty of Thr Journal.
i. r. mr.NTKM c. i-
John F. Baenteli tlefti of Ster
ling and Gerald L. Phillippe of
Basin. Wyo., were awarded the C
H. Rudge memorial scholarships
in business research Wednesday
night by Dean LeRossignol of the
rollers of business administration.
at the annual Bizad honors dinner, j
. . 1
The Temple building will foe the
headquarters of the alumni during
the homecoming program this
week end. The Alumnus office is
i.lanninc no Tirovram in addition
a J HI". aMav.v J u n, w
x. - .i i. m in,,
IITt.BUBC luric B.O uv vra savj' js
tional features. i
Bugle Corps and Radio Broadcast
Will Be Means of Summoning Lincoln
Voters to Polls, Says Gayle Walker
Gayle C. Walker, state chairman of the United States Jun
ior Chamber of Commerce, yesterday pointed out that students
from riti45 where registration i, necessary before votes may be
-ast, hare only two more day in which to register thejr names.
The nine cities in Nebraska required ly utate law to register
th-ir voter are Omaha, Lincoln, Ilatings Kearney, Fremont,
Beatrice. Scottsbluff. Grand Island. O
North PUUe. Norfolk and Ne
braska City.
Every facility Is beieir made
available to induce all of the eligi-
Me voter, to complete their voUng
,,,,ir,.. tr.. . ,
rvice U being furnUbed by both!"e nu ot GVnn VOt'r
..t th. .K.iv-.H 'the UJrt three eltions in G
quarters, extra assistant. hvelmkn- eUr "
fon employed in City Clerk Berg's .rcer:Ut V ot lbc ?,nUS
office and appeal, are being made "l'"" Ut two elation."
to the voters over the radio and W Jker '
thru the newspaper.. Lancarter county ranked seven-
Three minute talk, are beine tv'n,nUs out r tD ninety-three
made at luncheon clubs. treaic-
ice importance ox voting, and the
co-operation of the Parent-Teachers'
association and other organi
zations interested in the problems
,l fm'fixm ct has been secured.
Lincoln Registration Increases.
Walker stated that the rflstr
txm tn Lincoln by the middle of
the wek was seventy-four and
r-hjilf percent of th eligible '
otm In th rity. whK-h lave a
MUl mora than twenty-five per-)
received by each candidate, as
Congressman Morehead
Address Club on
John H. Morehead. congress
man from the first district and
candidate for re-election, will ad
dress the Young Peoples" Demo
cratic club at 4 o'clock Tuesday,
Nov. 1 in the Social Science audi
torium. His speech will be non-
political on the mechanism of
government. Congressman More-
head, who is from Falls City, was
governor of Nebraska from 1913
to 1916.
"He is a man of outstanding
ability and everyoDe should at
tend," said Howard Holtzendorff,
state secretary of the Young Peo
ples' Democratic club.
Joyce Ayres and Orchestra
To Play for Annual
School Event.
j Several hundred couples
i attend the annual Farmer's
; mal at the college of agriculture
this evening. The event which will
be in a barn warming fashion is
the social event of the season for
; students in the college. Joyce
Ayres and his band will play,
j Ali hands will be on board Fri
day afternoon when the decorat
ing of the students activities build
ing, in which the formal is to take
place, will be completed. AI Ebers,
co-chairman of the committee cn
I decorations, will Be in charge of
the decorations. Half of the fresh
men students In the college are be-
,re excused for the afternoon by
11- 11 T1 . . ... AAAMtA
the building. It will be decorated
as a garden.
Tho the initial ticket sales for
the formal went slow during the
fore part of the week, they were
progressing rapidly Thursday
afternoon, according to Reuben
Hecbt who is in charge of the
Freshman classes at the
- 4 .
co leite were canvassed in the
I Continued on Page 2.1
cent to register at the city clerk's
" l"" DO
v"? Pvwus ejections
t, to I?11 v
total will be far below the aver-
counu Ln Atl"M In the 1Z8
election, he asserted, and every
effort is being made to bring
county to the top of the list.
Boy Scouts Assist.
The local organization of Bo)
Scouts is being called upon to pro-
mote the "go to the polls" idea.
At the last meeting k..
tlon each sout ia b given
remindi of the Irr.nnrtatw. t I
ing to b takn hom t his par- j hmid. Coimtn-e Waide. Alice j
(Continued on pag 4 (Beekman, and Laura McAllister. 1
in National Student Poll
Three Social Functions Open
Annual Assembly
Dr. Hill Urges Delegates to
Refuse to Take Life
Too Seriously.
Three different functions of ai
social nature served Wednesday
night to open the annual meeting
of district No. 1, Nebraska State
Teachers' association.
Altho registration figures had
not yet been tabulated, several
hundred teachers from this sec
tion of the state were In Lincoln
to take part Thursday in the
round tables, instruction periods
and entertainment that make up a
teachers' convention.
Men and women separated for
their banquets Wednesday right,
the women dining at the Univer
sity club, afterward hearing Mrs.
Ruth Bryan Owen, and the men at
the Cornhusker, where Dr. W. R.
Hill spoke. They joined again at
the reception in the state associ
ation's headquarters building.
Speaking before nearly 3iK)
members of the Women's Educa
tional club at the University club
Wednesday night, Mrs. Owen de
clared that woman's place "always
has been and forever will be in the
home" but that home nowadays
includes the entire community.
During her talk she showed how
the home in its modern sense has
grown to include the whole com
munity in which a child lives and
that it is the woman's duty to lake
an active part in the community
life and affairs in order to exert
her efforts and to improve the en
vironment in which her children
grow up.
Banquet at Cornhusker.
Men of the southeast division of
the Nebraska Teachers association !
tContmued on Page 2.,
Tentative Arrangements for
Association Branch Are
Being Made.
Tentative plans for the organ
ization of a local chapter of the
International Scientific Associa
tion have been made by Clifton
Amsbury, graduate instructor in
anthropology and secretary of the
association, who requests ail those
interested to report to his office
SS. 109b.
The association was founded In
1926 to promote the reading of
scientific fiction and non-fiction.
All branches of science are em
braced by the organization and it
is affiliated with the oerman so
ciety, Verein fur Raumsc hiffahrt.
The Cosmology, the quarterly
mihliration of the as.'-ociation. is
running a series of articles on an
thropology by Mr. Am-bury. They
deal principally with the defini
tion of anthropology and a descrip
tion of the philogeny and onto
geny of the human race.
"the association offers an excel
lent opportunity for scientific stu
dent to meet other people inter
ested in the various branches of
science and to correspond with
those of other schools. It also in
tends to keep its members posted
on the latest developments In sci
ence," said Mr. Amsbury-
Campaign Captains Meet
Luncheon to Get
The annual Fall Fund Festival,
sponsored ty the Y. W. C. A. for
the purpose ot financ-rg the organ
ization, start Monday. Oct. 31.
The organization, altho helped by
the Community Chest fund, is fi
lially self supporting. This noon
the campaign captains and their
groups will meet for lunch at Ellen
Smith ball. Instructions will be
n. ,
for fund fertlvfci
.JZ inLurc-ed a. follows:
cnior. Harriet Dunlap, Evlyn
Hum. Jane Robertson. Marjirie
Cneuvront, and Henrietta Tiarks;
Junior. Lucille Hitchcock. Vlrgene
McBride. Alice Geddes. Ruth By-
erly. and Caroline Van Anda:
ocbomore. Calista Cooper. Beth
Chaneellor Burnett
Asks All University
t itters to Register
University of Nebraska stu
dents and members of the uni
versity faculty, by the very
position they hold in the eyes
of the world at large as leaders
in thought and action, should
make every possible effort to
vote at the coming general elec
tion Nov. 8.
While it is true that a con
siderable part of the student!
body are not eligible to vote
because of age, yet there are a
considerable number of eligible
upperclass and graduate stu
dents who should not neglect
this obligation. All of our fac
ulty and employes are in :
position to vote and should do
so at the coming election.
To vote, however, it is neces
sary that your registration be
in proper form. But two days,
Friday and Saturday, remain
for registration in Lincoln. If
you have moved since the last!
general election or have failed
to vote for the last two years,
t will be necessary for you to
How you mark your ballot isl
of no concern to the university.
But as students and faculty of
an. educational, institution,, it
should be your normal obliga
tion to vote at the coming gen
eral election.
Kilgore Leaves Hospital
To Sign Up So He
Can Ballot.
A certain student of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, J. Edward Kil
gore by name, thinks that voting
is a privilege, a right, and evi
dently a duty. Kilgore, a senior in
the college of business administra
tion, and who has for the past few
weeks been ill in the Bryan Me
morial hospital, Thursday morning
was taken by an ambulance to the
place of registration.
The nurses of the student in
firmary, where Kilgorv has been
residing since Thursday morning, i
were unable to give any informa
tion as to his party preference.
Set Friday, Saturday for
Region Con vent ion ;
to See Came.
The Kansas-Nebraska section of
the S. P. E. E. engineering society
will meet in Lincoln this Friday
and Saturday, it was announced
yefcterday afternoon by H. J. Kes
ner of the engineering college.
The program for the convention
is as follows:
Friday, Oct. 28.
12 m. Golfers meet golf com
2-5 p. m. Registration of
5 p. m. Visit to state capitol.
6 p. m. Dinner at state
7:30 p. m. Evening meeting.
7:30 p. m. Ladies' party at
home of Prof. Mickey.
Saturday, Oct. 29.
9 a. m. Departmental meet
ings. 10:30 a. m. Business
12:15 p. m. Luncheon
chamber of commerce.
2 p. m. Kansas-Nebraska
football game.
Professor T. Bruce Rofob of the
University of Nebraska will pre
sent a talk, "Forecasting the Rail
road Future," at the evening meet
ing on Friday.
The feature of the program to
be given by the Palladian literary'
society Friday evening at S:30
will be a talk by C. H. Gordon, a
student in the university and a
former resident of Jamaica. He
will speak on the living conditions
of the natives of Jamaica and or.
the island ifl general. Following
his speech some musical numbers
will be presented. This meeting is
open to the public.
Xtw Students May
Call for Pictures
On Both Campuses
New students who had
their pictures taken during
the registration period should
call for them before Nov. 3,
eresenting their identification
cards. Students in the Col
lege of Agriculture call at
Agricultural Hall 202; all
other students at Administra
tion Building t (outside en
trsncc). '
Identification cards on
which pictures are parted
should be kept during the stu
dents' entire attendance at
the university.
Proceeds from Affair To Be
Placed in Fund to Buy
New Decorations.
Special Permission Granted
To Allow Dancing
Until Twelve.
Arrangements have been com
pleted for the second annual home
coming party, to be held Saturday
night in the coliseum to the music
of Thaymon Hayes and his four
teen piece colored band from
Kansas City, according to Norman
Galleher, chairman of the Inno
cents committee in charge.
Features of the evening include
the fact that it is a closed night,
that special permission has been
obtained to allow dancing until
midnight, and that the coliseum
will be used as a common meeting
place for all alumni and members
of the student body.
Proceeds from the affair will be
used by the Innocents society to
start a new Student Organization
Improvement Chest, looking
toward the purchase of permanent
(Continued on Page 2.)
Geography Department Head
Appointed in Place
Of Oldfather.
Dr. Nels A. Bengston. professor
of geology and geography, has re
I cently been appointed to serve as
I a member of the Student Publica
j tion Board, filling the vacancy
I caused bv the resignation of Dr.
! C. H. Oidfather. Because of his
duties as dean of the Arts and
Science college. Doctor Oldfather
asked to be relieved as a member
of the board.
The Student Publication Board,
which i., composed of four faculty
members, three student members,
; and the agent of student activities,
has gtneial control over ail pub
lications by university students.
The present members of the board
are: Gayle C. Walker, director of
the school of journalism, chair
man: R. P. Crawford, assistant to
ihp chancellor in nublic relations
'and professor in agricultural jour-
nalim: J. E. Lawrence, associate
professor of journalism: John K.
Selletk, manager of student activities-
Don Ea-sterday. Leslie Rood,
Hugh Rathburn, student: and the
new appointee Professor Beng
Teachers to See Mechanical
Man Perform Tricks
At Convention.
Mr. Robot, the mechanical
genius of the age, will make his
first appearance in Nebraska Fri
day night when he will be the
guest nl Nebraska state teachers'
convention. He will be presented
by B. C. Burd-n of the Lincoln
Telephone & Telegraph company.
Mr. Robot talks, turns on lights,
answers questions, and performs
many other feats, all under control
of the proper command spoken
into the transmitter of an ordinary
telephone. Mr. Robot will also be
operated by radi waves from a
transmitting station in the east
part of Lincoln.
All Students Taking Part in
Eevue Must Pass Rule,
Thompson States.
The tegular univerity r:l-s re
garding scholastic eligibility will
te followed in the production of
the K ox met Klub Thanksgiving
Morning Revue, it was ar-nounced
yesterday by Jack Thompson,
president of the Klub.
The rule provide that the tu
dents participating in the show,
whether as members of a skit or
members of committees for the
show, must have at leat twenty
seven credit bouts earned at the
University of Nebraska. Also they
must be up in twelve hours at the
pre.nt time.
An official statement from the
office of the dean of student af
fairs declared that the eligibility
rules were to be strictly followed
by the Klub in the preentation of
the revue. Th eligibility of all
connected with th show will be
ih-ked before th time of the
Biblemen Confident of Win
Over K-Aggies in
Absence of George Saner in
Backfield Will
Be Felt.
Confident of repeating last
year's victory over Kansas State
when Lewis Brown personally ac
counted for the winning touch
down, the Nebraska Huskers com
pleted final
touches Thurs
day af tern oon
for the Home
coming fray Sat
urday with the
Wildcats in a
brisk signal drill
and rehearsal of
plays. The usual
limbering up
workout is on
the' pre 'ram for
A 1 C I
Courtesy Thr Jnumal " c." I
Conyn Hnihrrt. conference fol
lowers turn upon the crucial Kan
sas Aggie-Nebraska clash, the re
sult of which will go far toward
determining Big Six honors, the
only new development in the Corn
husker ranks U the condition of
Corwin Hulbert. Scarlet game cap
tain, who showed up Thursday
with a boil on his left arm. The
infection was lanced and it is be
lieved that the 187 pound left
tackle will be ready to take his
post by game time Saturday.
Not in the least underrating
Coach A. N. "Bo McMillin s crew,
on the contrary the Huskers have
been progressing at high speed all
week in getting ready for the pow
erful K-Aggie eleven. Great em
phasis has been laid on pass de
fense. since the Purple gridsters
are expec ted to vary a strong run-
(Continued on Page 4.1
Knothole Club Roys
U ill Be Cuests at
Cofilume Partv at 1
Boys of the Knothole club who
attend the Kansas Aggie-Nebraska
football pump Saturday will be
given invitations to a party to be
held at th'- V. M. C. A. Monday
evening, at M0. Nearly a thou
sand bovs. who will range in age
from nif.e to eighteen, will be the
guests of the Bovs" Division of the
Y. M. C. A. They will be enter
tained by games and a special pro
gram. Costumes and masks are re
quired ot those who attend. Prizes
will be be given for the best cos
tume. The ir, vital ions received at
the gate Saturday can be ex
changed for ti kc-L- to the party
Saturday, Sunday, or early
Hot Dogs Added to List of
Articles to Be Sold
Saturday at Game.
With the addition of hot-dogs to
the candy. appVs. and ice cream
sold at foot-ball games, the con
cessions salesman will compete
again the afternoon of the Kansas
Aggies game for the box of candy
which the W. A. A. offers to the
high salesman. Barbara Bates won
the prize for sale during the Iowa
State game.
The following girls have signed
ud their names as an indication
that they will sell concessions Sat
urday afternoon: upai ixminan,
Nelvia Jimerson. Leone Paris.Ruth
Schellburg. Clair Schneider. Eliza
beth Costelloe. Mavis Clear, Ger
trude Christensen. Fern Neujhar,
Corrinna Jane Bc-al. Flith James,
Maxine Peterson. Dorothy Luncn
inger, Dorothy Winger, Ruth Ann
Dresen. Clover Swartz. Charlotte
Still. Althea Pchiedt. Helen Boeltz.
Frances Bume. Alberta Blair and
Dorothy Cathers.
Betty Bar.ows. Mary Fxlith Hen
dricks. Dolores Bernhardt. Corine
Claflin. Gwen Thompson, Al.e
Hulsebus. Mildred Rohrer, Roma
Harrington. Mary Schneider, Mary
Dean. Marjorie Dean. Angelyn
Kretensky. Josephine Lippink, Mil
dred Putney. Wilma Butte. Mar
garet Grant, Margaret Hopper,
Catherine Simpson, Helen McFar
land, Virginia Welch, Berneice Mc
Call, Flo Johnston. Reta Morton,
Margaret Meddler. June Barta,
Charlotte Goodale. Georgia Nelson.
Barbara Bates. Winifred Shall
cross. Marjorie McAllister, and
Bonita Ivtnn also will sell conces
sions, as will Gertrude Lanktree.
( Eleanor Preutiwi. Alice Brown.
' Bs Beirpiist. Eleanor Neil. Mabel
i Nil. Catherine Ontry. Margaret
(Tet, and Arlene Larson.
-sv 1 it
President of Campus Club to
Discuss Principles
At Meeting.
"The Principals of Socialism"
will he the subject of Charles E.
Gray's speech Sunday evening at
the First Baptist Young Peoples'
meeting. Gray is the president of
the Socialist club. This is the
second in a series of three talks
on the three political parties and
their presidential campaigns.
Vincent Broady and his com
mission will have charge of the
meeting. Athea Anderson and
Marie Olson will have charge of
the social hour, which will be held
before the meeting.
Hulbert, Ely and Hokuf to
Talk Also; Parade
Forms at 6:50.
Rav Ramsey will be the princi
pal speaker at the rally tonight,
according to William S. Dever
eaux, chairman of the rally com
mittee of the Innocents society.
The other speakers will be Corwin
Hulbert, game captain, Lawrence
Ely, Steve Hokuf and Clare Camp
bell. "We urge all of the outlying
houses to be at the Temple build
ing at 6:50 o'clock in order that
the rally may start on time," said
"Start the Homecoming week
end off with a big rally Friday
night," asserted Jack Thompson,
president of the innocents society.
"Great support will help bag a
great victory Saturday."
The parade to the stadium where
the rally will be staged will start
from the Temple at 6:50 sharp. It
will go from the Temple, east to
16th, north to T street ana trom
there to the stadium. In case of
rain, the rally will be held in the
Follow General Movement
For Cut in Social
A reduction in the admission
charge to Ag college mixers was
announced by the Ag executive
board following a meeting Wed
nesday evening. The usual charge
of fifty cents will be cut to thirty-
five cents hereafter, but coeds, wno
have formerly been admitted free
to the mixers, will be taxed tc-u
The first mixer to be riven un
der the new price schedule will be
held .Nov. 4 under the auspices of
the Block and Bridle club. Ti.e
movement is in line with the gen
eral policy of reduction of social
expenses on the campus this year,
according to Glen Lt-Dioyi, presi
dent of the executive board, the
Barb council having recently an
nounced a lowered admission price
to the All University parties s; n-
sored by that bodv.
Satirical Article "Nebraska on The
Make" Written by Wesleyan Faculty
Member, Causes Much Local Comment
No action Las n taken
"Vtr.P0il.-a in ih, A
game, nifmber of th? aka Wesleyan
school a few pointed reumrks uc-rc anu'-l.
pearr-.l in the; last in.- of Y.mliv Fnir and
huh-bnh in Lincoln cirdi .
The executive rommittt-e ot wes
leyan planned to discuss the niti. le
at their Wednesday meeting but.
since Chancellor E. Guy Cufsrmll
is out of to-vn. no results r
ion are as yet available.
"Eut get this straight," h" told
a Star reporter earlier in thv- ciiy.
"regular members of th faculty
teach fifteen hour.-. Hurlingame
teaches but five hours. tr.r?e of
English and two of journalism, and
the rest of the time he is studying
at the University of Nebraska
toward a degree."
No doubt the Wesleyan bord a
disturbed to the greatest extent by
the following excerpt from the
production: "Churches. mostly
Protestant, have hemmed in Lin
coln with a fringe of subutbs.
ranging from a Methodist com
munity which has largely surren
dered its purity, to a Seventh day
Adventist colony."
Faculty Comment.
Coach Bible of the University of
Nebraska stated: "Probably the
Dedicate New Lincoln Flag
In Ceremony at
City Hall.
Affairs Given in Honor of
Alumni Serve as
Day's Climax.
Nebraska Day, to be held in
connection with the University
Homecoming Saturday, promises
to be a big event on the city and
school calendar. Final plans were
completed by the chamber of com
merce Thursday noon and an.
nounced by E. U. Guenzel, gen
eral c rman of the arrangenrent
co-nm.uees. The program of the.
y is centered around the Ne-biaska-Kaggie
football game,
which promises to be an outstand
ing game.
Invitations have been sent to
250 mayors of neighboring cities
for them and their wives to be the
guests of Lincoln and around 200
have indicated that they will at
tend. About eight high school
bands have also consented to be,
the guests of the universHrjr"nd
city during the day.
Promptly at 10 o'clock Saturday
morning the university band. Lin
coln high band, and the Burlington
rana win approacn the City Had
from three different directions to
take part In the dedication of the
new Lincoln flag. The flag will be
escorted to the hall by the Persh
ing Rifles, honorary military
group of the R. O. T. C. After all
units are assembled the flag will
be dedicated and accepted by the
city throueh Mayor Zehrunp.
March to Depot. .
While this ceremony is takirvg
place the high school bands iTi-'l
be form? e pr A-idrtce t-rjJ.;-.- . 'j
by Col. W. H. Oury for the maj.'h 1
to tfci depot to ereet the visitirKc
Kagies. The visitors will come ii
on an eleven-car special train anil
all students are requested by Wil
liam Devereaux, chairman of the
Innocents pop committee, to be at
the station to take part in the re
ception. As soon as the Kaggies contin
gent has disembarked, a parade
composed of the Nebraska univer
sity band, the Kansas band, all
high school bands, a group of Boy
Scouts, the tiniversity pep organ
izations, the student regiment, and
student supporters of the two
teams will be formed. The parade,
which will march through- th
business district, will be beaded'ty
Chancellor and Mrs. E. A. Burnett
and President and Mrs. F. D. Far
rell of Kansas State. Following the
chancellor's car will be a group of
Boy Scouts carrying the new Lin
coln flag and the university regi-
I merit, the pep organizations and
j the supporters of the two schools.
Plan Large Rally.
Ending on the west side of "the
' chamber of commerce building at
1 11th and P. the marchers will hold
: rally. A platform will be situated
, there from which Chancellor Bur
nett and Freedom rarreu win
speak. Ticket booths will be set up
by the Tassels to facilitate the
(Continued on Page 4.)
Pen Clubs and Band
To Meet for Rally
All members of tne corn
Cobs, Tassels and band will
meet at the Temple promptly
at 6:45 this evening for the
u yet -oiic-cnin.!r t!ie satirical
Like" ivrittcn r-y i.ooerr nunin
faculty, at which
This article ap
i causing quite a
article is moie or '.ess a genera.
Dean Thompson remarked. l
wouUn t care to comment without
reading the article. If the author
is Irving to w in publicity tor him
self hi work will rise tj mock
him." . .
In general little approbation and
much condemnation is following
the publishing of th work on the
part of Mr. Burlingame. In defense
Rev. Ray Hunt stated: "It is owta
helpful to see ourselves as others
see us. A fellow has a right to
make a speech and be heard."
Razzes Many.
Manv of those institutions, men,
buildings and other mt things
which are accepted as 1Ie pride of
the state come in for a tew Jib
and a sound trouncing and razzing
by Mr. Burlingame. Governor
Bryan "aIt wl,h ,a rlhr
subtle fashion, and his brother of
national fame. . William Jenzung
(Continued on Tage a.)