: FOUR THE DAILY NKRRASKAN FRIDAY. OCTOHF.R 21. ; . , . I v I 1 J I . 4 ft - : ;-n 1 2 - J : STIFF HUSKER BATTLE 4 Coach Lindsey Assigns Brisk Drills Preparing for Nebraska Game. t k-vuTttrrrrr. Kan. Putting Condition and flffht into the Jay- font hull tuam for its thirty-ninth annual meeting with tho Nebraska CornhuskorH here. Saturday afternoon was occupy ing more attention from the Uni versity of Kansas coaches this week than anything ele. oi course, Coach Lindsey and his xtaff is planning some new plays lor the Nebraska invasion, wnien he hopes will give the homecom ing crowd some thrills in the way f substantial Jayhawker gains, but his main worry seems to he over getting his squad in nlinpe to play a full game of tough foot- . , t "The team's condition has noi been first class yet this season," Coach Lindsey said upon return home rrom me rvnu-.a ...t 26 to 0 over Iowa State, "and we are going to give the boys plenty of work this week to s.-e if we can't do something about that. Nebraska plays a rugged type of football, always has. and always has been good at it. The Corn huskers have a great defense and an offense thot is clicking nicely, qo there is no reason to expect other than a hard battle this week." K. U. Campus Aroused. While the coaches are not seeing things In too rosy a light this week the campus fans are all enthusi astic over the Kansas chances against Nebraska this year duo to the showing of the team at Iowa State. , Functioning of the line and the backfield also displayed good blocking and tackling against Iowa State, and the ball carrying of Schaake, Beach, Dumm and Weaver, was effective for many long gains. Kansas and Nebraska will go into the game with the lines about even In weight, and with Kansas carrying a slight edge in the back field as to weight, but the Husk ers having an edge in speed. The game will have a big bear ing on the Big Six championship race In which Nebraska is out to retain the title gained In 1931. The 1T...1,... kmu not lost a confer- nuaivciii " ' - ence came in two years thus far . . : . TMTTs Qtaro and nave a victuiy uvc thus far this season. Kansas has lost to Oklahoma this fall and de feated Iowa State so must win Saturday from Nebraska if any hope of a conference title Is to re main for the Jayhawkers. The game starts here Saturday at 2 p. m. Tickets are selling for $2 75 for reserved seats, including tax; and at $1.50 including tax for unreserved seats which go un Bala at the gate at coon the day of the game. Club Yaldor DANCE TONITE AND SAT. WITH Jimmle Jones and His Colored Orchestra ALSO COLORED FLOOR SHOW New Season Prices FRI. AND SAT. NIGHTS 40c Per Person WEDNESDAYS MIDWEEK FEOILIC 25c Per Person 36 So. 12th B5441 10c Per Line Minimum 2 Lines Where to Eat FOR THE BEST meals and the best prl- no to Mrs. Lush's. 1204 P St. Hair Cutting FIERSON Personifies Personal Serv ice, Hair Cutting. 35c. Sr. Pieraon Jr. 1231 N Btreet. Lost and Found LOST Black Shseffer rwn top with wide jrold band. Return to Daily Xebraakan office. T)ST Trigonometry book by Pas- sano. Call Dick Schmidt. F-3400. LOST Alpha Delta Theta and P-;r dhinR Rifle pin linked together. Call LS39S. Reward. LOST Alpha Delta Pi sorority pin. Name ' Doris Patterson" on bur. Call B3012. LOST Leather notebook. Name J'FranJc CrabUl" on book. Call F-4238. FOUND Sutton high school class rint;. Inquire at the Nebraskan office. FOUND Pair of rape skin gloves. Cull at Nebraskan office. FOUND White gold glasses" ilh tugon lenses. Found in Former .Mu seum. Owner may claim by calling at the Nebrajkan office and paying for tbls d. FOUND Fair of men s hlu k Iwitii-r glove. Omner may claim by calling at the Tmiiy Ncbni; kan office. FOUN'D-Orlton College ring for IM2' Initials Inside. Owner may claim iv calling at the Nebraskan office and ryt"g for this ad. Hit ND fJreen and black fountain"pfT Call at Nebrajkan office. Rayon Underwear . . , Panties, Ted- " dies, Slcp-liin, Coin- T lillllltloll.H. Vents.. , 1 f fine mi.. Illy rnv oua, bi'uulifiilly nmile tJOLD'14 Hiwenieiil. LINCOLN'S BUSY STORE In The Basement y.jr H 1 r ir ALL Jl' A Coat Sale that Ranks With the Foremost1. Our Lowest Price jor Such Coats! HERE'S value you hardly dreamed of finding! It should make the strongest appeal of any coat event this season . . . offering our lowest price for fur trimmed coats of these qualities! Every Coat is new, silk lined, some have shields! Secured through SPECIAL PURCHASES from makers who furn ish us with our best selling coats in MUCH HIGHER PRICED GROUPS! We're not exaggerating a bit when we say they're MARVELOUS! Every Coat All Silk Lined. Generous Trimmings of These FURS: Fitch Caracul Manchurian Wolf Marmot Lapin Vicuna Fox Pointed Manchurian Wolf French Beaver Smart Fabrics Wanted Colors Every Size in Lot MAJORITY AUK OF CKEPKY MANY IN FASIUO X A HLB Missis' i.s 4 to 20. . .tvoiuciis VOOLEXS , . . TWEEDS BLACK. . .HKOWX. . .iKKKX si. s :W to 44 . . . EXTRA SUEDE FABRICS... AND MAROON LARliK SIZES 42 to 52 , . , i "Is. I M 1 . . o mm r ' r t-i A Striking Combination of Style o.J Value New Siir.li" . . . ( 'oinliiiiiitioiis . . . Kidskiiis ... popular iiew heels . . . Jn'v COR. 11TH & O STS. S. Yinimed. BRAND NEW! REMARKABLE VALUES! 'PS I ' 1 J f 1 glim.. ym ugtjff naywi ij i5t.. ,-,'airBg j A Suprr Collection for Variety ami Value New Sweaters All Wools and Angoras Xoveltv weaves". . . cbic m- styles Z I95 . clever neeklinrs, I'Uify sleeve.' . . . you'll like these very neck, very smart Sweaters ... all sizes .34 to 40 at only JL Smart Skirts Diagonal wools . . . wool crepes. . . . Flannels . . . lilaek, brown, green, "Tn Mue. navy, red . . . jaunty flares, frock's . . . sizes 26 to 32. ...... . UOLD'S Basement. 1 Footwear p.'itterns. . . ni'xv materials . . . 298 & H. GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS ALWAYS AN ADDED -1 h -t-i Friday . . A Special Usually 7-90 and $10 IN THE BASEMENT AT- at 3 Rough Crepes Black Brown in t Sizes 14 to 20, 38 to 44. Every Dress an unusual creation ... copied from original models . . . Dresses for street, for business, for afternoon . . . every kind of a frock . . . regular 7.90 and 10.00 Dresses . . . while they last $51 GOLD'S Baaemf nt . 1 "ifT-li p g p ir 1 T li I i I II ii . Extraordinary Sale J J jj ss y j On Sale ! j It II 8:30 a. m. j ; If fLmMimmmmm Friday. j ZJ j Be Early! I i j A Small Deposit Will Secure Any of These Coats for You j ;OID'S Basement. i 1 v. ! Purchase Sale Rayon Pajamas ()m pine anil two piece styles. . .bright colois, IIMHlClS . . . Iniporlmitly low In price at c GOLD'S Basomcnl. SAVING YOU RECEIVE" HOIE 69 of p a .-" I K'4 MtU- Tuxedo for Sale 1 ' i G L OOL.D S BaMment. -4 X F1T' J LE New tuxedo. Size 38. Call . 2w3