1 - V T -r SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1932. TWO THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .4 I . . , ',1 Mi U:.t, .I'M it . i -' r - f. .!;. : '1P 7: . i ..... 'ft' if; The Daily Nebraskan m Station A, Lincoln, Nabraaka OFFICIAL STUDKNT PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY OF NIBKASKA nterarf aacond-olnaa mattar Lincoln, Nabraaka, undtr act of congraaa, March 1, 1879, and at apeclnl rata of poataga provided for In aactlon 1103, act of Octobar 3, 1917. authored January SO, 1922. THIRTY-8iXOND YEAR Publiahad Tuaaday, Warlneaday, Thuraday, Friday and Sunday mornlnga during tha academlo yar. SUBSCRIPTION RATE SC a yar Slngla Copy S canta 11.25 a aaniaatar ; It a ytar mailed 1.TB a aamaater mailed Under direction of tha Student Publication Board. Editorial Off Ice Unlvei aity Hall 4. ualnaia Off Ice Unlverilty Hall A. 'Tc'ephonea Dayi B MH; Nlghtl B M82. B3J31 (Journal) Aik for Nebraakan editor, EDITORIAL STAFF Howard O. Allcway Editor-in-chief Jaok Erlckaon Aaaoclatt Editor Managing Edltora Phillip Brownell Lauranca Hall Newa Edltora Richard Moran J Irma Randall Lynn Leonard Katherlna Howard Women' Editor Joe Miller .8porta Editor Violet Croaa Society Editor BUSINESS STAFF H. Norman Oallaher Bualneaa Manager Aiilatant Bualneaa Managert , Bernard Jennlnga Frank Muagrave George Holyoke No Homecoming Decorations. 'J'HERR will bo no Homecoming decorations this year. This announcement, by the Innocents society, sponsor of this annual rite, appears ln this morning's paper. Important, however, is the em phasis placed on the fact that the action consti tutes but suspension for a single year. Unless simi lar action is again taken next year, the tradition of Homecoming decorations will automatically come back. The Nebraskan has made a plea for preserva tion of this, one of Nebraska's noblest traditions, tho most colorful event of the campus year and probably the most looked-forward-to occasion, with the exception of Ivy day, on the university calendar. But in vain. 2 The decision come to Saturday by the Innocents society was but recognition of the fact that the economy program on this campus is more doter- mined and genuine than had been previously esti mated. Simply, the situation was this: whether or not the house decorations contest was officially kept alive, no many houses were not going to decorate this year that the spectacle was t'oing to be a disappointing flop. The decision of the Innocents society was one of wisdom; it is better that there be no pretense at decorations than that an attempt be made o keep up the custom and then huve it fail. The seriousness with which Nebraska frater nities and sororities are taking their economy pro- grams is commendable. Definite action taken by the Panhellenlc council promises to cut the cost of "social events almost in half. Fraternities should follow In this. House bills have been reduced to a " competitive level with boarding houses and the -women's residence hall. The GreeU associations on this campus have, apparently, seen the absolute necessity for balancing budgets if they are to weather the economic storm. All this indicates the wisdom of a system which can give up old standards and meet the exigencies -of present conditions when forced to It. It is too bad that a fine Nebraska tradition, which the Homecoming house decorations custom ...was, had to be a victim to this necessity. Such, -however, was the case. It is not that Nebraska stu ... dents do not value the traditions which have been built up on this campus by years 6f observance. It is simply that, for this year at least, fraternities and sororities are forced to reduce operating ex ... penses wherever possible. The hope for restoration lies with the future. Suspension for one year roust not mean fhe end of ' the decorations custom. Observers predict that an upward turn, if not "just around the corner," is "inevitable. By next year the blight of depression may have begun to lift. If so, the Homecoming decorations must come back. A dangerous break in the continuity of the custom will be made this year. But this break need not be permanent. Color lllindnvss In tho Stunt Svc'Jon. QOLOR blindness to medical men is an interesting phenomena. To r.iose in the west stadium at Saturday's game its p-evalence among students in the stunt section on the east side must have pro vided no little amusement. While one instance is not grounds for a sweep ing conclusion, about one in five Nebraska students In the cheering section, it seems. Is afflicted with one of two ailments. Either they are color-blind, or else they are illiterate and can't read the written instructions for the stunts. For on each stunt the number who held up the wrong card was large enough to blur the effect noticeably. To the band must go credit for saving what would otherwise have been a sorry between-halves display. The band, well drilled and well balanced as to instrumentation, with iU gigantic drum on wheels and other decorations, provided an imprar sive ceremony as it marched onto the field and executed its designs, including a greeting In ini- tlals for the visitors. Compared The Student Pulse Itrtrf, ornrlw raaliihnllon nrrti. " I" matiar ! inirat lira and the anlTrnlly are wrlrunwtf hr thM department, ondir the a.sul rnlrtr " -"! I" prartlr. wnlek rirludn all l.brloaa man,; ha af.we, tot ,, .in wHa. antd lratn publication If M drains A Dissenter Speaks. Quoting from the editorial "Ac tivities for Unaffiliated Men" in Wednesday's Nebraskan: ". ln appealing to the barba to get be hind the project and push. IU possibilities are unlimited." You darned right It has great possi bilities. . .for the organized Barb clubs to become a second bunch l of Oreeks. The plans do not seem to take . Into consideration the numerous Barbs who are not living in reg ular rooming houses, but are . staying with relatives or in scat-- tered houses in groups of two or " three. Where do these men come . Into the picture under this new plan of organization? Any barb may attend a meeting o fthe new organization, but he is not recog nized as a bona fide delegate to " the lnter-club council unless he has the signatures of ten other barbs for bis credentials. This - clearly leaves all of those barbs who are scattered and who da not have a chance to get together and - organize. A to the avowed purposes of moot of tho ball schedule, sounds better "Sarg." And at tha. poatofflc In ment from both Of the card NebraHka's alderable note cheering find gaping holes in In short, domain) could with nothing Kvply to A Disnenter. intramurals, a plea for the ganized barbs. The first begun last year, though they lard Young is It Is true to establish in groups or clubs the nucleus or may be taken are not to be The point tered barbs are as a whole are will remain impotent. It Is obvious sonally in the ganization. That they carried And the thought They were too And they thought their charms, That like us they farms, ears ; with the bands at the new council, I will admit that the first to Insure a full repre sentation at political elections seems to be all right. And yet, what is to prevent the organized barbs from hoggin gthe officers and leave the other barbs, who do not have a chance to organize, out ln the rain? As to he second purpose to provide for participa tion ln Intramural sports what good are the scattered men going to get out of it? As for the third purpose to Instill interest in extra-curricular a c t i v 1 1 i e s it seems to me that any student who has any ambitions in that direc tion will get into activities whether he belongs co an organized group or not And so I say that if the present plans are followed out the new barb clubs will soon be a second bunch of Greek lodges although not quite so expensive. I advocate the renovation of the old Barb council and letting this new or ganization foisted upon us by the Interfraternity council die a nat ural death. A BARB. Reply on Subsidization. TO TriK EDITOR: 'Intercollegiate athletics in the beginning were the games taken part la by men that played the games for the love of the sport. Today, professionalism seems to be the current fashion. In this column recently "Brad" so aptly stated a trite and wornout excuse for the existence of profeauional- schools regularly oa Nsbraskft'i foot Nebraska's looks mighty food and thanks to Blllle Quick and the a marked Improvement even over previous appearances won wide and favorable com Nebraakans and visitors Saturday, section this cannot be said. card stunt section has rained con In the pant for a unique form of for the precision with which it has executed Intricate uemgna. tsaiuruay iaueu 10 main tain that reputation. In addition to failing to fol low the written instructions, many of those In the section loft their seats between halves, leaving the designs attempted. the stunt section Saturday (if our sports department will permit this Invasion of 1U be compared m its demonstration but the team itself. "A BARB" writes to the Nebraskan scoffing at the promotion by this paper of the plan for organizing unaffiliated students into an association capable of making the barbs effective in politics and activities in general. His plea is Individual barb In opposition to or purpose of the new barb organization, was to provide an association to which all unorganized men could belong, even lived alone in separated sections of the campus and city. This Is the purpose toward which tho organization under the leadership of Wil- working. that the organization is attempting the first place a number of small on the campus which can serve as organization. But that In no sense to mean that the "numerous barbs who are not living in regular rooming houses, but are staying with relatives or In scattered houses" taken Into consideration. is simply this: These self-same scat exactly the reason why the barbs impotent in politics and activities. They have no common bonds, no means of associa tion, in short nothing to weld them into an organi zation. Unless they form some organization they that every individual barb cannot be represented in the barb organization any more than every fraternity man can be represented per interfraternity council. It is alao obvious that individual barbs cannot participate In dividually in intramural athletics, and that to be politically effective, each individual barb cannot nominate and vote for his own candidate. In other words the entire basis for successful participation in student activities of every sort rests on a cohe sive organization. These scattered barbs then must get together in small groups which are capable of participating in intramural activities and can be recognized as entitled to membership in the proposed inter-club council. This docs not mean that these scatterrd barbs must live together, but it does mean that they must keep in touch with each other and at tempt to establish a self-perpetuating club. Above all, it does not mean that the small clubs are to become a "second bunch of Greeks." None of the rigidity of organization, nor the exr ?nses connected with the Greek lodges need be incurred. But the only alternative to organisation Is the present condition of utter disorganization. We hope "A Barb" accepts these suggestion! as con structive attempts to help the barbs become effec tive. The plan was not Instituted by the Interfra ternity council, but by the Student council with the co-operation of a number of unaffiliated students. As to tho suggestion of the writer to renovate the old Barb council, we can only say that this or ganization is based on precisely the same principle of representation as is the Barb council. Call It what you will, "A Barb," you cannot escape the necessity of organization and representation. The individual cannot successfully compete against or Good by. Hello Week. The staff poet makes the following belated comment on the recent sorry attempt of Mortar Board to revive, or keep alive, Hello Week: Was this Hello Week spelled with an "e" or an "a?" We couldn't have told from the terrible way it on, those who started the play; brings considerable pain. busy being a Venus with arms, we knew not, as they peddled have come from the outlying Stretching endlessly over the plain. It would scra we were trying to chisel, my dears, On their Beau Brummel prince with his loving cut Your complexion is marred by big alkaline tears At the thought if you're still in the know. They raised quite a yell on a plenty good gag, And they wrote endless columns of it in the Bag; But they spoke not to any, but just let it drag, And the Greeks had a name for them. JOE. im ln college football especially, and all types of college athletics, that I thought a reply was neces sary to some of the phrases he used. Of course the man la a martyr who gives up a job as some small flunky or another, to have his way paid to college so that he may play football for the dear old Alma Mater of some alumnae. The men who attempts to do his small part ln bringing hack the taste of true amateurism to our present filthy, professionalized game-of football, is one of the wolves who under mine the collegiate system. ' Ad mitted, we hope to undermine the system of professionalism which suncunds Intercollegiate athletics with the odor of a dead cat. We thank "Brad" for defining us as wolves of a great, clean, untainted sport. Check .... Amateurism ln sports was started as early as man first began to become Interested in the processes of physical culture. The games of the ancient Greeks were amateur sports. Football ln this country was until gamblers de cided to spend vast sums of money in sending men to school so that that school might win games and the gamblers win their bets. From there the system has grown to such proportions that many schools at the present time "are giving their athletes Jobs," by letting them have tuition free edu cation, free board and room at the expanse of the school, a "Job" that consists of tossing out the towels Contemporary Comment Normal Tendency. Students should realize that they are really a part of the world of affairs. This year, more than ever before, the fact is being Impressed upon them by the fact that many of the students will have to work Reality, and with it the hardships of life, will bring a certain degree of seriousness into anyone s life Although the blue nosed critics are continually harrangulng any one who will listen to them about the wild life that a college student lives, we believe that most collego students lead a normal life. By a normal life wo mean a life that is vitally tied up with the more worthwhile things ln the world and one which will lead to some thing better in the future. These reformers, most of them at least, have reached their peak. They will gyrate about that point for a while and then they will stagnate in a silence enforced by society uniu iney aie. College students do carry on a bit. The ballyhoo at class elec tlona Is k little old fashioned and is Indulged in by those Interested ln a little relief rather than any thing else. If emotional freedom Is not to be allowed in colleges and universities, where is the atu dent or individual to find such freedom? When and If he rrad uates the individual will find that then he is either held down by convention or neia aiooi to me bit ing criticism of those who cannot accomplish with such grace those trivial breaches of convention that he manages. Quite a number of university men and women are working- at least part time now, and this fact indicates that the entire student body must come into contact with this murti reality ln life before graduation. Artificiality Is admit tedly prevalent on the campus, due to the majority of the students be ing here for an education and liv ing on allowances, but the points of view brought into the classroom by those who have been put out in the world are proving valuable to the neophytes. Dally I Mini. Liberalism in College. The University of North Caro lina, which in the last few years has become known in this country and abroad as one of the most lib eral state educational Institutions in the United States, has been at tacked on this very ground by a , in the various locker rooms at eight in the morning, going to classes, football practice, and then again returning to the locker room at seven that night, picking the towels up from the. floor, and throwing them Into a laundry basket, for which the poor, over worked athlete gets a sum running from $35 to $75 dollars a month depending upon the size of the school, and the number of other athletes in that same school doing the same kind of "work." These poor overworked martyrs, for shame. Nonathletes must really WORK their way through school with no help from the alumnae or the school, unless they are very bril liant in one particular line of work ln which they are given a tuition free scholarship. They must work to earn money to buy clothes, to athlete needs only worry about his place on the team. True, the athlete takes a terrible pounding ln the games, but this is not near ly as bad as the beating the non athlete takes from the business world. This subsidization of athletes as have said before is unfair to other schools who either do not wish to besmirch the fair name of their school, or have not the money to pay enough men to turn out a winning team, and also to non athletes all over the country. The report of the Carnegie Foundation will only too adequate ly prove what I am seeing, "Brad ", It would be wellworth your while investigating. B. A. F. Paddles, If Necessary. TO THE EDITOR: It is time that some definite ac tion should be taken about fresh men caps! Freshmen have blandly ignorned requests to wear their caps, and upperciassmen nave passed over their refusal with laughs. ir this is tne case, wny nave tne freshmen caps at all? But. if the wearing or freshmen caps is to still be a school tradi tion, it must be enforced. For weeks, the Innocents, stu dent council and other student au thorities have blathered about tra ditions and weakly protested gainst frosh refusal to wear the caps. Are the upper ciassmen going to let the frosh ret the better of them? Are the Innocents going to enforce this, their annual duty? The situation now points to an overthrow of tradition ... and a whitewashing- of our highest men's body, supposedly chosen because of honesty, integrity, eic. . .not xor gettlng "home and mother." I propose this for definite ac tion: 1. Organization of a sophomore vigilance committee, such as was in force several years ago. 2. The committee to be made up of representatives from every fra ternity and barb group on the campus. S.The eephomore group to have complete control of freshmen, and to enforce the wearing of caps with paddles, tubs, (Ag college uses a horse tank) and other dis ciplinary means. By these means only can the wearing of freshmen caps be en forced as a Nebraska tradition. Word.n, pleas, threats, cannot do It Paddles can! A SOPHOMORE. LEARN TO DANCE Treason Private and br Appointment XXZ JL TH0ENBZEEY BMSI 4th Year 2100 Y St. group of about 100 prominent iNonn carouniana. The irroup this month sent plea to Governor O. Max Gardner or North Carolina, asking him to "save our Institution from furthor predatory acts by these so-called modern educators against "thing or tno spirit." The petition asked him to oust "the undesirables nt our tax-sup ported institutions of learning. " "We are not attacking- . . . tl university," the petition continued "On the contrary wo are rallying to the defence thereof to prevent further poisoning by the enemy of those now attending or who may hereafter attend. "It is up to you, O. Max Gard ner, governor of the state of North Carolina. What will you do about it? You should do something and make public proclamation thereo from 'Murphy to Manteo' and from the borders of Virginia even unto those of South Carolina." Student publications at the uni verslty, said tho protesting 100, "are straws that show whither the wind is blowing toward Moscow and whence It is coming the class rooms." Appearance at the university and the North Carolina college for women of Serlrand Russell, Hni ish philosopher, and Langston Hue-es, negro poet, was con demned. Russell's philosophy wns described as "the Incarnation of paganism, dressed tip in inveigling and seductive non-Blbllcal terms and properly branded is nea-pu-aranism.' , Indicative of a growing conser vatism among business men thru out the country, who are shying nt any new idea because or tne tu sastrous results of their most re cent flirtation with so-called mod ern schemes in Industry, such ex pressions as this criticism of the North Carolina university are dnn- rerous (If heeded) to the freedom of American colleges, weuner condemning nor upholding the ideas or philosophies of Russell and Hughes, we maintain it is the duty of college students to be con versant with the viewpoints of such men: accepting them is an other matter. Students in a uni versity usually have the intelli gence to listen to new Ideas and then accept or reject them accord ing to their merits. To deprive young men and women of this privilege would be destroying one of the principals of modern educa tion. Dally Trojan. TASSEL TICKET CAMPAIGN ENDS WITH 1000 SOLD (Continued from Page 1.) total was garnered during the first two days of the campaign, since outsido activities prevented her from continuing . Team A in group 2, captained by Alyce Wldman, which had led in the contest from start to fin ish, ended the campaign victori ously with 342 tickets sold. Miss Widman was high saleswoman ln this group. Team 1-B, captained by Alice Geddes, won second with 193 tickets sold. High saleswo man was Lois Picking. Team 1-3, captained by Donna Davis, came in a close third with 192 tickets. High saleswoman was Laura Mc Allister. Fourth was the team of Willa Norrls, 2-c, which sold 127 tickets. Dorothy Luchsinger was high in this group with 39. Trail ers were Team 1-A, captained by Margaret Buol, which sold 74 tick ets, and team 2-B, captained by Helen Shelledy, which sold 61 tickets. This year's total amounted to 1,063 tickets sold and paid for, not Including sales made during the summer and at the close of last year's season, which were considerable. In 1931 the Tassels sold 1,323 ducats during their campaign, and last year 1,571. 1'hat the Tassels will attend at least one out of town football trip this year seems assured. Although Tassels heads had set their goal as Minnesota, results from sales raise considerable doubt about attending the Gopher-Cornhusker grid battle. Tassels will meet ln the next few days to determine their tnp. "I think the results in sales are very promising this year," declared Charles Hoff, business manager of the Plavers. "Although not as many tickets as last year were sold during the campaign ltseir, tne large amount of seats reserved be fore the campaign started bring up the total considerably." In charge of the Tassel's cam paign for this year was Jane Youngston, president of the girl's pep club. Alma Freehllng was general chairman. Julienne Deet kln .last year's Tassel president, assisted Mr. Hoff ln promoting the campaign, and also checked and reserved all seats. Orchestras Open Fall Season at Two Hotels The fall season began Friday evening at the Hotel Lincoln Ven etian ballroom, with Howie Chris tensen's orchestra playing. Joyce Ayres and his orchestra provided the dance melodies Saturday eve ning. The Lincoln will continue these week end dances thruout the fall and winter season. William Com stock will be in charge of the floor. Special dances are planned for the Thanksgiving and Christ nias holidays. DEPRESSION RATES Nenv cut in Rent-a-Car prices brings down our rates to almost one-half of 1930 rates. $1.95 Flat Rate ia made available lor every day in the week (nol for 10 miles, Insurance, and lira (afternoon and night) to 1:0U a. m.) Standard Rate on Fords, Dursnti and Austins Is reduced from 12c to loc; time charge ie reduced from 2oc to lie: Insurance or aervice fee ia reduceu from 60c to 45c: long distance rates aa low as 6c per mile. Special Announcement. J'-8 Ford available at alightly higher rate than regular four. Only good cars furnished ana our lowest ratea quoted to ail custom era. MOTOR OUT COMPANY Always Open 1120 P Street Phone B681S Views and REVIEWS By Clark C. Bradley. BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION. It was once said, "Kvery time u person reads a book it means that another book has been eliminated from his scone of reading-." One can read only a certain number of books during his life and, if tie reads one book, there Is another book which he must leave unread, With half the world writing something for the other half to rend, it 1h reasonable that students should find somothlng of interest in the mass of material made availablo by such production. It is possible, however, for one person to consume only a small part of the tremendous output, 'inererore, It seems that some sort of guide In selecting reading matter is de nimble. Equally Important as tho sub ject-matter is some Knowledge oi tho trend ia writing. The things that people are thinking and writ Ing about should be of interest to university students. With this thought in mind, this column is launched. ' COVER THE WATERFRONT." After snendtnsr six years cover- lnc the waterfront for a Pacific coast newspaper, Max Miner has written a volume in wmcn ne has attempted to reveal a few of the facts that lay behind the many news-stories which he has turned out for his paper. He has s-one a step oeyond tne ordinary recital of facts and has delved into the background of some of his newspaper assign ments. Beneath the surface of the usually presented facts he finds little human dramas, which be of fers the reader with a whlmiscal twist. It is not. however, fraught with cynicism, nor made absurd by forced sentimentality, dui me au thor does achieve a viewpoint ln which the merit of the book rests. If the reader deals strictly in the subject-matter of the book, he will probably be disappointed, for the author does not aisn out soraia details and the book is far from risque. Nevertheless, if the reader can appreciate tne writer a siyie, his adroit handling of characters and his philosophy, the book will be found to be worth reading. Each chapter is a separate yarn, telling of some incident that oc cured on the waterfsont, or of some interesting personality that makes this area Its habitat. It is picture of a certain section of life, as it has appeared to Max Miller during his six years on that beat "THE GREAT MOUTHPIECE." This omnibus-like creation was produced by Gene Fowler as a biography of the late William J. Fallon, criminal lawyer extraor dinary. To call the volumn merely a biography would be gross under statement, for it goes b-yond the scope of one man's life to such an extent that it is more of an an thology of the experiences of sever al colorful figures. The passing of an opinion on the book as a whole is rendered quite difficult by its divesity of content and multiplicity of detail. However, it can be said of the book that it is one of the most ec centric works produced by any contemporary writer. In refusing to be restricted to events pertinent to the life of Fal lon, the author has been able to utilize many interesting incidents which he has observed during his years in New York City. Not only are the highlights ln Fallon's career related, but the book also reveal episodes in the lives of Nickey Arnstein, Arnold Roth stein, Thomas Mott Osborne, Fan ny Brice, Peggy Joyce and a score of other personalities that achieved prominence during the years shortly after the World war. , In dealing with Fallon, himself, the author has access to one of the most colorful careers that the American court room has ever Known. The author employes a host of apt similies in describing his subject and constantly stresses the fact that thruout his life Fal lon was the actor supreme. The reasons for Fallon's prom inence are quite simple. He was the first attorney to receive the tremndous fees paid by the under world for legal services. His vic tories ln court and the sensational manner in which he conducted his cases attracted considerable atten tion. As the author states it, "With Fallon secured as attorney, the de fendant had two strikes on the prosecution." The vast sums that poured into Fallon's pockets from the coffers of the underworld were spent al most before they were received. His extravagance knew no limits and ostentation was the very key note of his career. A great show man, a clever attorney and a great spender Fallon died almost at the height of his career, deeply in debt Highlights of the book: The Aost outttondmq barren) h Wnneopoli$...Cb to ATTusemcftts Center!...' fxceptionaf food $erd in both Coffee Shop aid Rnirxjrbom. Pad Prices SINGLE 2: with bath SINGLE without bath $150 I. UP TKEODOPE r. STELTEN manage opening episode ln the dlsscctlmr. room. .. .Fallon's escapades Fordham...,Tlie author's descrlp. tlon of the three eras of Broadway ,..,The Badger-gamo caso.,,Tho lncomo tax evasion battle with the government. .. .Fallon's de. fense of Krnest Fritz. ,. , Fallon playing hide-and-seek with tho law. . . .World series baseball seun dal of 1919 Involving the Chlcajro White Sox.... Fallon's fights t0 save himself from federal Indict ments during his last days. HOME EC TEACH Eli VISITS CONCLAVE Institutional Management Head Returns From St. Paul Trip. Miss Martha Park, head of tho institutional management division of the home economics department returned Saturday from a week's trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, whero she attended a meeting of the na tional restaurant association. Miss Park made the trip with the Idea of getting in touch with problems of the restaurant busi ness for the benefit of girls in tha home economics department who are Intending to go into that lino of work. A number of recent graduates from the department have been given positions In this locality re cently, Miss Park poltncd out. Miss Hazel Benson, '33, Is assisting the director of the Y. W. C. A. cafeteria, Miss Ruth Mlerhenry, '31, has received a posttion as as sistant in Gold s restaurant, and Miss Louise Hornung has been placed in a position in Rudge & Guenzers careteria. DRIVE RESULTS ANNOUNCE ANNE BUNTING WINNER (Continued from Page 1.) John K. Selleck, business manager of athletics and student activities, from whose office the report was released late Saturday, declared be was pleased with student co-operation during the drive. "Altnougn i am not, as a ruie, in favor of student conducted 'drives.' I am pleased with the re sults of this year's athletic ticket canvass," he said. "I believe the drive was successful, for altho ac tual fle-ures are not available, over two thousand tickets were sold. 'This number of student tickets ia s-reater than the number of tick ets which otherwise would have been sold, and I wish to thank the participants in the contest for their co-operauon aunng me uu palgn." DECREASE HOPES OF BASEBALL AS NEBRASKA SPORT (Continued from Pag 1.) Farm House, last Sunday declared they would present the plea for baseball's reinstatement to the Interfraternity council for Its sup port According to Meredith's outline of the plan the council would be requested to help circulate peti tions supporting the movement Four students have already oeen working with Meredith on peti tion circulation. They are Keith Vogt, Frank Mueller, Tom Snipes and Fred uetgen, wno leuereu m the sport the last time it was in cluded ln the sports program. STUDENTS! Dont Miss the Biggest Opportunity of Your School Days The well dressed College Man wears Lcbsock Clothes. The best of Imported and Domestic Fabrics, latest New Fall Styles in Suits, Top coats and Overcoats, The best tailored fabrics which sold last season at 65.00 up, now up Students, take advantage of this great opportunity. It shall never be again. LEBSOCK TAILORS 209 North 12th St. Orpheum Bldg. Makers of Formal, Business and Sport Clothes Where Quality Is Always Assured Our parous ottfidonf tokes ' your ear a you ormt ant qivtt the btst of core I li ''3 50 Uo -H. 4 ) r ,