The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1932, Image 1
, Daily Nebraskan Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska 1H VOL. XXXII NO. 18. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1932. PRICE 5 CENTS. OUT AME 12-6 ' v r.v'v tu'VV w ' " ' V BUSKERS NOSE So Homecoming Decorations Suspended INNOCENTS REDUCE GRAD DAY EXPENSE Jack Thompson Says Greek House Display Competition To Be Cancelled Because of University-Wide Economic Retrenchment Program. TO RESUME TRADITIONAL PLANS NEXT YEAR Dr. G. E. Condra and Dean Thompson Commend Croup Action in Cutting Expenditures for Fraternities and Sororities. . Homecoming decorations for theO present year have been suspended, according to an announcement Saturday by Jack Thompson, In nocents president. The retrenchment program be ing carried on In all departments of the university necessitated the .suspension Thompson said. As a lcsult the colorful spectacle which lias occurred for many years on the night before the homecoming game will not be held. For several years past fraterni ties and sororities have been cut t ing down their efforts and expen- Jitures for the decorations and the innocents society suspended the decorations as one step in reduced budgets for the houses. Thompson made it plain, how ever, that the suspension was for one year and that if it was reasi iMe decorations for homecoming would be resumed next year. Dr. G. E. Condra, Innocents ad visor, declared that he believed the plan to be the best policy because of the general retrenchment. The cups now in the possession of Delta Gamma and Sigma Al pha Epsilon -will remain the prop erty of those houses for another year. Jack Erickson, chairman of the l ommittee in charge, said that he believed the sentiment to be gen erally in favor of the decorations but that many would not be able to prepare displays because of re duced financial circumstances. Tc date no official action has been taken by the Interfraternity coun cil or the Panhellenic council. Dean T. J. Thompson, dean of student afairs, said Saturday that in view of present circumstances the move was a good one In his opinion. "It is a shame to lose the colorful spectacle, but when one figures up 25 for every fraternity and sorority on the campus one tan realize the magnitude of the having effected by the suspension." Members of the Innocents so ciety were all sorry to lose the event but expressed the belief that drastic steps were necessary inor ler to make budgets balance. They were all eager, too, to see the dec orations be returned to a regular place as soon as financial condi tions would permit. It is a spec tacle unique to Nebraska, they de clared, and it should not be abol ished. NEBRASKA Y.W.C.A. IS Presidents and Sponsors of State Organizations Attend Meeting. The University of Nebraska Y. W. C. A. served as host to the Nebraska Conference which con vened Saturday and Sunday. Pres idents and sponsors of the local or ganizations in colleges over the state were present. The schools represented Included the Univer sity of Nebraska, Nebraska Wes leyan, Cotner, Doane, Central Col lege, and Peru and Kearney Nor mal schools. The purpose of the conference was to discuss problems of the Y. W. C. A. and outline tentative plans and future policies of the organization in regard to campus administration, ethical problems, and economic and international questions. Miss Helen Cassidy, chairman of the Rocky Mountain Regional Council, presided at the discussion groups Saturday at El len Smith hall. She was assisted by Miss Stella Scurlock. who is national student secretary of the Y. W. C. A., and other members of the regional council. Saturday evening this group met for dinner wiih members of the Y. M. C. A. who were holding a Rocky Mountain field council of the student Y.M.C. A. Following the dinner there was a discussion of problems and activities which affect both groups. The final meeting of the confer ence will be held this morning In Ellen Smith hall, at which time representatives will be able to summarize the previous discos sions to take back to their own schools. HOST 10 CONFERENCE TASSEL TICKET CAMPAIGN ENDS WITH 1000 SOLD Alyce Widman Receives First Prize as Contestant With High Total. COEDS WILL MAKE TRIP Laura McAllister Turns In 66 Sales to Win Second Contest Award. Tassel's campaign for the sale of University Players' tickets closed Friday night with more than 1000 tickets sold. Although lower than last year's sales, which was a record in all Tassel's cam paigning, this year's total does not include a large amount of sea son tickets sold during the sum mer and at the end of last year's season. Alyce Widman, who has been high saleswoman all during the campaign, turned in a total of 206 tickets, winning the prize offered for high salesman. Laura McAl lister, who did not start In the campaign until the second day, turned in 66 tickets to win second Tilare. Third and fourth places went to Lois Picking, who sold 53 ducats, and Dorothy Lucnsmger, who sold 39. Mss Luchsinger's (Continued on Page 2.) Instructor Shows Pictures Taken in New Mexico To Audience. "Indian Arts and Crafts of the Southwest." the series of color photographs taken by Dwight Kirsch during nis lour weeKS amy in New Mexico this past summer, was shown to a large audience Friday at 3 o'clock in the Temple building. Mr. Kirsch, after the six weeks summer school period, left for Santa Fe where most of the pictures were taken and where he took a class in Indian art under Kenneth Chapmann, wLo Is an au thority in this field as well as a discoverer of modern ways of pro ducing an ancient type of pottery. Refore the nresentation. Mr. Kirsch explained that basketry and weaving were me iirst arts mas tered by Indians, and because geo metric designs come natural to that art the pottery designs are all of a geometric nature. Origi nally the decorating on pottery was in black and white, or in the natural earth colors; it was not until later that they learned to paint in bright shades and to glaze. The earthenware was pho tographed against rather bright backgrounds in order to bring out its dull and subtle coloring. Blankets and Pottery Displayed. Prehistoric examples of blank ets and pottery, the craft of which Is now forgotten, were shown as they are displayed in the state museum there. In one instance the pieces were arranged on a piece of wrapping paper on a desk board used by Gen. Lew Wallace when he wrote "Ben Hur." Some of the bowls which had been found In Indian graves were marked by a large hole cut in the bottom in order to allow the departed spirit to escape to the "happy hunting ground." After the showing the Art club served tea, wafers, and mints in th utace-desien room Tha tsa was brewed in a genuine Russian samovar orougni over from China by Miss Louise Austin. In the nm room were riar1a.,a.4 - hibit of Indian and Mexican curios arranged Dy air. Kirsch and Her bert Yenne. DWIGHT KIRSCH SHOWS PHOTOGRAPH EXHIBIT OBSERVER SAYS FALL El Blue Shirt, Yellow Jacket and Non-Fraternity Men Organize. THREE POSITIONS OPEN Fewer Posts to Be Filled Than Ever Before in Campus Politics. By the Observer. As the coming fall election ap proaches the campus political hori zon becomes studded with various and assorted shadowing hulks which, upon closer inspection, ap pear to be the Blue Shirt, Yellow Jacket, and Barb faction machines undergoing the process of organi zation. There is a peculiarly signifi cant feature about the fall election it Is the smallest election in University of Nebraska history from the standpoint of elective of fices to be filled. There was a time, even when your chronicler entered school, when the first se mester election meant a direct and indirect filling of seventeen offices. This fall there are but three posts to be filled, all as a result of a Student council which has zeal ously and righteously guarded the portals of campus political sanc tity. Formerly Elected Four. Four years ago fall voters turned out to elect four class presi dents and an honorary colonel. The class presidents in turn called class meetings at which were elected three more officers, namely a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. It is admitted that their most arduous task was to pose for pictures in the Corn husker, but even so there were (Continued on Page 3.) ELECT PRESIDENTS All Houses in Which Four or More University Women Live Included. Organized houses, the designa tion given those residents in which four or more university women are residing:, have recently elected presidents, who automatically be come delegates to the A. w . a. council. Following is the list of these presidents of organized houses. Deloris Deadman. Fairbury; Lu- cile Darrington, Weston, la.; Mil dred Mares, Ulysses: Lois Madden, Pawnee Citv: Grace Owens, Asn- land; Genevieve Jeffries. Odell; Amelia Vogt, Summerneld. Kas.; Reba Jones. Belden; Helen Knight, Blue Springs; Lillian Sperry, Aber deen, S. D. Henrietta Windhusen, Hooper; Edna Kreuscher, De Witt; Grace Shroder, Fairbury; Edith Porter, Wayne; Edna Tichy, Wilbur; Evelyn Fosler, Milford; Hattie Jeffrey, Idaho Falls, Idtho; Mar garet Baldwin, Anadarko, Okl.; Eileen Olsen. Benango; cniorihi Rehn, Wilcox. Pauline Freedlun. Minden; Clar ice Crook. Nelson; Pauline Soder, Ceresco; Mildred Worthman, Lin coln; Florence Mecham, Grand Island; Adele Rodekohr, Kansas Citv, Mo.; Louise Bernhardt, Mc Cook; Vera Emrich. Indianola; Anna Kenyon, Mitchell; Luella Pierson, Bennett; and Ruth West, Seward. INSTRUCTOR JfESTS MIND Dysinger Gives Standardized Test to Determine His Class' Rank. A standardized Army Alpha in telligence test was given in the ele mentary psychology classes by Prof. John Dysinger to determine the percentage ranking of his stu dents. The average for the entire class was 149, which is considered an exceptionally high rating. Mr. Dysinger contends that the grades would naturally run high because the test was given to a selected college group. Thia was a demonstration test, rather than a direct effort test, to determine the individual intelligence of students. WORCESTER SPEAKS AT OMAHA MEETING Dr. D. A. Worcester spoke on "Psychology of the Nurse" at a meeting of the Nebraska. State Nurses association held in Omaha. Thursday. Oct. 6. .ECTION STARTS ACTION RE1MURT PREPARER SOCIOLOGY TEXTBOOK Starting Classes Use Book W ritten by Mebraska Instruetor. All introductory classes in Lhs sociology department are using the book. Principles and Methods in Sociology, written by Prof. James Reinhart, associate professor of so ciology at the University of Ne braska. Professor Reinhart wrote the book with the assistance of Professor Davis, professor of sta tistics in the college of commerce in the University of Iiowa. It con cerns the psychological interaction of individuals and socia' relations involving competition and co-operation. Altho the book was released on Aug. 22, eleven adoptions have al ready been made. It is used In some of the major universities in cluding University of North Da kota, University of Louisville, and New York university. 120 DELEGATES AI Fifth Annual Convention of High School Students Ends Saturday. GAME ENDS PROGRAM Massie Baum and Alta Belle Miller Announced as Contest Winners. About 120 delegates were regis tered Friday morning for the fifth annual convention of the Nebras ka High School Press association, held Friday and Saturday at the university. The meeting concluded Saturday afternoon with joint at tendance at the Iowa-Nebraska football game. Alta Belle Miller, Omaha North, and Massie Baum, Omaha Tech, were the winners of the news writ ing contest according to announce ment made at the session Satur day morning. In the boys' con test John F. Kerrigan, Fremont, placed second and third was awarded to George Pipal, Hum boldt. Honorable mention was given Wayne Scharfenberg, York. Winners in the girls' division were Helen McCord. Omaha Benson, second, Helen Edwards, Lincoln, third, Hilda Herman, Wilber, hon orable mention. Awards were made by Laurence Hall, president of Sigma Delta Chi, and Irma Ran dall, Theta Sigma Phi. The con test was under the direction of Professor Gaylc C. Walker, di rector of the school of journalism. Judges were Munro Kezer of the Associated Press, Dean Hammond, of the United Press, and Oscar Norling, editor of the Nebraska Alumnus. Helen Day Elected President. Miss Helen Day, York, was elected president of the Nebraska High School Press association at the close of the two-day conven tion being held this week end at the university. Miss Mary E. Klopping, Omaha, was chosen vice president and Miss Frances Gus tafson, Albion, was elected secre tary and treasurer. Miss Lena May Richardson, Fremont, was awarded a $5.00 prize as winner of the design con test held by the association. Miss Richardson's design will be used as the official seal of the organ ization. An Invitation of the University (Continued on Page 4.1 Election Candidates Must File Wednesday Candidates for office in the fall election to be held Tues day, Oct. 18, must file in per son at the Student Activities office not later than 5 o'clock on Wednesday, Oct. 12. The offices of honorary colonel president of the junior class and president of the senior) class are to be filled. Candidates for office must! meet the following eligibility requirements: 1. All candidates must have completed twenty-seven hours in the past two semesters, at least twelve of which mustl have been completed In the previous semester. All candidates must be car rvina at least twelve hours lurina the present semester. 3. No candidates may nave anv standina delinquecies. 4. Candidates for junior class president must have not les than fifty-three nor more than eighty-eight credit hours. 5. Candidates for senion class president and for honor ary colonel must have no less than eighty-nine hours or uni versity credit. President Student Council. HIGH SCHOOL PRESS IE1 RESULTS E Dale Taylor Receives Second Prize in Ticket Drive Among Students. GEPSON ALSO WINS TRIP Leona Pollard, Alice Pedley, Goulding, Schramek Get Kansas Trips. Although student ticket drive figures were unavailable Saturday, Annie Bunting, PI Beta Phi. and Dalo Taylor, Phi Gamma Delta, were announced winners of the two first prizes in the sales con test. Miss Bunting will have her choice of a trip to either the Southern Methodist university game at Dallas, or the Minnesota game at Minneapolis. Taylor will receive a trip to the S.M.U. game. Second hignest among men salesmen was John Gepson, Phi Kannn. Psl. who will co to Min neapolis. There was no other girl contestant selling enough tickets to win the Minneapolis jaunt. Girls who will be sent to the Kansas game as a reward for their efforts are Leona Pollard, women's hnll and Alice Pedlev. Kappa Alpha Theta. Men con testants winning trips to Kansas are Byron Goulding, Beta Theta Pi. and Joseph Shramek, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Thirteen Win Game Tickets. Ruth Bverlv. Ruth Cain. Doris Patterson, Alice Wiren, Constance Wade and Margaret Sievcrs are the girls winning tickets to any came. Men who will receive this award are Herman Levinson, Otto Kotouc, Robert Thiel, Oscar Stults, Lee Young, Max Emmert and Dan Easterday. Commenting on the ticket drive, (Continued on Page 2.) WILL BE FILED MONDAY Oldfather Says Only Three Have Applied for Five Nebr. Positions. Aspirants for the Rhodes schol arship have only one more day in which to put in their applications, the deadline being set for Monday, Oct. 5. The University of Ne braska is permitted to enter five applicants in the state competi tion. Dean Oldfather, chairman of the university committee on selec tion, announces that up to date only three names have been sub mitted. The dean desires to sub mit the University of Nebraska's full quota of applicants and de sires a larger number from which to make a selection. The Rhodes scholarship was in stituted by Cecil Rhodes when he set aside a large sum of money to be used each year for the educa tion of American students at Ox ford college. Under a revised plan put into effect two years ago, two candidates are sent by each state Into a district competition of eight states, from which four are fi nally chosen. There are eight dis tricts in the United States for this competition. Nebraska's appli cants will compete with those from Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota. DISCUSSIONJERIES BEGINS Rev. Irvine Inglis Will Talk About an Adequate Life Philosophy. The first of a series of three discussions on an adequate phil osophy of life will be presented at vespers Tuesday evening by the Reverend Irvine Inglis of the Vine Congregational church of Lincoln. The meeting will be led by Catherine Williams, vice president and chairman of the interracial committee of the Y. W. C. A. The subject which Mr. Ingliss will speak on is "The Intellectually Adequate Philosophy of Life." There will be special music by the vespers choir. COMMISSION GROUPS NAME 1932 OFFICERS Officers were elected for the freshman commission group meet ing at 7 o'clock Thursday evening at Ellen Smith hall. They were Betty Barrows, president; Eliza beth Busbee. vice president: and Margaret Test, secretary. All are pledges of Alpha Chi Omega, ANN NC ANNE BUNTING WINNER CYCLONES RALLY IN SECOND HALF Dick Grefe Slurs lor Ame Tram in (loinclmck That Find CoinliiivkciH With Racks to Wall As Game End. NEBRASKA LACKING Sauer ami !Matei-on Score Touchdown for Strict In a Tilt Replete Willi FuniMc And Penalties. DECREASE HOPES OF BASEBALL AS I Saturday's Football Game Attendance Far Below Par Selleck Says. EXPECTS SMALL CROWDS Ag Students Prominent Agitation for Sport's Return Here. in Hopes for addition of baseball to varsity sport calendar are not bright . Attendance at the Iowa State Nebraska football game Saturday was far below par, according to Director of Athletics John K. Sel leck, and despite the success of the campus ticket drive, Selleck expects gate receipts thruout the year -to drop from 33 to 40 per cent below average. "The Saturday crowd was one of the smallest to attend a varsity football game since Memorial Stadium was built," he declared late Saturday, "and even the cas ual observer can see that without larger football receipts it will be impossible to even think of adding baseball to the list of varsity sports." Agitation for the return of baseball to the sports roster has been under way on the campus for about a week, with the Ag cam pus furnishing most enthusiastic j support for the idea. P. W. Meredith, instigator of the agitation, and Elton Rose, (Continued on Page 2.) T Y1CACMENCE Students Meet to Discuss Activity in Nebraska College Circles. Concluding with a joint dinner with the Y. W. C. A. Student Council conference Saturday eve ning, the Rocky Mountain Field Council of Y. M. C. A.'s closed an 11-day conference which began in the morning. The conferences had as their purpose a discussion of student Y. M. C. A. work in Ne braska colleges. The opening session began at 9:30 in the muinirg with Richard Smith of Nebraska Wesleyan uni versity, vice president of the Rocky Mountain Field Council, in charge. C. Horton Talley. also of Wesleyan led the opening devo tions. Meredith Nelson, city Y. M. C. A. representative was the prin cipal speaker taking as his topic. "Background of Times in which Work Must be Planned." At noon a luncheon was held in the Grand hotel, and at the after noon session the principal topics of discussion were organization and finance plans. Important points of the conference held at Oberlm last September bv the National Council of Student Y. M. C. A.'s were presented. The evening meeting and dinner was held at the citv Y. W. C. A. cafeteria and was a joint meeting with the Y. W. C. A. Field Council, also in session Saturday. Discussion centered about the Es tes Park conference and the joint program for the state for the Rphnnl var Representatives who attended are: Ray Kinnev and Roger Swartz. Donne college: Francis Ine-ersoll. Hastings college: Prof. Otto C. Olsen. James Hanthorne Elworwf Rtrnnir KearneV state teachers college; Clarence Alex ander. Midland: Meredith Nelson Arnold Walker, C. D. Hayes, gen eral secretary, Mortin Spence, Prof. C. H. Patterson. Fred Groth, Wendell Groth. University of Ne braska: Arthur Peterson. DonPil-e-er. Prof. Carl Rosenaulst of the Ag. college. Raymond Wochner of York college; Dick Smith. Joe Bell. G. Horton Talley of Nebraska Wesleyan; Virgil Bugbee of Peru i State Normal. NEBRASKA SPOR IN CONSISTENT PUNCH O Missintr on .several cvlind' i .-, the University of Nebraska guil ders barely managed to stave off a fighting Iowa State eleven Sat urday afternoon to score a narrow 12 to 6 victory in the season's op ening football skirmish at Memo rial stadium. About eight thou sand people witnessed the game. With only two minutes to go and the Huskers leading 12 to 6, Capt. Dick Grefe, Ames star ball lugger uncorked a brilliant twenty-turf? yard off tackle gallop to place the pigskin on the Nebraska 22-yard line. On the next play, Grefe fumbled alter a short gain, the ball flying into the grasp of fici nie Masterson on the 11 -yard line. From this point on, the Scarlet team was fighting with backs to the wall. An exchange of punts between Sauer and Grcfc kept Coach Bible's men in hot water, a three yard loss and an offside penalty leaving the Huskers in possession on their own 12-yard line. Sauer, standing on his goal line punted to midfield to Grefe. who attempted a lateral pass to i teammate Impson. Lee Pennoy, Cornhusker left end had othor plans, however, for he rushed in to nnb the lateral and speed down the field, the entire Cyclone team trailing him. Impson saved his team a touchdown by overhauling Penney to dump him on the 20 yard line as the game ended. Husker Offensive Not Consistent. Showing considerable individual brilliance at times, the Huskers did not exhibit anything in the way of a consistent offensive drive. In fact, breaks contributed to both touchdowns rung up by the Biblemen, the first one coming before the game' was two minutes old. Corwin Hulbert, who played a great game at left tackle, re covered an Iowa State fumble on the Ames 17-yard line. At this juncture, one of the frequent pen alties inflicted on tne uornnusKers set the Scarlet back five yards. Sauer retaliated by flipping a beautiful pass to Masterson who was forced out of bounds just as he was about to step over the goal. Masterson scored on the next play. The try for point was wide. Just ten seconds before the end of the first half. George Sauer in tercepted Grefe's pass and behind fine blocking picked nis way miy flve yards to the goal line. Saucr's place kick was wide. It was a treat run. and it seemed that sev eral times the blonde fullback had no chance to get away. Once past the Iowa State tacklers, Sauer easily pulled away. Nebraska Close To Touchdowns. Iowa State entered the scoring column on the second play of the fourth quarter, when Seharrom threw a lone pass to Impson. waiting on the goal line. The aerial was good for thirty-five yards. In three other instances, me Ne braska team dangerously threat ened the Cyclone goal, but a pen alty and a tight Ames defense stopped them. Sauer's successive dashes of twenty-two. six. eight and three yards, carrying the ball to the 14-yard line, naa wm-n Veeiker's men on the run soon aftc: the initial touchdown, bos well added six yards on a reverse and Sauer made it a first down on the 5-yard line. The latter play (Continued on Tage 4.) HIE CHOSEN DEBATE Nebraska Instructor Named National Organization Head at Meeting. Professor H. A. White, who is in charge of debate on this campus, is general chairman of the commit tee on intercollegiate debating of the Association of Teachers of Speaking. The committee is pre paring a report to be presented to the association at its next meeting in December at Los Angeles. This report will be tentative and serve to guide the association in further investigation. There are several subcommittees under Professor White, including a committee investigating the rules and practices of debate, one Inves tigating plans for research studies In debate pnd a committee select ing data on debate tours and guar antees. . The subcommittee directly under Professor White as editor of the Gavel, official Journal of DelU Sma Rho, honorary forensic fra ternity, has collected a number of these reports which he will present ,to the convention in December. T"