i,' sf SUNDAY. OCTORKR 2, 19.12. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE. OBSEBVATOKY HOLDS NIGHT '(WW HOUSE Hundred Persons Attend, Studying the Planet Saturn. "Open house" was h,.d at the university observatory Friday eve ning between the hourH of eight and ten. More than 100 persona attended, studying tho planet Saturn by means of a telescope. Trof. O. C. Collins guided the guests up the narrow stairway as they awaited their turn at the telescope. When all had viewed the planet a general lecture was given by Trof. Collins. Tho the sky was a bit "ha.-y" the great ringed sphere showed bright and clear. The planet is eighty-four times tho earth's sur face and the outer rings, estimated to measure approximately 11,000 and 17,000 miles in breadth, ap peared as one, while the third ring, dark in color ,is mild never to be visible except with the largest in struments. The two Outer rings are approximately 1,000 miles apart. Joyce Ayres L. presents Roger Wilkerson and Hit Orchestra mil Joyce Ayres' Juniors Two Extraordinary Union House Party Bands Telephone! LC417 L4417 n THE LOVE SECRET NO WOMAN DARES ADMIT EVEN TO HERSELF1 IT" Ina n Ameri can woman for the first time! A woman who risked every, thma tor what she believed was happiness . . . and found it g I o rioutly and g I a mor. ouslyl Marlene m DIETRICH "BLONDE VENUS'' 1 I;- ry with HERBERT MARSHALL Cary Gr.int Directed by Josef Von Sternberg ADDED Paramount News 'Rh.ipsody in Black and Blue" O ETY Nebraska's First Game Stimulates us Social Life This Weeiv End Campi Fraternities and One Sorority Make Plans for House Parties Saturday Wight; Return of Alumni of Interest to Many Greek Groups. Answers Tht Question Millions Are witn WALTER HUSTON PAT O'BRIEN KAY JOHNSON CONSTANCE CL'MMINGS ADDED "MEET THb WINNER" MERRIE MELODY and RADIO ROW MAT IO-2S V IO -C 11 V.TT v' SHE WAS NOT DEAD! NOR ALIVE! 7 I 1 "(DRACULA) LUGOSI WHITE OEV2BSE MAT. IO-20 EVE.IO-SOt r i "IS MY FACE a s a RED" L RICARDO CORTEZ HELEN TWELVETEEES MAT. IQ-rSy EVE . IO-2t WHY DO PEOPLE SAY "S-S-SH!'' when this book is men tioned? Are th V afraid to admit that tuch th.ng can be true? 1 m l. Pi v. 1 I - rj'ii'HiS' MIL., gocckiaeTI nt io-iB ive U-k 1 1 From the list of house parties uiinounocd for this week end it n ppt a is iliat. social life on this campus is in full swing. Nebraska's first Raine which will lt played Saturday after noon is the iiH'cnlive for several fraternity parlies. Only the Alpha Phi sorority has announced its intention of entertaining at. a house pnrty that evening. Hot a Theta Pi, Tan Kappa Kpsilou and Kappa Sigmn fraternities nre those who have itindel party plans for Saturday evening. Many nluinni will he in Lincoln to atton.l the gaine and will he guests nt u. parties given by their various fraternities. Will Attend Party. Sigma Alrha Epsilon is planning a house party for Saturday, Oct. 8, which will be attended by fifty couples. A number of alumni as well as Mr. J. Towell, a national officer, will be special guests, Decorations are being planned for me artair. Phi Delta Theta Make Party Plans. At the Phi Delta Theta house party Saturday nieht Harold Wright and his orchestra will fur nish the music. A number of alumni are expected to attend the party as well as the game this week end. There will be decora lions me social cnairman an nounces. Chapcrones other than the house mother, Mrs. Dora Finch, have not been secured at present, j Betas Entertain At House Dance. Beta Theta Ti is entertaining next Saturday night with a dance to celebrate the first football game. Walt Wherry's orchestra What This Country Needs Is a Darned I W 3 X' GOOD LAUGH! SEE 53 cy of Omaha will furnish the music. Bill Irons, who Is in charge of the party, announces that the plans are not yet completed. Sorority Sponsors Saturday Dance. Joyce Ayres and his orchestra will play for the Alpha Phi house party Saturday night. Chaperons for the affair will be Professor and Mrs. K. M. Arndt and the house mother, s. O. C. Anderson. Be tween sixty and seventy couples are expected to attend the party. Plans have, not been completed at present; however, there will be decorations and punch will be served thruout the evening. . Alpha Thets Plan First House Party. Music for the Alpha Theta Chi house parly Saturday night will be furnished by Roger Wilkerson and his orchestra. Other plans for the affair are indefinite as yet A num ber of alumni are expected to re turn for the game and house party. Jungbluth Plays at Signta Chi House. The Sigma Chis are ixpecting a number of alumni to a .tend their first house party Saturday night, Oct. 6. Eddie Jungbluth and his or chestra will furnish mtjsic for the affair at which fraternity colors, blue and gold, will predominate in the decorations. the Pictur That's Driving the Country's Blues Away. Laughs Thrills Romance Drama James Hall-Francis Dade May Robson IN Always Full Two Hour Show Comedy Newt Novelty L Mat. 1 Nlte 25e : RIALTO Mon. Tues. Wed. loua T. A. E.'s Will Be Party Cuests. Fifteen members of the Iowa State chapter of Tau Kappa Ep silon will be guests at the party 10 De given Dy mat local fratern lty Saturday night. Coach and Mrs. Rudolph Vogeler with Mrs. vv. R. Bixby, house mother, will chaperon. APFOINT KROGER CADET LEADER OF R.O.T.C. REGIMENT (Continued from Pace 1.) Ind., will act as regimental adju tant with the rank of captain for the coming year. Williams, who is a sophomore in the school of jour nalism and a member of Alpha Tau Omega, will be attached to company M. Other staff captains for the unit are: Leland Copple, personnel ad jutant, attached to company . A Carl G. Humphrey, Regimental S-2, attached to company E; As- I sistant Regimental S-3. Donald F. j Jacobson. attached to company M; I and Regimental S-4, Marvin G. Schmid, attached to company B. 1 Copple, who comes from Rosalie, , is a senior in the college of agri- ! culture, Humpnrey. Mullen and a j member of Delta Sigma Phi, is a ' senior in the college of arts and ANOTHER HIT AT THE STATE ALL WEEK THE BIG LAUGH SHOW IS HERE! ONCE IN A LIFETIME A LAUGHTIME LIKE TH IS! Call It Satire, call It Farce, call It Burlesque, call It Comedy, call it anything In the world you like but the fact remains that here is POSITIVELY THE FUNNIEST PICTURE EVER SCREENED! The Funniest Play Ever Produced Becomes tho Most Hilarious Picture Ever Screened! r - ? i iks ONCE UM W ILDFEITDlMlu The picture that pokes delirious fun at the butl- ns of mak ing movies. JACK OAK IE, SIDNEY FOX, ALINE MacMAHON ZASU PITTS LOUISE FAZENDA GREGORY RATOI-F Newi Cartoon BATTLE OF THE CENTURY Full Two Hour Show IT'S COLOSSAL! ..in:. sciences, Jacobson, Gordon, is a senior In the college of arts and sciences; and Bulimic, Columbus, a member of the Innocents society, and Alpha Sigma Phi, Is a fresh man in the college of law. Battalion adjutants for tho unit, holding the rank of first lieuten ants, are first battalion, Robert B. Kiffln, Lincoln, attached to company C; second battalion, Don P. Kasterday, Lincoln, attached to company G; third bnttalion, James D. Crabill, Red Cloud, attached to company L; and provisional bat tallion, Robert D. Glover, Omaha, attached to company B. Plamondon Lead Band. Jack . Plamondon, Lincoln, a se nior in the college of business ad ministration and a member of Del ta Upsilon, will be captain of th'i R. O. T. C, band for the year, ac cording to tho announcement. The other officers in the band are: first lieutenants, Ben Bennett, of Sheridan, Wyo., Willard E. Scott, Hardy; and Raymond O. Byington, Lincoln. Second lieutenants are: William H. Carnes, Central City; William J. Summers, Beatrice; and C. Eldridge Scrlven, Mitchell. The following promotions and assignments in company grades with drill assignments were an nounced: Compnny CadJt Capt. Clvde F. Canl, Lincoln. Cadet Fust Lieut. Fred O. GunmeU, Carroll. Mnrns Treat, heyenne, Wyn. Cadet Cajit. Inland 8. Copple (attached), Roaalle. Company "B." Cadet t'apt. E. Byron Hint, Cheyenne, Wyo. t'adot First Lieut. Melvln II. Adams, Lemoyne. Vincent C. Pworak, Lincoln. ("or in L. Hiilberl. RurlinKlon, Kas. ... ..Krvtn K. Olnen, Fremont ..Howard F. fichiilli. fiutton . ,"tdet Capt Marvin (i. Schmid (at tached), CnhimlHl. cadet First Lieut, r.ohtrt T. Clover, (attached i, Omaha. Company "C" Cadet Capt. Donald R. Hulhctt. Burling ton. Kas. fadol First Lieut. Jack R. Beard, Lin coln. l.io Krul, Mlllluan. Waldo E. Minford. Lincoln. rtubert 13. Ktff.iu, Lincoln, (attached). Company "I." Cadet Capt. William H. Congdon, Lin coln. cadet Flrtt Lieut. Giles H. Cere. Hold reft'. Herman Levinson. Omaha. Frank M. Simmon?. Culhertson. Cadet MaJ. Howard W. Mixson (at tached), Omaha. Company 'E. Cadet Capt. Robert R. Harmon, Indian spoil;,, ind Cadet First Lieut. Marvin T. Edmison, Lincoln. Henry J. Leiinhoff; Lincoln: Richard Wlmer. Ash'.and Cadet Capt. Carl U. Humphrey, (at tached), Muilen Company F." Cadet Cact. Herman J. Koch. Lincoln. Cadet First Lieut, Lester O. Buis, Pen der. Murle R. Wells. Lincoln. William H. Wilson, Lincoln. Goo Easterday. (attached), Lincoln. Company G." Cadet Capt. Edgar O. Huddlesion, St. Joseph. Wo. cadet First Lieut. William A. Miller. Lincoln. Julius Willson. Lincoln. Cadet MaJ. J. K. McGeachin, (attached). Lincoln. . Company H. Cadet Capt. Carl R. Carlsen, Cadet ' First Lieut. Jack ' R. Lincoln. R. Rex Rohinson. Lincoln. Mervin D. Worrell. Lincoln. Cadet MaJ. William A. Crabill, (at tached), Red Cloud. Company "I." Cadet Capt. Harold Hinds. Weeping Wa ter. cadet First Lieut. Floyd E. Hedlund, ChappeH.- cadet First Lieut. Harry 0. Leffcll. Ft. Leavenworth, Kae. Cadet First Lieut. Stanley P. Moses, Trenton. Cadet MaJ. Roger Wo'.cott. (attached. Green River, Wyo. Company 4,K.' Cadet Capt. Charles L. Husbands. Lin coln. Cadet First Lieut. Orlin C. Dean, Lin coln. Cadet First Lieut. Jack T. Miller, Omaha. Cadet First Lieut. Carlylt H. Staab, Berwyn. Cadet First Lieut. Marlowe Westerhoff. Alexandria. Cadet Col. Roseoe R. Kroger, (attached), Grand Island. Company "L." Cadet Capt. Kdward T. Pickel. Lincoln.. Cadet First Lieut. Glidden L. Brooks. Lincoln. Cadet First Lieut. Robert W. Hlrd. Lin coin. Cadet First Lieut. Archie L. McMaster. Lincoln. Cadet First Lieut. William C. Summers. Beatrice. Cadet First Lieut. James D. Crabill, (at tached). Red Cloud. Company "M." Cadet Capt. Lee P. Young, Parsons. Kas. Cadet First Lieut. Henry E. Gembala. Loup Cltv. Cadet First Lieut. Paul C. Jensen, Pin gree. Ida. Cadet First Lieut. William C. Tufts. Lincoln. Ma). P.obert X. Cochrane, at- Lincoln. Capt. Charles R. Williams, (at Warf.aw. Ind. Capt )nns:d F. Jacobson, (st- Gordon. H(-aoquanr Company. Capt. Benjamin T. Snipes, Lin- Flrst Lieut. F. R. Blankenship, OFFICIAL BULLETIN Tho Daily Nemasnaii maintains a dally column under this hand containing all of ficial nntlcca of organisation meeting, or announcements of general interest to stu dents. Anyone may have such notices In serted by calling the Dally Nebraskan "f fica before 7 p. m. Ilia day befum the notice la to appear. St. Paul Church, The college girls Sunday Schuol class Is to have its first monthly dinner Monday, Oct. 3 at St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Fordyce. Dr. Charles W. Fordyce will give a talk at Ellen Smith hall Monday, Oct. 3 on selection of a vocation for girls Communion. There will be Holy Communion for all Catholic students attending the university, at St. Mary's Ca thedral 14th and K streets, 9:30, Sunday October 2. German Class. German lac Beginning German for graduate students desiring a reading knowledge for advanced degrees. It is contemplated that students completing the year will be able to pass the qualifying ex amination in German. Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning October 4. 7 to 8:30 p. m. S. S. 205. Fee, $12.00; registration, $1.00. Mr. Fuchs. Psl Chi. Psi Chi, national psychological society, will hold its first meeting oi" the year, next Saturday night at the home of J. P. Guilford, pro fessor of psychology, at 1826 D street. A short business session will be held and reports will be given by the representatives who attended the national convention at Ithaca, N. Y. The remainder of the eve ning will be spent socially. Teachers College. All Teachers college students will please read the important bul letin posted on the first floor of the Teachers College Building. STEPHEN COREY. Poynter of the college of medicine will speak, and all pre-medieni students are urged 4to attend. Tickets should be obtained in advance. Swimming Permits. Last year permv.s r.r free swim ming hours will not be good thU year, and new permits must be se cured from Dr. Philbrick. Her of fice hours are from one to three daily. Upperclass Comminon, Upperclass commission will meet Wednesday at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. Vocational Guidance. Dr. Charles W. Fordyce will give a talk at Ellen Smith hall Monday, Oct. 3, at 4 o'clock. The title of the speech will be on a selection of a vocation for girls, DEPARTMENT ADOPTS NEW DANCE COSTUME The physical education depart ment has adopted a new dancing costume for this year. It consists of a one-piece black bathing suit, similar to tho one In use at the university swimming pool. LEARN to DANCE Guarantee Y0U T0 danci ALSO 3 LESSON COURSE. LESSONS PRIVATE ANC BY APPOINTMENT. LEE A. TH0RNBERRY B3635 4th Year 2300 Y St. Lcomis. Hammer. Ag Vespers. At 5 o'clock on Tuesday on the agricultural campus Miss Stella Scurlock, regional Y. W. C. A. secretary, will speak at the weekly j vespers on "College Friendships. Muriel Moffitt will preside. Tassels. There will be aa important meet ing of the Tassels in Ellen Smitn hall Monday at 5 o'clock. The meeting will start at 5 o'clock sharp. Jane Youngson. Freshman Commission. Freshman commission groups arc scheduled to meet at Ellen Smith hall the following times: Monday morning at 11, Monday afternoon at 5. Tuesday at 10. Thursday at 4, 5, and 7. Sophomore Commission. Sophomore commission will meet : at Ellen Smith ball Wednesday at 5 o'clock. ! Vespers. i Vespers will be held in Ellen j Smith hall at 5 o'clock Tuesday. It i will be directed by the big sisters board. . . i Social Dancing Class. The social dancing class for stu dents will meet Friday evening from 7 to 8:30 at the Armory. Identification cards must be presented. Phi Sigma. A meeting of Phi Sigma, non ary biological fraternity will be held in room US of Bessey hall, WoftnoBav at 7:15 n. m. A. W. L-;v,n-,al1 canrolnrv r.f tV)P OrPn- I ization announced that everyone interested is invited. Cadet tarhed I, Cadet tached i. Cadet tached). Cadet coin. Cadet Llacoln.- Addlarm E. Cady. Grand Island. Ponald M. Scheme. Murdoch. Cadet Lieut. Cl. Lloyd C. Moffitt. (at- tached), Burchard. PLAN FORMAL OPENING 1 NEW RAYMOND HALL (Continued from Page 1.) muth, S. M- Corey, L. D. Coffman, and C. W. Watkins. During the sec-'cd hour, tb Mesdames W. O. Jones. R. G. i Clapp. and P. K. Slaymaker. and ! Miss Bess Steele will preside at I table, assisted by Miss Pauline ! Gellatly, Miss Janet Winter, Mrs. j Clifford Hicks, and Mrs. Knox j Bunnett. I Pre-Medic Banquet. Pre-medics will hold a banquet Wednesday night, at 6 o'clock in the Grand hotel. Dean C. W. M. I START PETITIONS ! SEEKING HELP IN I RETURN OP BALL1 Continued frort. Page 1.) Nebraska students Saturday when approached in regard to the ! baseball reinstatement plan were loud in their denunciation of the disapproval given out last week by Rudolph Vogeler of the physical education department. Vopeler in his statement said the lack of a I playing field made the plan rather j impractical. Students, however, j are calling his attention to the availability of the Ag college dia- ; tnond. 1 When the movement for a swimming pool was started on the I campus last year, the students ' helped put it across and now are paying for the pooL STUDENTS! Don't Miss the Biggest Opportunity of Your School Days Tli wcil tlrcssed College Man wears Lcbsock Clothes. Tlie lx-st i Imported aud Domestic Fabrics, latest New Fall Styles in Suits, fop coals ami Overcoats. The lest tailored fabrics which sold last season at G-'t.UO up, now up Studt'ittx. take advantage of this great opportunity. It shall iftcr ba again. LEBSOCK TAILORS 209 North 12th St. Otpheum Bldg. Makers of Formal, Business and Sport Clothes Where Quality Is Always Assured Grand Formal Opening WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 SILVER BALLROOM HOTEL LINDELL FEATURING LLDLAM AND HIS MUSIC MUSICIANS 10 ENTERTAINERS ADMISSION 25c Per Person IT T7 IT 17 dancing r IXlLiKt REFRESHMENTS DANCING EVERV WEPNeSOAV. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESENTS wiswSur- SEASON TICKET CAMPAIGN October 3. 4 ami 5 SIX BIG PLAYS . . . $2.00 Reservations in Temple Theatre Lobby THE TASSELS MASTERS OF CEREMONIES SELBY'S Style - Eez Shoes Magee's have been selling SELBY SHOES ever since their women's shoe department was first opened in 1917. For fif teen years, Nebraska co-eds who have bought these shoes have recognized the perfect craftsmanship which the name of Selhy represented ... the superior quality of the workmanship . . . the fine art of footwear designing. This year we are selling these shoes at the LOWEST price, ever featured in SELBY'S at Magee's ?6.50-to celebrate our thiity years of progress. Carried in Lincoln exclusively at A dress pump using dainty pip ings and loops of beige kid for trimming. In black suede with the popular heel. $60 A dressy afternoon oxford . . piping of kid on black or brown suede . . . cut-outs . . . and the new Hi-lo heel are important fashion notes. $650 A side trim with neat slender izing lines for the foot makes this pump in black or brown puede trimmed in self color kid a popular style. $650 These shoes carried in our stock exactly as sketched.