The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1932, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
VOL. XXXI NO. 130.
Early Wednesday Afternoon
Check Shows But Few
Copies Left.
State Schools Get Issues
April Number to Open
Story Contest.
Sales of the April number of the
Awgwan had reacnea approxi
motAlv the, record set bv the
March issue early Wednesday aft
ernoon, according to Art Mitchell
business manager of the publica
f inn
virtually no copies
on hand despite the fact that over
300 additional copies weie pim
this month.
A good share of the extra copies
printed went to high schools over
the state in oraer iu lauunonm
v,io-vi ohrvni students with the mag
azine before entering the contest
being sponsored by ine Awgwan
tv, awb-wbh is offering: cash
prizes for the best short story and
cartoons prepareu uy ws
students and sent to the Awgwan
"The contest is being sponsored
in an attempt to promote and un-
.. oftistip nnri literarv ability
among the high school students
over the state," statea. aliu.ihu,
"and we expect to receive a large
amount of material in uua
nrhv Continues.
The Awgwan-Leiderkranz derby
will continue and all those who
wish to enter their selection in ine
hv clinoine the
I tlLC 1UOJ "J r ' V. it
ballot and placing it in the ballot
box provided in me AwBcm
fice. The person selecting the wln
nt it,. Tar will receive as the
first prize a copy of the Fourth
i .
Isew x oncer aiduih.
.Tanft Robertson
Jane McLaughlin and Jane Steel
were selected Dy we awBw cw
to pick the winners of the derby.
rm,. .. "on" will Tick the Win-
ning nags by drawing the ballots
(Continued on Page 4.)
Thursday Ceremony Formally
Recognizes Successful
Twenty-two students who were
recently selected as pledges of the
Dramatic club after tryouts will be
formally pledged at a meeting of
the club to be held Thursday at 8
o'clock in the club rooms in the
Temple. Marvin Schmid, president
of the club, announced Wednesday.
ThoBe who will be pledged are:
Helen Grieve, Casper, Wyo.; Caro
lyn Van Anda, Fremont; Clark
Gutru, Newman Grove; Ruth Pres
ton, Avoca, la.; Charles Steadman,
Lincoln; Robert Ord, Lusk, Wyo.;
Betty Ladd, Kewanee, 111.; Louise
Perry. Lincoln; Helen Shelledy,
Lincoln; Oscar Nielson, Aurora;
Harry McKee, Gregory, S. D.;
Frances Rymer, Lincoln; Armand
Hunter, Humboldt; Marjorie Lowe,
Lincoln; Lloyd Anfin. Rosalie; Peg
Gurley, Lincoln; Elizabeth Betzer,
Lincoln; Beverly Finkle, Lincoln;
Julienne Palmer. Lincoln; Robert
Yarbrough; Ruth Moss, Garden
City, Kas., and Eleanor Jones, Lin
coln. Pledges were selected by a try
out committee consisting of the of
ficers of the club, who are Marvin
Schmid. president; Gay Miller, vice
president; Reginald Porter, secre
tary treasurer, and Ralph Spencer,
chairman of the tryout committee.
Applicants were selected on the
basis of their showing In individual
skits held during the tryouts. Be
fore the Initiation of the new
pledges will be held, group skits
will be given, Schmid stated.
Number Books Checked Out During
Year Shows Increase Declares Mrs.
Graham in Reviewing Circulation
"At present we are mainly occupied with the checking
out of books for term papers and this keeps us tremendously
busy." Btated Mrs. Consuelo-Stephens Graham, reference li
brarian of the university, yesterday.
A noticeable increase in the number of books checked out
during this year is apparent. At present students are mainly
J . . .4. I 1 1 1 . m i a. -i r
J"l"5f,lcu uliKS on nuKO!y ""Ym2. 24.824 books were checked
education and these comprise the
In the three main libraries that
comprise the university system, an
average of 500 books are used each
day. Most of these are checked out
in the main desk on the first floor
of the library. The Social Science
reference section comes second and
the reference stack room a close
Numbers Fluctuate.
On April ,11, 200 books were
checked out of the main desk, 36
in Social Science and 29 from the
reserve section. This, however, was
an exceptionally poor day, as on
April 14, 344 books were checked
from the main desk, 180 from the
reference desk and 221 from so
cial science, a total of ,745 books
for the day.
During the month of March,
Wesley Players to Enact
Drama at Temple
Thursday Eve.
"Barter." a four-act religious
drama, r.1ll bo presented Thursday
night at 7:30 at the Temple theater
under the auspices or tne wesiey
Players women's auxiliary.
Proceeds from the play, which
has been secured on a year a con
tract by the players, will go - to
ward redecorating and renovating
the Wesley Foundation parsonage.
The cast includes: Reuben
Hecht, Marian Higbee, Clifford
Russell, Irving Walker, Margaret
Huston, Wilma Dell Smith, Ray
Llchenwalter, Mary Ware Morton
Warren Henderson, and Ruth
In addition to having been shown
in Lincoln before, the drama has
been staged at Grand Island, York,
Waverly, Cortland, Friend, and
Wahoo. It is also to be presented
at Crete Hastings and Osceola dur
ing the months of April and May,
Manager Meredith Expects
Big Crowd for Fest
Thursday Eve.
Miss Margaret Fedde, chairman
of the home economics depart
ment, and Prof. H. J. Gramlich,
head of the animal husbandry dt
vision, are to be the headline
speakers on the farmer's fair rally
being held on the College or Agri
culture campus Thursday evening
The rally starts at 7 o'clock.
The largest crowd of the year
is expected to attend the pre-fair
rally, according to Manager Fred
Meredith of the senior fair Board,
Student interest in the fair has
been steadily increasing since
spring vacation and work on the
fair is progressing nicely, ne sain.
Both Miss Fedde and Professor
Gramlich will speak about farm
er's fair activities when they ap
pear before the students. Miss
Fedde is expected to talk rrom tne
viewpoint of the home economics
department while Professor Gram
lich will speak for the college as a
The headline rally of the year is
to be held a week rrom today in
the student activities building, ac
cording to Eva Buel who is ar
ranging the rallies. Two of Lin
coln's most prominent citizens
have already signified their will
ingness to appear on tne program,
Their names have not been dis
closed as yet.
Individual committee meetings
will be held following the rally to
nieht. Manaeer Meredith urges all
students to oe present, especially
committee chairmen and student
Three Students to Attend
Minneapolis Conclave
May 5 to 11.
Th students and one faculty
member, as well as the secretary
nt th university Y. W. C. A., will
represent Nebraska at the na
tional biennial convention of that
organization in Minneapolis May
to 11.
Student representatives whom
the Y. W. C. A. cabinet voted to
send are Jane Robertson, Gertrude
Clarke and Helen Cassady. Miss
Bernlce Miller, secretary of the
campus organization, and Miss
Margaret Fedde of the advisory
board will also attend.
A pre-conventlon discussion will
held at Ellen Smith ball Friday
afternoon at S o'clock. All mem
bers of the cabinet are requested
in attmrf. At this meeting' the
cabinet will discuss and reach con
clusions on the convention resolu
tions which have ben sent them.
out by the three libraries. During
1931, only 21,846 books were
checked out during March. In Feb
ruary, 1931, 21,083 books were
borrowed and during February of
this year, 24,155 were used. The
grand total of books checked out
during 1931 was 205,713 and this
year's total promises to show a
noticeable increase.
Of the books checked out from
the libraries, the majority are
read or scanned while in the li
brary itself. Not very many are
taken home and the majority of
these are from the main desk.
On April 5, 1932, 352 books were
checked from the main desk, 222
from the ' reference and 287 from
Social Science. Of these. 169 from
the main desk were checked out
(Continued on Page 3.)
Large Crowd Sees Curtain
Fall on Extravaganza
. Wednesday.
Credit Given Author, Main
Character, Director of
'Jingle Belles.'
If arrangements can be made
Jingle Belles" will show again at
the Temple Saturday night at
7:30, Assistant Play Manager
Jackson Thompson announced
late last night. The Wednesday
presentation was a complete sell
out, he said, with late-comers
standing In the aisles. Tickets
for the Saturday show will go on
sale today or Friday at Long's
Book Store.
"Jingle Belles," Herbert Ycnne's
successful two-act musical extrava
ganza made its final showing on
the Temple theater stage Wednes
day evening. The largest crowd
that witnessed the parody on col
lege life was present at the closing
To Herbert Yenne, author, di
rector and leading character of the
show and conductor of the ten
the performances that the 1932
Kosmet Klub turned in. Mr Yenne
as Mrs. Judith Barry, a tempera
mental ex-actress, led a cast of ten
characters and two choruses of ten
men each.
Ralph Ireland, Kosmet Klub
alumnus, was the director of the
choruses, assistant director of the
show and conductor of then ten
piece orchestra.
Dick Devereaux president, and
(Continued on Page 4.)
Sellers, General Chairman,
Lists Arrangements for
Plana for the twenty-fifth
annual meeting of the Mississippi
Valley Historical association, to be
held in Lincoln on April 28, 29 and
30, were announced Wednesday by
Dr. J. L. Scalers, associate profes
sor of history. Dr. Sellers is
chairman of the local committee
on arrangements.
Headquarters of the meeting
win ne tne Lincoln notel, where
most of the meetings and discus
sions held by the association will
De neid. Approximately one hun
dred and fifty people are expected
to attend the convention.
The annual convention of the
Nebraska History Teachers assO'
elation will be held during the
same period. Joint meetings of
tne two organizations will be held
for some of the discussions.
The program of the meeting in
eludes several discussions and
readings of papers on various
phases of American history. In
structors in history and outstand
ing bistorians in the Mississippi
valley will attend the convention
to take part in the meetings.
f eatures or the convention will
be a reception of the delegates
given by Chancellor and Mrs. E,
A. Burnett on April 28 in Morrill
hall, and another reception to be
given bv Governor and Mrs.
unaries w. Bryan on April 29 at
tne capitoi.
Miss Franklin, Miss Jackson,
Juniors, Give Program
On Wednesday.
The School of Music presented
its twenty-fourth convocation of
the 1931-1932 season in the Tem
ple theater Wednesday afternoon.
The program consisted of numbers
by junior students in the school.
Miss Regina Franklin, student
with Laura Schuler Smith, and
Miss Arly Jackson, student with
Maude Fender Gutzmer, presented
the following numbers, accompa
nied by Marvin Bostrom. Miss
Franklin is a pianist, Miss Jack
son, a mezzo-soprano.
8chumann. IcrsnaKes; Franz, Evening;
Franz, He Came; Mini Jackson.
Bach, Prelude and Fugue, A flat roalor;
Beethoven, Sonate Pathetique, Op. 13;
Grave-Allegro; Id Is Franklin.
Balero, Fa La Nana Bambln; Meyerbeer,
Noble. Seigneur from "Lea Buxenota;"
Miss Jackson.
Chopin, Fantalile-Impromptu. C sharp
minor: Debussy. Clair de Lune: Mosz-
kowskl. The Jugglereas; Miss Franklin.
Gains, The Bells of Bergen; Carpenter,
The Odalisque; Bpross, Corns Down Laugh
ing Streamlet; Miss Jackson.
Prof. A. A. Reed, of the univer
sity extension division accom
panied Dean B. E. McProud of Ne
braska wesleyan, and H. F . Mar
tin of Midland college, who com
prise the Nebraska State Board of
College Examiners, to umana
Wednesday in order to visit four
Omaha institutions
Courtesy ot The Journal.
Dr. Charles Fordyce of the ed
ucational psychology department
was re-elected president of the
state Y. M. C. A. at Its annual
convention in Fremont yester
day. He has already served three
terms In this capacity.
Status of. Negro in South
Discussed by Colored
Y.W.C.A. Worker.
Miss Celestine Smith, - national
student Y. W. C. A. secretary vis
iting here who addressed the
World Forum Wednesday noon
spoke on "What Students Can Do
About the Race Question." Miss
Smith is a negress, having lived
in the south, and she spoke of con
ditions there as she knows them,
According to C. D. Hayes of the
University Y. M. C. A., Miss
Smith, in her treatment of the
subject, spoke of some of the in
justices that negroes in the south
suffer. "The negro property hold
ers are taxed the same as the
whites, and altho they are consti
tutionally allowed to vote they are
by one method or another pre
vented from doing so," Hayes said
in summing up her speech.
"Furthermore, they are deprived
of their share of educational ad
vantages. Segregation in the
school system means that the
south is under a necessity of sup
plying two separate systems when
it cannot really afford it. The rc
suit is that after the education of
the white children is provided for
there is very little left for the ne
gro," Miss Smith said.
Educational Discrimination.
In Georgia, for example, she ex
plained, the per capita expenditure
for the education of white chil
dren is forty-two cents per an-
( Continued on Page 3.)
Martin, Miller, Bishop and
Hedlund Get Posts at
Business Meeting.
Glenn LcDioyt, Junior in the
College of Agriculture from North
Platte, was elected president of the
Block and Bridle club this week.
John Martin is the new treasurer,
Vernon Miller, vice president, and
Wayne Bishop is the secretary.
Floyd Hedlund will manage the
1933 Junior Ak-Sar-Bcn sponsored
by the club.
The newly elected president of
the club Is prominent In student
activities upon the College of Agri
culture campus. He is president
nf the Ag club, a member of the
intcrfraternlty council, member of
the Junior livestock Judping team
and a member of Alpha Zeta, hon
orary scholastic fraternity. LeDi
oyt is affiliated with Farm House
In business session the club
again decided to sponsor the Jun
ior Ak-Sar-Ben. The event has
been an annual affair and was
successful this year. The Ak-Sar-Ben
will probably be held during
the second semester of next year.
Professors at New York univer
sity feel that college girls do less
cniseiing ' lor grades than do
More than sixty schools in the
United States now offer courses
in aeronautics.
Pi Mu Epsilon, M. A 308, 7:30
Faculty men's dinner for Prof.
O. D. Sweezer, University club, at
Glee Club, 5 o'clock, Morrill
Ag College Y. W. C. A. Staff-
Homo Ec parlors 5 o'clock.
Committee on program staff of
the Y. W. C- A. Ellen Smith hall,
5 o'clock.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet pre-conven-
tion discussion Ellen Smith hall,
3 o clock.
ocial dancing class, Armory.
Pi Mu Epsilon, ii. A. 308, 7:30
Faculty men's dinner for Prof.
G." D. Sweezy, University club at
Glee Club, 5 o'clock, Morrill hall.
r W.:1rV ... .,.4,wl
Sixteen Teams Give Greek
Arguments Good Start
In First Tilts.
Semi-Finals Set for April
28; Tourney to End .
Early in May.
Fraternity "bull sessions" will
be disbanded Thursday night to
make way for intellectual argu
mentation in the form of intra
mural debates. Eight debates will
be held in eight fraternity houses.
Brothers of the participants will
form the audiences for contests
that will be decided by impartial
Judges who are members of the
varsity squad.
Less than an hour of time will
be consumed in the staging of the
forensic combats. Each speaker
will be allotted six minutes in
main speech and four minutes in
rebuttal. Two representatives
from each house will comprise a
Delta Sigma Lambda eliminated
Kappa Sigma in a preliminary
round Tuesday night. The num
ber of teams that remain in the
field total sixteen. The eight win
ners will meet in the second round
April 26. Semi-finals are sched
uled for April 28 and the decisive
contest will be held the first week
in May.
The question the Greek arguers
will debate is: Resolved that com
pulsory military training be abol
ished on the Nebraska campus.
Teams will alternate between the
negative and the affirmative sides
of the issue.
Start at 7.
Contests will get under way at
(Continued on Page 3.)
Colonel Blayney Will Speak
On American Citizen's
Relation to World.
Colonel Lindsey Blayney, dean
and chairman of the administra
tive committee of Carlton college
in Northfield, Minn., will speak at
an open meeting to be held in the
Temple theater next Tuesday eve
ning. Colonel Blayney, according to
Colonel C. J. Frankforter who was
associated with him at Fort Snell
ing, Minn., last year, is a man of
exceptional ability and is scholar
of prominence.
Dean Blayney was invited to the
university by reason of the happy
balance of altruistic idealism and
of sane practicality in his intel
lectual makeup, according to Col
onel Frankforter. He will speak on
"The American Citizen and the
Changing World."
After eight years or travel ana
residence in Europe and Africa
Dean Blayney took his doctor's de
gree at Heidelberg, Germany. He
has served in the consular serv
ice of the United States and was
recently elected a Fellow of the
Royal Geographic Society of Great
Britain. The owner of LL.D de
grees from four American col
leges, Colonel Blayney also saw
two years service in the war.
A.W.S. Board Sponsors April
26 Conference for All
Women Students.
The spring vocational guidance
conference for university women
sponsored by the A. W. 5. board
will begin Tuesday, April 26 at 4
with a talk by Dr. Charles u.
Fordyce, according to Mary Alice
Kelley who is making the arrange
Dr. Fordyce will address the A.
W. S. freshman group in Ellen
Smith hall, but anyone who is in
terested is invited. He will speak
on "Vocations for Women" and
will also give a list of good voca
tional books for women.
On Wednesday at 5 in Ellen
Smith ball, Miss Harriet Towne
will talk to the girls. Her subject
will be announced later, but she
will devote a part of her time to a
general discussion.
At the regular meeting of Pi
Lambda Theta Tuesday evening
Miss Margaret Fedde, chairman of
the department of home economics,
poke to the group on the educa
tional system in Russia. Miss
Fea gave an interesting account
of the development of education in
that country within the last seven
years and discussed the cultural
background of the people and its
influence upon the school children.
Veteran Astronomer to Be
Feted at Faculty Men's
Club Dinner.
Prof. G. D. Swezey, veteran had
of the department of astronomy,
will be honored at a dinner held by
the Faculty Men's club at the Uni
versity club at 6:30 Thursday eve
ning. Professor Swezey, who is to
retire at the age of eighty-one
after thirty-eight years of service
at the University of Nebraska,
was recently given the title Emeri
Speakers on the program, at
which Chancellor Burnett will pre
side, include ol 1 friends of Profes
sor Swezey on the faculty. They
are Dr. F. M. Fling of the history
department, Prof. Laurence Fos
sler of the German department,
Chancellor Emeritus Samuel Av
ery, Professor Emeritus Sherman
of the English department, and
Dr. E. H. Barbour of the geology
department and curator of the mu
Honories Will Announce
New Members Thursday
Morning at 11.
As previously announced all
classes on the College of Agricul
ture campus are being excused
Thursday morning at 11 o'clock
for the annual honors convocation
when over fifty students will be
honored by elections to various
honorary fraternities and sorori
Prof. C. C. Minteer, who is in
general charge of the convocation,
announced Wednesday night that
the convocation will be held in the
Student Activities building. It is
expected that he will preside over
the general meeting of all stu
Among the organizations honor
ing the students are Alpha Zeta,
Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Upsilon
Omicron and Omicron Nu. In ad
dition the various Judging team
awards will be made as well as the
awards by the University of Ne
braska 4-H club to outstanding
former club members.
Terry Townsend's Band Will
Play; Tickets on Sale
At 75 Cents.
The first Ag spring party will be
held Saturday, April 23, at 8:30 p.
m. in the Student Activities build
ing on the Agricultural college
campus. Terry Townsend's twelve
piece band has been secured to
furnish music and entertainment
for the party. Delphian Nash, in
charge of entertainment and dec
orations intimated that extensive
preparations for the decoration of
the Activities building are being
Tickets were placed on sale the
first of the week and arc selling at
75 cents per couple. Approximate
ly 150 couples are expected to at
tend. Chaperones and sponsors have
not yet been announced by the
committee. The party is being put
on under the auspices of the Ag.
executive board, the committee in
charge consisting of Ruth Jenkins,
Hazel Benson, Delphian Nash,
Thomas Snipes, and Jess Livings
The College League will vote on
its new constitution at the meet
ing Thursday, April 12, at 4
o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. Fur
ther plans will be made for the
annual League banquet which will
be held Thursday, April 28.
University Has Machine for Card
Sorting and Tabulating That Gives
Evidence of Superhuman Faculties
The speed, accuracy and economy of the secretarial work
at the University of Nebraska has been greatly enhanced by the
addition of new appliances to the Hollerith card sorter and
accounting machine which is being operated in the west sla
dium. This machine sorts 400 cards per minute, while the mv
counting and tabulating nlachinc is capable of a maximum of
10U cards per minute.
At the present time use of the
machine is contemplated in help
ing Ray Ramsay, secretary of the
Alumni association, arrange the
alumni cards, which are being
sorted and filed in connection with
the publication of the Alumni Di
rectory. These cards, printed in
code, have eighty columns of sta
tistics and data and the machine
will sort them according to any
predetermined grouping.
Formerly used by the registrar's
office, the machines have now been
made more complete with the ad
dition of new apparatus and are
more or less used for all university
research, secretarial and account
ing work.
So great is the field of work
which this machine will accomplish
thst it is really a combination
atlas of the world, dictionary,
Alumni Secretary Scheduled
Talk at Interfraternity
Banquet May 3.
Special Council Meeting on
Tap for Issuing of
750 Ducats.
Ray Ramsay, alumni secretary
and popular university speaker,
was secured Wednesday as toast-
master for the annual interfra
ternity banquet in the Cornhuskcr
hotel Tuesday, May 3.
Seven hundred fifty tickets for
the banquet will be checl-.ed out
to members of the Interfraternity
council at a special meeting of the
Greek legislators in Morrill hall at
7:30 Thursday. Tickets will go on
sale at once with Marvin Schmid
in charge.
The banquet committee, headed
by Chalmers Graham, will recom
mend that all fraternity house
tables be closed for the event at
Wednesday's meeting to permit
the largest possible attendance of
the fraternity men at the banquet.
Last year 510 attended.
Leo Beck and his Antelope park
orchestra with the Kvam sisters
singing will entertain at the ban
quet. Chancellor E. A. ' Burnett,
DeanT. J. Thompson ana iNorman
Galleher, president of the council.
will sDeak briefly. The mam
speaker of the evening has not yet
been named.
Prof. E. F. Schramm, faculty
adviser to the council, will award
the fifteen Scholarship plaques to
the fraternities having the highest
scholastic averages for the second
semester last year and the first
semester this year. The Haincr
scholarship cup will go to the na
tional fraternity with the highest
'Sleeping Beauty' Planned
For Saturday Program
At Temple.
"Sleeping Beauty," the last of
the series of children's plays given
under the auspices of the Junior
League, will be presented Satur
day afternoon at Temple theater.
Miss H. Alice Howell and Misn
Pauline Gcllatly are directing the
play, which was written by two
members of the Seattle Junior
Members of the cast are as fol
lows: King Hclmas, Wayne Allen;
Queen Melior, Mirian Kissinger;
Princess Briar Rose, Mae Posey:
Sir Bumble Puff, Francis Brandt;
Janicot, as a child, Norman Walt,
Janicot, Joe di Natale; Yvetk'.
Evelyn Gritzka; Mclnsene, Blanche
Carr; nurse, Mrs. Cella Brown;
King Philibcrt, John Chapman;
Queen Heloise, Lucile Cypreansen;
Prince Perion. Lee Voung; Prin
cess Rosalia. Jessie Keeshan; Prin
cess Isold, Marguerite Hollenbeck;
Princess Blanchefleure, Mary
Puck, Frances Rhymer; Tilalna,
Clara Christensen; Horrockin,
Anne Kavich; Strisskau. Marjorio
Dean; good fairies, Betty Brown,
Georgia Walker, Patsy Oxley, ,
Betty Ixiu Wertz, Anne Kinder,
Jean Hoppe, Virginia Lee, Sylvi.i
Wtlf, Alice Louise, Gladys Mason
and Betty Trailer; dragon flies,
Carl Rohman, Stuart Goldberg,
Dorothy Card. Helen Hewitt, Shir
ley Grossman, Marylouise Neal,
Ghita Hill. Lois Opper, Margaret
towlcr, Mary Jean Wegner; maids
in waiting, Martha Whelan, Elaine
Holcomb, Dorethea Fulton, Helen
Severa and Carolyn Davis.
check writer, psychoanalyst,' book
keeper and accountant
Machines of this type are in uso
in the census bureaus of seventy
eight countries of the world, and
have been used in the United
States census bureau since before
the World war. It is declared by
census experts to be the swiftest
and most accurate known way of
recording and filing vital statistics.
It is Indeed amusing to see the
machine set to sort cards accord
ing to a certain standard, and to
watch the cards being tossed hither
and yon into various pigeonholes,
and at the end of the process to
see the corKKt number of cards
dispensed en the receiving counter.
The machine seems to possess
superhuman understanding and in
telligence. . It is called upon to sort
(Continued on Page 3.)