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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1932)
I FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. 1932. HOKUF ELECTED NEW n m PRESIDENT Crete Athlete Chosen at Banquet in Honor of Frank Crawford. Sieve Hokuf, nil around athlete was named president of the N club nl a banquet in the coliseum Tues day evening, honoring IYank Craw- ford, Nebraska football coach of 1SU3 and '04. Coburn TomHon, Lin coin la the retlriugf president. About eighty lettermen attended the dinner, at which Dean T. J. Thompson, Col. W. H. Oury and Dr. K. G. Clapp were guests. Aa vice president, the lettermen elec ted Georco Smutny, Seward, a trackman. Jlelvin Swanson, Kim' ball, who lettered in football last season is the new sergeant-at arms and Jerry Lee, Bassett, a sprinter, is secretary treasurer. Crawford, in his talk to the group told of bis experiences while coach of the Husker grid teams. lie produced the first Cornhusker championship team in 1SS14, an eleven that included Col. Oury at one tackle, Flippin, great negro star in the backfield and A. J. Weaver as business manager. The N club announces that it will make an appreciable contribu tion to the American Olympic fund. Plans for the state high school track meet here in May were also discussed. TWETY.SE1'E J0.Y GIRLS' TESMS CLUB Members Qualify 'After Tryonts; Tournament Is Planned. Twenty-seven girls were taken Into the tennis club as a result of the tryouts held the week before vacation. Helen Eby was in charge. The members are: Donna Davis, Alice Geddes, Ellen Moses, Mary Ball, Hallene Hax. Rachel Bran son, Gladys Williams, Louise Perry, Leone Davey, Christobel Weaver, Margaret Paasch. Maxine Sleeper, Helen Eby, Winifred Shallcros?, Ruth Mitchell, Agnes Grover, Gretchen Roberts, Carol Raye Robinson, Jean Levy, Marga ret Walker, Mary Lou Lapp, Doro thy Thaler, Dorothy Charleson, Louise Harriss, Alice Zimmer, Ma rian McLaren, Virginia Woolfolk. A ladder tournament is being planned in which the girls are ranked according to their ability and then each may challenge any girl within five places above her own ranking. One tennis court will be in reserve for members of the club and any girls who wish to try out should see Helen Eby in order U .secure an appointment. A letter from the chess team of the University of Cincinnati caused a bit of excitement to Uni versity of Kentucky officials re r;ntly. The Cincinnati chess play jis challenged any group of picked :-hess experts from Kentucky, and I he games will be played at either :"llool. Kieshman girls at Wellesley :'ave gained the privilege, denied ii upperclass women, of smoking 'n their dormitories. The student :ouncil is investigating possibilities .'or tne older girls. Hotel D'Homburger Shotgun Service 1141 Q St 1718 o St. KNIT WOOL GARMENTS Clean Beautifully NO STRETCHING OR SHRINKING WHEN MODERN CLEANED Scinl sweaters, hats, Spring coats now. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVER Call F2377 For Service izjbrfj Classified Advertisements j I I ' til J Ten cents per line Minimum of two lines Wanted KKPORTERS The editorial start of the Daily Nebraskan would like ef ficient leporters to work on Satur day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Report to tha managing editors. WAITED Finders of lost articles to turn them In at the Dally Nebraskan lost and found department so that they may be returned to their right ful owners. All articles which are not claimed will be returned to the finders. Typing TYPING wanted by an expert and ex perienced typist. Years of experi ence. Spelling and prammar corrected on your themes. Prices reasonable. B-3B74. Teachers Wanted BXPKH1ENCED. eflirient teacher al wavs demanded. Boomer Mid-Western T"rhers' Asency, 123 No. 12. Frosh Star Quits 17 Courtesy at The Journal. David Froelich, Friend, one of Coach Henry Schulte'i fresh, man sprint aces has left school to attend the Chicago Art Insti tute, where he will pursue his art studies. Froelich won the 100 yard dash crown In the state high school meet last spring, chalking up a mark of ten sec onds flat against the wind. Diamond Managers to Meet at 5 Wednesday College baseball managers will meet today at 5 o'clock in the Coliseum N club room. :rjhe PRESS BOX it Joe Miller XJEBRASKA loses a promising track man who had a brilliant future with the announcement that Dave Froelich. freshman sprinter from Friend has decided to for sake Nebraska for the Chicago Art Institute, where he will concen trate on illustrating and cartoon ing. Froelich burned up high scnooi tracks last year as a sprinter for Friend high," climaxing his season by winning the 100 yard dash in the state meet with a mark of ten seconds flat against the wind. He was just beginning to hit his stride as a member of Coach Henry Schulte's frosh cinder squad. With the Kansas Relays but four days awav, and four of his track aces at the moment scholastically ineligible. "Pa" Schulte still re mains even tempered. The veteran Husker track coach admits that the situation worries him, but feels that his boys will clear the hurdle in time to compete at Lawrence. At least, that's what he hopes! Jack Miller and Glen Justice have taken up track. Seeking to develop additional speed, the pair declare that they intend to stick it out until the end of the season. Justice, a brother of "Chick" Jus tice, varsity guard last season, showed up nicely at the same position during the spring work outs. He is fast and heavy, tipping the scales around 185 pounds. Mil ler confides that he wishes to re move some avoirdupois. "THE work of Merl Peek, former Tecumseh high athlete is said to have impressed the Cornhusker football staff during the recent grid drills. Peek, an end on Coach Dean Higgin's team was shifted to guard this spring ,and did right well at his new post. Peek, a freshman has added weight and height since the fall season. He weighs around 185. Norris Nesmith. lanky end from Wauneta will not be back next sea son, according to a report heard Tuesday. The. red head has not been in school this semester, but was out a few times for spring football practice. This item does not happen to concern Nebraska athletics, but when John Bentley, Journal sports editor devotes a large share of his column to Kosmct Klub as he did Tuesday, why not the Daily Ne braskan '.' As Jimmy Douglass, director of Kosmet Khib's "Jingle Belles" or chestra, and Ted Masters, first trumpet, were entering the new auditorium of the state peniten tiary Sunday afternoon for a pre sentation of the show to the in mates, thoy lined up accidentally with a line of prisoners and stomped into the building half way to thi front before discovering their mistake. It is said they had a hard time persuading the guards that they didn't belong there. Columbia has a turtle mascot which is fed on canned ants' eggs. LOST Many key cases and single keys. Finders please return to the Daily Nebraskan office so that they may be returned to their rightful owners. FOUND A yellow scarf. Owner may rlaim by calling at Daily Nebras kan office and paying for this ad. tOUND Laijy'i brown glove. Owner may claim by cail.og at Nebruku office FOUND "Histolre de France" In tj. Hall. Owner may cjaim by calling at Nebraskan office and paying for this ad. FOUND Lady's black purse contain ing weight card reading 106 lbs. Owner may claim by calling at this office and paying for this ad. LOST In main library black enamel riorino. Reward. Call Eleanor Schook, F-6772. I. M.mX BMBMilP" i i ii.,,,,., .,..! Lost and Found J Coach of First Husker Championship Football Team Recalls Experiences Of Times When Sport Was in Infancy By JOE Reminiscing about the days football team in 1893 and 18114. Frank Crawford, mentor of the first Cornhusker championship' grid eleven Tuesday aft ernoon recalled some of his experiences as head of Jhe pigskin sport when it was in its infancy not only at Nebraska but at other schools as well. A lawyer now living in Nice, France. Mr. Crawford is back in the United States visiting relatives in Omaha, his former home. Tues day noon he was a guest of the Nebraska coaching staff at a luncheon at the University club, where he renewed his friendship with Col. W. H. Oury, who played on his '93 and 94 teams, Arthur J. Weaver, business manager of his 94 outfit, and others. The N club honored him in the evening at a banquet in the ocliseum. Altho Crawford had received his A. B. at Yale and his law degree from Michigan, where he was a football star and captain of the baseball team, he registered as a student when he took up the coach ing reins, at Nebraska and alter nated at half and quarter during the two years of his coaching ten ure here. Those were the days when eligi bility rules were practically un known, and so Crawford took his turn at carrying the ball for his own team. In fact, it was an ac cepted practice in the nineties for coaches to play against each other when their teams met. When asked how it was possible for coaches to play, Crawford smiled. "Football was so rough then that frequently parents would not permit t.heir sons to play, which made it hard to secure men to com plete an eleven. So the coaches were forced to play now and then because of a shortage of mate rial," he explained. Chuckling over some of the inci dents occurring while he was head of Nebraska football destines, Crawford, who is a jovial and a YEARBOOK SECTIONS READY Work Progressing Rapidly Toward Completion of 1932 Cornhusker. A number of sections of the 1932 Cornhusker have been completed and are ready to be bound as soon as the rest of the book is printed, according to Otis Detrick, editor. The opening section, the queen j section, Huskerland and the snap- j shot section, have been completed : by the printers. As soon as the presses are avail- , able the fraternity and sorority j sections, which have gone thru the i final proofing, will be printed, as well as the student administrative section. This part of the book in cludes the student council, inter fraternity council, the deans of the various colleges, the deans of stu dent affairs and a number of other such individuals and organizations. outim; club to have HIKE, WEINEK liOAST Outing club will have a hike and weiner roast on Thursday evening of this week. All members are in vited. The outing will be post poned if it should rain. Cord Commercial Clul Plan Inspection Trips Inspection tr ips through the Lin coln State Journal plant will be taken by members of the Girls' Commercial club Wednesday, April 20 at 9:00 a. m. and at 3:00 p. m. Members of the organization will meet at the north entrance of the Temple, according to Alfreda Johnson, president. Hardage, New Sooner Coach, Plans Start Spring Work Soon Training Oklahomans in Dixie Grid Styles Lewie Hardage. builder of the great Ynnderbilt bnckficlds the past len years ami now lh new University of Oklahoma head football coach, brieves that the fastest football in the na tion is now played in 'he South and asserts that the system he will introduce at Sooncrland will be a combination of the "Wal lace Wade and Vaiidcrbill offenses with a little Tennessee and Tulane stuff thrown in just to give O' the whole a good strong Dixie flavor "We'll u.e a modified punt formation UDtil we get down close to the goal line, where we'll hlft to a more compact formation," ex plains Hardage. "I like this forma tion because it permits a diversi fied attack to all points, prevents the enemy defense from overshift ing, and keeps the opponents' safety driven back because of its threat of a quick kick or pass. Its success depends upon perfect tim ing of plays and skillful use of the guards." Will Name Line Coach. Coach Hardage will be permitted to name his own assistant, who will act as line coach and will be thoroughly schooled and exper ienced in Hardage's system. In fact the new Sooner coach already has such a man in mind and if the Oklahoma athletic council is able to land him within the next two or three days, the belated Sooner spring football practice will start Monday, after Coach Hardage has first bad two or three days to ex plain his system to Lawrence "Jap" Haskell, freshmen coach, and Hugh McDermott, assistant coach and scout. v "Our spring practice will be chiefly devoted to blocking and tackling with a great deal of at tention being paid toward teaching the forwards the rudiments of cor rect offensive line play," an nounced Hardage. The Sooner spring practice will be the new coach's fourth this sea-J giant from Texas who coached at .. ... . NAMakAma l 1 OrtO n A 1 (1(11 - AOvn son. Wallace Wade, the Duke men' ONLY 26 MILES TO KIND'S CAFE CRETE Eandicichet 59 tatietiei JFvED H. E. KIND MILLER, when lie coached tlic Ncbmskn thoroly likeable individual, told of the intense foorball rivalry De tween Nebraska and Kansas, which resulted in 1894 in the Husk ers" initial championship in the Missouri Valley league. Captained by George H. Dern, now governor of Utah, the Husk ers took it on the nose in their first game of the 1894 season against Doane, the Crete school at that time boasting a powerful crew of giants. The score was 12 to 0. Crawford's boys eked out a 12 to 6 win in the big test against Kansas and then proceeded to smother the rest of their opponents under big scores. Since the Mis souri Valley championship went to the school piling up the greatest number of points, Nebraska went into the Iowa U game determined to run uo a big score and win the title. The first half found neither team making much headway, but the Cofnhuskers ran amuck in the last half to win 36 to 0. Enthusiastic over the univer sity's present athletic facilities, Crawford could not help but com pare Memorial stadium and the equipment with which he had to work. The football field when he was here, was located south of the stadium, about where the A. M. building now stands. There were no bleachers, the players had lit tle equipment, and there was no talk of over emphasis or commer cialization. The onetime Scarlet mentor was especially interested in the training room and indoor and outdoor track now used by Husker cinder men. "You've come a long way since then," he concluded. DEBATE SCHEDULE. Thursday, April 21. Phi Alpha Delta (A) vs. Delta Sigma Lambda. Phi Sigma Kappa (A) vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon (N). Zeta Beta Tau (A) vs. Alpha Sigma Phi (N). Phi Delta Theta A) vs. Mc Clean Hall (N). Alpha Tau Omega (A) vs. Alpha Theta Chi (N). Phi Kappa Psi (A) vs. Delta Upsilon (N). Tau Kappa Epsilon (A) vs. Delta Theta Phi (N). Beta Theta Phi (A) vs. Sigma Phi Sigma (N). Ail matches will be held at the affirmative house. CLASS PLANS RADIO, NEWSPAPER SURVEY The journalism history and prin ciples class under Prof. Gayle C. Walker, will begin research on Ne braska weekly newspaper adver tising percentages and a house-to-house canvass of Lincoln news paper readers and radio listeners to discover what they read and lis ten to, in a special project recently assigned the group. BASOCO WILL MEET W ITH PI MU EPSILON Members of Pi Mu Epsilon, hon orary mathematics fraternity, will meet Thursday, April 21, at 7:30 p. m. in M. A. 308. Mr. Basoco will speak to them on "Relativity." "Boys do not want to marry the girl they pet," claims the chaplain at Ohio State university. tor and a warm friend of Hard- age's asked Hardage to come to Duke this spring to school the Duke backs and in addition Hard age conducted spring practice for Kurman college of Greenville, S. C. and for Vandcrbilt. That studerts and alumni will always be welcome upon the prac tice field was emphasized by Coach Hardage. "This team belongs to the stu dents and alumni more than it does to me," he declared, "and any time they want to come out and watch the practice they are welcome. Any time an old player wants to drop in and watch us work, he is wel come. We won't have a great deal of secret practice. I aim to give Oklahoma a team that it can be prourl of even in defeat" The new coach is a native Ala bamian and talks with a decided southern drawl. He loves sports of all sorts, especially hunting and fishing, and 'owns a sizable quail preserve in southern Alabama. He is 40 years old and unmarried. Hardage is the seventh football coach ever to start work at the University of Oklahoma. John A. Haiti, a player from Southwestern college of Winfield, Kans., was the first, coaching here in 1805. He was followed by Prof. V. L. Par rington, head of the university's chair of English and modern lan guages, who coached from 1897 to 1901; Fred Roberts, a Washburn university player who coached in 1901: Mark McMabon, a young Oklahoma in 1902 and 1903 to earn expenses for a law course; Bennie Owen, young mentor of the fam ous Bethany college "Terrible Swedes" of Lindsborg, Kans., and assistant cocch to Yost at Michi gan, who coached at Oklahoma 22 years from 1905 to 1927; i and Adrian Lindscy, also a successful Bethany college coach, who came here in 1927 and coached five years. ATHLETES PREPARING FOR KANSAS RELAYS Olympic Possibilities' to Compete in First Outdoor Meet. LAWRENCE, Kas. University and college athletes of some dozen states of the middle west and southwest are fast reaching form now for the first major outdoor competition in track and field events at the tenth annual Kansas relays held here April 23 when they will begin in earnest their big push for the eventual try at a place in the track sun as members of the United States Olympic team. With the entry lists for the Kan sat games growing daily names of outstanding athletes for relay teams and special events are fast accumulating and the perform ances of these men make it cer tain that with favorable weather conditions many new records are in prospect for the Kansas carnival to say nothing of a world record or two. New Crop of Stars. That new crop of individual event stars is due to take the lime light is reaveled in the announce ment that in only three of the nine special event:) of the Kansas re lays program will the winners of last season be back to defend their championships. These include Hugh Rhea of the University of Nebraska who took first in the shot put at the Kansas games last year with a shove of 49 feet 2 1-2 Inches; Frank Purma of the University of Illinois who You'll Enjoy Shopping at Lincoln's "l - -- - " l 1 f- " "i I I ai T 1 ifl I f k. If If h4t.-b.4P (l.i.l.Mlltlf44it'M Another Lot of Fine Patterned la 1 1 Co on Sale Wednesday at Kvcry Shirt Perfect! Perfect in fabric, .per fect in cut, perfect in tailoring, perfect iu fit ' Beautifully made of fine quality woven hroaileloths, e li a m - hravc rnmlrsipcf Tested for wear . . . tested for quality . . . linmlsomc woven shirt ings, made inlo these Shirts of the better type! Collars that fit smartly . . . Fnney patterns, self patterns! Not. ordinary $1 -Shirts . . . but REAL SHIRT VALUES 1 at $11 COLD'S Men's Store South In Our Wool SMART $8 jf irft For only They're ready made for you ... of 'inc. all wool fabrics ... in the smart new lines of the spring and summer mode new lines, slim new silhouette . . . sizes 24 to 30. Excellent fabrics, neatly needled. innrty in price. VOLLEY BALL FINALS Phi Sigma Kappa vi winner of League I, Thursday) at 5 o'clock, Court 1. Pi Kappa Phi vi Alpha Gam ma Rho, Thursday at 9 o'clock, Court 2. Postponed Game. Delta Tau Delta vi Tau Kap pa Epsilon, Thursday at 5 o'clock, Court 4. Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs Phi Kappa Epsilon, Thursday at 5 o'clock, Court 4. Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs Phi Kappa Psi, Thursday at 4 o'clock, Court 1. Farm House vi Sigma Phi Epsilon, Thursday at 4 o'clock, Court 2. Delta Sigma Phi vs Alpha Tau Omega, Saturday at 5 o'clock, Court 1. Delta Tau Delta vs Phi Del ta Theta, Saturday at 3 o'clock, Court 1. won the discus throw at 139 feet 7 3-4 inches; and Ernest Lcnnlng ton of the University of Illinois and Clyde Coffman of the Uni versity of Kansas, who tied with two others for first in the pole vault at 13 feet 1-2 inch at the 1931 Kansas relays. Rhea a Favorite. Rhea will enter the meet this year again the favorite and should be able to break the meet record of 49 feet 10 1-8 inches set by Herb Schwarze of Wisconsin in 1925, as the big Nebraskan has bettered fifty feet in several meets since his appearance here last year Munn of Minnesota, Big Ten cham pion, should be a leading contender for the shot put honors here also. In the pole vault Bryco Beecner of the University of Indiana will be tho favorite in the pole vault at the Kansas games despite the Busy Store Cor. 11th & O Sts. r t si Annex T I o -Mm miw i IN THE BASEMENT 200 Brand New Dre At " Only Jacket Frocks for afternoon af fairs . . . and dinner . . . Town Frocks . . . with capes . . . swathed bodies . . . pushed-up sleeves, bows, little puffy sleeves, bits of lingerie. Tiny Prints Dots Solid Cantons Printed Georgettes Plain Georgettes Shantungs Washable Crepes Jacket Styles Beige, all the new blues and flower-like colors. ..that hint of summer. ..all sizes 14 to 46! Goods Section SKIRTS . . . higher waist . GOLD S Second Jloor. 295 presence of .Lennlngton and Coffc man, as the Indiana entry won in doors thla Spring at 13 feet $ inches. Purma also will have stiff com petition in the discus this season as Mclvln Thornhlll of the Unl. versity of Kansas, holder of tha Kansas relays record at 153 feet 7 1-4 inches, will be on hand April 23. Thornhlll was not in school last year. These two favorites also will have plenty of stiff competition from numerous other discus tossers who will be striving to prove their right to be considered an Olympic team possibility. Maladjustment leading to com plete failure in life may result from the fantasies which parent! tell their children in explaining tho facts of sex, according to Gordon L. Barclay, instructor in psychol ogy at Syracuse. He cited tho "stork myth" as a dangerous un derminer of understanding between parent and child . Billiard, card and ping-pong ta bles, backgammon, chess and checker outfits have been installed in dormitories and Union building at Iowa State t to provide cheap amusement fo'r broke students with dates. Graduating seniors at Baylor university gave a baby grand piano to their chool. SENIORS AND GRADU ATE STUDENTS PRE. PARING A THESIS For Reproduction of Maps, Charta. Gnphi, Diagrama and Tabluatlona Contult LINCOLN BLUE PRINT & MAP COMPANY 106 Bankers Llf Bldg. Phone 04342 S. & H. Green Stamps a Saving GOLD' S Basemen t 1 1 1 1 1 1 J i V J iiMm sses C j ,- -v. f