The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1932, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FRIDAY. APRIL. 8. 12
Noted for developing a long list
of hurdle stars that Includes such
performers as Simpson and Syl
vester of Missouri; Floyd Wright,
Ed Weir, 'Timber" Trumble, and
Bill Lamson, Nebraska, Coach
Schulte has brought out this sea
son In Heye Lambertus one of the
greatest sophomore prospects In
Lambertus, who hails from
Gothenburg, enjoyed two fine sea
sons as a prep school trackster. He
holds the state record In the 2'20
Harold Peti, three year' veterans,
finished on Heye' heels. All of
that blew on the back of the Goth
erburg hurdler was equalized by a
soft track. Track fans are won
dering what time that Heye will be
able to mak when he reaches the
zenith of form later In the season.
J 4
which Indicates that "Indian"
Schulte will be holding a full house
when the Big Six games are run
off in Lincoln. The slight brecnc
when the Big Six games are run able to mak when he reaches tne I y -
- .
I . oiWMS ' 1 jflW" ..... . t :. .. aw -I".
t ;
Finale of Spring Session
Friday Afternoon as
Champs Clash.
Admission Charges to Be
Assessed to Help
Out Committee.
Cornhuskcr pigskin candidates
will officially ring down the cur
tain on the current spring prac
tice drills Friday afternoon when
Steve Hokufs Red team meets
Lawrence Ely's White jerseys in
a regulation tilt on Memorial
stadium sod. The game Is slated
to get under way at 4 o'clock.
The two outfits battled last
Saturday to a scoreless tie, and
with Coach Bible allowing the
quarterbacks to use both the punt
formation and double wingback
systems, a lively affair is antici
pated. Admission of twenty-five cents
for adults and ten cents for chil
dren will be charged, the entire
proceeds going to the American
Olympic fund committee as a por
tion of Nebraska's contribution to
the 1932 games at Los Angeles.
Both squads went thru a light
workout Thursday afternoon, the
men appearing to be in top phys
ical shape. Six lettermen are listed
on the Red roster, Capt. Hokuf,
Crete; Bernie Masterson, Lincoln;
Clair Bishop, Lincoln; Harold
Holmbeck, Beatrice, Lee Penney,
Tabor, la., and Warren Debus,
Belleville, Kas.
The White Shirts possess eight
veterans In Capt. Ely, Grand Is
land; John Roby, Nelson; Chief
Bauer, Lincoln; Forrest McPher
son, Fairbury; Hubert Boswell,
Ravenna; Carlyle Staab, Ansley;
Corwin Hulbert, Lincoln and Mel
vin Kimball.
Kansas School Well Stocked
With Veteran Material
To Choose From.
LAWRENCE, Km. Scrimmage
of what ia considered one of the
best appearing spring football
squads that has been seen on the
Kansas gridiron in several seasons
is scheduled to continue for the
rest of the week on the practice
field at the university.
A squad which has all the ear
marks of championship material
has been working out under Coach
H. W. Hargiss for the past two
and one-half weeks. A large rep
resentation of lettermen from last
year and the year before is on
hand daily, supplemented by
enough promising new material to
give Coach Hargiss a wide election
lor his first string lineup next fall.
Practice has been, up to the
present, mostly limited to drill on
fundamentals, tackling, blocking,
broken field running, passing, sig
nal practice, and dummy scrim
mage. Several actual scrimmages
have taken place between two
Ormond Beach, powerful full
back of two seasons ago, is look
ing better thaji ever. Elmer
Schaake, powerful halfback and
kicker, will make an excellent
running partner. Carnie Smith,
the powerful quarterback, is out
for baseball this spring but will be
Announcement. Bargain Special
tm. Ban-A. -Carl. Flat rate (1.95.
Good only on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of each
week, includes time to 1.00 a. m.
and ten miles of driving and in
immune fee- Always open. Motor
Out Company. 1130 P St. B681t.
Ten Cents per line.
Minimum of two line$.
REPORTERS The editorial staff of
the Daily Nebraskan would like ef
ficient reporters to work on Satur
day. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons. Report to
the managing editors.
WANTED Finders of lost articles to
turn them In at the Daily Nebraskan
loat and tojnd department ao that
they may be returned to their right
ful owner. All articles which are
not claimed will be returned to the
Lost and Found
LOST Many key eaaea and alngle
keys. Finders please return to the
Daily Nebraskan office so that they
may bo returned to their rightful
FOUND Drlil cap. Owner should
claim Immediately at Daily Nebras
kan office.
FOOTfD White cotton ladies' gloves.
Owner may claim at the Daily Ne
braskan office.
FOUND Strand of brown hearts at
the Temple theater. Owner call at
the. Daily Nebraskan office.
LOST Girl's black Sheaffer Lifetime
pen. Reward! Finder please leave
at Daily Nebraskan office.
FOUNT) La lr" brown elove. Owner may
Claim by caUins at Nebraskan office.
rrc,T -Introduction to Los"'?'" h
Creitrhton. Finder please call Mar
tha Hershey at L498.
yard lows with a mark of 24.3 es
tablished in the 1930 meet.
placed in the 440 da3h.
Several weeks ago he skipped
over the 60 yard lows in the re
markable time of 6.8, a mark that
toeit the world record for that dis
tance eld by V. Fletcher of Chi
cago. Lambertus, however, made
his mark over five hurdles while
Fletcher's performance was a three
hurdle record.
His 6.8 betters the Big Six con
ference record by two-tenths of a
second, the former mark of 7 flat
being formerly held by Hager of
Iowa St'ite.
He won the 60-yard dash at the
conference indoor meet in 6.3 sec
onds and tied the Big Six 60-yard
low hurdles record at 7 seconds
flat in winning that event.
The sophomore sensation nego
tiated the century in 9.8 seconds
Thursday afternoon which may
lead him to tack the additional
burden of a regular sprint job on
his heels. George Smutny and
Soft Ball and Golf
Entries Open Today
Intramural soft ball and
golf entries' will be received
Friday in Rudy Vogeler's of
fice at the coliseum. The dead
line will be announced follow
ing spring vacation.
a potent man for the backfield
next fall as he was last fall. With
these and such men of proved
ability as Stuck, Atkeson, Casini,
Hanson, Kvaternik, zvoianen,
Mehringer, Burcham. Plaskett,
Borello and Freese. Coach Hargiss
has quite an array of veteran ma
terial with which to work.
Colorado Teacher Visits
Departments During Week
Prof. C. B. Carpenter of Colo
rado School of Mines. Golden, ac
companied by M. Quimes, visited
the depertment of geology and
chemisfy and the college of en
gineering last week. Clark Kelley,
'29, and Joy McCartney, '21, were
also visitors at the offices of the
department of geology.
Three Instructors Talk
At Association Meeting
Dr. F. E. Henzlik, dean of the
teachers college, Dr. R. D. Scott,
TYPING wanted by an expert and ex
perienced typist. Years of experi
ence. Spelling and grammar corrected
on vour themes. Prices reasonable.
TAKE some Karmelkorn home with
you on your spring vacation, i
have enjoved It. so will the folks at
home. Get the genuine sold at John
son's, 1412V3 O St.
COSTUMES for the A T O Storie
Booke Balle. Everything from dev
ils to saints, knaves to knights.
Frank , Musgrave representing Theo.
Lleben and Son. Call B3523 or B1639
alter 6 o'clock.
Teachers Wanted
EXPERIENCED, efficient teachers al
ways demanded. Boomer Mid-Wea-tern
Teachers' Agency, 122 No. 12.
Barber Shops
ACME BARBER For fine work and
good service visit the shop on North
lith St.
lirious home-cooked meals at reason
able rates at 143 No. 13. f
(mmsmmmmm 111 lv
He also I.J . i v; i.. ;ft ?"-,.-:mxv'-i"W!l?ti w:f ?JAf.J?.f
department of English, and Dr. R. ;
J. Pool, chairman of the depart- j
ment of botany, spoke before the ;
meetings of the Nebraska Asso
ciation of Church Schools held re
cently in Central City.
IT'S going to be mighty hard to
keep Heye Lambertus from run
ning the dash events for Nebras
ka this spring in addition to his
low hurdles specialty. The Gothen
burg sophomore sprinted the cen
tury in 9.8 seconds Thursday aft
ernoon to reveal that his 5.4 per
formance in the 50 at the KCAC
indoor carnival was no flash in the
pan. A yard behind Heye at the
finish was George Smutny and
Harold Petz, Husker three year
veterans. They tied for second.
Jerry Lee started the race but
withdrew at the halfway mark
when a thigh muscle began to re
bell. A slight wind aided the run
ners, but the soft condition of the
track rather equalized this advan
tage. Glenn Funk looks more and
more as if he will make history
for himself and Nebraska before
he completes his varsity track
competition. This long striding
freshman from Central City loped
the mile in 4:35.6 Thursday, and
gentlemen, that is traveling at a
merry clip at so early a stage in
the outdoor cinder session. Funk Is
a well built fellow of over six feet
in heio-ht and h- runs with aDnar-
ently little effort. Sesco Asher led 1
the way home in this particular
race with a mark of 4:34.5.
DOB OSTERGARD ran the 440
in 52.5 in Thursday afternoon's
trials to edge Merlon England at
the tape. "Osty" did not push him
self, altho both men were running
against a head wind.
Linus Carroll and Harold Petz
did 16.1 in the 120 yard high hur
dles in their initial test over the
high timbers.
Hugh Rhea may really be se
rious about going into the boxing
racket. Hugh plans to remain in
Lincoln the first part of spring va
cation in order to work out with
the gloves at the coliseum. Rudy
Vogeler has promised to give him
some pointers.
Then arain. Rhea may be play
ing pro football this fall. It Is
known that the shot putter from
Arlington has received leveral of
fers, but he hasn't affixed his sig
nature to any contract as yet.
Portsmouth, Ohio, and the Chicago
Bears are two outfits said to have
approached Rhea.
"Your Drug Store"
Our Soda Fountain and Lunch
eonette service. Bigger. Better
than ever. Remember your
Drug Store.
148 No. 14 & P. Phone B1063
61 Joe Miller j
WMikmmmmm:- mrMmmm f&: warn
Results of Thursday
Volley Ball Battles
Results of Thursday'! volley
ball games in intramural com
petition are as follows:
Sirma Alpha Kpnilnn heat l-anibda
Chi llpha. it-IS. 15-5 and 15-8.
I'hi Knppa I'M heat Mclean hall
1.1-0, 15-3.
I'i Kappa Alpha won from Drlta
Sirma I'hl by default.
Itcta Thrla I'I brat Slima I'hl Rpsl
lon 15-3. 15-10.
Tail Kappa Kp.llon brat Phi Drlta
Thrla 15-4. IS-S.
Alpha .animii Rho brat Drlta I
lon IH-U. l-t.
PI kappa I'hl brat SlRma Thl Slirma
by default.
Farm Honw brat Drlta Sigma
Lambda 18-10, 15-12.
Wendell Spurns Entries of
Adam, Milne for A. A. U.
Glove Trials.
Rudy Vogeler, Husker boxing
coach has withdrawn his entries
for the sectional Olympic glove
trials at Omaha Friday night be
cause Pete Wendell, A. A. U., offi
cial has refused to permit Jerry
Adam and Jim Milne to compete.
Vogeler wished to substitute
Adam and Milne for Lee Copple,
heavyweight champ, wltb was in
jured a hand early this week. Wen
dell also ruled that no rebate for
Hotel D'Htmburger
Shotgun Bervioe
1141 Q SL 171t 0 tt
Bring a
You'll surely welcome
Kellogg's Rice Krispics
these mornings. Delicious,
toasted rico bubbles that
are so crisp they crackle in
milk or cream. What could
be more refreshing or so
much of a change from the
heavy, hot dishes of winter!
And truth to tell, wc
don't need so many heavy,
hot foods in this age of
steam-heated houses and
closed automobiles. Cold
Husker team expenses would be
Huskers Will Not Meet Jays
In Dual Cinder Meet
This Spring.
Nebraska will not meet the Uni
versity of Kansas In a dual track
meet this spring, the athletic of
fice announced Thursday. Inability
to get together on a date for the
compet was responsible. Nebraska
outhorities preferred a date In
May, but a conflict prevented
Kansas' acceptance. The only al
ternative was an April 16 date,
considered by the Huskers as too
early in the season for strenuous
A questionnaire at Syracuse has
revealed that sophomore women
prefer ambitious men to other
types. Ambition, however, was
Picnic Lunches
& Small Dinner Parties
Are Our Specialty
Dine and Dance With Us
Chicken -Little -Inn
91st A O Sts.
touch of
to breakfast
weather just isn't what it
used to be. That's why red
flannels and bed warmers
have disappeared and why
crisp, delicious cereals are
becoming more and more
Kellogg's Rice Krispies
arc rich in energy, easy to
digcit.jGreat for a bed-time
snack. Drop in at your
favorite restaurant tonight
and just try them.
Courtesy of Th Journal.
QidgeDiOcznzel Co
Walk-Over Shoes
Footgear is never more
mercilessly displayed than
in the barber shop. And no
eritic is ever more sererc
than your barber unless
he's jour boot-black.
Be that as it may, however, for neither oE thera
could possibly suggest improvements on the qual
ity and style of our Walk-Over Six-Fifty. It's
perfect !
Medium or Narrow toes, in a choice of Black and
Street floor.
Whats in
A Dance
I That delightful sensation
cf ease and comfort you
attribute to a lack of con-
j scious attention to the
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i A fjcuity, unerrin3 in its j
I ability to direct you to )
i the style of the times. j
I Correct sport wear that
t harmonizes witn the
I rhythm of the modern
5 dance.
Complete Ensembles
$35 - $40
Ray Killian Inc. 1
1212 O St.
Even Your
Barber Could
Find No
Fault With