S THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUESDAY, MARCH 22. 1T.2 FOUR SUTHERLAND LEAVES TUESDAY FOR MEET Big Six Diving Champion to Compete in Collegiate Championships. Kenneth Sutherland, Biff Six fanev dlvlns: champion, leaves Tuesday to compete in the national intercollegiate swimming cham pionships to be held at Ann Arbor, Mich.. Friday and Saturday. The University of Michigan is spon sorlne the meet. Sutherland will arrive Wednes day night according to present plans, which will allow for a day's practice before the preliminaries Friday. Since this is Olympic year, keener interest and competition is being displayed over the meet, and a host of stars from the entire na tion have sent in entries. Competi lion Will be governed by Olympic rather than the usual intercoiie glate rules. Lobdell Favored. Lobdell, University of Iowa star, is favored to cop the diving cham pionshlp. The Iowa boy, against whom Sutherland has competed In mldwestern A. A. U. champion ships, placed second In the 1931 tank meet. The Fremont boy is ex pected to be one of those to step up when the laurels are handed out. Sutherland has not definitely de rided aa to his participation in the eastern intercollegiate gymnastic meet at Annapolis, Md., on April 2. The eight times state gymnastic ti tleholder may enter the tumbling event. " Five required and five optional dives are listed on the Olympic schedule for the meet. Required dives include the front Jack knife, backward somersault, backward spring, front somersault, full gainer and full twist. Optional dives which Sutherland will exe cute are the backward double som ersault, double gainer, backward spring, forward one and one-half somersault, front jack knife with one half twist and front two and one half somersault. LEAVES TODAY FOK NATIONAL SWIMMING MEET. GAMMA ALPHA CHI PLANS PROGRAM OF ADVERTISING Gamma Alpha Chi, national honorary advertising society, will hold the first advertising night to be officially sponsored in univer sity circles, March 31. in Social Science auditorium. Miss Norma Carpenter will be in charge of the program. The program: Nfwupaptr AdvertWng, J". Scuprn't. Outdoor AdVfrtiBlnj, Lonrl W. Tres lor. Omaha. Direct Mall. Hmry Witfall. r.adlo AdvrrtlnlnR, PMrlch PlerKa. Department Store Advertising, Miu Ma-i-ie Vnpr. Farm Paper Advartlalnit. S. R. McKflvl. Publicity and Public Service Advertising, W. Motter. Commercial Art. 0 Black. Printing Houat In Advertising. K. Ott. After all. It's a Townsend photo graph that you want Adv. TEACHERS BUREAU REGISTERS MORE THAN 600 ALUMNI More than 600 alumni and for mer students of the University of Nebraska who reside in twenty different states, Alaska, Hawaii and Germany, are now registered in the university's department of educational sen-ice and are using the assistance of the service in se curing advancement in the teach ing profession. This number ex ceeds the number of students registered by 100. Illinois Ruling Permits Dancing in Coed Houses A new ruling at the University of Illinois allows men and women students to dance in houses occu pied by coeds. Dancing will be al lowed at any time except during study hours. The time designated for Sunday night closing hour was advanced from 10 to 11: jo p. m. BElMO A CrtAMPIOM 'y s OyMNAST, SuTHEI?LW4C X (I PcvpiyiNO M he will compete, in . J the inter -collegiate V 53g2steu. SWIMAAIN6 CHAMPIONSHIPS' V. T? ; MEDALS OFFERED IN All Non Varsity Men Are Eligible To Compete In Contest. Courtesy of The Journal and Star. Kenneth Sutherland, who won the Big Six diving championship at the recent conference meet in Lincoln will compete Friday and Saturday at Ann Arbor, Mich., in the national intercollegiate swim ming championships. The Fremont boy will meet the best of the collegiate divers, among them being Lobdell, University of Iowa star, and Mickey Riley, Southern California merman. The University of Michigan is sponsoring the 1932 competition. HAYSEED - - and ' -HAYWIRE o By GEORGE ROUND Hotel D'Hamburger Shotgun Service 1141 t 171t 1 amma Three uptown coaches in the athletic department seem to be afraid of playing basketball with the faculty quintet at the college of agriculture. At least the "farm" teachers hurled a challenge broad side at the physical instructors several weeks ago but have re ceived no reply as yet. Practically- all of the student body on the Ag campus would turn out to see such a game o basketball. They would be back ing the college faculty team too. Herbert Gish, director of athletics, is believed in favor of the proposed game but declines to give out any definite information. The uptown coaches will probably wait until late spring before accepting and then claim it is too hot. Just another one for Klein- becker. They say that a woman living on a farm in central Ne braska recently found a gold nug get of unknown value in the giz zard of a chicken. Now she is go ing around the country buying the chickens in hopes that more nug gets may be found. We have heard of the hen who laid the golden egg but never before the gold nugget. Another prominent sorority on the campus is going in for ''hell week in a bi2 wav since this is Leap Year. They instructed their initiates to bring home a frater nity pin last week end and most of the girls succeeded. Evidently they ganged each fellow and robbed him of his long possession. Delphian Nash, head of the barb faction, says the sorority girls on the University of Nebraska cam- CLASSIFIED WANT ADS "What a World of Grief They Save You" , 10c a line, Minimum 2 Lines. B-6891, Ask for Daily Nebraskan. Lost and Found LOST GruMi wrist watch on blue leather strap Tufsdav on campus. Finder please call B2954. REWARD! LOST Many key !ases and single, keys. Finders please return to the Daily Nebraskan office so that they may be returned to their rightful owners. LOST Girl's blick Shenffer Lifetime pen. Reward: Finder please leave t Daily Nebraskan office. Cafes MRS. LUSH'S DINING HALL Tou can always g-et good meals lor 20c or 25c at 1204 P. COLLEGIAN CAFE Delicious home cooked meals at reasonable rates. $21 North 13. Typing TTPING For tsrm papers and manu scripts, well-typed and at reasonable rates. Leave at box 142 Daily Ne braskan office. TTPING Reasonable rates for typing term papers and manuscripts. Call K182L Wanted REPORTERS The editorial staff of the Duily Nebraskan would like ef ficient reporters to work on Satur day. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Report to the managing editors. WANTED Finders of lost articles to turn them in at the Daily Nebraskan lost and found department so that they may be returned to their right ful owners. All articles which nre not i lainicd will be returned to tho finders. Coed Basket ball to Start Mext Monday Women's intramural basket ball games will begin next week, March 28 and the team practices will continue this week according to the following schedule. I. X. L. and Ne'Eds. Tuesday, March 22, 5:00. Hobby club. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Alpha Chi Omega. Referee and coach: Helen Eby and Agnes Grover. Wednesday, March 23, 5:00. Huskerettes. Gamma Phi Beta. Kappa Alpha Theta. Kappa Beta. Referee and Coach: Marian McLaren, Dorothy Charleson. Wednesday, March 23, 7:00. Sigma Delta Tau. Thursday, March 24, 5:00. Sigma Eta Chi. K. B. B. Sigma Kappa. Pi Beta Phi. Referee and coach: Josephine Clark, Jane Axtell. Friday, March 25, 5:00. Delta Delta Delta. Sigma Delta Tau. Referee and coach: Josephine Orr, Margaret Reedy. Teams that are unable to play when their team practice is scheduled should report to Miss McDonald so that a practice pe riod may be substituted, for it is necessary that each team has two practices before the intra mural games start. search monograph written by Paul J. Raver, civil engineering gradu ate of 1917, and Marion R. Sum ner, entitled "Municipally Owned Electric Utilities in Nebraska." This is published by the Institute for Economic Research, Chicago, for which Mr. Raver is making studies of this general type. Good performances are expected when the all-university swimming meet is staged at the coliseum pool Tuesday afternoon. The meet will get under way at 5 o'clock, after noon swimming classes preventing an earlier stafting hour. Silver and bronze medals for first and second places will be awarded in seven events, Rudolf Vogeler, director of Intramural athletics and varsity swimming coach, has announced. Listed on the program are the 50, 100, 220 and 440 yard free style events, 200 yard breast stroke, 150 yard back stroke and fancy diving. Any student not a varsity letter man is eligible to compete. Vogeler is counting on a good turnout with an eye on lining up prospective varsity material. No previous entry need be made, according to Vogeler. Men who have filed intention to com pete include Dahms, Watklns, An derson, Hood, Wood, Rathburn, Gavin, Clark, Booth and McKee. ALBERT PALMERS WILL SPEAK AT A 6 O'CLOCK DINNER IMPRESS 6t Joe Miller Mr. Albert W. Palmers will speak at a 6 o'clock dinner at the Grand hotel Tuesday evening to all students interested. Students who have been doing any religious stud during the Lenten season are especially urged to come. The subject of his address is "A Workable Religion." Tickets, for 35c, may be secured at the Y. W. C. A. or Y. M. C. A. offices. Coed Swimming Club Will Meet Tuesday The Delphians swimming club is to meet Tuesday noon from 12 un til 1 o'clock at the swimming pool, according to an announcement made Monday evening. Big Delicious Roast Pork Beef Sandwiches and 10c Free Delivery ALSO BOX LUNCHES, 2e LINCOLN BOX LUNCH B-4102 We Deliver Free Bobby Kinoshlta, 118 pound mid- western A. A. U. boxing cnampion, and a student at tho Nebraska medical college in Omaha head lines an outstanding fistic menu offered tin to university students Thursdav evening when the All University boxlns- tournament Is stared at the coliseum. Kinoshita. a Hawaiian, has won this particular A. A. U. crown for three years, and according to those who have seen him work really has the stuff. Then there will be Bernard Mai colm, state A. A. U. champion in the 147 pound division and Hous ton. runnerim In the same class. Les Sellentlne and Leland Copple are two more entrants who should lend plenty of spice to the eve ning's program. Hurt Rhea mlrtt have gone out to 61 feet in tho shot put Friday afternoon at an exhibition before high school athletes at the stadium. The Arlington boy was in a mood to throw the ball away, but the toe board gave way causing Rhea to strain a knee muscle, His best ef fort was 49 feet 10 inches. Hugh la planning his spring campaign with great thorough ness, for he wants to be at the peak in June for the national meet and the Olympic trials. He weighs 224 pounds at the present time. Frank Kobes, center on the sixteen year old state champion You Get More Wear From Your Garments! Have them Modern cleaned at regular inter vals tliey wear longer and have that fresh new look always. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVF.P. Call F2377 More Ideal Girl Qualities Listed At Irish School Notre Dame seniors decided in a aurvey that In the ideal girl of 1932 the type of beauty ia rela tively unimportant. However she must have a sense of humor, femi ninity, mental and physical attrac tiveness, frankness, domestic abil ity, and be able to dance and dress well. Let her smoke if she wishes, they said, but let her purchase her own clgarets. Crete basketball team plays his position with the skill of a college performer. Outstanding high school centers are quite a rarity as a rule, but Kobcs displayed all the earmarks of a fine player. He combined an excellent floor game with an unusually accurate basket eye, and was invariably found at the right place at the right time. According to reports from Crete, there la some likelihood that Kobes may go to West Point, but don't be surprised If he enrolls at Nebraska in the fall; Four W e h 1 e y a n trackmen worked out on the Husker indoor oval Monday afternon. Bob Gibb, Crete, football captain-elect and basketball mainstay at Wesleyan was included in the list. Henry Schulte has issued a standing invi tation to high school and college teams to take advantage of the stadium facilities. LOOK REDUCTION 20' to 15c On Malted Milks ALL FLAVORS Use Your 15c Trade Coupons From Long's AT Buck's Coffee Shop FACING CAMPUS pus arc claiming too much honor when it comes to scholastic stand ing. He strongly maintains that a sorority dismisses a pledge who is failing and hence the poor girl must drift back to the ranks of a barb and her average is counted in the nonsorority standing, per haps there is some truth to Nash's statement. Charley Talbot reads this hooey. Sid Smith does once in a while also . . .that makes four. . .and Norman Jeffrey is five and David Bengston six. . .sixthlets are expected in the sheep flock at the college Saturday Dick... now a man says he has a horse weighing two ton. . .he must be some steed. . . SUMMER SESSION BULLETIN IS READY FOR DISTRIBUTION The complete summer school bulletin is now off the press and is ready for distribution, according to R. D. Moritz, director of summer session. Copies of the bulletin may be secured at the office of the reg istrar or from the summer session director's office, 305 teachers col lege. Geography Grad to Teach At Ohio Summer Session KARMELKORN FOR Karmelkorn, buttered popcorA, carmel apples and fresh roasted pea nuts patronize Johnson's at 1412'b O. Original and only licensed Karmel korn shop in Lincoln. Summer Employment MR. R. C. JENKINS will be In Mr. Hayes- office in 'he Temple Theater MONDAY. MARCH 21st, to inter view Nebraska students interested in profitable summer work. See him after 8 a. m. The department of geography has received word that V. Calvon McKim, A. B., '30, has been chosen to teach economic geography in the coming summer session at Ohio university, Athens, O. He is now assistant professor of agri cultural geography at Texaa A. and M. college. Gimhurg on Program of Interprofessional Group Dr. M. S. Ginsburg, department of the classics, will apeak at a formal dinner meeting of the Lin coln chapter of the American In terprofessional Institute, Satur day evening. March 26, at the Lin coln hotel on "Footsteps from Rus sia to Germany and France, Thence to the United States, Per sonal Impressions." Graduate of Engineering College Writes Article Dean O. J. Ferguson, College of Engineering, has receive J a re-1 Lagniappe (N Orlttns trench) Something extra given over and beyond the value that is expected or paid for. Sit II Leaders among men and mens apparel have Lagniappe A popular model with trim pointed collar attached and bar rel cuffs. Splendidly tailored of Strand broadcloth, firm and lus trous, $2. SO. Other Broadcloth shirts, $1.95, $3.00, and $3.50 NO ORDINARY effort ever broke a tape or a record. Victory comes from a super spurt and super-grit . . . from Lagniappe, In men's apparel there is Lagniappe too . . in these Wilson Brothers shirts and Fan Flare tics for instance. Over and beyond everything you might expect in appearance and value, they offer an extra measure. The shirts have refine ments in every stitch, line, and detail. The Fan Flare cravats are multi-fold, with no lining to bunch or twist. Ask your haberdasher in campus or town. WILSON BROTHERS Jiaberdaskery NEW YORK ttnaerwtar, pajmmss. CHICAGO Shirts, neckwear, hosiery. handkerchiefs, mufflers, suspenders, belts, jewelry-' mil mmde to on high standard under the direction of Wilson Brothers Style Committee. WILSON tOTHIfkl SAN FRANCISCO PARIS GUARANTEE: 1 any article hearing Wilson Brothers trade mark is unsatisfactory for any reason you can exchange it at any Wilson Brothers dealer. Wilson Brothers, 528 S. Wells St., Chicago. Wiboa BroOMi. WO