iiukxtmmaMainmmmm SUNDAY, MARCH 13. 1932 TITE DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE Initiation Banquets, Spring Parties, House Dances Scheduled for Weekend Pi Zv. . Plans Spring Fete ct Cornhusker, While Thcta's List Dinner Honoring Initiates; Four Entertain at Chapter Houses, Activities for the following week end fall into the estab lished pattern of initiation banquets, spring parties and house dances. Kappa Alpha Theta will hold its initiation bnnq'uet Saturday night at the University club. Pi Kappa Alpha plans to give a (spring party at the Cornhusker hotel Saturday night. Dances will bo given at the Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Upsilon houses" Friday night, and the Beta Theta Pi and Delta Tau Delta houses Saturday night. Tilda Banquet Listed For Saturday Night, The University club will be the scene of the Kappa Alpha Theta initiation banquet Saturday night following initiation at the house during the day. Mrs. Loa Howard of Kansas City, an alumnae of Ne braska chapter, will serve as toast mistress. About one hundred active and alumnae members plan to be present. Mrs. J. C. Whitten has charge of plans for the banquet Big Delicious Roast Pork and Beef Sandwiches 10c Free Delivery ALSO BOX LUNCHES, 2Se LINCOLN BOX LUNCH B-4102 We Deliver Free Aimsii ssm. IT'S SMART TO BE THRIFTY I MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY I lff.1-1.. t JUNIOR FEATURES COMEDY OVERTURE PATHE NEWS O. l TL -1--. RONALD COLMAN Marts Inursday DUKe ellington &&&rrrt W ..." df - i In I 1 fl , Story by Sarah Aldington Directed by SIDNEY LANFIELD FOX PICTURE And What a 16 People Edith E'ant and Ray Mayer In "The Cowboy and the Girl" Also "Boots" and Her Buddies All Girl Orchestra With the Six Stuartette Girls I,. I mim ... UMfcfci i fill! y,uKjmmmmmm at the Capitol "The Big Parade" and she is assisted by Miss Lula Mae Coe, who is arranging the toast list, and Mrs. Richard Sprongly, who is chairman of the decoration committee. Spring Party Slated By Pi Kappa Alpha. Members of Pi Kappa Alpha are planning their spring party to be given at the Hotel Cornhusker Saturday night. Eddie Jungbluth and his orchestra have been en gaged to play. Among the chaper ones will be Dean W. C. Harper and Emmett A. Gillaspie. About three hundred invitations have been issued for the affair. D. U. House Dance Planned for Friday. Honoring pledges of Delta Upsi lon, who will be initiated Friday afternoon, the fraternity is giving a dance at the chapter house Fri- SAMUEL QOLDWYN ifliBisoin TORinSiDfLT. CSV "UNHOLY GARDEN" "ST. LOUIS BLUES" BAD GIRL made them famous' DANCE TEAM makes them immortal! As two youngsters who try to side step love. Then fell for each other in spite of themselves. JAMES SALLY UHN 1EILE1S .Jance . leam Stage Show! Including 0 m A. rs Monday & at the Orpheum Polly of the Circug' Plays "BOOTS" ALT Who with her all-girl orches- tra, "Boots and Her Buddies," will feature on the Stuart theater stage show this week. The film showing is "Dance Team," star ring James Dunn and Sally day night. The Golden Rod Sere nades will furnish music for the dancing. About seventy couples will be present. Miss Pauline Gel latly and Mrs. Caroline Phillips will chaperone the affair. House Dance Planned By Delta Tau Delta. New initiates or ueita lau ici ta will be honored at the house dance which members of the fra ternity are planning for Saturday night. Sixty couples will attend. Betas Announce Party At House Saturday. A dance will be given Saturday by members of Beta Theta Pi at the chapter house. Walter Wher ry's orchestra from Omaha will play for the party. Many alumni are expected to return. Former Students Wed Saturday. Of interest in university circles is the marriage of Miss Pauline Bilon, daughter of Mrs. Anna Bilon, and Merle Matzke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Matzke of Western. The ceremony took place LEARN TO DANCE Can teach you to lead in one les son. Guarantee to teach you in six private lessons. Classes every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday mornlnRS. Private lessons morn ings, evenings, afternoons. Mrs. Luella Williams Very Select Private Studio B-4258 1220 D ONLY 26 MILES TO KIND'S CAFE CRETE Bandicicheg 59 varietieg FEED H. E. KIND at the rnnt r rmrm 11 iftl ii at the Lincoln 'Man I Killed" It---" r y ( at Stuart A NELSON. Eilers, who played in Bad Girl." A specialty offering, "The Six Stuartette Girls," completes the stage show in which sixteen peo ple take part. at Westminster house Saturday afternoon with Dean It. Leland reading the service. The couple formerly attended the university, where she is a member of Alpha Phi and Mortar Board, and he with Alpha Gamma Rho. She is taking graduate work at the uni versity. Buffet Supper Given For Alpha Xi Delts. Alpha Xi Delta Mother's club is entertaining active members and pledges at a buffet supper at the chapter house Sunday, March 13, at 6:30 o clock. Alpha Thet's Hare Initiation Banquet. Following formal initiation Sat urday afternoon Alpha Theta Chi held its initiation banquet at the house Saturday evening. About forty-two were present. Among the out of town alumni who re turned were Bernar Wilson, War ren Chiles, Milton Reynolds and Kenneth Strawn, all of Omaha. Miriam Huse, Wayne; Evelyn Haas,, Wayne; Irene Hentzen, of Seward; Winifred Rainey, Lincoln, and Gretchen Schrag, Lincoln, are the new initiates of Alpha Omicron Pi. The initiation ceremony took place Saturday, Marcn 1Z. Following initiation at the chap ter house Saturday morning new members of Alpha Delta Theta were honored at a breakfast at the Central hotel. Miss Madge Gaug han of Indianola, an alumna, at tended. The initiates are Ada Mae James of Council Bluffs; Esther Crawford, Curtis; Rose Pross, of Omaha; Norma Vitek, Clarkson; and Rose Woerdeman, visner. Prof. Norman Hill lectured on "Position and Significance of the Senate in Our Federal Govern ment," before the meeting of the Women's club civics department held Friday, March 11, in Faculty nan. Dr. Frances W. Shepardson of Chicago, was honored at a lunch eon at the Beta Theta Pi house, on Saturday, March 12, Chancellor Burnett, Dean T. J. Thompson, Prof. F. M. Fling, Prof. Harry Cunningham, Prof. E. F. Schramm and Prof. Orin Stepanek were present. Mrs. N. Jons, Mrs. E. B. Styer, and Mrs. C. J. Aldrich, members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon auxiliary were hostesses at the St. Patrick's day luncheon, Friday, March 11, at tne chapter bouse. Sigma Kappa alumnae honored Miss Audrey Dyke, national presi- aent or tne sorority, at a tea given Saturday, March 12, in the Allgair tea room. Miss jauct Smith was in charge. Two hundred and fifty couples attended the Bizad spring party in the Hotel Cornhusker Friday eve ning. "Your Drug Store" Our Soda Fountain and Lunch eonette service, Bigger, Better than ever. Remember your Drug Store. THE OWL PHARMACY WE DELIVER 148 No. 14 A P. Phone B1063 After you've done your Sunday night studying, come on out to Pla-Mor for an eve ning of good dancing. You'll like the beauti ful ballroom, the slick floor, the delightful music, and the com fortable lounge room. Remember you can dance Sunday night at Pla-Mor. Til Be Seeing You Admission 25e Dancing Free Hawle Chrlstensen and his orchestra tonight. DANCING TONIGHT PI SIGMA ALPHA TO MEET Dean Foster Will Address Group On "Law As A Social Science." Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary poli tical science fraternity, will hear an address by Dean H. H. Foster of the Law college at its next meeting, Saturday evening, March 19. Dean Foster will speak on "Law As A Social Science." The programs of the organiza tion for the remainder of the year have been arranged by Frederick V. Peterson, president of the group. Dr. W. K. Pleiller, pro fessor of German will talk on some phase of the German political situa tion at the April meeting. For the May meeting, Mark Woods of Lin coln will give a preview of the re publican convention to be held in Chicago during the summer. The Projection Booth By John Quinn. Movie presentations at the Lin coln theaters this coming week offer great variety in entertain ment. At the Stuart "Dance Team" gives fans an inside view of the professional hoofers' work with James Dunn and Sally Eilers acting the dancers. To the State come two creditable pro ductions in a split week sched ule of reruns; "Tonight or Never" with Gloria Swanson and Melvyn Douglas will show the first half and Ronald Coleman In "The Unholy Garden" with Fay Wray the second half of the week. A post war situation of great dramatic qualities Is pre sented in "Broken Lullaby" with Phillip Holmes and Nancy Car roll at the Lincoln. "Cock of the Air," a story of war flyers, is booked for the Orpheum screen; Billie Dove and Chester Morris have the leading roles. "Dance Team," light, amusing, Stuart. entertaining yarn is unroiaea under uus pro fessional title. The story is apt to leave the fan with a pleasing, in consequential satisfaction at being temporarily deiigntruny enter tained. It will leave little of a last ing dramatic impression. The plot concerns the chance meeting of two. young, jobless hoofers and follows them thru the tribulations and joys of their struggle for fame. With success comes a cleft in the partnership, but all is made right in the end thru an old actor friend of tne youngrsiers. james Dunn and Sally Eilers are excel lent as the dance team partners who trv to keep love from enter ine into their work and who nearly allow themselves to De separated bv success. Harry Beresford capa- blv does the lobless old actor who is befriended by tne partners ana later returns the favor. "Tonight or Never," State, First Half. Here is the story of an Amerl can ooera singrer attempting to reach the heights of accomplish' ment on the European stage, but failing because she lacks the in centive of that great emotion, love, How the prima dona searches and finds both love and success is amusingly portrayed by expe rienced Gloria Swanson. Melvyn Douglas, comparative newcomer to the screen and former Lincoln high school student has the chief sup porting role. "The Unholy Garden" State, Last Half. A clever crook and his less clever accomplice are forced to take refuge in an isolated desert mecca where several others of their kind are similarly confined. A scent of a fortune hidden in the "garden" leads the group of doubt ful characters into a series of al liances and betrayals until the sit uation is ultimately saved by the clever crook for love of the rightful possessor of the fortune. Ronald Coleman gives another of nis worthy performances as the jus tice-seeking crook who is clever enough to outwit all the fortune hunters. Wistful Fay Wray is well suited to the feminine lead oppo site Coleman. "Broken Lullaby" Lincoln. This production serves to show one phase of the folly and inhum aneness of war. It is the story of a soldier who has killed a German in a hand to hand combat, and his attempt at restitution for bis ac tion. How he finds the sweetheart of his enemy and how he becomes endeared to her family present great dramatic possibiities. Phil CLASSIFIED WANT ADS "What a World of Grief They Save You" 10c a line, Minimum 2 Lines. B-6891, Ask for Lost and Found LOST At Junior-Senior Prom, curved ro oral bracelet. Phone FO-i. REWARD ! ! FOUND Drill cap. Owner claim Djr paying lor tnia aa ai omce. LOST Man'a Elpln wrlat watch. Re- ward. Call F-35b0. LOST Mirny key caaes and single keya. unaera pieaae return xo un Dally Nebrankan office no that they may b returned to their rightful owners. LOST Green coin purne. Contalna money and Veyi. Tempi and 15th 3t., Wednesday evening. Reward. Call B1297. Marjorie Peteraen. Typing TYPING For term paper and manu script!, well-typed and at reaaonabla rate. Lerva at box 142 Dally Ne braakan office TYPING Reasonable rate for typing term paper ani manuscript, can SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday. Alpha XI Delta, house dance. Delta Upsilon. dance at the chapter house. Saturday. Beta Theta PI. dance at the chapter house. Delta Tau Delta, house dance. Kappa Alpha Theta, initiation banquet at the University club. Pi Kappa Alpha, spring party at the Cornhusker. lip Holmes adds another unhappy characterization to his career as the haunted and mentally torn sol dier, and Nancy Carroll plays the German sweetheart. The film was first released under the title "The Man I Killed" and is from the pop ular novel by that name. "Cock of the Air" Orpheum. The air corps serves as the locale for this war time story. It in volves a Parisian enchantress and the rivalry she causes in the ranks of the aviators. Attractive Billie Dove is the enchantress who is sent away to avoid trouble, and Chester Morris is the aviator who wins her. This is not a story of actual war fare, but is conceiied with the off duty life of the airmen. During its showing of re-run productions the State theater will institute a reduced price schedule. The adult admission fee at any time of afternoon or evening will be twenty-five cents, and children's admission price remains at ten cents. This schedule brings a re duction of fifteen cents in evening adult admission, and it will give movie- goers a chance to see these great productions at a less than reasonable fee. After all, it's a Townsend photo graph that you want. Adv. HONOR INITIATES AT KAPPA PHI BANQUET (Continued from Page 1) Hunter closed the toast program with a talk entitled, "Plying the Shuttle." The benediction followed the last toast. The new initiates who were hon ored as guests, were Dorothy Bell, Frances Brown, Nora Bubb, Wilma Bute, Helen Caulk, Nora DeCory, Ethel Dennis, Lorine Ericson, Alice Fancher, Fern Fields, Jane For ney, Lois Haile, Marian Higbee, Ruth Hornbuckle, Betty Howard, Alice Keech, Ruth Koerber, Caro line Lathrop, Hiva Mills, Phoebe Randies, Marjorie Schindler, Ce lesta Scott, Leora Sieck, Irma Sims, Annabelle Stannard, Grayce Stevens, Hazel Stevens, Lois Wentworth, Mildred Williams, and Yuma Willman. New Pledges Attend. The new pledges who attended the dinner were Helen Black, Eliz abeth Boehler, Mary Carroll, Frances Creech, Lillie Fankhauser, Jean Hamley, Marjorie Helsing, Irene Holan, Veda Mae Horton, Iva Huffman, Alice Roberts, Mar jorie Smith and Ruth West. The patronesses who were given special recognition Saturday eve ning, were Miss Gertrude Beers, Mrs. W. C. FawelL Mrs. G. A, Grubb, Mrs. F. A. Stuff and Mrs Victor West. Tiny spinning wheels as favors marked the place of each guest at the table. Spring flowers with tapers completed the table ap pointments. The programs were in Fern Anderson was in charge of the decorations and Marie Davis arranged the program. ANNUAL ART EXHIBIT WILL CLOSE SUNDAY (Continued from Page 1.) check room and shows five figures, the first of a girl operator who is still taking a few last minutes of sleep, the second of a girl who is hurriedly drinking a cup of coffee, another dressing, etc. Mrs. Meiere embodies in her designing the spirit of the modernists. Some of the best known artists represented in the exhibition are Arthur B. Davies, who has three pictures here: Leon Kroll, three pictures: Ernest Fiene, three pic tures: Ross Moffett, a former Iowan; Ivan Olmsky, two pictures, Birger Sandzen, two pictures; (Morrill hall contains two or nis pictures now): Savely Sorlne, three pictures, who is a aeciaea modern in painting; Robert Spen cer, one picture; and Olive Rush, four pictures. The latter two ar tists are both former Nebraskans. Robert Spencer is now dead. On Sunday afternoon from i to 6 o'clock the gallery will be open free to the general public. This is the last opportunity to view these pictures, as the exhibit will be taken away the following week. Daily Nebraskan. Photographers EASTER SPECIAL 1RxlO and 6 3x4 photograph for 3.50. See our window. Wright Studio at 144 North 12 Hi. For Sale FOR SALE Pedigreed Pekinese pup. Call G. H. Weal, auis -iymouin, F-3567. For Rent ROOMS For boy at raonabl rate and cloe to the campua. Well lighted and heated. Tho IntereMed should call B3674. Wanted REPORTERS The editorial taff of the Dally Nebreakan would like ef ficient reporters to work on Satur day. Monday. Tueaday. Wednesday and Thurmlay afternoon. Report to the managing editor. BIZAD PUBLICATION READY College Newspaper Will Ba Distributed Wednesday Jones Announces. The Bizad News, publication of the College of Business Adminis tration, Is to appear on the campua Wednesday, March 16, according; to Pierce Jones, head of the Bizad Executive Board. Features of this Issue Include an article by Walter Keller, gradu ate student from Switzerland; a re- -view of his doctor's thesis by E. R. McCartney, instructor In eco nomics; and an article "Bizad Stu dents in Outside Activities," by Bertha Debus, junior in the col lege. About 800 copies are to be dis tributed among the Bizad stu dents, says Jones. The paper is put out at no cost to the students as the advertising pays for the cost of publishing, he explained. SPRING AWGWAN PRINTS SECTION OF CAMPUS GORE (Continued from Page 1.) the February issue was sold out the afternoon of its appearance. Tne a lalf of tne Awrwan stated that they hoped that they would De ame to continue witn tne en larged Awgwan as it not only adds to the prestige of the magazine but enables the staff to print more student contributions. The cover of the spring Aw gwan, in order to fit In with the theme pictures a woodland gnome in colors on a background of solid black. The cover was printed in Mew xork and was received last week. It was drawn by Marvin Robinson. Among the new features of the most colorful Awgwan of the year is a new page in which several prominant girls will be pictured. The same paire will be continued in all of the editions for the rest of the year. The Campus Tempo sec tion is to be augmented In this number with illustrations of the material contained in the depart ment. Several new contributors will make their debut in this issue. Among the contributors are: Lea- vitt Dearborn, Francis Cunning ham, J. T. Coffee, Francis Byron, Katherine Howard and many others. Collegian Cafe Roast Duck Dinner 35c Virginia Baked Ham. . . . .30c Home Made Pies 10c MRS. L. A. KOLLING 321 N. 13 SPRING GIFTS PRIZES A GLORIOUS SELECTION OF COLORFUL CREATIONS TO BRING THE SPIRIT OF SPRING INTO THE HOME Flower. Vaae, Lamps. Noreltlea, and Score ot Art Plecea In Pewter, Glass. Bra and Leather, all ex- resting the gay exuberance of PRING. ST. PATRICK Decorations, Favor. Table Noral ties and Greeting that might hav come direct from the "OULD SOD." Green Hat, Pig. Irian Spud, a variety of gay Irish Place Cards, Tallies and Nut Cup . . . every thing to put ever your St. Patrick' Party. WEDDING Announcement and Invitation, Genuine Engraved or Artistically Printed. Spring Srides can rest assured that here at George they will find the very newest in Fashion' Wedding Announcement Style or the Voat Conservative. EASTER Greeting Cards for Mother, Dad, Friends, Family . . . everyone. Here are Decorations, Cut Out, Place Cards, Tallies, Easter Rab bits, Baskets and Novelties In Soft Bursts of Color. All kind of Eas ter Party requisite. GEORGE BROS. "The Wedding Stationers" 1213 N B-1313 Slick Methods Unknown Brands Cheap Shoddy Goods Have No Place in Uni Drug Store Our policy is today as al ways before one of fair treatment and honest values. Students and Faculty are willing to buy at our store, because they feel confident that only the fairest kind of policies are always in effect here. Call B-3771 for Prompt Delivery of Eats Drugs Candy mi DE2UG 14th ft S B-3771 hi tv. t. , . 1 -rv V V : . i 'i