4 t J i V I ' i fUUIt 1 HI' LailJl llldiwi" ; WESLEYAN TAKES BASKETEERS E Methodists Triumph 26-24 In Second Squad's First Tilt. TEAM WORK IS RAGGED Winners Score First and Lead at Half-Time, 16 to 9. BY OLIVER DE WOLF. Tho NeL.ruska "B" basketball team lost Us first game of the season to Nebraska Wesleyan by a close score of 2C to 21, Tuesday night in the Wesicyan gym. Both teams were somewhat ragged on offenses md defense, with Wes leyun displaying u little better team work, and smoother floor work. Wesleyan took the lead in the lirst minuUs of play when Tinker hit the hoop for two points. Levl son of the Nebraska "B" squad followed with a gift counter, and it was followed by a basket by Letts. Tarker of Wesleyan tied tho score at 3 all with a gift shot. Lcvison scored two baskets in (piick succession to put Nebraska in the lead. Gibb stored for Wes leyan, and Letts dropped in two free throws lor Nebraska. Parker and Gibb followed with two free throws for Wesleyan, and Max Barrett lied the score at 9 all with a field goal. From that time Wes leyan held the lead. Barrett developed a hot streak for the remainder of the first half and boosted Wesleyan's total to 16 with three field goals and a gift shot. All of Barrett's were set ups close in under the basket. Ne braska failed to tally and the half ended with Wesleyan on the long end of a 16 to 9 score. Norton Opens Second. Norton, "B" team center, opened the second half with a follow thru shot. Fellers of Wesleyan sank a free counter, and Norton again hit 1 he basket for two points. Gibb of Wesleyan countered with a field goal. "Boswell of Nebraska caught the Wesleyan guards flat footed 'ind dribbled in under the basket tor a setup. ' Scheinost boosted Nebraska's total to 17 with a side shot. Burke of Wesleyan snagged ,i nice overhead shot, bringing the Methodists' total to 21. Norton i-irged a gift shot, and Fellers of Weslevan counted with one a min uto later. M. Smith, Wesleyan renter, found the hoop for two points. Cium, B team forward, iroke thru for a nice side shot, and Fellers ended the Wesleyan scor ing with an under the basket shot. Vordy scored a nice under the bas l.et goal but missed his free throw en a foul curing the same play. Cium sank two gilts and Wes i van stalled the remaining half minute to end the game. For Nebraska Norton, center, pl iycd a nice floor game, and sank two field goals and a gift to tie Levson for Nebraska scoring honors. Levison's play was out standing during the opening mo ments of the game, and Letts, ..n.irH showed rrtentv of stuff dur ing the entire fracas. The game was rough thruout with ten fouls being called on Nebraska and six on wesleyan. me noxscore: Weleyan Kellers, 1 .... Trott. f M. Smith, c , Pixley, K .... Parker, g ... Barrett. 1 ... ibb. c Burke, g .. Reed, g ..... IK ft 1 2 0 0 1 (I 0 0 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 t pis Totals , Nebraska B Ivlnion, t rriim, f l.o, -key, ...., !.. f Morlsv. It ...... H'XJKMI, t bchcinost, I .... 10 7 26 ft 1 p:s 2 13 5 4 0 4 0 2 2 0 (I 0 1 2 2 0 O 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 WE HAVE ADDED BOOTHS And now have more than four times our former Booth seating capacity. GET A BOOTH AT Rector's Pharmacy B3952 13 and P C. E. Buchholz, Mar. CLOSE QUALITY FIRST--ALWAYS! You'll get QUALITY when you bring your shoe repair work to us! And by QUALITY we mean the best nationally ad vertised materials and the skilled workmanship of experts together with the finest modern equipment money can buy! To all this we add extra low prices and prompt, courteous service! That's why these specials mean so much more! Wednesday and Thursday! Women's and Girls' Rubber Heels 19' Women's and Girls Prime Half Soles 79' In In Addition, HENRION IS BkLU, Ar40 A GOOO -Courtesy of the Sunday Journal and Star. Walt Henrion, tall, rangy, an d an accurate shot, is one of the moat finished players on the Ne braska cage squad this year. Henrion is a former Wichita university star, having played a year there before donning the Scarlet. He is a fine floor man and a clever passer. He has the reach and height and Black has been using him at both the center and forward positions thus far this season. With luck on his side he should be one of the outstanding cagesters in the, Big Six this season. ... , He has another year of varsity competition after this one. Thus far this season he is leader ol the Husker scorers with a total of 35 points. Norton, r , Cop,)-e, f Haul, s . Vordy. g Tittnls Kvfrrc: 2 I 0 ii n ii 0 i) ii 2 M I (I U 2 9 Nebraska.. Don Klllott, Ofilookei' Murllh Spencer Nebraska's first half exhibition against Carleton Monday night was a sorry exhibition of basket ball, due probably to the fact that Coach Black has been forced to shift his combinations around due to injuries to members of the squad. The second half was much better, the Huskers showing their superiority in blocking and other football tactics. It was a game that kept most of the crowd on their feet the last half, however, and as long as Nebraska displays the fight throughout the season that it has so far, there will be little kick coming from the fans. John Bentley in his "I May Be Wrong" column calls attention to my statement in The Nebraskan that Koster was ousted on five personal fouls. Naturally, it only takes four, but I will call on Gregg McBride for my proof for the statement. Both Gregg and I in compiling our figures had five per sonals for Koster. Of course, when he came to the fourth one it was hardly for us to say anything to the officials since there is a very good chance that we were wrong. One of the officials Monday night spent most of his time directly in front of me so there is little to say if anything is wrong. Bentley very graciously neglected to point out one more serious error that I made in the story. I said that Nebraska lost her fifth straight game when in reality it was the sixth. Thanks a lot, John. The re-appointment of Coach Dana X. Bible as co-coach of the Men's and Boys' Rubber Heels 39' Men's and Boys' Half Soles QCV W Deliver. Basement ONE OF IlLACK'S BEST PLOOft. MAN West grid squad for the 1932 sea son was announced on Tuesday. Coach Bible is becoming recog nized more and more over the country for his ability as a grid mentor. His re-appointment as coach for this annual charity game and his appointment as a member of the national football rules com mittee and as an official in the Football Coaches' association is proof for this statement. Unless 1 miss my guess, Coach Bible will raise the Cornhuskers back to their former high standing before his contract runs out at the end of five years. Bib Six basketball seems to be running a poor second to the type of play in the Rocky Mountain conference. Kansas, lest year's conference champions, lost the first of their three game series with the University of Colorado. Kansas is .the best this conference has to offer this year in basket ball, while out in the west it is generally conceded that Colorado Teachers and Wyoming have bet ter teams than C. U. Nebraska lost to Brigham Young and that team isn't even conceded a chance in that conference. Wyoming, under the tutelage of Dutch Witte, former Nebraska star, is going great guns in basket ball. They have one of the fastest scoring teams in the country, one that will compare favorably with TYPEWRITERS Stt t:i for tlie Royal portable type writer, tho Ideal machine for the student. All makes of machines for rent. All makes ot used ma chines on easy payments. Nebraska Typewriter Co. Jail B-2157 1222 O St. CLASSIFIED Ten Cents per line. Minimum of two lines. Lost and Found FOUND Lower plate of false teeth. Owner may claim by Identifying and paying for this ad at The Daily Nebraskan of fice. FOUNDSeverafsets7)f keys dur ing the holidays. Owners may claim by identifying and paying for this ad at The Daily Nebras kan office. FOUNDFrench book in True Food nhop before holiday season. Owner may claim this book by identifying It and paying for this ad at the Daily Nebraskan office. LOST Green Shaeffer fountain uen. Reward! Finder please leave at Box 163 at The Daily Nebras kan office and claim reward. Wanted WAIn TtL AU students who have found gloves to return them to The Daily Nebraskan office so that they may be returned to the owners. WANTED To type term papers at reasonable rates. Leave copy In Box 49 In The Dally Nebra3 kaa office. I.W ADS Tiir nAirv mittiw ASICAN PROSPECTS Men vCATCW- 0 catch! Montana State's team of about two and three years ago. Wyoming has been running up scores in the 60's in most of their games. They are, by the way, using a couple of men that the Huskers would welcome from this state, one of them being Witte's younger brother. Something should be done about the sudden disappearance of tfte West backfield. In Tuesday's Eve ning Journal concerning Coach Bible's statements on the charity game the second deck of the head line stated "West Backfield Lost in East." This is difficult to un derstand especially since the game was played in the West and we can see no particular reason for this backfield being in the East. mm m DRAKE COACH PLACES FIVE W TEAM Shows Respect for Notre Dame; Includes One Husker. DES MOINES, la., Jan. 2. A wholesome respect for Notre Damo is shown by William G. Boelter, assistant Drake university football coach, in his selection of five Irish grldders on his first all- star team made up of players from elevens which be watched during the season. Boelter is the chief Drake scout and saw sixteen major contests during the year. He also witnessed the Kansas Aggies in a workout on the Drake field. Northwestern placed two men on the first team, Nebraska, Kan sas Aggies, Grlnnell and Fordham one each. Boelter saw the following teams in action: Simpson, Iowa State, Creighton, Baker, Wyoming, No tre Dame, Northwestern, Drake, Fordham, Boston, Missouri, Colo rado, Grlnnell, St. Louis, Centre, Washington, Nebraska, Marquette, Washington and Jefferson, Kan sas Aggies. His all-star teams are: Flint Tram. Knrt Kosky, Notre Dame. End Cronklte, Kannna Angles. Tackle -Marvll, Northwes'ern. Tackle Krausi-, Notre Dame. Ouard Rtiea, Nebraska. C.uard Hoffman. Notre Dame. Center Yarr, Notre Dame, quarterback Thomas, Onnnell. Halfback Murphy, Kordhim. Halfback Schwartz, Notre Dame. Fullback Rentner, Northwestern. Second Trnni. Knd Becker, Marquette. Knd Schlele, illmourl. Tackle Kurth, Notre Dame. Tackle Klley, Northwestern. Guard Healey, Fordham. Guard Blanck, Drake. Center Nagel, Iowa Slate. Quarterback Mtddlemist. Colorado. Halfback Ronzanl, Mnrquette. Halfback Arcnez, St. Louis. . Fullback Richards, Simpson. STEVE HOKUMS INJURED Back Sliffhtly Hurt in Car Accident Monday; Other Occupants Unharmed. Steve Hokuf, junior in teachers college, suffered slight back inju ries when the car in which he was ridinff collided with a machine driven by Leonard Luedtke, Lin coln. The accident occurred early Mondav morning at 18th and O streets. Hokuf was taken to the Lincoln General hospital where Dr. W. C, Becker and Dr. J. E. M. Thomp son attended him. His injuries were not reported as serious, and he will be released from the hos pital soon. George Sauer and Rob ert Raugh, members of Delta Tau Delta with whom Hokuf was rid ing, escaped without injury. Hotel D'Hamburger Shotgun Service 1U1 Q St. 1718 o St. a ME It's advertised in the Lost Found column of this daily. We maintain LOST & FOUND benefit. a M M a wm m WHY HO Read the Want Ads Daily! U LJU 123 JV UUTUV U MIX (BASEMENT Snow Plows Replace Regular Variety to Clear Cam put Paths Bv LAURENCE HALL. That Nebraska Is really nothing but a small mldwestern farmers college would seem to be the con clusion toward which tho frequent use of plows on the campus points. Not long ago the "drill field" (already relegated to the paHt, thus requiring quotation marks as something, we hope, dead and gone) north of Social Sciences building was a scone of undoubted agricultural activity. There were plows, and cultivators, and horses, and everything that goes with them. In view of the educaltonal environment, It was most appro priate that the ground be culti vated, and it was, thoroughly and at length. Since then the fever has spread. Horses and wagons were employed Sn the tearing up and putting down of sidewalks activity which for so long kept the campus look ing so much like a battle front, with trenches where the old side walks had been, and fortifications where the piled blocks of cement stolidly stood. And now tho snow has again elven the campus mule skinners a Useful Stationery... i . . . And Inexpensive, Too! jMONTAGS FASHIONABLE NEBRASKA STATIONERY 50c With or Without Nebraska Monogram LONDON CRUSH BOND 90 S3 With Nebraska Monogram 1 I FACING CAMPUS YOU a a very efficient service for your it WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1932 fVinnpn to ShOW tUClr aDUllV, iniS time with their prancing charger hitched to a plow-like contraption which, theoretically, keeps the walks passable. It is indeed Inspiring (and allit erative) to watch the novel con traption bearing majestically down a lane of sidewalk, removing the accumulated snow from it. But It Is not without a good deal ot pro fane ejaculation on the part of the drivers that all this is accom plished. This is necessary, though, to keep the plow going straight and true, and to urge the steeds onward, just like on a real larm! Yes, it's an agricultural place, this school of ours, and attempts to prove otherwise will have to in clude an explanation of the numer ous farm activities which go on at this seat of sophistication. The list would not be complete, of course, without mention of the now fa mous ticket ( ? ) booth once in front of the east stadium. (Cour tesy of the Awgwan.) GET YOUR DATE Dancing Friday and Saturday A"iiif Venetian Room Hotel Lincoln Howie Chrlstensen and Hit Orchestra Couples $1.00 1 f iXV up I and iti 1 LOST! T ( r I