.A. THREE WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1931. THE DAILY NEBHASKAN U "4 Bernard Shaw'i The Apple Cart Lincoln High School Auditorium STUDENT MATINEE Thuri., Pee. 3 . 2:30 P. M. OF GIVE SATISFACTION Reserved Seats 75c Ben tlmon A Sent l (Left oven li r'r.rjo.-ic Rambeau XJlV Walter Byron Hr.irliige r-l;-;.l her unit world nl mcd pleasure .head! ADDED SHORT SUBJECTS Two Hour Sltew STATE All Week -7 y aire I -' . . a ft, TO 6N .rvoNrAc Out iEN-T KOl 1 M2UrtK Coi"e BANT ADS Wanted WANTED All students who find ar ticles to turn them into the Paily Xebrnskan office so that they may lie. quickly returned to their rightful owners. WANTED Girl to room." Beautmil new home, private bath, transporta tion. $7 per week. Call KK74I). WANTED Owner of itla.ss with nar row silver frame to claim them at the Dally Nebraakan office Wednes day from 1 until 2. by paving for thl. ad. WANTED Students' laundry.-" Culled' for and delivered I.-7iio7. Iowa State Grid Mentor Is Looking Forward to Next Year. AMES, la.-With his first sea ion' work as head football coach at Iowa State past, Coach George Vecnker la looking forward to what the 1932 season may hold for him and his Cyclone football team. Summing up the first year's work, Veenker yesterday expressed sat isfaction with his new assignment. "We won the games we deserved to win and lost those that we de served to lose," he said. He had no complaints to make other than to discount the belief of some who have said that Iowa State did not deserve to win from Kansas State. Veenker reiterated a previous statement that altho Kansas State I outyarded the Cyclones In scrim mage, Iowa State played its own I game all the way through and I emerged victorious because of 'that. Bob Smith, Frank Nolte, Gordon Nagel, Cecil Saddoris, Fran Swo boda and Kenneth Wells will be lost from the line by graduation but Veenker has capable material to replace, these men next fall. i Roger Bowen, Warren Duesen- berg, Kern Llerick ana rann Blohm will be graduated from the backfleld and it is in this depart ment where the team will be hit the hardest. Seven of the men who will be back next year were in the start ing lineup against Nebraska in the all important game of the Cyclone schedule. Veenker's debut at the Cyclone institution is viewed with satisfac tion by Iowa State football fans. The Cyclones had won but one game in two years and had failed to capture a single conference con test. Veenker revived the morale of the squad, coached the Cyclones on to five victories out of eight games and put them in runnemp position in the conference. PTiv iinrnir ir vnn dim nuiviL ir iuu WANmBESINFUL' So Says James Aswell, New York Columnist, in Maaazine Issue. Oscar Odd Takes a Slant at Mania Afflicting Rich 'Depressionites' "I am not unconscious of the headache all of us are nursing after the ten year prosperity Jag," confesses O. O. Mclntyre in an ar ticle exposing the "Poverty Pose" of the nation's celebrities and still rich in the January issue of a na tional magazine. "I stroll up Fifth avenue's de hue shopping cone and see h-ilf a dozen amazing crags completely empty, I have a little packet of stocks and bonds I will trade for a marble and a skipping rope. But as for "hard times', how have you been? "What gives mc a slight pain In that part of my anatomy wnere the back comes to a full ton is that the people really hurt are saying nothing. The beefeis are those that have suffered scarcely no discomforts. "I am continually amazed by the metropolitan phenomena of reck less spending during the.e unys when everybody says we are tee tering to the bow-wows, Tln two highest priced shows Ziegfiold'e 'Follies' and George Whito's 'Sc.m dais' are doing the bigg:st busi ness along the Hallo Never have such magnificent speakeasies hr-en opened as those now running lull blast. Statistics show that SO ne.cent of the 'depression suicides' were those who had not lost their all but whose fortunes had been greatly reduced. A large percent age of them, too, could have lived comfortably the rest of their lives without another dHy's work. "On, a professional errand I vis ited one of those ill-fated mill towns In New Jersey the other dav. In a twenty-four hour stay I heard less complaining than I have heard in an hour's dlnnr ta ble talk by men and women in the splendor of evening dress." And then, concludes Mclntyre, consider Youth. "It is only fair that It should be chronicled they arc not whining. My mail is heavy with their cheer. " 'Spunk' is the word. Hear this one from a town in California. 'I have been sacked again. The tnth time in eight months. Out of col lege two years, I'm Just beginning to learn what life really 1s. . . But I haven't told the folks. They would make me come home. I want this sort of seasoning. It is what all of us easy going guys with rich papas have needed. "It is thnt sort of stuff that made an old financial war hots? down town recently observe in the public prints, 'When we ride out of the present depression. Youth will he in the saddle.' "My hunch is their feet are al ready in the stirrups." FIVE- CLASS B HOOP TEAMSAREWINNERS Six Exhibition Boxing Bouts Will Be Staged Saturday. Five teams were crowned cham pions in their respective leagues in Class B Interfraterntty basketball gamea played Monday night at tin: coliseum. The winners of the various leagues In Class B include Sigma Chi in League I; Thi Sigma Kap pa in League II; Phi Kappa Psl, League III; Sigma Phi Kpsilon, League IV; and Alpha Gamma Rho, League VI. The champion of League five has not been determ ined. In Monday's cage games the Phi Delta Theta baxketecra scored a 12-9 victory over Kappa Sigma, while. Phi Sigma Kappa eked out I a AU-O win uvcr Dig ma r.?ium m I clinch the flag in League II. Delta I rpsilon found Phi Kappa Psl too I Knppa Kpsilon staged a scoring Dramatic Club MevlH For I'rgent fimiu All active membert of the dramatic club arc urged to at tend an Important meeting of the club tomorrow night at 7:30 in the group's regular meeting rooms. The 'iui:nen to be dit cuiied it very pressing, accord ing ta announcement of the gathering, and attendance I re stricted to active member only. spree to beat Theta XI, 24 to .1. Sigma Till Kpsilon came thru In a Leag.ie IV battle to decision Delta Sigma Lambda by a 17 to 3 count. Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Phi Sigma engaged In a hotly contested game, the former win ning 10-7. Alpha Gamma Rho nosed out Phi Kappa Alpha 8-7 for the League VI championship. In Clavi A Delta Sigma Thl showed great scoring strngth in downing Phi Sigma Kappa, 33 to 6, while Phi Kappa took Acacia 7 to 6 Playoff games rescheduled be cause of ties in Class A found Al pha Theta Chi bowing to Delta Sigma Lambda, 7-6, with Sigma Alpha Epallon trimming-Theta XI, 12 to 4. . Cornhusker pictures are beinjr taken at Hauck'a, 1216 O St. Adv ONLY 26 MILES TO KIND'S CAFE CRETE Sandwichct r9 rarictict FRED H. E. KIND Lost and Found If you want to be a playboy stay j in college or go nome to fine cen ter. O., and pick up the waitress at the Central House don't come to New York City, is the startling advice to collegians in an article. "Manhattan Mischef," by James Aswell, published in the January issue of a national magazine. In dimming the lights on Win chell and Mclntyre' Broadway, Aswell. also a New York column ist, states as follows: "I do not know what New York LOST Bunch of five keys. Reward. Please call F 7l56. FOUND Black leather kev'case con taining four keys. Owner may have the same by calling at the Dailv Ne braskaa office and paying for this ad. LOST A Waterman fountain pen. Fri day and a small brown coin purse Monday Reward. Kinder call B412H STUDENTS Don't foroet that we are conveniently located and that we have a balcony where you can hold your parti... We erv com btnation lunchea, hot or cold, al all hours. Pioneer Fruit Store B-7819 O used to be like, but today it is the most moral city in the world. There is a surfeit of dishonor In high places, graft, 'con' Rames and the garden variety of corruption, but the specific sort of sin that fascinates and horrifies the prov ince is quite difficult to ifnd. "In Harlem, you are told with a sinister smile. ' You go to Harlem and find colored brethren and sis ters at diversions but a Jot less respectable than those of the St. Regis roof. At Louisiana camp meetings I had my eyes popped far wider. 'Along the river front," comes another sugegstion. I live a block from the Hudson, near a neighborhood as dreary and tough looking as the docks of Marsielles, and I have wandered in that neigh borhood at al hours of the day and night The worst I ever encount ered on any one soiree was two drunken longshoremen and a vil lege poet in the throes of in somnia. "I am willing to admit the ex istence of a small coterie of what are called 'playboys,' ie., gentlemen in a postion to spend fifty to seventy-five thousand dollars a year on a high time. Generally they succeed in being rather unimagin atively sinful. But for that much money they could be rather naughty in a town like Louisville, Ky., instead of trying to kick up their heels on the most cautious and upright boulevard on earth. "The columnists, preachers, nov elists and parents who have so long hinted at the dark iniquities of Manhattan should be ashamed of themselves. They are sending armies of young men into the town every year under false pretenses. After ten o'clock there is nothing to do except attend a midnight movie or one of the more respect able night clubs where carbonated cider costs thirty dollars a quart. "It is rather hard on the fresh regiments that are forever coming on. They have always been given to understand there would be the pleasure of fighting numberless va rieties of temptation in the big city." concludes Mr. Aswell. "They are destined to find that temptation must be hunted down as assiduously as the South Af rican Woo-Woo bird." AMES SQUAD BEGINS Hotel D'Hamburger Shotgun Service ii4i q at 1718 0 St. You Garments Will Have That Fresh, New Apearance If Modern Cleaned at regu lar Intervals. It pays to keep them fiee from spots and soil. CALL F2377 Save 10 Cnsh Carry Modern Cleaners SOUKUP WESTOVER i7th Year In Lincoln" !E to Veteran Team Reports j Coacli Menze; First ! Game Dec. 15. ' AMES, la., Nov. 30.With the : end of the Cyclone football reason t and Coat h Louis Menze relieved i of his duties as backfield coach, the Iowa State basketball team beein.i intensive training for the opening of the season here Dec. 15 against Brigham Young univer sity. Prospects for a winning team this year are exceptionally bright as aimost the entire squad from last year is available. Dick Wil cox, "who was graduated, is the lone exception. Dick Hawk, two year veteran, is not in school this quarter and will miss the first three games, but will be back after Christmas. Led by Capin Jack Roadcap. all-conference election at forward last year nni high scorer in the Big Six. the Cyclones are expected to make a serious bid for the title this winter. Al Heitman. rangy center for the f il two years, and Max Rieke, two-year veteran at guard, are bark to take two berths on the Cyclone quintet. Ralph Thomson, tenth high scorer 'n the conference last winter, is making his bid to retain his old post at for ward. Other members of last year's freshman and varsity squads push ing the veterans for regular posi tions are Holmes, Craghearl. Dills. Rubyer, Ludwig. Jones. Wegner, Sieben, King and Hoickvam. Roger Bowen. Gordon Nagel and Hi Roe, members of the footl-all team, are expected to repoit for practice next week. In addition to ten Big Six ames. the Cyclones will play three games with Drake, one with Central col lege and one with Brigham Young. After all. it's a Townsend's photograph that you want Adv. Tuxedo Suits for Rent We carry a complete line of Suits in all sizes. Uoque Cleaners Dyers B2772 123 No. 14 St. 9 Smart Pyjamas - To Give or To Own 2 3" SILK AND RAYON ami RAYON PRINTS v iih a soft . sirkiness Unit lias the appearance t' In higher pi iee-l. One piece styles with sh-noVr hiplines and wide irouser legs. Dainty print designs in medium colors. Yy-t jamas suitable for lounging, sleeping op house M-ear. You'll want some for yourself anl some for your gift boxes! Underwear Section Second Floor. A As Speaking of the ACCESSORIES to a good time For the One Who Holds the Ticket Shoes $..00 and W.OO Shirt $2.50 and up Vest $rt.50 and $5.00 Tie 75c For the Necessary Second Party Slippers $o.85 and up Hosiery $1.25 and up Gloves Shore. $2.25; longer, $5.50 and up ENGINEERS DRAWING SETS AND SLIDE RULES ARE TO SELL AT THESE LOW FIGURES SETS . . . K E PARAGON SET, with curved pen. all new, only four left. The best drawing set made. Regular price Cf4 t33.50. Sale Price 9 At ' 1 DIETZGEN SET. used, sold 1 RICHTER, used, sold for E.1:!5 $11.00 J"50.1 $12. C7 Cft set U.MJ ii&n $20.00 new, C4f Mi $12.00 51000 ..,r r,,-, . .r c-B-o- 1 RICHTER, used, .old for 1 . ? 1 1' J25.00 new. 1 RICHTER. used, old for used, sold for $18.00 bew 1 No. 833 M. RICHTER SET, $2o.00 new, sold for 2h. i m 1 RICHTER, used, sold for t DIETZGEN SET, a 125.00 new, C1X CA used, S20.00 set .... 3W.UU set Alio Some Sett From $2.00 tn $5.00 All sets guaranteed to be in first class condition. SLIDE RULES 1 LOG-LOG SLIDE RULE, 1 POLYPHASE SLIDE RULE, so,r.or,1:85, $7.00 $350 LrthLYPHASE DVH15i 1 FABER SLIDE C Cft $4.00 RtTLE. 17.00 RU1...S1.50 1 POLYPHASE DU- CC n ff PLEX, $9.35 Value . 9vt I J It laU only till Doc. 1tli Stock up for next Semeater. FT ffr" i 1 i i I I! if 1 Sj3 WE OFFER YOU STUDENTS THIS 10 to 40 PRICE REDUCTION FOUNTAIN PENS 40 REDUCTION ON THESE LINES Wahl-Eversharp $3.50 pens $2.10 S5.00 pens $3.00 $7.00 pens $4.20 $8.50 pens $5.10 $4.00 pencils $2.40 Parker Duofold Pen and Pencil Sets $7.50 Pencraft Combination pen and pencil $4.50 $13.50 Wahl Doric Style pen and pencil set $8.10 Parker $11.00 black and white set W-60 $5.00 pens $3.00 $7.00 pens $4.20 $8.50 pens $5.10 10.00 pens $6.00 Moore's $3.00 pens $1.80 $3.50 pens $2.10 $2.50 pencils $1.50 $2.00 pencils $1.20 Automatic Pencils 50c to $1.00 Automatic pencils 30c-60c ) 25 OFF ON JEWELRY $1.83 $5.07 DORINES, $2.50 to $6.50 cases. 3nly NEBRASKA CHARMS, for merly $2.50, now $1.88 LETTER OPENERS, for merly $1 4 XI to $1.75. (Hi S3.C0 , $6.33 BRACELETS, formerly $4 00 to $8.50 now $1.88 to $3.75 $1.83 to $3.00 $2.25 o $1125 NECKLACES, formerly $4 Q0.U KA 4 Jfk W.00. now only 33.WUand Jf .V COMBINATION STERLING RINGS, regular price. $2.50 to $5.00, now only WRIST WATCH BANDS, ladies', formerly $2.50 to $4.00, now only . 3UARD PINS, Nebraska crests $3.00 to $15.00, now only $1.88 to $9.75 PINS, formerly $2.50 to $13.00, now L U ihow you wm. of thlt f,n Jewelry. Rom. of the wilj m.ke fin. pre.ent.. If you .hop early, you e.n m.k. wonderful election, at th.M price.. i i m I HI 1 53 r-.v 3 BARGAINS IN BOOKS $1.00 World's Best Sellers in Fiction and Non-Fiction now on Sale at Only 90c ThH fnm $ In .kK fiiniwrly "11 ui ir, i!i IKi uniece. " of(rri'l them to you at a II I" tanilard price a while K' and w. oner within j" If you warn uurBnuif, you need look no Jur- KOU i,nlv Dor in hoolu llier. HUMOR BOOKS 2 FOR $1.01 A offer thee rollii-kintr nii.ns tv niaaterrf lor $1.00 eath. 'o for one cent additional. In thlx a fclft qr Isn't It? Buy one. get another for a penny. Caught Short and Yoo Hoo Pros perity By that master of ridl . cuie. Eddie Cantor. Boner. . . . More Boner. . . . Still More Boner. . . . anfwer. to exam questions. Are they funny. Scotch Jok. Book Chuck full of Joke.. LAUNDRY CASES You'll need one of thewe now, if you don't have one. They are the only way to send clothes ome. Don't fail to look these over. Regular Prices Sale Price $1.50 $0.75 $2.00 $1.10 $2.40 $1.50 $2.75 $1.75 $2.60 $1.60 $3.75 $2.75 Beat these bargains if you can. 10 DISCOUNT ON OUR j ENTIRE STOCK We offer this mass reduction on everything in j the store not covered by other reductions and : Magazines, Directories, some lines of Pens, and Special Orders. BUY NOW! SALE CLOSES DECEluBER 19TH n l ) t : s i H FACI NG CAMPUS EFFECTIVE AT BOTH STORES 12th and R St. 14th and S St. BARGAINS IN SUPPLIES JUST A FEW OF THE BEST LIBRARY PASTE. J full quart bottle, regular &1.f2 12.70 article A.WsIi CHEMISTRY COATS, formerly .old for H.'jK. 2.10 to Hive st 1.35 BOOK ENDS . . . I PINT LIBRARY A9 PASTE, rerular S1.60 .. TfT" PENCIL SHARPENERS, Qftf Medium .lie 1.SU value DESK LAMPS, (1 nr formerly sold for S1.40 BOOK LAMPS. kiihII. to rlamn on honkf. F'T reading in bed or in bedroom. TCfJ l.u value, at GENUINE LEATHER NOTE- BOOKS, Miole. with Innce file pocket, will last a lileUoie, for mer prl-'e 5t. yg will sell for rJ I 3 LC3SELEAF GEOLOGY NOTE BOOKS. Worth Vl.K. m m to sell al FILE BOX. wooden. . Sxg. 3.5i articl. for On the Mle tables, there arc hundred; of other items not listed her, which are aelUng at a low price. Stock up now tor next .emester 1 1 J L F ACI NG CAMPUS wmwww jJyJdyl