TWO TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1931. THE DAILY NEHRASK.AN 'S 10 Practices Will Commence With Round Robin Tournament. Practices for women bowling be gan Nov. 19 and will conlimie un til Dec. 0 at the Lincoln aowling parlora, terminating in a round robin tournament Dec. 7, accord ing to the intramural office. Bowl ing is the third intramural sport on the fall program and is spon sored by the Women's Athletic as sociation. Five players constitute each bowling team and only one physi cal education major may play on a team. The names of the play ers, substitutes, number of teams to be entered and the hours best suited to piny are to be in the in tramural office by noon of Wed nesday, Dec. 2. If any team is un able to play at the time scheduled the office should be notified at least a day in advance. If a team forfeits the team who does report la to bowl as usual. The teams should practice as much aa possi ble for the round robin tournament will finish with an elimination tournament. An ' intramural complimentary ticket will be given to each group who wishes to practice bowling, I 1 i I - 1 The Killian Prom Tux is just like living be y o n d your income without having to worry about the bills. A Tuxedo so capably 3tyled so beautifully draped so subtlely poised that you really won't believe it could possibly be only $20. But it is! Ray Killian, inc. Twelve-Twelve O The Daily Nebraskan Nlalloo A, I.lneoln, Nrkra.k OKKK IAI. MTI KKNT I'l BI.IC Vl'ION l.MKKHIVk OK NMtKASKA I'uMi.hrd TumUity, Uiiiir.ilny. Thurniluy, Friday mi1 Hundity montlim. .luring th. aradrml. ye-ar. TlllRTV-HltHr t'KAR ftntwd a. matlvr at thr DuntufflM In l.lnroln, Mruraikii, Hitler art nf vanirrr... Marrh 5, I1, and ill .pri'lul ralr l pu.taur invldi-d fur In .rrtldn I OH an nr iirmurr x, IVI7, auinunvra Janu ary in, iuu. I'adrr dlrM-tUm of Ihr Htttdrnt Publlrallon Biurd and each team should least one practice. have at MORTAR BOARD TO FETE SCHOLARS AT TEA DECEMBER 13 (Continued from Page I.) Board who will preside in the liv ing room are: Misses Grctchen Fee, Evelyn Krotz, Mildred Gish, Julia Slmanek, Berenlece Hoffman, Dorothy Weaver, Evelyn West, Gwendolyn Hager, Julienne Deet ken, Evelyn Simpson and Alcen Neely. Those In charge of the commit tees for the affair are: Aleen Neely, music; Dorothy Weaver, re freshments; Evelyn Krotz, Invita tions; Gretchen Fee, general arrangements. EASTERN TEAMS FORCE DROP IN BIO SIX SQUAD (Continued from Page l.l rest period ana Washburn was held strlckly to defensive football during the entire time. The Cornliuskers will again take on rn intersectlonal opponent Sat urday when they go to Denver for a charity game with Colorado Aggies. Nebraska's defeat at the hands of Pitt places her on an even plane with the Colorado eleven, doing away with the over whelming odds they were con ceded last week. game before the eyes of Denver fans until game time. High Schools Play First. East Denver high and St. Joseph high will meet In a curtain raiser at 12 for the city Utle and both this game and the charity tilt will be oifered for the one price of i'i for reserved seats and $3 for box seats. Two blocks of scats hnve been set aside tor Nebraska followers aa well as alumni of other Big Six Hchools. The railroads have grunted a "one fare plus twenty -five cents" rate from all points within a radius of two hundred miles. Entertainment before the name and during half time will be fur nished by the American Legion drum corps of Sterling, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyo. Colorado Aggies have a post poned game with Colorado Teach ers on Tuesday afternoon, bill this is expected to provide only a warmup for the strong Aggie eleven. CoRch Hughes will use most of his reserves, saving his regular men for the big tilt Sat urday. Governor Charles W. Bryan of Nebraska has signified his lnten- Hnn rf nrr pnriinfr the crnmA AS the guest of Governor "Billy" Adams or coioraao. UN PLAN ANNUAL TEAMS READY FOR CHARITY CONTEST (Continued from Page 1.) Another hotel yet to be named is expected to take care of the Aggie team without cost. The Rocky Mountain Officials association will provide officials to work the game without charge. The Denver Cab company will transport all players without cost, and is carrying advertisements of the game on its cabs. A large neon sign has been erected to keep the KIENER DESCRIBES SWISS Swiss Will Speak During Adult Museum Hour Sunday. Walter Kiener, native Swiss, will deliver an illustrated lecture on Switzerland, during the Ne braska Museum society's adult program at 4:18 Sunday afternoon In Morrill hall. Mr. Kiener has been a student and laboratory as sistant at the university for the past few years. During the sum mer months he engages in ranger service in the Rocky Mountain Na tional park. A feature, "The Land of the Green Dragon." a study of China, will open the children's program at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. "The City That Never Sleeps," a film show ing Canton, China, and "Neath Po land's Harvest Skies," a study of Poland's daily life, are other fea tures of the program. Miss Mar jorie Shanafelt, curator of visual education, will direct the presentation. Activities Girls to "Hang Green" in Ellen Smith December 2. "Hanging of the Greens," a tra dition Btarted two years ago by the executive boards of all wom en's organizations, will take place Dec. 2 when Ellen Smith hall will be made festive with green boughs and sprays of holly In keeping with the Yuletlde season. The cabinets and councils of A. W. S., Y. W. C. A., W. A. A.. Big Sister board, League of Women Voters and Mortar Board will par ticipate. There will be a dinner at 6 o'clock for which tickets are be ing tjid for thirty-five cents Aleen Neely is chairman of the committee in charge of the dinner and will be assisted by Carolyn White. Following dinner all of the group representatives will decorate Ellen Smith hall. Sponsors of the organizations will be Invited to at tend the affair. It is expected that about seventy will be present. AT THE STUDIO. Tuesday: Student Publication board, 12:00; Kosmet K!ub, 5:00. Wednesday: Cornhusker Buti ness Staff, 12:00; Phi Tau Thela, 12:lfl; A. W. S. Board, 12:30. Thursday: Alpha Knppa Psl, 13:00. Friday; Innocents, 12:00; Ag Engineers, 12:16. of the department of agricultural engineering, and now supervisor of research and development of the Killefer Manufacturing company in Los Angeles. Calif., visited the offices of the college of engineer ing recently. Mitts Keyiioldson In GiiPft Near Albion Miss Adeline Reynoldson, assist ant professor of history, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Boone county, near Albion. Claiming pacifist convlcttons, Charles B. Hart, Madison, fresh man at Ohio State university, ap pealed to Pres:c:ent Rightmire to "Your Drug Store" Call us when you need drugs quirk. Mho snappy lunches or a real box nf chocolates. The Owl Pharmacy be excused rvom taking military training. He was temporarily ex cused until the case is decided. N N look nice at the Mili tary Ball, you'll want to see the Mogul Bar bers today. Mogul Barbers 127 No. 12 "Years of Successful Service" Lunches RECTOR'S 13th and P Stt. C. E. Buohholz, Mgr. Drug Underwood Typewriters See the New Portables Excellent Typewriters tor Rent Ribbons and Supplies Underwood Typewriter Co. 1348 P St. B2538 Former Chairman of Ag Engineering KrtiiMis C. W. Sjogren, former chairman SPECIAL BOTH 1 Mon'c Quit 1 Man's Hatj 5U Thoroughly cleaned and re shaped the Modern Way. You save 50c on this special offer for December. Send both at one time. MODERN Cleaners SOUKUP A WESTOVER Call F 2377 Or Save 10Cash and Carry SMART WEAR 1222-1224 O STREET FOR WOMEN WE WENT BARGAIN HUNTING FOR GOOD COATS So you wouldn't need too! Of course you want to unearth the best value when you buy your coat! But you don't have to exhaust yourself on one of those all-day searches "just to be sure." We did the searching, the hunting for you and with our inside track, we rooted out these outstanding values in really fine coats with really fine furs! So come here at once and then you will be sure. Coats that were $75 and $8930 'lf 4 CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ONLI TEN CENTS A LINE Minimum Two Line Wanted WANTED All gtiulentK who find ar tlrlcs to turn them Into the Dally Nbra.kan office so that thay may le quickly returned to their rightful owners. VANTED students' laundry. Called" for and delivered. L-7607. Lost and Found LOST Bunch of fire key. Reward. Please call T 7156. KOUND Black leather kev cane con taining; four keys. Owner mav have " the aam by calllnr at the DallyNe braskan office and paying tod this ad. f LOST A Waterman fountain mA. Frl t dny and a small brown colli purse . Monday. Reward. Finder call B4123 Stunning rough woolens with Pre cusiani Fur Sets. Fitch Martin, Marmink, Wolf, Caracul and Badger. 12 FINE FUR COATS Northern Seals, Muskrats, Pony and Lapins. 5 were $1 19.50 7 were $139.50 NOW . . $go so Every Coat Carries the Hovland Guarantee of Quality and Service. iin (jet Your Tickets for the Mi litary Ball Here at Simon's The Gay Formal Season Opens Friday, When the Clock Strikes Nine - - So Better Get Fitted Out Today in that New r ormai Outfit The Correct TUXEDO Boasts peak lapels Broad shoulder lines Fitted snug at the waist Priced to fit 1931 . Pocketbooks :- -: ": at a New Low Price 3LS New Low Prices $2150 It 'f W l ...1 Ki.. At:. !' ' m Proclaimed by Col lege Men Everywhere as the Acme of Correctness. Here ure Your New and Authentically Styled TAILCOATS Trim and sleak and smartly tailored and broad peak lapels. Medium length spade tails, broad shoulders. The Eventual Formal Attire for Nebraska Men. on Correct Formal Accessories New Shaped Narrow rolled brim Derbies $5 For Tuxedo Wear Shirt Two stud front of fine woven madras. $2.50 Vest Of figure black satin single or double breasted. $3.50 Tie Black with figured, herringbone, satin or barathea. $1.00 Studs Smart gunmetal shell studs with cuff links. $1.00 For Tailcoat Wear Shirt Two stud front of fine woven madras, open back. $2.50 Vest White Pique single or double breasted. $4.00 Ti White tie butterfly or narrow tie of white pique or silk. $1.00 Studs White studs and cuff links to match. $1.00 Correct With Tux or Tailcoat Q Oxfords Gunmetal or Patent Leather Oxfords. Both are correct. o o o o o $5 750 O Hose Pure thread Silk Hose in plain black. O 50c Scarfs Plain white scarfs of heavy silk. Ascot style. Deep fringe. $1.50 FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS iawmtr, .mi i rwi